And One to Grow On

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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And one to grow on!!

It was the fox's birthday, and there wasn't much left to do in the night. They had gone to the movies, played video games, and even though Aiden wasn't exactly 'nimble' in the kitchen, they had managed, to enjoy a delightful home cooked dinner. Surprisingly enough, the night was going extremely well. They had managed to get an incredible park at the theatre. They got the last two tickets left. The movie was amazing, and on the way out of the parking lot, they found a twenty dollar bill, just lying on the ground.

Aiden smiled softly, leaning back to soak in the view of Colin, who had insisted that he put the dishes away. He was a fox that stood roughly around 6 feet tall, maybe a little less. His fur was a orange red, almost like a deeper tint of an orange reflecting the sunlight on a warm summer's evening. He was athletic, loved basketball and video games, and as far as Aiden was concerned, he was quite possibly,

the most handsome male that he'd ever seen. The fox was handsome. Paws down, no doubt about it, andAiden, thought he couldn't get any luckier, for a guy like him to end up with a fox like that. As far as Aiden was concerned, he wasn't exactly a prime catch. He was a raccoon that stood around 5 '7 and was 150 the last time he checked, although, he imagined he gained a pound or two recently, making him pudgy...but cuddly according to Duma. His fur was the color of an angry storm and his eyes were a soft, puppy dog brown. He didn't consider himself handsome. Not like Colin. Cute, he'd been called cute before, but not handsome.

"Aiden?" The coon looked up, tilting his head curiously. Colin was staring at him, having long since put the dishes into the sink. Both collage students, neither of them had apartments, but Aiden's friend Rodney, let Aiden use his apartment every so often for special little occasions and the like.


"You were staring into space."

"Heh. Sorry. I guess I was just thinking..."

"Well, it's starting to get late. Maybe we should start thinking about cleaning up." The fox quipped, to which Aiden nodded his head. Together, they rose from their spots, and headed into the living room, where a plethora of personal belongings and video game cables cluttered the floor. Colin bent down, beginning to wind the ebony cable of a control around itself while Aiden busily gathered up their jackets.

"We really need to find a way to thank Rodney for letting us borrow his apartment for the night." Colin mused while reaching for another controller. Aiden chuckled, and nodded his head.

"Yeah, well, I just wanted to have a place to cook something...I think I'm getting better." He said with a wide smile and perked ears. Colin grinned and stood up, nodding his head appreciatively.

"Yeah you are. Soon you'll be just like Emerald-BAM!" The fox chuckled, giving Aiden a playful punch in the arm. The coon yelped, stumbling backwards and landing with an "Ooof!" onto the couch, and was quickly followed by Colin on top of him, chuckling softly. Aiden grinned, and squirmed, reaching a paw out of the tangle of arms and legs and grabbed his jacket.

"Ooooh, Hey, Colin, I've got something for you."

"For me?"

"'s just..."The coon smiled sheepishly and reached into his jacket, producing a small white package, a decorated box, white paper with red wrapping. Colin grinned, rattling the box near his ear.

"What is it?" He asked with an eager grin. The coon underneath him squirmed a bit and shook his head, snickering quietly.

"Just open it." He quipped, but his voice was drowned out by the sound of ripping paper and torn ribbon, followed by a delighted gasp.

"Coon undies!" Colin yelped. Aiden giggled, nodding his head.

"I didn't know your size so I guessed. ...I hope they fit...try them on?" The coon asked, a soft red tint of a blush starting to form over his muzzle. A similar stripe appeared across Colin's muzzle and the fox bit his lip.

" But we shouldn't stay here much about your dorm room?" He asked. Aiden quickly agreed.

* * *

"Well what do you think?" Colin asked sheepishly. The fox was standing bare, save the underwear, in the middle of the tiny room, while Aiden sat on the bed, the tip of his tail flickering happily as Colin modeled off the coon undies.

"I like them!" Aiden said almost instantly, who was sitting with his legs crossed and his tail in his lap. Colin nodded his head, crossing his arms.

"You would. Their a size too small. " The fox grumbled, and indeed they were. The boxers fit snug around Colin's hips, outlining his curves and a rather large bulge in the front. Aiden blushed a little deeper and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"Sorry Colin...I'll take them back if you want me too..."

"Now lets not get hasty. I'm just saying you've got crappy taste in sizes....or very good tastes, you clever coon." Colin chuckled. Aiden blushed a little harder and giggled along with him, nodding his head.

"Um...there's also one last present I'm supposed to give you, curtsey of Rodney." Aiden said, his voice becoming low and shy. Colin perked his ears.

"Another present....curtsey of Rodney?" Colin asked, ears flattening a little as an edge of caution filled his voice. Regardless of his reflexes and nimble toes gained from years of basketball, Colin completely failed to avoid Aiden's grasping paw, fingers wrapping around the fox's wrist, pulling him down onto the raccoon's lap.

"H, hey!" Aiden blushed deeply, giving a nervous smile. One paw rested on the small of Colin's back, while the other rested gently along the plump, firm curves of the fox's tush.

"Sorry, but Rodney made me promise to give you..."

"Birthday spankings." Colin said with an amused grin. Aiden quickly nodded and the fox giggled, giving his rump the cutest little wiggle Aiden had ever seen.

"Well...go on, get them over with." Colin grinned. He had expected Aiden to say something before the first swat landed, but that wasn't the case at all, the surprise of the blow causing the fox to jump in Aiden's lap. The coon just giggled quietly. The firm kiss of Aiden's paws weren't hard at all, playful would be the best word to describe it. The second blow landed a paw squarely across Colin's firm right cheek, followed by another blow to the left foxy cheek. The fourth blow landed across both cheeks of the undie covered rump, forcing a surprised yelp from the fox's other end.

"Are you ok? I'm not hitting that hard, am I?"

"...Y, yeah. I'm fine. Just um...never mind. Go on. "Colin muttered shyly. Aiden needed no further encouragement. The fifth, sixth and seventh blow smacked across Colin's right cheek, and the eighth, ninth, and tenth, all landed perfectly across his left cheek.

"That's ten." Aiden whispered quietly, looking down at the fox, squirming across his knees. Colin blinked, his ears perking, and his face twisting in confusion.

"Arn't you supposed to go to twenty?" "He asked curiously. Aiden chuckled.

"You want twenty?"

"Well..uh...I mean..."The fox's face lit up with the cutest little blush Aiden loved to watch. The coon nodded, drumming his fingers gently along the rounded swell of Colin's backside.

"Ok, but for the last ten..."Aiden paused for a moment, letting his voice trail off. Colin didn't need to ask, instead he only shivered when he felt the cool breeze of the room kiss the freshly bared cheeks of his rear. The coon undies hanging around his thighs. He blushed- hard, squirming a great deal more in Aiden's lap as the next blow fell upon his unprotected bare bottom.

"Eleven!" Aiden cried out in an obviously pleased voice Colin just shivered, his blush still resting comfortably on his cheeks, he wished Aiden wouldn't' take his sweet time with this. It was almost unbearably embarrassing, and Colin was almost positive that Aiden could feel the thick birthday "surprise" that was pressing against the coon's leg. Aiden paused, staring down at the twin globes of fox that he dominated. This was the closet he had even been to the fox's backside and he never really had a chance to observe the way he did now. The cheeks were perfect, rounded, firm yet, plump. The perfect bubble butt- like ripe grapefruit, so to speak. He trailed a finger delicately along the adorable divide that separated the twin globes, forcing a squirm out of the fox below him.

"Twelve!" Aiden barked, landing a swat across Colin's behind with the force of a coon who was starting to go overboard. Colin bit his lower lip, shivering under Aiden's paw and the sensations that came along with it. Aiden giggled quietly to himself. He had to savior this, make it last as long as possible. Thirteen smacked across both cheeks, forcing a most delightful jiggle from Colin's rear end. Both cheeks bouncing and trembling, like some foreign dance done only for the watching Coon. Aiden's heart skipped a beat. Fourteen, fiftieth and sixteen, all landing on the fox's right cheek, and seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, all landed on the fox's left cheek. By twenty, both of them were panting equally hard...

"TWENTY!" Aiden Barked, landing the blow squarely across Colin's bottom, forcing a yelp out oif the fox- it was the hardest Aiden had choose to hit yet. (Which wasn't hard at all, but the fox was somewhat of a lightweight) There was a slightly pause now. They were done. There weren't any more smacks to be had, yet neither of them moved. The naked fox shivered a bit, looking back at Aiden over his shoulder with a shy smile, his blush had increased tenfold.


"AND ONE TO GROW ON!!" Aiden giggled, landing one last slap across the fox's behind, forcing Colin to bounce on Aiden's lap. The two of them giggled quietly for a moment, before Aiden let Colin sit up, the two of them tumbling back onto the bed in a loving embrace.

"Mmm, you need to wait until your birthday coon." Colin whispered gently. Aiden blushed- but nodded his head.

"Well it's almost what?"

"Um...well my rump is kind of sore...after that...I figured, maybe..."

"Say no more. " Seconds later, Colin was treated to the wonderful, familiar sensation of paws rubbing his bare behind. He shivered, a quiet moan of ecstasy slipped past his lips and he closed his eyes, his ears perking slightly to the gentle words that trickled into his ear from the sweet lips of the coon behind him.

"Happy Birthday Colin."

The end.