Candy Treats Ch.2 - Double the Trouble

Story by Nova_Austin on SoFurry

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#2 of Candy Treats

Myself and a friend of mine were chatting, and she threw out the idea to write a story through Instant Message with each other, and it sounded like fun. ^_^ So here you go!

The second chapter!

Lontar Treats and Nova J. Austin are Copy write myself, Nova J. Austin.

Siltrixia Candy and Misato Blueray are Copy write their player, Blueray Dragon


Morning follows night as the sun raises, slivers of sunlight make their way through the window of the silver vixen's room. They fall on her face disturbing her from whatever dreams she was having. She grabbed her pillow and stuck it over her head to block out the raising sun, and grunted as she actually started to wake up. Grumbling from her dark place her mind buzzed about with a list of things she had to do, for instance first get up, showered and dressed. Secondly she had to get her clothes back from the tavern, return the dress and get herself a new top. Siltrixia had a busy day ahead of her.

Lontar woke abruptly, having the pillow snatched from under his head, making it bounce on the mattress. He groaned, refusing to open his eyes to the light. He started to turn away from the sun, when he froze, hissing in from the pain in his back, shoulders, and neck. "Damnit..."

Siltrixia pulls her head out from the under the pillow, her black hair even frizzier than before. She sat up stretches her arms upwards, twitches her black tipped ears and looks over to Lontar. "Oh god I'm sorry", she apologized instantly as she saw the damage she had done to him. "I am sorry I didn't mean to get so, er... rough".

Lon had opened his eyes, staring straight up at the cieling, getting his nocturnal eyes adjusted to the light. He laughed, looking over at Sil with a grin. "S'alright, Some new battle scars is all." He quipped, forcing himself to sit up.

The vixen pulls him in to a gentle embrace, "I should be more careful with you".

He laughs again, resting his head on her shoulder. "Bah! s'only a little rough an tumble." he said, trying to sound dismissive about it as he nuzzled into her neck. "Besides, I kinda like that you can do that to me."

Siltrixia smiled ruefully as she ruffles up Lontar's hair, kissing him on his cheek as she rose off the bed. "All good then..... I need a shower". She noted this after she touched herself for the sticky cum all over her, she grabbed towel from under her bed and went to the door. "Care to join me"?

Lon's soft blue eyes glittered in his mask. "Maybe..." He said nonchalantly, his tail flicking back and forth as he failed to stop a grin. He grimaced as he got up from the bed, every movement causing the muscles in his back to work. He wrapped his fluffy tail around his waist, and began to follow her. Her black dainty feet padded silently down the hall towards the bathroom, her silver brush fluffed out blatantly flagging itself to the racoon who trailed after her. The coon couldn't stop grinning as he watched Sil, even as the injuries screamed bloody murder at him. He really, really wanted a good hot shower, very hot. She slipped in to the bathroom and only shut the door after Lontar had entered the room also.

Once in the bathroom he went to the mirror, forcing his head to turn to look at his back. His dark grey fur was stained the rust colour of dried blood in lines across his back and shoulders. The bite on his neck looked particularly nice, the bruising showing through his fur. Lon looked at the vixen through the mirror, smiling. She licked her lips a little seeing that he was watching her and checking himself over, she admired his body for he had a good one. Lean yet muscled so very nice. The vixen stood behind him, placing her chin on his right shoulder, she quirked an eyebrow then bent down a little to lick her tongue over the dried wounds on his back.

He smiled at her, closing his eyes. He had gotten ready to turn on the water, when he felt her tongue on his back. He murred deeply, holding onto the sink as she soothed his wounds. He wrapped his tail around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She cooed as her muzzle buried in to his neck fur since his tail was around her waist, she had her arms about now hugging him in a tender embrace. They were both alone and they sort of had each other now, apart from their bumpy beginning she actually liked to be around him. Lon murred, nuzzling her. He watched her in the mirror, unable to keep from smiling. It was strange to him, being close to someone like this, something he hadn't had for a very long time.

"Shower time", Siltrixia insisted as she unwrapped herself from the coon, leading him to the shower above the bathtub. She turned the water on and waited for it to heat up; she then slipped under the pouring stream taking the racoon with her. He continued to smile as he stepped into the shower. He closed his eyes and murred deeply as the hot water hit his back and neck, leaning forward a little, almost resting his head on her chest.

"Tell me Lontar how long have you been alone"? She asked him casually as she reached for a sponge, gently she rubbed it down his injured back to carefully wash the wounds cleans. Since he was leaning on her she could look over him and see perfectly what she was doing.

The raccoon murred deeper as she washed his back, resting his head on her chest. He stopped for a moment, caught off guard by the question. "... I've been on my own since I was about seven, I guess." He paused again, remembering her words from the night before. He stood up straight, pulling away from her so he could look up at her. "That's when I left home anyway, I was alone long before that..." He looked down, the water running over him; some of the water ran over Sil, going over the short raccoons head. "You told me, something difficult last night; you opened up to me..." He looked back up at her, his blue eyes somehow no longer soft, but dark. "I think that was the first time I wasn't alone." He told her. He frowned, looking away again, his wet tail wrapping around his waist, followed by his arms, hugging himself unconsciously. "I'm a thief, a rouge, because that is what I was raised to become, it's what I knew. My entire family, for a long time, has been thieves, and more."

"....Lontar". A wave of pity for him washed over her, but he most likely would hate that. Pity was not welcome by most people, but she did feel sorry for him how he was always alone. She lived alone on the streets surviving day by day; even when she got trained to dance she was still very much alone. Then the day she became an adventurer she found people to finally belong to, but fate tore them all away from her and now she had found him. Lontar. The vixen watched him with her gold eyes seeing him try to comfort himself; she soon pulled him to her resting her chin atop his head just holding him to her. Warm water ran over the both of them as Siltrixia kept Lontar embraced in her arms.

He refused to start crying. He had made that promise to himself ten years ago; he refused to break it now, especially here in her arms. He kept talking, anything to concentrate on. "My family was hated; no one who came from their blood has been anything but a burden on the world." He told her, slowly wrapping his arms around her. "They tried to make me like them; they tried over and over again. He tried..." He stopped again, he tried to say it, but he couldn't, he wasn't ready for her to know that. He wasn't ready to face that. He fished for something else, anything else to concentrate on as he felt the heat of tears in his eyes. "I-I was the runt, my father saw me as weak, always weak. He left me to my mother, to be a thief like her. She did so only because he said." He held Sil tightly, ashamed. He felt the tears fall from his eyes silently, becoming lost in the water. "There was no love in that place, no home. I was tolerated, put to use any way I could be. I saw them for what they were, and saw what they wanted me to be for them..." He continued, shivering in the hot water from memories still real enough to cut. "So I used them, learned from them until I knew enough to get away, and never looked back. I left them to make my name worth something more than shadows and blood."

Siltrixia just held him closer to herself and she sat down on the bottom of the bathtub, she was practically cradling him now. "Lontar it's ok to cry, I'm here for you now I promise you that". Maybe a promise that was made too fast but she made it anyway, she barely knew him but he needed her just as much as she needed him.

The raccoon sniffed, lifting his head up; a weak smile on his face. "I feel like a fool now." He said, laughing softly. "I just wanted to share a little, like you said..." He swept some of the wet hair from his face, looking up at her. "I think I over did it a little?"

"Its alright it doesn't matter how far you went you obviously needed to let it all out", she whispered to him gently with a soothing voice. "A fool is one who lets it carry on building up till they crack in the head". The vixen looked up a little at the pouring water that happily rained down on them; she smiled as it soaked her through.

He smiled eyes soft once again. The coon leaned forward, kissing Sil softly. "Thank you."

She kissed him in return and also licked his nose, "You're welcome anytime ok".

He just smiled softly, a real smile as he sat back. "We're wasting water..." he said, picking up the sponge.

"Oh so we are", she giggled almost absentmindedly. She reached around him for the soap and took the sponge from him; she rubbed up the suds and turned Lontar around so she could see his back. The vixen began to hum as she softly scrubbed his back. He churred deeply, his back feeling much better from the hot water and her attention. His tail started to twitch behind him, moving over the vixens' tummy and between her legs. Siltrixia shifted her thighs a little feeling his tail lightly brush up against certain areas of her form; she uttered a barely heard moan as she shivered a little. "Mmm", was about all she said making the sponge rub further down his back to the base of his spine. He leaned back a little into the sponge, feeling almost like new. His tail twitched more, dragging lightly over her body. "Well your back is all nice and clean turn around for me", she murred as she naughtily brushed her fingers over the top of his ass. Herself moaning quietly yet she bit her bottom lip.

He sighed, turning around with a grin on his face. He paused, watching her. His ears twitched, confused. "You alright?"

"Perfectly fine", she lied through her fangs. Red cheeks belied her growing arousal caused by his damn tail; soaping the sponge again she started to rub the suds over his bare chest. He watched her, unsure of what was going through her head as she scrubbed him. Gently she worked her over his stomach and with a rude snicker she scrubbed the sponge over his balls, though she allowed her hands to wash soap suds over his soft sheath. He gasped softly, murring as she started to run him, blushing as he started to grow firm in her grasp. A delighted grin broke out on her features, she churred at his hardness and she let her hand softly massaging it as it grew in her tender grasp. Lon gave a soft whimper in the warm water, held by her manipulations. He closed his eyes, letting everything be washed away by the running water and the vixen in front of him. Siltrixia massages his member, dropping the sponge so she could use her other hand to cup his balls rolling her fingers over them. His whimper turns to a murr, the coon still unfamiliar with the feelings the vixen is giving him. She squeezes his erection softly as she runs her hand along it in a pumping motion. She paused briefly, turning him around, getting his back to her and pulling him closer. The vixen sort of cradled him in to her lap as she made him want to release. Lon murred deeper, leaning back into Sil, pressing against her soft chest. He turned his head, nuzzling into her neck, under her chin. He felt his face grow hot as he blushed once more, biting his lip as he tried to make himself hold on.

"Let it out", she churred in to his ear as he nuzzled her. Her hand got a little faster in its workings and her other still rubbed his balls, she loved how he throbbed in her grip and her brush lightly stroked him as she curled it about his body. He blushed deeper, not needing to listen to her words as she brought him. With a sound half cry, half growl, the raccoon let go. He closed his eyes, leaning into Sil as he throbbed in her hand in time with every shot, the feeling sending shivers up and down his spine. She held him once she let his dick go, pulling him further in to her lap murring as she watches him come. "Wonderful".

He keeps his eyes closed, letting the warm water wash over him. "N-not that I'm complaining, ...but what was that for?" He asked, managing a grin as he nuzzled her.

"I felt like it and I couldn't resist really since I was washing you", she giggled and returned the nuzzle by burying her muzzle in to his neck. He blushed again. He found this oddly comfortable, being held. He snuggled back into her, murring. She puts her wraps arms about him tighter, "You know this is nice".

"Mmmm..." Lontar smiled, opening his eyes and looking up at her. "I don't know what it is, but I like it."

She nuzzles him a little more then she lets him go standing up to wash herself in the hot water, as she got out of the tub she ruffled up his hair. "I have to go back to your hideout to pick up my bracelet and I got to work tonight".

His ears twitched, as he ignored the head ruffle an. "I thought you danced last night? Not enough for a new top?" He asked, shaking his bushy tail, trying to get as much water from it as possible.

"I can't get adventuring work so the dancing will have to for now", she flattened her ears against her head.

"Oh, right..." He looked around after a few moments. "Er... is there a towel, or something?" He asked.

Siltrixia giggles and hands him the towel she was going to use, "Here ya go". She chortled and walked out the bathroom leaving puddles of water behind her.

He got up to stop her and give back the towel, but blushed as he watched her walk down the hall. He soon blushed crimson, wrapping the towel and his tail around his waist to cover himself. Inside her room she shook her fur dry to the best she could, and got her dancing dress back on. She sat on the bed waiting for Lontar to return, as she did so she sort of hummed an odd melody. Lontar hurried through the hall, darting into the room and quickly snapped the door shut. He dropped in front of his things and began looking for a clean shirt, the tenting of his towel obvious, to anyone but him.

The vixen stops humming as she licks her lips watching him closely, she snickered a little at the view she was getting. "Lontar you got a tent pole in your towel".

The coon blinks, turning to look at her, making his towel slip. He snatches it quickly, keeping himself covered, barely. "Er... sorry, just you... " He turned back to his bag, this time looking for pants.

"Just I what"? She raised an eyebrow and snuck up behind him, pressing herself against his ass. "You got all worked up again and only after five minutes".

He stopped, pants in his paw. His tail curled around her, holding her to him. "It's not my fault." He mumbled, not looking at her.

She churred letting her fingers stroke over his tail, she fondled it lovingly. "Was it my fault"?

His tail twitched in her hand. "...maybe." he mumbled even lower.

"You have to be more assertive", she whispered as she continued to pat his tail.

He finally turned to face her. "What?" He asked.

Siltrixia gave him a sly glance, "Be more assertive, say who's fault it was and act upon your instinct".

He blinked, frowning at her. "Honestly, you walking down the hallway in front of me did this." He said, managing not to turn beet red this time. "Unfortunately, my instinct is to put on some pants." He sighed.

"Putting on pants isn't going to help it go away", she sighed still letting her fingers dance over his soft fur. "There's a more fun way".

He grinned at that. "I'm aware of that..." He said, mumbling again. "But I thought you wanted to go...?"

"SHIT"! Exclaimed Siltrixia as she checked she was actually wearing clothes even if it was that stupid dress, she ran over to the window opened and was about to jump out.

Lontar jumped, almost out of his fur. "Damnit!" He yelled, clutching his chest.

"If I don't go get that bracelet now I won't be able to".

"Calm down!" He said, running over and grabbing her arm. "I'll go back and get it; you... go to the bar, or what ever." He said, looking up at her with his soft eyes. He smiled. He then realized his towel was across the room. "... Damned." he mumbled, going back and grabbing his pants, pulling them on roughly.

She blinks at him and sighs giving in to him, "Fine you go but I want you at the bar later".

He turns back to her, carefully closing his pants. "No worries, I'll be there in a little." He says, smiling as he reaches for his belt.

Sil nodded her head and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, her brush waving as she left the room to head downstairs. Exiting the whole building she stepped out on to the streets, mumbling a little she made for the bar where she will work the night away. He smiled and watched her walk out before finishing getting dressed. He strapped his daggers on, and went to the window. The roof tops would be quicker.

Lontar quickly pulled on his clothing, strapping his daggers at the small of his back. He leapt from the window, landing softly on the roof across the alley. He grinned, running swiftly above the streets. He ran, jumping from roof to roof, climbing pipes and navigating the second world above and between every city.

* * * * * * * *

Looking back at the inn she stayed in she clucked her tongue and walked off, she could leave Lontar to get her bracelet back while she had to return the bar. Not only to return her dress she sort of borrowed but to pick up wages and dance again, she wrapped her brush about her waist and headed off in to the once again thronging streets. Day time did always bring the ordinary every day people out, and Siltrixia hated having to bash her way though. Growling in fury she made her way along suddenly turning off in to a side street that appeared to be empty, one of those gloomy types of alleys that contained every seedy sort of trade one could think of. The vixen narrowed her golden eyes as her ears flattened against her head; she padded down the slimy cobbles and pushed open a door to reveal where she was last night.

"SILTRIXIA"! A male's voice boomed at her and she hissed in response. "Siltrixia you bitch how dare you run off like that, and take my costume with you. Fucking whore go and get ready for tonight and no more fucking shannigans".

Sil gave an apologetic expression as she tried not to snap at her boss, "I'm sorry Clive it won't happen again".

"Damn right it won't pull a stunt like that again and you're fired".

"Yes Clive, sorry Clive", the silver fox mumbled as she went out to the back and found her room. She slammed the door behind her cursing the fat cat who basicly raised her, he who took her in and trained her to dance for horny, obese men. "Fuck if I had something else to do I wouldn't be here". She saw that there was another revealing outfit for her to wear, she looked it over and found it to be to her taste. A black hand slipped off the straps of the one she wore, it slid down her body over her curves and dropped to the floor. Then she put on the new one dancing a few steps around her room, Siltrixia was fully prepared for tonight like she was every night.

A knock on her door ceased her silly prancing, the knock followed by a female voice. "Hey Sil can I come in"?

"Oh Alice course you can", she barked stepping lightly over to the door opening it to reveal the red vixen on the other side.

Alice grinned wryly as she stepped inside, she grabbed the silver vixen's hands looking half excited. "Oh my gods Sil tell me what happened after you ran out after that racoon".

"Huh? Racoon? Oh you mean Lontar, nothing much happened we argued and I made him stay at my place". Completely avoiding from saying anything else to the other vixen.

The red vixen pouted at her friend, "Aww come on there has to be more than that, you don't just invite men to the room your renting for no reason".

Sil rolled her eyes, "Oh fine I asked him round to mine since he lost his own place. Happy"?

"You're so mean you won't tell me the whole story, come on tell me what happened", Alice whined.

"Nope I'm not going to tell you any more than that", Siltrixia giggled as she began to shove the fox out of her dressing room. "Let me get ready for work before nightfall, as much as the patrons would love me to dance naked I don't feel like it".

Alice gripped her hands on to the door frame to prevent herself being shoved, "Oh you don't know yet do you"?

Sil quirked an eyebrow as she idly soothed out an unseen wrinkle on the new outfit, "Don't know what"?

"It's a dancing strip show tonight, Clive started them up to pull in more customers".

"WHAT THE FUCK"?! She snapped her head up and practically seethed with anger.

The red fox let go of the wooden door frame and cringed in fright, "It was before you came back Sil, with you gone off people stopped coming so Clive made us dance to strip once a week. It's worse for the rabbit waitresses you know since the men get randy, they grab one of them and start fucking them right there and then". She cowered further her red brush curling about her ankles. "Not that the rabbits mind really they actually enjoy it, you know what those randy bitches are like".

"And this is supposed to be alright? Bloody hell Alice I thought you had more sense than to agree to things like that". Siltrixia stormed past her and Alice followed behind trembling, since Sil was on the warpath and was going to have it out with Clive. Soon as he was found the silver vixen grabbed the front of his shirt pulling the cat to her, she growled low with hidden threat. "What the hell do you think you are playing at making us get naked while we dance? Its bad enough we get drooled over without you adding to the pressure".

Clive de-tangled himself from her paws and straightened his shirt, he huffed with a haughty attitude. "Either do it or you get no pay tonight and you won't get last nights pay either, remember, Siltrixia Candy what the patrons want the patrons get. Besides if my bunnies don't mind you shouldn't mind". With that he snorted leaving her to look dumb founded with a hint of distress.

One of the rabbit waitresses started to giggle behind a paw while whispering to another, the two females twittered with wild gazes directed at the fox. "She doesn't get laid anymore that's why she hates the idea".

"Oh you think? This is the best night out of the week for me, I mean I get fucked by all sorts but its good".

"I know what you mean. I can be serving drinks and all of a sudden I'm grabbed and shoved on to some hard dick", a third rabbit exclaimed. "God I'm getting wet just thinking about it".

The three of them continued to swap stories, gossip about the moody vixen and generally slack off until a fourth bunny with paws on her hips bounced up to them. She was frowning at their lack of actually doing anything useful, she shooed them all to different parts of the bar so the three of them began to grumble about her also.

"Theres another one who doesn't get any".

"She looks sour so no one picks her".

"Hey at least we're cute".

"And sexy".

"Sshhh she'll hear us".

"Yeah yeah. Eep! We better get on with the chores or she'll have our hides".

Under her breath Siltrixia cussed all the way back to her room, once inside she sat down on her chair facing her mirror. Resting her elbows on the table top that sat under the mirror she put her face in to her hands, the vixen seemed to be silently crying at she had to do. "Lontar is going to freak".

* * * * * * * *

The coon smiles too himself, walking down the street, a rather heavy bag of gold and trinkets on his belt. He pauses, spotting a little shop on the corner, thinking of yesterday and grinning. He hurries over, his soft blue eyes almost sparkling as he runs inside. An old looking bear looks up from a paper he was reading, grinning at the coon with a pencil in his teeth. "Well, what can I do for you boy?" He asks his voice deep and gravely. Lontar just smiles. "I need a gift."

Lon hurried down the street, a new leather bag slung over his back. He grinned, managing to keep from blushing as he thought about meeting Sil at the bar, and giving her the gift. He hadn't felt this good in his whole life. He was still worried about what would happen, but he was just glad to have a friend.

Meanwhile at the bar Sil had gotten used to the idea that she had to perform, she powdered her nose and waited for the night to fall then she would get announced on to the stage. She shook out her brush and grumbled, she kept thinking it was only for one night just one night. Night fell fast and she could hear the patrons trundling in, her friend Alice was first on the stage to dance. She listened to the whistles and applause the red vixen got, her ears flattened as she left the dressing room knowing she was next. The announcement seemed to echo as Sil's name fluttered about the smoky area, she stepped on to the stage and grabbed a hold of the pole. Siltrixia gulped a little, not new to showing her body, but only in private. Beginning her dance she started to slip off her dress straps.

His pointed black ears twitched, he could hear the din of the bar from half way down the street. He picked up his pace, the coon running a little up to the door, before he paused. "Oh, man, I hope those big guys from last night aren't here..." He said, sighing as he opened the door, and sneaked in.

Inside it seemed hectic as the constant noises of wolf whistles and jeering were to be heard. Lon starts to look around for an empty seat, but stops dead, seeing what was going on. Those rabbit waitresses were clearly enjoying themselves sitting in various laps. The very bunny that had served his whisky last night was laying half on a table next to him, the rest of her in some wolfs lap.

Siltrixia had taken off what little clothing she had been wearing, and her dancing had gotten very erotic causing a tough looking buck to grope her naked form. The coon immediately turned crimson, before his eyes darted to the stage. He found Sil, nude, with some drunken buck leaning over the stage, grabbing at her. Lontars soft blue eyes narrowed as he darted through the tables.

The silver vixen played up to the buck for performance purposes, she got groped but she continued to dance. However the buck wanted more than what he could just molest and pulled her off the stage, pressing Sil against his body letting the fox feel his hardness through his pants. "Hot bitch, I want to fuck you right now". Lontar paused only for a moment at this, standing two tables away as others started to cheer for a better show. His eyes darkened as he picked up a tankard from the table next to him, ignoring the protest of its owner, and darted forward. He swung the tin mug into the back of the bucks head, earning a satisfactory thunk and clanging sound for his efforts. A gruff snort was heard as the buck put his "prize" on to her feet, who put her brush about herself suddenly conscious of her nudity, rubbing his head where he got thunked. He shook his antlers at Lontar. "What the fuck do you want? I got her first rodent so piss off". Lon growled, not really hearing him. He dropped the dented tankard, the short coon looking up at the buck. He swung, cracking the buck in the chin.

"Arrrggghhh! That hurt you pipsqueak, gonna squash good you little shit", the buck slurred as he reeled from the punch to his jaw. As he stumbled backwards Siltrixia picked up a chair and whacked it over the back of his head, he dropped like a stone and Sil threw away the broken furniture. "Well all in a night's work", she grinned only to stop and stare aimlessly at the door. Two of the oddest looking creatures had walked in. The female was of normal height, but the male he looked to be more than ten feet tall. Lon kicked the fallen Buck before noticing Sil's gaze. He too, was a bit surprised.

The winged woman looked around with a frown on her face, "Hey look Nova a bar brawl and we didn't start this one".

The large one was actually ducking his head to stand in the bar. "Hmmm... " His obsidian black eyes scanned the bar, and a deep frown formed on his face as he viewed some of the other activities. "I'll probably start another if we stay here any longer Blue..." He mumbled, a tail a bit longer than he was tall flicked about behind him in the air.

Blueray grabbed a hold of Nova's arm, her own blue tail flicked behind her. She was pretty to look at for a half human, blue wings marked with gold adorned her shoulders, her long dark blue with its golden centre streak tied in a braid. She wore a standard white shirt, black pants, brown leather boots, and her sword over her back. "We came here for a reason, not to fight".

The pair was being watched by the silver vixen who suddenly grabbed someone's coat and wrapped herself in it, "Who and what the fuck are you two"?

Nova's frown softened, until the vixen yelled at them. His obsidian eyes fell on her through thick jet black hair. Great, Silver wings like his companions adorned his back, without any markings. His long tail matched in Silver. He wore a tight black short sleeved shirt, which showed every line of muscle on his slim and defined body. A leather belt held up an amazingly loose pair of old looking faded grey denim pants. Another belt, made entirely of pockets fell across his hip, held in only one belt loop. "Everyone is just as polite as ever." He grumbled.

Lon just blinked, jumping up next to Sil. Siltrixia leant on Lontar as she stared at them, "Well answer me".

The blue dragon half rolled her sapphire eyes at Nova and tapped a finger along one of her sapphire horns, she did that when thinking or when feeling insecure. She bowed, "Blueray if you please Miss vixen, we're looking for an adventurer".

Siltrixia for a moment stared dumbfounded at her and then she grinned wide, "I'm an adventurer".

"Oh? Well from where I'm standing you look like a naked dancer". Blueray retorted.

The silver vixen curled her lips in to a snarl. "I'm telling you I'm an adventurer damn it".

"We could try not to argue with those we want help from..." Nova said eager to get out of the place. He didn't like bars like this, and his shoulders were cramping from slouching.

Lontar frowned, his fluffy tail curling around Sils legs. "lets get off the stage." He said, looking up at her.

"Meet us here", the fox snipped lightly as she wrote out a note then bounded off the stage. Siltrixia handed the thing to Blueray and walked off with her brush waving about, huffing in the process of returning to her room.

Blueray read the note with a sigh, "Well you got your wish to be out of here hope you're happy".

"Exstatic, I assure you." Nova said, completely deadpan.

Lon hopped off of the stage, letting Sil to herself to change. The raccoon walked over to the pair, looking up at them. "I suppose I'll be responsible and talk to you about this... job." He said, his tail twitching, trying to ignore the fact that he barely came above the man's knees.

"Forgive him, he hates these places", Blueray smiled at the racoon and led the trio outside to talk. Her companion would be happier out of the bar anyway and she didn't like them much herself. Lon followed behind both of them, watching as the giant stood up straight outside, cricking his stiff shoulders.

She leant up against the wall giving Nova a warning glance not to say anything that could blow their cover. "As you can see we're half dragons and not many want to go on quests with us, thing is we are searching for an ancient artifact of magic".

The coons' ears twitched at the mention of the artifact. "A treasure hunt?" He asked.

Nova crouched down low, almost coming eye to eye with the coon. "Something like that..." He said, his face still dead pan.

Blueray gave an open palm motion that suggessted there was more to it but they weren't going to say, "Are you and your friend willing to accept danger and the possibility of death"?

"I accept", came Siltrixia's voice as she stalked out of the bar in to the cold night air. "I'm Siltrixia and this is Lontar." She paused, looking at the coon. "He should stay here, I care for his safety".

The dragon half quirked an eyebrow at that. "You should let him decide that". She said, looking at Lon.

The coons ears twitched again, but this time lay flat against his head. "If you're looking for something valuable, you need someone who can gather information and get to it." He said, his soft blue eyes narrowed. "Any group doing something stupid like an adventure needs a good rouge to save their collective asses."

Nova's mouth twitched into a smirk as he turned his head to Blue. "True, besides, we need a little midget like him for those hard to reach places." He said, grinning. Lontar growled up at him.

"True we do, and he's so cute too", she grins as she pinches Lontar's cheek, making him frown. The vixen grumbled as she bid them to follow her to her place. Lontar grumbled as they walked, staying apart from everyone. The vixen soon showed them in to her room and set about collecting her maps, money and various other things. Sil had remembered to return the dress and pick up two nights of wages plus tips, the tips she emptied from herself in a part of the room no one could see her. "Make yourselves at home; it hasn't been this full in a while". Blueray nodded and leant on Nova purring softly just for him.

Nova had taken a seat on the floor, his tail curling around Blue's leg as she leaned against him. Lontar took to perching himself in the window. The half dragon ginned softly at his companions purring. The belt with all of the large pockets started wiggling, and he sighed heavily as one of them popped open. Two kittens popped their head out, looking around. "What a lovely hole we've found." The black one said, slinking out and onto the floor.

The other was snow white. "Shush Kirro." She said. Both looked like cats, except for the little demon like wings, and tiny white horns one their heads.

Nova swatted Kirro with his tail. "This is Kirro, and his sister, Fenna; my familiars." He explained.

They both looked at the Vixen and raccoon. "These are the only ones you could find?" He said, his long black furred tail twitching.

Fenna gave her brother another swat. "I said shush." He glared at her with bright Violet eyes, and she smirked back, her eyes identical to his own.

"Familiars? They look like demon cats, what are they"? Siltrixia crouched down to look at Kirro and Fenna; she reached out a paw to pet Kirro on the head rather cautiously. "So cute!" Her yellow eyes glanced up at Lontar and she gave up trying to pet the cats and sidled over to him, wrapping her arms about his waist and nuzzling in to his neck. Meanwhile Blueray sat down on Nova's lap snuggling back in to him; she continued to purr almost giggling at the vixen.

"They are Tafae, that's all you need to know for now." Nova said, grinning. Lontar blushed as Sil nuzzled his neck, his ears flat to his head again. Nova pretended to ignore Blue, as The Tafae pair leapt onto the bed.

"Shouldn't we be discussing what we came here for, not having a monster snuggle session?" Kirro growled. Fenna just giggled, lying down next to her twin.

Blueray flashed a naughty grin at the two Tafae, "You're just jealous". She liked to tease them. "Anyway they are right, we should be discussing the quest not snuggling". Blueray smirked and leant up a bit to nip at his earlobe.

Nova faked a snarl at Blue's nipping, his tail twitching on the floor. "You have all the specifics." he said.

"Yes yes, alright", she pouted and got out the map unrolling it out on the floor. She began to point out the trail they had to take. "Most of it is by land through dangerous places, which will be seen when we get there. The rest is by ocean so I hope no one gets sea sick or anything else".

The vixen frowned in hidden agitation as she looked at the map herself, "You're not going to tell us what dangers are you"?

Blueray smirked, "Course not".

Lontar frowned, but stayed silent, examining the map. Nova grinned again. "Surprise is half the fun." Kirro said. The half dragon smirked.

"The group make up is this. Blue has the plan and knows what's going on. I'm more or less in the same way, but more in a muscle capacity. Kirro and Fenna are my familiars, and act as good spies and scouts with there own abilities. We just need some experienced support. It's a tough two person journey, as Kirro and Fenna aren't much for a real fight, if ever the need arises." He explained. It was Lontars turn to smirk, as he went into his own element. "That's not very specific. We don't know what you are looking for except an Ancient magickal artifact, a vague course of action that's dangerous, and what you are going to do in a group capacity. It's gonna cost you."

Nova smiled. "I suppose we can come to a price, if that's all you want..." he said, his tail twitching again.

Lontar smiled back, an exchanged gesture of politeness. "I would prefer the truth, but if you want us going in blind I want to be damned well nicely compensated."

"Money isn't an issue. I can pay you two bags of gold now and another four once the job is done. How does that sound"? Blueray held out her hand to seal the deal. "Half the fun on questing is that you don't know what to expect or what you will find at the end, most people seem to forget that".

Lontar laughed. "I'm a thief. Dropping into someplace without knowing what I'm looking for or what's going on inside is a good way to get caught or get killed." He pulled away from Sil, dropping to the floor. "You want someone who can do a blind job, and that's us. We'll take your offer, plus anything I deem required in between for our survival and advancement." He told her, his face blank and his soft blue eyes staring into her sapphire.

"... I like him." Fenna purred.

Siltrixia began to pick at her brush, "Lontar is good at what he does I've seen him in action, so I know he has the skills but you can at least tell us what the item is".

Blueray blinked her sapphire eyes and chuckled aloud, "Its a dragon item containing high concentrates of power inside it, it looks like a large dragon shaped emerald".

Lontar blinked. "... That sounds very..."

"Cliché, yeah." Nova said, grinning. "But that's still the goal, and besides, pure dragons are obsessive about treasure, why not use it for something so valuable?" He said.

"Most pure bloods have forgotten about its existence. It's only the ancient dragons who even remember its there, and an ancient dragon is hard to come by but I know where to find them". Blueray rolled up the map.

The silver vixen still picked at her tail, "How do you know where to find ancient dragons"?

Blueray tutted at her, "Not telling".

Lontar smirked again. "I like those gold markings..."

Blueray giggled unfolding her blue wings to full width to show off the gold markings, she then folded them back up again. "Thank you". The comment however elicited a jealous growl from the silver vixen, who gave a venomous glare at the sapphire dragon half as if to warn her off him. Again Blueray giggled, "I won't steal him relax". The coons gaze sharpened for a moment. He was going to watch them very carefully and find out what was going on.

Nova's perpetual smirk never faltered, as he watched everyone. Lontar in particular. "I believe it's getting rather late. Tomorrow we get ourselves ready." He looked over at Lon. "Why don't you make a list of what you would deem necessary'?"

"Can we take the room next door"? Blueray asked and Siltrixia nodded. "Come on then Nova". Her smile was a wide naughty one as she stood up; she walked to the door only pausing to make sure her companion was going to follow her. "Dawn is when we leave. Get plenty of sleep".

Nova sighed. He thinks to himself as he gets to his feet, ducking out after her. Kirro and Fenna gave each other a look, before leaving, and going in the opposite direction. Lontar stood there for a moment, before closing the door. "They are way too dodgy about why they want that thing..." He grumbled.

"I don't really like those two but they are paying us a fucking bundle", Siltrixia grunted, fumbling about in her bed stripping off her clothes. "Though I do like the thought of not knowing anything".

Lon blinked, perking his ears up as he turned to her, managing to keep his blush minimal. "You like not knowing what the hell we are going up against?"

Sil put her arms about him pulling the racoon to her, she kissed him deeply and pulled him in to bed with her. "I'm not going to get another job anytime soon so I'm taking what I can get, so who cares what the dangers are I need the work".

The raccoon lost his train of thought, letting the vixen lead him. After a moment he came back to himself. "Erk... If you're going to look at this stuff like that, you're gonna end up in trouble." He grumbled, his tail flicking off the bed as he sat himself up. "You need a little discretion with this stuff. If there's one good thing I took with me from my family, it's how to survive. I wouldn't take a job like this for any amount normally."

"It's a lot of gold for fuck's sake Lon, and you don't have to come along you can stay behind if you're that worried", she huffed throwing the covers over her head. Siltrixia then put her head under the pillow only showing the tips of her flattened down ears.

He glared down at her. "I'm not about to let you go and do a fool thing like this without me." He growled. "If anything I'm worried about what those two are going to get you into without me to keep an eye on you!" He got off of the bed. "If all you think about is the gold, you're gonna get killed blindly running off to whatever job wiggles under your nose!"

Sil pulled her head out from under her pillow to grab a hold of Lontar, "I'm sorry, but I need to prove to myself that I can do whatever job comes my way, you have to let me have that chance at least".

He dodged her hand, not turning around. "You shouldn't risk throwing your life away so easily just to prove you can do something. If you want to take the risk, fine, but you should do so with as much knowledge as you can get." He looked back at her. "I'm coming with you to make sure you make it back."

"Lontar.......". Her ears drooped against her head as she looked downcast at the bed. "You're right and I'm sorry I'm just a fool fox". She looked back up at him rubbing at her yellow eyes.

He grinned at her. "And I'm just a sly racoon." He said, moving to the window. "I'm going to see what I can find out, and get a few things only accessible at night. You rest; we have a long day of making a fool decision tomorrow." He said, still grinning as he slipped through the window, dropping to the next roof and disappearing.

"Be careful Lon." She said to the empty room. The silver vixen snuggled back down in to her bed, she was worried about him but she also needed some sleep.

* * * * * * * *

In the other room Blueray sniggered to herself, slowly unbuttoning her shirt, she shook her head and her braid came undone to flow loose about her shoulders. Nova was set, crouching in front of the bed... the small bed. "What's so funny?" He grumbled, poking the bed, sighing in defeat as it wobbled easily.

"Those two are, they amuse me", Blueray smirked.

Nova sat himself against the wall, putting his hands behind his head. "Oh?" He asked, closing his eyes. "I guess they are a bit entertaining, to someone like you." He said, opening an eye to grin at her. "But, the rouge... he's smart."

Blueray sat herself on his lap, "What's that meant to mean"? She nipped lightly at his neck curling her tail about his waist, "Maybe he's too smart. If he starts prying we have to leave him behind".

Nova sighed again, smirking. "And that's why you need me around. You don't know what was going through their minds, what they were feeling..." He said, looking up at the ceiling. "He won't let her go anywhere without him, and I doubt she'd just let us leave him behind all alone halfway there..." He looked down to her. "If he figures out too much, then we have to grin and bear it if we take them along."

"One of those things I will have to live with then", she snerked up at him. "Damn cubi". Blueray only ever called him that when she was being playful, she knew it wound him up and he would retaliate sooner or later.

"Mmmm..." He smiled, his tail flopping heavily on the floor. "It was a bad thing, bringing me into that bar..." He said, his voice low as he gently wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. "Took a lot of self control not to feed off all of them; all that raw emotion." He frowned. "You know how hard it is for me, just to keep my demon blood in check on a normal basis."

Blueray tilted her head up and grinned, "I know Nova, I know. That's why I let you feed off me, I have an unlimited source, but when you go demonic even I can't handle you". She dances her fingers down his spine, as her wings flick off her undone shirt. "You need to feed now"?

Nova smirked again, leaning down to her. "No, I'll be fine for a little while." he whispered, his lips brushing her ear as he pulled her against him.

"Are you sure Nova dear"? She purred lightly letting her body shiver; Blueray snuggled in close to the large dragon half whose embrace swamped her.

He grinned, nuzzling into her neck. "Well... maybe a nibble..." He said, nibbling on her shoulder. His large hands ran over her back, scritching over the base of her wings. The female dragon half unfolded her wings a little emitting a low moan as his hands touched her in a sensitive place, she leant up to bite in to his neck rather roughly. The antics of these two are one reason why the Tafae never stayed in the same room as them. He murred deeply, letting her bite into his neck. The half dragon let his short claws play over her smooth skin, running them down her spine to the waist of her pants. He grinned, letting a hand move to the base of her tail, the other sliding to her side.

"Damn cubi". Blueray purred, her hands moving back up his back raking red lines with her claws, she reached down to undo her pants trying to wriggle out of them still sitting on Nova's lap.

Nova growled at her, sighing again. "Damnit, you ruined another shirt." He said letting her go to take off what was left of it. Several scars were scattered over his body, the most prominent ones shiny and smooth on his skin. Three long marks, crossing his body from his left shoulder, to below the waist of his jeans on the right. They were like massive claw marks, the two on the outside going over where his nipples should be. The half dragon also was without a belly button. He growled again, giving Blue a dark look as he brought a claw to her pants. "Should I return the favour?"

Blueray wriggled down a bit letting her have a better run of her tongue on his chest, she suckled gently on various areas of soft skin. Where ever she sucked she licked over it also. "Does it matter? I can magic up new ones". She half smirked basically asking him to tear off her pants that hid her delights.

Nova's grin widened, as he slid his massive hands around, grabbing fist fulls of her pants. "You just like me to show off..." He growled, ripping them off of her like paper.

"Yes". Now she sat in his lap with nothing to cover her up at all, she unfolded her wings and the gold markings upon them pulsed.

He just smiled, sliding his hands over her legs, almost able to wrap his fingers around the half dragoness' thighs. "You like knowing how strong I am," he growled again, rolling his thumbs around her inner thighs. "Just so you can enjoy knowing you're in charge of me." He slid his thumb over her warm slit, pausing at the nub. "...When I let you that is."

She lifted her hips as his thumb slid over her slit; she extended the claws on her scarred fingers. "I am in charge of you when your demon side sleeps", Blueray churred. She stood up in order to lick at his chest, a sharpened claw dances over his taut stomach. "Who else can keep you in check"?

"Nobody I can think of..." he murrs, his muscles twitching under her claws. The half dragon grins again, pushing against her with his thumb, spreading her open. His tail wraps around hers, moving softly along to her waist as he brings his other hand to her chest. His claws gliding over her skin, tracing the lines of her body circling around her breast before ever lightly flicking over her nipple.

"Mmhmm"! Blueray shivered letting her tail tangle around his own. She purred to entice him to further action already liking what he did to her. Her back arched in to his claws and she traced hers over those scars that adorned his frame, she hitched up her left leg and tried to hook it around his waist. Nova growled, smiling at her as his tail wrapped around her waist, the tip sliding around between her legs. He leaned over, stretching himself amazingly for someone his size. His breath had become cool flowing over her skin, as he came to her breast. His silver tail had joined his thumb, the tip sliding around her lips lightly, almost tickling her soft skin. The half ice dragons' now cool tongue flicked out, tasting the skin of his partner.

Blueray's skin chilled from the cool breath as it countered her own element of fire, she didn't like to be cold but with him she could accept it as it aroused her. "Damn cubi", she uttered her favourite teasing comment. Now she shuddered with cold and pleasure, inching her thighs apart gasping at the duel impact of his tail and thumb. "Stop teasing me".

"But it's what I'm best at." He said, taking the smaller woman's breast into his mouth, suckling on it gently. Pressing herself close to Nova she put her arms about his form as best she could, she promptly dug her claws in to his skin and gouged as she made wounds. She could always heal it later. Nova flinched at her claws, pressing his fangs to her flesh. He groaned into her, not biting down, but leaving marks in her skin as she sliced his skin. His tail wriggled against her slit, pushing firmly against it, spreading it open and quickly forcing it inside of her. He murred deeply into her soft flesh, his cold mouth on her skin as he made his tail to writhe inside of her heat. Blueray flung her head back uttering a loud cry at his tail thrusting up in to her, filling her with its thickness the rough scales rubbing at her soft inner walls. All she managed to do now was moan in want and need. The half dragon licked over her breast, taking her nipple between his teeth as he dug his tail deeper inside of her, twisting it around as his thumb played with her nub. The female half blood dug her claws in deeper churring at the feel of fresh blood over her talons; she shoved her hips down on to his tail making it plunge in even deeper. Clinging to him Blueray rocked her body on his appendage, her moans getting more vocal by the second.

Nova smirked, lifting his head. "We don't want to wake everyone." He growled, moving in to kiss her. His tail curled and wriggled almost violently inside of her, the half dragoness' juices leaking down his scaled tail. Blueray was going to say she wasn't making that much noise, her speech cut off by his kissing that she in turn deepened. She slammed herself down harder on his tail her sounds muffled by his lips. Nova growled into her mouth, cold breath against her heat. He put more energy onto his tail, grabbing her around the waist and holding her against his chest as the silver scaled length twisted and writhed itself even more forcefully inside of her, filling his partner completely and stretching her wide as he flicked a claw over the half dragoness' clit. She writhed in his grasp pulling her claws out of the wounds she made, only to smash them back in again when held against his chest. Her heated body got chilled by ice causing a dual sensation within her, she couldn't hold back any longer and her stifled cry broke in to his mouth as she let herself explode on his tail. Nova murred softly, holding her tightly as she shuddered against him, his tail wriggling still inside of her, drawing out her release. His tail dripped thickly as he slowly slid it from her depths, murring at the warm, wet feeling she had left in his lap as he held her, nuzzling into her neck.

"Draconis' scales", she breathed heavily feeling her fluids spill over her thighs. Hopefully they hadn't disturbed their hosts next door, but she could care less now she felt satisfied. Blueray snuggled herself in to Nova purring softly, she had one of those grins on her face that she only got after peaking. He smiled, licking his lips, eyes closed as he lay back against the wall. He felt warm inside, the Incubus riding his own special high after partly sharing in her climax. His tail lay still and tired on the floor, a small puddle forming around it as her fluids fell from it. The half dragon smiled. Blueray closed her sapphire eyes letting her tail thump against his thigh, she thought perhaps she should clean herself up but her yawn showed she was tired. Nova had fed off her and that drained her just a little, specially since she was hiding her true potential.

Nova grinned, nuzzling into Blues hair. "Go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." He whispered.

"Hmm, I know. I... I wouldn't be so tired if I didn't have to hide", she murmured back in return.

"Just sleep, I'll take care of it." He said, smiling.

Blueray yawned and snuggled in to his lap, "Fine, I trust you". Sleep slowly fell upon her, still in her "keepers" embrace. He smiled, running his fingers through her incredibly deep blue hair, closing his eyes.