Confusion part 9

Story by zenman on SoFurry

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#9 of Confusion...

Note: David is XtigerX's property (heheh) please ask him if you would like to use David in any stories. Jim and Tzu are not mine either so please ask to use them also.

The Make Up:

"David.... Don't cry...please...I love you.."

"You love me?" David turned his head, tears running down his face. All Zen could see was a mixture of sadness, anger and confusion. "Or do you live Richard?"

"No I don't! I hate him!"

"And you-"

"David! I just wanted to know what happened to you! He said he would help!"

"And you had sex with him? Oh yes, that helps a lot!"

"I just wanted to know..."

"So you sleep with that stupid fuck?!"

Zen snarled a little. "You grabbed his crotch in the car!"

"I wanted him gone. Maybe if I gave him a scare, he'd leave."

"Why do you hate him? Because he punched you?"

"Well there is that, but he's been a thorn in my side for years!" David continued "And why are you defending him?!"

"I...He said he knew what happened to you!"

"He did huh?" David turned and said nothing. The snow leopard knew nothing of the pain he went through and what he was feeling now. He couldn't even bring himself to trust the feline now. "Zen, the doctors are coming in soon. Get out."


"Get out" The tiger looked away, not noticing what Zen was doing.

"David...please..." Zen touched his shoulder, but only received a growl out of David.

"Let me explain."

"I don't want to hear it! Leave!!"

Zen was taken aback and had a pulse that pushed him away from the tiger. Starting to tear up Zen stood up and slowly walked out of the room hoping that this wasn't the end of him and his tiger.

The tiger just lied there and focused on the injury he had gotten off his attacker. His eyes shifted towards the door and Zen was now gone. ‘I'm sorry Zen..'

As Zen walked passed Mark he tried to conceal his tears.

"Zen are you ok?"

"Can we go home please?" Zen said trying his best not to break down.

"Yeah." Mark looked concerned but walked with Zen to the car.

On their way home Zen noticed a moving truck ‘A new neighbor?' Zen thought. Looking for the new owner Zen saw a handsome black wolf with a white chest and belly.

"He's hot!" Mark said out loud

"Mark watch the road and not the neighbors." Zen said with a friendly hint to his voice.

"Then you pay attention with me, I saw you looking too." Mark smiled

"Well I'm not driving." Zen remarked back.

"Speaking of driving, how old are you again?" The husky asked looking at Zen for a moment.

"I'm 16, why?"

"Shouldn't you have a permit by now?"

"Umm yeah if I went to Driving school last year."

"You wanna drive?"

"Umm no I'm good."

"Ok, just tell me if you want to learn."


The husky and snow leopard got home minuets after their conversation. Zen looked at the house and sighed to himself. Looking next door he saw the window in front of his was open. ‘I hope he's gone...' Zen thought.

Making there way in the house Mark went to the couch and lied down sighing with relief of being home. Zen went up to his room and opened the door. ‘Why is my window open?' Zen thought with a surge of fear rushing through his body. -gulp- ‘Ok...I....just left it open....that's all.....right?' Zen thought as he slowly made his way to the window. Closing it slowly Zen started to relax a little. ‘Heh I bet I looked dumb stalking through my room like that.' Zen laughed to himself. Zen went down stairs and saw that Mark had fallen asleep. ‘Heh silly husky.' Zen thought with a smile.

-Knock, Knock-

Zen looked at the door and walked toward it slowly. Looking out the peephole he saw some thing purple. ‘What is that?' Zen thought tilting his head. Opening the door slowly he saw a purple furred husky. Zen stared at the husky for a second and finally blinked. "Oh I'm sorry, umm...yes?"

The husky looked at the snow leopard with a little confusion. "Uh Dose Mark live here?"

"Yeah, one second."

"Ok, thanks."

Zen nodded and walked back hit Mark with a pillow. "Hey get up you have some one at the door."

Mark snuffed and grunted a little and looked at the door still cracked. Mumbling under his breath he got up and went to the door. "Yes?" Mark looked up and almost jumped out of his fur. "What the, Hey! How have you been?....and what did you do to your fur?" Zen peeked around Mark for another glance at the unknown husky.

"Haha, I'm good and I dyed my fur, what do you think?" The husky looked down. "And who is this, Mark?" The husky looked at the small snow leopard with a worried face.

"Mark looked back and saw Zen. "Oh this is my son, Zen."

"S-son?" The husky was a little shocked.

"Yeah Mel and I adopted him."

"Mel?...Oh that one husky chick you were always looking at?"

"Yeah...Oh sorry, Zen This is my old friend Tzu."

"Nice to meet you Zen." Tzu held his paw out.

Zen looked at his paws, they were white. Zen looked at the rest of his body and saw that his muzzle was white also. His arms had tattoos that made them look like tiger arms, Making Zen think of David. "H-hi.." Zen shook his paw and went back to his room.

Looking at his window he wished he had a better view of things. "David I'm sorry for what I did..." Zen lied in his bed and held his pillow close to him.

"Mark what are you doing with a cub in your house?"

"It's fine, we already went through this."

-sigh- "Ok. How old is he?"

"He's 16."

"Ok, do you know anything about him?"

"Why are you questioning me about my son?"

"Just wondering."

There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Mark spoke up. "So what brings you over here anyways?"

"Well I kinda need a place to stay for a while..."


"Yeah, just for a little while."

"Ok. Well we do have an extra room... Ok you can stay."

"Thanks Mark, your a good friend."

Zen was lying in his bed and couldn't stop thinking of David. ‘I miss you so much David... I'm sorry for what I did.' Zen thought over and over again

Looking at the clock David wanted to get out of the hospital and get on with his life. ‘Zen I'm sorry...I miss you..' David rolled over and tired to take a nap with the thought of his snow leopard in mind.

David sighed after a few minuets of trying to fall asleep and got up. walking to his window he looked out over the medium sized town. ‘I wonder what your doing now.'

"David, are you alright?"

David turned to see his mom. "Yeah mom, I'm fine."

"Mark, Zen I'm home."

Mark came out of the living room and to Mel. "Hi honey how was your day?" Mark moved up to Mel to giver her a hug. But Mel turned to the kitchen. "Were is Zen?" Marks ears flattened slightly. "He's in his room." Mel Looked at Mark for a minuet, as if she were lost. "I'm going to check on Zen. I'll be back down in a bit." Mark looked at Mel "Okay."

Mel made her way up the stairs and knocked on Zen's door. "Zen can I come in?" Zen looked at his door. "It's open." Mel went in and sat on the corner of Zen's bed. "How was your trip to the hospital?" Zen looked at Mel for a moment. "David's mad at me." Mel looked Zen with her head slightly tilted. "What happened?" Zen's ears flattened "Nothing." "Zen what happened with you and David?" "Mom can you please just leave it..." "Ok, I'm sorry hun." Mel got up her ears flattened a little and she went back down stairs.

"Mark what's wrong with Zen? Mark?...was your fur purple a minuet ago?"

Tzu turned around.

"Who are you?!" Mel's fur bristled a little.

"Hi Mel, I haven't seen you in a few years."

"Who are....Tzu?" Mel's fur lied flat and she took a few steps closer. "How have you been?" Mel warped her arms around him.

"I've been good, I heard you have a son now. A snow leopard."

"Oh yes. We have a son and yes he is a snow leopard."

"So how is that working out for you guys?"

"It's good."

Mark came into the room.

"Hey Mark. Oh yeah ummm Mel Would it be alright if I stayed for a while?" Tuz just wanted to have both there approval before he did anything.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind."

"Thank you." Tzu gave a small smile.

"Hey Mark, Have you talked to Zen about what happened at the hospital?" Mel asked a little curious.

"He didn't want to talk about it, why?"

"He just told me that David hates him."

"What happened?" Mark sounded shocked and his fur bristled slightly.

"I don't know, he didn't want to tell me either."

(Later that night)

He rolled over multiple times but couldn't find a comfortable position. He Got out of his bed and went to the window. Looking out the window he saw nothing but darkness and the dim lights of the town. "I have to apologize."

The next morning Zen got out of bed and took a quick shower brushed his teeth and groomed himself.

Sighing he took out his cell and looking at David's number and picture. ‘I want to call you...but your mad at me...' Zen thought.

"Zen are you ready?"

"Yeah mom I'm ready." Zen went down stairs and took a banana for breakfast.

Zen got his MP3 player and he thought it was kinda funny that his name was part of a company name "ZEN" was on top of the screen.

"Ready to go now." Zen turned and gasped at the purple figure behind him.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright.." Zen looked at Tzu and shifted his eyes to the sides and back at Tzu. Zen took a step back away from the awkward situation and went to the door.

Tzu smiled lightly and said. "I like your tail."

Zen looked over his shoulder at his tail.

"It's fluffy."

"Oh, heh yeah...I like your fur."

"Thanks." Tzu gave another smile

Mel came in. "Sorry Zen I had to do something."

"It's ok."

"Ok well lets go."

Zen and Mel walked out to the car. But before Zen got in the car he glanced over to the house next door and shivered and his tail puffed up even more.

On the way to the school Zen put one ear bud in and was talking to Mel and trying to make it seem like he was fine.

"Ok, But Zen if you ever need to talk about anything you can always talk to me or Mark."

"I know."

"Ok.. bye have a nice day at school."

"And you have a nice day at work."

Mel smiled and waved bye and drove away.

Zen sighed and went in the school.

After second period Zen went to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. Zen felt his side being poked and he jumped. turning to see who it was he saw Perlita. "Hey Zen, Not eating today?"

"No, I'm not hungry."

Perlita sat down and they had a conversation that took his mind off of some of the bad things that had happened. "You know Perlita I need to give you a nickname." Perlita smiled and said "Ok." "I think I'll cut your name to Lita." The hamster laughed . "Ok" Zen smiled "Well I think I'm going to go to class early see you later Lita." "Ok, later."

On his way to his third period he turned the corner and ran into Richard. ‘Shit.' Zen thought and looked away from the badger with his fur standing up.

"Hey." The badger pushed Zen into a locker but the small snow leopard didn't look at him. Holding him in place Richard raised a fist and let it come down hard and fast at Zen's muzzle. Zen closed an eye trying not to suppress the pain without raising his paws. Richard threw more and more punches. Zen turned and tried to run but Richard grabbed his tail and pulled him back hard making Zen yowl in pain. Rage ran though Zen and he turned around at swung at Richard, claws unsheathed. "Missed you little fag." Richard said throwing another punch that missed. "Your calling me a fag when you raped me?" Zen retorted spinning low to the floor and gave an upward slash that connected to Richards chest. "FUCK!" A crowd began to form. Richard slashed at Zen wildly, claws out and deadly. Zen backed away and slung his backpack around and hit Richard in the head. But when Zen looked back up Richards paw went around Zen's neck and lifted him off the ground and slammed him into a locker. Zen tried helplessly to free himself but it did no good. Richard punches Zen in the stomach a few times then clawed his chest and belly before being tackled by a few students and a teacher. Zen fell to the ground in a ball. His eyes wide open. His heart was the only thing he could hear. After a few moments he stood up and stumbled to the school doors. "Zen, you need to go the nurse." Zen turned to the voice and then collapsed.

"David, the doctors said you can leave today." David's mom came in the room.

"Really?!" David had a happy exclamation to his voice. "Can we leave now?"

"I suppose we can."

"Great." David got out of the bed.

David and his mom checked out of the hospital and went to the car.

‘I'm going to say hi to Zen.' David thought happily.

Mel took Zen to his room and put him in his bed. "The nurse told you to rest."

Zen looked up at his mom with broken eyes the rolled over.

Mel turned her head and left the snow leopards room.

Zen winced at the pain in his chest and stomach from the badgers claws.

Zen soon drifted off into sleep.

David was on his way to Zen's house after school was over.

‘I hope he's still not mad at me.' David thought

On David's way to Zen's house he ran into Richard.

They gave each other a somewhat hostile look.

"So David." Richard began.

"What do you want." Neither of them looking at each other.

"Your little boy friend is a little whore." Richard glanced at David with a cruel smile.

"You know what Richard." David stopped and looked at the badger "I'm just so tired of you, and Zen told me everything. I don't need some bitch to try and twist the facts."

Richards fur shot up in fury. "What did you say to me you fag?" cocking his fist back David just stood there with a dead expression on his face waiting for the badger to strike.

"Hey can one of you two tell me how to the cell phone store?" David and Richard looked in the direction of the voice came form.

David cocked his head to the side and just stared at the fur. "What do you want?" Richard asked in a rude tone. "Can you tell me where the store is?" Richard stared at the car the fur was in. "You like my ride?"

"It's alright." Richard said turning his head a little.

The purple husky got out of the Mustang convertible. "I'm Tzu by the way."

"Yeahhh...." David and Richard looked at each other for a second.

"I'm going to be in town for a while." Tzu looked at Richard and saw he was staring at his car again. "You like cars?"

"Yeah." Richard looked back at Tzu.

‘I'm just going to go...' David thought to himself. Turning and walking off Richard was too preoccupied in the car to realize David had left. Tzu on the other hand watched David walk off making him feel like he had done something wrong, flattening his ears a little He looked back at Richard. "So what's your name?"

-Sigh- "Well now what am I going to do?, Zen probably hates me now and I don't want to go home." David walked down Zen's road seeing an unfamiliar black wolf. David stopped form a moment at stared at the wolf. The wolf looked across the street and saw David looking at him and smiled and waved. David jumped a little, his fur starting to stand and turned his head quickly and started to walk to Zen's house blushing. The black wolf just grinned and got his mail and went inside.

David reached Zen's house and took a deep breath. ‘Here we go' David thought walking up to the door and knocking on it and the one person he didn't want to answer, answered. "Oh uh h-hi Zen." David looked down but looked back up. "Oh god what happened to you?" David's fur stood up. "Richard..." Zen said looking down. "That bustard!" David almost yelled and looked away and to his surprise received a jumping hug from the small snow leopard. Blinking then looking down at the feline he hugged back and felt a rush of excitement and relief run though his body.

"David I missed you so much." Zen said and David could hear him start to cry.

"Zen don't cry." David began to stroke the small felines head. "I love you." Zen looked up into David's eyes that were now glowing hazel "I love you too." Setting his paws on the ground Zen pulled David inside. They cuddled for hours on Zen's bed. They made up and stared in each others eyes as they pressed there noses together.

-Knock, knock- "Zen are you alright?" Mel opened the door and saw that Zen and David fell asleep holding each other close not wanting to let go with there noses still touching and smiling.

Again sorry for a super long time between stories this time I'm going to have less time between the next stories. (well try to anyways, I have a busy summer) I hope you enjoyed it and hope you stay tuned for the next chapter. ^^ And I really do love you David *hugs and kisses*