Feeling Lost

Story by Korumai on SoFurry

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#2 of the path

This is the next part of my feeling story line

In this chapter we find young Koru faced with a decision that will drastically change his life and possibly the lives of others

(As always if you like the story please let me know i love to hear your feedback, and if you have any suggestions i would be glad to hear them)

"I'm sorry sir I didn't see him, he jumped me from behind", I could tell instantly the officer didn't believe me, but he didn't press me further either, I was secretly hoping he would have. "Okay kid, well if you do remember anything please contact us" and with that the heavily muscled German Shepard gave me a soft pat on the arm and left to talk to my mother, a deep look of pity in his eyes. I knew I should have told him the truth that Mr. Snow had raped me, but I just couldn't the fear was to powerful. I quickly shook these thoughts from my mind as I saw my mom enter the room, she looked as if she had rolled out of bed and thrown on whatever was close clean or not, and her golden fur was disheveled. I guess I should explain about my mom, she's a golden retriever, I was adopted by her when I was a cub because my birth parents thought my white fur meant I was tainted in some way. I guess they were purists of some sort.

My mother ran over to my bedside hugging me as if I were some breakable object "Oh sweetie I'm so glad your awake Dr. Roberts wasn't sure how long you would be out" she said as tears ran down her face. I was still a bit groggy at this point and didn't even notice the graceful looking antelope standing next to my mother until she spoke, making me jump slightly "Hello I'm Dr. Roberts, and you young man are very lucky". I couldn't believe this woman said I was lucky I had just been forced to have sex with my teacher and I was lucky? "If that young man hadn't seen you pass out on the sidewalk and then called 911, you would probably be dead by now from the internal bleeding" she had a very serious expression as she said this. All I could do was groan silently and try to keep the tears from flowing freely my mom was already scared enough I didn't want to make it worse for her. "Well Mrs. Shern if you wouldn't mind following me I need you to fill out some paperwork, and we should really let your son get some rest" and with that Dr. Roberts led my mom out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I just couldn't figure out if I had done the right thing not turning Mr. Snow in, I kept pondering this question until finally my eyes drifted shut and I fell into a restless sleep

I ended up spending a week in the hospital most of it alone with my thoughts, except for the times when my mother or school friends would stop by, I couldn't come to terms with the lies I had told to the police to my friends and worst of all to my mother. Every time she came to visit she looked more haggard and I knew it was my fault she had to pick up extra shifts at work to make up for the fact that I couldn't work. On the day she picked me up from the hospital I decided I could no longer keep my secret so after she had parked the car in our driveway I did it "Mom I need to tell you something". She looked over at me concern painted across her face, while I just stared at my feet with my hands clasped in my lap "I know who put me in the hospital, I know his name and where to find him, but I'm afraid that if I say anything no one will believe me or he will try to hurt you". I was shaking so hard by this point that I think I was only still upright because of the seatbelt "I know that he could do to others what he did to me but I'm just so afraid" the tears began running down my face, I didn't even notice that my mother had gotten out of the car until I felt the passenger door open and her arms wrap around me "it's going to be okay sweetie we'll get through this" she unbuckled my seatbelt and helped me into the house. I lay down on the sofa in our living room still crying, I couldn't seem to stop and I think it was because I was still lying to her.

Mother walked towards me holding a glass of water "Do you want me to stay home from work tonight, I'm sure Randall will understand" she asked quietly while covering me with the blanket from the back of the couch. "I'll be ok mom but could make sure the doors and windows are locked?" I asked quietly, "sure, oh and there's some Chinese take-out in the fridge if you get hungry later" I thanked her as she went to her room to begin getting ready for work.

I must have fallen asleep before my mother left for work because when I woke I found a text from her on my phone telling me that she had locked all the doors and windows like I had asked and that she would be home as early as possible but being a Friday night that might still be pretty late. Deciding that moping around wasn't going to do me any good I went to find something to eat digging in the fridge I found the take-out my mom left for me and while I waited for it to heat up went and turned on the TV hoping to catch the evening news. As the TV came to life I heard something that caught my attention instantly. "It appears that the Springvale rapist has struck again this time resulting in the death of the young man that was victimized, DNA testing has confirmed that these crimes were all committed by the same man" my legs gave out and I landed hard on my rear, I didn't even feel the pain coursing through me or hear the microwave ding all I heard were the voices in my head screaming that this was my fault if I had turned him in that kid would still be alive. I couldn't move I was completely numb I stared at the victim's picture on the TV and made a decision, no matter what happened to me I wouldn't let him hurt or kill another person. The feeling slowly returned to me and I went about eating and showering taking no pleasure in the acts just going mechanically about them.

I finally worked up the courage to do what I needed to, walking to the phone, clad only in the towel I had used to shower; I picked up the receiver pawing the card that the officer had given me when I was questioned in the hospital. My fingers were shaking so bad that I had to try three times to dial the right number and when I finally did it took all my willpower not to hang up. "Hello this is Detective Kaye, who may I ask is calling?" I stuttered a bit at the officer's stern voice before saying "Sir this is Koru Shern, I talked to you in the hospital about a week ago and I need to tell you something". My voice almost gave out talking to him I was afraid he was going to be angry but when he spoke again his voice was comforting underlined with a bit of excitement "would you mind if I came to your house for this talk or would you prefer over the phone" I told I would prefer to tell him this in person and gave him my address. I collapsed onto the sofa after hanging up with detective not believing what I had just done; I had put myself in harm's way and worse my mother to save people I didn't know. I sat there on the couch for what felt like hours going over what I would tell the detective until I finally heard the doorbell. If hadn't been so preoccupied I would have realized that it had only been 10 minutes since I had called the detective, not nearly enough time for him to get to my house from the station.

I didn't think as I opened the door but when I saw who was standing there my heart dropped and panic flooded my mind it was Mr. Snow. I tried to slam the door on him but one kick to the door and it slammed open throwing me backwards against the wall. I couldn't breathe the blow had knocked the wind out of me, and before I knew it he was on me. One of his paws went immediately to my neck cutting off my air supply as he growled out "so we meet again little kitten, I was hoping I could leave you alive after all you made a great cocksleeve, but since that last boy choked to death on my dick I guess I'm going to have to get rid of you after all you are the only one of my toys that saw my face and is still alive". I tried to fight against the older male but unfortunately after getting the wind knocked out of me and then my air supply cut off I was barely able to lift my paw. Suddenly Mr. Snow looked over at the door, it took me a second but then I heard what had distracted him. The sound of sirens fast approaching "guess you lucked out this time kid" my former teacher hissed at me before pulling his arm back and punching me in the maw with the force of a hammer and then tossing me across the room like a doll. I landed forehead first on the edge of the coffee table and felt something warm begin to run down my face and as I lay there gasping for air all I could think of was that mom was going to be mad that I didn't check before I opened the door.

It wasn't more than a minute or two before I heard the footsteps rapidly approaching thinking it was my assailant I curled my body into a tight ball fearing that my time had finally come but instead of the pain I feared I felt the gentle touch of warm paws and a familiar voice. "Can you hear me son, it's okay he's gone now we won't let him hurt you anymore" he said concern dripping from his voice, he began shouting for someone to get a medic as he moved me to the couch sitting next to me and gently rubbing the fur on my arm. He tried to stop me as I began to speak but I needed to do this before I lost my courage so I said in a rasping voice "no I need to tell you this now, it's my fault he killed that last kid I should have told you who he was in the hospital, the man your looking for is the calculus teacher at my school his name is Thaddeus Snow, he raped me and tonight he said he came to kill me". I began to cry then I couldn't help myself, I felt officer Kayes arms around me as he pulled me in close trying comfort me but it was no good I just couldn't hold it in anymore. His presence was constant and reassuring he kept his arm on my shoulder even as the medic cleaned and bandaged the injury's on my head and face. "Son were going to bring you down to the station with us tonight, I still need to get your statement and we haven't been able to get a hold of your mom and I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone with that man on the loose" he said while resting a paw on my shoulder and looking into my eyes "now go get some clothes on and anything else you'll need and we can get going" I nodded my assent through my tears and went to get dressed and grab my wallet and phone.

The rest of the night was a whirlwind I remember very little and the cell they gave me to sleep in at the station was too strange to me and the new pains overlaying the old ones made any sort of rest impossible. It wasn't until around 7am the next morning when they finally got hold of my mother, when she got to the station I was sitting by one of the officers desks just finishing up with another statement, I didn't even look up when I heard her voice my shame was too great, I had cost another person their life by remaining quiet when I should have talked. I felt a paw on my shoulder but I stayed quiet staring at the floor, until I felt another paw on my chin gently forcing me to look him in the eye. It was detective Kaye, worry was painted across his face "look kid I know you blame yourself for what that psycho did to that boy but you can't it wasn't your fault, and no one blames you for being afraid. And the fact that you had the courage to still tell me after what he did to you last night speaks volumes for your character". I could tell the officer's words were sincere and that he really wanted to make me feel better, but it was no use I had locked myself away. When my mother rushed over to me I didn't look up or even try to return her hug I just stood there silently wishing that this whole thing had never happened, feeling hopeless, feeling lost.