The Knots of Life

Story by Kenzi on SoFurry

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#1 of Knots of Life

Hello, first off I'll admit that this is a bit of a first for me. I've written li...

_Hello, first off I'll admit that this is a bit of a first for me. I've written little stories before, but never anything public, nor pure erotic. But with hope this has turned out well, I had fun writing it and maybe you'll have just as much fun reading it. Weither you like it, hate it, or left scratching your head, please share your thoughts and any feedback you have.

Revision 1, with better spelling!

Warning: This story involves two male Furry characters in a sexual setting. If such material offends you, you are not of legal age, or if it is illegal to read such material where you live, then please turn back now. Otherwise, continue, take care, and enjoy!_

It had been a very long day. And it was turning out to be a long night as well. Finishing his research paper was taking a lot longer than the Husky thought it would. He had another day to complete it, but tomorrow was Sunday, and he knew well how packed the library would be. He was in a trance; read through a section of a book, think, write, repeat. The routine lasted since he got off of work a few hours ago, and it was catching up.

"Cody?" The Husky jumped in surprise, the old librarian had gotten within inches from him without him noticing. "Oh, sorry dear, I didn't mean to startle you like that."

"It's alright Mrs. Baker, is there something wrong?"

"Well, the Library closed about twenty minuets ago." The aging Doe softly responded, "I saw that you were pretty immersed in your work, so I decided to let you be for a bit."

The Husky's sapphire eyes glanced at the clock; 12:45.

"Shoot, I'm sorry about that...jeez, I didn't know it got that late."

"It's alright dear, see you here again tomorrow?"

"If only" Cody sighed, "It will be to packed in here for me to be able to focus, and all of the tables and computers will be taken. I'll try getting in here in the morning though."

"I'll see you then dear, until then get some unwind a bit, or I'll have to put some of my books on Zombies to use." She grinned, getting a chuckle out of the Husky.

"Alright Mrs. Baker, take care."

The walk back to the dorms was cold, but peaceful, as it usually was in winter. Cody was tired, and stressed beyond belief. The thought of relaxing a bit was welcoming, but the warm bed and a morning filled with writing was what he had his sights on. He finally arrived at the building. He walked through the hallway and showed his ID to the desk worker; a Weasel new to the job who was over alert and a bit to much into it. After carefully examining Cody's ID and making sure he and his picture matched, he allowed the Husky to pass.

At last he came to his room, he stuck in the key and was met with a voice from inside.

"It's open!"

Cody entered and squinted, his room mate usually had the lights dimmed at night, but tonight they were all off. He could make out the Coyote sitting on the futon in front of the TV, with a movie paused. Cody couldn't recognize what he was watching, what ever it was the Yote had it stopped..

"Hey buddy, wha'cha doing out so late?" The Yote asked.

"Ten page research paper." Cody muttered as he closed and locked the door.

"Ah, that sucks."

"Yeah, that's Civ for you. Probably going to go to bed here shortly Baxter."

"Ok man, you alright? You seem pretty tense."

Cody's eyes were slowly adjusting to the faint light, he could make out the Yote's face now. His eyes showed concern, and his ears were alert. And...he was a bit more bare than usual.

"I'm fine...Baxter...why are you only wearing underwear?"

"Oh, uh...I had the heater on high a while a go, and kind of forgot to shut it off until a bit ago." Baxter answered, while scratching his head.

'Likely story' The Husky thought, but it was quite warm in the room. His eyes got a glimpse a bit lower, but caught nothing more than the normal bulge, and a slight bit of regret.

"What, never seen blue boxer-briefs before?" Baxter grinned.

"Wha-no!" The Husky jumped, blushing slightly, "It's just odd seeing that..."

"Sheesh, chill dude, only playing. Man you're tense, bad day?"

"You don't know the half of it."

"Here, set your stuff down and take a load off" Baxter offered as he pat the other side of the futon, "You'll live a bit longer."

"I dunno, I got that paper-"

"Ah c'mon, spend about half an hour relaxing and I swear I'll help you with it. What do you say?" The Yote pleaded, placing a paw on his heart as me made the oath. Cody thought about it, and weighed the options. He figured that the paper would take another four or five hours, but two people working on it would cut that in half. And Baxter did do pretty good in that class...

"Alright, you've got a deal...what are you watching?"

"Oh you'll see!" Baxter chimed as the Husky sat beside him, with the push of the play button they both were presented with a rather interesting display.

"Umm...Baxter, what's this movie called?"

"The Knots of Life." He grinned

"Ah...hey Bax, are"

"Bi actually, why do you ask?"

"Well...the guy is screwing another guy."

"And it seems they're both getting a kick out of it! Especially the bottom, look at him-"


"Hmm?" The Yote turned to his room mate to met with a very stern and somewhat cold stare.

"I'm. Not. Gay."

"Really?" Baxter gave a grin that, in the TV's light, made him look more Fox than Yote, "Is that your final answer?"

"Look, I don't mind which way you swing, and I appreciate the thought, but I-"

"You forgot to turn off your computer this morning."


"I gave into my curiosity, and did a bit of history browsing. Lots of interesting things in there."

"What?! You bastard!" He was furious. He began to jump out of the seat, but Baxter grabbed his arm. When their eyes met, the Yote's eyes and a cold sternness of their own.

"Cody, I know I betrayed your trust and privacy, and you can feel free to belt me to the ground for that. But hear me out, ok? I've known for a while now, but out of a hunch. I know your fears, but here in this room I don't want you to have any. We're friends, brothers almost, and I'd rather die than share your secrets. We've known each other since High School, so never be afraid to talk to me. Alright?"

The Yote's grip on Cody's arm loosened as the Husky eased back down.

"Why did you look through my history?"

"As I said dude, curiosity, and a bit out of worry. You're always really stressed, and you never do anything to unwind. And I bet it's been a while since you last pawed, right?"

The Husky cocked his head, "You're still a bastard."

"Ha! Better believe it! Well, I'll let you decide; watch or bed. I'll still honor what I said though."

Cody didn't really know what to do at this point, it was all very sudden and spontaneous for him. It was late, he was tired, and he really didn't want to go through any odd situations with his room mate. Though the bed called, another force was making it's presence very apparent. As the Husky sat there in thought, he felt a warmth come over his crotch, and a tightening as his sheath began to expand. How long had it been since he gotten off, a week? No, had to have been longer than that, he couldn't remember when....

"I guess you're paw is deciding for you." The Yote grinned.

With a glance down Cody saw that Baxter was right, his right paw had already begun to massage the growing mound in his pants. Temptation was building, and he didn't know if he could resist it anymore.

"Alright" The Husky replied as he stripped off his shirt, revealing more of his white and black fur, "I'll bite, but no funny business!"

"Who, me? Why would you ever say that dude?" Though Baxter gave an innocent look, Cody could have sworn the Yote's ears looked exactly like horns.

Cody was you're average Husky with your average body; toned but still a bit slim. As he kicked off his shoes and slipped down his pants he glanced over to the Yote. Baxter to was you're average Coyote, though a bit more built up than most, then again most athletic type are. His copper fur shimmered in the TV's light, and so did his eyes as Cody caught him taking a peek. The Husky shifted his attention to the movie it's self.

There were two Wolves, both very toned and dawned in black fur. The only noticeable difference was that one had a collar. The topper was full of energy, and quit proud of his position, giving feral growls as he slipped his member in and out of the other's tail hole. The other seemed to be having a blast as well, moaning and begging on his back as he used his arms to push back into the other Wolf.

Cody gave another glance at the Yote, curiosity this time. Baxter had already removed his underwear, and started to play with his own sheath. A bit of pink was peeking out as his fingers slowly ran long the protective tube's length. The Husky decided to follow suit, and removed his own boxers. He was a bit more enticed than his friend, a bit more than half of his 7 inch member had freed it's self from it's fuzzy prison, and the knot had already begun to form.

Cody caught a bit pre forming at the tip of his member, and circled his finger around the edge. With a murr, he pulled his sheath down past the knot and began to slowly stroke the length. The warmth that had filled his doghood begun to spread across his body, it was a bliss that he had almost forgotten about. His left paw rested upon his stomach as his other moved down and played with the fuzzy jewels. They were large, and heavy, it had been a long long. The sudden feeling of another paw grasping his member made him gasp and look up.

"Bax..what are..." He couldn't finish the question, his mind becoming drunk off of the sensation.

"Just lending a helping paw, doesn't seem you mind to much." The Yote gave a sly grin.

"Mmmshutup." Cody looked over at his Yote friend, his eyes had that mischievous sparkle in them. The Yote was now fully exposed, and slick with his own pre. But his paws were no longer doing their job of pleasuring the Yote; their new target was the Husky. One had begun to scritch Cody's chest and trace out his nipples, while the other one glided and teased his hot and swollen member. The Husky was lost in the feeling, moaning with the rush of the new found pleasure.

"Well, if you like that, you're going to love this."

Cody whimpered as he felt his friend's paws move away, and gasped in surprise as Baxter moved forward and started to lap at the Husky's member. He was slow and gentle at first, slowly teasing the tip, moving all the way down past the knot (he made sure to pay careful attention to that) and suckled lightly on his balls. Cody gave a lust filled growl as Baxter worked his way up again, once he reached the top, he greedily lowered his muzzle onto the Husky cock.

The feeling was almost to intense, if the ribbed roof of the Yote's maw and his teasing tongue weren't enough, it was Baxter's paws that would nail it. The left had moved down from the chest to the Husky's inner thigh, and the other had set to work not only to hold his member, but to squeeze and tease his knot as well. Gasping and moaning, Cody knew he wouldn't last long. He could feel it, a new warmth beginning to spread, his loins beginning to tingle. But as sudden as it begun, the feelings came to an end.

"Why'd you stop?" The Husky whimpered.

"Oh, just letting you cool down a bit. Don't worry, you'll see why." He responded to his friend's cocked head.

Baxter leaned up and pressed his maw against Cody's, their tongues did a tender and old dance, a dance that said 'I like you, and I want you', and perhaps a bit more. When the kiss broke the Yote rested his head on the Husky's lap, looking up at him with that plotting gaze. He hoped that his friend would enjoy what was to come, but he also had to resist his lust and urge to laugh as Cody's doghood twitched only inches away from his face.

The Husky's mind was swimming with thoughts and feeling. He had to wonder what that Coyote had in mind, but he felt that he could trust him. He looked down into Baxter's amber eyes, they glinted and shined, filled with color and expression. Cody let his paws roam around the Yote's fur, a bit coarse, but still a bit soft. Below he could feel the tone muscle partially hidden by the fur. Baxter followed the same suit, with a content smile on his face.

The truth was, Cody really didn't know what he was. He use to like women, but that faded around the middle of High School. He had his curiosities for men, but he never had the courage, then again the area he came from wasn't exactly welcoming to 'tail raisers'. He always felt a connection with this Yote, he had thought it was just because they were close friends, but it's different now. He never acknowledged or understood it, but he cared deeply for Baxter in a way he couldn't explain, but he also feared. What was this feeling?

Moment broke his thoughts, Baxter had gotten up off of the futon and began to stroke the underside of his muzzle.

"That should be long enough." He thought aloud as he eyed his friend's doghood, still unsheathed because of the knot, but no longer throbbing, much like the Yote's own member. "Do me a favor, lay down."

"Ok." The Husky complied, swinging around his legs and laying across on his back. "Now what?"

"Just sit back, relax, and let me do all the work." With a grin Baxter got on top or the Husky, and reached under the futon to pull out a small clear bottle. It was now that Cody had a pretty good idea of what was coming next. The Yote smeared the clear liquid over his tail hole and the Husky's member, resulting in a light gasp from his friend. Gently, he lowered himself down until he felt the tip poke his hole.

"Baxter, I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh don't worry." He chuckled "It hurts a bit at first, but after that it's the far opposite of pain." With another sly grin, the Yote slowly lowered himself onto the Husky's cock.

His friend's maw was nothing compared to the feeling Cody was experiencing now. His friend's tailhole was so tight and warm, if Baxter didn't make him cool down he swore he would have released here and now. The further he went in the more extreme the sensation became, through instinct the Husky growled and pushed the rest of his length in.

"Woah! Man, didn't think you'd be that feral Cody." Baxter yipped.

"Sorry, got a bit carried away." The Husky panted.

"Ah don't worry, I kind of like it." The Yote poked out his tongue, his paws set to work scritching and wondering as he eased back up and then back down. The Husky was in a euphoria, he could feel the Yote's anus contract each time he used his legs to lift back up. He let his paws wonder across Baxter's sides and his rear, playfully stroking his tail until an idea hit him. Without warning he grabbed his friends bobbing member.

"Damn!" He exclaimed with a gasp and a growl of his own, "Never expected you to that..." The Yote increased his pace as Cody began to paw him off. It wasn't long until the Husky began to thrust as the Yote descended, and pulled back as he lifted up. Rising and falling, the sound of moaning and growls, and the smell of the musk in the room was over bearing, Cody's thrust became more rapid and shorter. The Yote knew his friend was getting close, and he could feel himself closing to his peak as well.

With a wet pop, Baxter slammed down onto Cody's knot, tying them both. With surprise and an overflow of pleasure, the Husky let loose a final growl and grabbed onto the Yote's knot. Waves of his seed filled the Coyote's rear. The feeling and the pressure on his own knot sent Baxter over the edge, with a howl he sprayed his friend with is sticky cum.

They were both exhausted, and in a daze of afterglow. After a few moments, still tied, they carefully moved to the bottom bunk. With the Husky on his back and the Yote on top of him, they embraced, and did that old, tender dance once again.

"Feel better?" Baxter asked in a soft voice.



"Thank you."

"No worries man." He nuzzled into the Husky's shoulder fur.

"Hey Bax...I think...I think I you...Bax?"

Funny enough, the Yote had already fallen asleep. He looked so cute, almost like a little pup, which was a bit weird. Cody glanced over at the TV, the movie was still playing. With a bit of skill, the Husky used his foot-paw to turn it off, and he chuckled.

'The Knots of Life huh? My life has a lot of knots in it, maybe...maybe this knot is a good one. Good night Bax.' With a scritch on his friend's head, he threw the sheets over both them and drifted into sleep. His very last thoughts before entering dreamland was of the Yote, the future, and that god forsaken paper.