Chapter One

Story by DiamondFrostmane on SoFurry

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First Chapter in my new Novel "Crystal City" - Please feel free to leave feedback

Crystal City


Terra, a bright spark in one of the distant arms of the Milky Way Galaxy. The planet was warm, lush and vibrant, with all the tools needed for life to evolve there. There were mechanical cities that stretched for miles and miles across the surface of the planet which seemed to sparkle and twinkle at night like fire across the surface of the world.

Terra was populated by many different races that had evolved there, so many variations. One's species was usually determined by one's appearance however unlike some other planets, not one species had risen in dominance over the others, so many different species of animal life had evolved sentience here.

Of one of the most famous cities on Terra was the Aquapolis of Chentrilla.

Chentrilla City was placed in the middle of a gigantic lake, spreading out and consuming the small isle that used to be there. Chentrilla had grew and huge metal wharfs and quays stuck out of the city, making it look like a gigantic star from orbit.

The city had been the major technological breakthrough of the Vulpus species, a variety of anthropomorphic foxes that had sprung up around northern hemisphere, by far the most widely travelled on all of Terra. The Vulpes species had many military successes almost half a millenia against the neighbouring Wyvnus who were a dragon-like species originating from the nearby mountainous regions, and had almost driven them to extinction. However, ever culturally changing, the Vulpus people moved from a constitutional monarchy to a much more sympathetic democracy and had long since reconciled with their Wynus neighbours who had begun to florish once more.

That was how the Vulpus were known on Terra, as the "peace-makers", the ones always willing to fight against tyranny but the irony was that a deep seated corruption and arrogance had implanted itself in the heart of Vulpus democracy.

The three million citizens of Chentrilla however were clueless about this, reassured in their hubris brought from their technology, some of the most advanced on Terra. Vulpus Technology was built by some of the most high profile companies on Terra, providing their technology to a global market. Having just perfected a new type of engine which ran efficient on bio-fuel, the Vulpus were in a position to make themselves a significant world impact at the United Nations.

Chapter One

Jayce was a cop... He had trained in deep cover assignments for many years but still he got nervous. The rain over Chentrilla in the darkness of night dropped down on him like a thick mist and he could feel his clothes being sodden with them.

He had been standing outside a city residence for almost ten minutes, knocking on the door. He checked a small mobile phone from the pocket of his long beige coat.

"Maybe they know..." he thought, trying to not look so anxious.

The rain was starting to come down thicker, it was pretty heavy but such heavy rainstorms were normal for this part of Terra, a somewhat more mild environment then some of the varied ecosystems on Terra, comfortable farmland sprawled for miles and miles around the edges of the land-locked Lake Citrine.

Jayce reached inside his other coat pocket and produced a long cigarette of some description, placing it into his mouth and lighting it, trying to shield it from the rain as he knocked again on the door.

This time he heard movement from the other side, a grunt and footsteps, loud, clomping their way to the door.

Jayce looked around him, he was in the middle of an allyway, just off the main street of the Sohm region. This region was filled with prostitutes, adult shops and bars and clubs. Jayce could hear commotion from out in the street, sounds like there was a fight kicking off.

Just a typical Saturday night.

The door opened, and out walked a large, hulking Rhinoceros in a slightly stained white vest. He towered over Jayce, making him almost step backwards slightly. The large grey Rhinoceros, alternatively of the Cerotidus species, which we not native this area as they had originated more south on the planet however immigration and free movement of peoples between most countries had resulted in a fair amount of interbreeding.

"Yeah?" asked the large rhino, looking over Jayce with his large yellow eyes, he seemed somewhat suspicious but then the career choice he had made had pretty much guaranteed constant vigilance.

In the recesses of Jayce's mind, there was suddenly an intense and growing desire to run away, to quit the operation and just leave. It was gnawing at the very recesses of his soul, the intense desire to escape, to run back to the safety of familiarity like a desk job back at the office.

But this was what he had signed up for... He had always believed in the rule of law and order, something that always seemed to be declining around him. In the police force, he was considered somewhat of a maverick, willing to make certain risks that others would simply not do. But the others had wives and children to get back to after the day ended, he did not.

His work... was his family.

Jayce had always been considered quite small, even by the standards of his species. He had short, almost maroon fur covering nearly all of his body and his eyes were a brilliant shade of amber, something that reflected his determination to prove himself. He had always pushed for excellence, ever since his school days where he was bullied by the other cubs for being a "runt" of the litter.

If only those bullies could see what he was to become, surely many of them would not choose to put their lives on the line so easily...?

"So..." he said, trying to keep a straight composure as he looked into the Rhino's eyes, beginning to feel the constant accusatory stance that he was being given. "I heard that this is a good play to come if you want... you know... "exotic stuff"."

Of course, Jayce already knew much about this place. The police had been staking out 42b Ironwood Alley for almost a month now, keeping detailed observations of who was going in and out of this clandestine destination.

Police intelligence had pointed to a massive illegal trafficking operation, bringing young adults over from other parts of the planet who wanted a better life for themselves or their families and entering them into the sex trade. Chentrilla, like any other city on Terra was not immune to this form of corruption either and illegal brothels like this one, a hotbed of drugs and debauchery had begun to spring up over the city. There was a dark underbelly the clouded everything that the Vulpus race had struggled to achieve.

However, Jayce was also here because this case had led him to a string of bizarre murders where the victims were apparently "eaten". The suspects had been high on a new designer drug that had just recently emerged on the street and had taken the pet name "Yiff" however Jayce knew by its chemical name; Harprognatus Exornus.

Yiff was responsible for many strange and unprovoked murders of random people in the Sohm region of Chentrilla. In mild doses, the drug caused an almost instant psychological and physiological addiction with an intense feeling of euphoria and causing powerful sexual urges. Jayce had long since suspected that the drug was actually engineered due to its powerful addictive hold over people, more so than any other narcotic he had encountered. Yiff was usually freely offered in places such as this.

The Rhino paused for a second and just around him Jayce could see a shotgun on the table, his hands twitched as he casually put his hands on his waist so that he could draw his gun if it became necessary, or the Rhino began to suspect something.

But just as he expected, greed won out.

"You got cash?" asked the Rhino impatiently, his voice low and booming. Moving to the side and allowing Jayce entry as he moved forward into the residence and closing the door once Jayce had moved inside.

Once the door closed, Jayce knew there was no going back.

He looked around his surroundings. He was in a dank kitchen, small and box like with just a small table and chair in the corner where the Rhino had been sat watching the television. The kitchen stank old and musty, with the faint scent of damp permeating the room. The faulty tap at the kitchen sink was dripping into a pool of murky water with some unclean dishes in it.

"What would two hundred get me?" Jayce asked, still feeling the need to escape what he had gotten himself into, a need that he was suppressing at the moment with a larger need to do his duty to his city.

The Rhino let out a low rumbling laugh as he returned to the table with the long, black shotgun on it. He picked it up, causing Jayce's first reaction to once again touch the grip of his handgun, hidden beneath his coat. "Well... that kinda money will get you whatever you want. I got some real nice boys from Stammheimer here... fresh meat... only arrived yesturday. You one of those big city types... don't get them here often."

Jayce paused for a second, making a mental note inside his head. The force had no idea that people from the inner city, big successful businessmen were making the trip to this dive for sex with illegal immigrants against their will. The whole affair sickened him to his very core.

"Sounds... nice" lied Jayce, trying to keep his composure and stopping himself from putting a bullet right between the eyes of this piece of scum in front of him. He needed more evidence before he could actually make an arrest and commence the raid. He put his hand in his pocket and produced a wad of notes, slapping them on the table in front of the Rhino.

The grey behemoth in front of him eagerly took the money, apparently forgetting about his earlier suspicion and began to count it. Once he had confirmed that it was indeed two hundred, he pushed it into the pocket of his jeans and continued to watch the news report on the television.

"Corruption charges were brought against the CEO of Osirus Corp earlier today for attempting to shuttle illegal passengers from the war-torn country of Kaldova. Mr Erikton refused to comment on these charges but shuttle traffic from Osirus Corp has been brought to a hault while this is investigated... in other news..."

"Through there" said the rhino, looking over to Jayce as his original suspicion returned. His attitude changing back to the way it was before he collected the money. "Last door on the left..."

Jayce walked past the kitchen and into a short hallway with several different rooms either side. It seemed that this whole entire house had been converted into a brothel in order to maximise profits. As he walked down the hall, he could hear numerous acts of sex, different stages of copulation all blending together in a symphony of animal desires.

He approached the last door at the end of the dim hallway and stopped for second. What was he going to do now? He wasn't sure what was going to happen or how he would call his comrades in with a secret button hidden inside his coat. Once pressed, it would trip a silent alarm to the van that was parked outside the residence and give the signal for the raid to begin.

But he had to see...

He opened the door and entered a dimly lit bedroom with a distinct sense of incense in order to hide the much more noxious smell of lube and animal seamon. He looked over on the bed, two little figures were on it, both not looking over the age of eighteen and both were almost completely naked if not for a g-string which barely kept their privates in hold.

These two were of the Canid species, more specifically the Huskarr build from the colder, southern regions of Tibetan, somewhere that Jayce had never been. They both had long black fur with a white mark flowing down their back to the tip of their flexed upwards tails. Jayce could tell from their similarities they were from the same litter, possibly even brothers of some kind.

Both of them raved about the bed, slowly, moving towards one another as they observed Jayce watching, kissing each other in a forbidden and highly erotic way. They licked each others necks, carefully caressing their bulges until they appeared to almost want to rip out of their tight g-strings.

Jayce could tell that both of them were drugged, probably on "Yiff" which had no doubt been given to them by the rhino to make the constant stream of gentlemen callers less traumatic and also to keep them addicted so that he could make money off them.

Jayce watched the two huskies pleasure each other, their gentle touch over their bodies in an attempt to get him aroused too... The problem was... it was working. Jayce felt an uncomfortable lack of room in his pants and he watched these two husky brothers pleasure each other in the most forbidden way, both of them appearing to be loving each others touch, using that momentum to start probing each others tight tailholes, already soaked in the seed of the last person who had visited them.

One of the brothers looked up at Jayce, his eyes a brilliant blue but so distant. "Enjoying... this?" he asked with a smile as he moved his head back in to pleasure his brother. His Vulpine Language was broken as he did not originate from this region was his understanding of the language was limited but Jayce watched as the two boys began to rub their bulges together, on top of each other, their tailholes now in glorious view to Jayce who was trying desperately not to get an erection.

"Come... mister" said the other Husky brother as they both kissed and wiggled the bare, cream-filled tailholes at Jayce who was desperately fighting the urge. This was not what he was here for.

He knew he might regret this later with these two foreigners... he could fuck them quickly and nobody would know, then call for back-up. He could feel the need for corruption tightening in his throat, taking every ounce of his being not to indulge in his baser instincts with these two willing boys.

But then he thought of home. His partner, his boyfriend, the guy that he loved more than life himself. He pushed the button on his coat as he watched them. It was a nice thought, at least he could stay here for a while and admire the view.

Just admire the view...

TG - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 Arden dropped to his knees, looking up at the large tiger before him and his throbbing older meat. It was so big, he had never seen anything like him and the mysterious nature of the barbs of the end of his cock. He opened his maw and...

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two The operation had gone off without a hitch. Two arrests, both the rhino who had questioned Jayce at the door and his boss who happened to be upstairs were led away from the house while the obviously drugged and traumatised residents of...

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