Night at the Rave

Story by Andrew Viri on SoFurry

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An abandoned warehouse taken over for the night by a bunch of young dragons was the sight for a spectacular rave. Fog machines all around the warehouse created an iridescent haze with the laser lights and glow sticks that flitted through it. The music was loud and the powerful bass would shake your very bones. The atmosphere itself was sensual.

Amidst all this was a fiery red dragoness twisting and grinding her way through the crowd. Her scales were a brilliant shade of crimson, her eyes a blazing amber. A shining golden mane of silky gossamer hairs flowed down from between her ivory horns and the back of her neck, cascading around her shoulders. She wore a black t-shirt with the bottom half torn off to show off her trim belly while the low-cut collar displayed the supple cleavage of her modest B-cup breasts. Fishnet sleeves were fastened to the shirt with safety pins and ran down to her wrists. Riding low around her waist was a short leather miniskirt that fit tightly around her ample hips. Her thighs were strongly muscled, but gently toned, leading smoothly down to her high-heeled leather boots. As she worked her way through the crowd of dancers, her tail mischievously brushed against legs and groins of both males and females alike, occasionally glancing back over her shoulder to give them a smirk and a wink, flickering her pink tonguetip teasingly before disappearing around another body.

She was having fun, but she was also on a mission: she was looking for someone. She didn't know who he was, but she knew she'd know him when she saw him.

And she did.

She noticed him from a few feet away. He was tall, like her. He had a lean build, a smooth, dark navy-blue hide that could easily be mistaken for black in the dark light of the rave if not for the subtle blue glow of the glow sticks hanging around his neck. His mane was a bright silver with black roots. The glow sticks around his neck rested against his sleek, toned chest, illuminating it through his tight-fitting fishnet tanktop. He wore tight leather pants which drew attention to the bulge of his sizable sheath within. The legs of the pants were tucked neatly into his knee-high boots. The two dragons caught each other's eye and they both knew they had found what they were looking for. They weaved their way through the crowded floor to meet each other and without a word between them (words are useless when the noise is so loud anyway) they pressed their bodies together and locked in a lustful kiss. Their bodies squirmed and waved against each other with the thunderous bass. She put her arms around him, one paw squeezing on his leather-clad rear while she dug the claws of her other hand into his back. He was similarly groping her with one paw sliding up her thigh and under her skirt, feeling her smooth-scaled hip, he could tell she wasn't wearing anything under the skirt.

Her tongue pushed through his lips forcefully and he gasped on it briefly before reciprocating, both dragons finding that the other had a stud through their tongue, a shiver running down both their spines while they slurped and slobbered on each other's lips. The male pressed his crotch against his partner firmly, letting her feel the swelling arousal under the tight leather while he groped on one of her breasts through her shirt. They broke their lips apart, staring into each other's eyes with passionate desire. A thin string of saliva stretching between their lips as they gasped for breath, their tongues lolled out, displaying the shiny metal studs they both had. The red's lips drew back in a smirk as she slurped up the string of slobber and leaned in close to his ear, "You first," she told him with a subtle dominance that he couldn't possibly argue with.

He nodded to her and knelt down, in the middle of the crowd, and nuzzled his snout against her thigh just below the hem of her skirt. He was completely unashamed to do this with so many others around him, in fact it was because there was so much going on that it felt as private as could possibly be. The red just grinned as she watched him go down, she put her paws on his head, fingers curling around his horns as his nose ducked up under her skirt. She held him firmly as he was surprised to feel his nose bump into something unexpected--the red dragoness was a herm and his nose had just found her sheath, firm and swollen in arousal and aching from the restraint it had taken to conceal it for so long. The male was startled, but the revelation only turned him on more. He eagerly sniffed and licked along the red's smooth sheath up to the tip where her cock was rapidly emerging. Her skirt tented out over the stiff shaft, but only briefly before her companion deftly curled his tongue around it and took the whole length into his maw. The warm caress around her shaft was a wonderful feeling. Her whole body shuddered from her head all the way down to her toes and her tailtip. Her cock throbbed and splashed warm, sweet precum against the back of his throat. The smooth metal stud sent waves of pleasure along her shaft as he tongue encircled her and pumped back and forth. He nursed hungrily on her, tasting the warm, masculine musk of her cock with a deep and contented moan. Her paws on his horns kept his lips pressed firmly around her sheath, kissing it intimately while he sucked and swallowed on her stiff member.

The sounds and sights of the rave seemed to dissolve around them and it was just the feel of each other that kept them grounded at all. She humped against his muzzle in time with the bass as if the sound itself was driving her motions. He slurped on her cock with an eagerness neither of them had ever experienced before--neither giving nor receiving in either case. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to taste her seed in his mouth and to let it stick in his throat and warm his belly. He ran his tongue stud back and forth along the sensitive flesh of her cock while sucking and slobbering over her powerful shaft. She had never imagined finding someone so intent on sucking her off. She wished that she could withhold her climax forever and keep him sucking on her cock all night long. Her body was in no mood to cooperate with that, however. Her legs tensed and her tail lashed behind her excitedly as her orgasm built rapidly until she couldn't stand it a moment longer. She gripped his horns firmly and pulled him hard, grinding his nose into her crotch as she roared in ecstasy, thick globs of her hot cum painting his muzzle. His whole maw filled with the musky, slimy fluid and he loved every second of it. He swallowed hard to keep from spilling even a single drop, the suction drawing a sharp gasp out of the red, one last string of gooey cum lancing the back of his throat, which he obligingly swallowed.

The two stayed there for a moment, savoring the intense after-echos of pleasure.

The rave continued on without missing a beat.

Fast Learner part 3

Darrien stood up slowly. The red master grinned as he looked down at his pet. The blue female looked back up at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. After what she'd been shown already, she couldn't imagine what else Master could have in mind...

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Fast Learner part 2

Darrien wandered around behind his blue pet slowly, "Get down on all fours, girl," he ordered. The young female dragon hesitated. With her hands bound close to her chest she couldn't easily get down into that position, she didn't even have the benefit...

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Fast Learner part 1

Screw the standard disclaimer bullshit. If you're under 18 and you're already here, may as well get your rocks off to it. If you're over 18 already then what are you doing reading this--the sex doesn't start until next paragraph. Print this smut and...

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