Omisa's life Drai

Story by Elis_Dragin on SoFurry

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Note of warning: This story contains adult materials that should not be viewed by 17 or younger people. If you are 18+ then continue, this story is rather good but be prepared to cry if you need to!

Omisa awoke to a sky of green leaves, shafts of light penetrating the canopy, one of them catching him in the eye. He closed it quickly to avoid being blinded and got up, looking around to view the swamp that lay around him. Swamp was not the proper term for it, more like a 'marshy forest', since swamps don't even have a ground to sleep on. The trees on this world were different from those on Earth, as were many plants, twisting as they ascended into the heavens.

He slowly got to his feet, quite shaky as he hasn't recovered from his sleep just yet.

I always wondered why I did this for Drai...

A few months ago, Omisa made a promise to Drai (for unknown reasons) that he would spend 8 hours somewhere in the world and NOT Yiss. A day on their planet was 60 hours so it wasn't much of a loss for Omisa, who can spare a few hours. Then it got serious when Omisa was suffering from withdrawal symptoms, and he wanted to give up on the stupid promise. But, as a dragon, he held out.

Yet again, he surveyed his surroundings, catching a glimpse of a few insects and the occasional creature that resembled a toad. Then a sudden chill went though him and his sheath started to bulge.

Crek! I'm getting aroused...

Arousal in dragons and Dracious alike does not need stimulation; it's an automatic function and could happen at any time. It can lead to embarrassing situations and growing sense of lust as well.

Omisa new this well, making an attempt to fight the sudden temptation to Yiss here and now. The first few times this occurred, it proved difficult since he was so used to Yissing in this state, but the more this happened, the easier it was to calm down. He simply leaned his back against a tree and waited for the arousal to pass. He could feel the sheath return to its normal, non-swollen state, breathing out a sign of relief.

I don't think I could keep this up for the world!

Afterwards, he headed back to the Acolyte, where Drai was waiting to rub it in. Drai was a Dracious in a million, because he was one of the few that were born with a mane. Unluckily for him, it sported an orange-red colour, which didn't match his blue scales and made him stand out as clearly as a black dot on a piece of paper. He composed of mainly blue scales, with a lighter blue across the chest and in the webbing of his ears and wings. He also sported a spiked tail, with an arrow-point end, which was a proper dragon's tail in most cases.

"Did you enjoy your time out there?" Drai said, showing no attempt at criticism.

"I don't even remember why I did this for you. Do you could enlighten me?" Omisa replied. Drai allowed a small pause to keep Omisa waiting, and then answered.

"It's simple Omisa. You and I were having an argument about you Yissing too much..." Drai said as they walked into the acolyte. "...and you replied that Yissing purifies the soul and it should be done frequently. Well listen here Omisa, I think the time you spend Yissing could be put to better use! You never did pickup a book..."

"I could read them later."

" never help out with cooking or washing..."

"But Olarnis insists on doing those."

"...and you never wake up early enough."

"Well, that's because I usually spend most of my nig..." He trailed off, caught by his older brother. They both stopped there, dead in the midst of the main hall, two statues of blue and black. Drai allowed a grin to creep onto his muzzle as he looked at Omisa.

"You IS a waste of time. Don't deny it."

And with that, a biting rage welled up in Omisa, with enough force to have him pounce on Drai in an attempt to beat him into the ground. The two wrestled at each other, one doing the hitting, the other trying to stop it. Both scratching at each other faces, leaving nothing but claw marks on their scales, despite their strength. Then they both heard a voice.

"Will you two quit it?!" They reeled around to find Olarnis standing there.

Olarnis was the oldest of the three brothers and was the 'father' of the household. He spends most of his time doing the housework and running errands for the council, both of which he didn't mind. He bore golden yellow scales with pure yellow along his chest and on his wings. He had many spikes jutting out the back of his head, giving the look of a fierce warrior. He also had two turquoise triangles on his upper arms and green eyes, where his brothers both had yellow eyes.

"You both act as if you are still children." He said as he walked over and separated them. "Omisa, go to your room, and don't come down until tea is ready. Drai, come with me." Even though Drai and Olarnis were equally tall, it was Olarnis' strength that pulled Drai into the kitchen, leaving Omisa to himself. Olarnis closed the door of the kitchen and looked at Drai; both were interlocked with each other for a brief moment.

"Why are you fighting?" Olarnis said, breaking the silence. Drai replied calmly.

"He started it."

"You said something to him, didn't you?" Olarnis questioned, already knowing what the answer would be.

"All I said was that Yiss was a waste of time." Drai replied, seeing Olarnis sigh a little. He put one hand on the table and the other over the top his muzzle, as if to drag it down to the floor. He stared at the floor for a minute, and then turned to Drai.

"Drai, you know what Yiss is." He said as he straightened up, his hands now at his sides. "It's a gift, an art, and something very important to us in life. You can't go around to every dragon in Trinonia and say that Yiss is a waste of time."

"It's not like that Olarnis; it's just that Omisa Yisses too much." Drai forced out to regain his foothold in the conversation. Olarnis looked concerned, and then said slyly.

"And you, how many times have you Yissed?"

"Only once."

"When was that?"

"The Perpetual Bliss." There was a moment of silence.

"That does not count Drai. That HAS to happen."

The Perpetual Bliss was a state in a dragon's life that occurred a few weeks after a dragon reached adulthood. In this state, the dragon would feel euphoria like no other and won't be able to make large movements. The condition is overcome when the dragon has its first orgasm, or in basic terms, it's first Yiss. If left uncured, the dragon would be unable to eat, drink, or even excrete; the pleasure will slowly change to pain. If left too long, the dragon may even die from this. So the Yiss for this state isn't voluntary, it's required!

Drai was stopped in his tracks, for he realised that he had criticized every dragon that Yissed, when he himself had not 'done it' himself. Olarnis came over and placed his hand on Drai's shoulder.

"Drai, I think it's time you experienced it, for real."

"No, I cannot. I just don't like it!" Drai said, angry and a bit flustered, threw Olarnis' hand off of him and stormed out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him. Olarnis looked sadly at the door, and then looked down and closed his eyes.

"Drai...why do you choose to live like this? He whispered under his breath.

Omisa was laid back on his bed, his member erect and out of his sheath, stroking it slowly. His mind was a bit occupied at the moment for Yiss, wondering why Drai refuses to do any act of Yiss, if not all acts. He took his hand off the member, straightened up and looked at the wall in front of him, knowing Drai was in there, either crying or in an angry fit, or even both. His member slowly pulled itself back into his orifice; Omisa obviously didn't really care about that right now. He sat there, focusing on the wall as if to try and look through it, mind abuzz with thoughts and plans. How would he help his brother? Then it came in a flash...

The next started with breakfast as usual, after much not happening last night. The only new thing today was that everyone in the kitchen was quiet, not the normal quiet but the 'I'm not going to speak to you anymore because you're a big fat jerk' kind of quiet. It was quite obvious by the way the brothers gave each other quick glances before eating their breakfast or continuing to eat their breakfast. The silence was eventually broken by Olarnis.

"Right you two, I'm going off to the council to sort out a few problems with this years crop yield." He got up and walked to the kitchen door, looking back at the two. "I want no fighting; the last thing I want is to treat you like hatchlings!" With that, he went out the kitchen door, slamming it behind him to make his point. It was later followed by the main door being opened and then closed. Then the silence returned.

Omisa and Drai were locked at each other, barely moving a muscle as they talked telepathically.

See what you have done Omisa! You are tearing our family apart!

It's not my fault Drai; I'm not the Dragon who can't even touch himself now and then.

You shut up!

Make me...With that, Drai was about to leap at him, claws at the ready when he spoke.

"Listen Drai..." Drai paused just as he rose from his seat, arms near Omisa throat once again. "There is a way this can be settled. You, me, and gentle Yiss." Drai's face suddenly went from angry to completely baffled, wondering what in the world made Omisa say that.

"Wha...?" was all that could be heard from Drai's muzzle as his arms fell by his side. Omisa got up from his own seat, and walked towards Drai, grabbing him by the arm. Drai jerked away, still angry at him for his insults.

"Look Drai." Omisa spoke. "Could we for once act like loving brothers instead of eternal enemies?" Drai had a bit of a think, and then he gave his answer.

"Fine..." he sighed. Omisa let out a little smile and took his brothers arm again, this time Drai didn't react to this contact. He was a little unsettled about being this close to Omisa, even if they do get this close during a fight. But the look in Omisa's eye wasn't of rage or fun, but of love and even desire. Drai gulped a little, an unusual feeling went through his body, one he had felt many times.

"Well then..." Omisa whispered in Drai's ear. "Where shall we go?" Drai thought about this, since the last place he wanted to be was in here. What if Olarnis caught them, like it mattered but to Drai, his privacy was important. He then knew where they could go.

"The coast." Drai replied. Omisa's eyes widened a bit, not expecting the answer. He drew his head back a bit, looking Drai in the eye.

"The coast?" Omisa said.

"The coast." Drai repeated, now with a bit of a smile, knowing Omisa expected a room more than an open area.

"Fair enough then, the coast it is. Better pack up some lunch tough, it's a long way from here." Omisa said perkily, seeing that this isn't so bad.

After making their lunches, they went out the main door and took flight, going east to the nearest coastline. Drai felt great, as all dragons would, finally being in the sky again, wind through his mane. Omisa followed a few feet below Drai, making sure their wings don't collide as they flew. Occasionally, a dragon clan would fly past them, migrating to a new home somewhere on the continent. After nearly an hour, they arrived at the coast, its grey cliffs with a tuft of green on top and its sandy beaches marking the base of the cliff. A cave carved into one of the cliffs was seen by Omisa and so he descended down to it. Drai, quite unsure of where to go, simply followed Omisa down.

The cave was rather large, about 12 ft from floor to ceiling, and seemed to disappear into the darkness. The only light source was the cave entrance, showing a nice ocean view, where the blue sea and sky merged on the horizon. Omisa walked straight in when he landed, sniffing around for anything unusual.

"The cave is clear." He said. "There hasn't been a Dragon here for a long time, until now." They, of course, were Dragons, but only one type of Dragon in the world.

"I think we need to eat something before we start this...Yiss." Drai said, grimacing and the word Yiss. He was about to get his lunch out of the sack when something grabbed him from behind.

It was Omisa, holding Drai in a rather uncomfortable embrace, with one of Omisa's hands on his chest and the other on his belly. Drai wriggled a bit to try to get out of this hold but couldn't move his arms; they were locked in position by Omisa's arms. Then he let out a deep gasp, as Omisa moved his hand down from Drai's chest and onto Drai's virgin sheath.

"There now, that wasn't hard, was it?" Omisa whispered into Drai's ear, rubbing Drai's belly in a continuous circle. Drai purred a bit as he relaxed right down, allowing Omisa to continue with arousing Drai.

As limp as a rag doll, just like with Shola, I guess no dragon is any different.

Omisa continued rubbing Drai's belly, unsure of whether Drai is ready for this or not. Then the sound of Drai's voice perked his ear holes.

" this...what it's like? Is this...Yiss?" He said as if breathless, obviously feeling a little pleasure from his belly-rub.

"Not yet Drai." Omisa said with a grin. "This is just to get you started up. No two dragons can Yiss without becoming aroused first. Now brace yourself Drai, you might not like this." On that last word, Omisa pushed on of his knuckles into Drai's sheath, touching the member hidden inside. Drai moaned out loud as his most private area was intruded, his virgin penis become erect very quickly. Omisa noticed this as his knuckle was pushed out as quickly as it went in, the member now fully aroused in a few seconds. Omisa stood there for a few seconds, admiring the member while Drai was resting on his back, still held in Omisa's arms.

Crek...he IS quick to arouse, if only I could be as quick as him.

Drai's mind was over-fuelled with conflicting emotions, his hormones flowing in his blood, making him breathe deeper and quicker as the pleasure wrapped itself slowly around him like a blanket. He didn't know what to think of this feeling, only that he was happy that it was Omisa who was making him feel this good.

Omisa snapped his sight away from the member, knowing that if he took too long, it would retreat back into Drai's sheath. He looked down and saw his own sheath bulging, growing between him and Drai. He smiled and started to rub up and down Drai's penis, squeezing it at times but being gentle.

The Dracious penis is a very pleasurable part, when touched it can send any dragon into a mating frenzy. However, it does not have any protection like a foreskin or such, only the sheath from which it emerged. If it is damaged in any way (cuts, bruises, etc) they will be permanent and could make mating or Yiss painful for the dragon.

Omisa knew this and took great care when giving Drai this little 'treat'. Drai continued to purr and moan, often doing both at once, thoroughly enjoying the treatment that Omisa was giving to him. Omisa was now fully aroused, his member being squashed between his and Drai's bodies. He grits his teeth as the pleasure began to soar in him, causing him to trust a little into Drai's back. Drai felt this, unknown of what it was exactly.

"Omisa...what doing?" Drai asked him, trying his best to speak.

"Trying to cum." He said through his still gritted teeth, still trusting into Drai's back, the bumps on the scales giving him unbelievable pleasure.

"'re well." Drai moved his head so he could see Omisa through his right eye.

"Yep. And" Omisa was closing in on his climax, a little too early for his taste. He wanted Drai to have the first cum, not him, so he made an attempt to resist trusting his penis along Drai's back. He felt something on his hand that was stroking Drai's member, apparently warm. He knew Drai had started leaking out pre, so he sped up a bit and squeezed the penis a bit harder. Drai was in nirvana now, moaning with each stroke, grabbing Omisa's arm as if to actually WANT this. Drai could feel an unusual sensation as his own climax approached.

"Omisa, happening." He said, an uneasy feeling building in his stomach.

"Don't worry Drai. Your climax is coming up, just relax and allow it to come naturally." Drai allowed it to continue for a few seconds, the climax growing ever closer. It became more apparent that he didn't like it as his eyes closed, the feeling not like pain but just as nasty.

"Please Omisa, stop it, I don't like this anymore." He said, crying a bit as his climax almost reached its peak. Omisa saw and felt that his brother didn't like it at all.

"Are you sure?" Omisa asked, now worried about Drai.

"Please." Drai cried, his tears becoming more apparent now, he just wasn't going to like what was coming. Omisa stopped dead but it was a second too late, Drai went into a spasm as he cummed for the second time in his life. Omisa held him tightly while Drai cried, wanting it to be over, the ejaculate covering Omisa's hand and some of the floor. The spasm subsided in a matter of seconds, Drai whimpering at the horrible experience that just occurred. Omisa moved Drai around and embraced him.

"Drai, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." Only his brother's sniffling could be heard over his shoulder, his own eyes tearing up now. He didn't want his brother to feel like this, he only wanted him to have a good time. There was no need to wonder why Drai didn't like it, the fact remained that he didn't like it. Omisa felt guilty about ever doing this to Drai. They stayed in that embrace, sobbing over each others shoulders, for what seemed like an hour. Then Drai moved back to look at Omisa.

"Omisa, why are you crying?" Drai said, still a little upset.

"Because I feel guilty, for ever doing this to you, I'm so sorry." He started to cry again, using what tears he had left.

"Omisa, it's not your fault okay? It's natural, that I understand but you can't go blaming yourself for every action you make." Drai explained, trying to calm Omisa down. Omisa's tears dried up, and then he say not sadness, but love in Drai's eyes. Then Drai kissed him on the forehead, a sign of trust, and embraced him again, Omisa a little lost in the turn of events.

"Omisa, I thank you, I would never have felt such love from you if we never done that today." Drai's warm body was felt by Omisa, knowing that their brotherly love was evermore stronger from that day.

After they calmed down and had some lunch, they took off from the cave and headed home. Drai looked back for a minute, seeing the small, glistening pool of cum on the floor, thinking that hopefully that experience will just be a bad memory and the new sessions of Yiss will be nicer. He smiled as he left the coast and into the sky. Omisa looked and Drai, knowing what he saw.

Don't worry Drai, they will be...