Crazy Paranormal Chapter 6

Story by short1 on SoFurry

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Victoria falls hard for Ren.

I saw my mom, she was just a few feet away from me. I looked around to see where I was. It was dark but behind me was light. I turned around and found bars blocking the entrance. In front of them was the vampire king. He was talking to my mom.

"Seems like your daughter has been taken away by those disgusting dogs." Wait, if I'm with them then I must be dreaming again. He was still talking. "If doesn't come back in three days then you will be drained just like your unfaithful husband. You know, if Richard wasn't such a liar, you wouldn't be in this position and neither would your daughter. But I do like your daughter very much and I do hope she will come."

When my mom didn't answer, he huffed and walked away. I looked over at my mom and went up to her. I hugged her. She gasped but hugged me back. From her point of view, it probably looked liked she was holding nothing, but I didn't care.

I let her go and looked at her. "Victoria?" I smiled. "Yes it's me. What did he mean about dad?" I could feel myself fade away again.

She looked down, "Your father was a werewolf and I'm a....vampire." That's the last thing I heard from her and I woke up. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It was red. I got confused and started to sit up. Pain shoots in my neck and into my back. I groan in pain and I sit back down.I look around the room I'm in. The ceiling is red but the walls are white. There's a bathroom off to the side and the closet ahead.There was another door to the left and I wonder if that is the exit. I look down at the I'm on and saw that it was red and white. "Someone must like these colors." I mutter to myself.

I hear a door open and I turned my head towards the noise. A small girl came, about ten years old, and she jumped onto the bed and stared at me. "Uh, hi." I said awkwardly.

She glared at me. "I don't like you, you broke my brother's heart." I am stunned at what she said. "Excuse me but who are you and who is your brother?"

She rolled her eyes and started jumping on the bed, which brought more pain, "Hey! stop that, that hurts." She doesn't stop and I start to see black dots everywhere. My body is full of pain and I cry out. I heard steps running down the hall and into the room. They grabbed the girl and dragged her out. She tried to get out of their grip but couldn't. They pushed her out and closed the door. Everything happened so fast that I got a little dizzy.

Once everything stopped circling around I finally got a good look at the person and of course it just had to be Britney. I sighed out in frustration and pulled the covers over my head. "Go away." She huffed and jumped on the bed just like that little devil did. "Fuck! What the hell!" She laughed and jumped on it again. "Stop you bitch!" I heard someone come into the room again. I sighed and hoped it wasn't that little devil again. I pulled the cover off of my head and looked at Britney.

Britney looked at them and her smiled turned into a frown. I turned my head once more and my eyes widened. It wasn't the little devil after all, which was a relief, but a new dread came into my chest. Ren was standing at the doorway. He glared at Britney and went to her and grabbed her arm. He pulled her towards the door and he shut it on her face and locked it. I sigh, this routine seems so familiar."Let me guess, you're going to jump on the bed to and cause me so much pain?" He shook his head and sat gently on the bed. "Ok, tell me why I'm in so much."

He scratched the back of his head and looked down. "Um...well I sort of bit you on your neck and made pass out. So you'll be sore there for a few more hours." I looked at him. "What about my back then?" He bit his bottom lip and sighed. "Well, I sort of dropped you on the way over here." I was shocked. "You dropped me? How in the hell did you drop me? Was there an invisible rock in your way or was it a freaking vampire? You know what, I don't even want to know. I need to get out of here and get my mom." I start to get up but the pain stops me again. I lay back down and I look at the ceiling.I could hear Ren scooting closer to me and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry Victoria, I'm sorry for everything that I did to hurt you." I looked at him and I could see tears falling down his cheek. I reach up and wipe them away. He looks at me with sad eyes and I knew he was trying to not kiss me. I look down at his lips and I missed them on mine. I just want to touch them and feel the softness of them on mine.

As if he read my mind, he leaned down and pecked my lips and pulled away. I got frustrated and grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to me and I kissed him. He kissed me back with so much passion that it brought tears to my eyes. He slowly climbed on top of me and kissed me deeper. He kissed down to my chin and to my neck. He licked the spot where he bit and I moaned. It felt so good that I pulled his head towards my neck so that he could keep licking it.

I could feel him smile and he sucked on it. This aroused me so much that I started to get wet. He stopped and he sniffed the air and he looked down at me and smirked. I blushed and looked down at his nose and then his lips. He shook his head and layed next to me. I couldn't help but feel disappointed and sighed. I turned my body and put my head in his chest. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I gasped and froze.

"What?" His voice all husky. I moved some more and I smiled and sit up. "What?" I climbed on top of him and kissed his lips. "I'm not in any pain any more." He smiled and kissed me again and flipped both of us over so that he was on top. His hand traveled down to my shirt and he started to pull it up.

Someone knocked on the door and he stopped. He cursed under his breathe and he went to door. He opened it and glared at them. It was a guy that was out of breath and leaning on the doorway. "What?" Ren stood there, impatiently. "V...vampires." Ren stiffened and closed the door again. I stood up out of bed and came from behind him. I put my head on his shoulder and wraps my arms around his waist. He sighed and turned around. "I'm not letting them come near you, I promise you that." It was my turn to sigh and I walked to the bed and sat down. "Well that's going to be hard. I have to go with them. They have my mom, I need to get her." He shook his head and walked over to me and kneeled in front of me. "You can't go. I'm sorry Victoria but you can't. Your mine, if I have to lock you in here, I will." He stands up and walks towards the door and opens it. The that was there was gone and I could hear people running all over the place in panic. He looked back and stared into my eyes. "I'll be back with your mother." He walks out and shuts the door behind him.