Under the Old Oak Tree

Story by Jace Winzor on SoFurry

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Under the Old Oak Tree

By, H. Horsie

It was mid-day and a cool wind swept over the rolling hills and up into the forrest to the west. Under a lonely oak tree sat an anthro horse, quietly reading a book in the shade with his back up against the broad trunk. It was his favorite spot to relax and injoy the wonders of nature, especially on a day as beautiful and perfect as this.

"Hullo there...?" Came a voice from the horse's left, down the hill. Jace looked over and smiled.

"I was starting to think that you weren't going to make it." Jace laughed as he closed his book and got up to go embrace the wolf that was strolling up the hill. He was a grey wolf and dressed smartly in a casual business suit. He was nearly as tall as the stallion, about 6'2" but a little thicker build. Jace was leaner, built like a true racing horse. He was about 6'3", around 238lbs, and has about 8% body fat. He's a sexy stud.

"You know I wouldn't miss this. Hehe.." Kale said as they hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. "They had me doing some last minute programing on the new servers that are coming online next month. The stuff took forEEver...."

Jace just smiled and tried to make it look like he knew what Kale was talking about. He was not a horse of technology and he didn't mind it that way. In fact, his new blackberry phone is still confusing him to this day.

"It's alright. Better late than never, I always say. Hehe.. I brought some sandwiches and snacks for lunch today, if that's cool?"

"Sure! You know I'm not too picky about eating." Kale said, patting his belly, which had a little chub to it, but he still looked good. Lean wolves just aren't that studly. They both turned and went up to the hill for a late lunch. Jace spread out a blanket and started laying out the paper plates, napkins, and cups. Kale helped set everything up as the horse reached back and pulled over a rather large wicker basket and opened the top. It was packed full of all sorts of goodies from sandwiches, to fruit, to cookies, to chips, and a nice bottle of red wine. It was deffanitly a meal fit for more than just two, but in about 45 minutes, there was only a couple apples left and a bag of doritos. Both of them sitting back now against the large oak, they sighed, resting after a very delightful meal.

"I'm really kinda bummed that you won't be able to make it to the convention next weekend... I'm sure a bunch of our friends will be missing you..." Jace said to Kale.

"Yeah, I know, but you know I couldn't get time off of work." There was a little pause. "But you know I wanted to go, right?"

"Oh, of course! It's just going to suck not having you there. I'll be sure to tell everyone that you said hello and all that stuff." Jace leaned over and kissed the wolf on the cheek. Kale looked over and smiled one of his charming smiles as he put a large paw on Jace's thigh and started to rub it. Jace started to smirk.

"MM... I think someone is ready for dessert, don't you think?" The horse said as he leaned over and kissed the wolf on the lips. Scooching closer together, they wrapped their arms around each other and began to passionately kiss one another. With their lips entwined and their hard bodies close, Jace pushed a little and laid the wolf down on his back. Murring, the horse shifted over on top of Kale, loving the feeling of having his mate so close to him again. Not known for his pacience, Jace started to unbutton the dress shirt that Kale had been wearing under his jacket. Kale took heed with Jace's advaces and went straight for the goods. Pulling open the horse's belt to his pants, Kale worked on the fly to his jeans and in a second he had them open and he was reaching inside. He smirked for a second as they continued to make out, feeling the horse had been freeballing. His thick sheath was already swelling and more than a pawful. ‘Such a hung stud...' Kale thought to himself as he started to stoke and grope the best he could inside his jeans. Jace had masterfully opened up Kale's shirt in seconds and had his big hands grinding up and down the wolf's tummy, making him squirm. He broke the kiss.

"MMmm... seems I can always find your buttons pup. Heheheh..." Jace joked as he slide his fingers down under the waist of Kale's slacks making the wolfie gasp and tence up. He teased the ends of his fingers over the top of Kale's sheath and even prodded a finger down into the hole where he could feel his thick shaft and head already starting to come out. Jace pulled back his hand and slowly licked the finger that was just in Kale's cock pocket. He murred again, gleaming down at his mate. "Juuuust right... hehe..." He shifted away and Kale was forced to let go of the horse's large male toy. Turning more to a 69 position, Jace laid on his side and started to undo the fly to Kale's pants while Kale had already had his open. Wanting that monster cock in his eager maw, Kale shoved his paws into Jace's fly and hefted out the thick meat. Not even half way hard, Jace's cock measured well over a foot and was about as thick as a boy's wrist. Waisting not another second, Kale sucked in the floppy piece of dick into his mouth, taking in as much he could in a single gulp. Jace meeped and gasped. He looked down at Kale a littlw shocked.

"Easy there killer... I knew you wanted it, but not that much. Hehe.." He jested the wolf before looking back between Kale's legs. He had opened up the fly and pulled down his briefs, but it still was a little too tight. Putting his thumbs in the elastic waistband of Kale's draws, he started to tug them down with the slacks. The wolf helped by raising his hips up, letting them slide off his round rump and down to his thighs. With Kale's groin completly exposed to the hungry horse, Jace licked his lips and dove on it.

Opening his mouth wide, Jace shoved in the tip of the thick cock as well as, as much of the sheath he could suck in as well. He knew the wolf was loving cause he could hear him whimper and shutter. Murring, Jace started to bob his head, absolutly loving being able to feel the canine cock grow and swell into his mouth. He took deep thrusts down onto the slick shaft, waiting to feel it tickle the back of his throat. His hands didn't stop either; one of them went up and pinched one of his nipples and the other went to tug and pull of the heavy set of low hangers between Kale's thick thighs.

On the other side, Kale had gotten Jace nearly fully hard and was doing his best to stretch his jaws wide enough to take more than just the flaired out head of the horse cock into his mouth and attempt to swallow it down his throat. The horse was just too hung though. That didn't mean that Jace wasn't enjoying every second of it though. If you know anything about a horse's male anatomy, the most sensitive parts of a horse's penis, is the edges around his cock head. So, as nearly three feet of cock was jutting out of Jace's jeans, Kale had his hard foot long boasting out his sheath and thicker than a steel reserve can. The horse could just barely get his hand round the very fat base of his cock. See, what Jace had Kale beat in length, Kale had him beat in girth. You take your pick...

At that moment, Kale was all hot and ready for a good yiffing with his mate. He popped Jace's dick out of his maw and looked down to the horse with all too familure grin. Jace knew exactly what that grin meant too. In a flash, they were both back up and in another blink of an eye, Kale was on all fours, facing the tree, and Jace was behind him with a big tube of ‘Bunny Boi' lube. It's about the best you can buy.

Grinning as he laid his hard cock on the wolf's back, he ran a big squeeze of lube down the top of his dick. Then, using both hands, he greased up his rod and he could feel the excitement growing as he kept his eyes on his mate and his mate's ass, ‘so round and perfect' he thought.

Jace had to back up a good ways before he could rub his massive tool up and down the wolf's crack, getting it all slick and preped for a good hard yiffing. Jace tested the water's first before plumoting his monster into his dear friend's corn hole. He aimed his fat cock head up against Kale's tailstar before pushing in gently. Kale moaned out load and gripped the grass with his fists. Jace stopped.

"You okay pup?" He asked quietly.

"D-don't... *pant-pant* dontstop..." Kale was panting louder, breathing heavy, and shivering with anxioty. He really wanted it bad, Jace could tell. So he did as he was asked. Slowly but surely, Jace pressed his cock into the wolf and he felt his heart fultter as he watched his dick head disapear slowly into the wolf's backside, followed by inch after inch after inch after inch of thick horse meat. About a foot and a half in, Jace hit something that made Kale flinch and got his hair all to stick up on end. Jace just smirked, pulled back a couple inches and pushed back in. Again, he hit the mark, cause a louder moan and a shutter from his mate. He teased a couple more times before a shout came from Kale.

"OH JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!!!" He shouted, having enough of the horrid teasing. Jace reeled back and slammed his cock in. Over two feet of his massive tool plunged deep into the wolf's guts. Kale howled and his canine cock squirted about 6 shots of clear pre onto the ground below him. Past the wall, Jace knew he wouldn't last long. So reaching out and grabbing the wolf's hips hard, he started to thrust and thrust hard into Kale's round ass. Each ram of his cock forced another inch deeper into his bowels until Jace felt his lean muscular hips slapping hard off the wolf's backside. Reaching that mile stone, Jace reached up and slapped the wolf's ass cheek hard, making him squeel. Kale was moaning now like a two dollor hooker on nickle night.

Harder and harder, Jace fucked his mate's backside. He could feel the orgasm start to come and build fast. He knew there was precious few seconds left. In a flash, he reached out and snagged a tuff of Kale's hair on the top of his head and yanked him back, craning his back in a curve so his dick would go the deepest it's ever gone before. Moaning loudly now too, Jace just a thrust away before he would cum, leaned in and bit hard on the back of the wolf's neck, finally making him his bitch as he pulled back with his hips nearly all the way out before he slammed them back in with such super human force that actually made the ground rumble.

Kale and Jace both howled as they came at the same time, Jace screaming though his cleched teeth over the scruff of Kale's neck and shooting a massive load into Kale's tummy... And Kale, howling a death cry to the clouds as he painted the bark of the tree cream and pearl as he blasted a monster thick load all over the old oak. Seconds then seemed to pass like days as they held that stance for what seemed like an eternity of bliss before Jace slowly let his jaw's loosen and Kale fell forward into a pile of gasping and totally exausted wolfie. Jace stood there on his knees behind the wolf, chest heaving up and down with a thin spray of persperation over his thin brown coat of fur, making his body gleam in the afternoon sun. After a while, he felt himself softening and he pulled out slowly. As he did so, the wolf whimpered and yipped when Jace yanked the fat head to his cock free of the totally abused tail hole. Once free of Kale's backside, Jace rolled to one side of the wolf and collapsed too.

A few moments went by where neither of them said anything nor moved. They just laid there, side by side, catching their breath and their wits back. Kale was the first to break the silence as he shifted and scooted up closer to Jace who was laying now on his back. Half whimpering, half murring, Kale put an arm up over Jace's chest and pulled close to his side. A calm smile of his lips, Kale rested his weary head on his chest and soon sleep caught them both.

Maybe an hour later, there was a noice that maybe only a mouse of quail could hear as a curious creature slowly padded up the hill. The young teen fox, out doing a research project for his science class at school, heard the ruckus that Jace and Kale had been making not too long ago and decided to take a look. What he saw when he came around the tree instantly put a tent in his shorts and made his cute little rump ache.

But... That is another story all together...


((This story to dedicated to a very good and dear friend of mine. I hope he likes and and I hope you do too. Please feel free to leave me comments or email me what you think. [email protected] I am always open to critism, whether good or bad. So please, tell me what you think. Also, if you find any mis-spellings, do tell. Just be nice about it. I wrote this in the dessert of New Mexico, SO GIVE ME A BREAK!! Tee-hee... :3 ))