Dead Cell Chapter Two: Re-Up The Cost

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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Dead Cell Chapter Two: Re-up the Cost Story and Characters © Michael .B ( Max The Wolf [YS] LT_Max_W_Charger {FA}) Disclaimer is here to protect all the little brats and bastards who's parents don't want to protect them or just want to use them in there agenda to shut down all the fury sites and such...cha know...heh anyways no one to read this if you are under 17, 18, or 21 depending on where you on to the story my little fuckers and ENJOY!!!! ================================================================ Story Theme: Whispers In The Dark - Skillet Fight Theme: World Domination - Skindred Story Started: 6-14-2009 Finished: 6-29-2009

  • * * ~{{ 11PM Over Carlson Texas }}~ The ship hovered silently over the town hidden by the darkness, inside Michael stood silently in the cockpit looking out at the moon and darkness, his arms crossed over his chest. Soon the door slid open and Verna slowly stepped in, dressed in a simple pare of tight pants and a black shirt. Slowly she moved over to him while clearing her throat causing the human to turn around and look at her as she then handed over a cup of coffee. "I...had the computer replicate your human form of caffeine, I do hope you like it." Michael slowly took the cup and gave a soft nod. "At the moment...I'd drink tacks and battery acid...thank you Verna." he took a sip of the coffee before he stood there silently, not moving what so ever. This in turn made Verna worried. "Michael? What's wrong?" He looked up slowly as a smile made its way across his face. "This is the best coffee I have ever had." he stepped up to her and placed his hand softly upon her shoulder, softly squeezing before he slowly slipped his hand to her neck, stroking her fur softly causing the she-wolf to murr while closing her eyes and leaning her head to the side. "Wolves are my most loved breed of canines...I don't know why or how you found me on this god forsaken rock but...I'm glad you did. I don't think I have ever been this calm, and clear in years. I don't want you to leave Verna..." he slowly ran his thumb over her cheek while speaking before he slowly moved his hand back to her shoulder and closed his eyes. Verna slowly looked to him, tears slowly forming in her eyes before she softly took the cup from his hand and placed it softly upon the small ledge that formed from the wall, then wrapped her arms around him pulling herself closer to the human, her muzzle inches from his lips as she whispered softly. "And I never want to leave you...even tough you are not from my own breed or family...I love you." she then slowly placed a soft kiss to his lips while giving a soft murr when she felt his arms move around her and hold her close in return. They held the kiss for some time before slowly breaking it. Verna blinked slightly and blushed softly before looking down some. "Uh...I better get back to work on the Cannon. Your armor is also done." she stepped back and walked away to the door before turning back to look at him with a soft smile. "I meant what I said when I told you I love you." Michael gave a soft nod. "I know. I love you too Verna." he smiled and glanced back some "Well can you have the armor set up for me...we need to get some bigger guns and some ammo." he then turned around and sat down in one of the chairs tapping at the controls, glad Verna had taught him the basics about flying the ship. Verna walked out of the room and down the hall while Michael brought the ship down close to the town and right over one of the pawn shops, hovering over the roof before he walked to the lab looking at the large cannon that sat upon the table with wires hooked to it. Verna moved over holding a armored chest plate and a small wristwatch controller before slipping the armor over Michaels head and pressing a button on the watch as the armor formed over his body and forming a full protective covering over the human but he left off the helmet and re-adjusted his hat with a grin.. "You be careful...I don't want to lose you." "Your not going to lose me V...I promise. Now keep this crate ready to fly, and I'll be back fast as I can." he softly patted her shoulder before walking out and to the main hatch of the ship, opening the door and jumping out and to the roof below. He landed in a crouch while pulling out his revolver and checking over the area, soon finding nothing around he made his way to the rooftop service entrance, pulling the metal plate up reviling a ladder that led down into a small room. Slowly descending the latter...thoughts ran through his mind but he pushed them to the side focusing on the matter at hand. Upon reaching the bottom he turned around finding himself inside the closet, slowly he opened the door to find the whole place was pitch black. He cursed himself mentally as he stepped slowly out of the room with the revolver aimed and ready while he stepped over to the counter looking at all the weapons with a grin. Grabbing a few duffle bags he started stuffing one with high powered ammo before one box of ammo caught his eyes...a box of .338 Lupa Magnums, he then turned around and looked over the rifles slowly, checking each one before he found a CZ USA 550 Magnum H.E.T (High Energy Tactical) Bolt-action rifle fitted with a high powered scope and a ten round box magazine He ended up grabbing a AUS 12 semi-auto 12gauge shotgun fitted with a drum clip that mocked the Thompson M1928A1 Machine gun that was so popular in the 1950's detective movies. He also decided to pick up a Beretta Cx4 Storm bull-pup submachine gun loaded with .40calaiber rounds. After gathering up a hefty stock of ammo and weapons he then made his way back to the ladder before a scream from the roof pulled him into action as he climbed up the ladder quickly where he found Verna upon her back against the wall as a infected man stalked its way toward her. "HEY...ASSHOLE! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Michael yelled out, rewarded by getting the attackers attention and becoming its next target. He grinned slightly while pulling the CZ 550 rifle off his back and taking aim after loading a round into the chamber, centering the crosshairs upon the head of his target before he fired. The recoil from the shot hammered his shoulder hard as the bullet blew the infected humans head clean off but still the body remained moving toward its target as a large forming mass of red appeared where its head was, and expanded in size until it was the size of a large basketball, soon it ripped apart reviling a insect like head...two large black eyes that had a honeycomb look to them and two large pincers for its mouth. "Uh...its fly man.." Michael snickered while taking aim once more and fired, the round finding its mark in the neck of the insect like head before the body dropped to the gravel covered roof in a twitching heap. He then moved over to Verna who jumped up and took him in her arms sobbing as her body shook from fear. "Shhh...its all okay...its dead. I'm here Verna. I'm here." he softly stroked her back while kissing her between her ears, trying to comfort her. Soon she calmed down and looked to him. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you...I just got worried and thought something happened to you...the" she trailed off as she started to whimper, tears forming in her eyes once more but was delayed when Michael kissed her softly on the nose. "It's okay. I'm not mad, I'm just glad you're safe." "Not for long." spoke a high pitch voice that caused the human to turn around slowly only to see the same creature he killed, get up as if nothing happened. "You can not win human...We will destroy this pathetic planet and all of its inhabitance. You will not defeat us...we are invincible!! Or Lord and master will come here and make sure that all your resistance is weeded out like useless garbage...and this will be a NEW utopia!! We will RULE THE GALIXCY!!!" Michael shrugged slightly and made sure he stood in front of Verna as he took aim with his rifle while Verna loaded a magazine for the AUS12. "You can think that all you want buddy...but I will not let my world be destroyed by some insect reject like you or your boss...I'll squash all ya into nothing but paste!" "HAHA...Brave words young human...but you will not win...our plans "Will" go on as we live. You can not kill us all." "Well then...if that is the fact...seams I will just have to kill as many of you as I can before I am dead now wont I?" Michael smirked getting ready to fire before soon the infected human fell to its knees as it convulsed, a large bulge formed on its back before rippling. Soon the sound of flesh ripping was heard before it fell away like a second skin, reviling the true form of the adult larva of the Flagnight. It was a cross between a mutated spider, scorpion, and a fly. Its lower body consisting of the spider like legs and body, a scorpions tail, and two pincers, and its upper body of that of a fly with a pare of wings on its back. "I really hate bugs now." he sighed before firing off a round, but utter shock took over his mind when he seen the new form dodge the speeding magnum round like it was nothing but a spitball. " a love and get the ship ready to fly." Verna took off in a sprint toward the ship, moving inside while Michael stood his ground firing off every round in the rifle until the firing pin clicked upon a empty chamber. He then slipped the rifle behind him while pulling out the AUS12 and unloaded two rounds of double ought buckshot, watching as the last shot ripped into the Flagnights side sending it stumbling slightly and that was all he needed as he unloaded the clip into the insects side sending it stumbling closer and closer to the edge of the roof. He then started reloading the shotgun when soon the insect charged him with a high pitched scream. Michael grinned slightly and took a single quick step forward before dropping into a slide, pulling a syringe from his side pack and jamming it into the open wound on the Flagnights side, gathering the DNA he needed just before the creature finished its pass overhead and rounded on him with lightning like speed and sent one of its pincers for Michaels head, but only caught his hat when he rolled to the side before a heavy spray of buckshot slammed into its chest blowing a hole the size of a basket ball in it. But what happened next shocked him greatly when it started to heal over quickly. Soon a idea sprung up, and to make it work he needed time...time he didn't have very much of...he reached into his pack and pulled a block of C4 out and a timed detonator, setting the timer just as the Flagnight got close to him. He once more shot point blank at its chest blasting a hole clean through once more before he stuffed the C4 into the wound just as it started to heal over. Making a sprint to the door of the ship, glad the creature was busy trying to get the explosives out of its chest. He then jumped inside the ship and closed the door. "PUNCH IT VERNA!!" he yelled while running for the cockpit just as the ship rocketed up above the clouds while down below the whole buildings roof and the creature was destroyed. Slowly he sat down in one of the chairs leaning back after removing his armor...his eyes half closed as he sighed deeply. "I fear it may be too-late for the human kind...that damn thing is stronger than the others by far...not to mention it can heal its self with great speed..." Verna looked over to him slowly while setting the ship on auto pilot. "Michael...I have faith in you that you will figure something out. Do you have the DNA sample?" "Yes." "Good...if that is the true form of the Flagnight...the cannon should be done now." Verna slowly stood up and moved to stand behind Michael while wrapping her arms around his neck softly and resting her nose in his hair while speaking once more. "What happened to your hat?" He gave a soft laugh while softly rubbing her arms, the feel of her soft silky fur between his fingers made his whole body relax considerably. "That Flagnight wanted it and I told him he snatched it off my head when it tried to chop my face off." This little statement caused Verna to giggle softly while she breathed in deeply, taking in his scent. "Well at least you are safe." she murred softly while moving in front of him before sitting down in his lap, facing him with a small lupine smile as her muzzle rested inches from his lips. "I want you Michael...I want to be yours for the rest of my life." she the softly kissed him while her claws softly pricked at the back of his neck. Slowly Michaels hands slipped along her sides, and soon up her shirt...the feel of her fur causing him to shiver slightly as he returned the kiss with soft loving affection. Their bodies pressed close to one another before Michael stood up with her in his arms carrying her to the bedroom and laying her down softly upon the bed, the blue sheets accenting Verna's snow white fur and platinum blonde hair. Slowly he leaned down and kissed along her neck while his hands slipped up under her shirt once more, his fingers brushing across her breasts erecting a soft gasping moan from the beautiful lupine. Verna looked up to him with a smile while her paws moved up to slowly unbutton his shirt, one by one a soft snap filled the air with every button that came apart until her paws now ran up his sides then down his chest, her claws softly raking at his skin leaving superficial wounds. Slowly she slipped his shirt off when he leaned up and he then returned the favor, slowly slipping her shirt up and slowly over her head like unwrapping a gift of fine, fragile gold. Michael gave a soft smile as he looked her over, soon noticing a white stripe that ran down between her breasts and disappeared under her pants. Slowly he ran a finger down the stripe causing Verna to giggle softly...soon she gave a deep, long moan of pleasure when he leaned down and placed a gentile kiss to her left breast. The whole experience was so delightful, every touch and move sent shivers of pleasure through both of them. Slowly Verna wrapped her arms around him, her paws slowly trailing down his back before moving to his jeans, then to his belt, unlatching it before switching her attention to the button of his jeans, once done she looked deep into his eyes while her paws softly pushed his jeans down before they were kicked off by the human. Michael only smirked and kissed his way down to just above her pants, removing them with the same slow and delicate perfection style she gave him, when he looked up to her he noticed her blush, a lovely scarlet red upon her cheeks that made her look even more beautiful than anything he ever thought possible. Soon the two lovers were locked in a deep, passionate kiss...their bodies pressed close to one another. Soon Verna broke the kiss, breathing in deeply as she gave a purring murr while adjusting her hips causing Michaels rock hard shaft rub against her dripping wet entrance. Taking the hint, he moved one hand down just under her hips right at the base of her tail while his tip softly brushed against her opening, and with a slow and easy movement he slipped inside her. The burst of sudden pleasure and warmth caused them to both moan in unison. Filling his lupine lover with every inch of his phallus, brushing against her cervix which caused Verna to moan out loudly as her tunnel clinched down upon its pleasure-full intruder, her walls becoming slick with her fluids while her arousal spiked to a all new high. Her tail started to lash back and forth between Michaels legs, the soft fur brushing over his sac causing him to shiver slightly with a moan while his hips moved slowly, giving her deep, slow thrusts. Slowly he picked up the pace, his hand still resting on the base of her tail, his fingers softly rubbing through her fur before slipped from her, leaving just the tip inside her before he hilted himself deep in her with a little more force causing Verna to scream in pure bliss, her hips trembling with pleasure as her climax built up quickly, her tail curling up along his ass with the tip touching the center of his back...that there sent Michael over the edge as he hilted her once more, his climax hitting him hard as he flooded her with his thick seed, in turn setting off Verna's own climax, her howl of pleasure filling the room. As they came down from there high, Verna was first to speak. "How dose one go about getting a ceremonial Mating by law on earth?" Michael looked at her slowly while catching his breath, he then shrugged. "Well first a wedding must be planed...or a Ceremony...then they are to be wed by a Priest or a Judge...someone within the law to grant it." "So just like us...we must have or high council perform the bonding. Is there courtship between the two mates on earth?" "Yes...we mostly call them Dates but yeah we do have courtship and like all others...each is different than the other." Verna smiled, licking across his cheek while she held him close to her, her silky fur rubbing at his skin while she murred loudly at the feeling of him still buried deep inside her. "I would love to have you for my Mate." "I would love no more than to be your mate Verna." Michael replied softly while he returned the lick to her cheek in the lupine fashion of affection. "When we finish this fight...we'll get mated the right way okay?" Verna gave a nod in reply as her eyes slowly started to close, soon falling asleep. Michael smiled watching her sleep for some time before he held her close, following her into sleep, his heart and soul at peace...both of them unaware of what was to come next, and that to live...they would have to pick between two tide turning events...both with a downfall. (To Be Continued.) ================================================================ all waited for all wanted it...this here is the second chapter of Dead Cell...What is to come next will be fun...Also I am truly sorry about the Yiff scene...I'm not good at it less I RP it out with someone...I know...kind of lame huh...well least I try.. And to make up for the lameness...the next chapter will have tons of action to compensate for it...I hope. Comments, Votes, and faves welcome....if you want to point out something...go right ahead, just be nice about it. OH!!! Ending Theme just for the fun of it because I feel in the mood to give a good something to a Amigo who gave me a good review on my Resident Furry The Beginning (Revised) ya go my friend. ( Ending Theme: Big Balls - AC-DC ) < This is for Catsithx for the beautiful comment he gave me. Cya all Next Time!