Just A Little Spells

Story by Cinnamon on SoFurry

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And the first re-post. Also I forgot I made a physics joke in this one.

The introduction of magic into the world eventually proved to have less of a catastrophic impact on the world than was predicted at the time of its discovery. Whether the 'talent', as it was originally named, had been there all along waiting to be explored or was introduced by some outside influence remains a highly debated topic to this day (see Chapter XIV, "Origins") and will likely be for some years to come. Regardless, aside from the introduction of new species (many sentient) into the world's bio-ecosystem, the development and growth of technology, art, psychology and indeed culture has continued an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary developmental arc. It has been compared to the introduction of electricity in terms of its influence on the world today: a gradual integration of these newly-discovered natural laws and capabilities into the world around us. (See: B. Greene's "Magic and String Theory: A Sound and Consistent Theory of Everything").

                                                                                           -- Magic: History and Society, p 127

  "You know what really sucks?" Kyle whined, slumping to the floor dejectedly and landing with a thump and a sigh.

"Hmm? What?" Henry, his roommate, was listening with just one ear turned towards him. Most of his attention was on the stove and the eggs and toast he was pan-frying.

"Everything."  Kyle sighed again, dramatically.

"Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad," Henry said, with extra perkiness in his voice to try and offset Kyle's gloom, but without looking at him. "It's not like he hates you."

"But he hates me!" Kyle whimpered, picking at his shoelaces. The husky's ears drooped, flipping down at the tips. Even his whiskers hung low.

Henry rolled his eyes. "He doesn't hate you! Are you even listening to me?" The tiger turned and faced Kyle, arms crossed with the spatula wedged under one elbow. "Why would Greg hate you?" He didn't know why he bothered to try and cheer up his friend. Kyle had a habit of staying resolutely depressed when he decided the world was out to get him, as he apparently believed now.

Kyle flumped over on his side bonelessly, sprawling out on the floor. "Becauuuuse. I spilled it all over him. How could I be so stupid?"

"Don't be silly. You're not stupid," Henry said reassuringly. "You're clumsy, but you're not stupid."

Kyle, by way of answer, moaned as if he were bleeding to death.

"Oh for heaven's sake." Exasperated, Henry stepped over the prone canine to get the salt shaker. "Just because you spilled a little coffee on the dog of your dreams doesn't mean you get to spend the whole day moping. Up. Up!"

He nudged Kyle in the side with one foot, urging the dog reluctantly to a sitting position.  "I said up! Go get the milk from the box outside, I haven't brought it in yet." He resisted the urge - barely - to prod him harder. Say, for example, at 'kick' levels of prodding. Not that he'd ever kick his friend for real, but right now the thought of it was starting to sound appealing.

The husky moved like a marionette being dragged upwards as he got to his feet, sliding up the cupboard door until he was just at what could be called 'standing', his shoulders slumped. "Fiiiiine." He stomped off in shoes made of lead. "You prolly want it cold, too," he mumbled under his breath.

"Sure, whatever," Henry said distractedly, returning to the eggs. Abruptly he straightened up, eyes widening. "Wait, no! Kyle, I meant no!" he shouted.

The husky was already trudging back into the kitchen, holding up the milk bottle and muttering an incantation under his breath. A few swipes of his fingers and nothing more than frost began to form on the side of the bottle, much to Henry's surprise. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Kyle didn't notice, leaning up against the counter and still holding the now-forgotten bottle. "Why do these things always have to happen to me?" he whimpered. "I never spill stuff on customers, ever! Then Greg shows up with his friends, and I get his table, all they want is coffee and pie, and I go to get it, and - Ack!"

With a yap Kyle dropped the milk bottle, which was now covered in a rapidly thickening layer of ice. Frozen milk and glass scattered across the tile while the patch of frost spread alarmingly, prompting the husky to dance away with another shriek and to scramble up the counter. "Henry! Fixit fixit fixit!"

Henry practically threw the spatula into the pan of eggs, whirling around quickly. "Kyle! Damnit!" The tiger dropped his voice and mumbled a rapid series of spells, drawing shapes in the air that glowed briefly before fading away. After the first, the patch of ice stopped its advance. After the second, chunks of frozen milk and frosty glass abruptly turned back into liquid (and warmed glass). And after the third, the entire mess rushed towards itself into a more reasonable-sized puddle, glass piled in the middle. Henry sighed.

"Kyle-" Henry started.

"I know, I know," Kyle said with a sigh, sliding off the counter and fetching the dustpan and brush. "No magic in the house. How come I can't, but everyone else can?"

"Because you're clumsy," Henry said with a sigh of his own. "And because every time you try, something goes wrong."

That was a bit of an understatement. Kyle's mistakes weren't so much mistakes as they were monumental fuckups that threatened to rip the very fabric of spacetime. Not literally of course - not even Kyle could do that - but sometimes it seemed like it.

"Not every time," Kyle whined. "Remember when I cleaned the garage?"

"Yes, Kyle, I remember," Henry said, turning back to the now-burnt toast and eggs. "By using an expanding spell and blowing everything out to the walls. We were picking bicycle pieces out of the rafters for days. You still owe Stephen a new front wheel, too." He frowned at the charred bread and poked at it with the spatula.

"But it was clean!" Kyle dumped the wet glass into the garbage.

"You didn't clean it, Kyle, you made it worse!"

"What's the difference, anyway." He was back to sounding morose.

"The difference is, we're not supposed to have to clean up from cleaning up. Just let it go." Henry flipped the smoking toast out of the pan and onto a plate, regarding the sad-looking fried egg in the middle. "You want this?"

"It's burned," Kyle mumbled. "And I'm not hungry."

"Of course you're not," Henry said, and grunted. "Have you considered calling him?"


"To talk to him, maybe? To say you're sorry for spilling coffee on him?" He took an experimental bite of the toast, grimaced and chewed open-mouthed. It was still hot.

"He probably doesn't even want to talk to me ever again and stuff," Kyle said, pushing a piece of glass around on the countertop by wiggling a finger at it dejectedly. "It was right in front of his friends and everyone."

"Well, he probably doesn't want you to serve him coffee anymore. But that doesn't mean he never wants to talk to you again. And besides, what's the harm in apologizing?"

"Whatever." The glass piece flipped over a couple of times, then cracked.

Henry strode over to where the husky sat, taking him by both shoulders and straightening him up. Kyle looked everywhere but at him. "Don't you whatever me. If you really are in love with this guy, you need to make yourself attractive to him, first thing. And acting like your cat just died isn't attractive to anyone."

"You're not dead," Kyle mumbled.

"Exactly." Henry leaned in and planted a kiss on Kyle's limp lips with a smile. "Buck up, little camper. Like the saying goes, if you love something, spill coffee on it. If it comes back to you, it's meant to be."

"Very funny." But the husky's lip wrinkled.

"What is that?" Henry smiled wider.

"What's what?" The other lip crinkled.

"That. Right there. Is that a smile I see?"

"No..."  But Kyle started giggling in spite of himself.

"I think it is..."

"No it's not... Stop it!" Kyle pushed at the tiger even as he giggled harder.

"Oh ho, I think it is... Who's a giggly little husky, huh? Is it you? You are?"

"Aaugh! Stop it!" Kyle was laughing outright now, giving Henry a final shove and flopping back against the cupboards. He grinned. "Ok, ok, you win! I'll call him, ok?"

"Thatta boy!" Quickly, Henry grabbed the husky's head in both paws and give him another kiss, this time on the forehead of the again-struggling dog. "And remember what I said: Make yourself attractive!"

Kyle pushed him away with a wag of his tail. "I said I would! What could go wrong?"


"HENRY! Come quick, something went wrong!" Kyle wailed from upstairs.

Sitting in front of the TV, the tiger let out a sigh and punched mute on the remote. "What now," he mumbled under his breath. Then, much louder: "What?"

"I said, something's wrong! Help!" Kyle sounded panicked.

"What is it? I'm watching TV!" Henry shouted. He knew, from experience, that it didn't take much to panic the husky.

There was a pause. "Um... Something!"

"Is it on fire?"

"Is it what?"

Henry growled to himself. "Is it on fire?" he shouted louder.

"Oh... No!"

"Is it flooding the house?"


"Are you bleeding?"

A pause. "I don't think - No!"

Henry rolled his eyes. "Then come down here and tell me!" he shouted.

"I... All right." The last word was quieter. Resigned.

Henry cursed under his breath and un-muted the TV, turning his attention back to it.

"-and just try a few simple kitchen spells guaranteed to help you around the house! They're so easy anyone can do them! When we return, to 'The Sorcerer's Sous-Chef!'"

As the commercials came on, the tiger heard footsteps behind him. "Um, Henry?"

Henry's nose twitched, catching some unfamiliar scent wafting in. It smelled faintly of cookies. He craned his neck to look back over his shoulder to see Kyle standing there, paws clasped in front of himself and fingers wiggling around nervously. Wisps of pink smoke drifted from them.

"I, uh... Think I goofed," he said.

Henry groaned. "What did you do? Were you trying to cook again?"


Henry's nose twitched again. Whatever someone was cooking, it smelled good. Maybe it was from outside. "Are you sure?"

Kyle glared at him, sullen and defiant. "Yes."

"Then what is it?"

Kyle skulked around the sofa, sitting down onto it carefully with his paws still in front of him. Henry watched him curiously. "Remember what you said? About, um, Greg?"

"Yeah, of course. Did you call him?"

"N-no... Not yet. I was going to, but then I remembered the other thing you said. About, um, being attractive?"

"Ye-es..." The tiger said slowly.

"So I thought I could, um... Try some... Y'know... Magic, and stuff..."

Henry slapped a paw over his eyes, groaning in frustration. "Kyle..."

"I know! I know what you said, and I know I shouldn't have, but I thought... I could, y'know, just do a small spell! A little one! I wasn't trying to like love potion him or anything!"

"Christ, I hope not! You'd probably kill him." Henry took the paw from his eyes, taking a breath and heaving a sigh while he readjusted his shorts. He felt vaguely uncomfortable all of a sudden. "So what happened? You look fine. Did it work?"

"I th-think so," Kyle mumbled.

"What was it?"

"I tried a... couple. There were two that were almost the same, so I thought maybe if I just did them both at the same time-"

Henry gaped at him. "You what?"

"They were like practically the same! Just a few different words and they weren't even the important ones!" Kyle was practically wailing now.

"You mixed two spells together and cast it on someone you're in love with? Kyle, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

"I didn't cast it on him," Kyle said reproachfully.

"Oh, great! So you cast it on yourself? Dammit, Kyle!" He tugged up his shorts again, growling in frustration. "So what were they?"

"I wanted to be... attractive to him. So I found a spell for, like, getting a guy all into you or whatever, and one that was just to make guys like you... Affinity spells and stuff. Like they were the same thing!" Kyle had his legs pressed together and his paws in his lap.

"Kyle, all affinity spells sound mostly the same. That doesn't mean they are the same."

"Well I know that now!" He chewed his lip. "I just had some of his... fur, I think, from when I was helping him clean up at the diner, and so I thought if I just did a little spell..."

"Oh yeah, just a little affinity spell. Hardly anything at all," Henry said sarcastically. I'm surprised you didn't blow the house up!"

"Stop making fun of me!" Kyle whimpered, frowning hard enough to crease his muzzle. "I really screwed up!"

"What the hell is that smell?" Henry said distractedly, looking around in confusion.

Kyle's nose twitched. "What smell? I don't smell anything."

Henry shook his head. "Whatever. Anyway, you seem fine. It probably didn't even work. Did you say all the words right?"

"It worked," Kyle said. "I think."

"How do you know? What happened?"

Shuffling to his feet reluctantly and staring at the floor, Kyle hitched up his shirt at the front and hooked a thumb into his shorts, pulling down the front.

Henry froze, eyes wide. "Holy shit."

"I know!" Kyle wailed.

The husky wasn't wearing underwear. That wasn't unusual. What was unusual was underneath his shorts, where he should have been sporting a snowy-white sheath and healthy scrotum underneath, was instead a patch of soft-looking downy white fur doing little to hide the pink skin of a slit beneath. While Henry watched, a dribble of clear liquid slid down the inside of Kyle's thigh, and the husky whimpered pleadingly.

"You're a girl!" Henry said incredulously.

"No I'm not!" Kyle wailed. "Look!" He pulled his shirt up the rest of the way, his body by all appearances - save for what he had (or didn't have) between his legs - looking decidedly male. Retaining the flat muscled stomach, the narrow hips, and entire lack of feminine breasts (he checked), Kyle looked almost exactly the same as he always had. Almost, except for the fact that his cock had been replaced with a vagina.

"Well where'd it go!?" Henry demanded.

"How should I know!?" Kyle let his shorts snap back up and his shirt fall, flopping onto the couch into a seated position. "I told you, I was just trying to use an affinity spell. Spells." He threw his head back on the cushion and stared at the ceiling. "Why does this always happen to me?!"

Henry shook his head, covering his face with both paws for a moment and taking a deep breath. Letting it out, he shook his head, rubbed his muzzle hard and dropped his paws. "Alright. First things first. This wasn't a permanent spell, right? Please tell me you didn't try that."

"No... I don't even know any."

"Good. So that's something. That means it'll wear off no matter what we do. Have you got the reversal spell?"

"I told you... It wasn't just one."

Well, then, do you have the reversal spells?"

"I didn't... No."

"For fuck's sake... Kyle!"

"Stop yelling at me!" Kyle moaned.

"I'm not yelling!" Henry yelled. Then, catching himself, he lowered his voice. "You're going to be fine. This is just a little... mishap, is all. Jeezus, Kyle."

"Can you fix it?"

Henry heaved a sigh. "No."


"Did I stutter? No, I can't fix it! You can't just mix a bunch of spells together and get something stable out of it, Kyle. If you were hurt or dying we could probably get help, but if it's not life-threatening no mage is going to muck around trying to undo something that'll fix itself. That could just make it worse."

"But my-" Kyle gestured frantically to his crotch. "It's gone!"

"It'll be back." Henry tried to sound both reassuring and patient even though he felt neither.

"I want it back right now!" Kyle whined.

"Well, you can't have it back right now. Obviously."

"But where did it go? What if someone else got it?"

"Kyle, I have no idea. You're the one who did the spell. But if they did, I'm sure they're taking good care of it. And also they're probably a little surprised." He looked back between the husky's legs again. "Does it hurt?"

"How should I know? It's gone!" Kyle whined.

Henry gritted his teeth. "I meant what you have now."

"No... It feels funny, but it doesn't hurt." He poked at himself through his shorts and trembled visibly.

"Don't do that. Let me see it."

Kyle whimpered again, lifting his butt up and pushing his shorts down to his knees. The slit of his feminine sex looked wetter now, the fur matted down on his thighs. Henry leaned in close to examine it.

"How does it look?"

Henry lowered his head further. "Good," he mumbled quietly, exhaling at the end in a quiet growl. "It looks fine," he corrected himself.

"What?" Kyle was squirming now, paws on either side of his legs, keeping the weight off of his backside gingerly. Henry's large striped head kept lowering, dipping so close that his breath wafted over the sensitive, moist skin.

"I said..." His voice trailed off to silence for a moment as he stared in obvious fascination, before he muttered an almost surprised, "What the fuck-" Without warning his muzzle delved between the husky's legs, muzzle pushing to the husky's wet slit to first mouth and lick at it, then dig his tongue in deep to lap roughly around the inside of the quivering passage.

Kyle yelped, clutching at the tiger's head with both paws as his hips bucked upwards. Looking as if he intended to push his friend away, he instead grabbed a double fistful of fur and pulled him further in, looking just as surprised himself. "Henry!" Sharp, sensitive jolts of pleasure had him going rigid and his body curling over, hunching his hips up to meet the tiger's snout.

Loud wet slobbering and slurping came from the tiger's eager tongue slurping around and inside the husky's pussy, devouring him as if it was a starving man getting his first meal in a week. "What..." slurp lick slurp "Did you..." lap slurp "Do?" Henry was trying to form words even as he grabbed onto Kyle's slim thighs, prying them apart so he could push his muzzle further between them. It was, at that moment, the most wonderful thing he'd ever tasted.

"I... Ah, ugh... T-told you. Af-f-finity sp-spell..." He cried out, bucking his hips again, his shorts squirming down his legs. "To m-m-make guys w-want me... Oh fuck, Henry..."

The tiger was licking in long, rasping laps now along Kyle's cunt, as if grooming it. He had the husky bent almost in half, legs up and spread wide with both paws wrapped around the dog's thighs, pausing just long enough to yank his sweatpants off the pole of his erection and let it spring free. His breathing was shallow and labored as he shuffled his knees underneath himself and began to kiss and lick his way up Kyle's body, from the husky's belly, to his chest, to the hollow of his neck.

"You taste amazing," Henry gasped, in the voice of a drug addict describing the hit he'd just injected. "So fucking good..." His hips nestled between Kyle's spread legs, humping slowly and carefully, hunting instinctively for the right spot as his cock dragged along the dog's thigh.

"Henry, I don't... Wait..." Even while he was protesting with words Kyle was rolling his hips into position, wrapping his legs around his roommate and pulling him in towards where the tiger was obviously intent on landing. "I d-don't know if this is a g-g-good idea." Even as he said it the husky reached down, taking his roommate's thick erection and guiding it towards his slit, the blunt head caught just outside his fist.

"I can't help it!" Henry breathed urgently into his ear, humping short and eager thrusts that rubbed the underside of his cock against Kyle's cunt, smearing the slick juices along the smooth flesh, probing and pushing until his cockhead slipped between the soft, wet lips and snagged on the edge of the warm entrance.

Kyle gasped the moment it touched, whatever resolve he had gone, and he tightened his legs and hunched his hips to meet the tiger's. In one swift, clumsy thrust Henry sank into him, hard enough and fast enough to make the husky go rigid again, wincing and hissing sharply through his teeth. "Ffffff-"

Henry began to hump, roughly working his cock deeper into the husky's soaked, heated  pussy in short and rapid strokes. Kyle let go of his cock and just grabbed the tiger's backside, digging in blunt claws and trying to pull him deeper even as he continued his wincing and whimpering at the intensity of the lovemaking. He'd fucked Kyle any number of times before - but never like this, and the feeling of it was completely different to what he was accustomed to; every drive of his dick into the husky sent a shockwave through both of their bodies that Kyle obviously wasn't even close to recovering from before the next one hit, leaving him gulping for air and almost choking on his own desperate cries.

Henry was relentless; from the moment he'd de-virginized his whimpering roommate his hips had been jackhammering away without pause. If anything, he got more insistent the longer it went on, kissing and biting at Kyle's neck between snorts of hot, panted breath. But the frenzied pace meant it wasn't long before the tiger began to growl in the back of his throat, Kyle's whimpers rising in pitch and volume in anticipation. And moments later, with them both gasping the other's name, Henry gave a few short, staccato thrusts before unloading into the squealing dog's new (and no longer quite so unused) pussy. A few more thrusts, and the tiger buried himself to the balls and held himself there, cock pulsing to gush more seed into the dog's willing and eager cunt.

It was the most intense orgasm Henry had ever experienced, and it just kept coming, for so long he got light-headed. It was the feeling of a deep, visceral need being satisfied, and he found himself clenching his muscles to instinctually try to unload as much cum as he could into the already-drenched pussy fluttering around his cock.

  Kyle whined again. The tiger's cock was uncomfortably large, and now, even with slippery seed filling him enough to be leaking back out again, he was acutely aware of every inch of his new 'parts' - even the slightest motion of Henry's dick made him shudder. It hurt, yes, but the feeling was shot through with exquisite pleasure that felt like the inklings of an orgasm - or what he'd imagine an orgasm must feel like.

They stayed like that for long, dreamy minutes, the husky panting hard, and Henry growling thickly in his chest, the sound lazy and content, almost a purr. After a while the tiger lifted up and looked down at Kyle. He blinked, shook his head and sudden worry creased his face.

"Shit... I can't believe... Shit!" Looking down, Henry seemed to just now realize he was still buried to the balls in his roommate's freshly-fucked pussy. He jerked his hips back fast, fast enough for them both to spasm at the sudden and surprisingly intense jab of oversensitivity. "Kyle, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." He gestured at the mess. "This. Shit." He hurriedly pulled his sweats back up, as if hiding the evidence of it would make it better.

The dog lay there panting, trying to catch his breath and waving a paw in a kind of 'wait a second' motion. A moment later he swallowed, licked his lips... And smiled.

"That was awesome," he finally breathed.

Henry looked at him carefully, his own chest still rising and falling heavily. "You're... Ok?"

Kyle struggled to his elbows and drew his knees up, a dazed grin plastered across his muzzle. "Are you kidding me? That was amazing! Can we do it again?" He looked down, at where he was leaking cum onto the couch cushions, and reached down to scoop some up with a finger. "Jeez, you came a lot, too."

The tiger held up both paws. "Hold it, just slow down. You're sure you're ok with it?"

Kyle looked up from his crotch, blinking. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because! I just fucked you! In the, uh, your..." He paused, then smiled in spite of himself. "Wow. You're really ok with it?"

"I think so." He gave a mischievous smile. "But maybe we should do it again to make sure."

Henry raised both eyebrows... And grinned in return. "I think we-"

ding dong!

The doorbell ringer was on the wall of the living room, and it clanged loud enough to make them both jump. Kyle giggled nervously. With only a look between them they agreed to ignore it, Henry getting ready to climb aboard again, until a moment later it rang again. Then again, and then someone was banging on the door.

"I'd better see who it is," Henry said reluctantly and struggled to his feet. His erection, still stiff and wet from having just been inside the husky, took some effort to stuff back into his pants. Kyle had a much easier time of it just tugging up his shorts - although he had to cover himself and the wet spot between his legs with a pillow when the cotton shorts was soaked through almost instantly.

Still with the scent sharp in his nose Henry stumbled to the rattling door, more annoyed now than curious who it was that was so insistent on getting their attention. "Awright awright, hold your horses, jeezus!"

Henry flung the door open to find a wolf bitch standing there glowering at him. The glare was so intense he felt his anger drain away, to be replaced with vaguely annoyed uncertainty, and even that was melting under her steely gaze. He suddenly felt about three inches shorter. The tiger was pretty built, but the wolfess was about as tall as he was and looked, right now, like the Wu-Tang Clan - nothing to fuck with. She seemed to be about their age, maybe 25, with a lush gray pelt and eyes of blue ice chips sharp enough to seem like they could cut him just from looking at him.

"Just what the shit do you think you're playing at?" she snarled. "It was you, wasn't it?"

"What are you talking about? Hey!" Henry had barely finished the sentence when the wolfess pushed her way inside without waiting for an invitation.

"Don't play stupid with me," the wolfess growled on her way past him, stopping in the middle of the room with her arms crossed and turning to scowl at the tiger. She hadn't, it seemed, noticed the cowering and wide-eyed Kyle on the sofa. "I know it was you. I can smell it. Hand it over."

Henry stared back at her in befuddlement, brow furrowed. He considered ordering the bitch out, but, upon concluding that that would probably end badly, closed the door instead and tried to sound gruff. "Lady, I'm sorry, I don't have the slightest idea what we did. Or have. Or whatever. Why don't you just calm down-"

Bad idea. "Calm down. Calm down? Do you have any idea how many fucking laws you broke you asshole? I should have called the cops instead of coming down here myself, but I thought I'd give you a chance to be reasonable. Was this a joke, or are you just some sick fuck who gets off on illegal spells? Because I've got a few I could show you." She dropped her arms, and electric blue arcs - not just the color, actual electricity - jumped between her claws, crackling ominously. Even her tail fur was puffed out, as if she was holding onto one of those science metal ball things, and Henry could smell ozone. Not good.

From behind her, Kyle looked like he was trying to disappear under the small pillow in his lap, scrunched down in his seat and knees drawn up. Henry held up both paws and pointedly did not say the first thing that came to mind (another appeal to calm was unlikely to have the desired effect). Instead he tried a different tack. "Wait, just wait a second, okay? Hi, my name's Henry. I don't know what has you so mad, but why don't you tell me so we can work it out? I promise I didn't do anything to you."

The glow at the wolfess's fingertips got brighter for a moment, and the smell of ozone became stronger... But then she relaxed visibly and the flickering blue light faded. The frown stayed right where it was. "I don't care what your name is. You want to know what's wrong? This is what's wrong." Before Henry could say a thing she'd shoved down the front of the oversized (so much so they didn't look like they belonged to her) gym shorts. From within spilled a disturbingly familiar-looking sheath, snow white and with a generous pair of balls hanging underneath.

There was no way Kyle could see from the couch what Henry saw, but the husky let out a squeak nonetheless. The wolfess whirled around at the sound, letting go of her shorts so fast the waistband simply snugged up behind her balls, and she brought up both paws in a magical attack position. Henry's hollered "WAIT!" was the only thing keeping her from letting loose on the poor shivering canine.

"Who the hell are you!?" the wolf bitch shouted. Then, apparently realizing she had her junk on display, hurriedly and fumblingly yanked her shorts up. It took her a few tries - she kept trying to just pull them straight up and they kept catching on her masculine equipment, until finally she managed to stretch it over and cover herself.

"I'm Kyle," Kyle said in a very small voice.

"I don't care what your name is, either!"

"B-b-but you asked," Kyle stammered.

A visible shiver of anger went from the wolfess's toes, up her legs and torso and ending at her ears, like she was having a mini-seizure. Once it passed, though, she appeared calmer than she had since arriving. Or at least more under control. "Fine. Kyle and -" She looked over her shoulder warily. "Whatever your name is, I-"

"Henry," Henry reminded her.

"I don't care!" the wolf shouted.

"She doesn't care!" Kyle wailed at the same time, in a clumsy attempt at peacekeeping.

There was a moment of relative calm as they all stood there; Kyle and the wolfess momentarily flummoxed, Henry wary. Eventually, the wolfess spoke again, clearly making a great effort to keep her voice steady.

"I am here because about an hour ago I was minding my own business." Her nose twitched, and she paused. "Hmph. Minding my own business, when one of you two fuckers thought it'd be fun or something to play 'swap the junk' with my junk. What's so damn funny?"

Henry was trying, and failing, not to giggle. He really, honestly did not want to be laughing right now, but he couldn't help himself. The whole situation was so ridiculous, so straight out of a bad comedy flick, that every time he tried to bite back the giggling it just made him snort, which made him start giggling again. "Nothing, I'm sorry, it's just... I'm really sorry. You're right. It's not funny." He took a deep breath, held it, and let it out carefully. That did it. "Miss -" he decided 'miss' would work better than 'lady' - "I promise this wasn't anything on purpose. My friend, he's a little... clumsy."

The wolfess whirled, glaring at Kyle. "So it was you," she said, quietly and with more venom than Henry wanted to hear.

"Can I have my penis back?" the husky whimpered. "I'm really sorry."

"Can you-" the wolfess snapped, then hesitated. "This wasn't on purpose?"

Kyle shook his head mournfully.

"You've got to be kidding me." She rubbed her forehead and sagged.

Henry made his way carefully around her, giving the wolfess a wide berth so as not to appear threatening until he was next to Kyle. She didn't seem angry anymore, but he still would prefer him and Kyle to be a united front if shit went down. Not that the husky would be much help in a magic fight. "I promise, miss, Kyle had no idea what he was doing."


"Shut up, Kyle. You didn't."

Kyle shut up and looked miffed.

The wolfess frowned and rubbed her elbow, nose twitching. "You're lucky I didn't call the cops."

"...How did you find us?" Henry ventured, trying to engage her in some kind of conversation that didn't involve her cussing them out, threatening them, or both.

She made a face. "You think I'm too stupid to be able to cast a find spell on my own body parts? Speaking of, if your friend there wanted his stupid cock back so bad why didn't he come looking for me?"

Henry had to admit he felt a little foolish for not having thought of that, but he didn't say so. "He doesn't know how," he said, truthfully. "And we-" he caught himself before plainly admitting something that could get them both killed, such as what they'd been doing instead of looking for Kyle's wayward equipment. She would probably figure it out eventually but there was no reason to tempt fate. "I told you, he's clumsy. We didn't think of it."

The wolfess rolled her eyes and dropped herself onto the sofa uninvited. "Clumsy, huh?" She sounded wrung out now. "Swapping private parts with a random stranger isn't clumsy. Clumsy is like dropping the milk or something."

"I do that too," Kyle said. He looked less terrified now, sitting up on the sofa and clutching the pillow to his lap but still leaning well away from the wolf bitch.

"Yeah, well I wish that was all you did," she said scornfully. She lifted up the waistband of her shorts, glaring down accusingly at her lap. "I can't believe you guys even haul all this stuff around. It's a pain in the ass." She let the waistband snap back and looked between them. "My name's Cory, by the way. I'd say nice to meet you but it's really not. Well, let's get on with it. Which one of you jackasses has the reverse spell?"

Kyle and Henry exchanged a look.

"Fuck. Fuck!" Cory shouted. "At least tell me you didn't use a permanent spell!"

"It's not!" Kyle yelped. "I promise it's not! I don't know any!"

"He really doesn't," Henry said, sitting down on the other side of Kyle.

Cory's nose twitched and she blinked, twice. "Well good," she said, momentarily distracted, and her forearm fell to her lap to rest on the incongruous bulge she was sporting. "You could have killed me you know," she said to Kyle. "Both of us."

Kyle nodded.

"We know," Henry said, patting Kyle on the shoulder reassuringly. "But he didn't, and it's not permanent, so please don't do it for him now. Okay? Let's just talk this out. Did you want something to drink?"

"Yes," Cory said tightly. "Whiskey please, if you've got it. And not blended shit."

Henry got to his feet and headed over to the bar they had in the living room, just an old entertainment center they stored they liquor in. "You want ice?"

"Yes, and lots of it. Don't you two own an air conditioner? It's hot as balls in here."

It wasn't, Henry thought, but he didn't say anything. He made the drink, pouring just water for Kyle, and brought them over to them. He wasn't thirsty himself at the moment, although he found he did feel hungry. "You know, it's kind of funny, most girls don't drink whiskey, but with you right now-"

"Don't," Cory interrupted him flatly. "It's not funny at all. I feel like I'm carrying a water balloon and a sack of marbles between my legs."

"Hey!" Kyle protested. "I don't have marbles!"

"Okay then, big marbles, if it makes you feel better, dog," the wolfess grumbled, and took a swallow of the whiskey, grimacing. "Ugh." Then she looked at Kyle suspiciously. "How do I know you got mine?"

Kyle blinked at her, and so did Henry. "What?"

"How do I know you got my pussy?" she said. "It could have jumped around, you know. You fuck up a spell like that, anything can happen."

"We... don't, I guess," Kyle said, faintly surprised. "But I have someone's. You said you followed a spell here. Who else'd would it be?"

Cory heaved a sigh. "How should I know? As much as I don't want to ask, could you please show me? I'd rather not find out some other random stranger is having his way with my vagina at the moment."

Kyle looked to his other side at Henry for reassurance, who just shrugged and nodded. She was right; there was no guarantee that what Kyle was sporting belonged to her. Stranger things had happened.

Looking unhappy about it, Kyle reluctantly let the pillow slide from his lap. The wet spot was larger now, covering almost all of the husky's crotch, and probably, Henry thought, soaking into the couch by now. It was right about then that the tiger started to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea, because the scent that had been muffled a moment ago by the pillow was suddenly a lot stronger - cookies again, or something like it -  and Henry felt his erection growing quickly. He dropped an arm to his crotch to hide it. Cory seemed to notice it too, her nose wrinkling.

The husky hiked up his shirt and slid his shorts down to his knees, lifting up his ass to get them over the curve of his rump. His pussy looked... Well, it looked like Henry had spent a while eating it out and fucking it, because spit, cum and juices now matted down the fur of Kyle's thighs, a trickle of white still leaking from the soft pink slit.

Cory noticed, because her eyes narrowed. But at the same time her chest began to rise and fall faster, her (fairly amply) bosom accentuating the motion, and she leaned in even as she scowled; first at Kyle's crotch, then at Henry.

"Seriously?" she growled.

Henry felt like whimpering himself, but just nodded instead. "It kind of just happened."

"Oh god, don't you dare. That's what every guy says," Cory snorted. "Is he so clumsy he just fell on your dick?" She was still leaned over and staring between the husky's legs, much the same way Henry was before the wolfess had arrived.

"It's the kind of thing I'd do," Kyle admitted sheepishly.

"Hmf," was all she said, leaning down further. The wolfess's nose was twitching back and forth like a witch from that old TV sitcom, which for a moment Henry thought was amusing because what if she really could do magic doing that, and then he was relieved when it appeared she couldn't. "Well... It looks good on you," she said, begrudgingly. "Better than your stupid cock does on me." Her voice had taken on a dreamy quality and lacked the ferocity of a moment ago.

Uh oh, Henry thought, but it was in a kind of far-off way. Every time he tried to snap himself back to reality he felt himself drifting, looking at the same spot Cory was, his mouth beginning to water. That scent. "Guys, I think we should maybe-"

"Shut up," Cory said curtly and straightened up in her seat. She looked much more 'with it' than Henry did, although it was clearly taking some effort. She was still on edge, but now looked and sounded more predatory than angry. "You used an attraction spell, didn't you?"

"Y-es," Kyle said hesitantly. "Kind of... More than one."

"You're an idiot," Cory said flatly, standing up and without ceremony dropping her own shorts. Her erection - Kyle's erection, really - jutted up between her legs, stiff and dripping and dark red. It was harder than Henry had ever seen it - and, from the look of it, larger too. That spell had done more than just swap, it had given a generous boost to the husky's length and girth, balls hanging heavily like plums underneath. "You," she said to Henry, and jammed her finger in the direction of Kyle's wet and pink pussy. "You made that mess, you clean it up. Get to it."

"But I thought you hated us," Kyle whimpered. He hadn't moved. His shorts still stretched between his knees, his paws up and clasped nervously in front of his chest.

"I do hate you. But because of your stupid-ass clumsiness, right now I need to fuck you so bad I can't even think of anything else. Don't give me that look, you're the one casting spells like a toddler trying to make his parents pancakes alone on a Saturday morning. You made yourself attractive alright. To everyone."

Henry listened to this part of the conversation only with half an ear, a bit surprised to find himself already on his way down to push his muzzle between an even more surprised Kyle's legs. It wasn't so much that he felt compelled to follow Cory's orders as it was that he already badly wanted to do exactly what she was telling him to. And soon enough he had his tongue lapping at the slick and salty fur around Kyle's pussy with an ardor he wouldn't have believed if he wasn't feeling it. He didn't care if Cory hated them or not; he didn't even care if she was there. He just wanted to bury his face in that taste and scent forever. The cum only made it more appealing to him, and he usually didn't even like the taste of it.

Kyle wasn't exactly listening to her any more either. When Henry stole a glance up his friend had his head thrown back against the sofa back and his eyes were closed. He was panting, reaching down to clutch at Henry's head and pull it up tightly between his legs, whimpering and writhing on the sofa. Whatever the spell had done to Henry it had had a similar, or at least complementary, effect on Kyle - he needed it as bad as Henry (and Cory) did.

Like a puppy cleaning its plate of steak Henry lapped up every last bit of glistening juices he could find down there, and simply sealed his lips against Kyle's nether ones and jammed his tongue inside when there was nothing more clinging to the downy fur. He wasn't quite so shameless as to suck but he came close, eyes closed in rapturous delight until, long minutes later, he felt a sharp tap on the back of his head.

"That's enough," Cory growled, pushing the tiger's head aside by planting a paw next to his ear and shoving. She wasn't all that strong, but it was the gesture that counted, and Henry drew back reluctantly, tongue lolling from his muzzle like a canine's, cheeks and chin wet and sticky. He didn't want to stop, not now, and not ever, but it was hard to say no to the wolfess. She didn't leave much room for argument. "What'd you say your name was, again?"

Henry started to answer before he realized the question was directed at the husky. "Kyle..."

"Well Kyle," Cory said, pushing the husky over onto his side roughly and getting to her knees, one paw shoving up his thigh to get the one leg out of the way. "I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but I'm going to do that for you. Hope your boyfriend here doesn't mind."

"I'm not his boyfriend," Henry murmured.

"Huh. Too bad," she said, and without further comment dropped to all fours over the prone and quivering Kyle, who looked halfway between scared and desperate. From the angle, Henry couldn't see exactly when it happened, but a heartbeat later the husky stiffened and moaned, a much more masculine sound than the higher-pitched gasp that Cory hissed through her teeth, and Henry knew she was in him.

The resulting sensation seemed to have more of an effect on Cory than she anticipated, because her breath caught in her throat and a low-ish growl rumbled in her chest. Immediately she began to fuck, short and almost violent thrusts driving her cock into Kyle with heedless abandon. She looked like she needed it worse than the husky did, clutching him beneath her and rolling her hips through every thrust with all the enthusiasm of a teenager on prom night. And, Henry realized, some of the inexperience too - Cory looked like she wasn't quite sure what she was doing, and her cock popped free every few jabs, bringing a growl of frustration from the wolf bitch.

"You might want to-" Henry started, but a withering glare from Cory cut him off. "Nevermind! Pretend I'm not here."

Which they were already both doing already, before he'd even finished his sentence. Cory got the hang of it soon enough when she stopped trying to pull back so far, and she appeared to enjoy it all the more for it, panting and grunting in rhythm with her thrusting. Kyle was lost in the throes of it - he might have been cumming; never having been with a girl before Henry couldn't really tell, but the noises he was making sure sounded like an orgasm and every few seconds he'd buck his hips sharply upwards to meet Cory's crashing down to meet them, both of them quaking from the resulting impact.

Cory was enjoying herself too from the look of it, the snarl that had twisted her muzzle for most of her visit replaced by a clenched jaw and a look of earnest determination. Every once in a while her jaw would fall open, tongue lolling in a pant, then sucked back in with a gasp when she hit a sensitive spot. Henry was openly stroking himself while he watched - he couldn't help it. Their lovemaking was practically painting the room in Kyle's scent and the tiger was finding it hard to keep a coherent thought in his head, instead urged on by a blurry mix of base urges, all of them related to sex. He wanted to be in Kyle, he wanted to be Kyle, he wanted to fuck Cory, he wanted everything. He imagined this must be what an addict desperate for a fix must feel like. Goddamn that stupid spell.

The wolfess's breath was coming faster now, broken and stuttering with urgent whimpers undercutting her continuous-until-now growling. She was fucking Kyle faster too, latched onto him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and using her knee to keep his leg up, still drilling him on his side. She no longer tried to pull out anymore, instead hunching her hips, relaxing, and hunching again in a staccato rhythm that had Kyle beginning to whine and plead, at first incoherently, then verbally.

"Knot, knot!" Kyle yelped when his protests became actual words, pushing at Cory's hips and trying to roll away. Henry couldn't see it, but he could just imagine that fat ball of flesh mashed up against Kyle's soft lips down there, trying to force its way inside somewhere it didn't - or at least shouldn't - fit.

But Cory was having none of it, snarling and biting at the husky's shoulder until he stopped trying to push her off of him and went limp instead, save for a moment later when a mighty shudder went through him. From somewhere down between their legs Henry heard a wet pop, the wolfess grunted sharply, and then began the long, low, lingering and satisfied growl that Henry had come to associate with canids - usually males, admittedly, in fact all males up until now - getting off. Kyle wasn't trying to push her off of him anymore; if anything he was trying to pull her in closer, one arm awkwardly wrapped around her hip and his blunt claws dug into her backside to dimple one ass-cheek.

Henry could just see now where the wolfess's cock disappeared into Kyle, a sliver of light making it between their bodies just where her balls were pulled up - or rather, pulling up, dropping, and pulling up again, recoiling with every jet of cum she was unloading into the whimpering husky. Cory wasn't holding Kyle so tightly anymore, more like splayed out on top, head alongside his and tongue lolled while she came. Her eyes were heavy, just barely slits, and her tail hung limply between her legs, twitching every few seconds.

He was so caught up in staring at that junction that he didn't notice Kyle pawing at him until one paw wrapped around his cock, making him jump. The husky, still on his side, was looking up at him beseechingly while trying and failing to guide the tiger's cock down and into his muzzle. The angle was all wrong so Henry fixed that, rolling towards him and sighing happily when the warm wetness engulfed his straining erection. It wasn't pussy, but right now it was the next best thing, and Henry was happy to settle for it in his current state. Cory looked less pleased on being horned in on, so to speak, but was still too caught up in the throes of her orgasm to muster much of a scowl.

Henry didn't last long. Even after his recent orgasm he was so wound up it took physical effort not to cum in the first few seconds of the husky's eager sucking, and even then he lasted less than a minute. With a groan his cock began to pulse and Kyle gulped noisily, literally slurping down the tiger's load as if he was intentionally trying to be messy about it. He'd just started when all of a sudden Cory's muzzle mashed to his and her arm went around his neck to keep him from pulling back, and the tiger found himself locked in an unexpected kiss, both of them rolling and jabbing their hips in short thrusts and spit-roasting the wriggling husky between them.

Cory broke off first, pulling back and settling onto her knees with an open-mouthed sigh. She was still tightly lodged in Kyle's now very stretched-looking pussy and didn't seem to be cumming anymore, but a little shudder every few seconds belied that. It was just weak enough now that she didn't look quite so ferociously intent. Henry, not being a canid, didn't have the gift of a drawn-out orgasm, and soon enough he was flopped back on the couch, his spent cock laying over his thigh.

The wolfess tried to tug back experimentally, eliciting a yelp from Kyle and a scowl from her. She glared down between the two of them at her cock, accusingly. "How long is this thing going to stay like this, anyway?"

Henry just shrugged. He'd never been knotted by Kyle before.

"Maybe... Um... Nngf... Fifteen... Minutes?" Kyle was having a hard time talking. Every time he took a breath it caught, and he was forced to speak each word on the sharp gasp that followed. "You're... still, huff... cumming..."

"I know, dumbass," Cory grunted, jaw still set. "Don't you think I know?"

"Sorry," Kyle gasped.

"And don't think this makes up for you stealing my private parts," she said without much conviction.

As it turned out, it took about twenty awkward minutes for her to get soft enough to pull out, during which time Henry tried to make small talk, Cory alternated between complaining about the inconvenience of being stuck like that and using the opportunity to stir her cock in a whimpering Kyle's pussy, and the husky kept his muzzle firmly latched around Henry's cock - he suspected because it meant Kyle didn't have to try to engage in conversation with the clearly-still-irked wolf bitch. Finally, with a wet slurp followed by a watery cum chaser the tapered cock popped free. Henry fetched them some towels to clean up while Kyle struggled back to a sitting position and hugged pillow back into his lap to mute the effects of his scent on the other two. It didn't help - Henry still hard, and Cory was doing her best not to show off the erection she was obviously sporting in her shorts.

The wolfess got up and tucked her cock into her waistband - a surprisingly savvy strategy, Henry thought, for someone who'd had one for all of three hours.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked nervously.

"Home," she said, trying and failing to run her fingers through her headfur so it didn't have that just-fucked look. "If I'm going to have a penis for a little while longer I'm going to go have some fun with it." She hesitated. "Not that this wasn't fun. You may still be a dumbshit, but you're a great fuck."

"Thanks, I think," Kyle said. "But, um, you still have my junk..."

"No, you still have my junk. Don't think I've forgotten. What I have is collateral that you're going to give it back. And you better not-" she stopped herself with a sigh. "Nevermind. You're just going to once I'm gone anyway. Just please try not to ruin it?" She directed that at Henry.

"I, uh, promise to take good care of it," Henry said, feeling foolish for the solemnity with which he did.

"You better." She looked down at herself and the bulge between her legs. She shook her head. "Unless I miss my guess - or you really fucked up the spell worse than I thought - we'll both be back to normal tomorrow. I won't call the cops, but just don't do any more bullshit spells, huh? This could have gone a lot worse."

"He won't," Henry said, this time intentionally seriously. "Will he?"

"Noooo," Kyle said sullenly.

"Fine. Good." Cory stalked to the door and turned around, a faint smile on her muzzle. "It really does look good on you," she said.

"You too," Henry and Kyle both said at the same time, then giggled in spite of themselves.

She just harumphed and left, closing the door much more gently behind her than when she'd entered.

When Henry turned his attention back to Kyle the pillow was already gone, along with the wet shorts underneath, and he was rolling onto all fours with his knees splayed to show off his soaked pussy. Henry didn't need any more of an invitation.


ding dong!

Kyle sighed and stuffed his cock back into his pants. So much for getting a few private minutes to jack off in front of the TV.

ding dong!

"No, don't get up, I got it," Henry mumbled to no one in particular on his way to the foyer. Kyle never answered the door so there was no need to say it any louder.

It had been weeks since the day of the 'oops' spell, as Henry had taken to calling it to spare Kyle the embarrassment of something more descriptive, and as predicted the husky had awakened the next morning to find his balls, sheath, and cock right where they belonged - and, he as it turned out, retained the extra generous sizing from when the wolfess was sporting them. Something Kyle had been quite proud of when he'd bounced into the room buck naked to show it off at way-too-early-o'clock with a little happy dance. It was enough to make Henry wonder if maybe the spell had been such a bad thing after all. Then Kyle had slapped him in the nose with his sheath and run off giggling, and Henry had decided that yes, it was still pretty bad.

Kyle's strange and intoxicating scent was gone as well, and along with it the overwhelming compulsion it aroused. A good thing, too - the two of them had fucked to exhaustion that day, and even still Henry's cock had been half-hard the rest of the night, as if eager for one more assault unto that breach. The tiger had even awakened dehydrated and with a slight headache, as if he'd run a marathon the day before. He suspected if he weighed himself that he'd fine he'd even lost a couple of pounds too.

ding dong!

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Henry grumbled, and opened the door to find a familiar wolfess standing there, chewing on her lip.

"Hello, Henry. Can I come in?" she asked after they both stood there for a moment.

"Um, sure," Henry said, and stepped aside. She came in, and a few minutes later Kyle popped his head around the corner from his bedroom, looking wary when he saw who it was.

"I didn't do any more spells," he said as he crept into the room. "Honest!"

"That isn't why I'm here," Cory said.

"Okay..." Kyle said, and slinked in, still keeping his distance. "I'm still really sorry! But everything's better now... Right?"

"That," Cory said cryptically, "depends a whole lot on what you mean by 'better'."

Henry gulped and felt a knot forming in his stomach. Kyle was clueless. "What do you mean? Didn't you get your-" he gestured vaguely at Cory's belly. "Stuff back?"

"And then some," the wolfess grunted. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, that's great!" Kyle said happily, still oblivious. "Congratulati-oh." The word ended in a flat tone. He'd figured it out. "Fuck. Is it-"

"Yours? Maybe. It's either yours or stripes' here. Assuming you didn't pull a Ferris Bueller and take my plumbing out joyriding after I left."

"We didn't!" Henry said defensively, thinking, what, to a parade? "But if you're here to talk paternity-"

Cory held up a paw and shook her head. "I'm not, trust me. I don't know how I'd explain this to a lawyer, and even if I did there's still the fact that I was the one holding the gun, so to speak." She flicked an ear. "And to be honest this is something I've wanted for awhile. Maybe not like this, and not with you - whichever of you it is - but." She shrugged. "This is how it went down."

"Then why are you here?" Henry asked.

"Do you want to ball again?" Kyle blurted before the wolfess could answer Henry.

She stared at the husky incredulously. "I came here because one of you is going to be a father soon and I thought you should know." Turning to Henry, she thumbed towards the husky. "Is he always like this? I thought it was just the spell, before."

"You have no idea," Henry said, and Kyle frowned.

Cory looked between them... Then, much to Henry's surprise, a lopsided grin spread across her muzzle. "I guess we could see what it's like with everyone's bits where they belong."

Henry blinked, surprised. "But I thought-"

"-that I hate you? I don't." She stripped off her shirt, showing only bare breasts and a smooth, taut belly underneath. "And you two make a pretty good team when it comes to a three-way." She tossed the shirt away. "Besides, can't get knocked up twice, right? So which one of you maybe-daddies wants first dibs?"

Before Henry could answer Kyle thrust his paw up into the air.

Cory gave a short, approving nod. "Alright, curly-tail. Let's see if you know how to handle your own dick as well I do." Without waiting for an invitation she sashayed past them and into the bedroom.

Kyle and Henry looked at each other, shrugged, and followed.


Wren rather liked being a slave. It wasn't the sort of thing young girls dreamed of growing up to be. In her pre-pubescent youth Wren had, at various times, envisioned becoming an astronaut, a princess, a race car driver, a princess who was also...

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