their first meeting [finished]

Story by Elliebad on SoFurry

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#1 of Sienna and L

As L's boat pulled up into the docks a loud groan was heard coming from within the cabin. Of all the things his magic boat could do, docking itself was not one of them. He knew he would need to tie it off and drop the anchor. So he slowly got up from his nap in his cabin, grabbed his Money purse and exited the cabin.

The sun was high, bright, and hot that day, with no clouds in the sky. His favorite weather he told himself. Maybe after he had finished getting the supplies he needed he would head down to the beach, maybe see a few naked fur girls. He had already decided he would be spending the night in the brothel, it had been to long,

Jumping off the boat he landed on the dock, he was wobbly for a brief second. Once he was use to the solid earth beneath his feet he set to work. A dock worker ran to help him when he saw he was by himself. L thanked the man and even offered him a tip but the polite old hippo refused sayin "it's all part of my job." So with that L set off into the town.

First thing he did was buy the food he would need for his trip back west. Mostly rice and a few different kinds of citrus fruit. As for meat he would simply eat whatever fish he caught. Now that that was done he decided to head into a pub for a drink.

As he entered the pub the overwhelming stench of stale beer and cheap prostitutes wafted into his nose. While he would never sleep with one of these women he did enjoy their gossip. One time he had even stolen a ring from a cheap customer for a friendly girl back west.

When L finally got his drink, a large glass of mead, he sat down. We was swarmed by the whores the moment he sat down. It was no shock to him, he had been asked not marry a princess and three noble mens daughters before, he was not bad looking he assumed.

"Hello sweetie, looking for company?" a cute little mouse girl said before she was cut off by a much larger lioness.

"I liked her more," he said feeling bad for the girl. then taking a large drink from his glass he stepped up and walked around to the mouse girl who had now turned away.

Scoffing at him she got up and walked away.

Whispering in her ear, "I'm not gonna pay you for sex, but ill pay you for company." He then reached around her hugging her from behind. "though, you do have a nice ass."

"Thank you mister, um i don't know what to call you?" she asked him with a smirk on her face. "If you like it its all yours for 10 dera?" she added giving her but a cute little wiggle. "I'll even let you stick it in there if you want."

"Only 10, thats a steal. Plus a little butt rutting thats hard to pass up. but I'm afraid i have to. but how about i give you 100 if you answer my question?" he whispered to her while grabbing a gold piece from his purse to show her he indeed had it. he then felt like being a little frisky and slapped her ass firmly before sitting back down.

She followed him without any hesitation. sitting down she stood back up the second she hit the chair and began massaging her rump.

"That really hurt'" she giggled out. "So what do you want to know?" She asked finally sitting down.

Laughing at her pain from the slap he decide to cut the foreplay. "Is there a forum in town? I'm looking for a sailor or two with no ties to this area. I am going back west and need a crew mate, i won't be returning."

looking at him with a flirtatious eye she replied, "well i have no ties but i can't sail. but in all seriousness you won't find both probably. There is a forum down the way turn on omirah street. but other then that i can't give you much information. there is a slave sale today that the auction house. It's right next door to the forum, you can't miss it. there might be someone meeting the criteria you asked for there."

"No thanks, i have distain for the practice. but as agreed on here is the 100 piece." He stood up and slapped the coin onto the table.

He exited the pub and began walking the way she had told him. Its really was a shame she had suggested slavery as an option he was considering bringing her along. She would have to learn the basics of sailing but the magic in his boat took care of most of that. She was cute, but cuteness does not make up for a cold heart. As he thought about it she would probably make a good pirate like he was considered. It made him chuckle.

As he neared his destination he could hear the bidding from inside the building. One voice stood out, that of the auctioneer. he decided to take a peek in just in order to know the face of the man he would kill before he left. What could he say, he was a murdering pirate, when it suited him. that was on rare occasions though.

As he looked in a girl was stood up on the stage, it was quite obvious that she was not a criminal. Criminal often chose to be sold into slavery in order to not go to the grave or jail but she was not one. He figured she was from the eastern mainlands mainly because he had never seen a fur of her kind before. Then there was an uproar from the bidders.

At five thousand dera, he knew she was being sold as a sex slave. This disgusted him more then any other kind. The thought of being forced to have sex with another disgusted him, he had even killed old crew member for trying to rape women after a raid. What was worse was the fact that the top bider was an old fat elephant. The image in his head made him gag.

"Ten thousand, right here," he said stepping into the auction house pulling out a mark from the bank for that amount. He never looked at the girl while they were verifying his note, if he had he would of seen the relief on her face. instead he was looking at the elephant with malicious intent. He had five girls surrounding him already. L decided he would stab him 5 times.

"the note is real, if there are no other bid then this lot is sold." he looked at the elephant expectantly but when no bid was placed he smashed his gavel down and said, "sold!" He handed L the papers to state he owned her all to hurriedly. he had not expected such a big sell today and was eager to get his money.

The girl was happy as she could be with her new owner, how this man had come up with that kind of money was beyond her. Not knowing what she was in for she followed him out of the building.

L was angry with himself for his own inability to pass up an injustice. he now had no money to get a deckhand. there was not much he could do now but scrounge up some money and go back to that mouse girl for dinner and night fun in a bed. he knew it would be risky and he would hate himself for it but not as much as forcing the girl behind him. he turned to her before he made a decision he would regret.

"You are free, go home."

She didn't move from her spot behind him, simply began to tear up. the pure shock of that statement caused a flood of joy to take over her entire body. She fell to her knees with her arms raised above her head.

"I no longer have a home, some men raided my village and took me prisoner, if i am free i wish to stay with you. the kindness you have just shown me gives me hope that maybe you are a good man." She said holding onto his vest so he could not walk away.

"Do you have your water legs?" he asked without looking back at her.

"My kind live in the mountains but we do fish. I have good balance but i have never sailed a ship before." she replied

"Thats fine, i can handle that, Small boat. What else can you offer?" L replied.

"I can cook, and well not to be blunt but i am Female." she chuckled at her comment.

Smiling very wide L turned around "Well then you have yourself a job, I will give you 40%of any treasure we happen to pick up on our trip. i will keep you fed. And offer you a soft bed to sleep in among other things. Also you will have your own vengence on those men that were selling you, That and I want my money back."

"By vengeance do you mean i can kill them?" she asked quickly, then added, "i dislike violence, unless it is to protect those who you love, so i don't want that on my head."

"Well I'm going to kill them anyways, I'm a pirate. So get use to the murder aspect of my life. They were selling other furs, they are dirt, dirt should be removed. That and i want my money back." he said again.

"Killing them is equal to giving up a piece of your soul." The girl said.

"Well then i have no soul anymore so no worries there, by the way what is your name?" he asked her laughing. he noticed she was still on her knees so he helped her up. smiling as he looked her up for the first time. she was a little more then a foot shorter then him probably her breasts were not overly large or to small. she had black head fur and her body fur looked like that of a raccoon but ith was red rather then black. her clothing looked oriental so he had assumed she was from inland now knowing he was right he asked, "So being a sailer i have traveled a lot but i have never seen one of your kind."

"Well there is a reason for that, We are a very rare breed, red panda we are called. We only live in the remote mountains of the eastern inland. As for my name it is Sienna. i have no place to sleep tonight being that until five minutes ago i was a slave, so do you have a room or someplace we can spend the night?"

"I have a boat! we can sleep there, tonight i will sleep below deck and you can have the cabin. tomorrow we will buy some lumber and retrofit you your own cabin." He said smiling. He felt sorry for her being so far away from home, and just being sold like cattle (even if he had freed her) so he did not want to push his luck.

"Thank you but it is unnecessary, we can sleep together if you like? my kind is very open with our bodies. i started familiarizing myself with the actions of mates at night from a young age. i am good with everything but butt rutting." she told him matter a factly.

"Well in that case let us hurry back to my boat. I will give you the tour, the deck and the cabin, like i said small boat." he turned around and grabbed her wrist. Then practically dragging her the whole way, he sprinted back to the boat. when they arrived at the docks L stopped and smiled at his new friend.

He led her to his boat wondering what kind of underwear she had oh, was she even wearing any? It didn't really matter to him he was gonna get laid and was happy with that. then she stopped him right before they stepped onboard, "i lied. We are open with out bodies, but i never got the chance to be."

Turning with a smile he said, "That makes it all the better, but if you don't want to do this i understand. I won't force you into anything."

She stepped onto the boat after him and kissed him on the cheek, "No, I want this. I want to suck your dick, ride it, get plowed by it, and most of all i want to cum. I have cum before you know masturbation and whatnot but never from another. My friend always told me it was by far better. So where is the bed?"

With a agape jaw he pointed to the door, "Through there, and don't worry about the climax thing. I'll get you there before i even get my pants off.'

"And how do you plan on doing that? With your pants on you can't fuck me i thought." she asks.

"Thats simple ill use my tongue and fingers, have you never heard of that?" he responds in shock. Then holding out his hand he opens the door. "After you."

"Well that is very kind of you. And no i have never heard of a guy doing that for his female partner." she told him as she walked inside swaying her hips as she went.

"Not really, i just wanted to look at your ass." he then reached down and slapped her bum. "Now less talking more fun."

"Perv." she said giggling as she stood on her tip toes and kissed him. Then she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back into the bed. She then took a step back and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, without a moment of hesitation she began lifting it up She did not move slow at all as her bra came into view she smirked, "like what your seeing?"

"Take off your bra then i will be able to say for sure." He answered her.

"Oh? You don't want to see my butt first? you have been glancing at it for awhile." she said back to him with a wicked smile.

To answer her he grabbed her by the hips and turned her around. Not a moment later he began to pull down her pants and started kissing her butt.he stopped to take a look at the fabric that was blocking his lips from bare fur. She had on a pair of orange cream satin boy shorts. They hugged her ass snuggly.

She then took a step out of his reach. Turning her shoulders so she could wag a finger at him she smiled. Then as if to add insult to injury she flicked him with her tail. The torment ended there however as she reached back and unfastened her bra. Then without turning to give him a view she started to lower her panties. With a thumb hooked at each hip he shimmied out of them. Bending at the waist giving him a nice view of her pussy as the panties her lowered she heard him bark.

"Im going to enjoy this vastly." he said looking around her bum to see her face. "I'm sorry if I'm to rough for your first time."

"You can't be, I've already lost it physically. It's a tradition in my village when a girl turns 16." She responded.

With her statement he grabbed her hips and lifted her off the ground. When she came back into contact with earth he found her self straddling his face. with a wicked grin she was unable to see he barked out, "don't suffocate me."

Then she felt it, a long lick across her lips. With the feeling also came a soft moan and a "fuck," from her. He didn't stop there however, when he had licked her entire slit he pulled his tounge away then pressed his muzzle right to her and sucked her clit into his maw.

The feeling was to much for her, L had already accomplished his goal. With a loud yipp she fell to her side and clenched her legs together. The orgasm almost so intense that she would pass out. What neither her nor L had known beforehand was that she could squirt with the best of them.

His face now covered in her juices he wiped his nuzzle into his elbow. "That was fast, must have been good." He said smiling as he sat up turning away from her.

"Oh it was good alright, we will be doing that again. But first you need it." She said pulling him down and climbing over him. "Do you want a blowjob?" She asked while snaking her hand down his pants and fondling his foxhood.

"No, we can skip that step today.::::::: I'm feeling ready for sex. How would you like to do this?" he asks her politely

"For my people it is always the males choice so i should be asking you that question." she cooed back at him.

"Okay well then i like butts so a position where yours would be the focal point would make me very happy. " He states.

Nodding she scoots down his body in order to remove his pants. his 7 and a half inch member springing up as she pulls his pants down. she gives it a small kiss on the very tip. She then looked up at him and winked.

"I have never really done this but i know the theory mind you." She says throwing her leg over his lap so she is straddling him facing away. "Are you ready?"

With his eyes glued to her beautiful rump he replied to her, "Whenever you are." he gripped her ass to feel the texture; It was firm yet soft, warm yet cool, perfect yet imperfectly perfect.

She smiled as she lowered her hips moaning all the while. When she got to the base of his intrusion she stopped and looked back at him.

"Your cock feels heavenly, do i feel nice?" she asks him

"Yes Sienna, your pussy is warm and tight, i love it." L answers her.

"Then you will love this." She says as she begins to bounce on his cock.

Moaning for all he is worth he tells her to rest her hands on his knees and try just bouncing her ass. She pulls this off with considerable ease and even begins to lower and raise one cheek at a time.

"I thought you said this was your first time, am i right?"

"Training. " She moaned out then her pussy began to quiver and tighten. when it stopped she sat back pup and looked back at him. "That was..." she takes a few moments to think about it. "I don't have a word for it."

"I'm glad you liked it, there will be a lot more of it hopefully." he says patting her ass. "Will you finish me with your mouth?"

"Nope, i can't have your kits so yeah, cream pie time." she said happily then started rocking her hips again.

The feeling of her freshly came pussy was to much for him. He almost instantly started swelling. As his knot started its final stages of forming he humped up into her with a great deal of stregth to tie the two of them.

AS he felt himself empty into her he began grinning and let her fall to his side, his knot forcing them to spoon.

"I have a feeling this deal will be mutually good." she said gasping but still smiling.