The only fox I need

Story by Ajinx on SoFurry

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My two new characters that actually decide to have fun with each other and if you like them they may just cum back. And when adding tags to this story, power armor was the first tag to show up. Yeah fallout really effected everyone didn't it.

Kodi was extremely easy to find in the small dance club, I couldn't smell his canine musk over the other dancers stench of arousal but I could easily see his face over everyone's head. He was at least half a foot taller than everyone else. The lights seemed to grow brighter and brighter the closer I came to him. Kodi's ears flicked when I was finally standing in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest, I pressed my nose over the top of his shirt to take in his smell." You having fun?" I asked.

He started rocking us side to side."Yeah, thank you for coming out of your shell and coming here with me."

I could feel my cheeks blushing under my fur I just responded by pushing my muzzle closer to his body.

"Seriously, I really appreciate you doing this. I know that this isn't your scene I wanted to see what you would be willing to do with me and this shows how much I mean to you." He bent his head down to put my muzzle under his neck.

" What do you mean? I came here to see if you were checking out any other foxes." I made sure that he could feel my smile.

"You're the only fox I need although, did you see that rabbit by the bar he seems like my type right?"

I pulled my muzzle out his neck and chest fur." You are really asking for it you know, you may be taller than me but I know your weak spot" I show him by pointing my nose down to his pants.

" Okay you would win that battle. Come on let's get out of here I want to show you how appreciative I really am." He released his hold and took my paw instead leading me out of the club. My tail started wagging when I thought of the "bone" I would be getting tonight and if I play it right tomorrow morning to.

When we stopped pushing our way through the crowd, causing me to get close enough to smell the rabbit we went through the exit. Kodi turned to me, pushed me to his side, and put one paw on the back of my thighs and the other behind my back before swinging me off the ground and into his arms. "Wow, you really are... Appreciative tonight."

" Not appreciative, I just want to bury my bone when we get home." He smirked at me before picking up his pace and finding the way to his car. We really spent too much time alone, he's starting to follow my bone talk.

It seemed like an eternity before we got to his apartment, it wasn't the biggest or even the cleanest apartment in the world but as long as the bed was clean... actually as long as his bed was there I didn't tell him too many recommendations about his abode.

When he locked his door he cupped my face in his paws." So foxy, ready for the real fun?"

"Of course I am, I have been smelling sex and arousal for the past hour and a half plus your aroma for the past twenty minutes in the car with no windows down." I started to slide his shirt off.

"Point taken." He took his paws off my face so I could get his shirt off. I've been waiting long enough so I just let it drop in front of the door. I started to undo his belt before we finally started walking to his room, I started to focus on his body once the belt was off and admired his built form. He had his fur short so his muscles would show when he moved. It looked like waves were flowing down his body due to his fur, now time to check out his best feature. I put my paws on the top of his jeans ready to tear them off before he put his paws on mine.

"This is your night, let me focus on you fox." He told me in his irresistible voice.

"But don't you think..." I stopped myself when I saw how much he actually meant that."Okay my dear alpha. Yeah I can play those name games toooo!" To shut me up he grabbed by sheath through my pants.

"Someone seems excited." He lightly pushed me on the bed."Now let's get these clothes off."

he started to strip off my shirt, then came my shorts, and then finally I was left in my black and blue tight boxers that clearly showed the outline of what's under them. With our difference in height it can be tough with some positions but with his breath warming up my sheath we knew exactly where we needed to be.

He finally hooked his fingers through the top of my boxers and pulled down revealing my cock tip to him.He started with fondling my balls with his paw before finally letting out his tongue and sliding my length along side it. Kodi is the first person I have ever had sex with and I knew that nothing can top him. (pun and no pun intended) I am big enough to fit in his muzzle perfectly and he is big enough to fit in mine without too much muscle stretching, same for my rear.

He's been in this position enough times to know what to do and know how to exploit my sensitive areas like the under side of my tip, the bastard. He knows how to use his tongue there too, he makes me do all of these cute noises and buck. I think that's why he likes it so much, that and the taste of a young foxes musk helps to.

Back to the fun, my tail would would be wagging as hard as it could if it wasn't pressed up against the bed. I could hear his slurps over the sound of my whining, I don't think we would be able to ever do this if we didn't live alone. I would be way too loud so that would be embarrassing when someone walks in.

I wish I took off his pants earlier, I want to see how I REALLY effected him but I can take a guess. "I'm getting close." My hips are starting to buck more. He noticed this of course, I must be leaking like a hose right now. He started to slow down and lifted his head up, my hips are trembling now.

" Why did you stop?!" I almost yelled at him.

" You should see your face, you look like a kid on christmas." He's trying to hold back snorts but failing.

"And that's why I'm bottom, I can hide my face easier." That's not an entire lie, Nothing beats itching a need eight inches deep. He started going back to work on my shaft, He's using his paw to massage my sack and increase the pre coming out of my cock. I thrust towards him to increase the pleasure but he put the paw he's not using on my stomach to hold me down. I'm starting to lose it, I'm about explode in his muzzle but before I could. He took my shaft out of his mouth with a pop.

" Ready for the main event?" He licked his lips getting rid off the mess on his lips.

"Yeah, let me get the lube." As I reached for his nightstand I could hear him unbutton his pants before the familiar sound of them hitting the floor. Oh and his boxers, now I can see how hard I really made him. His knot was out, almost at it's full size, how do I fit that in me?

I opened the bottle, pouring the slick substance in my paw before reaching around under my tail and putting an experimental finger in my hole. I felt like teasing him a little more so I fit another in, going back and forth with them. I could feel the coolness inside me and the stretching from not having anything in there for a week. I made sure to have plenty of lube in, after all it's no fun if it hurts.

I think I teased us both enough, I took my fingers out feeling a little empty and turned to him putting my paw on his cock to feel him and lubricate him as well.

I got on my back bending my legs to give him space to work. "Ready my handsome stud?" He looked at me with a smile showing his white canines.(Get it?) He got on his knees and right under my tail. He started to pet my chest and guide his shaft to my entrance before he finally pressed his tip into me.

"Mhfff!" We both let out a moan. He started to press inch after inch into me making me feel every single part of him that went into me. It hurt a little bit because of his size but a little stretching never bothered me. Now that we are face to...chest I can really enjoy his presence. He's finally up to his knot which leaves me out of my sheathe and my tongue out of my muzzle panting.

He was hitting all of of my sensitive areas with the precision of a machine, he stopped petting me and wrapped his paw around my shaft before starting to thrust harder. I leaned closer to his chest gripping his sides, in pleasure from his paw and his tool working me. It felt as if he had the magic touch, between his cock and his paw he was making me squirm and shiver all over.

He would stroke fast and before I released stop all together. Squeezed my knot a few times but not enough to make me cum. I can't blame him, I'm doing the same to him squeezing my rear when he slides out and releasing when he thrusts in, alternating every few seconds.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum in a second". He said out loud breathlessly, his hips a blur. I responded by yipping for probably the hundredth time that night. He's trying to work his knot into me, every thrust it's getting closer and closer.

I could feel half of his knot in me, then nothing and then, I had what felt like a baseball inside my tail, his paw squeezed behind my knot. I could feel his seed heating my once cold insides and the stretching that I guarantee would cause me to not sit right in the upcoming days before I felt my balls tighten up, a deep pressure starting at my knot and lastly shooting out of my tip covering his paw and both of our chests in six spurts of my seed even getting on my chin.

He collapsed on top of me tugging at our tie." That was unbelievable. Good thing I didn't take that rabbit home." Kodi moaned on top of me.

I started to tickle his ribs, "No STOP, I was joking!" He twitched on top of me not being able to get away because of his lovely canine knot.

" I know." I said "But my nose tells me he wanted to be in my position, I smelt him on the way out and he wanted you. So thank you for letting me be your lucky guy,and for the night out. "

" I love you so much." He tells me still out of breath,

"I love you to." And that's how I fell asleep, him on top of me and his knot still in me.