At BlissCum 2: BlizzCon 2015

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#2 of At BlissCum

Blaze is going to BlizzCon 2015 after her friends are gifting her with yet another ticket. However, this BlizzCon will be bigger for her with the news of all the releases. Hoping to find her old buddies, Blaze can only hope to see them again, but it will become better as more friends are made. And maybe more than she thought.

This story is not connected to actual lore, but you are free to make connections to it if you want. However, this is ACTUAL LORE for Blaze and Midnight.

However, some characters might not actually do what they do in the story, like usually cosplaying or playing World of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch.

Blaze and Story © Me

Jaeger © Clockwerk on FA

Midnight, Tatsuya and Tenchi ©

Nicole © Onyxheartwolf on FA

Peridot © Me and Sedrinthestar on FA

Taliesin © Taliesin_the_dragoon on FA

Tarja © Me and Clockwerk on FA

Topaz © Me and Onyxheartwolf on FA

Vee ©

Zoey (Formerly Mia) © Jakubxx on FA

Length: 6,367 words. 34,494 characters.

Time used to type: 1 day 15 hours (with corrections and cleaning)

Cosplay Outfits

Blaze: and



Peridot: (minus chest), (minus legs), and



Tenchi: and

Vee: and

Zoey: , and

At BlissCum 2: BlizzCon 2015

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Flight AF911-A from Minneapolis, arriving at gate two in a few minutes.", the voice in the speakers called out as the Boeing had begun to make the descend towards the runway. For a certain passenger on plane, it had been almost 2 hours of having to listen to a kid who had to show the entire plane what a wonderful view it was outside. She had fought back to not tell the little pain to shut up, so finally arriving to Santa Ana was a welcome thing.

Thinking back to last year, Blaze had remembered all of her friends she made there and all the fun they had. Maybe this year she would get to see them again. Watching the stewardess opening the door to the plane, she stood up with the rest of the fellow passengers and made way to the door leading out and to the border customs.

"Good day, ma'am. May I see your passport while we check your bags?" A polite male coyote asked as Blaze handed over her bags and soon took out her passport, "Here you go, sir." She gave him a smile as he checked through it and nods, "Okay, so you staying here for four days, for what reason?" Blaze smiled as the x-ray showed an axe laying in the bag, "I am here for BlizzCon and I brought my cosplay armor with me, including an axe. But no need to worry, it is made from PVC and has been made blunt to avoid any accidents." The coyote didn't even get to question it before he gave a nod, "You really come prepared. You are lucky that you get to go." Blaze nodded before he handed the passport back and waved her through, "Welcome to Santa Ana, hope you have a wonderful time." Blaze grabbed her bags and giggled, "I will bring back many photos for you to look at."

Stepping out from the airport, the rather hot and humid air hit her face and she sighed, "Back here again." She knew the deal as she tried to find the bus station, sitting down to wait as it was about fifteen minutes to the next one arriving. She opened up one of her bags to look over the axe. It was clearly something she had worked hard on, not to mention the fact she didn't wanted an accident this year too with her armor getting ruined. She was too busy looking over it that she didn't hear someone approaching her, until the heavy and really familiar Slavic accent blurted out to her, "Quickly, use Emancipate and cast Sacred Shield!" Blaze was caught off-guard by this, but did however not let her arms flail out like she was playing the game, instead she looked up and squealed happily, "Mia!"

The dragoness opened her arms when Blaze pushed her bag aside, giving the bigger girl a warm hug and a soft kiss on the maw, "How have you been, girl? I have not heard from you since you went on vacation." Mia giggled, "I forgot to reply, sorry about that. You look as lively as always. Still enjoying to spray whipped cream on your tits and lick it off?" Blaze covered Mia's maw quickly, "Hush, I do not wanna let others hear that." Mia was giggling before Blaze nodded to her, "Yes, I do." Blaze released Mia's muzzle as they heard the bus approaching and both of them got on, having to hold back from vomiting at how the fat buzzard for a bus driver was flirting with them as they made their way to two empty seats in the back, trying to catch up on all the new things that happened in their lives.

After about 1 hour of traveling with the bus, they stepped off at the bus stop outside the Katella Convention Center, just across the street from the convention center they would be at, but also near the hotel where they would be sleeping for the days, the same as last year, Hilton Anaheim.

Carrying their bags over to the reception, a rather snobbish poodle girl looked at them, "Hmm, you two don't look like some wealthy individuals. Well, assume me, do you have the money or even a reservation?" Blaze knew that behavior well. Classic case of either wanting to be better, or the husband didn't give in that morning, "I got a reservation under the name of Blaze Burn." Mia then revealed a truth she had not told Blaze yet, "And I have a reservation under the name of Zoey Wyrmer." Blaze looked at Mia... or Zoey, curiously questioning what was going on before the poodle whistled, "Okay, your room is number 105, miss Wyrmer. As for you, miss Burn, your room has been changed from number 404 to number 1404 on the request of a certain lady who wishes to remain anonymous. She even covered the additional costs for you." Blaze was amazed by the news of this and happily accepted the key-card before waving goodbye to Zoey as she was heading up to her room.

As she slid the key-card through the reader, the door unlocked and she opened it to reveal the luxurious room. Her eyes drank in everything the room had to offer, "Big flat-screen TV. A bubble-bath. A king-size bed. A massage table. This is great!" She giggled before putting the bags down when she noticed a note sitting on the table near the bed, neatly folded and with a whiteness that really made it visible against the dark wood. Picking it up, she unfolded it and began to read, "Your journey has just begun, my young Paladin. Find me in the Horde camp and make sure to rescue me. May the Light guide you. Signed, a fellow Paladin." It was clear to Blaze who it was now, and she smiled warmly, until her stomach began to growl unceremoniously. Blaze sighed, "You are really impossible at times, you know." She grabbed her wallet and soon headed out the door, making sure it was closed and locked before making her way down to the restaurant.

Heading down the stairs took its sweet time, but once the exercise was done she only had to walk down the corridor and enter the restaurant, just in time for the all-too familiar voice to call out, "Why are the meatballs looking like rabbit poop? Redo them, now!" The whimpering vixen nodded, "Yes, chef. Right away." Running to her station near the frying pans, the head chef grunted out, "I am surrounded by idiots." He checked the next order, "Where is the pasta with tomato sauce? We should have had it out two minutes ago!" A dolphin came walking over with the plate, only for the chef to stop him, "What the heck is this? You barely warmed the sauce at all. It is cold even a polar bear would complain. Redo it!" The dolphin sighed before returning to his station, only to soon hear another companion in the kitchen got a lecture, "Tom! Where are the omelets with fried bacon? I got complaints from the guests about your slow-ass cooking." A rooster was carrying over four plates of omelets with fried bacon, steaming hot before putting them down, "There you go, chef." The head chef nodded before putting the plates up, "Robin, get your ass to work now! Tables 5, 8, 9 and 10 up!"

Blaze sighed before taking a seat at a table, a happy bunny girl bouncing over to her, "Hello and welcome. My name is Clara and I will be your waitress tonight. Wanna order anything special? I can recommend the salmon stew. It is great. Or the bloody steak with fries and soy sauce. Or the..." The bunny girl was interrupted by the head chef, "Stop talking the customers to death and bring them the menu instead!" The bunny whimpered before pulling out the menu for Blaze, "Here, miss. Just call for me when you wanna order." Blaze nodded before hearing the foul-mouthed head chef calling out again, "Come on! You guys are working so slow that even my grandmother would be faster! Put some more work into it!" A kangaroo called out to him, "We are working ourselves to the bones, chef, but your way of inspiring is more a discouraging than actual help!" The head chef growled at him, "What right do you have to tell me how I gonna motivate you snails?"

Blaze had enough and called the bunny over, "I wanna order a permission to enter the kitchen." The bunny was unsure about it until Blaze slipped her a money bill before watching her walk over, "The lady at table two wants to come into the kitchen." The head chef looked at her and then at table two, his eyes widening and the ears fell flat, "Oh no... not her!" He looked at the bunny and soon surrendered, "I permit it..." The bunny went straight back to Blaze who soon stood up at the announcement, making her way over to the kitchen before an apron hit her and the head chef nodded, "Okay, let yourself free now." Taking the orders, Blaze checked them through, "Okay, give me three bowls of pasta, one bowl of rice, two spoons of tomato sauce per pasta and five slices of chicken that has been marinated in curry and rolled in breadcrumbs and then been fried for a few minutes and compliment it with a sweet-sour sauce. Then I want a salmon, grilled and cut with the bones removed. And remember, DO NOT WASTE ANYTHING! Use it all! Be inspired to make great deeds. That reminds me. Got some potatoes, barley flour, salt, pork, butter and lingon-berry jam?"

One of the chefs calls out to her, "Yeah, just a few. Why you asking?" Blaze grinned before grabbing two knives, "I am going to make some food for you guys too and it is on me." The chefs were quickly getting to work before Blaze went to get the potatoes, picking out a few before getting the rest and returned to the head chef, "What you got planned this time, Reddy?" Blaze looked at him with an amused face before spinning the knives around, "Just a meal I found online and decided to test out. Also need to practice for my next exam." The head chef grinned, "Oh? You becoming a chef?" Blaze nodded before she began to cut the potatoes down into dice before crushing them and pouring it into a bowl with the barley flour already in it, adding some salt and mixing it all up into a dough, next grabbing the pork to cut some dice from it, "Yes, and I am planning to become so good that many will like my food and want more of it. All to make them happy."

The head chef just stood there as Blaze commanded the chefs around like she was a born leader and the orders came out on time, during the time she made the dough into round shapes and made a crater in them to put the pork into them, sealing the hole before putting them all into a pot of boiling saltwater, "There, now they should boil in there for a hour and then you will see."

The hour went by fast and soon Blaze pulled out the dumplings one by one, poured some lingon-berry jam on them and cut a slice of butter, neatly placing them on a plate before holding it out to the chefs. Even the head chef got one and dug into it, his face twisting to show pure delight with the rest of the staff, "This is delicious!" Blaze on the other hand had dug into hers and now stood with her muzzle covered, "Too salt!" The staff laughed at her before Blaze left a bundle of bills when leaving the kitchen with her plate, not noticing the girl smiling a few tables away. After the meal, Blaze bowed as she left, riding the elevator back up to her room, only getting to slide the card through the reader when a message came to her phone, the name Midnight appearing above the little text, "You sure put him in his place. Nice show too. Just make sure you do not forget your quest. Looking forward to it." Blaze didn't even get to reply before she fell onto the bed and rode the express to Sleep City.

The next morning, Blaze grunted as someone was knocking on the door. "Two more minutes..." The knocking kept on going until Blaze finally climbed out of her comfy bed and walked over in just her underwear, opening the door before standing in front of an armored up Zoey who grinned, "Morning there, sleepy head. Time to rise and shine and get ready for the convention." Blaze woke up quickly, "Oh dang, I almost forgot!" Quickly Blaze pulled out her bags and Zoey smiled as she closed the door, "Make sure you are ready before you come out." It took only a few minutes before Blaze opened the door and Zoey grinned, "Now that is a perfect piece there." Blaze had gone for a set of Blackhand's Battlegear and was wielding what looked like an axe made out of solid volcano basalt with traces of lava still in it. Blaze smiled, "You think I would come unprepared this year?"

Zoey and Blaze playfully fought down the elevator and soon Blaze felt Zoey's sheer size beating her as she accepted defeat and soon hugged her friend, just as Zoey poked her shoulder and then at a lost dragoness wearing a rather skimpy armor and a very nicely crafted polearm. Blaze nodded and walked over, coughing gently, "Excuse me, but can a Paladin like me offer my support?" The dragoness looked at Blaze and seemed a bit distraught before Zoey walked up next to her, "Yes, I guess. My mate and friends left me to sleep and I just now noticed that I should been down there with them. Think you can protect me until I find them?" Blaze nodded, "Of course, I got myself a quest. Lets make you the second quest in my journal. Name's Lady Burn of the Silver Hand. But you can call me Blaze." Zoey giggled before holding out a hand, "Name's Zoey, nice to meet you." The dragoness seemed to blush at Zoey's size, "I am Tenchi. Nice to meet you both. Please, lets go. I do not wanna be without my Peri." Blaze noticed the ring on Tenchi's finger, "You are truly lucky to be married." Tenchi looked at her finger and blushed, "Thanks, so about you both?" Zoey giggled, "I got a girlfriend back at home." Blaze was quiet, making Tenchi nod, "Oh, you are not wanting to talk about it." Zoey giggled to herself, "Awww, someone doesn't want to use their Seal of Truth. Oh well, at least your Seal of Righteousness is up." Blaze grunted, "I will give you a Templar's Verdict, if you do not cease that." Tenchi giggled, for being two she nearly just met, she was actually enjoying their company as they walked to the convention center.

At the door, they flashed their tickets for security before getting their goodie bags. Checking them, Blaze squealed at the many gifts, before she found the familiar bracelet and strapped it right on before putting on a pair of glasses, gasping as Zoey had now turned into a Draenei Warrior while herself she was a Draenei Paladin, but looking at Tenchi gave them nothing but a confused look as she seemed to not have an in-game character. Deciding not to ask, they walked into the convention hall before a voice called out, "Ten-Ten! There you are!" Rushing over to Tenchi, a dragoness leaped and soon Tenchi grabbed her arm as the dragoness skillfully balanced on just one hand at her shoulder, seeming completely in harmony with it, wearing an armor that seemed to fit a Monk. Tenchi giggled, "Peri! Yes, I awoke and quickly got ready and all, but I met up with these two ladies here." Zoey and Blaze bowed before the sound of a gunshot could be heard and soon a cowboy jumped into the air before shadowy smoke appeared behind him and he was grabbed and pinned down, applauds heard from the crowd as Tenchi sighed, "I bet Tarja and Jaeger got equally much fun now."

Blaze looked confused, but was soon introduced to the rest of Tenchi's gang. A cute wolf girl named Topaz and her mother Nicole spending some mother-daughter time, the snake Jaeger and his daughter Tarja and Tarja's husband Tatsuya. She did however bump fist with Vee, who seemed to be having one head too much where she stood armed with a hammer and cosplayed as an ogre magi. It wasn't long before the speakers went live, "The panel for Legion begins in five minutes. Five minutes until the Legion panel." It had been then when Blaze understood the message of saving the paladin from the Horde. Walking surrounded by four heavily-armored orcs, was a sergal wearing a golden Paladin armor. Whispering to Zoey, she acknowledged that she found her quest. Sneaking up silently before calling out as the axe swung, "FOR THE LIGHT!" Zoey and the others that wore the glasses could witness how Blaze delivered strike after strike, spell after spell in her fight against the orcs, until the last one of them fell and Blaze walked over with a warm smile and placed a hand on the Paladin's shoulder, "In the Light, we are all one."

The sergal stood up before turning around to face Blaze with a warm smile as Blaze returned the smile, "You must be lady Midnight. A pleasure to finally free you." Midnight smiled and bowed to Blaze, "Ah yes. I hope the room was to your liking. I made sure they gave you a room fitting for my savior." Blaze smiled before sheathing her axe and nodded as they took a seat next to the rest for the panel, just as the goat with the light goatee stood up and called out, "Welcome everyone to the panel for Legion. I am Chris Zetmen, chief storyteller for Blizzard Entertainment. And I am here today with my good pals, Gary Planter, lead environment artist for WoW, and Hason Jutchins, senior game producer for WoW." The crowd went wild before Chris silenced them, "As you might know or might have heard during last convention, I talked about that we would use the technology found in Windows 10 to enable you to more quickly switch gear on your characters with voice commands. I am sorry to report that we are pushing it a bit on development to focus more on Legion." The rage in the hall was real as most seemed rather put down by the information about that something greatly anticipated had been pushed further away. Chris however did not falter, "As you all know, for Legion we will release the Demon Hunter that many wanted since Burning Crusade. Now you can sate your hunger as Illidan will be training you personally."

The entire panel from there on out was only pure hype, making most forget about the fact the voice command change of gear had been pushed forward in time. The panels that came later only heightened the anticipation over the artifact concepts and the designs of all the new areas. Some of the gang had not been interested at all, as shown when Jaeger, Tarja and Tatsuya spent most of their time around the Overwatch demo panels, showing how things were done when the trio savagely tore through opponents like a wave of destruction and despair, or as Tatsuya would call it, a wall of shotgun shells, forty-five millimeter rounds and cyber arrows. Most had found it to be a rather delightful sight, even Blaze and Midnight who seemed to really get closer before the announcement went out that the panels for tomorrow would be for examples the Q&A for Legion, Artifact Weapons, a demo of the Demon Hunter and random information for what was to expect. The group told each other to meet up at 8 in the morning before splitting up, Midnight smiling as she pulled Blaze tightly, "How about we go to that nice little restaurant and have a meal, just the two of us?" Blaze giggled and nodded before they headed back to the hotel and changed to regular street clothes so they could meet up in the lobby and head to the restaurant, the head chef noticing them and whimpered, "Not again!"

The next morning, Blaze was up early to get her cosplay on, feeling rather happy as before Zoey and the others could even knock on her door, she opened it up and got startled, "Wow, how long have you guys been here?" The masked snake in the back aimed a shotgun at Blaze, "Why, we just got here. Perfect execution of interception there." Blaze smiled before they took a walk down to the restaurant, where a table with twelve chairs stood ready. Blaze didn't understand who the last seat was for until a blue dragon came over to sit with them and Jaeger laughed, "You are late, amico." The dragon grunted, "Sorry, Jaeger. I stayed up last night, texting to Nadeena and Julia. You know how it is when I am away, I need to keep them both knowing that I am safe." Jaeger chuckled, "I can see why you stayed near the Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm panels then, right Tal?" Taliesin nodded and sighed, "Was my only way to really calm down." Tarja reached over to give Taliesin a soft hug, "No worry there, I can talk to Nadeena when I get back home. I still owe her for that bloated condom she left in my butt last week." All of them laughed before their orders came served on fine plates, Blaze looking up at the head chef who seemed mildly worried, especially when she stood up and walked over, only to pull out a paper with a recipe written on it, "Here, add this to your menu and I am sure your customers will like it." She then spun around to head back, joining the group as the chef stood there in shock, Zoey laughing at this, "Hey chef! No time to be hit by a Hammer of Justice! Use Emancipate to Resolve yourself before you get back to work!"

The gang laughed as they left the hotel, walking to the convention center while Tarja and Peridot seemed to be enjoying some acrobatics, much to the delight of the ones passing by as Tarja seemed unable to predict Peridot's actions, or just had slowed down to not make it look too cheap. As they walked inside, the glasses got to work again and the speakers spoke out loudly, "The registration for the cosplay contest is now open at table 13, and will be open until 11:00. And the contest begins at 20:15." The group quickly made their way to the table that was already filled to the brim with contestants, some wearing just lightly detailed things, but Peridot giggled and pointed to a little panda girl being dressed as Li Li from Heroes of the Storm while her brother was dressed as Murky from the same game, and who seemed to be the father was dressed up as Chen Stormstout. Tenchi had little problem giggling at how cute it was, especially when the little girl waved her staff at Peridot, only to have Peridot wave the fan in front of her face, causing the big panda to laugh as he took the kids away and allowed the group to get closer to the table, "Hi, we wanna register for the cosplay contest. But we wanna do it in groups so it will be easier." The jackal sitting at the table nodded before taking their names. Blaze and Midnight became one group, Jaeger, Tarja and Tatsuya another and Peridot, Tenchi, Vee and Zoey became the last group.

With the registration done, the group headed for their first panel of the day, the Q&A. It was mostly questions about bosses, cosmetics and certain NPCs that would have major plot points in Legion. Most of the group, to the very most Blaze, seemed rather disappointed at the fact none of their questions got answered and minor important ones got answered. However, after they kept checking out the convention and meet all the famous FurTube people, like GeneralChat and WoWRender, it was soon time for the Artifact panel.

Tarja could have sworn that Blaze must been having sugar in secret for breakfast as she was running quickly to the panel, making Zoey call out after her, "No fair! Stop using Speed of Light now!" They all laughed before running after the happy sergal girl. The panel went mostly smoothly, except for the fact that they had to put a ball-gag on Blaze to keep her from moaning out in joy from all the designs of the Artifact weapons and their alternative looks, but who could blame her really for it when others seemed to enjoy it, maybe a bit less visual than her though.

The next panel they had to wait for was the Demon Hunter demo panel. Blaze stood near a food vendor, getting herself a chocolate bar to snack on, as suddenly she felt how two arms wrapped around her waistline. Taking a look back, she smiled as Midnight was standing there, giving her the friendly look, "Something wrong, Midnight?" Blaze asked her as Midnight shakes her head, "No, I just... I just wanted to say thank you, Blaze. I thought I would go here and be bored from the fact I had no one to go around with and spending time. And not only did you show up, you also brought me along with your friends and gave me the best day I had in a long time yesterday." Blaze gave her a warm smile before lifting the helmet on her and then lifting her own to nuzzle her cheek, then putting them back on again, "You are welcome. I had not met many of them before yesterday. Only Vee and Zoey are the ones I know since before." Midnight nodded, even blushing a bit as Blaze nuzzled her cheek, "Oh. Where are the other friends of yours that you showed a photo of?"

Blaze seemed a bit upset at the question before walking with Midnight over to a bench, "I got mails from them yesterday on my cellphone that they are not coming this year. Only Zoey showed up, because she had nothing scheduled." Blaze felt Midnight hugging her from the side before she bit the chocolate bar and broke it into two halves, handing the other to Midnight, "Here. I only needed the energy." Midnight smiled as she did not only take it from Blaze, she even leaned in to do it with her maw, causing Blaze to smile a bit before a shadowy smoke appeared in front of them, Tarja giggling as she aimed the shotguns at them, "Seems like someone is about to get reaped again." Blaze just smirked as she gently tapped Tarja on the head with her axe, "Hammer of Justice." Midnight giggled before standing up with Blaze as Tarja stood there and pretended to be stunned, allowing Midnight to pull the friendly joke, "Use Emancipate... oh wait, you are not a Paladin."

As the panel finally began, most of them remained quiet and watched the video, the rounds of applauds from what they got to see was more than welcome to the staff sitting there and waiting for it all to end, before they began to explain the talents, abilities and specializations, mostly the fact that Demon Hunters would only have two specs. A tank and a damage one. It was a bit confusing for them all, but still the look on the models were astounding. And like last time, Blaze had to be ball-gagged, even at the request of security due to her indecent behavior, poor girl.

As the convention went on further, Blaze and the gang had plenty of fun times. Blaze and Midnight went into a 5 vs 5 with Tarja, Tatsuya and Jaeger, getting their butts handed to them by Taliesin, Zoey, Nicole, Topaz and Vee in Heroes of the Storm. Listening to a fun song that seemed gibberish until more instruments got added. And also making fun of the rumor that Jaina Proudmoore was secretly a dreadlord in disguise, or as Midnight had begun to call her now, Jaina Prudemoore. The entire group had a good time until the speakers got turned on again, "Cosplay contest beginning in 5 minutes. I repeat, cosplay contest in 5 minutes. At table 13." The rush for table 13 and the big stage begun as they ran to get their start numbers before the contest begun.

After what seemed to have taken a hour, only four groups remained, three of them being the groups of friends while the last one was the father and his two kids. First up was the family of pandas that waved as the father spoke loudly, "Hey, anyone up for sampling some of my latest brew?" The little panda girl giggled, "Uncle Chen, you sit too much on your butt all day." The panda boy did his best to sound like a murloc, making the audience go into a near diabetic moment.

Next up was Vee, Tenchi, Zoey and Peridot who began to argue on stage as Vee did her best to play the role as the villainous Cho'Gall, making so the head would reply to her words while Tenchi was threatening to chop down Vee if she as much as moved an inch, the crowd going completely wild before Zoey charged in and shield slammed Vee lightly, allowing Tenchi to use create a faint aura of light to mask the fact she was making Vee levitate so it looked like she was sent off the stage, making the crowd applaud loudly.

The group following them being Jaeger and Tatsuya as they looked around confused, "Hmmm, could have sworn that we had an enemy left, Hanzo." Jaeger spoke as Tatsuya nodded, "Indeed, they are one of much clever knowledge." It was then that the shadowy smoke appeared in-between them as Tarja aimed one shotgun at each of them, uttering the line, "Seems like you two got reaped... again." She pulled the triggers to fire the shots, causing Jaeger and Tatsuya to fall over 'dead' to the great delight of the audience.

The last ones to walk up were Blaze and Midnight, but with the glasses on, it looked like Midnight was being converted by a legion of succubi as Blaze leaped right in and began to swing her axe to send all of the tempting demons to the Twisting Nether. One of them attempts to whip her, but Blaze strikes the whip away and cleaves her right apart, allowing Midnight to stand up and hug her savior as the crowd went wild from the sudden wings appearing on Blaze's back.

The crowd had gotten to vote for who would win the contest for the nicest cosplay, the results of the voting being done in just less than three minutes, before Chris walked up on the stage, "Now before we announce the winners, I wanna personally thank you all for coming to this convention and making it a serious blast. I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope to see you again during BlizzCon 2016. Now, the winner of the group cosplay contest is..." He opened up the paper he had gotten and read, "The raid group assaulting Cho'Gall!" The applauds got loud as Peridot, Tenchi, Vee and Zoey walked forth and waved as Chris handed them each a certificate and a gift card to the Blizzard online store for $500, before everyone else got a certificate. Blaze however couldn't stop herself when Chris gave her the certificate, as she proceeded to quickly grab the microphone, "I just wanna say that I do not care that I didn't win, I still got the prize right here that is worth the entire contest and slaughtering evil succubi." Blaze then lifted up Midnight and gave her a tight hug, Midnight happily murring while blushing under her helmet as the crowd had their second near diabetic moment for the day.

With the cosplay contest being done, the group left for their hotel during the sound of Sinkin Dark playing at the closing ceremony, all of them deciding to go out for a pizza to celebrate the wonderful convention they had enjoyed together, making Blaze remember that she promised the customs officer that she would snap many photos to show. And as the rest of the night progressed, the friends hung out until it was time for bed, Blaze getting ready to hit the sack just as she felt the two warm arms around her waistline, looking back at Midnight, "Wait? Aren't you going to your room, miss?" Midnight leaned in to give Blaze a soft kiss before murring, "I only booked my room for two nights, not three. I wonder if I can bunk with you tonight." For other people, Blaze might have objected to this, but Midnight seemed rather okay, "Okay, but if it gets me in trouble, then I will say it was your fault." Nothing much could more be said as Midnight began to tear Blaze's clothes off while her own joined the taller sergal's on the floor, the smaller sergal soon finding herself flat on the bed, under a quilt before she noticed Blaze's head sneaking down under it and it was not long before the room was filled with happy moans.

As the morning arrived, Blaze and Midnight laid tucked in closely in the bed, happily smiling from their nightly ritual. It was Blaze that woke up first and looked at Midnight before she got right out of bed and got dressed, writing a note for Midnight to read when she woke up. Giving the girl a kiss on the cheek, Blaze left the note on the bedside table and the key-card with her before grabbing her bags and heading out to the bus that waited with the rest of the gang.

The bus trip back to the airport was not a long one, but it seemed to make Blaze a bit sad, making Zoey lean closer to her, "What's wrong, Blaze?" Blaze lowered her head, "I left Midnight sleeping on the bed as I had to go. It doesn't feel fair to her." Zoey nodded, "I am pretty sure she understands that you had to." Blaze wasn't so sure about it, but the others comforted her too.

As they arrived at the bus stop outside the airport, the guilt filled Blaze again, but her friends pushed her onward through the doors when they arrived. Everyone gave each other a hug before exchanging their contact information with those they didn't know before. Soon the speakers called out the arrival of the planes to separate gates and Blaze quickly made her way to the gate where her plane was coming. The customs officer greeted her as she was early there, her bags getting scanned and about to be sent to the ones handling the packaging, when a message went live in the speaker, "AF1986-O has been canceled due to engine problems. Flight AF228-P will arrive in 27 hours."

Blaze sighed at the news, "Just my luck." The customs officer nodded before the bags got brought back and Blaze sat down to being waiting for the next flight, just as a voice spoke to her, "Need a flying hand?" Blaze's shock became happiness when Midnight stood there, "You came, but aren't you having a plane to catch?" Midnight giggled as she gave Blaze a sly wink, "Oh, I am flying my own plane. And I heard your plane was canceled, so how about I give you a lift back home? Cardiff, wasn't it?" Blaze couldn't have been happier as she stood up and gave Midnight a tight hug, both of them murring before they made their way to the only gate at the airport for personal use, their bags getting checked and loaded into the back of a plane which Midnight quickly ordered the flight tower to permit the passengers for Flight AF1986-O to be permitted to fly with. As she made her way into the cockpit, Blaze took her seat in the plane and waited for it to fill up after the engine had been turned on and Midnight was taxiing the plane to the gate.

When the plane finally was full, Midnight spoke in the communication speaker, "This is your captain speaking, I seem to be missing a co-pilot and navigator. Can the lady in seat 2, row 25, in the economy class please report to the cockpit at once?" Blaze felt herself boiling from embarrassment as Midnight had called for her. Making her way forward to the cockpit, the other passengers were applauding for her before a stewardess opened the door for her and Midnight was holding out a second headset which Blaze grabbed and put on before taking a seat in the co-pilot's chair, hearing the engines revving up as the plane was taxiing to the runway, soon speeding up as Midnight gave Blaze the honor, to which Blaze was shocked of knowing the name before calling it out to the tower, "Tyrael's El'druin taking off!" And soon Blaze could see the sky opening itself for her and the sun beamed down on her and Midnight as the plane flew towards the horizon with them in it, back home again.

The End.

At BlissCum 1

At BlissCum This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to...

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Bound by Destiny 20

**Bound by Destiny 20 - Rebirth of Winged Skies** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is...

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Bound by Destiny 19

**Bound by Destiny 19 - Trust in the Heart of the Cards** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being...

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