Your Typical Breakfast

Story by Playfulmutt on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you're not 18, don't wanna get in trouble for being under 18, or your religion doesn't like you reading porn, don't read this. :3 If you're gonna be a rebel, join the rest of the crowd and read it. Ruckus is (c) Me, 2002. Any relation to the other characters in this story are merely coincidence, as they were made up. (c)2006 Author Notes: Well. This is my first story. I completed it using two hours a night for three nights. It was originally in twelve point font in a word document and took up seven and a half pages. It took me a total of approximately six hours to write, though...I have a friend that read it in thirty-minutes. @.@ Which worries me. Please, enjoy. If you find any typos, e-mail me the sentence/paragraph it's in and what needs to be corrected. Feel free to leave comments too, either on here, or at my E-mail. As for the theme/title... :3 I think it's creative, since...Well...I dunno about you...But I -like- having sausage for breakfast! And yes, it's -supposed- to go from 2ndPOV to 1st...I was sort of trying something creative. Well! Enjoy! Your Typical Breakfast

Entering your favorite tavern, you notice that the ambiance is definitely more warm and welcoming; there are even some new faces! While you're on your way to the bar, you're stopped with a bump to the back of your noggin. It wasn't uncommon for drunks to be hurling things such as fruit pits and other small manner of things at people, but as you turn, you see a slim, petite young male, clothed in black robes, greeting you from his cozy corner with a giggle like smirk and a quick giddy wave. Feeling like there's nothing else to do, you decide to enlighten the little guy. "Why, hello there, Handsome. Allow me to introduce myself; m'name's Ruckus!" He announces cheerily in a creamy tone. His frame, much unlike other males, is an intriguing curve with delicious looking add-on curves consisting of his lower body. Bodice resembled a young woman's, but instead, was a young male's. Now that you have a better look at him, his race seems to completely alter. Whatever in god's name you thought he was, he was a human...For the most part. No, he had something else about him... "Well...Don't just stare at me like that. Haven't you ever seen a half-human before? Evidently not..." a light sigh, "We're...Not very abundant as it is..." His position is a bit more revealed now. Human frame was well shaped, short, yet smooth, his hair was long, down to his shoulders at least. His hair was quite tasseled, strewn about behind and in front. If it weren't for the lack of bust, he could pass off for a female in an instant. From his dark red hair sprout two furry orange fox ears, tipped with white on the inside. They quirked and turned in this way and that, eavesdropping, though still attentive. To his side, was his very own equally orange tail. The tip was also dabbed with a white glob. "Ah well, that's not important. You're here, right? You might as well listen to one of my stories, right?" he exchanged a flirtatious wink with a few males passing by. "They all enjoyed, I'm sure you will too." Scooting up onto his seat, he'd try to make himself more level with your own body. Instantly, as if through magic, his words form crisp pictures and new ideas inside of your head, like your very own flashback inside of his shoes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to say that it was about early fall, when it happened, ahh yes, how I finely fit in with all of those withered leaves. I'm a thief, you see, an impish little rogue that gets kicks out of stealing things, whether I need them, or if I have intent on giving it back. I believe, by the ache in my belly, that it was about late morning and early afternoon. I decided to start my day of skullduggery by stealing myself some breakfast. Usually, people ate in their own homes for breakfast, rather than diners, so this was a bit more difficult than stealing the other meals of the day; including tea. Ah, how fondly I remember those scents I smelled, the scones, the jam, the sweet, sweet cordial! The fruit, peaches set out for dessert, and let's not forget those delightful potatoes, baked into a golden brown crispness that allowed it's pleasant aroma to expel to unfathomed reaches. And where was all of this delightful food? Why...Coming from the park, I imagined. Yes...It'd have to be. No one in the mills would have such a fine feast...It smelled so good...Yet...It was missing something--Meat. True, true, meat isn't an extremely common breakfast food around here...But what I wouldn't give to sink my teeth around a big fat sausage. Hehe, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I was quick to act, nimble, spry, and stealthy. Garbed in my normal attire, my black hooded robes, and my clever orange fur to blend in with the leaves, rocks, and shadows, I was quite difficult to spot from a far, and equally difficult up close. Scampering about the park, I hunted high and low for the scents that drove me mad. But after these few minutes, the scents still did not fade, the food left uneaten...where was this coming from? And why had they not eaten it yet? My answers lied over the next hill. The area I reached was quite a decent post, to say the least. A sort of concave area of berry bushes gave me cover for my prey. Although the berries would have been delicious...The birds had long since beaten me, and the branches were beginning to lose their own leaves and needles, though their own cover was gone, they still provided use to me by breaking up my appearance in-between the branches. As I gazed onward with anticipation, I was greeted with a sorry sight. They had started eating...Well past half the scones by now...Beyond the cover of my bushes were a couple of stocky wolves and a white and blue striped tiger. Why they were having breakfast in the park was beyond me...But I didn't care...I sought to steal myself some of that food. The three males chatted idly about news and happenings for a while in-between bites of food. After a while of torturing and listening, I was able to discern several names, and whom they belonged to. The tiger was named Oaklee, which, must have been an outsider name, since...I'd never heard of such a thing. The smaller wolf's name was Lou, though the larger Wolf, Riley, pet-named him Louie the Loup constantly. Lou didn't seem to mind too much. The three male's clothes consisted mostly of normal every day clothes, yielding a job identification impossible. The clothes themselves weren't very conspicuous at all. A few button up shirts, a few pairs of baggy pants and boots to adorn their foot paws. The two wolves had semi-long hair, Riley's brown, Lou's a blonde. The tiger also had brown hair, but in a more shaggy way, ruffled and somewhat short. My starvation was really kicking in; I had to have! I raised my body a few inches and began scampering to the side to get around behind Oaklee, but before I could, disaster struck!--my stomach growled...Like a bolt of lighting, Oaklee swung his body full circle, lunging out and pouncing towards my bush. Instinctually, I fell backwards onto my tush, and without any warning what-so ever, Oaklee fell directly on top of me. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little cutie eavesdropping on us?" he'd smirk as he removed my hood from my face. I fought and struggled with all my might, but...That wasn't saying much, he had me pinned down tight. His friends rose quickly and meandered over to investigate. "What'd you catch this time, Oak?" Lou said. "Look for yourself!" he replied, "Isn't he a cutie? Hehehe, a fox too!" "Mm...So he is...Roll 'im over." Oak obeyed and swiftly rolled my body over, moving to squat pressuring on my back down. "Well, well..." Riley commented finally, "What've we got here? You sure he's a guy?" he commented, paw reaching out to gently roam over the curve of my rump. I answered with a yelp, but was greeted with Oak's finger, which found it's way into my mouth, reaching back along the line of my teeth to gag me temporarily. "Mmm...Feisty...I like em feisty..." Oak said, leering overtop of me to smile an upside down grin. The leader's paw finally removed itself from my ass long enough to move around in front to talk to me. Squatting down, he'd smile gently. His facial features were very calm and soothing. Motioning a single paw in a fluid swipe, he gave a silent order to tell Oaklee to remove his fingers. He obeyed, but remained on top of me. Lou, all the while, was studying my ass from behind, barely noticeable, but interested to say the least. "Hey...What's a little cutie like you doing sneaking up on us?" He asked, making another motion. Oak and Lou both hesitantly obeyed. Getting off of me, they pulled me back to a sitting position on a near by tree, though both stood on either side incase I should want to run. Now able to breathe significantly better, I decided I had better respond quickly and get it over with. "I...I was hungry. I smelled your food and...well...I wanted some..." Riley could only get more and more excited with me, as though it seemed. At the sound of my voice, all three grinned. "My, you have a sweet voice, darling. What's your name?" "R...Ruckus." "Ruckus? That's a...Interesting name. And you're apparently...Unemployed?" Riley's eyes flashed between me and the meal they had spread out, now growing cold. "Y-Yes. Why?" I asked. "Well, my little foxboy, I'll tell you what...We're gonna do you a favor! We'll feed you; Oooh we'll feed you well. But before you get your meal, you have to...Listen to what we tell you. Do what we say, and you'll have your food in no time. What do you say, cutie?" After his long speech, I heard a few sounds that puzzled me...Quirking my ears up and down, to the sides too, I listened to the zzzzip! Sound and let it echo through my brain. What was it? It sounded like it came from everywhere... It was in such a quirking ear that I felt a wet dab. I shook my ear In a spastic manner, but it was stopped by Lou's paw and held straight. "Mmm..." he groaned as he seized control of my ear. "Cute fuzzy little slut...He's not very furry, but where he is, it's nice and warm..." I felt the dab again. I squinted, wanting to break free, but...My instincts told me to stay put. Chancing a look over to Lou, I noticed the bright colors of his pants were no longer at his hips, but instead, at his ankles. I cranked my head what I could without having my ear ripped off to look at Oak. Instead of seeing his hips at all, I instead saw a large, circular, bulbous and fleshy rod poke out at me, stabbing eagerly at my lips, leaving trails of clear sticky residue. With a shy squeak, I quickly clung to Lou in defense, only to find he too was situated for the same thing. Lou's meaty pole, a bit larger in size, prodded at my lips and cheek. "How about a lick, cutie?" he taunted. Looking forward, now, not sure which way to lean, I gazed at Riley, eyes full of hope and plea. Those hopes quickly faded, however, for before me, Riley was stepping out of his pants himself. A bulky, long, ebony black shaft hung erect from his crotch. His scrotum, full of his two juicy succulent orbs, wallowing around and around, forming their sperm minute by minute. I whimpered...Uneasy and confused. I felt hot inside, like I just wanted to hurl. Riley's body seemed to block out the sun at that moment as he stood over me. "Well, Ruckus...Aren't these the biggest sausages you've ever seen?" He played me for a fool, and at that point in my life...I was. I gave a small nod. "You're...Giving me sausage?" I asked, squirming somewhat as I backed up to hug the tree with my back. Riley gave a hearty chuckle. "Heh heh...Aye." He said, gripping the base of his dark black 'sausage'. "It's a bit different from normal sausages...You suck on these...You hear me?" he brought his male hood across my cheek with a swift slap, a large gob of the sticky substance stuck to it as well. "So help me god if I feel those teeth of yours on my cock...Let's just say...We'll really feed you...All three of us...Now then...Shall we begin?" I recoiled to the harsh cockslap that was administered, whimpering slightly, though Lou and Oak cranked my head back into place. "Y-Yes s-s-sir!" I murmured, feeling horribly embarrassed by how I talked. Both Lou and Oak seized one of my wrists, pulling my hands to their own thick rods, they forced my hands shut on them. "What a little slut...Look at these hands, perfect hand job hands right there." Lou scoffed, and playfully thrust his tip at me, smearing a small glob down my right cheek. "Heh. So they are...Alright, Foxy, now you just pump our...'sausages'...Up and down...That's right...Mmm...Not too bad...Ever done this before, Foxy?" Oak purred, one of his large clawed paws resting on my head, ruffling to scratch behind my ears gently. I murred in response, "N-No..." Before I could say much else, Riley approached. "Heh...Alright, you've got him turn him over to me..." He said, lust and intent in his eyes. He closed the gap in-between us with a few short steps, his curving erection just inches above my head, though it seemed like feet above. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as the clean fresh air was replaced with an intoxicating musky scent. After a small sneeze, I was able to shove it into the back of my mind...Wasn't that bad, really...Just a new scent. "Alright cutie-face...Let's try this. Open up that cute little yap of yours, here comes the sausage!" And, without any other option available to me, I opened my mouth. Riley set to work instantly. He worked his cock at an angle, using my tongue for a rubbing ramp as he ran his black beauty over it's velvety touch. "Mnn...Nice tongue you have there, Foxy. Be sure to put it to use." He churred as he stuffed his fat tip into my tiny mouth. "Hehehe. Looks like it barely fits, Fox boy...You gonna be okay?" he'd ask, almost sincere about it...Though I figured he was just taunting me. Whether I wanted to admit it or not...It was true...It was a tight fit. My jaw could still open more...But it filled up quite a bit of room. My only response was a stifled grunt as I raised my head to bob down on it a bit. "Mmm...Good job, Slut. You know how to bob your head." He said sarcastically. Riley placed a paw on the back of my head and gave a rather forceful push. More than half of the wolf's ebony black shaft pushed in, and the tip hung over the edge of my throat. I urked and stammered, trying to avoid doing something embarrassing like hurling, I suppose, was the reason why I gagged. Whatever I did, Oaklee seemed to like it. "Whoah!" he exclaimed, "Haha! Listen to that whore gag!" He giggled, coaxing out a shot of pre-cum to shoot, and land, directly on my eye in a vertical manner, now I could only see through my right eye, for fear of opening my eye lid and being rewarded with more goop. Lou made a similar comment, as well as a similar splatter, though this one fell short to hit only my cheek. "Yeaaah. Damn, that's music to my ears...Make him do it again, Riley!" I looked up to Riley, as if for help once more. To no avail, however...From his actions, and his inquiry, I could tell he had no intent of avoiding another deep throat. "Heh heh heh. You want me to...Don't you, fuck slave? I can tell by the look in your eyes that you want me to drill your throat. Mm...I wonder if I could reach your stomach. Naaah...You're not that scrawny. Well, Fem-boy...What do you think? Your opinion matters too!" His words, quite indignant and taunting. I attempted to speak, but all that came out was a gurgling sound, then, a long dripping line of spittle, dripping from my lower lip. All three males released a laughing "Ooooo!" as it dripped. I could do nothing to catch it, it fell. "Haha! My, you're a dirty little man-whore. I'll take that as a 'Please, fuck my tight little throat'" he chuckled, mimicking a squeaky small voice as he quoted my unsaid sentence. With that, he stuffed his meat back in, slamming my head forward. By now, my whole mouth overall had really moistened up...I figured it was the desire to eat that had left my mouth watering, though, I may have been wrong. His cock glided through nice and easy, thick veiny urethra slipping along my moist tongue. I don't remember seeing much, since I shut my eyes. But I remember gagging, again. It was like a constant reflex, over and over. Lou and Oak cheered with moans and strokes to my furry ears. As well as the strokes, they rewarded my gag-reflex with two more spurts of pre. Oak's was faulty this time, landing on my left cheek, and Lou, dabbing his sticky clear gunk right over the top of my nose! Speaking of noses...Riley must have really been on edge, because, in addition to stuffing his whole meat in, he thought it would be funny to stuff my nose right in his crotch. He whooped and bucked once more, making sure it was in as far as it could go. "Wooh! Yeah! Wear my balls on your chin, cocksucker. You like sniffing my sweaty pubes, girly boy?" He mocked as he ground my head from side to side. I gagged once more, it was getting hard to breathe, and I was becoming desperate for air. Just when all was getting black, I suddenly felt a weight off of me, everywhere. My mouth was empty and so were my hands. My arms fell to my sides, weak and tired of pumping. I leaned back on the tree, huffing and panting. Gasping for air, and not even caring about what I looked like or how much spittle was on my face, though I had a good hunch that I looked like a whore. Examining my immediate surroundings through one visible eye, I discerned that I wasn't alone, but merely unused, at the moment. The three lined their cocks up. Largest, in the middle, and the two medium sized on the sides, just like how they were positioned. Stuffing their fat bulbous tips into my gaping mouth all at the same time, an eruption of moans spread out over the peaceful park, their orgasms washing thick, salty, bitter semen over my tongue and into my mouth. While the two wolves were busy howling and bawling like they just saw a harvest moon, Oak instructed me on what to do. "Swallow it, Bitch. Mm...Good, good, all of it. Yesss..." he purred, stroking over my furry ears as he spoke. Without much for options, I swallowed the sticky cum, in big gulps, as instructed. This orgasm to swallowing ordeal lasted a minute or so, though it felt like an hour. They kept groping my head, whispering things, and above all, expelling this horribly bitter tasting liquid! It was slimy and sometimes stuck to the inside of my cheeks, but I managed it down. At last they were finished. All three stepping away, they lifted up their pants and fastened them in a hurry. "Nff...Shit, that was the best release I've had in a good long time! Eh, Oak?" Lou commented. "Huh. I dunno...I had to do most of the schooling for the poor slut. Next bitch, you have to school." Oak replied. "Yeah, yeah, alright..." "Seriously...No more of this 'I'm Riley's sub!' shit...You understand me?--" Their constant bickering waged on for a while. Riley ignored them and approached me with a large smile. "Hey cutie..." he churred, "You did well. I trust you enjoyed your breakfast." I shot him a squinting glance. Apparently...-that- was supposed to be my breakfast...Though it was horribly foul did taste good, in its own way. I felt funny, sitting there, spit and cum all over my face. He dropped a folded piece of paper and a small leather pouch. "This is for your troubles...Go to this address if you ever need more work in the future. We're always looking for another cute face, Foxy." He smirked, nudging my chin in a friendly manner before standing and padding off with the other two still complaining. You could imagine what the paper had on it, an address, and the pouch contained a decent sum of coins for future...Ahem...Breakfasts. "This isn't too bad..." I thought to myself as I washed up in the river at the park. "At least I'll never go hungry again!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girly fox boy giggles at you, blushing and turning away with embarrassment. "I...Guess I got a little carried away...Huh?" he'd comment shyly, head bowed, though visage still apparent with his eyes motioning from yours downward. Though it took you a minute, you finally get the picture he's trying to address to you. The story seemed to have left your pants quite...tight...At the ends. "Why don't you let me help you with that?" he'd churr, sliding down beneath the bar table, out of sight. As you feel the pressure of your pants release and the flaps open, you decide--"This is the best bar in town..."