Hotspring Hotel

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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Hotspring Hotel

Night had just settled on the resort hotel small festive lights made the building glow against the dark backdrop of the sky. Mike had spent most of the day scrubbing or sanitizing every mess and stain the guests had seemed to come up with. He let out a small sigh of relief when he got to their artificial hot springs, the place looked rather clean a few towels tossed here or there and a half full bottle of beer. "Guess everybody was busy making the mess at the pool."

The bunny pulled his small trolley up to block the entrance before going about gathering the trash and dirty towels and set them into the proper spaces on his trolley before looking around, he wasn't due to clock out for another half hour but he had gotten to all the major places already. He took one last look around the area there weren't any cameras pointed this way which made him smile. He quickly stripped out of his janitor gear and set them in one of the chairs surrounding the large hot spring.

Mike stepped up to the edge and eased his feet inside the hot water made him blush as he slipped inside the heated water slowly soaked through his black fur, the heat helping to sooth the small aches and pains he had. He rested his back against the wall of the heated pool before resting his head back onto the edge. He heard something rustle in the grass just outside the hot spring's wall but shrugged a bit when it came to a halt. "Must have been the wind." He thought before going lax again. A moment later he could smell a strong musky odor from somewhere close by, he wrinkled his nose and tried not to be bothered by it, that was until he heard a light splash on either side of him. He opened his eyes just in time to see a set of cream colored balls settle on his face.

"So this is how you like to spend your time hm? Who needs to clean when you can just lounge around and get paid for it?" The deep voice said with a soft purr to it.

Mike blushed a deep red and froze on the spot when he recognized the voice as his boss Will. "I- I was just-" He mumbled out from under those musky orbs with each word shifting them about.

"You were just what?" Will said with a smirk as he pressed down on the rabbit's face grinding against his employee. "Stealing a bit of my money while you relaxed in the spring here?" He let out a soft purr as he felt the rabbit trying to say something to him. "Open your maw a bit wider, I can't hear you."

Mike shuddered a bit before opening his maw a bit wider and felt Will's balls slip into his mouth, he very gently started to lick and suckle over them.

"You catch on quick for a first time offender. I might have to keep you around." He growled out playfully while the teasing worked him stiff.

"Yes sir." Mike said gently careful not to squeeze those sensitive bits with his maw and hoped his boss would forgive him.

"Now to think of an appropriate punishment, I could see what it is like to have bunny for dinner." He smirked as that made Mike squirm and shiver. "Or maybe I could use a new seat in my office." Will eased his balls out of the rabbits maw before scooting forward a short ways and grinding his butt to the bunny's face. "You feel pretty good back there." Will said in a soft playful purr while his employee squirmed under him.

Mike groaned lightly at the weight now settled on his face before slowly pushing his tongue out to lick and prod about between the big tiger's cheeks hoping he'd be let off with just a warning.

"Ohh now that is a good bunny, I got it." Will chuckled before getting up and off the rabbit and turned about his throbbing length pointed towards the bunny's head. He smiled as he felt a few soft licks over his tip. "ah, ah , ah you aren't getting away just for a blow job."

Mike quirked an eyebrow unsure what else the tiger would want before he felt the tiger's paw gently grip his head and lift it up to that tip his nose and lips pushed right to that throbbing length. "Hm?" He grunted still unsure only to blink in surprise as they were slipped inside with relative ease.

Will smiled as the bunny thrashed about as his head was slowly worked inside. "Mmm there we go, right where you belong." He pulled his paws back and let the slow throb slowly pull the bunny in bit by bit his length swelling in size as the rabbit's squirming figure slid up and in those shoulders making another bulge after stretching his tip further. "Before you get too far in there, if you so much as lightly brush those teeth against the flesh around you or in my balls and I'll make sure you don't come out of there... got it?"

Mike had closed his eyes tight to keep the fleshy juices out of his eyes, the only sound he could hear aside from the tiger's loud talking was the throb of his boss' heartbeat with each rush of blood squeezing and pulling on him along with the tiger's tensing up. He groaned and kicked his legs about in an attempt to work himself back out but was pulled in just as easy as before. He yipped a bit in surprise as a bit of pre splashed against his nose as his upper half slid inside, his ears picked up on the sloshing from the tiger's balls. "Please let me out!" He did his best to yell.

"Oh I'll think about it little guy, maybe into a disgruntled customers backside or a hungry ones maw. I think you'd make such a nice bulge on them." He purred loudly at that and stretched as his length pulled the rabbit's hips inside only to moan lightly as his balls swelled up as the bunny's head slid inside.

The bunny tried to tilt his head so he wouldn't drown in the mess his head had just been pushed into and squirmed a bit when he was pushed deeper his legs kicking about as the tiger's stiffened length acted as a slide in tugging him down and in, he coughed and sputtered with the tiger's seed all over his head and in his mouth and nose too. "Please, I'll pay you for the time I was lounging please! Will, listen to me!" He yelled hoping the tiger would listen to a bit of reason.

Will chuckled and lightly pressed on the bunny's feet as they slowly sank in to the tip. "Just a little more." He said with a shudder of pleasure when he shoved those soaked bunny feet into his tip, his tongue lolled from his mouth as he felt his janitor slowly slip down and in his length beginning to shrink back down to normal while his balls grew larger and larger.

Mike coughed and sputtered a bit as he was slid out into the fleshy prison before letting out a yelp as he was quickly jostled around when his feet popped inside with him. He felt the tiger tense up followed by a tight squeeze on him pressing that warm mess up and out that length. He groaned and tried to kick about to get to the exit but was held in place by one of the tiger's paws as the feline emptied out into something. "Let me out!" He yelled as loud as he could before panting the musky air making it hard to keep focused and awake.

"Shhh people will hear you." Will said with a smirk as he wrapped up filling the bag he had let loose in. He tied the top before slipping into the hot spring again and relaxing. "Don't worry it'll be over soon enough."

Mike kicked about as the added heat was making him dizzy, he slowly started to nod off only to lift his head with a start as he fought off sleep for as long as he could before passing out everything fading to black.

"Wake up!"

Mike perked his ears up to the sound before being splashed with icy water making him jolt up from where he was. He looked around the small bathroom of one of the hotel rooms with the tiger standing above him with a bucket in paw. He shuddered in the cold water as he sat in the tub.

"Good to see you are up and ready for round two." Will smiled and turned on the shower and turned it to a nice warm temp before slipping in behind the bunny.

Mike blushed again as he felt his boss get snug behind him the feline's legs spread round his hips his legs between the tiger's own before he was hugged back against that creamy white belly the water splashing down over him. "Did... did you really do what you said you'd do." He asked in a shaky voice still shaking lightly from before.

"What kind of monster do you think I am? I'm not about to murder my employee's especially the one I share a room with." He said with a deep purr "though I did dock you the half hour that you should have been working. I suppose it's a fair trade for not becoming tiger cum."

Mike slowly nodded before perking his ears up at the sharing a room part. "What?" He pulled the shower curtain back and peeked around the bathroom, it was certainly his bathroom they were in. "Don't you have your own room?"

"Oh I do, but after what fun we had last night I decided to join my new best employee in his room, who knows maybe it'll happen much more often now." He said with a loud happy purr as he gently scrubbed the rabbit's fur now to help get him clean.

"So I'm supposed to work and pay off the room you are going to be staying in now hm?" He said with a roll of his eyes before relaxing back into those paws as they worked through his fur.

"No I waive all fees to the rooms I stay in at my hotel." Will said with a smile before leaning in to nibble over the bunny's ears to tease them. "Now when we are done here you take the day off and I'll see you later tonight. This place can't seem to run a day without me." He chuckled softly before getting up and out of the tub to slowly clean himself off. "Oh and these are yours." He said tossing a bag to the side of the tub.

Mike blinked and peeked down at the bag only to put a paw to his face as he recognized his work clothes and underwear floating inside of the bag that was filled to the brim with the tiger's mess. "Thanks boss." He mumbled before laying back into the tub letting the shower rinse him clean as he thought of what was to come.

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