Going into the closet?

Story by Ajinx on SoFurry

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Working is the only way to pay the bills. Being an owner of a successful company is one of the best possible jobs to have, but being an intern like me, having this be the first week I've had a job, that position seems just a little impossible. I graduated high school almost eight months ago and I just got accepted to see if I will even fit in at this company. I can't complain though. After all, my boyfriend put in the good word for me.

We are working in a building that ships paper. Yeah I'm scraping the bottom of a hundred foot barrel. Were the top shipping company in the state, it's as fun as it sounds, but it can get busy being the bitch boy for everyone. Life can suck for ferret , or should I say I don't get sucked enough ? "Do this, do that" is what I do, I go up the elevator and down the elevator doing the simplest of jobs. I can't complain I have a job... sort of, but I need to keep it and to make my man happy I put a pep in my step when I reach "his" floor and it's not too hard to do. We met at a G.S.A meeting in high school( gay,straight alliance) and since then our feelings for each other have only grown,stereotypical I know but it's true. He's an elk, I'm surprised that he's not a cop or something, he definitely has the body for it. He deserves something better than a paper packing job, most times even with my teasing and goading he's always too tired to go out with me and go to dinner.

And it just so happens that I'm going down to his floor to present my package, I mean the bosses packing plans to him. It's pretty loud at the bottom floor, the garage is open letting in the crisp winter weather. There is a constant sound of tape being ripped and grunts from the workers. I'm walking on the metal stairs leading up to his work space before I notice him.

He's wearing a white muscle shirt letting his brown (fur?) poof out where it's not covered and gray sweatpants. His antlers are moving towards his office knowing that I'm going to see him. I reach the connecting pathways before he does giving me a moment to gather my thoughts." Hey Wiley!" He says to me when he's finally standing a few feet away from me.

" Hello honey."I smile because I know how he's going to react. His eyes bug out when the words connect to his brain.

"Shushhh, what are you trying to do get, yourself fired!" He asks me knowing that If anyone found out we are dating they could fire both of us for not disclosing our relationship when he pretty much gave me this job.

"What? I'm just yanking your chain Eck. Or do you want me to yank something else?" I give him my signature wink and keep the smile.

"Okay let's continue this conversation elsewhere." He grabs me by my shoulder making sure not to pull too hard for me to drop the box but hard enough to know that my goading did its job. He's starting to lead me to the break room where he knows it will be empty.

"Have something else in mind?" I tease him. He just stays silent leading me to the room. We pass a few of the workers but they don't give us a glance their too busy playing with their packages. He opens the door and pushes me in the empty room that still smells of some crappy burrito.

"You couldn't wait to say that to me when see each other out of work? He gives me a small smile to show me that he appreciates what I said to him.

"What? With you muscles showing and you looking all lonely I thought you'd want it." I goad him. He reaches for the box to take it out of my arms and places it on the table next to us. He sighs.

"You really want to test me do you?" He growl chuckles, for an elk he perfected a growl.

" I can think of something else to test but this is just fine for now. After all, you know how rowdy ferrets get." I close the distance between us placing my hand on his stomach which is almost where my chest is.

" Okay thats enough, you know we have to get back to work you in a minute." I could see him straining to say that. If I push a little harder I might actually be able to make him wait in the break room for a few minutes after I leave.

"What, scared to take care of a few other jobs than go back to work ?" I tease him more, lifting my head and going on my toes to rub my muzzle under his neck.

"Wiley" He says pointing his muzzle to the ceiling.

" Oh! I'm finally getting to yomphhff." He cuts me off by smashing his lips to mine. Now it's my turn to be surprised.

"Come on tough guy, the maintenance closet is locked and I'm the only one with the key today." He looks at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"What? Elk catch your tongue?" He pulls me more roughly now to the door across the room, leaving my tail lashing behind me. Is he joking? He pulls a key chain out of his pocket, seeming to memorize the keys he picked it out in a second out of the twenty others on the chain and sliding it into the hole. He's not joking, he leads me in the closest and against the wall.

The door slams shut leaving me feeling for the light switch, by the time I find it he's got his pants down to his knees and shirt on the floor." Might not want to move to much, don't want my antlers make too much noise." He says. I stare at his bare body it's already making me stiff.

" You were the one teasing and you're not even ready."He jokes.

" I don't have any lube so my mouth will have to do." I didn't think he would actually take my bait. He chuckles reaching down to his pants and into his pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"I guess a condom will work. Oh and something else I planned on for a while" He looks at me, freezing me in place. He is so hot right now he's never like this. I just stand there and stare at him, jaw open. His legs are spread out leaving his sack and cock hang between his legs.

" Come on, look behind the box behind you." He tells me while ripping the condom open. As if I was trying to set a speed record I reach behind the cleaning supply box and find a small bottle of lube. I turn to face him bottle still in hand and pull down my slacks leaving my white fur showing. I open the bottle pouring some in my paw before coating the underside of my tail good, knowing that this will be rough. Not that I'm complaining.

Later after work hours we will have a romantic dinner in his apartment, I'll make him, where it is just us and nothing causing stress. It will just be me and him, maybe a movie with me wrapped around him on his couch. Not caring about the outside world, judgement from everyone else. From my parents.

Yeah I'll be sore but I'll have him to lay on and we will joke around about how he caused it. I'll be able to have him carry me to his bed so we can look at each other, touch each other. It may not even end in him cumming under my tail but it will feel just as good, those are my favorite moments when were panting, still in the after glowing looking into each other's eyes. But for now, I just need sex.

I can still hear sounds from out of the room as I get into position, resting my forearms on the cabinet and stepping one leg out of my pants to give him space. I hear him behind me " I have been waiting for this for the past two weeks." I don't say anything back, I just keep myself ready and prepare for what's about to happen.

He reaches around to take hold of my cock slowly stroking up and down to tease me. "Wow leaking already? You really want this." He says

"Just put it in already stud." I chuckle. He pushes into me and makes me shiver, I want to push back into him but I let him take control. He starts to squeeze my cock causing me to stiffen with every squeeze and every inch. I feel his hot breath on the top of my head .

My tongue falls out of my muzzle causing a chuckle to come from behind me. " Just put it in already stud." He mimics me in a way to squeaky voice. Shoving the rest of his cock into me, I feel his balls on the back of mine. I tighten around his cock causing a moan to slip out of him. He stops for a few seconds letting me adjust to his enormous size.

I relax around him causing the stretching feeling to dull just a bit. A squeak escapes my throat as he starts tugging my length in his paw." I thought I said I'd tug you. I exhale into the cabinet.

I feel him shift his feet and he starts to thrust, back and forth, back and forth causing a dull slap being heard from our balls hitting each other and a squelch from the lube. His paw starts moving a bit faster causing a constant pleasure from my rear and cock. Slowly pushing my cock down to cause a bit a pressure at the base. He keeps the same rhythm of his paw as his thrusts.

I start to squeeze my rear again to keep making his moans louder, it's cute when I can cause that to happen. I keep it as tight as I can as he presses further in me. There can't be too much time left before someone notices our disappearance. He starts to speed up just a bit just so I can feel his thrusts more and embarrassingly let out more noises, I can only imagine the faces he's making behind me. His breath is starting to steam the air, I can see it out of the corner of my eye.

I can feel my legs shaking in front of his, his paw feels like the only thing keeping me up ( not in that way). He takes my cock more firmly almost as if he was playing with him self. If he had lube in his paw I would have already covered his paw in seed two minutes ago. I start to push back into his thrusts not being able to control myself. I'm pressed against the cabinet, his body and his cock throwing me into the cold metal. He is burying himself deep in me speeding up a little more getting closer to our release.

Normally he's more romantic than lets fuck in the closet and hope we don't get caught. The first time we had sex he spent the whole day taking us to parks and looking at the ponds, then we went to the movies to see some rom-com about a vacation to mexico, and lastly dinner at his house than about an hour of foreplay before he even thought of putting his cock in me. I usually joke about that before we fuck but right now the only funny things now are coming out of my muzzle.

He starting to pound me now letting his leg power show and making his paw a blur. His body is pinning mine against himself and the cabinet, I don't even have weight on my legs anymore he's holding me up somehow. He has my ear between his teeth gently but firmly. His hips are pounding up against me, our balls causing a constant slapping noise behind my squeaks and his moans.

I squeeze around him with all I have, He is creating a cloud behind me with his breath. Somehow the condom didn't fall off yet or move around, but I could care less it was only for the mess. I clench my teeth and let out a moan, his teeth bite down on my ear marking me as his own.

A groan escapes us both as he finally slams his cock to the hilt, his hand still a blur milking me for all I'm worth. My rear stays clenched on its own causing me to just stand, hang there and take it. We both shake, and quiver letting each other feel our love. His love contained in my hole still spasming and mine in his paw leaking all over it before finally I shoot out all over his paw and the cold metal I'm pressed against. He cums inside of the condom not letting me feel the warmth of sacred seed but I can still imagine it.

We sway together holding each other close in the ecstasy of an orgasmic release, he does one extra thrust to make sure all of his love was released, I'm still squeezing him tight. The last of my seed hitting the floor, my drool hanging from my tongue. My feet finally hit the floor for the first time in who know how long.

he unclenches his teeth, letting my now blood stained ear loose from his mouth staining my white fur and his breath is still warming my head but that doesn't match the high I feel. He withdraws his cock letting my face drag against the metal and my body slumping against the ground, rump still in the air and my muzzle in my own cum.

"Did that live up to your expectations ferret?" He teases. I can hear him putting his clothes back on again and by the time I force myself to a sitting position causing a quick jab of pain he's fully clothed.

" That was perfect." I say breathlessly.

" Next time you tease me, just remember that I'm not always a romantic my sex crazed love." He tells me with no sarcasm.

" Duly noted my... fuck you I'm too tired to think of a pun." I tell him

" More like fuck you. Take your time getting ready I can cover you, I'll see you at closing time." He kneels down and kiss me on the lips not caring about my own seed on my muzzle.

" Okay, see you then." He leaves me with a simile on my muzzle and a refreshing pain in my rear that can't be matched. I have to get up and get back to work so I stand up on wobbly legs, wipe the lube away with a stray paper towel, and pull up my pants. I double check that everything is in place and before I open the door I look around the room to make sure there's no mess again.

That's when I noticed the security camera in the corner of the room. " Shit." I hope that it's broke, or someone got an entertaining show.