Chapter 4: Big Bad Consequences

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#4 of Jackals Star

A dark office way up over looks a city, in Illaris Seven, the very same city of the Sex lounge, the Hotel and Akirus, Ilysa and Sirus and Syra.

Mirrored walls, black carpet and a metallic looking ceiling with big glass windows looking out on the City. The room is filled with expensive knickknacks, electronics, a couch and chair set arranged just so perfectly. In the center of the room sits a desk, with a large chair, and in that chair was an Onyx Colored Wolf, a large beastly looking Male Wolf wearing a black suite and tie with very polished black boots, hair that is slicked back. In his left hand, coffee, right hand, paper, a police report about an incident at one of his Sex Lounges. One patron dead and an Employee missing. For all the police know. He sets down the report, finishes off his coffee and sets the mug down on his desk. A plain, blank mug with no designs. White in color. He opens a file drawer on his desk and slides out a Data Slate. He looks it over, finding the right employee number. Ah yes, Ilysa, a cute bunny child, he had taken care of this case personally. He remembers even tester her, in front of her mother even. Fucking her hard and ripping her open again and again, for an hour straight. Yes she was perfect. But now someone else has her, and he would spend a good amount of his resources to find her once more and bring her back to where she belongs. Sure, he would rather get this done with minimal fuss and no mess if it can be helped. So he would go on with his gloves in when he finds out who did this. And he would make them pay for the wall they demolished. He didn't know how it was done, this he would attempt to figure out as well.

There was a knock at the door, the Wolf looks up and he puts down the Data Slate, he was looking at the Young Femmes picture.

He sighs, he could feel the bulge in his pants working him up, himself worked up from the picture.

"Come in. This better be important." His voice guttural, a slight growl makes itself present.

A scrappy looking Rottweiler, male, lithe enters the room. Wearing a vanilla white suite. He stands in front of the deck with his hands behind him tucked above his tail.

"What is it Horvus." Came the Wolf's unamused response.

"I think you're team figured out what went down. Someone with a bit of strength came in, pulled her from this place, killed our most active patron, punched a hole through the wall, and they left. Either that it was a few people. But we have a feeling the girl was handed off to a family in the Hotel, who must have been working with these people." His voice even, clear and loud, making sure not one syllable was messed up or missed.

The Wolf perks his ears as he listens to his lackey. He then nods his head once.

"Do you have a room number Horvus?"

The Rotty nods his head.

"Twelve ten eight"

The Wolf stands up abruptly and sets down the Data Slate.

"I will attend to this personally. You come Horvus, summon Sangrieve."

Horvus nods and watches his boss toss on the coat and follows him out in a rush. This was going to be fun, and his Boss did promise him a piece of that Bunny when a chance was given.

At the Hotel The Wolf and his lackeys make his way down the hall to the door. It was nearing afternoon when they knock on the door.

They hear a lock being undone, then the door opens. A rather lithe looking Jackal with his ears fully perked up. Oh great, Jackals.

Not that he disliked them, their Femmes were always very attractive, at least the healthy ones. The one or two he had in that sex lounge over the years always looked sickly. He had heard the Jackals were a dying breed anyways.

Sirus was actually a little taller than him, which he found just a slight bit unsettling, he is used to towering over everyone around him. He clears his voice.

"Pardon me Sir, but I have some information regarding an employee who is now under your care. You and uh.."

He nudges aside the door a little, only seeing a female.

"Your family. So I would like her back please, he name Is Ilysa, she is a Bunny Girl."

Sirus nods his head for a moment as if in thought, tongue stuck out the corner of his muzzle.

"I'm sorry Sir we don't know anyone like that around here."

The Wolf displays a very irritated look over his muzzle and face.

"Look Mister, I know you have her here, I am willing pay handsomely for her return to me, easy way out. No issues, nothing."

Sirus seems to think for a moment. Alright so he knows, some how. The wolf smirks, he had him. This was going to be too easy.

"Money does not sway me or my family Sir. So if you please, kindly step away from the door, take your side dogs and walk back to where you came from. If having some innocent young lady raped over and over again by men paying for a cheap fuck is your idea of a job for a young girl, then you Sir will never have her back."

The Wolf snarls, the two men at his side flinch, they pissed off their boss. Not smart at all.

"You have made a bad mistake, where as the Law will not help me, I have my own Law that will take care of this. Its too bad you're kind are a dying breed. I may as well be putting the nail in the coffin for you're kind. Have a nice afterlife." The Wolf was pissed, a growl in his voice every time he spoke.

He slides a rather ancient looking weapon out of his jacket. It was a colt .45 cocking the hammer and pointing at to Sirus's chest. Center of mass, Sirus's mind was kicked into over drive. Was this Wolf all talk and some action? Or the other way around? Before the trigger could be pulled he steps to the left bringing his left hand up knocking the gun hand aside. It goes off but into the window, causing a spider web hole in the window. In the next instance the block goes to grapple, the Wolf does not seem phased by this, his ego too big, as well as his massive strength. Even with his wrist grappled before the Jackal could do too much he grabs the Jackal's throat.

At this moment Akirus walks into the room.

His eyes go wide as he sees the man that has his Father by the throat, the Wolf Dude. Who was now lifting him off his feet, the Wolf has his fingers against his Fathers corroded artery, who was quickly starting to pass out. Akirus felt his blood boil.

"Let my dad go!" He cries out.

"Little kid, tell me where the Bunny Girl is, and I will gladly do so."

Akirus was shaking, he couldn't speak, he was frightened. But why was he able to act the last time, and not this time? He grits his teeth and steadies himself. But he could just not bring the fight out, his back was still hurting, crusted with blood. The wounds were mended when they woke up this morning, but

his back was still in too much pain. He grits his teeth, this man was going to kill his Father, who was passed out, and without oxygen to the brain he would die. And this man also wanted Ilysa. At that thought his blood felt like fire in his veins, he narrows his eyes.

"I will not let you have her." His words were level, soft, deadly.

"Ohoho this little kid is going to stop me and my two men from killing someone with more experience and taking back whats rightfully theirs?" The Wolf was now amused. But he was not leaving without Ilysa.

Akirus darts forward and stops just before the Wolf, staring up at him. The Wolf stares back down into the boys eyes, there was something there. A lust to kill, and a strong desire to protect. He had never seen the second thing before, he protected no one but himself and his assets, nothing living mind you.

"I must have not made myself clear the first time I spoke, let my Dad go, and follow his requests."

The Wolf was now laughing too hard to care, what could this little kid do to him?

He tosses the passed out father to the ground and ties his hands behind his back with plastic ties, some things still had use even these times. He motions his head to both his men.

"Take care of them, and anyone else in the room. Play with the Bunny after your done but don't kill her. Her mom still needs to pay off her debt."

With that he closes the door after his two men step in and he goes down to the lounge in the hotel to have himself a Wine.

The men approach Akirus with a knife, they knew he was no threat. Basing their judgment on the fact he is nothing but a child.

"Sangrieve, go look for the Bunny, I'll take care of this simpering pile of flesh myself."

Sangrieve nods and begins to look from room to room.

"Oh no... he will find them in no time." Akirus could not help thinking...

The man bares down on Akirus with knife in hand. Akirus grounds him self dropping into stance, a little smirk plays out on the Rotty's maw.

First slice down aiming anywhere he could hit. Akirus steps to the left dodging the blow all together. The man was massive, he side steps another blow, pissing the man off. Then with an attempted jab, Akirus's feet get caught up in knocked over bed spread. He could not move! He glances back to the man and finds himself confused. A little memory of the fight with the mysterious attacker drizzles back. He blinks a few times, everything was moving so slow. As if time slowed down for everyone else. He manages to untangle himself, reach up and grabs the Rottweiler's wrist and pull him down at this accelerated movement and perception. He slams the Man into the ground, embedding the knife into the floor. Time snaps back to normal with the man shaking off the impact and trying to pull the knife out. Just then he felt something stirring, like a connection. It felt like an extra appendage, well four of them to be precise. His blood is still boiling, enough to bring out the tentacles. They slide from his back, thick and slightly tapered at the end, scaled this time. Black scales like a snake. He looks over his shoulder and moves them. This was the oddest thing ever. It frightened him to no end, but he relaxes, they were his to command. The man stares at Akirus in fear, one tentacle darts away from Akirus and wraps around the knife handle. It is plucked out of the floor as if it were nothing. The man rapidly back up into the corner of the room next to the bed and pulls the sheets off the bed around him.

"N.. nonono please don't kill me, please please..." He begs with Akirus.

"Mercy? Was it merciful to allow you're boss to drag a helpless child away to be raped?"

"How was I fucking supposed to do anything about it?"

"Is it merciful to be allowed to rape the very same child?"

"Oh.. come on, please..."

"I don't need a knife to kill you."

With one tentacle he pulls away the bed sheets and with another, wraps the end of it around the mans neck and lifts him in the air. He kicks at the air and gags and claws at the tentacle around his neck. Not a mark on the tentacle was left.

A small rhyme he often heard in school came to his mind.

"A sudden drop, a deadly stop, crack." He whispers coldly, but loud enough for the Rotty to hear.

Akirus lifts him up, there was loud whimpering, he let the man fall then quickly pulls up on his neck. There was a resounding pop and a dying whimper as the Rotty's neck is snapped. He lets the corpse fall to the floor with a thud.

From the next door room he could hear screams and a slam, then a quick flutter of bed springs. Akirus's eyes narrow, he could not let his mom or his mate see him like this. But if he did not act fast, one of them was going to be harmed. He tries to figure out how to pull the tentacles back into him, he manages it after a few moments and rushes into the room, only to see his Mom knocked out and Sangrieve, a bulked up reptile, easily forcing Ilysa's legs apart. His pants are down around his ankles, his cock hanging out ludely.

"Chill bitch, you'll love it."

Akirus runs up behind the Lizard and grabs both his ankles and tugs as hard as he could, the man was going no where.

"Hey little dude bug off, can't you see I'm gonna nail this cutey?"

"No you are not, leave my mate alone!"

Sangrieve laughs and kicks Akirus away from him. Akirus growls deeply, why couldn't he be strong when he really needed it most? He has no choice. He lets two tentacles slide out of his back and wrap around Sangrieve's ankles.

"Little dude! Don't make me hurt you!"

Yet he finds he could not kick him off this time. He struggles and is pulled off the bed and slams onto the floor. Akirus quickly rushes up and hides the Tentacles to make it look as if he did this. Ilysa stares at Akirus, her little cute dress was pushed up and her panties were down. Akirus grins bashfully..

"Adrenaline.." He mutters.

He kneels in front of his mate and pushes her panties back up just as his mom was coming to. She sees her son with a ripped up back and shirt, all bloody again. In due time slits would form in his back that were hard to see or feel. And there would be many slits there. It all depends on how often he used his new found body parts. More would be added as time went on.

Ilysa leans up and wraps her arms around him. His Mom cleans up and heals his back once again. Sangrieve stirs a little then groans.

"Sorry Sir, but you can't live." Syra's voice was full of sorrow.

She kneels down next to him, he begs her not to kill him, she simply snaps his neck after a little struggling. He falls limp in her arms.

Akirus sits at the edge of the bed, thinking, then stands up and opens his suitcase, having to change his shirt again to a black t-shirt. His long jeans still intact. And here the family thought they'd be having a vacation. Sirus steps into the room holding his head. With a killer headache.

"I'm glad to see my family took care of itself. Oh god my head.." He sits down on the other bed and holds it.

Syra goes and gets him some headache medication from her suitcase. She brings it to Sirus with a glass of water who graciously accepts and takes it along with a swallow of water.

Back down in the lounge, The Wolf was getting impatient. He goes up to the room to see whats going on, he nudges open the door to see the Rotty collapsed in the corner next to the bed. He goes up to him, but one sniff he could tell he was dead. He goes into the other room, Lizards head at an odd angle, dead also. No one else to be found. He swears up a storm and breaks into a pissed off howl and bursts from the room, gun in hand.

He heads out the front door of the Hotel to see them driving off in an air taxi. How he knew? The Jackal male was flipping him off as they were driving away in the air. He fires off a few shots, not one hits, he was so pissed his hand was shaking. He throws his gun down and rages in front of the hotel.

"That was a close one..." Sirus mutters and leans back in the seat.

Sirus lowers his hand and closes his fist and then halfway closes his eyes.

"This damned trip is a double edged sword, for one we solved one case, for another, we are in a bit of trouble. And Akirus, I am sorry for not listening to you." Sirus's voice went sad.

Akirus looks over to his Dad, Ilysa clinging to him, shivering, afraid now, for her life. She was seeing visions of being stuck as a sex worker for the rest of her life.

Deep in thought, Akirus nods and glances out the window. Something didn't feel right, there was impending doom hanging in the air.

He leans back against the seat, holds Ilysa closer to him and snuggles against her, she snuggles back. Then Akirus's sensitive ears pick the sound of an air car powering its way towards them. Akirus sits up and looks out the back window. A black Air Car. The driver finally notices too and shifts gears of his simple Taxi Air Car and pulls over to a marked spot.

"Sorry there folks, I don't mess with the Black Hand Group. Your on you're own."

Taxi Driver opens up the doors as he aligns the Air Car to the platform of a loading/unloading station.

Everyone piles out just as the Black Hand Group pulls up behind the Taxi. They glide to a stop and settle down on the platform. It was small, three men step out, all of them Equines, dark furred and wearing a nice business suit. With shades that hide their eyes. Also each one wears a black glove on their right hand.

The larger of the two steps up closer to Sirus, the crowd on the Platform clear off.

"The police won't be able to help you. Hand the girl over and nothing will come of this. Boss said to let you folks go free if you do so." His voice deep, booming holding an air of command. Everyone follows this ones orders.

Akirus glances around, too many people around, Sirus looks as if he was going to do something, but resigns himself. The three watch them carefully, all withdrawing Colt .45's from a hip holster on their left. They all cock their weapons.

Syra glances between them, her family and Ilysa, all this over a little girl?

"Please Sirs, let her go, we'll pay you for what she is worth, just... please..." Syra has tears in her eyes as she pleads with them.

They seem to think, paused by this desire to save this poor little girl.

"I'm sorry Mam, but its bosses orders, he wants the girl back, and once he has her we will leave you folks alone. Boss told me no other conditions. Again I am sorry."

Akirus could feel his temper starting to flare. But then, he knew his temper would not be able to stop everything, he glances around the platform and steps back to the edge, holding Ilysa to him. He whispers into her left ear.

"I would rather we die together, than let you live such a horrible life."

Ilysa's eyes tear up. She would agree but she is too choked with tears, and fear. He nestles into him letting him know of her decision.

Then one of the other Equines notices and shakes his head.

"Kid, if your thinking about jumping with her, don't, then your poor parents will be left alone, we will take the female and put her to work, and your Father? We will simply kill him." His voice lighter but cold. Hardly any emotion carries through his voice.

Akirus could not feel the strength to back down, yet if he didn't, things would get even worse. He looks to Ilysa, she nods understanding what needs to be done. He lets her go, the crowd around them watches, a few of them have tears in their eyes. Ilysa walks over to the men, the two grab her and carry her to the car, the one in command nods his head.

"Wise choice. Have a nice life, don't worry about the Bunny."

He turns and gets into the drivers seat, nodding to his other men, the get into the car and the car silently glides off. Akirus watches them turn down a side route and disappear.

Akirus loses it, he falls to his knees a sobbing wreck, both his parents look to each other then go to his side wrapping their arms around him. They too cry helplessly, their Son shaking with the severity of his sobs. His body twitches, he could feel something rising, pain, pleasure, anger like he has never felt before. Wraith. They elicited wraith in this poor young boy. Both parents could tell something was changing, could their young boy have the Anubis gene?

He begins to pant and raises his head as the pain becomes too much, the anger was ripping him apart from the inside, he looks to both his parents individually, pleading them with his eyes for help, to relive this insane pain. His emotions were also out of control, he was unable to partition himself, he was strapped on the front of an emotional roller coaster with no breaks to be had. His entire body shudders then wracks, he falls against his Mom, hands on her shoulders then passes out.

Again, waking up, not knowing where he is, it takes him a moment to recover his senses, only traces of the pain that took him over linger, sore muscles mainly. He was in a bed, he could tell the sheets were lovingly tucked around him frame. He looks over into the other bed in this small little room, seeing his parents sleeping restless, both of them seemingly having nightmares. He inhales deeply, senses sharp. This was the best time to find her. He begins to strip the covers off himself when hears his Father.

"Don't go Akirus, you'll get yourself killed."

Akirus rapidly shakes his head.

"No dad, I won't, I have.... been going through things, and I don't want to be alive without Ilysa, I would rather be killed."

"Don't say things like that Akirus, but.. if you truly feel that way, then be safe. I am afraid I would also be of no help to you, I do believe Son you have surpassed your Father, in a month no less. You were born to be a savior, I can feel it."

Sirus walks over to his pack and slips out a wicked looking swept back knife, scabbard and all. It was the same knife he used to test his Son.

"Take this, and..."

He picks up the same cloth as well and wraps up Akirus in it. Akirus blinks.

"It was ... you dad?"

"Yes Son, it was.. I am sorry, but it was all a part of your testing, forgive me?"

"Yes Father, I do, you have made me better because of it. I only wish I was older..."

"In due time Son."

Akirus reaches behind him and felt something different, slits in his back, four of them. He looks to his dad and he nods.

"You have Tentacles Son, My Father had them, your Grandpa who you will never get to meet. Its part of a series of powers he never developed. He only had some of what granted him such gifts, but I believe you have it all."

Akirus nods, not understanding, but glad his Father knew his secret.

"Does mom know too?"

"Yes, now... go. Do our family proud."

Akirus drives the knife home in the scabbard, Akirus moves to the window, opening it he pushes the window out and dives out, landing on the side of the slanted roof, he pulls into a roll and ends up on his feet without even slowing momentum down. He didn't know where she was, but he would find her. He closes his eyes, he could feel a warmth, faint, in his core. He steps in one direction, it grows colder, Akirus cocks his head and goes back, he could feel it again. He blinks then tests it out, figuring it had to have something to do with the location of Ilysa, he had read about things like this in books, but he didn't believe them. He continues to follow the warmth, making corrections as needed.

Ilysa awakes to find herself strapped to a bed with big thick leather straps tied to the bed posts. She begins to panic and then, her attention snaps to, to a big bear, nude and heavily bulked fondling her breasts. He moans in fright, but the big stupid bear things he is pleasuring her.

"That's right my little Rose, you love Daddies touches."

He eyes go wide with his words, she tries to scream but finds she is gagged. She bites down on the gag as his big hands grope her small breasts. He struggles and pulls against her binds.

"That's enough Jake. You can have her, but not at the moment, I was hoping you would of gotten her nice and wet, but it seems she isn't all that interested in you."

It was the Wolf's voice. The one who took her in the first place. He watches him as he approaches her in his usual attire. That irritatingly clean business suite. She bites down on the gag again.

"But.. boss, she was moaning."

"Out of fright."

He steps closer and looks between her legs.

"She is also fixed up, I can smell the magic used. Must have been that female, should of grabbed her in the first place when I sent my boys out. Tsk tsk, dry as a desert down there."

He adjusts his tie and looses the cuffs on the suit around his wrists. She eyes him, frightened out of her young mind.

Akirus thinks for a moment, working his way down the side of a building, careful not to slip up, things begin to become more clear to him, the control of his tentacles, his growing abundance in strength. His desire to blood and gore. Was he turning into the bad guy? Or the dark super hero? It happened a lot in the comics on the Data Slats he has back home. He also finds he can run faster and jump a little higher than he could of ever, that Gene his father mentioned, was it awakening within him? He would have to wait and see it appears, his impatience getting the best of him, for both wanting answers, and the saving of his Mate. Wait, now it clicks in his mind what the word meant to him and her, something closer than girlfriend and boyfriend, but not married. In between, could those his age really carry such a thing? His parents mentioned they could, so he would not dwell on it further. He was running straight down an abandoned roadway, the surroundings were looking shadier and more grungy as he went on.

After what felt like forever he finds a small warehouse, he presses to the side of a building when he sees two large Equines standing out front. They were armed with the latest plasma rifles, sleek looking weapons. They wore the black suite indicating they are from the Black Hand Group.

"Plmmf sfft" Ilysa murmurs out from the cloth gag.

The Wolf was rubbing an index finger up and down over her pussy lips, he still can't seem to get her wet. The bear was standing over her head pumping his fist on his cock, moaning and groaning lustfully.

The Wolf begins to slide a finger into her pussy, in and out nice and slow, why can't he get her wet? He was beginning to become frustrated. He was going to let the bear have her first, then he would take her.

"Do try and and save yourself, I want nice sloppy seconds."

Jake nods and slows his pace, he wanted to rip off that gag and fuck her throat. He looks to his Boss.

"Mind if I let her use my cock as a gag?"

The Wolf thinks this over for a moment.

"Then I get to take her instead?"

Jake nods as he reaches down and rips the gag clean off. She begins to scream and yell for help, but Jake grabs her muzzle, forces her jaws open and crams his cock down her throat, she instead of screams now, gags and gurgles.

The Wolf quickly strips out of his clothing and folds each article of his clothing up nice, then walks over to the desk in the lofty Warehouse, snatching out a bottle of lube.

Back outside, Akirus was thinking how to assault the building, he narrows his eyes, he doubts there was really all that much time. He steps in view of the guards, the take one look at him and level their rifles.

"Black Hand Property, leave now or die." One of them commands.

Akirus says nothing and darts in, they level off their Rifles at him and both pull the trigger. For the rest of the world time slows down once more. It seems its part of his survival instincts, he sees the blobs of plasma in a football shaped electromagnetic field. They were slightly faster than a bullet. He leans to the right, one strikes the ground, blasting a hole in it, showering Akirus with asphalt. The other bullet he dodges as well, it hits a wall to one of the builds, blowing a fist sized hole in it. He didn't stop to think, just kept moving as the fire at him, able to dodge every single strike. With a single pull he draws his Blade, reaching the man by the edge of the building, he bring his blade across in an attempt to slit the mans neck, he blocks with his Rifle, which Akirus cuts in half. The knife was known as a Mol knife. Its edge sharpened to one molecule thick. So it was deadly sharp, and best of all? It never needed resharpening. The edge stayed no matter what. The second strike cut the mans throat open, he falls to his knees holding his throat. Soon he was dead, bled out.

The Wolf rubs his thick red beating cock up and down for a moment with practiced care, he pinches the tip and rrrs, the Jake was already busy slamming his cock hard down the Bunny's throat, she tried to bite him once, but he kept her jaw from clamping down around his cock. The Wolf could already feel a knot forming, he was going to tie with this young lady and later in her life, possibly have her bare his pups. But that was later.

He coats his cock in the lube, puts some on his finger tips and pushes his fingers into the bunny's depths. He coats her walls in the lube, he pushes her legs apart and kneels before her.

Akirus stands near the door, blood dripping off his blade, two dead guards lay in the street. He brings the blade up above his head and swings it diagonally from right to left, flinging the blood off his blade before he looks to the door, it was locked as expected. He jiggles the handle, nothing as expected.

Jake was pumping away faster and faster, then finally he brings his hips back, his eyes almost roll into the back of his head as he cums into her muzzle, a lot of it goes down her throat, she bucks and screams against his cock.

"Mm that's right bitch, swallow every fucking drop of my salty cum."

"Jake, enough, no need to humiliate her."

They both look up as they hear the handle jiggle. The Wolf stands up and growls tossing the Lube down hard.

"Those idiots out there better not be fucking around." The Wolf says loud enough for them to hear.

He gets back down on his knees between her legs, he grabs the base of his cock and begins to rub the tip up and down between her folds, she squirms again in fright.

He leans forward and sinks his cock into her lubed up pussy, she fights against her binds, Jake leaves his cock in her throat so she can't scream out, only lifting up to let her breath as his cum leaks down her throat.

The Wolf hilts himself and moans.

"Mm exquisite." He murmurs out with a look of satisfaction on his face.

She was crying now, it was happening all over again. The Wolf begins to bring his hips back, drawing his cock almost all the way out of her.

Akirus looks at the door, he rears back, then surges both his hands forward, he hits the door hard with an open palm strike with both hands. It was a flimsy metal door, at least to him as he blows it off the hinges, it flies a few feet into the room, the hinges cracking and falling to the floor, the card reader's green LED turns red.

Both Jake and the Wolf look over, the light in the door was blocked out, dust still rising around a figure standing in the doorway, it was black, with long ears perked up above its head. Lithe, yet small, one could swear they saw a flash of red where the eyes are supposed to be. Imposing, deadly. It takes a step in, four tentacles swaying and writhing around behind him. Akirus.

Except they didn't know it at first, but there were not that many dark colored Jackals around much anymore. It had to be the young boy from before, a simple simpering idiot.

The Wolf pulls out of Ilysa who grunts around Jake's cock. Glad to have that vile Wolf out of her depths, he was also nearly splitting her apart with his size.

"Let Ilysa go, or face my Wraith."

The Wolf laughs, he had never seen tentacles before in his life, but the one thing that did send an errant shudder down his spine was the youth's voice. Cold as death itself. The Wolf goes over to his clothes and draws out his Colt.

"I don't know how you killed my guards, but this is as far as you go. You will face the utmost of penalties now."

He takes aim, fires. Akirus simply side steps the bullet. It buries itself in the wall behind Akirus.

In a flash he darts in, a tentacle whips out and grabs the gun, jamming it into the ground below them, the Wolf barely even blinked and before he knew it, an open palmed strike to the gut, sending him flying into a wall hitting hard, then sliding down the wall and slumping against it.

"Get your bits out of mates mouth."

Jake stares down Akirus, drawing his fist back to take a strike. Before he knew it, a tentacle was around his fist, one quick squeeze, bones crushing under its grip. He screams out but then roars, moving to do the same with his other hand. Tentacle around the neck, his head is ripped clean off his shoulders. Body dragged away quickly as the head lands behind them. Ilysa was shaking from absolute terror, until she looks into Akirus's eyes. Love, affection, it was Akirus, she immediately calms down.

Akirus looks back to The Wolf, deciding on if he should kill him or not. The Wolf comes to and sits up, Akirus stares him down.

"I swear you little child. I will kill you."

"No, you won't, in fact. You won't ever touch Ilysa again. If you do, there won't be any mercy. I'm not going to end your life this time, so you can know you lost. "

The Wolf screams then howls out his anger, he stands up and looks around, why didn't he bring more of his men?

Akirus waits to see what The Wolf was going to do. Ilysa is still unable to move, Akirus keeps her in her binds for now, knowing if she clung to him, he would not be able to move as well. Ilysa was not scared now, she had no reason to be this time.

"I may be young, I may not know a lot, but I am smart. I already learned what you do, I learned what sex is, from my wonderful mate. We learned about it together."

"Aww isn't that sweet, I swear I will hunt you down, kill your family, kill you, take Ilysa and use her every way a Man can use a Girl. And I will tell her, you got her into this. She will hate you and spit on your grave."

Akirus growls loudly, the Wolf falls silent.

"I won't be goaded into killing you now, it may be a mistake. But if you become a problem I will take your life."

With that, Akirus rips apart her bindings, sitting up quickly Ilysa coughs, coughing up Jake's cum, it drools from her muzzle, she shudders and throws it all up. Wiping her muzzle, Akirus picks up the Wolfs suit and cleans his mates muzzle with it. The Wolf was once again howling in rage.

"Remember what I said."

And with that, Akirus takes Ilysa in his arms and they were both off.

The Wolf clenches his fists as he screams and howls in ballistic rage, he was pissed off beyond all belief. He was beaten,he lost to a child. He punches the wall, but then whimpers and shakes his fist from the pain that went through his fist and up his arm. He snorts, going over to his clothing, his shirt had white stains and throw up on it. He snarls and puts it on, pulls on his pants, redoes his tie. He gets as much of the mess off his shirt as he could before pulling on the suits jacket. He adjusts it, and proceeds from the building.