
Story by ropistike on SoFurry

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Ted wandered through the hallway of his new dorm building, searching for his home for the upcoming semester. Dusk was fast approaching, and he was exhausted. His train of the trip back to university had been delayed for hours, and he was looking forward to unpacking his things and getting settled. He heaved his luggage along behind him, counting down the doors until he approached the number written down on his key.

He sighed, muscles aching from the walk, and pushed his key into the lock, stepping into the small two-person bedroom, his eye immediately catching movement on his right. Unceremoniously tossing his things into the room, Ted shut the door behind him, stepped forward, and held out his hand to greet his randomly assigned roommate.

He was a squirrel. Short gray fur covered his body, and he was sporting sweats with the school's logo. His tail was enormous and bushy, easily taking up two thirds of his bed on its own, and he wore half rim glasses on his face. The squirrel sat up, and clasped Ted's hand with his paw.

"Carl" He said, leaning back onto his bed and gazing down into a chemistry textbook.

"Ted." Ted responded, turning to the unoccupied half of the room and hastily beginning to unpack his belongings. "So I'd love to start getting to know you." He said, his back turned to the squirrel, "But I just had the commute from hell... So I hope you won't be offended if I go straight to sleep tonight."

"By all means." Carl replied, seeming content to keep himself buried in the textbook. Ted stole a glance to his side of the room as he got himself settled. There were several awards for excellence in chemistry oh his desk, along with stacks of books and magazines on the subject as well. Impressed with his dedication, Ted resumed work on making his bed, satisfied with his progress moments later.

Ted kicked off his shoes, not even bothering to dress down into his pajamas, and crawled in bed, muttering "good night" under his breath but unsure if the squirrel heard him or not. He shut his eyes and tried to relax, pushing the difficulties of his day out of his head and allowing himself to feel the relief that his trip was over.

Beyond his eye lids he could hear Carl stir. The sounds of a book closing, a bed creaking, and drawer opening reached his exhausted ears. Not giving it a second thought, Ted turned onto his side, feeling sleep coming on just moments ahead of him. A couple of soft taps on the side of his head stirred him out of his daze, and he picked his head up, looking up at Carl, who was standing beside his bed.

Without warning, the squirrel tossed a fine powder into his face. Ted jumped, gasping in shock and coughing moments later as the dust was sucked into his lungs. He hacked into his hand, trying to sit up but getting pushed back down by Carl.

"Feeling alright man?" Carl asked, sounding as though he was concerned but keeping his eyes locked on the entrance to their room. "Just went down the wrong pipe huh?" He added, not giving Ted even a shred of attention.

"No... Help..." Ted tried to shout, but barely had time to open his mouth before more loud coughing forced its way out first. He struggled on the bed, unable to get a hold of himself, when a strong sense of vertigo took him over, making his feel dizzy. The coughing began to subside, but an intense tingling deep in his chest took its place, and he felt himself starting to lose consciousness, no restfulness in the sensation whatsoever.


Carl eased back, his paw still planted on the human's mouth, making sure he had actually passed out before stepping away from his bed. "Got it out of your system?" He said, loud enough that any concerned ears outside the door would take his meaning.

He held his breath, stepping quietly to the door, and placed his eye in front of the peephole. There was not a soul to be seen in the hallway. A knot in his chest eased, replaced immediately by excitement.

Feeling a grin start to split his face, Carl crossed the room, grabbed the remote, and turned on the television. Finding a marathon of action movies, he set the volume as loud as he reasonably could while still being certain there would be no noise complaints.

Pleased with the result, he tossed the remote onto his desk, clearing his bed of books and clothes before opening his bottom drawer. He grabbed a hold of small locked metal box, easing it out into the open, and set it delicately beside him on the bed. Getting himself ready for what was to come, he sat up straight on his bed, tail perked up behind him, and watched his new roommate as the chemicals he ingested began to take effect.


Ted felt awful.

He groaned as an attempt to sit up straight greeted him with horribly aching muscles and joints all over his body. He felt strange, he felt completely unrested, he... was entirely naked.

Gasping at the revelation, he tried to stand up, looking around for his luggage, and was immediately overwhelmed by the peculiarity of his surroundings. He froze, seeing the strange terrain before him without completely comprehending. It was as though his new dorm room had grown twenty times in size, and he was sitting on top of the bed covers, only it was not on his side of the room.

Completely convinced he was dreaming, Ted rubbed his eyes, about to pinch himself in the hopes he would snap out of it, when something enormous, gray, and soft swept him down off of his feet. He toppled to the covers, bouncing slightly, and looked up at the huge furry appendage that had just knocked him over, briefly noting that it looked like a colossal squirrel's tail before everything in his head finally snapped into place.

Carl was sitting beside him on the bed. Carl, who took up space in the dorm room at the correct ratio. It was unmistakably his roommate, though now dressed only in a pair of pajama pants and his spectacles, towering endlessly above him. A scream caught in his throat, Ted could only stare, stare up at the squirrel boy who had an expression of pure delight pasted across his fuzzy face.

Knowing in his heart that there was no way this experience was really happening, yet still having the vague feeling that this was the most vivid dream he had ever had, Ted felt his uneasiness begin to rise. He shivered, knowing whatever this dream had in store for him was not something he was in any mood to experience. Carl slouched down, pointing his nose just inches from Ted's body, and stuck out his tongue. Before Ted knew what was going on, the squirrel's tongue was right beside his neck. The hot slimy muscle tapped him once on the shoulder, leaving a wet spot of saliva against his skin, before retreating into the squirrel's mouth with a deafening 'slurp'.

Ted jumped involuntarily, trying to back away but finding that the squirrel had wrapped his legs around him, creating a circular him consisting of furry legs covered in pajama pants. Carl busied himself with something outside Ted's field of view, and Ted, without knowing what else he could possibly do, backed up against Carl's knee, thinking hard about his options.

He didn't have long to wait. The squirrel reached back down for him only breaths later, holding strange objects in his paws, and splayed them out before him. Ted watched, transfixed as four rubber spheres, each as thick as he was wide, strung together in two groups of two, rolled to a stop before him. The other object placed on the covers beside him, was a clear bottle of yellowish oil.

Dread overcoming him, Ted turned and tried to scale the squirrel's leg, only to be caught in the chest by one of his bare foot paws and dragged across the blankets, his arms squeezed between the rodent's toes. He was, moments later, pressed between the soles on the squirrel's feet, only his upper body free from restraint.

The squirrel, after pushing his glasses up closer to his eyes, snatched up one of the two pairs of rubber beads, pulling a free strand of rubber string from the other end, and deftly began binding Ted's wrists together. Before comprehending what was going on and struggling against the giant, Ted's arms were already bound. Clearly practiced at the maneuvers, Carl effortlessly and tactlessly flipped Ted upside down with his foot paws, planting them together over his face and chest as he felt paws working on his legs, pressing them together with another thin rubber cord wrapping around him.

He tried to fight, tried to kick, but it was again over before he knew it. The squirrel parted his feet, letting Ted stumble to the bed. He glanced up, two black rubber beads tied to his arms, two tied to his feet, with his own body directly in the middle. He shuddered, hoping against all hope that his worst dread was not about to come to fruition.

Wasting no time, Carl closed his paw around one of the beads, and Ted felt himself plucked off of the sheets by his feet, dangling as though a part of the chain as he was hung upside down, the weight of the other two beads below him pulling down hard on his arms. Ted screamed, beginning to fear that this somehow was not a dream after all, only to have a character on the television across the room start one up at the exact same moment.

He cut off his scream, staring at the blinking lights on the screen, realizing the implication of Carl's choice of show.

"You catch on quick." The squirrel whispered, the hushed tone of voice carrying like it was foghorn when his head was this close to Ted's ears, "You're not going to want to waste your energy doing that..."

Ted gulped, looking up at his gargantuan roommate and starting to plead with him before he felt himself plummet a short distance, landing on the squirrel's cushiony belly, the first bead in the chain still cradled in his huge paw. Ted lay there and watched, the enormous squirrel lifting the bottle of oil and coating the two beads tied to his legs liberally.

With his free paw, the squirrel gripped Ted's body, holding him steady as the heavy weights of the rubber beads dangled down below him, pulling on his hands and feet alike as the huge mass of the squirrel's bulk sprawled out on the bed below him. Ted watched, suspicious that Carl had given him such an all-encompassing view intentionally, as the squirrel, laying on his back with thick bushy tail flat on the bed beneath him, reached a paw down between his legs.

Keeping his pajama pants mostly on, Ted watched as his roommate's paw grasped the elastic of his pajamas, lifted his legs slightly to the sky, and pulled them back just enough to give Ted a view of his bare ass.

Carl, wasting no further time with spectacle, grabbed one of the two oiled beads, letting Ted drop with a barely audible shout until the cord around his ankles caught him and sent him dangling, and began lowing the chain down towards the exposed rear. Ted felt the beads below him land onto the bed, the tension against his arms eased up slightly as his own body was laid down against Carl's tail.

Ted watched, a scream of terror caught in his throat, as the squirrel's paw fingered the oiled bead on the end of the chain, slipped it between his two furry cheeks, and pressed inward with his fingers. A small gasp of pleasure emitted from the squirrel's mouth, which might as well have been miles away from his current location, and the paw retreated, one of the beads gone.

Ted panicked, feeling a pressure pulling on his legs as the cord against his ankles started to grow taut. He sat up, trying to balance on the squirrel's huge tail, and yanked on the bonds covering his wrists with all his strength, trying to reach his feet and work on the knot that gripped him, slowly pulling him towards the bulk of the squirrel's body. Despite his efforts, he could not reach, lacking the strength to get the beads behind him to budge far enough, he tried to turn his wrists inward and find the source of the knot that bound his arms, but again failed to yield any timely results.

The squirrel arched his back, lifting his rear briefly off of the mattress, as a swift tug dragged Ted along a few strand's of tail fur, groaning in fear, he could only stare as the other bead attached to his feet pressed between the squirrel's cheeks. Two paws descended around him, and Ted kept his eyes glued in front of him, watching in horror as they dug clawed fingers between his cheeks, and spread them wide.

Provided with a clear view of his impending fate, Ted's heart pounded hard in his chest. The other oiled bead was pulled right up against the squirrel's sphincter, the small patch of fur-less skin funneling in to a tight puckered hole where the first bead had already vanished. Carl clenched, forcing the large rubber bead to start to breach the squirrel's tailhole, slowly at first. Ted watched the edges of flesh creep over the smooth oily surface, only for the bead to quickly disappear as the squirrel's sphincter closed down around it, the bead pulled fast into the fur's rear end, and dragging Ted with it.

He screamed again, knowing his meager volume would never be identified as anything other than the show Carl had put on the TV. His body was dragged forward, his bare toes feeling a steady heat from the entrance of puckered muscle, just barely a hair's width from descending into the tight abyss.

Ted shut his eyes, breathing heavily, as the slow and consistent pull dragged him on his back along the squirrel's tail until his toes felt the slick pressure of greasy flesh close in around them. Ted squealed in panic, knowing it was the least threatening sound he could possibly make, and felt tears around his eyes as his ankles were dragged into the giant's tailhole. The hot tight tube pressed down on them, with the rubber cord mercilessly pulling hard on his body. The cramped flesh around him was greased up from the residue of the oil on the first two beads, efficiently coating his skin enough to ensure his passage within the squirrel was unhindered.

Ten cringed as his legs were consistently pulled deeper into the squirrel's anus, feeling as though his body was nothing more than a noodle getting slowly and deliberately slurped up. Ted tried to pull back with his arms, yanking on the cord that bound him as it was the only thing he could reach, but he remained feeling helpless as the two beads behind him were just dragged farther along as well.

The squirrel clenched, Ted now able to feel it up close and personal, as the pressure around his lower half intensified, filling every empty nook and cranny of his body with hot tight flesh. His legs were entirely engulfed, winding ahead of him down the slick passage that was paved ahead by the two rubber beads. Ted watched helplessly as he was pulled in up to his genitals, willing himself to be able to do anything to shield his sensitive area just as they were dragged up against the squirrel's tight sphincter, pressed against his skin by Carl's anal flesh, and cradled by the slimy tube of meat.

Ted whined, pulled in farther and farther, feeling his fate sealed more permanently with each and every clench, of which Carl was not withholding. The tight tube wound its way up Ted's naked body, coating his skin with slick oils as the heat of the squirrel's innards pressed up against him, squeezing firmly against his stomach and chest while his armpits pressed up against the edges of the squirrel's sphincter.

Ted shouted and pleaded, begging his roommate to stop before his entire body was sucked up into the squirrel's rectum. The giant chose that moment to retreat his paws. The squirrel's ass cheeks descended up against his arms and face on either side, soft furry flesh pressing gently against him, with the nearest bead tied to his arms held in place just at the edges. He squirmed this way and that. Trying to maneuver himself out of the hot slimy passage while hoping to grasp at the squirrel's fur as the slow tension against his feet dragged him ever deeper.

Knowing it was for nothing, Ted moaned and whined up until the last second he could, pointing his face upwards as his chin was dragged past the sphincter, which closed down around his head, engulfing his face in hot flesh and cutting off his ability to make sound whatsoever. He made muffled noises, unable to hear them against the sound of slick squishing in his ears as the flesh pressed in on the sides of his head.

He flailed, with nothing left for him to do, feeling his arms pulled in deeper, the consistent dragging quickly sealing his fate. With one eyes squinted open, Ted could just see a glint of free light beyond his fingertips. A rubber cord still trailing out of the squirrel's sphincter before his view was abstracted by the next bead pressing up against the puckered tailhole.

Ted watched his view turn black as his slow descent into the squirrel came to a gentle halt, the pull against his arms matching the pull against his legs as the next bead resisted entrance into the giant fur's back door.

Ted feebly tried to pull against the cord, knowing he could never dislodge the two beads that kept greedily dragging him by the legs, and fearful that his yanks would tug the next bead in with him. Not knowing what to do, he held still, his sobbing intensifying with each anal clench as the tightness before him eased, welcoming the next bead into the slick passage with the rest of him. Ted felt his body begin to move inward yet again, and hope fled him.

Feeling himself drifting off from lack of air, Ted lay there, stretched out straight along the tight passage, cradled endlessly by rippling and tightening muscle as it glided easily along his lubricated body. He shut his eyes, and willed it all to end.


Carl gasped in ecstasy, his eyes tightly shut, his mouth open, and his tongue lolling out. He bent his legs, gripping tightly at his pajamas as he clenched and clenched his little human away. He felt the penultimate bead slip within him, and knew it was about time to pull the little guy from his misery.

Taking a deep breath, he reached a paw between his legs, snatching the last bead up before it vanished with the others, and held it in place. The human was still moving around inside of him, so he let him squirm a little more as he reached for his box of toys once again.

He felt around briefly, finding what he was looking for and placing it down at the ready beside his bare ass. Sensing that the human inside him was starting to thrash with less enthusiasm than before, be slowly and carefully began to pulled the rubber beads back out, shuddering as the first one slipped back outside of his tailhole.


Ted didn't believe it was actually happening until his lungs tasted the sweet fresh air once more. He gasped, taking deep shuddering breaths as his face was pulled free of the squirrel's constricting tailhole. He wriggled and thrashed against the tight flesh, allowing Carl's pull on his body to slide him out at a slightly faster rate.

Ted had never felt relief quite as blissful as this before in his life. Having given up on survival only moments before, he was once again mostly free of the squirrel's tight rectum, the air feeling chilly on his slick skin.

In moments his body was completely free of the squirrel's ass, with Carl continuing to pull until the next bead behind him was retreated as well. Ted watched, waiting for the final one to be yanked free and for the ordeal to end, when the squirrel's ceased his efforts and let the beads hang limp.

Ted's relief was quite efficiently squashed. With the first bead still within his sphincter, Carl shifted his position. Ted was unceremoniously dragged along as the squirrel moved into a seated position, the chain of beads and Ted's body laid out in front of him. Carl planted his butt down flat on the bed, the bead between Ted and the tailhole pressed down under one of the squirrel's cheeks, with Ted's feet pressed just up against the squirrel's pajama crotch.

Carl's paws descended down upon him once again, Ted, this time, doing nothing about it. The small sharp claws dug into the knot at his wrists and blissfully undid the tight grip it had on his arms. Ted spread his hands out, working the kinks out of his aching bones, and only just then caught sight of a new object sitting on the bed.

It, as far as Ted could tell, a clear plastic butt plug. Ted's heart sank as he spotted short rubber cords trailing off of the side, and sinking ever farther when Carl's paw lifted it up and brought it over to Ted.

Once again deciding to strike up his pleading and begging, Ted sobbed as the powerful squirrel wound one cord around each of his wrists, binding him securely to the plastic butt plug. Tears stung his eyes was he realized what was in store for him once again. He intensified his begging the squirrel, shouting and shouting and having every word he uttered drowned out by the television. Frustration and panic claimed him, feeling his body dragged up along the blankets as the squirrel lifted his ass off of the bed.

Ted was dangled upside down, hanging on a chain of anal beads which led straight up into the squirrel's anus, of which he had a clear view. Directly below him was the clear plastic butt plug which, as Ted just noticed, was hollow and riddled with small holes.

Air holes.

The most confusing mixture of abject terror and strange hope overtook him. He was about to be relentlessly tortured for the sexual pleasure of his new roommate, but it appeared as though he was not about to die.

The new thought did not dissuade him for screaming as the squirrel began working the anal beads. His new position reached, sprawled out on his stomach with his ass to the air, tail curled up above him as though presenting, left Ted dangling down against his pajama bottoms, leaving him sure he could feel his warm genitals just beyond the thin fabric.

Ted grimaced, trying to push himself away, but was left just gasping as the squirrel apparently decided to speed things along this time. Ted watched the enormous paw lift the other remaining bead and press it hard into his sphincter, the black sphere of rubber vanishing as the tight ring of flesh closed in around it, the small brief bulge against the puckered funnel dissipating immediately as it began the familiar slide into the squirrel's rectum.

Ted wriggled, kicking wildly as his toes met the squirrel's sphincter for the second time, hoping that oils that still coated his skin would be enough to unlatch his ankles and free him from this cruel torture. As his feet were sucked up just moments later, he abandoned that hope and prepared himself to endure that slow pull of his body through the sphincter.

The oils having apparently lost some of their potency, his passage within the squirrel seemed slower and rougher this time. His bare body still glided in against the hot tube, but friction seemed to have a much grander part to play this time around. His feet parted the tight flesh above him as he dangled, each clench forcefully tugging his body upwards, between the meaty cheeks of fur's bottom as the giant utilized his paw to hold the plastic butt plug steadily beneath him, giving Ted plenty of time to contemplate what was about to happen to him.

This tight tailhole descended around his upside down body, tightly clenching around his knees, and pressing around his thighs, waist, groin, and stomach. He was left half free of the squirrel when the other paw parted his cheeks, grabbing at Ted's body and starting to press on him and hasten his ascent into the awaiting puckered flesh.

Ted shut his eyes, but could tell exactly what his pitiful situation looked like through touch alone. The winding tube of muscle held him in place as the cord around his legs continued to greedily pull him deeper and deeper into the massive rodent. He could feel the hot rectum encased more and more of his body. The tailhole pressed against his bare chest, sliding and stopping, sliding and stopping, relentlessly tugging him forcefully upwards until his face was framed by the sphincter once more.

Ted winced, familiar with the sensation of having the tight muscle conform to every curve of his face, pressing the slick meat against him and cutting him off from oxygen as the tailhole closed over his head. He waited, holding his breath in the darkness, his arms still bound by cords to the butt plug that he willed to come join him in his fleshy prison before it was too late.

At that very moment, his world shifted around him. He felt himself plummet as the squirrel dropped his ass back to the bed, the spongy tube around him, holding him suspended as gravity swelled lurched with the movement, causing pressures on one side of the fleshy tube to intensify while the other dissipated. A second after he acclimated himself tot he new orientation, the meat around his face parted. Ted took in one long grateful breath of air before the hard plastic plug pressed against his head, shoving him forcefully deeper into the squirrel's body.

He cringed, his naked slimy form crammed uncomfortably deep into the rodent's tailhole, the muscle walls gripping at him as friction fruitlessly attempted to slow his voyage into the rectum. He felt his legs catch up to one of the rubber beads, the firm rubber orb pushed between his legs, pressing them separately against opposite sides of the squirrel's rectum, as it rested up against his ass.

Ted shifted uncomfortably, the plug resting in place before him, anchoring his position inside the squirrel as clench after clench pulled at the beads and his feet, rippling flesh around his naked body. The bead was soon dislodged from his legs, pull down deeper along the winding tube of meat. The pressure around his feet temporarily receding before coming back to press in on him, the rubber cord around his ankles pulling hard on his body, but this time counteracted by the ones attached to the butt plug.

Finally, despite his fears that it would never happen, Ted ceased his descent into the squirrel's body. He was held in place, pressed in by the fleshy walls, but not tugged any deeper than he just was. Ted squirmed, not knowing what else he could do, and lay there, his head and arms the only thing free from the tight pressure, as the thick butt plug parted the meat just enough to give him the merest semblance of wiggle room.

He stared out, able to see the exit far out of his reach, and beyond a layer of perforated plastic. Night had fallen, but glimmers of flashing lights from the TV still glinted against the oily surface. He stared at the blissful freedom beyond the anus of the giant squirrel, wising harder than ever that he could end his mandatory endurance of the squirrel's undulating entrails.

As he watched, a bushy appendage of fur clouded his vision. His heart racing, Ted watched as the squirrel's lowered his tail to cover his escape route, sealing him in the tight hot darkness.

Ted lay in place, with no other options left for him, held free from the deepest depths of the squirrel by his bondage to the butt plug. He shut his eyes and endured, forced to feel the endless motion of the soft muscle against all parts of his body, putrid hot air filling his lungs and making his years for the air of the dorm room once more.

He previous exhaustion forgotten until that moment, Ted yawned. Unsure if sleep was wise or not, he fought it for the time being, but as the clench after clench pressed against his naked body, unconsciousness seemed as close to paradise as he could conceive. He squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself to sleep among the endless torture of the squirrel's rectum. Half an hour later, it came.


Carl set the butt plug in place, parting his rear with the pleasant familiarity he had developed over the years. The human within him kept up the fun for at least another half hour, squirming and fidgeting inside him as he caressed his blankets, laying on his stomach, his pillow between his teeth.

The squirrel, with his prey still snugly inside his tailhole, rested his head down, closing his eyes, a huge smile across his face. He let himself fall asleep, giving himself the occasional clench for his new tenant before he faded for the night, rubbing his paw up and down his bare cheeks before snoring filled the room.


Ted woke up feeling tired and bleary. He blinked his eyes, trying to clear the blurriness out of them, his head stinging from the light... Light!

He sat up in shock, nearly yelping when he was forced back down again. He focused his eyes. Carl loomed directly above him, shirtless, bespectacled, and his own size.

Mixed emotions of fear and relief swept over him. He was no longer shrunken, but his tormentor was clearly not done with him.

"Make any noise whatsoever." The squirrel whispered, "and you _know_where I will put you." He lifted his paw. Ted had the good sense to keep his mouth shut. He was still naked, but laying down in his own bed. Carl was in bed with him, under his covers, his body pressed up against his own. The squirrel's nose was just touching his, and Ted gulped.

"Now..." He began, speaking in a low whisper, the sound of the TV still playing behind him, "You will tell nobody about what happened last night. You will tell nobody about what is going to happen every. single. night. from now on." He said, waiting a breath between each word to let the severity of them sink in on Ted.

"You try to change rooms, you try to run, you try to hinder my process in any way, and I will shrink you permanently. You'll find yourself in a new dorm room, living in that box over there with the _other_toys." He said, pausing on the word "other" so that Ted knew exactly how he was viewed in this relationship. "At least..." He continued, "Until my hunger grows stronger than my boredom... Have I made myself abundantly clear?" He asked, punctuating the question by tapping three times on his exposed belly.

Ted nodded enthusiastically, trying to ignore the watering in his eyes. "Good." The squirrel continued, "Rest assured that if I ever need to find you. I will find you." He leaned back, climbing out of Ted's bed, and tossing a button-down shirt over his bare chest. "See you tonight roomie..." He added, and then walked out the door.

Ted spared one glance at the box of toys that had been left out on the desk before dropping his head to his pillow, trembling and figuring that now would be an excellent time to wake up...

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