A Bet, and a Good Time

Story by LunusTBren on SoFurry

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#1 of Peter and Benji

The first chapter of my, hopefully, new series. Due to computer issues I wasn't able to get much proofreading done, so I did what I could on my phone, and this is what came out. I'm looking for title inspiration for the series and I'm taking suggestions if you have any.

Peter and Benjamin meet up at a local bar for a date night which becomes so much more.

I grasped at my drink and took a long sip. Just a soda though, I still have to drive home tonight after all, and I know Benji will most likely down a few drinks before we leave.

The wood paneling of the bar made the whole room radiate with a musty odor. The bar wasn't exactly low brow, just quainter, probably not the kind of place you'd expect an aerospace specialist and an ER doctor to be meeting for a dinner date. But I'm not complaining, the food is good and the staff is usually pretty friendly.

By the looks of the husky behind the bar, he seems to be planning on getting a little friendlier with one of the... patrons he's serving. But I doubt the tiger minds, he doesn't look too deterred by the restaurant uniform. It is a gay bar after all.

I returned my focus down to the plate in front of me. It was just a salad, I need something to hold me off until that wolf of mine gets off work. My eyes proved from the food to my wrist. The little black time piece, glinting against my white fur, told me that my date should be here any second now. I don't even know why he chose here to have our date night, out of all the places in the city. I guess it is convenient, he doesn't have a car, and it's only a five minute subway ride from hospital to here.

I heard the sound of a bell, like the one that rang whenever someone walked in. I looked up to the tinted glass door to see the familiar figure of my wolf walking in. I waved my paw to grab his attention. I watched him exchange a few words with one of the waiters before he looked across the room at me. He smiled as he walked over and began pulling off his winter coat.

"Hey babe." I said as I wiped some salad dressing from my lips.

"Hey." He hung his coat on the back of his chair, before giving me a soft kiss and siting down. "Sorry I'm late. I had to fill out some paperwork for my residency today."

"How's that going?" That's Benji. He's my boyfriend, of nearly a year now. We met when I moved down here for work and he was in his last year of med school. He works as a resident physician at the city's hospital.

"Unusually slow." He said, flagging down the waiter, "If I didn't know better, I'd think that they're trying to keep me all to themselves."

"Still plan on staying when you finish your residency program?" I asked him, shoveling some more lettuce into my awaiting maw, and already knowing his answer.

"Hey, ninety percent of my job may be cleaning up after alcoholics and fishing bugs out of some cub's nose," he began with a serious look that slowly morphed into a smile, "but it's that ten percent that count. I love my job. And I plan on hopefully sticking around for a while."

"And thankfully so." I laughed a little at his overzealous response. "I couldn't wait to get away from home, and you never want to leave yours."

"That's different I have reasons to stay, and you had reasons to leave." He said.

A little fox guy walked over to our table. He was wearing tan cargo pants and a black t-shirt with "Carson's", the name of the bar, emblazoned across the chest. The fox's tail, in particular, caught my eye. It seemed longer than your average fox tail and lacked some of their typical volume.

"Sir?" the fox waiter asked, in a typical high and nasally fox manner. "What can I get for you this evening?"

"I'll just have... the Buffalo wings and a beer please."

"Right away sir." The fox turned his gaze to me, "Anything else for you, sir?"

"No thank you, I'm fine." I told him.

He gave a polite nod before sliding his little pen and note book back into his pocket. He turned around and walked toward what seemed to be the doors leading to the kitchen.

I leaned I to Benji and spoke quietly to him, "Do you see the husky behind the bar?"

Benji made a quick glance over his shoulder, "Yeah. What about him?"

"I bet you, by the end of the night, he walks out of here with that tiger."

"I hope you're not trying to tell me something." He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Not this tiger." I scolded him, pointing at myself, "_That_tiger." I turned my finger to the other striped guy sitting at the bar, sulking over a drink.

"I don't see it." My wolf said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I pointed at them both again.

"What do you want to bet?"

"How about if I win, you have to do everything I say tonight." I told him sternly.

"And if I win?" he asked.

"I'll do everything you want tonight."

He smiled at me seductively, "You're on Peter."

We sat and talked for around half an hour. I finished off my soda and salad, and he blew through around three beers and most of his wings. The tiger guy at the bar was still sitting there, looming over his drink. I wonder what happened to him. Maybe a cheating lover, lost a job, or maybe his date stood him up. Whatever it is, it's really done a number on this guy. The last time I looked like that was when Cambridge rejected my application. But if they didn't I would never have come to Morgan City and met Benjamin.

Vectra made it real easy for me, though. They needed engineers and managers for their new projects. And they were more than happy to pay for my education in Boston and bring me up here to Morgan. Vectra Communications is the company I work for. They make everything from Band-Aids and pacemakers to smartphones and satellites.

I currently work in their Aerospace section, handling shipping orders, managing assets, directing engineering groups, those kinds of things. It's not a bad job, I like it and it gives me some pretty good benefits. The company pays for my apartment downtown and gives me a pretty decent expense budget on top of my regular salary. It's definitely more than I would ever need, and right now its supporting both me and Benji until his residency at the hospital is over.

"Looks like you OTP was never meant to be, Peter." I heard from the other side of the table.

My head snapped to at the voice. I guess I was caught staring off into space again.

"What?" I asked.

"Your husky boy appears to be getting ready to leave," he pointed at the husky making his way from the bar to the staff room, "and the tiger doesn't seem like he's leaving any time soon." My wolfy boy mused.

"We'll just see about that." I said.

We waited a few more minutes to see what was going to happen. The husky came back into the room. He wasn't in his bar uniform anymore, but he was wearing more casual clothing. We watched the husky walk over to the bar and stop behind the tiger.

"See! What did I say?" I gloated at my stranger matching victory.

"They still haven't left together yet." Benji defended, "They could just be saying goodbye or something."

We continued to watch as the tiger stood up and donned a jacket that was hanging on his chair.

"Well..." I said, as the two walked out to the parking lot together.

"Well..." Benjamin said.

"Well it looks like tonight I going to be very fun indeed." I snickered and planted a kiss on Benji's cheek.


We sat and talked for a few more minutes before I finally called for the check and handed the fox my credit card. Benji finished off his last beer and pilled his leftovers into a takeout box. I put on my big ash-grey winter jacket, and Benji began putting on his blue and black jacket.

The second we walked out of the door, the cold winter air bit at my nose pad. I don't particularly mind the cold, but Maryland winters are nothing compared to those up here in Massachusetts. We walked past a few snow piles as we made our way to my car and got in.

It was only about a fifteen minute drive from the bar to my apartment building. It was a big, modern, glass faced building about thirty stories or so high. It's definitely a whole lot fancier than what my, more utilitarian tastes, would prefer. But it is free, so I'm not complaining. If my boss wants to pay to put me up in a big fancy tower, let him, doesn't hurt me.

I parked the car in the underground lot, beneath the building. When Benji and I got in the elevator I pressed the little white button with the number twelve on it. The button lit up to my touch, not a very miraculous or rare occurrence, but a strangely gratifying one nonetheless.

The elevator let us out only a few meters from my apartment. Before I could even react Benji had his paws on the sides of my muzzle as he pulled me into a kiss. We stumbled in the hall, as we made our way over to my door. I pressed my thumb into the scanner on the doorknob and heard a click in response. I turned the knob and pushed open the door.

I pulled back from Benji's muzzle, gasping for air and panting, "You couldn't... *pant* have waited... *pant* until we got... *pant* inside?"

He was similarly out of breath from our hallway kiss, "I wanted to surprise you."

"Good. Keep it up." I told him, and then whispered in his ear, "Remember our bet."

"How Could I forget?" h jumped right back onto my muzzle nearly knocking me over.

We stumbled from the door, all the way down the short hallway, before we finally pushed our way into the bedroom. I clasped by arms around his lower back and flopped down onto the low bed. We laid on the bed, kissing, with him on top of me for a few moments.

"Now, take you clothes off... slowly." I commanded him.

He slid off me and jumped up onto his foot paws. I watched as he pulled of his shoes and socks. His tail wagged behind him, he seemed almost too excited. His paws moved up to his shirt and slowly began to pull it off, just like I told him to. His arms flexed as he held them over his head. My eyes followed them down to his slightly longer armpit fur. I continued down to his black furred chest and flat belly, except for the small indent at his belly button, and the long coarse fur bellow it that leads to his real prize.

"Don't stop there!" I barked at him.

He threw his shirt into a pile of other clothes in the corner of the room. His black paws began to undo his belt, which then joined the shirt in the pile. His jeans were next on the list, h took his time unbuttoning them and pulling them off. He wasn't very graceful, he nearly fell over when the left leg got stuck. I looked him up and down. He still had on a pair of boxer-briefs which efficiently held his nice package in place. I felt my member instantly press against its own cloth cage.

"Not those." I said as he began to rerack for the elastic band of his underwear. "Save those for me. Come here." I motioned at him with my finger.

He walked over to the bed and got on his knees in front of me. I looked him in the eyes once more before I put my paws on his hips and pulled down his boxer-briefs. His cock jumped up, once it was free of its cloth prison. The red member was about seven inches long. His big knot had already begun to swell. I took note of the pre leaking tip, it's blunt with the small baculum tip, like most canines have.

I always love the shape of his knot, though the thought of anything like that going inside me still makes me apprehensive. His knot is a little unusual for your typical black furred wolf. It's more irregularly shaped than most I've seen on other guys, or in porn. I've never liked normal though, which is why I like it so much.

"Like what you see?" the wolf asked. He jiggled his dick in my face as he spoke.

"Yes. Yes, very nice indeed." I said in a low voice, "Now undress me."

He wasted no time in pulling off my jacket, which never made it off in the hall like his. He quickly rushed through the buttons on my shirt and pulled it off. He took a moment to stare at my chest and abs. I was quite thin compared to him, but I was faster and had more muscle mass. I like to stay fit, sort of as a hobby, but it mostly comes naturally to me. I was never into sports and I rarely go to the gym or anything. I've just got one of those bodies.

He took the front of my jeans into his paws and began undoing the button fly. Yeah I now some guys can't stand those kinds of jeans, but I just like the way they feel better. Benji doesn't understand why I don't like zipper fly jeans. He quickly pulled my jeans and underwear down to my ankles, which I quickly kicked off. My seven and a half inch, barbed member stood at attention between my hips. My furry balls hung down between my legs, out of my sight for now. I grinned at him as I thought of what I was going to tell him to do next.

"Suck it." I said to him.

He didn't say anything else. His legs sling of the bed as he kneeled down so his muzzle was level with my cock. He didn't waste any time in taking my piece of flesh into his maw. His tongue danced around my head. He payed special attentions to the small barbs right below the rim, a weak spot of mine, as he's discovered. I gasped and moaned as he continued playing with my barbs, which was all the motivation he needed to continue. After torturing me for a few minutes longer, he began to bob up and down on my rod, sending a new kind of pleasure through me. I groaned and heaved with each pass he made.

I took his head into my paws and lifted his muzzle off of my throbbing feline member. I need to stop him now, if I want to last long enough to get what I want tonight.

"Why'd you stop me?" he asked.

I pulled his muzzle up close to my lips and let my tongue dance around his maw. The taste of my own pre, and some sweat, stained his fuzzy lips. I love how good it feels to taste yourself on someone else. It feels like such a forbidden pleasure. Being able to taste yourself.

I pulled back from the kiss, letting a thin strand of spittle connect our muzzles. I threw my head back onto the pillows. I lifted my hips up and swatted at him with my thick tail. He flicked his ears and looked at me with a devilish grin. He knows what I want.

"Well, aren't you just a little slut tonight?" he toyed with me.

"I need help with a particular... itch." I said, still swatting him feverishly with my tail, "It would be unethical for you to deny me help... doctor." I wiggled my hips again to make my point absolutely clear.

"I'm off the clock, but I'll see what I can do." He chuckled and grasped my thighs in his paws.

He pulled his muzzle up close to the base of my tail. I could feel his cold nose pad poke me in the taint as his warm, moist tongue began to lap at my tail hole. I moaned long and loud as his tongue played with my behind. He circled around my sensitive flesh before he finally dived straight in. I gasped at the pleasurable sensation filling me. My paws found their way to the back of his head. I ran my padded fingers through his head fur and ears, while I basked in the sensation of his tongue pummeling my rear.

I wrapped his big ears around my fingers, letting out soft groans as the waves of ecstasy coursed through me. I always love it when he does this to me. I always need to get him in the right mood first or he won't do it. That doggy tongue certainly does wonders down there, being as long and versatile as they are. Very good to reach those right, tight, and sensual places.

"Fuck!" I yelled in pleasure, amongst the moans and groans.

I felt the warm invading muzzle pull away. I looked down at the bright hazel eyes the wolf. My own throbbing erection blocked a clear view of his face.

"Everything alright up there, babe?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I said, out of breath, "I won't last much longer like this."

"Do you want me to take you?"

"Do whatever the hell you want..." I moaned.

"I thought you wanted to be in control tonight?"

"Just shut the Fuck up and Fuck me already!" I hissed at him.

He was all too happy to oblige. He walked over to the night stand and pulled out the box of condoms that I had there, specifically for him. He pushed a few other things around in the drawer for a moment, before he looked back at me.

"Do you want any lube?" he asked.

"What kind of question is that!?" I barked back.

He pulled a clear bottle out of the drawer. "Sorry, just making sure."

He returned to his spot, between my black and white striped legs, where my warm passage impatiently waited. His big wolf paws grabbed my thighs and pulled me to the edge of the bed, so I was in a good position for him to mount me. He knows I prefer to be fucked missionary style. It feels so much more personal than doggy or cowboy. Plus with the way his dick curves slightly upward and has that little canine point on the tip..., it just makes me feel so much more being able to look him in the eyes.

He opened the little metallic packet and slide its rubber contents onto his length. He then took the clear bottle and popped open its top. He coated his fingers in a thick layer of lube, and lined up with my opening. I carefully positioned my tail, so that he couldn't get to my hole. I looked at him and giggled as we continue to play our little game of hard-to-get. Finally I let him land a strike right under my tail.

"For someone that wants to be fucked so badly, you sure don't make it easy." He forced his lubed up fingers into me, harder than he usually would to drive his frustration home. I playfully yelped submissively, which only briefly interrupted my laughter. "Now let's see what I can find in here."

I could feel his fingers roughly probing around my insides. Not to say I don't like a bit of rough in sex. If I wanted soft, cushy sex, I'd be straight. But no, I like impaling other men, and being impaled by long blunt objects. Sometimes with barbs... or knots. Although I haven't brought myself to be knotted yet, and Benji knows that. He'd never knot me unless I ask for it, and even then I doubt that he would be able to bring himself to do it to me. Since he knows how much more it hurts for a man. Benji would never intentionally hurt me, he may be a little rough at times but he would never intentionally cause me any pain like that.

I jumped and growled at him when I felt a fingertip rub against my prostate.

"Ah! There it is." He gloated at the discovery of his target.

He continued his assault against my insides by poking and rubbing me until I was spitting and hissing at him. I've never gotten off on a finger job alone. They just drive me crazy because it's almost like being fucked, but it's different enough for me to notice. I prefer my finger jobs to be more foreplay than part of the actual sex. Benji is the exact opposite though, you barely need to touch him and he's already spewing all over himself. Usually I can get him to go at least twice for every one of mine. Talk about stamina... and I'm the feline in the relationship!

He withdrew his fingers from my ass, giving me a somewhat empty feeling. I panted in relief that his torture of my anus was finally over. Now the real fun would begin. I watched as Benji lined his big wolf cock up with my rear. I braced myself anticipating his initial penetration.

"You ready?" he asked. I only growled in response, which was all he needed to continue.

I felt his rubber encapsulated tip begin to push my ring aside as he entered me. I cringed as his meat sunk into my insides centimeter by centimeter. I felt Benji shudder a little as he pushed in. He finally came to a rest with his knot resting just outside of me.

He leaned over me and caressed the side of my face with his paw. "You okay, babe?" he asked, concernedly.

I nodded and tried to clear the look of any discomfort from my eyes. I'm not really that used to bottoming, other than the odd back there oral which is like being in heaven, but I do like to give it a try every now and then. I know it always hurts for me at first but once it really starts it gets so much better. Benji hardly ever asks me to bottom for him because he's afraid of hurting me, but I know he likes being a top once in a while. What guy doesn't?

Benji withdrew a few inches before he slowly pushed back in. He continued with this snail like pace for a few minutes to let me acclimate to his girth. I regret not being so generous to my mates in high school who weren't used to bottoming.

Benji slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts. I could hear his muffled grunts as he began to power through me. I gasped and moaned as he began to pound me faster and faster. He grabbed me by the shoulders to give himself better leverage and more control over the accuracy of his thrusts.

I took my throbbing dick into my paw and began to jack myself off in between his thrusts. I looked up at his face. His tongue was hanging from his maw and his eyes were closed. I could still hear him grunting and moaning, but there was also some kind of slobbering noise he made too. I find it quite cute how he makes those noises, with his tongue, during sex.

I gasped and arched my back. The first waves of my orgasm took over my body. I felt a few spurts of my own cum strike me in the chest and face. Orgasms always seem so much better when there's a big dick up your ass. It's like they just feel deeper than when you're the one topping or if you're just pawing off.

I felt Benji's thrusts becoming longer and harder, he's not too far behind me. Sure enough I heard the usual snorting noises he makes when he starts cuming he leaned over me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips as he finished shooting his load into the condom.

"Was it everything you wanted?" he asked me as he laid on my chest.

"You bet." I whispered into his ear.

We continued to talk for a little while longer, and I slowly stroked the back of his neck until he drifted off to sleep on my chest. After all that, I wasn't too far behind him. I fell asleep with him still laying on top of me.