The Lucky Four Letter Word

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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#2 of Lucky

Here is the sequel story to The Lucky Rabbit. It Takes place two years after the first story, reveling how Gabriel's life is unfolding since the first story.

It took me a long-ass time to write this (close to a year actually), so i hope you enjoy, and I do plan on continuing this story. :3

~Zack <3

Gabriel Simmons's eyes slowly fluttered open to a face-full of morning sunshine shining in through the window. The apartment was on a higher floor of the building, so he got a good view of the surrounding city; Apollo City. Apollo City was one of the largest cities in the world, and is known for its casinos and clean streets.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining beautifully, there was no clouds in the sky, and the bustling of the city was kept at a low volume. While all these were key attributes to a nice morning, there was one thing that made it even better. Turning on his side, Gabriel faced the sleeping form of a black and white furred husky. His mouth was slightly ajar as he snored lightly, his chest rising and falling in a steady pattern.

Franklin Montresor, the fox's roommate and... well... boyfriend. You see, two and a half years ago, Franklin had saved the fox from freezing to death on the streets last winter. He took him in, bathed him, fed him and... slept with him. At first it was nothing special, Gabriel considered it a form of payment for letting him stay in the husky's home, but then, Franklin started taking the fox places, and buying him nice things. Next thing he knew, they were holding hands and kissing, becoming unspoken boyfriends.

Gabriel wasn't sure how he felt about the husky at first. He was still used to being in a relationship with women. Sure, they were having sex, but as previously mentioned, it was just a form of payment to the fox. Now, they were doing it because they wanted to, not out of obligation. It was a nice change, and it reminded him of how it felt when he was with his wife. Romantic, erotic, and sure, they might get a little kinky every now and then, but it was a lot more fulfilling than just sex. It was almost like lovemaking.

Gabriel had taken up a job at the Lucky Rabbit (a place that, ironically enough, Franklin works at, where he met the husky, and it was also his previous source of income when he was homeless) and now has a pretty nice steady flow of money. He had begun searching for apartments and houses to move into and give Franklin his space back when the husky insisted that he stayed with him permanently, so he just helps with the rent instead.

Things were good now days. He has a nice home, a good paying job, an awesome boyfriend, and good food. It was way more than he could have ever asked for, and he considered himself very lucky, especially when it comes to Franklin.

He had asked the husky why he was been so gracious to him and wanted to be with him, why he literally picked the fox up off the street and asked him to stay in his home, and Franklin would just shrug and say "Who else am I gonna bone when I'm feeling pent up?" He knew that the husky was joking whenever he said that, but he still couldn't help but wonder why.

"Mornin' babe," Franklin mumbled in a low, tired, husky voice, bringing the fox back from his thoughts. He was smiling and reached over to touch Gabriel's cheek. "Sleep okay?"

Gabriel scooted closer and laid his head on the husky's shoulder, letting Franklin's arm fall to the fox's side. "Mhmm," he hummed. "You shouldn't be awake, you had a late shift last night."

Franklin turned his head to look at the clock on the nightstand beside his side of the bed. "Eh, it's already 10:30, besides, I'm hungry."

Gabriel was rubbing down the husky's fur and lightly scratching his stomach. "I can make breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

A coy, toothy grin crept across Franklin's face as he looked down at the fox. "You," he said before he nipped on Gabriel's ear and hummed. "You taste good."

Gabriel giggled and gave the husky a few playful swats on the chest until he let go and licked his lips. Franklin then threw the covers up and disappeared underneath. The fox could feel Franklin's weight on his hips before something soft, wet and warm ran up his sheath.

He let out a gasp as his member started to emerge from its fleshy home and into the husky's mouth. Franklin moved one of his hands up to rub the fox's chest, while the other moved down to gently fondle his balls. Gabriel's own hands had found their way to the back of Franklin's head as the husky started to bob his head up and down the fox's member. Periodically, Gabriel would feel the cold wetness of Franklin's nose when it came in contact with the skin at the base his penis.

Franklin took the fox all the way in his mouth, and did something that drove the fox crazy; he started to close his jaws until his top and bottom canids wrapped around the base of Gabriel's forming knot, then gently tugged on it while wrapping his tongue around the length.

Gabriel pushed his head back into the pillow and bared his teeth, he couldn't help but gab tighter at Franklin's headfur and buck his hips upward. He could feel the husky smile in response; he loved getting that reaction from the fox, before he slowly released Gabriel's cock and let it slide slowly and tenderly from his lips. Gabriel shivered as his sensitive tip was the last to feel the chill of the air and flop down to plop on his stomach. "Done already?" Gabriel panted, a little disappointed that Franklin didn't let him finish.

"Not even close."

Franklin crawled up onto Gabriel, putting his legs on both sides of the fox's sides and reaching back to grab his still wet member. He positioned himself and Gabriel's cock until it was resting on the husky's entrance. He slowly started to push his rear back, letting Gabriel's member slide past the husky's muscular ring and into the tight sleeve inside.

Franklin let his tongue loll out the side of his mouth as he watched his fox's face cringe with pleasure. He sat all the way back, feeling Gabriel's length press against his g-spot, making him tilt his head back, arch his back and press down a little harder until he felt the wet pop of the fox's knot slide into him. The husky the lifted himself and tugged himself free of Gabriel's knot, making the fox wince, but not in pain. "S-stop teasing m-me!" Gabriel said, wriggling his hips. Franklin could tell that he really wanted to start moving.

He chuckled. "Fine. You're no fun.." he said before he started to move himself up and down Gabriel's length. He felt the fox shiver under him as his hands moved to the husky's legs and grip them a tad roughly.

Franklin grinned, he started moving his hips to and fro across the fox's crotch, and letting his balls roll around on Gabriel's stomach. He started to pump his fist along his own length and used his other hand to pin the fox down on his chest from squirming around too much. Even when Franklin was bottoming, he was still more of a dominant role, not that Gabriel minded, he just appreciated that the husky didn't mind bottoming at all for him, even though Franklin was superior in size (both literally and figuratively).

Gabriel could feel his knot swelling up again, and he couldn't help but start to buck his hips up into the husky. He was getting close, and Franklin could tell. He considered teasing the fox again by stopping and switching it up again, but he didn't want to ruin the fox's obvious fun.

"I-I'm gonna cum, babe." Gabriel moaned.

Franklin then pushed all the way back, forcing Gabriel's knot back inside of him, only this time it was about two times bigger. He grunted as he felt warm liquids spew from Gabriel's cock tip into his rear. Gabriel didn't stop bucking his hips for a bit, making sure to force all the cum he had up into the husky.

His orgasm lasted for about twenty seconds, and it almost brought Franklin to climax, probably would have if he wasn't trying not to cum just yet. Eventually his orgasm died down, leaving a panting, limp fox underneath him. "Damn baby," Franklin said, twisting his upper half and feeling Gabriel's spunk slosh around slightly inside of him. "You sure were pent up werentcha?"

"Yeah," he panted. "That was a good one..."

"Oh, we're not done yet..." Franklin said, giving the fox a devious smile. "It's my turn." He said as he lifted himself and tugging himself free of Gabriel's knot, a little painfully. He then leaned down and kissed his fox, wrapping his arms under Gabriel's neck and waste, then started rolling to one side of the bed. They rolled too far and actually rolled off, Gabriel yelping briefly and accidentally hitting Franklin's alarm clock that turned on the radio.

Franklin was laughing, even though he landed on the floor and Gabriel landed on him. Burning Love by Elvis was on (Franklin and Gabriel both really liked oldies, so the radio stations were usually on those types of channels).

Gabriel could feel Franklin positioning himself at the fox's entrance as he was humming the lyrics to the song, mumbling a few of the lines into Gabriel's ear that were directed towards him. "Are you really going to sing while you bone me?" Gabriel asked, looking over his shoulder to the husky.

"Too much?"

"Eh, little tacky"

Franklin chuckled and started to push himself into the fox. Gabriel gasped and squirmed as the husky kept pushing his nine inches in without stopping. "Ah, fuck, Franklin!" Gabriel whined.

"I'm working on it." He grunted in response.

He firmly held the fox's hips as he pushed his entire length in, getting a sharp gasp in response. "Ouch! Damn it, Franklin..."

"Sorry, hon," He huffed and reframed from moving his hips. "Couldn't help myself." He hated it when Franklin shoved in without time to adjust. And the husky was not small, so some days it hurt more than others, depending on how prepared Gabriel was.

Franklin waited for a moment longer before he slowly started to pump his hips up in and out of Gabriel. The fox winced and squirmed a bit, getting used to the feeling. He hated how Franklin could just sit on his dick and be totally fine, but when Franklin threw his stick into Gabriel, the fox had to take a moment to adjust. He supposed that Franklin just had a higher pain tolerance than him, and Franklin would just make jokes like "Well, maybe you're so small, I don't even feel it." Then he'd apologize repeatedly when Gabriel would attack him with the nearest pillow.

The fox yelped when Franklin started to pick up the pace without warning. He grabbed the fox by the arms and turned over so that Gabriel's body was pressed into the floor while he humped him from behind. Franklin's weight was fully on Gabriel's back, making him struggle slightly for air. "F-Franklin-ah!- s-slow dow-ow-n!"

"Sorry, babe," he panted and huffed. "I c-cant stop, you really turn me on!" his hand slammed down on the floor next to Gabriel's head with surprising force. "Oh fuck, you feel so good!" he growled, forcing himself as deep as he could get into the fox.

Tears had started to form in the corner of Gabriel's eyes. With each powerful thrust, he could feel Franklin's large knot threatening to enter at any moment. Both of his hands were on either side of the fox's head, and Gabriel held on to the husky's wrists to give himself some kind of support.

His body rocked to and fro on the floor from Franklin's hips ramming into him. The fat member in his rear brutally pushing against his prostate made his own erection leak, wanting to release a second time. "I'm gonna cum," Franklin growled, chomping down on Gabriel's shoulder and pushing his hips into the fox's rear.

Gabriel yelped as a loud, audible wet pop emanated from one more powerful thrust. Franklin growled as he tried not to bite down too hard and take a chunk out of his boyfriend as he came inside of the fox. His balls slapped firmly against Gabriel's as he continued to hump and cum inside of him. "Ah, Franklin!" Gabriel called out, tightening his grip on the husky's wrists. Calling out the Husky's name while he fucked him didn't actually help his case. In fact, Franklin found that more of a turn on than anything; he loved it when Gabriel called his name out.

His orgasm lasted a decent while, continuing to hump his boyfriend while they were locked together, and even making Gabriel cum a second time onto the floor. "That was a damn good, lay," Franklin huffed. "But you might wanna leave, my boyfriend could be back any minute." He said jokingly.

Gabriel panted for air and chuckled at Franklin's joke. "I would, but with a knot as big as yours, this could be a long wait..."

"I could pull it out now if you-"

"NO!" Gabriel nearly shouted. "Are you kidding me? That'd hurt like fuck!"

Franklin laughed and leaned down to lick the bridge of Gabriel's nose. "Relax babe! I was just kidding!"


"We're going on vacation!" Franklin said as he jumped out of the bathroom, fur soaked and butt-naked. "We're leaving tomorrow morning!" He walked over to Gabriel, who was cutting a tomato for his salad, and hugged him from behind.

"Franklin! You're soaking wet!" Gabriel giggled, trying to wriggle from the husky's hug as he purposely smeared his face on the fox's cheek.

"Mhmmmm, you should have showered with me," Franklin said, moving his hands to gently slide them down the fox's arms and took the knife out of his hand to tangling their fingers together.

"I've already taken mine, I don't need another. And what are you talking about going on vacation?"

"Weeelllll," He said, letting go of the fox and turning him to face the husky. He placed his hands on the fox's shoulders and rubbed him tenderly. "It's my birthday this week, so I decided that you, me, and a few friends should go somewhere to have some fun."

"With friends? Who?"

"Felix and Brent. You remember them right?"

Gabriel thought about it. He remembered Felix; a thin, wingless flying-fox with three fingers and a thumb on each hand. From what Gabriel understands, the bat had his wings removed at a young age. It wasn't exactly uncommon for wigged people to have their wings removed, mostly because they can't use them, they're too big, and they just get in the way. The fox was glad he didn't have any wings, it must be painful to have them removed.

"I remember Felix, but not Brent." He said.

"Brent's that big ol' dumb dragon that got drunk and was showing people the tattoos on his ass at The Rabbit a few weeks ago?" he said, trying to jog Gabriel's memory, but the fox just shook his head and shrugged. "Oh well, you'll get to meet him tomorrow."

"How come I'm only learning about this trip just now?" Gabriel asked, crossing his arms.

"Surprise!" Franklin said, giving a cheesy grin before he walked off to get dressed.

Gabriel shook his head, thinking of what a goofball the husky was. In all his life, he had never been in a relationship like the one he was in now, not even when he was married to his wife before he met Franklin. He loved Lisa, he really did, but in all honesty, he was happier with Franklin than he was with anyone else.

He can't really say that he was surprised about the whole 'vacation' event. Franklin liked to do things like this all the time, usually acting on impulses. For example, one night when neither one of them could sleep, the hasky had made Gabriel get up and dressed at two o'clock in the morning to go get ice cream. Or another time, while Franklin and Gabriel were watching a movie in the living room, the husky got hungry and wanted something to eat. Normal people would have just walked to the cabinet and grab a bag of potato chips or made a sandwich, but not Franklin. No, instead of being logical, the husky had paused the movie, dragged Gabriel off the couch and went to go to a fast food joint, then came back home and finished the movie while eating McDonald's.

The fox had learned to live with it, even if it got on his nerves every now and then. He had tried to convince Franklin that he didn't always have to go do something as soon as the thought popped into his head, but the husky usually did whatever he wanted to a modest degree and, really, he was doing no harm.

The rest of the day was a pretty easy; Franklin was behaving for the most part, playing videogames and reading a few chapters of a book to Gabriel later in the evening. The only time Franklin did anything was when they were both sitting on the couch and the husky decided to play a horror game. Gabriel hated horror movies and games, and normally he'd just read a book or play with the husky's phone to distract himself, but this time he didn't.

Gabriel watched Franklin play the game, and fifteen minutes into it, he had already jumped four times at the jump-scares. Franklin must have noticed, because half way through playing the game, Franklin jabbed the fox with his nails and yelled 'Boo!' scaring the fur off Gabriel.

He said 'Damn it Franklin!' and attacked him with the nearest pillow until the husky was pleading for mercy, even though he was laughing his ass off. Later on, Gabriel found it a little funny, but he would never tell the husky that; he doesn't need the encouragement.


"Hey, wake up babe," Gabriel heard Franklin whisper into his ear and rocking his shoulder. "C'mon, we gotta get ready to go."

The fox groaned and halfheartedly tried to swat the voice away. "If you want ice cream there's some in the freezer..." he mumbled, barely audible.

Franklin chuckled, digging his arms under the fox's shoulders and legs and lifted him off the bed.

Gabriel didn't remember much after that. He remembered hearing a few hushed voices and oddball sounds, but other than that it was all a blur until he finally woke up. When he did wake up, he was sitting in the back seat of a moving vehicle. At first, he wasn't sure if it was real, like he was in some kind of dream, until he heard Franklin's voice again. "Mornin' sleepy!" he said, running his fingers through the fox's headfur in attempt to fix his bedhead.

Gabriel looked over to see the husky sitting in the seat to his left and the vehicle door to his right. In the front, a large, muscular looking, black furred dragon sat driving the vehicle, and in the seat in front of him was Felix, who turned to peer around the seat to say hello.

Gabriel said hello in return and looked down at himself to find that he had already been dressed. "You really didn't want to get up this morning so I let you sleep." Franklin explained. "We're on our way to the airport right now."

Gabriel relaxed his head on the seat behind him and yawned. "How long have we been driving?"

"Not long," Felix said. "Maybe twenty-five minutes."

The fox rubbed his eye. "You still haven't told me where we're going, Frank."

"You haven't asked."

"We're going to Florida." Brent said, bluntly. His voice was the deepest of the four men with a tone that nearly shook the whole vehicle.

"Awh, c'mon Brent! You're no fun." Franklin pouted.

It didn't take too long to get to the airport. The group had to wait about forty-five minutes before they could actually enter the plane, then wait an additional twenty-five before the plane took flight. In the meantime, Franklin had explained to Gabriel that they were going to stay with some friends in Miami, so that way they didn't have to spend a fortune on hotel rooms. He said that he didn't really have much planned, other than chilling on the beach for a while and maybe taking Gabriel a few places. The fox wasn't surprised that the husky didn't really think it through; he usually acts before he thinks. But still, he couldn't really complain, he's always wanted to go to Miami Florida before, and now he was getting his chance.

The flight wasn't a terribly long one. It took a little over six hours to get from Apollo City to Florida on a plane. The last two hours were covered by car ride, giving Gabriel a lot of time to think. He had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling, or a sense of danger or any of that, but he couldn't really say that it was a good feeling either. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, so keeping it in his mind was the best he could do.

Franklin seemed to be in his own little world most of the trip there. He hardly spoke (which isn't totally abnormal, the husky was normally pretty laid back, but more so than normal), which was a tad weird. Not only that, but he seemed a bit distant, especially around Gabriel. Normally, the husky would joke or generally be silly just to make the fox laugh, but it was like he wasn't even trying. He still smiled and kissed the fox whenever he felt compelled to, but even those actions felt halfhearted to Gabriel.

When he had the chance, he pulled Felix off to the side and asked him if he noticed that Franklin was acting different, but the bat just shrugged and said that for as long as he knew the husky, he's always been uncomfortable on planes, and suggested that be the case. The fox nodded and said maybe, but he wasn't convinced, but then again, he could just be imagining it.

Brent was probably more mysterious than Franklin was acting. Gabriel just couldn't peg the dragon, no matter how hard or long he thought about it. At times, he thought he saw the dragon checking him out, but when he looked again, the dragon was picking at his claws or talking to Felix. He wasn't really offended that Brent may (or may not) have been checking him out, because the dragon seemed to check everyone out; a lady that passed them in the airport, a muscular tall man. He seemed to be sexually attracted to anything that had legs. It through up a few red flags for the fox, but he and Franklin seemed to be pretty tight, and the husky wouldn't hang around sexual deviants.

Felix was the cheeriest of the four. When the flying fox wasn't listening to music and singing to himself, he was talking about anything and everything. He seemed to be particularly interested in Gabriel and how he and the husky met. Gabriel didn't go into details. He told the bat that Franklin saved him from off the streets and took him in, but didn't answer anything when he asked about his life before he was homeless. Not even Franklin knew much about his past, and it was better that way.

He did say that he'd been living on the streets for four years. He said that before then, he had gotten foolishly married at a young age to his girlfriend while they were still in high school. While they may have loved each other at the time, things kind of died down between them and eventually she left him. He didn't go into more detail than that, rather focusing on how much happier he is after he's lived Franklin for two and a half years.

Franklin seemed to be happy to hear that from Gabriel when they were talking about it, so that made the fox feel a bit better about it.


Miami was absolutely beautiful, and huge too. Apollo City was large as well, but Miami seemed to be more spacious and open. The streets seemed to be wider, building taller, and just generally more people, but Gabriel felt that way whenever he traveled to a new city, so it could just be him.

Brent was driving again, with Franklin in the passenger seat and Gabriel and Felix sitting in the back. They had rented an SUV and put the seats in the very back down, so they had more room to store their bags. They seemed to be taking the scenic route to their destination, getting a good view of the buildings, people, and the beaches.

It took about a half hour/forty five minutes to get from entering the city, to Franklin's friend's house. When they arrived, Gabriel was somewhat surprised at what he saw. It was a nice, large, almost 'old wood cabin' style house that sat no more than a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from the beach. It was very nice, and Gabriel was starting to feel a tad... small, and intimidated. Franklin and all of his friends seemed to make really good money, well, they had to in order to afford a place like this. And while he had never seen Felix or Brent's place, the two seemed to dress in more expensive cloths.

Yes, the fox had a job, and he made a lot more money than he did before he was homeless, but he doesn't have a place of his own, or shop expensively, or have much to show for it. Not even his phone was very impressive. It was a simple flip phone, and he wouldn't even have it if Franklin hadn't pressed him to buy one. He didn't really use it for anything, and one of the only reasons Franklin made him get it, was so that the fox would call him if he was ever in trouble or needed anything.

A few years ago, Franklin had saved the fox from starving and freezing to death. Ever since then, Franklin had wondered what would have happened if he didn't see the fox, and couldn't live himself if something happened in the future. Gabriel understood his caution, and gave in and bought a small phone.

The fox snapped out of his thoughts when the door to the beautiful house opened and two figures popped out. The first was a lean, spectacled weasel. He wore a buttoned up shirt with a sweater vest overtop it and khakis. He seemed to have a form of elegance about him, even his headfur was nicely combed. Gabriel's inner eight year-old pegged the weasel as a geek, but he didn't want to judge. He was actually a bit attractive (like all of Franklin's friends).

The next one to walk out of the house was a species that Gabriel had never seen before. He had the head and face of a wolf, but he had horns and legs like a goat. His fur was all grey, but seemed to reflect a purple-ish hue when he walked into the sunlight. His eyes were amber-yellow that seemed to glow, even in broad daylight. His horns were curled around his ears, he had tattoos across the bare parts of his arms and legs, and to Gabriel, he seemed to have an 'evil' aura about him.

The two seemed to be on opposite ends of one stick.

When Gabriel got his bags from the trunk and he got closer to the two, he noticed a few things about them. The first thing was that they were both wearing wedding bands around their left ring fingers, meaning that they were married. In science class when he was young, he (like everyone else) learned that opposites attract, and if there was any real life proof, it was standing right in front of him.

The other thing he noticed, was that the weasel was wearing some kind of, exoskeleton braces around his legs, and supported himself upright via arm crutches. A sense of pity came over the fox when he looked at him, he couldn't imagine himself in the weasel's position, but when he looked at his face, he saw a smile.

"Well you must be the famous Gabriel Simmons!" The weasel said, revealing his English accent. Franklin had wrapped his arm around the fox's shoulders and started leading him up the few steps to greet the two waiting for them. "I've heard a lot about you! My name's Carmen Fisher, and this is my husband," he gestured to the burly wolf. "Johnson Fisher."

Gabriel shook the wolf's large hand, and when to shake Carmen's when he was pulled into a hug. "Is this your first time in Florida?" he asked when the brief hug ended.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to come here." He said and smiled.

"Well we're glad you're here. Come in, come inside, you guys must be a little tired from your long flight."

The inside of the Fisher house was even more impressive than the outside. When he first walked in, he found himself in a large living room, a long, red leather couch facing a large television mounted on the wall. A glass coffee table sat in front of the couch with an odd looking vase and white roses on the inside. There were paintings on the wall, mostly portraits of random people and famous places around the world.

Then there was a long dining room table sitting about six or seven feet behind the couch. The table looked to be old oak wood, with the long candle sticks sitting in the center.

Right behind the table was the kitchen. A long counter with stools lined along its length (looking rather 'bar' style) separating the dining room from the kitchen. It looked very nice, with marble-top surfaces that sparkled in the sun. Some of the kitchen-where and cutlery were hanging from hooks and magnets on the walls and under the cabinets.

There was no walls separating the three rooms, much like Franklin's loft room. Unlike like Franklin's loft, Carmen and Johnson's home was slightly larger, and had an upstairs. To the right, there was a staircase leading to a form of balcony over the living room, with a lineup of doors that lead to, most likely, the bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Wow, you guys have a really nice house..." Gabriel said, gawking a bit. He spotted a small, glass chandelier hanging over the dining room table that sparkled in the sunlight. "You guys actually live here?"

"Sure do," Carmen said, hobbling past the fox.

Franklin chuckled. "I remember when you said that to me when you saw the apartment. C'mon, let's go get settled in."

The husky led Gabriel up the stairs and through one of the doors. Inside was a nice, queen size bed with night stands on either side (just like their room back in Franklin's loft). To the right was a dresser, where Franklin first went to unload his cloths. There was a footlocker at the end of the bed, and he found extra blankets and pillows when he investigated.

"This is really nice, better than a hotel. Can't believe I'm in Florida." Gabriel said, sitting on the edge of the bed and feeling the nice top blanket.

Franklin stopped his unpacking and made his way over to the fox, growling a chuckle when he got close enough to put his hands on the fox's thighs. "Yeah? Glad you like it." He mumbled, nuzzled Gabriel's cheek. "How 'bout a little 'thank you,' huh?"

Gabriel laughed inwardly. It figured that's what he wanted, the Husky always seemed to be horny.

He placed his hand on the husky's bulging crotch and gave it a nice, firm squeeze, receiving an approving growl from Franklin's throat. He slightly pushed his hips into Gabriel's hand, saying that he wanted more attention, so the fox unzipped and pulled down husky's shorts.

His half erect, red, slimy member flopped out of his boxers and dripped a bit of pre onto the fox's leg. He placed his hand on Gabriel's shoulder and pushed him down, making him slide slowly off the edge of the bed so that he was at eye level with Franklin's dick.

The husky's member slid out a bit further until the tip touched Gabriel's lips. The fox reached up and gripped his length, giving it a few pumps before he gave it a nice, slow, tender lick, making Franklin shudder a bit. He felt the husky push his hips again until his member touched the back of his throat.

The fox had to suppress a gag, and braced himself when Franklin pulled out and pushed slowly back in. "Fuck," Franklin breathed. He put one hand on the back of Gabriel's head, and the other under his chin, giving the fox less control of his own movements.

Gabriel unzipped his pants and pulled out his own growing member. It didn't take long before Franklin had started really humping the fox's face, making it hard for him to breath, but not impossible. He would push his enter length in, making slide halfway down the fox's throat, but always stopping right at his knot.

Gabriel was beating himself off while the husky did what he wanted with his muzzle. He could tell that the husky want really wasting any time; his knot had already begun to grow, and his pace had picked up a tad. Franklin lifted his leg a bit as he pulled Gabriel onto his crotch, panting above him. "Swallow me!" Was the only warning Gabriel got before he shoved his entire knot into his mouth, swelling his cheeks.

Franklin then released himself down the fox's throat, not really giving him any other choice but to swallow everything he poured out. Gabriel had a hard time keeping up swallowing with Franklin's frantic cum bursts. "Awhhh!" Franklin breathed, getting in his last few humps and cum drops before he pulled his length out of the fox's mouth.

Gabriel coughed a little and whipped the edges of his mouth. "Gee thanks..." The fox said, gulping down whatever was left in his muzzle.

The husky chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry babe, couldn't help myself." He pointed to the fox's erection. "Need help with that?"

"No," he said, feeling his member already retreating to its fleshy home. "Your attempt at drowning me kinda killed the mood."


Gabriel shook his head and zipped his pants before standing up. "Don't worry about it, I know you didn't mean it. How come you finished so quickly though? You normally like to drag it out as long as you can hold it."

Franklin pulled his pants up and fastened them. "I figured that Brent and Felix might be hungry because we haven't eaten in a while, so they'll want to be leaving for food eventually."


And sure enough, when Franklin and Gabriel were done unpacking (and Gabriel brushed his teeth so his mouth didn't smell like Franklin's cum), Brent and Felix told them that they wanted to go somewhere to eat. Carmen had suggested a restaurant called The Glass Sea. He said they know someone that works there that can get them a good seat and good service.

The vote to go there was unanimous, well, except for Gabriel. He didn't give an answer, but he didn't really need to because everyone seemed to really want to go, so he went along without saying anything.

Before leaving, they discussed briefly on whether or not they should take separate vehicle or one. They eventually decided on using the one Brent rented, and pulling the seats in the back up so there was enough room for everyone.

The ride didn't last very long, maybe twenty minutes or less. Johnson drove with Carmen in the passenger seat. Brent and Felix sat in the middle section and Franklin and Gabriel sat in the very back. As much as he really liked being in Florida, he was a little nervous. It was almost like he was reliving his feelings from two and a half years; unknown environment, unknown people, and feeling generally powerless and belittled.

A warm feeling closed around his hand. He looked over to see the husky holding his hand and smiling at him. "Doin' okay, babe?" he asked quietly, so he didn't attract too much attention. "Homesick already?"

Gabriel smiled back. "Nah, just feeling a little out of my element. I'll be okay." He replied.

Franklin nodded and leaned over to place a quick kiss on the fox's cheek. "I love you," the husky said, and suddenly, Gabriel's heart stopped.

Franklin had never said those words to him before, and when he said it, the fox's heart fluttered and fur bristled. An overwhelming sense of happiness found its way into his chest, and all he wanted to do was just jump up and down and hug him, but the fox retained himself and said; "I love you too."

They arrived at the restaurant, and, with renewed vigor, Gabriel followed the husky and the others into the restaurant. Inside, it had a nice little mixture of cool and warmth from the cooking food, and a mouthwatering salty scent of the seafood. The tables were made of a thick, ocean blue coloured glass with moving water on the inside, the ceiling had an old-style fishing net hanging with various types of fish dangling from it.

It was moderately busy today, and the group had to wait a few moments before the waitress, a thin, short raccoon lady, came to seat great them. As soon as she saw them, her face lit up and she rushed to give Carmen and Johnson a big huge. "Ohmygaaawwwwddd!" she exclaimed. "Oi haven't seen you guys in a while!"

Looking at her, Gabriel guessed her to be about the same age at Franklin or Felix (around 24-25) age. She was very pretty. She had wide hips and a decent size bust that she showed off by keeping most of her black top unbuttoned of the formfitting uniform. Her eyes were hazel, she wore a few earrings, and bracelets when she moved.

"Franklin? Is that you?!" she asked when she saw the husky.

"You know it girly!" he replied before giving the girl a hug. He had to bend down slightly in order for her to reach around his neck.

"Gawd, oi haven't seen you in foreva!" she seemed to have a 'New Jerseyan' accent to her voice, but it was hard to tell in the noisy restaurant. "Whosis?" She asked when she saw Gabriel, who smiled and waved in response.

"This is Gabriel, my boyfriend." Franklin said, grabbing the fox's wait and pulling him to his side.

Gabriel held out his hand. "Pleasure," he said, keeping his smile up.

"Awwhhh well awrn't you two the ceeuuutest things eva?" She shook his hand, a tad roughly. "The name's Amanda, oi'm so glad oi could meet you! Welcome to The Glass Sea, folloh me and oi'll getcha seated."

Amanda led the group passed and around rows and rows of tables, some with and without people seated at them, until they came to a stop at a long table with six seats. "Hiave yaself a seat 'n oi'll be right with ya!"

The group arranged themselves so that Brant, Franklin and Gabriel were sitting on one side of the table, while Felix, Johnson and Carmen sat on the other side. Felix and Brent sat across from each other, Franklin and Johnson sat parallel, and Gabriel sat across from Carmen. He watched, and felt he should help when Johnson had to help the weasel sit down and put his arm crutches off to the side.

"You don't have to worry about me, Gabriel," The weasel said, giving the fox a warm smile. "I see the way you look at me, just like everyone else, but I don't want anyone's pity. Appreciate it though."

The fox felt a bit guilty. "He's a tough son-of-a-bitch," Johnson said, giving his husband a soft jab to his arm.

"Sorry," Gabriel said. "When I see someone that could use my help, I feel bad if I don't do anything."

Carmen waved him off. "I'm fine, been fine for years."

"He hit me with his sticks when I tried to help him up the stairs once, so don't feel too bad." Franklin leaned over to say.

"He likes to trip me with those damn crutches of his whenever I walk by unsuspecting." Johnson grumbled, getting a coy smirk from the weasel.

"I remember he and I had a swordfight with his crutches one day," Felix chimed in.

"He does this annoying this where he pokes my tail when he walks by and pretends it wasn't him..." Brent grumbled.

"See what I mean?" Carmen continued. "I can take care of myself. And I'm usually the pest of the group." He laughed, getting approving nods from Franklin, Brent and Johnson.

Gabriel wanted to ask how it happened, but no one has brought it up so far, so he thought it might be a sore subject and decided to keep his mouth shut.

Amanda came back, taking their beverage orders before handing them the menues and walking off. Everyone seemed to know what they wanted before Gabriel got to get a good look at the options. Felix had already decided a dish with shrimp in it. Johnson and Brent were going with crab, Carmen with salmon, Franklin with fried fish, and Gabriel decided to have a Cajun chicken and linguini alfredo pasta.

"Don't like seafood, Gabriel?" Brent asked when they put their orders in and Amanda had walked away.

"Oh, I love seafood, I'm just allergic to it." He said, taking a sip of the cherry cola he ordered.

"Allergic?" Carmen asked.

Franklin tilted his head "I didn't know you were allergic to seafood... how come you never told me?"

Gabriel shrugged. "Never came up before."

"If I'd of known you were allergic, I we would have gone somewhere else, hon." Carmen said. "We don't need you catching your death..."

Gabriel giggled. "No no no, I'm not horribly allergic, it just makes me puke my guts out if I eat any. It's no big deal, promise."

"Learn something new every day..." Franklin mumbled to himself before taking a sip of the beer he ordered. "Now I know why you won't eat the sushi rolls I make."

The group talked and laughed for about a half-hour before the food came, and boy was it good. Gabriel felt a little left out because he didn't get to have any of the awesome smelling seafood, but his pasta dish was just as good and hit the right spot. They still had conversations throughout dinner, and after they were done eating and waiting for their bill.

When the bill came, Gabriel payed for himself and Franklin, even though the husky insisted that he pay for the both of them. He told the husky that he was paying because it was his birthday soon, and would feel bad if he didn't, so Franklin backed down.


The next day came around all too quickly. After they had eaten yesterday, the group went back to the house, played board games, and drank a lot of alcohol. Well, everyone except for Gabriel. The fox didn't drink, or, he refused to drink. He used to drink all of the time when he was married, but it was never a good thing and he vowed to quite.

Brent had gotten so drunk that he had started pulling his pants down to show everyone the tattoo he had. It was then that Gabriel finally remembered the dragon from the casino and was reminded of the interesting heart tattoo plastered on his left asscheek. It was a little embarrassing to look at, but everyone else was too drunk to even really process it anyways. Besides, the fox had to admit that the dragon had a nice ass...

Towards the end of the night, Brent had started making unsubtle passes at Felix and did a lot of unnecessary touching. Eventually, they had gone back to one of their rooms and probably rutted for a while before they passed out. And they were NOT quiet about it.

Franklin had gotten a bit tipsy, but he didn't seem to be blackout drunk like his friends were. Around the same time Brent and Felix went back to their room to bang, Franklin had started feeling a little frisky too and tried to get Gabriel to go in the dragon's room to make it a foursome. Had Gabriel actually been drinking, he probably would have said yes, and woke up that morning in an incredibly awkward situation, but he was sober as could be and convinced Franklin not to act on his dirty intentions.

When morning finally did roll around, everyone but Gabriel had been hung over for half of the day, not doing much other than taking a shit-ton of aspirin and making sure not to make too much noise. The fox thought it was rather comedic that everyone in the house but him was trudging around the house, moaning and groaning like a bunch of zombies. "How come you're not hungover?" Felix had asked when he saw Gabriel smiling at the situation.

"I didn't drink last-"

"Shhhhhhhh, baby, inside voice..." Franklin had interrupted, smearing his finger into Gabriel's muzzle to shush him, even though the fox wasn't speaking that loudly to begin with.

Gabriel shook his head and whispered; "I didn't drink anything last night."

"What? How come?" The bat asked, tilting his head a bit.

"I just don't drink anymore." Gabriel said simply, and didn't answer anymore questions that followed. He didn't really feel like explaining himself right now, it was probably for the better anyways.

A few hours later, around two or three o'clock in the afternoon, is when everyone's hangover started to wear off, and soon, everyone was back to normal. They talked and had fun and talked about what they were going to do for the rest of the day. They talked about going shopping or going to the beach, but the majority felt like going to the beach, so that's what they did.

Before they had left, Gabriel and Franklin had gone back to their room to get changed. The fox dug through his cloths to look for his swim trunks, but he couldn't find them, he knew he had packed them, so where could they be? "Hey babe, I can't find my trunks..."

"That's because I took them out." The husky said, smile on his face and tail wagging.

"You what?"

"Yep, they're still back at home."

Gabriel sighed. "Why?"

Franklin, at the moment, took a out small pair of light green speedo and presented it to the fox. "Because I want you to wear these." His tail wagged faster.

Gabriel took the small speedo and held it up. "It looks like panties, and I don't even think they'll fit me! You're crazy if you think I'm walking out of the house wearing these."

"You have to!" Franklin said, pulling off his own shirt to taunt the fox with his adorable muscles. "It's my birthday!"

"Not yet it's not!"


Gabriel sat in the back seat with his arms crossed across his chest and the hood of his sleeveless hoodie up. He kept his legs crossed tightly as if to cover himself a bit more as he sat there in nothing but the sleeveless hoodie, and the light green speedo.

Franklin had thrown a fit for ten minutes straight when Gabriel said that he wasn't going to wear it to the beach, and wouldn't stop until the fox finally gave in and wore the little thong. It was embarrassing, and things only got worse when he walked out of the room and got oogled by everyone because half of his ass was showing, and the speedo did little to conceal his package.

"I hope you're happy..." Gabriel pouted and he looked out the window of the moving vehicle, purposely avoiding eye contact with the husky.

Franklin's tail thumped against the car seat as he smiled broadly and reach over to rest his hand on the fox's thigh. "Very. Thanks, babe." he said before leaning over to plant a kiss on the side of Gabriel's muzzle.

The fox guessed it wasn't that bad, though, a bit drafty. Felix was inspired to wear his speedo when he say Gabriel's, so at least he didn't feel alone, but, if he and the flying-fox would stand side-to-side, Felix would greatly outshine Gabriel. The bat had wider hips and a tighter torso than Gabriel, and that's not to say that the fox had a bad body-shape, but Felix had more of an hourglass shape, where as Gabriel had more of a rectangular shape.

When he had first met the bat, Gabriel couldn't help but feel a little jealous of him for possessing such a nice form. Gabriel was by no means 'girly', and was glad he didn't have the same shape as the bat, but he wouldn't mind a little extra weight around the lower region. You know; have a little more for Franklin to hold on to. He was just glad the husky always seemed nothing less than pleased with his fox, so that made Gabriel feel better.

When they finally arrived at the beach, Gabriel couldn't help but start to feel subconscious again. It wasn't as packed as he imagined, but there certainly was a LOT of people. Men, women, children and pets absolutely littered the beach, all laughing, grilling, eating, swimming and having a good time. Gabriel hasn't really been to a lot of beaches before because he was born and raised in Apollo City, and there was no beaches near them. But when he had gone on vacations to beaches when he was a kid with his family, they were never as big, or as crowded as this one.

The group unpacked the car with coolers, umbrellas and beach towels before they set off. Gabriel tried to keep his hoodie closed over his goods, and his tail low so it didn't lift the back of his hoodie too much so he didn't feel like he was strutting around butt-naked. Franklin seemed to have take notice to his embarrassment, so he reached down and held on to the fox's hand comfortingly, giving him a few playful squeezes. That made Gabriel feel a little better, but not by much.

It wasn't tremendously hard to find a spot to settle down, but when they finally found a clear enough space, they were a good five or ten minute walk away from the car, but it was kind of worth it. There was no loud kids, running dogs, no drunken men and no sunbathing women around. There was, however, an older couple lounging a few yards away, and a group of about four or five teenagers laughing and chatting amongst themselves. One of the teenagers, a male gecko, met eyes with Gabriel, and smiled and waved. The fox smiled back and waved before he went back to his own business.

"Know him?" Franklin asked.

"Who? The gecko?" He glanced back to the green lizard to find him talking to a female feline. "No idea, he just waved at me, so I waved back."

A coy grin slid across the husky's muzzle as he chuckled. "Ah, maybe he has a crush on you."

"Knock it off," Gabriel waved him off as he sat down under the umbrella that Johnson had just put up.

"I don't blame him, you do have a totally rockin' bod." The husky flirted, sitting down next to the fox and putting an arm behind him to lean in and nuzzle his cheek.

A weird feeling slowly crept into the base of Gabriel's stomach, like someone was watching him. Glancing past the husky to see the group of teenagers, to see if any of them were looking his way, but they were all minding their own business. He looked at the elderly couple, but one was reading a book while the other sunbathed. That was weird, he could swear someone was watching him.

Then, almost as if it was automatic, the fox's eyes swiveled to meet Brent's eyes for a split second, before the dragon looked away. In the instant that the dragon looked away, Gabriel's odd feeling lest too. Was Brent checking him out? Or was he just imagining things again like he was on the plane?


No, he definitely wasn't imagining it; Brent was certainly ogling him. Whenever the fox bent over, turned around or stood up, he could practically feel the dragon's eyes on him, taking in every detail he could. It was uncomfortable; being stared at by his boyfriend's friend like this, and what was worse, the fox was already half nude because of the speedo.

Not only that, but Gabriel had asked why the husky had made him wear it, and Franklin had said that he thought it was cute, but it was mostly Brent's idea. It was Brent's idea to begin with! Was he doing that because he thought it was funny, or to catch some eye-candy? Either way, Gabriel didn't like it.

Halfway through their day, the group of teengers had set up a vollyball court and had asked if Franklin and his friends wanted to join. Gabriel wasn't too enthusiastic, but Franklin and Felix thought it was a great idea. At first, Gabriel had to admit, it was kind of fun, but then again, he started to catch the dragon eying him while he played. He became too uncomfortable to keep playing, so he called it quits and sat out with Carmen. "Something wrong, dear?" The weasel had asked when he saw Gabriel plop down next to him.

He considered telling Carmen about Brent, but he didn't want to go spreading rumors about something that might just be a misunderstanding, so he just shook his head. "Nah, just getting really hot, with all this gray fur and all." He said, gesturing the the patches of gray around his muzzle, arms and legs. "Must be nice not having dark coloured fur?"

The weasel shrugged and turned back to watch the ongoing game of volleyball. "It has it's perks, but that just means that my skin will burn much easier in the sun than yours." There was a pause for a moment before he followed up with a question. "So, how did you meet our Franklin?"

Gabriel's ears perked a little. "He never told you?"

"That boy never tells anyone anything. I bet he didn't tell you that he was born and raised here, did he?"

The fox looked from Carmen, to Franklin, and back to Carmen. "... No, he didn't."

The weasel nodded. "I'm sure there's more he hasn't told you, but don't take it personally, he never tells unless you ask. 'Don't ask, don't tell.' He's always been like that for some reason."

That made Gabriel start to wonder. "Well, um, we met a few years ago. At the time, I was homeless..." and the fox proceeded to tell the weasel his story. Carmen was a good listener, nodding his head every so often and asking an occasional question every now and then. Though the conversation, Gabriel found himself growing to like the weasel the more he was around him.

Gabriel was never comfortable talking about his past with anyone, not even Franklin knew about the person he used to be before he met the husky. Some days, even Gabriel wished he could just forget. Still, his past made him a better person, and he likes the person he's become.

When he was done, Carmen shared the story of how he and Johnson had met, saying that the weasel used to be a college teacher and Johnson was one of his students. Turn out that Carmen was older than he looked; where Gabriel was pushing 26, almost 27 years, the weasel was in his early 40s, and Johnson was barely 30. It reminded the fox of the slight age gap between himself and the husky, but it wasn't as big as Carmen and Johnson's; maybe about three or four years difference.

The next thing that Gabriel asked, is what Johnson's race actually was. He didn't want to be rude and ask him directly, but the weasel giggled and said "We get that a lot. Believe it or not, Johnson's a Chupacabra, or at least, that's the name he's adopted. I know he looks a little on the demonic side, but he's a big softy."

"Chupacabra? As in the mythical creature that feeds on the blood of goats?" Gabriel asked, he wasn't really buying that explanation.

"Well, we don't actually know what he is, neither does anyone else. But he looks to be part goat, the chupacabra's chosen prey, and a dog, which the chupacabra is commonly perceived as, so he came up with the name. I still think it's kinda cheesy, but that's what he writes down on whatever legal form he has to fill out for any reason." The weasel explained.

Gabriel looked back to Johnson. He definitely didn't look natural, and whoever he passed had to take a double take. It must've been hard growing up looking like that, but in Gabriel's opinion, the 'chupacabra' looked pretty badass.

"Can I ask you something?" Carmen asked, somewhat out of the blue. His tone was more serious, and gaze distant, avoiding eye contact with the fox at first.

Gabriel's ears lowered a bit, unsure of where the weasel was going. "S-sure?"

Carmen turned his head to look at the fox, his eyes stern, but his expression was soft, as he asked; "Do you love Franklin? I mean, REALLY?"

The question caught him off guard. Did he love the husky? Did he? The fact that he questioned it made him wonder what the answer was himself. Did he love Franklin? Such a simple question should have a simple answer, so why was he choking up? Gabriel looked down at his hands, thinking about how things were when they first got together. There was no love, just sex at the time. Gabriel still couldn't believe that Franklin would let a complete stranger move in with him, no questions asked. And honestly, things still weren't too different now as they were then; they still don't ask about each other's past. Like Carmen said; Don't ask, don't tell...

But then he thought about the other day, when Franklin told the fox he loved him. He thought about the overwhelming sense of joy that bubbled up in his chest from hearing those words, and blissfulness that came when he said it back to the husky. He was reminded of the love that he and his former wife shared, but it wasn't the same. He was happier than he was before.

Gabriel smiled and looked back to the weasel, waiting patiently for his answer. "I do," he said quietly.

Carmen smiled back and patted the fox on the shoulder. "Good answer."

The Lucky Rabbit (Re-upload)

Apollo City, one of the twelve largest cities in the world; a beautiful place filled with nice tall buildings, clean streets and friendly neighbors. Apollo city was well known for its bright and colorful lights that can be seen from miles away at...

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Two (Trap)

Blake sat in a booth, his finger tapping impatiently on the wooden surface of the the table as he turned his dead wife's ring around in his fingers. His foot bounced angrily as he replayed the memory of Carol's death over and over and over again. No...

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One (Memories)

Blake Cristian ducked under the yellow tape that was stretched across the front door to a large, lush house. He found himself in the foyer, a long, plush red carpet underfoot covered most of the area. A few small tables carrying a plant, a key bowl and...

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