Poverty - Chapter One

Nathan licked his lips as he flicked the butt of the fag onto the ground, smiling at the satisfying fizzle as it rolled into the moisture collected between the cobble stones. He savoured the rich taste of the tobacco, of his last ciggarette. Tonight...

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Leaving Heaven (Spring Story Contest Entry)

Mosin drew his rain-slicked olive coat tighter around him as the filthy mid-March rain pelted his stocky frame. The roe deersquinted up as the miserable drizzle kissed his snout with its tainted moisture...

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Vision: Chapter 4

"You said it was a bloody free sample!" Shouted Lenny, a middle aged rat, as he was getting forced out of a restaurant. A small falcon woman was forcing the homeless rat out as she was armed with a broom. "Free?! You ate almost all the damn cookies!"...

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Rags And Riches: A dragon's beginning

The day after our first month of almost poverty, i was sleeping on a mattress that was pretty much destroyed at this point. though i didn't really care, i was lucky enough to even have something to lay on.

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The Prince and The Commoner "Part 1"

The rain had come and gone like it always did, the fresh smell of after rain should have been there, yet it was heavy again. Distant clouds gave way to a promise of new rain. The young female wolf looked around madly, and then down at the loaf of...

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Issues of Utopia

Though to some degree poverty is existent and people of minority are in poverty, although this is not true for all **page 4** people all of minority.

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10. Breathe Again (100 Theme Challenge)

A collar asphyxiates my desires to thriveloosening only to allow a gasp of prosperity -then it tightens again, increasing my life's complexities.A collar asphyxiates my desires to thrivepreventing knowledge from entering my brainI can't pay to learn...

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First let me tell you this is a work in progress, there is a lot of story to be had here. Also let me warn potential readers this story deals with many touch subjects, such as rape, child molestation, M/m, m/m, murder and suicide. if any of this...

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What to fight for and what to avoid their lives they paid crapped on and scorned yet what matters most to us is not what should the american government yet again up to no good spying, leeching, bugging hundreds of millions teachers barely above the poverty

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Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness

It did not matter to me that we lived in poverty; in fact i never looked at it this way. one night when toby and i were cuddling on his bed discussing our life he told me that poverty was a human thing.

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The Stone Warrior

And the filth and poverty in which eytan lived would never disappear either.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 12: The First Mission

"if the crushing poverty (there is virtually no human middle class) and despair weren't enough there was the hazing.

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