Getting to Know My… Housemate

Story by Sotoa on SoFurry

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Hey! I haven't been on this site in an incredible long time. I've been buried in studies and work, time has flown by for me so fast. I gotta read all the story series I love and catch up on what's going on.

I recently had an encounter with a housemate of mine... it turned out similarly to how I've detailed in my story below. This is my first story I have ever written, I know my writing is not top par, but I did put a lot of heart into writing this, so I hope it turned out okay. Also, I'm not sure if anyone had used a title similar to this. I'm too lazy to check, but if so I can change the resubmit and change the title.

Please enjoy reading, it does drag on a bit before any smut, I apologize, but it was my first story ever so. I would appreciate any comment and if you actually liked my story, rating it would be awesome. I will treasure all feedback and take it to heart. Thank you! ^_^

-This work features sexual situation between adults. If you are under the age of 21, 18 or whatever, you should avoid this material. You have been warned and by continuing to read, you acknowledge this.-

Getting to Know My... Housemate

At 22 years of age, I live a quite boring life. My time is consumed by study and work. As a Software Developer in study, I could be labelled as a 'tech geek' or just plain nerd. I never cared though, there's nothing wrong with engrossing yourself in writing computer programs and studying languages. It's a great investment of time in the modern age.

Despite the time I spent geeking around on a computer, I always made sure to keep active. Always taking breaks for a breath of lovely city air; keeping a good cardio routine at my college gym and not eating junk food... too much.

I was getting ready for my job this Saturday morning and just got out the shower. I live in shared housing, meaning multiple people share the same building and only having their own rooms as personal space. I never had the pleasure of simply strolling out the shower toward my room stark naked, while I'm sure some of the guys that lived here wouldn't care, the she-fox couple that lived in one of the upstairs room seemed to be against all forms of masculinity. As a passive and non-confrontational person, I always made sure not to upset either of them.

After I had dried myself off, I wrapped my towel around my waist and slung my previously worn clothes on my shoulder. I strolled down the hallway to the right of the shower room and then came to my door and entered. Standing in front of my mirror I looked over myself. Being a young wolf, I had a very smooth and soft fur. I loved my fur; it was a clean titanium white which covered my whole body.

I rubbed my chest, while I never did lifting or core exercises; I did have a solid chest structure. I let out a long drawn out yawn. I scratched my stomach, my fur in that area felt always so soft. I didn't have great abs or anything, but I wouldn't call myself scrawny, my athletic body had natural form.

I glanced at my watch and saw the time was 8:30. I sighed loudly and screwed up my face in annoyance. I had to get going to work. I hadn't had came in almost a week now, as I've been so busy with all my work. My dick was begging for attention as it hung down between my legs, the more I thought about it, the more the blood flow got going and he started to stand to full attention. Almost getting to full length of 7 inches I grinned and was just about to reach down to give myself a little morning workout, but my plan was interrupted by my phone.

My phone chimed and vibrated jarringly on my dressing table. "Agh! I hate you!" I almost-yelled at my phone. I swiped the dismiss alarm button on my phone. 8:35, my second alarm. I wish I turned that one off sometimes, I never got up that late and all's it did was annoy me... and ensure I never got distracted before work. I got ready, I put on a casual shirt and jeans, then left the house.

I work in grungy punk clothing store that sits quite out the way of the rest of the shopping district of my town. I think it's for the best, visitors of this shop usually have an intimidating appearance for some people, however I assure nearly everyone that buys from Pine Bomb is actually a nice person when you get to know them.

The door bell jingled as a customer entered. I recognized her immediately, it was Rohanne! She was younger than me, at 19 years of age. She was a beautiful chestnut horse that always seemed to dye her mane varying colours, every time I saw her. Today, it's original blonde colour had light blue highlights. She wore her usually very grungy getup: leather waist jacked, a top with a Slipknot logo on it and short black skirt.

I grinned like a mongoloid and waved at her. "Heeey! How are you doing, sweety?" I asked her and she quickly came over to the counter to give me a hug "I'm as happy as always! Loving my job and life in general" she said, voice laced with horrifying amounts of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes comically, in a reassuring tone I said "Come on, I told you to not always be so miserable with things! Try look on the bright side of life, you'll move on from the shitty stuff soon. I just know it!". She only smiled lightly and with even more sarcasm, she said "Oh, I was serious. Absolutely."

The day went on and people came and went, eventually the sky darkened and the sun disappeared for the rest of the day. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it read 5:55. It was time to close up and cash up. After locking the front, I went downstairs to the shop's makeshift tattoo and piercing parlor. The walls of the stairs going down were absolutely covered with the tattooist, and my employer, Marlene's designs. Ranging from horrifying skull to beautiful women, she certainly had great talent.

I tapped on the door and was met with a happy yell "Come in! Come in!", I opened the door and openly showed my satisfaction with the day's end on my face. Marlene was a black cat with the most piercing jade green eyes you would ever see, she had just been clean up her piercing equipment, she gave me a toothy grin. "Days over already huh?" she asked, I nodded in reply and she asked me "Since it's Saturday, wanna go out for the evening, sweet thing?". I agreed happily to the cat.

We hit a local bar that had great music and not many patrons. We chatted for most of the evening about many things. Time passed and drinks were down, it was coming up to 11:30 and I was quite drunk. Why did I have to be such a lame light weight? Marlene, as usual, seemed almost sober. We walked to the bus station and waited in the piercing cold for our separate buses.

Marlene wrapped her arm around me and leaned on my shoulder. "Why does the bus take so long when it's so cold?" she said. I nodded my head in reply. 10 minutes passed, I had no conversation left and neither did Marlene. So, we stood there shivering every time we got attacked by a gust of cold wind. Eventually, we saw two buses coming down the road behind each other and by chance neither was mine! Marlene's bus was one of them though, so that cheered me up slightly.

Marlene was reluctant to get on, she always felt like she had to protect me. I kept trying to assure her I was going to be fine. After a good minute, she gave me a tight hug and got on the bus. As I wave at her, I almost thought the old Hound bus driver scowled at me for making him wait there. I shrugged.

Time passed at the speed of a snail. I checked my phone repeatedly for the time. I heard a loud sound of a clock tower striking midnight. The church just near the bus stop. I turned my head to my left looking toward the church and was shocked as I saw someone standing 3 feet away from me. When did he get there?

He wore a black trench coat and had a leather cap. He looked very strong and bulky. Manly. I turned my head back straight forward, so not to draw attention that I was looking at him. I didn't even get to see his face, it was overshadowed by his cap and the consuming darkness of the night. I heard the sound of a bus coming down the street. Please be mine! I pleaded in my mind. I squinted trying to make out the route number. It was my bus! Thank you, God.

After it pull up, I got on and took my seat near the front, closing my eyes and letting out a sigh as I was embraced by the relative warmth of the bus. Finally, I was out of freezing cold. I smiled and held a content look on my face. I heard heavy footsteps walking past me "thomp, thomp, thomp" and was met by a very powerful scent of alcohol. I quickly glanced in the direction of this person. The black trench covering his strong, big shoulders and arms; amazingly powerful looking chest and solid body. The guy from the bus station is taking the same bus as me! I felt joy coursing through me. Why?

As I questioned this in my mind, I heard him practically collapse into the seat behind me. Was he drunk? Or just tired? Did he just die? I was about to look over my shoulder at him, then stopped myself. I kept my head forward, look out the front window of the bus. Why did I have such curiosity towards this guy? Why was a I nervous? I couldn't figure it out... while I was a gay male, I never was one to have such interest in random people whose face I hadn't even seen. And why was I so nervous?

I sat there looking forward, at nothing imparticular, just thinking. I was lost in thought about this guy. I wondered if he would be up for talking to me, just to pass the time. This was a long bus journey. How would I start conversation with him? Hm... I doubt he'd be up for talking to me anyway.

I decided to sit in silence. I listened to his heavy breathes behind me, they sounded very gruff and every time he exhaled I was met with the scent of alcohol. Quite gross in my opinion, but it didn't ruin my magnet-like attraction to this guy. Alcohol was not the only scent I could smell, there was an overwhelming almost musk like manly scent in the air coming from him.

Man... I just wanted to go over to him and wrap my arms around him. I felt like a nervous high schooler wanting to ask his crush out for a first date. Grr, I bet he would be amazing to screw around with. I bit my lip.

My thoughts were shattered as I heard a loud snore behind me. He was asleep, bless him. He must be exhausted. I really wanted to talk to him now, but I was too nervous to talk to him, plus he was too... unconscious to talk to me. Not like he would want to talk to me of course... right? Hm... his eyes are closed right now. If I wasn't going to be able to chat to this guy, I may as well get an eyeful, so I can scold myself for being so shy in the future.

I looked out the window next to me, trying to make out my surroundings. Judging by the area I had roughly another 25 minutes near this man on this bus. I got up out my chair in one motion, then walked to the seat on the adjacent side to him.

Oh man... now I could get to see his face! I felt like a child on Christmas. I slowly turned my head slightly in his direction. He was sitting there with his arms cross over his chest. Head down, sleeping. I looked at his face, which was overshadowed by his cap, that he pulled down over his eyes.

I was able to make out a couple of things though: orange fur and black stripes! A tiger! I grinned. I quickly looked behind me, to see if there were any other passengers. I had just realized how embarrassing it would be if other people saw me lusting over this random guy. The other seats on the bus were empty. Phew...

I turned my attention back the amazing tiger. His chest was covered by his arms; I guess I wouldn't be able to stare at his probably stone hard pecs. I looked toward his abs, his shirt was really tight. He had amazing abs pressed against that shirt. Oh man... he must work out. I notice was quite wide, not fat, but obviously a very largely structured guy. Oh... I hope I wasn't drooling right now.

I looked further down... he was wearing jeans. They clung to his legs, you could make out how amazingly thick and strong his thighs were. I turned my ahead away and looked out the window to my right. I felt so hot, I must be blushing right now... that's the problem with white fur, blushing is noticeable.

I looked out the window for a while, watching cars drive by. Damn, I felt like I couldn't bring myself to look back over at him. I was getting swallowed up by that nervous feeling again... dammit. I willed myself to look back over. Slowly turning my head toward him.

Ohhhhh, he was still asleep, he wasn't snoring now though. I resumed where I was look last. Slowly bringing my eyes towards his crotch area.

Have you heard the quote: "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"? If that quote was directed at this guy, it would be a be a cucumber rather than a banana.

Everything about this guy was large and powerful so far and his manhood was no disappointment. Pushed against the jeans, you could see it was a noticeably good length, while also been very thick. I swear his jean's crotch buttons were close to just flying off, from trying to hold back that beast.

I could stare that area all night and day, however I felt the bus pulling to a stop. I was shocked, we were at the traffic lights just before my bus stop. Time sure does fly by...

After the bus got going again I stood up, my own tool was rock hard. Holy hell... as I stood up and walked down the aisle toward the door, I adjusted myself. I pressed the stop bell. I looked over at him, he was still asleep. Damn... I guess I wouldn't see him again. I felt the heavy depressed weight on my chest.

When I got off the bus, I quickly made my way home. Walking down the streets in the dark. I barely paying attention to my surroundings, which is a dangerous thing to do... my mind was too clouded by thoughts of this man, he was so amazing and perfect looking. I wanted to cry, why the hell couldn't I do something!

I got to my house, fished my keys out my pocket. My door was lit up by a street lamp, so it wouldn't be much problem find the lock. I tried to put the keys into the lock, but couldn't. I couldn't see properly. I wiped my eyes, my hand was wet from tears. I need to man up... stop being a cry-baby and move on with a life.

As I put the key toward the lock again, the light from the street lamp suddenly vanished. What? I turned around... I was met by the sight of this huge guy.... It was him! It was actually him! I got to see his full face at last. His eyes looked kind, and he was showing a toothy grin at me.

"Hey, having a little trouble?" he asked in his deep, powerful voice. I lost my voice. I nodded and let out a meek "Y-yes.". He took his own keys out his pocket. He lived here? WHAT?!

"I don't think I actually got to meet you yet. My name is Blaine, I live in the room next yours, I think." I couldn't believe what he just told me. "uhm, it's amazi-" I stopped myself, "Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Sotoa. H-how come I haven't seen you before?" God damn I was such an embarrassing stuttering idiot.

He let out a chuckle "Why don't we go inside first, huh?". He opened the door and ushered me in. "Wanna get a warm drink?" he asked me and I nodded happily. Oh gosh... How I would like to drink something...

We walked upstairs, into the kitchen. The kitchen was shared, as everything else was in the house. Fortunately, it was late and most other house members were either asleep or were hitting clubs. "Click" he switched the kettle on.

I leaned on the counter and listened to him explain to me why I've not seen him before. He explained that he moved in a few weeks ago and leaves for work at four in the morning. He often gets back at eleven at night, as he works in the city and the journey is long.

"That makes sense now, I'm usually asleep or at the time you get back here... I can't believe how much time you have to spend at work." I said. He let out a deep chuckle, "I do 4 days a week, napping for most of my days off".

Huh... damn... I would love to crawl in to bed and nap with him all day...

The kettle had finished boiling and he poured out some cups of hot cocoa for the two of us. He passed one of the cups to me, holding it by the outside, not the handle, since he passed the handle towards me. The cup was painfully hot, but he didn't seem to mind. As I sipped he asked me: "So... I couldn't help notice something on our journey home..."

Was he awake? No. He couldn't have been...

"...I couldn't help notice you saw something interesting."

I looked at him, I too shocked... was he going to hate me? Everything's ruined... "H-how... uhm..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Hm? So, you admit it?" he chuckled, I felt reassured after hearing his genuine chuckle. "I didn't mind, man. I woke up after about 10 minutes, only to see you nervously checking out my package." He grinned.

I realized it now... he stopped snoring, he woke up. His airways didn't magically clear up.

"I'm so... sorry." I lowered my head as I apologized. I felt him lift my chin up to face him. He licked his lips.

"Did you want a closer inspection of my goods?"

My jaw must have dropped and hit the floor. I must have misheard, but I saw it on his face. The lust, the hunger and his sexy grin.

He took my hand, then walked me towards his room. This was actually happening. As we entered, I was met by his scent, it was like inhaling the essence of masculinity. Sweaty-like but also lightly musky. Man... this was hot. I looked around the room, on the whole it was pretty standard. In one corner, he had a television with a sofa. At the back of the room, was a large king size bed. It had lovely red covers and lots of so so soft and lovely pillows. It took up a good third (1/3) of the room. There was a wardrobe that devoured a free wall. The left over space was minimal, there was just room to walk to the bed or sofa. Just having one room is not enough... shared housing is so lame and cramped, but it's cheap.

"Ahaaaha, welcome to my room." He grinned and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "It looks nice, uhm, the bed is magnificent" I smiled, in return he gave me a naughty grin.

Without speaking anymore words, I closed the distance between us. I looked him in the eyes, then he bought us into a deep kiss. His warm tongue invaded my mouth, I could still taste the booze on him, but I didn't care! As his fleshy appendage squirmed around explored my mouth, I made good use of my hands and undid his belt. He pulled away, I looked up at him and whined. He grinned at me, while taking off his coat.

After he removed his coat, he unceremoniously threw it on the floor. I reached for his shirt, to help him pull it off. Once discarded, I got a full view of his amazing body. I felt like I was going to melt. I ran my hand down from his pecs to his waist, he felts so warm and solid. He embraced me and bought us briefly back into a passionate deep kiss, I moaned. This was amazing. My jeans were getting unbearably tight. I began to undo my shirt, I threw it off behind me and pulled myself back as close as I could to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

Our bodies press against each other, I leaned my head on his beautiful chest. We felt so close to each other. We stayed in this embrace, just content and enjoying each other's presence, for a while. He began to push his hips more forward towards me. He chuckled, and I felt the boom of his voice through his chest. He loosened his grip on me, and began to lower his pants.

I watched as he slowly slipped his jeans down from his waist, slowly but surely revealing more and more of his underwear. Now his manhood wasn't held back by the restricting jeans, he was white boxer-shorts, they looked so sexy, yet comfortable. His underwear was tight as hell, stretch outward by his thick manhood.

I quickly followed suite, I remove my pants and stood there just in my jockstrap. I loved wearing jocks, they were really comfortable. Maybe I could convince this sexy tiger to try wearing a jock one day...

It was time to unveil his manhood. I looked up at him and grinned. I was looking forward to this. I lowered myself so I was level with his crotch, I inhaled his scent. It was such a powerful smell; it didn't smell disgusting though. Just very overwhelming. It drove me forward, I wanted more! I wrapped my fingers around the top of his underwear and slowly pulled them down. His crotch area had much more ruffled fur, it still looked very soft. I pulled down over his meat, the base of it looked completely comparable to a huge tree jutting forth from a field. I lowered his underwear down more, I had gotten his underwear down and just the tip of his manhood was concealed, it was pushing forward, dying to be released. I grinned, then pulled over the end and it sprung free, smacking me on the nose.

Now I was face to face with this uncut monster, I got to see it must have been 10 inches... it was incredibly thick as well, truly like a beer can. His balls were large, they hung down in their sack. I bought my nose up to them, pushing forward into them firmly, inhaling as much of the scent as I could, I moaned. This was amazing. I bought my tongue to them, licking and pressing between them with my tongue. I felt the heavy weight of his dick on my head, as if it was a reminder.

"Uggggghhh" he moaned loudly above me. I took his right wrapped my tongue underneath his sack, running my tongue behind his right orb, I bought it into my maw. I sucked lightly. The overwhelming taste of his sack filled my mouth. He groaned again. I pulled back.

I gripped my hand around his cock, gripping the best I could around it, it was so incredible. I pulled my hand slowly down, pulling back the foreskin, revealing the tip fully. He moaned loudly.

I licked my lips, like a starving animal and put my lips around the tip. Press my tongue up and rubbing against the underside, I gently suckled on the tip. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to suck this without my jaw being broken. He put his hand down on top of my head, not forcefully, but just reassuringly, he began gently rubbing my ears.

I lower myself further, trying to take more in. I don't like to sound like a slut, but his dick actually tasted amazing, this coupled with the manly scent emanating from his crotch was making me very lusty for more. He groaned and bucked slightly, he rubbed my head lightly, as if to apologize.

My jaw was straining as I took in more and more of his rod. I could take no more as I felt his tip push back to my throat. My saliva ran from my mouth down his cock over his balls, certainly a sloppy dick sucking...

I pull up slowly, trying to keeping sucking. He gasped and moaned, I looked up at his face, his eyes were closed and he looked like he was in absolute bliss. I sucked at the tip a bit, enjoying the taste as his precum leaked forth into my mouth. I went down against, keeping my tongue pressed firmly on the underside of his dick, I twisted my head around slightly as I lower myself down.

I continued this, spurred on by the desire to taste him and listen to his satisfied grunts and moans. He suddenly, pulled me back.

"Ahaaa, hold on a sec, eh?" he chuckled.

I looked down at my own cock. It was as hard as rock and felt wet as vast amounts of precum had spewed forth, as I was pleasuring him.

I looked at his abs, man... they were so firm and stood at well. I bought my hands to his sides and rubbed my thumbs over them. I began to stand up slowly, massaging his sides with my hands as I rose, then bought to his pecs. He wrapped his arms around me as I slowly trace around his nipples with my fingers. "Mhhhh" he murmured. He stood up and met his face, bring him into a kiss again. He pressed me against the wall, passionately kissing me. Was this just intense lust? Or something more...? He pressed his hips forward pushing his dick on my stomach. He bought his hands down to my underwear.

"Hey, we forgot something here, didn't we?" He grinned at me.

He pulled down my underwear, without much hesitation. Dropping it down my legs, I steeped out. We resumed where we were. His mouth didn't taste so much like crappy beer anymore, making this deep kiss much more enjoyable. I ran my tongue over his, he pressed forward more. Eyes looking deeply into me. Almost like he saw into my mind.

He grinded his hips against me, his slick wet dick rubbing against mine. Absolute pleasure coursed through me. I could stay like this forever, however... as everyone knows: all good things must come to an end. He pulled away from my mouth gently and groaned "I can't go on much longer..."

I looked him in the eye, "You wanna do one last thing then?" I winked, while grinning naughtily.

I shivered, as he immediately ran he hands down my back, stopping at my butt. He let out one of his chuckles. He squeezed my butt very lightly. He bought his right hand up, and put a finger to my lips. I heavily blushed.

I took his finger tip in my mouth, he pushed forth, running it across my tongue, I nearly gagged. He put a second finger into my mouth. I began to suck, enjoy even the taste of his leathery pads. He was slowly pushing them further and further in my mouth, while keeping his eyes fixed on mine at all times.

Too far in, I couldn't stand it anymore... he saw this, just on my eyes and pulled them out. He bought his hand back to my rump. Placing the drip wet fingers between my cheeks, he slowly rubbed the two of them around, then bought them to my pucked. He poked one finger in.

I hadn't had a lay in months and month and I hadn't had anal for even longer. This intruding finger felt incredible. He fingers were thick, and just this one inside me felt perfect. Deeper he pushed in and he began to rubbed against my spot. I moaned loudly, wrapping my hands tighter around his back. He bought the second finger and began to slowly push in. This one began to hurt... I whined a little. He stopped.

"It's been a while, but please go on." I begged him to continue.

He slowly entered me more with the second finger, I felt uncomfortable, but began to get used to it. I never enjoy fingering as much as a thick dick pressed inside of me.

He withdrew the two fingers, then asked me: "Are you ready?", I nodded in reply. "Hold onto me."

I held my arms around him as tight as I could. He put his arms around the underside of my legs and hoisted them up. I felt scared that I was going to fall at first, but was reassured by his amazing strength and stability I felt. I wrapped my legs around him. I felt like a Koala hugging him. He pushed his hips upward and I felt the tip of his cock brush against my butt. He repositioned himself slightly and pushed upward more. I felt the great tip push between my cheeks, parting them and slipping between relatively smoothly.

He bought the tip to my pucker and waited, he lowered me down slightly. I felt it pushing past into my pucker. He lowered me down more, I slid down the wall and his tip slowly pried me open. I moaned and whined, I haven't felt this amazing in too long. The tip finally pushed inside fully. I clenched tightly around it. He stayed there for a while, panting. I got used to the feeling of him inside and loosened up slightly.

He began to push up, I could feel every part of his dick as it entered me more and more. I felt it pressing against my spot. Oh god... it was overwhelming pleasure. His dick was so thick there was nothing wrong he could do. I wanted him in more, I leaned myself down onto his dick more. Pushing more and more of him into me, I could feel it rubbing against every part of my walls. This was too good to be true.

Finally, he was inside me fully. I leaned against his chest, legs wrapped his lower back. The wall supported me, he had his hands on my lower back, supporting me comfortably. My butt was fully pressed against his crotch. He gasped and groaned. He had just got inside and he was going to last much longer.

"I haven't been with someone in too long." He stated.

Slowly he pulled his hips backwards, pulling his dick out slightly. I moaned, the feeling of it moving back out felt better than entry. He pushed in again slowly, moaning himself all the way. As he gently thrust in and out of me, I felt like I was in heaven. Pure bliss encompassed my whole body. I felt my balls drawing close. My dick was pressed against his stomach all this time, stimulating it every time he draw out and in.

He suddenly held onto me tighter and pushed as deeper as possible. He groaned "Ohhhhh ohhh God..." I felt his warm cum spurting out of his cock inside of me. He began to make quick short thrusts, his balls swinging and slapping my butt every motion. I felt my own climax coming as his continue. I was done. I moaned and came, the release felt amazing. I spewed all over between our bodies. I was spent, I leaned onto him as he continued his thrusts, riding out his orgasm fully. Eventually, he stopped, he bought me into a kiss as he pulled out slowly.

"Fuck..." He couldn't find anymore words. We both panted, still leaning in the same position. Eventually I decided to get down, I loosened my grip on him and he held me, helping me down.

"I guess I didn't get to try out this impress bed, huh?" I looked over at the kingsize bed and grinned.

"Hm? Why do you think that?" He embraced me, lifted me up and dived onto the bed with me in his arms. In his arms, I felt so safe. Everything felt perfect. I still had the strange feeling of nervousness in my though, but I began to realize it wasn't nervousness. It was love.