Biography of Volume

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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In honour of my recent story I submit this documented biography of the newly introduced hero that appears :)

Character by me.

Colmation Universe by train, mojorover and wolfrider


Other Alias: None yet

Secret Identity: Hania

'Han' Tonraq

Occupation: Forest Ranger

Nationality: Iroquois


Place of Birth: London,


Age: 24

Date of Birth: 12th

May, 1991

Gender Male

Eyes: Brown

Fur Colour: Chestnut Brown

Height: 5'11

Weight: 178lbs

Appearance: Athletic male

caribou, with antlers trimmed down and smoothed -mostly for when he wears his

ranger hat.


Volume wears a mostly dark grey bodysuit, not so dissimilar to Warp, but the

maple-leaf has been removed and replaced with a decorative pattern similar to a

stereo speaker on the chest -although it looks like something of a target, it

is where his armour is also thickest. His mask matches the rest of his suit,

but covers his entire face, with a fabric mesh at the front also resembling a

speaker when his mouth is opened wide enough. Also has metal anklets designed

to emit a sound pulse by striking his hooves together -meant to be used when

he's surrounded or pinned

Weapons and Tools: Twin

batons composed of various materials, each with a slightly knobbed end,

designed to be struck together to emit a forward blast of sound Han can

manipulate and direct. Also carries bolas for binding foes at a distance.

  -Uses his

motorcycle to get around, and also as a surprise attack tool by amplifying the

sound from the engine as he rides past his opponent.

Powers: Sound Emission,

Sound Manipulation almost like controlling the 'volume' of reality itself all

around him

  -Can amplify

singular sounds while nullifying others; useful for tracking stealthy targets,

footsteps, single voices or even heartbeats

  -Can use any

sort of soundwave he generates to attack, be it a clap of his hands or even an

amplified projection of his voice

Personality: Spirited,

Energetic, prone to being Impulsive and always driven to test himself



Trained by The Warp


in Muai Thai

  -Training in

Warp's signature 'Harmonious Combination'; the art of combining martial skills

with superpowers to create one fighting style unique to its user

Police Training






Wilderness Survival



Wilderness Knowledge

Advanced First Aid


High Stamina


Keen Hearing

Resistant to deafening

volumes of noise


  -When amplifying

a single sound, he has to nullify others to listen for it, which can leave him

blind to a sneak attack if there is more than one enemy at present

  -Powers cannot

be used in a vacuum space

  -Excessive use

of Amplified Voice attacks damages his vocal cords

  -Uses his arms

to control where he aims focused sound waves, otherwise all attacks are

widespread and prone to friendly fire

-Louder noises are harder to focus into a concentrated attack

  -Difficult to

focus sounds when fighting at close-range


sometimes leads to hasty decisions


Hania Tonraq, cousin of Daniel Tonraq is the son of the Aunt that also raised

Daniel. However, Han and Dan did not actually live together; Han was raised by

his single father, who had divorced his mother upon learning she was related to

a clan of super-fursons. Han's father, an extremist who considered Supers to be

freaks of nature, wanted nothing to do with his wife from then on, and gained

custody of their son.

Although, at the age of fifteen, both Han and his skeptical father would find

Han was also a super furson, as while in an argument with his father, the TV

was on, playing loud sounds from an action movie his father had been watching,

and while waving his hand around in expression, Han unintentionally activated

his once dormant powers, sending an unseen blast into the nearby wall and

shattering a window in the process. What had happened was the sound from the

television had been unintentionally redirected the soundwaves with his powers,

which had finally awoken.

Han's father, panicked and infuriated, wanted to throw out Han the moment he

learned of his son's gift, but Han was only fifteen years old, and doing so

would be unlawful. Han eventually struck a deal with his father; he would

refrain from using his powers, going about life as normal, as long as his

father let him stay living in that house at least until he graduated. Paternal

feelings possibly the only reason for doing so, Han's father agreed, but three

years later when Han received his diploma, he would be thrown out and left to

fend for himself, with his father's words 'No freaks in my house, ever again!'

stinging his ears like fire...

Han travelled to Ottawa by way of hitchhiking; thanks to an Ontario phonebook

at his house, he'd found out where his mother lived, and turned to her for

help. Disgusted by her ex-husband and joyfully reunited with her son, his

mother took him in, and it was then he first met Daniel who happened to be

visiting. He was at first jealous of his cousin, being raised by his mother

when it should have been him, but after learning of Daniel's powers and how he

struggled to keep it secret and not abuse it, he felt a connection to him, and

soon abandoned his jealousy of Daniel.

The two followed different paths in life; Han, wanting to get away from the

hustle and bustle of the city, looked into training to be a Park Ranger. He

underwent Police Training with the RCMP, which he had to briefly go live in

Regina, Saskatchewan, to take. Supported by a student loan, he remained there

for a year, returning home, where he signed up for college in Biology and

Chemistry -two more required choices, and on the side took Survival courses.

It had taken time and effort but in four years, Han had completed all of the

required courses to become a Park Ranger, but for the first few months he

remained without assignment, as there were no stations open in the area. Han

spent most of that time learning about his powers, trying to find out how they

worked; it appeared he could manipulate and even amplify sound and direct; in a

single room, he could create deadzone of sound where only one or two could be

heard, and all others drowned out. He also found he could direct soundwaves

themselves, controlling their direction by mental command and by aiming with

his arms and hands to control the direction.

Though the free time was well-spent, he still needed a job. He

gained his chance when he learned that the government was opening up a ranger

station near the remote village of Onata'ke; Han knew of the village from his

Aunt, having been told long ago that it was the place their family had come


Seizing the opportunity he talked his superiors into giving him

the station; they were skeptical about giving a rookie the station but thanks

to his persuasive nature he eventually talked them into it, even convincing

them to let him live there since he did not yet have a home -though . Han soon

moved out of his mother's house, setting up his new home in the station, with

furniture that both his Aunt and Daniel helped him pick out; it was a simple

lifestyle,with only a few modern conveniences -conveniences which left the

village leader, Ohanzee, constantly at odds with Han's presence in the village,

but thanks to both tradition of the village and Han not actually being a

resident, he had no say.

Since then, Han has worked diligently to keep the peace and protect the

woodland wildlife around Onöta'ke, finding people who are lost in the

wilderness and being a good neighbor to the villagers. He has lived there for

two years, during that time Daniel visited the village once or twice each year;

during one such visit, Daniel confided in Han about his secret life as

Toronto's superhero, The Warp, and once again Han found himself mildly jealous

of his cousin until he found out why he was doing it.

When Kaniehtiio lost control of her powers and became the Mana Beast, Han

noticed Ohanzee leaving the village, masked and thickly garbed to conceal

himself, and so followed him to Toronto, where he found out the truth about

Kaniehtiio's powers, and how they could not be controlled. He intervened before

Ohanzee could take the girl from the protective custody of Warp and Bureau

agents Lionheart and Whiptail, and to this day he vows to bring Ohanzee in when

the opportunity arises.

Following the incident, Han joined up with Daniel, and began training under

him, taking on the hero name 'Volume' to compliment his powers.

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