Commission: Long Live the King pt 1

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#13 of Nicobay Commissions

Commission for the omnipresent pervert, Nicobay the picture is done by and commissioned by Nicobay for this story.

The raw heat of the flames burned at his flank and the searing smoke filled his lungs. "Murderer," Simba growled as he stalked towards Scar.

Scar nearly dropped to his belly as he cowered, "Simba, I'm family. You wouldn't do this to your dear old uncle would you?" His kingdom was a burning ruin, his allies nowhere to be found, and everything he'd worked for years ruined because this insolent cub decided to come home. Scar looked over the other male quickly. Absence had shaped the young ruler into a strong, if foul scented, lion. Under the scent of smoke and anger, the older male picked up the distinct aroma of lioness. Nala to be precise. Well, would certainly explain where that girl had gotten off to. Just before her season as well. A snarl rolled in his throat and fought to strike out towards this impudent whelp. Long practice of staying in Mufasa's shadow cut that noise off and transformed it into a soothing smile. "We're family," he virtually purred as he did his best to soothe the male. He'd handled Mufasa for years before the opportunity came to overthrow that windbag. Not only had he stayed on his brother's good side, but he'd had more than his share of lionesses. Of course why take a bit of pity puss, grabbing up the tail ends of heat, when he could have it all?

'No Scar, I'm not like you." Ah if only this overgrown cub knew just how false that really was. Mufasa had been an idealist like him, wanting to keep the peace and balance between the species. He had chosen to ignore just how they came to rule pride rock. Chosen to ignore the threat Scar posed and bask in the flattery he offered up. Look where that landed him.

He did his best cowering and looking pathetic. "Oh Simba, thank you. You are truly noble," he had to keep from laughing at that. Look where they were no because of this child. He rattled off some more praise, barely even paying attention to what he was saying right now. It shouldn't be too hard to butter up this ignorant child and swing things back into his favor.

"Run." Scar's face dropped. Well, that was certainly unexpected. "And never return." Simba glared down at him with a look that said he'd slam Scar across the rock like the brute he was. There was no way that Scar would be able to take him on in a head-to-head fight. No. He'd have to come at this sideways.

Dropping lower, he slunk past the male. "Yes," came the near his, "of course. As you wish." The feel of warmth by his foot drew his gaze down to a pile of embers. A plan snapped into place with a snap within his mind. "Your majesty!" he snarled as he swept his paw across the embers, tossing them at Simba's face. The male snarled as they burned at his face, Scar leaping at him while he had the chance.

Simba reacted blindly to the roar, rearing back and swiping. The younger male landed a blow to his muzzle that made Scar see stars. His leg nearly buckled from the force of that blind, desperate strike. Years of experience let him shake off the blow and land another of his own. Simba staggered, wavered, letting him land another blow. He lost track of blow and counter blow, only realizing that he'd knocked the other male away when he fell forward. Claws scrabbled at the ground as he lunged, following Simba through the flames with a snarl.

Eyes went wide as the younger lion looked up at him with fear, knowing full well what was coming. Simba's body curled upwards to protect his vulnerable midsection. Time seemed to slow as Scar sailed through the air, claws and fangs bared. He saw that paw, knew it would slam into his gut. Either the claws would tear into his belly or he'd be flipped off. At the very least he'd have the wind knocked out of him. Body twisted mid-pounce as he squirmed to avoid the desperate strike. Simba's foot brushed over his back when the male tried to kick at him. Scar's dodge turned into an attack when his bony should slammed into the would-be king's chest. Simba tried to call out in pain, but could only wheeze and sputter as he tried to draw air into uncooperative lungs.

Scar wanted to just lay there and nap. He was getting too old for things like this. Fighting for control of the pride was something best left to the young. He preferred to be crafty. If only this idiot hadn't insisted on fighting. He could have had his pretty little land and focused more on the one female, just as Mufasa had. Granted, the hyenas hasn't been the best of ideas, but one worked with what one had on hand. Speaking of which.

He rolled himself onto all fours while Simba was still busy wheezing as he tried to pull air in through bruised ribs. Tongue rolled from his maw as the male tried to swat at him. Scar ignored the weak bat and planted his paw firmly on Simba's throat. Claws pricked at the exposed flesh as he pulled his lips back into a savage grin. Eyes widened slowly as the would-be king was pinned. He didn't dare move out of fear that his throat would be split wide open with just the twitch of a claw. Scar shifted to put more of his weight on the younger male, drawing out a pitiful wheeze. Toes flexed slowly as he looked down at his nephew and tried to figure out just what to do with him.

"Well if it isn't our best friend." That voice sent a shiver up Scar's spine. Shenzi oozed through the flame, not minding as smoke rose in wisps off her pelt. Lips pulled back into a savage grin, "Or are we the enemy?"

Banzai joined her on a rock, "That's what I heard him say." Shoulders rolled, showing off that thick slab of muscle that he possessed as he moved up alongside his matriarch. Both swung their heads and chimed together, "Ed?" The hyena in question breathed out a menacing laugh as he strode forward. Ed stood in the fire a touch longer than needed, his tail smoking by the time he strode up alongside his partners. Well shit. That was another bramble in his toes right there. Last thing he needed was this gaggle of morons gumming up his works. What he really needed was a moment to breathe and figure things out. Not that he'd be given a moment. More hyenas drifted in to surround them with low cackles and calls.

Claws pricked at Simba's throat as he heaved a sigh at the trio. "Are you really so eager to turn on me? After all I've done for your clan?" That made the hyenas pause, looking from him to Shenzi. Scar moved to sit down right on Simba's chest, dropping his weight onto the male's injured ribs. "Not to mention all that will be done for you in the very near future."

Shenzi slunk forward slowly, the smaller males a step behind her. Scar knew full well just how powerful the female was, one didn't stay the matriarch of a hyena clan as long as she did without being one tough bitch. Or in her case, having the loyalty of the psychotic Ed. One word from her and that half-baked hyena would rip him to the tiniest of shreds. The hyena moved up to a step away from him, "What do you mean in the near future? I don't know if you've noticed or not, but things are kind of fucked around here." She looked around the rock and let out an incredulous laugh. "Everything is burning. The lionesses are rallied against us." Lips peeled back to flash yellowed fangs, "They have been killing my clan mates. My family, my brothers, my sisters, my children." She stalked forward, her rancid breath puffing over Scar's face as she snarled. It took every bit of his years of experience to not pull away from that stench. "So tell me, oh wise Scar, what are you going to do for us? You know, aside from you and your body feeding us for a nice little while."

This was going to be tiresome. He just knew it. Scar put on his most charming smile and reached out to pat Shenzi's cheek. "You're not seeing the big picture, my dear." He pulled his hand back as she snapped at it with a growl. "The lionesses aren't fond of either of us, much as we tried to win them over. But look how ready they were to back our dear prodigal son." Scar took a bold step and leaned in so he could whisper to her. "A young, healthy male to lead the pride back to glory days. One whom I can mold, whom we can control."

Simba wheezed, "I'll never obey you!"

"Hush now," Scar said as he pushed at the throat a little. "The adults are talking." Shoulders rolled as he purred, adding a silken edge to his words. "He's young, impressionable. Why, we convinced him that he killed his father so long ago. Now he returns with a warthog and merecat, thinking he can bring us down? Obviously his time in the wilderness has not made him any wiser. We just need a little time to break his will." He rolled a claw slowly, "The circle of life goes on. With a few modifications."

Banzai's face screwed up as he thought about it, looking over to Ed. He sat on his haunches and licked over his toepads before snuffing the embers that clung to Ed's tail. Shenzi's face screwed up in thought as she tried to process the thoughts of a future beyond the next few weeks. He'd been working to groom her, but it was so very tedious with these thick-skulled creatures. More a hobby than anything else really. If he looked close enough he could see the thoughts turning over and over in that mind of hers. A smile started. Just a twitch at the corner of her lips then spreading across her muzzle before splitting across her face. "Oh I see. We help you rein in little king boy here and he keeps the bitches off us?"

He braved the smell of her breath to lean in, lips nearly touching. "He's been gone for a very long time, what's a few more days really matter? We break him just enough to listen to us and only us. The lionesses keep hunting, he rules, bears lots of little cubs, blah blah blah." Fingers tapped against her cheek, "The lionesses get their leader, and we get a puppet that will obey every last word."

"Not if I have anything to say, Scar!" Nala roared as she leapt towards him with claws extended. She really was a great hunter, just too bad she chose to announce herself. Fast as the lioness was, Ed was faster. The hyena slammed into her side, bowling her over and sending her tumbling. Before she could recover, he was charging at her again with slavering jaws stretched impossibly wide.

"Ed!" barked Shenzi, "keep her quiet for a moment." Jaws clamped around the lioness's throat, just hard enough to keep her there. Nala gasped and jerked, trying to bring her claws to bear on the male's hide. He twisted, ignoring the thin scratches along his flank, and just squeezed hard enough to let the female know he wasn't shy about simply snapping her neck. She looked from her loyal attack male to Scar, "So what do we do about her?"

Scar inspected his fingers, "She does complicate things. It would be far easier to just say she died in this unfortunate event." Simba jerked and tried to protest, but Shenzi shut him up with a paw across the face. He heaved out a sigh, "However, a father does want to see his daughter off well." He smirked at the looks given to him by both the hyenas and the two lions. "You don't think Mufasa was the only one with his fingers in the lioness' pies do you?" He oozed off of Simba and sauntered towards Nala. Simba heaved himself over onto all fours, wanting to strike. He only made it onto his belly before hyenas swarmed him, pinning him with heavy paws. They weren't the least bit hesitant in pressing his face down into the ash that gathered around them as the fires burned lower.

There was a smirk glued on Scar's face as he padded up behind Nala and let a heavy paw come down on her haunches. "When it's her time of the season, a lioness is practically," he trailed off for a moment as his paw moved lower, "insatiable." A loud gasp came from the female as a finger invaded her pussy. Simba jerked against the pressing paws with a snarl, but was driven to the ground as laughter rippled around him. "I know she was coming into her heat when I sent her out to hunt. A king knows when his females are going to be needing his attentions" Scar worked his finger in and out slowly. Nala's eyes clouded as her instinct drove her to lift her haunches. Leaning in, he breathed in the heady scent, lips peeling back to sample her bouquet. "Ah, can smell the family resemblance now." He gave her rear a slow lick with that rough tongue of his. "And as much as I just adore having a virginal lion prostate before me, begging me to satiate them; I just couldn't bring myself to seek pleasure from my own daughter." He rolled his head and purred at Simba, "I could be warming to the idea though." Even over the crackle of the flames and the cackle of the hyenas he could hear the luscious, wet noises of Scar's finger working in and out of Nala's folds. The older male shook his head and purred with delight. "Tell me Nephew, how many times did you lay my dear Nala last night? Young male like you, first time with a lioness, I bet you must have been at it all night long." He plunged his finger deeper and twisted it, making the lioness loose a throaty call as her haunch trembled.

He worked his finger for a moment longer before pulling it out. The lanky male swaggered to stand between the two lions. Scar paused and reached down to rub Simba's muzzle, spreading some of Nala's juices across his maw. "Smells amazing doesn't it?" The scent hit him like a rock to the head. Simba's tongue stick out from between his lips as his eyes crossed. Sheath swelled as his balls churned, remembering the raw heat of her pussy. Scar was right, they'd barely gotten any sleep the night before. Just quick naps between their ruts. "Was surprisingly easy for her to convince you to come back wasn't it?" Scar's voice was almost too smooth as it slithered into his mind. "A sweet little story, doleful eyes, and that irresistible smell."

Banzai cackled, "Not to mention her banging body!" The hyena cackled and jerked his hips, erect cock swinging under him.

Scar rolled his eyes, "Yes yes. Point is, it was all too easy for her to manipulate you into doing just what she wanted." He moved to loom over the lion, "Like father, like daughter." Sitting on his haunches, Scar sniffed the damp fur of his finger before licking over it slowly. The tip of his cock peeked out of his sheath, in full view of both lions, as the usurper groomed his finger slowly. "Perhaps I should give her a lay of my own, see what comes of it." Simba scratched at the ground and snarled as the older male stood and began to move around Nala. The lioness groaned and squirmed as best she could under the press of hyenas.


The pained cry made Scar turn with a smug look on his face. "What was that? Some piteous little cry that I heard? Did someone let one of the cubs come by?"

Simba huffed as he clawed at the rock. "No," he half roared. The young king's muscles trembled as he tried to push against the pressing hyenas. More of the beasts piled on top of him, pinning him harder. "Please," he nearly whispered, voice lower as it nearly cracked. "I'll do anything." Nala looked at him with wide eyes that begged him not to give in. He twisted his head to look away. "I'll do anything."

"Anything?" The flavor of the voice made his fur crawl, but he nodded slowly. Scar grabbed his cheeks and shook his head, "Say it, Cub." Fingers squeezed to make Simba's jaws move. "I'll do whatever you say, Lord Scar." Simba ground his teeth and was rewarded with a slap across the maw for his hesitation. "Say it!"

The words stuck in his mouth like ash, "I'll do whatever you say," he choked out the last words, "Lord Scar." Simba gritted his teeth as male gave him that so-satisfied smile.

It was like he got everything he never even knew he wanted. Now his mind was churning out all kinds of delicious ideas. First thing's first, daughter or no Nala's scent had worked on him just as nature had intended. He let his fingers brush over his former rival's cheek. "Oh Simba," he almost moaned, "you have no idea how much I enjoyed hearing that." He stood again and moved over the male before lowering his body to drag his sheath and peeking cock over Simba's face. "Why don't you show me how much you appreciate my generosity. I'm sure Nala introduced you to the fine art of using ones mouth on a male." He smirked, "Unless you already knew how to do that from experiences with your little friends."

Simba huffed, cheeks flushing as that cock was held over him. He twisted his head and licked at the cock slowly. His rough tongue flicked over the barbed cock, tickling them in a way that made Scar uttered a delighted purr. Muzzle wrinkled as he tasted the older male's cock. Yes, he had experimented with Puma and Timon before, but neither of them had the same heavy flavor that a predator like Scar did. And Scar was right. Nala had worked him over with her mouth a couple times to wake him up for another quick mount.

Now it was his turn. He did his best not to breathe in through his nose as he leaned forward and used his lips to push the sheath back. So he could take the male's full length into his mouth. Scar moaned over him as his tongue brushed against the cock. A spurt of precum, strong and salty, splashed over his tongue. Simba expected to hate the flavor, but even as it flowed over his tongue he felt salvia explode in his muzzle. Maybe it was missing the flavor of meat or maybe it was something else, but the lion felt a strange hunger building in him. He huffed around the length and closed his eyes as the male began to buck.

Nala couldn't believe her eyes or ears. First, Simba had given in to Scar so readily, and now he was sucking off the older male? To make matters worse, it was exciting her. Maybe it was just her season that burned in her or maybe it was something else. Claws scraped against the ground as she pulled herself forward. She stretched her head out and ran her tongue over Scar's swinging balls. A hungry moan came from the lioness as she twisted her head to take one of his balls into her muzzle so she could suckle on it like a hungry cub.

Shenzi barked a laugh, "Ooo, would you look at them go." Her own pussy getting nicely swollen as she watched the pair going at it. Muzzle split into a sideways grin as she turned and ran her tongue over Ed's prodigious balls. The crazed hyena didn't get many chances to drain them. Mostly because he missed the mark badly when mounting and usually ended up going in her ass. Not that she didn't enjoy it but she preferred his load to go other places. What was important was that he was hung better than any of the other hyena males. Which put him far beyond any of the lion males that she had seen. Ed's tongue dropped from his muzzle and head arched as the tongue bathed over his balls. "Hehehe...Oo!" he jumped as Shenzi's powerful jaws closed gently around his balls and suckled on them with wet slurps. Cock dropped and hardened almost instantly, the obedient male standing perfectly still as she worked him over.

Simba didn't notice, or really care, what the hyenas were up to. His focus couldn't extend beyond what Scar was doing. "Oh Nala," moaned the male as his body pumped, cock twitching harder. "That feels so nice," he purred. The lioness's rough tongue brushed over Simba's chin and danced up over Scar's sheath before pulling his balls into her muzzle. Scar huffed and pumped his hips faster against his nephew's muzzle. "You," he groaned, pointing towards a drooling hyena. "Would you be so kind?" came the question as he pointed at Simba's rear before lifting his hand and sliding his tongue between two fingers. The male looked at him with confusion before grinning as he got it.

A jolt passed down his spine as something powerful and wet shoved against his tail hole. Simba tried to jump, but was pinning down by Scar and the hyenas. Laughter rolled over him as the gathered masses mocked his reaction. The second lick was a bit more expected. A paw slammed down on his rear, forcing his tail aside before he could even consider covering himself with it. The hyena cackled behind him and ran his tongue up over Simba's sheath and balls, mirroring what Nala was doing to Scar, before pushing against his pucker. Eyes narrowed as he let out a low growl, the noise cut off as Scar cuffed him. "No need to be rude, Cub, just enjoy what he's doing to you." Tongue rasped over his lips as Scar began to fuck his face faster. "Speaking of which. Might want to be prepared."

Scar's meaning became clear a second later. The older lion jerked his hips with a muted roar as he began to cum. Pressing his sheath tight against Simba's maw, his uncle's thick cream pumped and splattered across his tongue. Scar pushed his body down on his nephew's head, cupping the male's chin with a paw to keep the upstart there as he pumped every last drop of his royal cum into the heir's maw.

Muzzle wrinkled with disgust as that thick spunk splashed across his tongue. It took a second before the flavor overcame the feeling of it slithering across his tongue. As he'd said before when first starting to eat insects. It was slimy, yet satisfying. Simba's ears pinned back into his mane as an embarrassed flush spread like wildfire. He only prayed that neither his uncle nor the hyenas would notice just how readily he swallowed the older male's load. A tongue brushed over his neck slowly as he swallowed. Simba's eyes shot open, seeing Nala almost face to face with him. Her tongue was pressed against his throat as she groomed his neck. There was surprise in her eyes as her rough tongue combed through his fur. Had she felt that him swallow that mouthful of cum? Or maybe she was just surprised that he wasn't spitting out the older male's cum. Ears vanished into his mane as his cheeks flushed hotly. Simba's eyes shut tightly as the hyena behind him cackled and pushed his tongue into the lion's tight rear.

One last thrust and the older male pulled back. He tensed his hips just a little to hold back that last spurt until his barbed cock was free. Simba gasped and opened his eyes right as that final shot was fired across his muzzle. He jerked back with an instinctive snarl and was rewarded with a half-dozen bites from the hyenas and a hard swat from Scar. "Now now, get used to that my dear boy." Simba bit back a snarl and gritted his teeth as the hyena pulled his tongue out. That thick, sloppy muscle bathed over his balls and drove into his pucker. His body shook at the feel of that long lick against his insides. A giggle rattled from the hyena as his tongue lashed against something inside of Simba's rear, making the lion jump and bite back a groan.

"Hey, what are you...AAAAHHHH!" The cry made his eyes snap open. It took a second for his eyes to focus. Hyenas were pinning Nala down again, all of them cackling as Ed mounted the lioness. The male's massive tongue hung from his maw as he laughed deeply, drawing out nice and slow before hammering back in, drawing another yell from the female. Simba snarled and jerked, but was driven to the ground before he'd managed to lurch more than an inch.

He twisted in their hold and hissed at Scar, showing off his teeth, "You said she would be left alone!" Claws dug into the rock, scratching over it as his growl tore its way up his throat.

Nala stared at nothing, mouth hanging open. Ed had more than caught her off guard when he mounted her. She'd been focused solely on Simba when that fat cockhead had pushed against her pussy. Her hips had lifted before she'd even thought about it, giving the hyena a perfect angle to take her. Heat had slicked her folds like nothing else could, petals swollen and burning with need. She was only dimly aware of what she was doing just before he pounded into her. He was incredibly thick and long! It felt like he was trying to cram a newborn cub into her. At least judging from how other females reacted when they birthed. Her cry was forced from her before she even realized she was making that sound. Eyes glazed over as he pulled back with a wet slurp before hammering in even deeper. His fat tip slammed against her cervix with bruising forward, choking off her next cry. She was distantly aware of Simba yelling something, but couldn't hear over the sound of blood roaring in her ears and the constant cackling of the hyenas. All four sets of claws scratched and scrabbled at the ground as the hyena fucked her with hard, deep slams.

Scar sauntered around his nephew, watching his girl get fucked by the hyenas with a certain grim satisfaction. He did enjoy listening to their yowls as they were stretched and left gaping. Cock twitched inside of his sheath as he licked over his lips. Maybe it was the fight, maybe it was the heat, maybe it was just that zebra he snacked on earlier, but Scar felt several seasons younger. He licked his lips hungrily as he padded around Simba. The hyena that was so eagerly rimming the lion looked up at him with a grin, his lips pressed tight to the male's ass. Scar's eyebrow lifted curiously when the male pulled back and withdrew his extraordinarily long tongue. "Riiight. Is he nicely prepared?" The hyena laughed out a yeah and backed off, licking his lips. Scar rubbed his muzzle and wondered just where some of these hyenas came from.

Pushing the thought from his mind, he moved up over the younger male and growled with the rapturous joy that shimmered up and down his spine. Slithering over Simba brought out a pleasure that he hadn't felt in so very long. Not since he stood over his brother's still-warm body. That near orgasmic bliss that made him swoon from the purest of ecstasies. This was victory. Raw and uncut victory. It felt as if lightning had struck him and was surging through his veins. Hair stood on end as he sank down and felt Simba's warmth under him. The younger male's chest vibrated with a low growl as he kneaded the ground. Breath caught in Scar's throat as he pressed his cock against the coarse fur of the male's backside. Precum dripped from his twitching length as he ground it into the rump.

Tongue brushed through Simba's thick mane. "Be a good little boy and lift up that tail for uncle." Simba's lips pulled back in a silent snarl as his chest rattled with his anger. Really should snuff that out before it built any further. Planting a heavy paw on the male's head, Scar forced Simba's head down into the dirt. "Don't make me ask again." Claws unsheathed slowly and pressed against the male's scalp. Lips peeled back to show off his teeth as Simba offered a second's more resistance before slumping. Haunches lifted in a crude imitation of the pose Nala had assumed the night before, his tail twitching to the side. "That's a good lad," trilled the older male as he wiggled his hips back and down. He didn't remove his hand from Simba's head just yet. If only because he was savoring the sensation of grinding his too-good brother's son's face into the dirt.

Scar's pointed, barbed cock stabbed against Simba's rear. The older male had plenty of practice in getting lined up with inexperienced or overexcited partners. Didn't matter if a lioness had plenty of time getting mounted, if she was squirming she was every bit as hard to line up as a fresh virgin. Plus, he was enjoying spreading his precum over his nephew's haunches.

All it took was a few probing thrusts before he felt himself pressing against the slick sphincter. Hips rolled in a motion every bit as smooth as the lies that rolled off his tongue. Scar's head rolled as he breathed out an elated noise at the feel of that virgin anus spreading around his cock. The muscles in Simba's jaw trembled as he clenched his teeth, wanting to ignore the sensation of being penetrated like a female. A part of him wasn't entirely against the idea, but the fact that it was his hyena-humping uncle that was pressing deep into his rear disturbed him to no end.

Sheath kissed against stretched bud as the older male buried himself into the upstart ruler. Lips pursed with a purr as he rolled his hips slowly and let his balls press against Simba's taint. Oh this just felt so very right to him. Leaning over the male, he ran his tongue over Simba's cheek. "Right where you belong," came the whispered growl. Simba thrashed with a snarl, but between the hyenas and Scar they were able to keep the male belly down on the ash-covered rock. Even with their help, the scrawny sovereign was nearly thrown off the far stronger youth. The thrashing made Scar's cock shift inside of Simba's rear, barbs plucking at the heir's prostate. It was more that sensation than the pressing of the horde that made the youthful lion cease his struggles. His eyes glazed over as jolts of something raw and primal shot up his spine.

He was still reeling from that daze when Scar started to thrust, slowly and carefully. Less to protect his nephew and more to savor the sensation of the tight hole around his cock. He'd been under Mufasa often enough to know that there were few things more disappointing than to have someone blow their load and pull out just as things were getting good. He wanted his nephew coming back for more didn't he? Couldn't very well go about setting a bad precedent. A good ruler led by example after all. Body rolled steadily as he plunged his cock in and out of the male. Shifting his form this way and that, he let his tip and barbs toy over the younger king's insides. Teeth ground as a moan fought against Simba's throat, trying to break free.

Nala was having an experience that was almost exactly opposite Simba's. Her eyes were wide open and staring at nothing. Cheek lay against the ground as she tried to even get a breath of air past the seemingly unending moans. After her body had managed to adjust to the sheer girth of the hyena's cock she'd felt nothing but pleasure. His fat tip smashed against every last pleasure spot inside of her body before crashing into her cervix. The muscle, relaxed as it was from her season, offered little in the way of resistance under the male's brutal assault. Ed broke through the gates of her womb within a handful of thrusts. The male howled out a triumphant laugh as he buried himself to the root inside Nala. Massive, salvia covered balls, bounced off her belly as the male fucked her with long strokes. His tip pulled at her vulva each and every time before he threw himself against her.

Insides rippled around the thick cock, trying to grab and pulled at it like she would a male lion's member. They could only flutter weakly against the massive hyena cock as it pounded her so very deeply. Her throat clenched and body twitched as her climax was beaten out of her. The lioness tried to throw her head and howl her pleasure to the skies. All she could manage was a drunken head roll and a cub-like mew as she squirmed under the slobbering hyena. Legs shook as feet scrabbled against the ground, unable to find any purchase.

His feet were braced nice and wide, letting the male put every ounce of strength stored in those thick slabs of muscle into fucking the female. Despite her being more than twice his size, he started to shift her around with little effort as he madly rutted her. Shenzi's muzzle pressed to his neck as she let out a noise that could have been either a growl or a purr. "That's it, my sweet Ed. Fuck that lioness like a bitch. Leave her raw and gaping and leaking your cum. Show her how much better a thick, meaty hyena cock is than those spindly little cactus dicks the lions pack." The only acknowledgement she got was a giggle from the male and an increased ferocity in his thrusts. The female stepped away and dropped onto her back, sliding a paw between her legs to massage her pussy. Tongue rolled from her maw as she breathed out a merry laugh of her own, wondering just what was going through the mad hyena's mind at the moment.

Ed could really go for some wildebeest right about now.

"Would you look at that," came the liquid purr of Scar, "that's not something you get to see up close every day." Simba forced one of his tightly closed eyes to open. Then the other snapped open as he stared in astonishment. Nala had been brute-forced around so that they could see her stretched pussy as it was wrecked by the savagery of the hyenas. The wet slurps of her pussy and the irregular smacks of balls on flesh filled his ears. Ed's panting laughter blended with the lioness's strained cries as he fucked her. There was no other word for it. This was fucking, in its rawest, purest form.

Both males were captivated by the savage screwing, their noses filled with the clinging musk of the hyena male and the intoxicating perfume of the lioness. Juices ran freely down her stretched slit and squirted onto the ground under and behind her. Twin groans came from the males as Scar unconsciously began to pick up his pace, trying to match the insane hyena thrust for thrust. As they watched, Banzai moved around to Nala's mouth, planting a paw on her head before boldly thrusting into her muzzle. Jaws closed around his cock, teeth stopping just as they touched flesh. Banzai's heart stopped for a second as he held himself perfectly still, poised over the lioness. Lust had claimed the female, instinct saving the hyena from becoming a female. Lips pursed around his cock as she suckled with the fervor of a hungry cub. Rough tongue bathed over his cock, alternating between the coarse top and smoother underside, as she mumbled out a moan around his length.

Simba was torn between shock and awe as he watched the hyenas fuck his childhood friend and mate. Banzai's tongue rolled from his muzzle, mirroring Ed's, as he started to fuck her muzzle. The lioness's throat bulged each time his cock plunged into it. Nala swallowed hungrily and did her best to push back into Ed's thrusts. By now her ass was stinging from his thrusts. Nostrils flared wide as he breathed in the scents, unconsciously pressing back into Scar's faster thrusts. His gut was tightening now as he watched his new bride getting spit roasted by the barbaric hyenas. Eyes unfocused as a little voice whispered in his mind, making him wonder what it'd be like to be in Nala's position. To have that smooth, thick dick pounding him. He bit his bottom lip and huffed, starting to grunt.

"Do it, Eddy boy!" Howled the hyena matriarch as she enjoyed the show. Ed hammered home and howled out a laugh. The male pressed himself into the lioness up to the very root of his cock, and tried to press even deeper into her. Pent up balls, Shenzi hadn't allowed him to empty them in weeks now, jumped and heaved as he released more seed than the abused Nala could handle. Within a couple pulses, her belly bulged from the sheer volume. Another couple and the thick cream was leaking out of her stretched lips and plopping onto the ground in thick globs.

Simba bit down onto his paw as Scar huffed over him, both males staring at the trembling lioness. Without warning, the darker lion buried his muzzle into Simba's mane. A roar was muffled into the hair as he tried to bite down on his nephew's scruff. Hips twitched as he came, blasting his seed across the virginal insides. Simba's teeth dug into his paw as the barbs rubbed that spot inside of him. His cock twitched, precum dripping onto the ground as he held back from peaking. He wouldn't give the older male the satisfaction.

Not that the hyenas would even allow him that minor victory. Shenzi had squirmed up behind them while they'd been fixated on Ed. Her wide tongue bathed over his cock and balls. The hyena matriarch's large maw opened and she took his privates in with a lewd slurp. She bathed his barbed cock with her tongue as she slurped nosily around his cock and balls. Teeth dug into his paw as he fought against the pleasure that was building. It was a hopeless fight though. She had far too much experience in this area. Hips twitched as he smothered his roar into his forepaw. Cum splashed across Shenzi's tongue as she slurped hungrily around him. Simba huffed, body trembling as the hyena teased his barbs with her tongue, drawing out more of his seed.

He fired off another spray as his uncle drew out, barbs dragging over his inner walls. The matriarch's near drunken giggle rippled over his privates as she slurped and swallowed around him. She didn't release him until she was sure that she'd gotten every last drop of his cum out of him. Only then did she let his spit-soaked balls free from the warm prison of her maw. Shenzi's tongue swept up his taint, lapping up the bit of Scar's cream that leaked out of his rear. The bitch queen drove her tongue into that freshly fucked hole and swept it around, cleaning up all of the lion cum that clung to his inner walls. She didn't stop at just cleaning him though. She kept lapping, licking over his balls and driving her tongue into his rear. There was a strange care to the way she worked her tongue inside of him. Pressing here. Sweeping there. Making sure to work over different parts of his primal region in ways he hadn't even considered possible. It was mere moments before the prodigal heir threw his head and voiced a full-fledged roar as she brought a second orgasm so soon after the last.

Simba slumped there, feeling as if the hyena had sucked the life out of him. Mouth hung open as he panted for breath. He could only lay there and watch as Ed pulled out of Nala. The thick cock left her body with a lewd schlurp. Thick cum gushed from her gaping slit. The sheer amount surprised him, a distant, quiet voice surprised that the hyena was capable of producing so much.

"My turn!" chimed Banzai. The second in command of the hyenas pulled his cock out of Nala's maw with a pop. The lioness huffed, blinking up at his underside as he bounded over her body, purposefully stepping on her.

A heavy paw swatted the hyena across the muzzle, sending him tumbling ass over ears. He came up with a snarl, glaring at Scar as the lanky male stood there. "What was that for?!"

Scar's muzzle twisted into a smirk, "I'm just sitting here and thinking that maybe my dear nephew needs to have a go at my daughter. Before she has a chance to recover that is." Leaning in, he nearly pressed his lips to the hyena's ear before whispering, "That way there can be two hyena-creamed lions rather than just one." It took a handful of seconds for the meaning to penetrate that thick skull, a grin splitting the hyena's maw. "Provided," his voice rose as he stretched his back, "that Simba decides to play nice." Shoulders rolled as the dark maned male looked over the prone and panting female. "Otherwise, well let's say that I rather enjoy feeling a loose lioness squirming under me."

Banzai's muzzle wrinkled, "Your own daughter? Gross man."

He chose to ignore the remark as he looked from his nephew to his daughter. The lanky king turned his sinewy body towards Nala and managed only half a step before Simba called out. "I'll do it." The hyena's incessant giggling quieted as Scar looked over his shoulder with that smug grin. The younger ruler lifted himself up onto shaking legs, ignoring the dozens of scratches and bruises that covered his body. "I'll do anything you want, Scar." Even as he submitted, there was a strength in his voice that made Scar's fur stand on end and sent a tremor through him. His voice dropped to a near growl, "Just leave Nala and the lionesses out of this and I'll be your... Whatever!"

Oh my, this was an unexpected treat! The possibilities were endless really. Something to think on when he wasn't expecting a show. He rolled his shoulders in a shrug, "Fine. The hyenas and I will withdraw, once you show your willingness to obey."

Shenzi moved up beside him and growled, "Just what do you think you're doing, Scar? We had a deal and we aren't about to go back to getting the short end of the stick."

Scar patted her cheek with his paw, "My dear matriarch, I haven't forgotten our bargain. Nor am I breaking it. It is evolving and growing beyond what we'd expected. There is nothing to fear, this change will be very good for both of us. Trust me." He pinched her cheek and wiggled it, "I know exactly what I'm doing."

A growl came from the female as she pulled her head away and rubbed it. "Heard that from you before." It had been pretty good at first, but then things had gotten a touch nasty recently. Well, he always had plenty of plans but she still had the muscle that he needed to pull off his plans. And unlike Scar, she had friends and plenty of people that were utterly loyal to her. All that old bag of bones had was himself. She would admit that he was smarter and better at planning, at least in the short run, while they were simply better at reacting to situations as they came up.

Moving around the lions, she spared a glance towards where Simba was moving atop Nala slowly. Speaking of reacting. A grin spread across her muzzle when she spotted the lioness's open gaping maw and tongue that hung over her cute lips as she tried to recover from Ed's savage rutting. In a smooth motion, the hyena matriarch lifted Nala's head and closed her maw around the dangling tongue. She rubbed her broad tongue over the lion's rougher muscle. Nala's eyes opened wide and looked at her with a bleary surprised as her tongue squirmed against the inside of the hyena's slurping maw. Head angled as Shenzi pushed forward and locked her muzzle around the lion's. Her slick tongue drove into the maw as she held it open. Jaws trembled against hers as Nala tried to shut her mouth, but Shenzi's proved stronger, keeping the mouth wide open. The hyena mistress shoved her tongue deep enough into the lion's mouth that it could plunge into the female's throat. Nala jerked in surprise and tried to push the tongue away, tried to pull away, anything. Shenzi was used to forcing a kiss on her hyenas. They weren't very much fans of a good passionate kiss. Her tongue squirmed and rolled around the lioness's resistance with hungry slurps. Cheeks bulged as the slick muscles squirmed across one another and lashed over pointed teeth. Nala trembled as the feeling of the wet tongue writhing inside of her maw sent a tremor through her burning body.

Simba felt so very tired. The day had drained him to a point he'd never experienced before. All that traveling, the fight, mustering his courage to stand up for his pride. All for it to come to this. He could only just put one foot in front of the other as he approached Nala. Nose twitched as he picked up the lioness's scent. That at least perked him up. Tainted with the heady musk of the hyena's cum that stained her backside and continued to ooze from her stretched pussy. A voice gnawed at him, telling him that he wasn't worthy of this lioness. That same voice had ate at him since his father had died. He would have fled then and there just as he had when he was younger. If it hadn't been for the sweeter voice that rolled over that insidious murmuring. It was soft words and tones, a welcoming presence and begged him to be with it. The heir practically threw himself onto that voice, collapsing against it.

Nala groaned into the kiss as Simba's heavy weight dropped onto her backside. She knew the feel of his body all too well. They'd spent the better part of the day and night becoming reacquainted with one another after all. Even as sore as she was from the hyena, and as occupied as she was with the Frenching matriarch, her hips still lifted for her king. Legs shook as Shenzi's rank breath puffed over her muzzle with a deep huff as the tongue drove deeper still into her mouth.

Blazing hot folds brushed over his pointed tip as his childhood friend arched under him. Weary as he was, instinct would not be denied. A growl hauled itself up his throat, crashed against his teeth, forced its way out, and drew him forward. Simba surged forward and clamped his jaws down around Nala's scruff, biting onto it as his cock plunged into the female's stretched folds. Copious amounts of thick hyena cum squelched around him. Nala's body tried to grab at him. Heated body squelched wetly around his barbed cock as it was plunged deep into her. Claws scraped against the ground as the two lions began to rock against one another. With her head trapped by Shenzi and Simba gripping her scruff, it was a wonder that she could even muster the strength to rock back into her partner.

Insides trembled around him when he pulled back. Spiny barbs flared against the abused insides and tickled the lioness in ways that only the proper mate could. Nala voiced a muffled groan and let her eyes shut. A tear rolled down her cheek as the pleasure and everything became too much, overwhelming her in the best way possible. It was only the constant scratching of Simba's barbs that kept her from passing out. Joyous pain rasped against her insides as the muscles managed to just barely grip his member.

Banzai grinned as he watched the lions start going at it. Simba certainly looked more like a king than Scar ever did. Hard to believe that bratty little cub grew up into someone so regal. A flex of his hips made his dripping cock lift and smack against his belly. Made him all that much eager to wreck the male's ass. He licked over his lips slowly and glanced towards Ed. The drooling male giggled under his breath as his cock swayed under him as well. He agreed that the sight of Shenzi making out with the lioness, cheeks bulging as tongues wrestled over one another. "Ready, Ed?" he asked with a wide grin. The male grunted out a laugh and flexed his hips powerfully before strutting around the trio. Banzai went around the other way, planting a paw on Simba's backside. A growl rattled through the lion's body, but he didn't pull away from fucking his gal just yet. These lions didn't last too long so he had to move.

The beta male surged up onto the royal rump, paws scratching at the male's flanks with his claws. Simba's body shifted under him as the male chose to ignore him and kept thrusting into Nala. Banzai was used to taking males that weren't entirely willing. If he didn't get to have a go at lionesses then it was either the other hyena males or Shenzi. And she was a squirmer. He just had to tense, wiggle, and a thrust sent his blunt tip crashing against Simba's rear. Between the rim job the hyena gave him earlier and the bit of Scar's cream that leaked from the soon to be king, Banzai was able to cram his cock deep into the lion's ass. "Booya!"

Simba's eyes shut tight the hyena slammed into his ass. He clenched his teeth down on Nala's scruff, burying a cry into her neck as his ass throbbed from the sudden penetration. Muscles throbbed around the invading member as Banzai yelled out something around him before starting to fuck his poor ass. He was far thicker than Scar was. Where his uncle had to move to hit against that spot inside of him, the hyena was massaging it constantly with his rapid thrusts. He was trying to hold back as best he could.

It was no use.

He smothered a roar into Nala's neck as he came hard into his friend. Balls jumped and muscles clenched rhythmically as he emptied what felt like the last of his seed into Nala's wanting body. Banzai howled out a laugh as he fucked the lion, fighting against the hard clenching. "Fucking A, man! Ain't had an ass this tight in forever." He hunched forward to hammer the royal rump. The sound of his rough furred hyena balls smacking off Simba's ass exceeding the muffled moans coming from the big cat pair. Not that Nala's moans weren't already being overwhelmed by Shenzi's. That bitch could howl once she got going. Judging by the way her hind legs were trembling and the juices dripping onto the ashen ground, it was only the kiss that kept the entire pride rock from knowing her pleasure. Hunching forward, he grinned as he bit down on Simba's back with a lustful snarl. Banzai picked up the pace, throwing himself against the lion.

Shenzi's eyes were rolled back in her head as she was fucked into the lioness. She was no longer fighting to kiss the female. Now Nala was sucking hungrily on her tongue as the lion's rough tongue scraped against her mouth. The female shoved forward, arching into her orgasm as the lion scraped another climax out of her. Nala's pleased roar rolled through Shenzi's body, making the matriarch's thighs tremble as she came hard around Ed. Paws dug into her sides, the male's dewclaws drawing welts under her coarse pelt. He crammed himself forward and let out a drunken giggle as he began to cum, flooding her deepest reaches and overflowing within seconds. Thick globs of his spunk mixed with her juices and dripped out around the tight seal his thick cock made with her body.

Ed's tongue rolled from his maw as he looked up at the sky. Light flashed and danced behind thick clouds, its rumble competing with the grunts and growls of the group under them. He leaned back further, cock pressing deeper into Shenzi before he tumbled back. The matriarch broke the kiss with a surprised yelp as his cock came free with a lewd pop and a gush of fluids.

Simba trembled over Nala, body unable or unwilling to move as the hyena jackhammered him from behind. He wasn't biting on the lioness anymore. His mouth was just pressed against her neck as he stared blankly at her pelt. He was surprised that Banzai wasn't done yet. The hyena's harsh thrusts slammed his cock deep into Simba's rear with each pound. Simba's stomach churned and rolled as that thick cock crashed against something inside of him. His eyes unfocused and crossed more and more as time went on, the male trembling. His balls ached as another orgasm started to shudder up and down his spine. Simba's very nature meant that he would be able to go many, many times a day. However, he wasn't really made to fire off a second load so soon after the first. Certainly not three in such rapid succession as he had. But Banzai wasn't going to let up on him yet.

Thunder crashed, drowning out Simba's roar as he came inside of Nala's abused pussy. Hips shook and battered ass clenched down. Banzai's teeth scraped against his back as the male pounded him harder and faster, grunting and snorting at the lion. He didn't relent until the rain started pouring down on top of them. As the water soaked into his fur, he slammed deep into Simba and growled heavily. His balls heaved as he fired every last drop of his pent up need into the heir apparent. Banzai was only halfway done with his climax when he yanked his cock out, finishing up by spraying his cum all over Simba and Nala's backside. Tongue rolled from his maw as he rubbed his cock over Simba's regal backside, smearing his cum across the hide.

A tug on his tail made the hyena half twist with a growl. Scar had his fingers wrapped around the tail and was pulling at it. "Come along, Banzai. Think we've done enough here." He smirked as he looked at the soaked Simba. The heir met his gaze for just a second before hanging his head, soaked mane falling over his face. Scar sauntered over and purred into his nephew's ear, "The Pridelands are yours now, but remember the price you paid to get them." He leaned in closer and whispered. "I will see you soon, my dear, dear nephew." Fingers patted the shamed king's cheek. "And if you don't do exactly what I say, then I will make sure that the lionesses all know just who is the real King." Grabbing Simba's muzzle, he twisted the male's head to kiss roughly. It only lasted a second before Scar pulled back and sauntered away. The hyenas giggled around them, their laughter mocking even as they followed the lion. Banzai looked back at him with a grin and a wink, blowing Simba a kiss as he followed the wobbling Shenzi down a hidden trail.

Simba watched them go, head hung in shame. Nala squirmed out from under him and pressed her head to his chin comfortingly. He gave the barest of smiles and returned her nuzzle. Her beautiful eyes sparkled as she smiled back and stood up, leading him to the top of Pride Rock once again. The would-be king felt a nervous flutter in his stomach as he strode through the downpour. Lionesses slipped from shadowy crevasses and caves as he passed. Their eyes glowed in the dying firelight as they slunk behind him before fanning out. He could feel their eyes boring into him as he mounted the jutting rock. Only Nala stayed with him, the would-be queen a half step behind.

He stopped for a second before reaching the top, rain plastering his mane against his scalp. Head drooped as his ass throbbed in a reminder of what he'd been through this evening. Throw in how he'd abandoned the pride all those years ago. Even without being the direct cause of his father's death, how would they ever accept him back into their ranks? Legs shook as his tail splashed in the ground, Simba torn between leaving and taking his new role.

Nala pressed her head up under his chin and nuzzled into it. Her voice was just loud enough to reach his ears as she whispered for him and him alone. "No one will ever have to know what happened to us tonight. Nor will they judge you for the past." She lifted her head with his before giving his cheek a quick lick. "The deal you made with my... with Scar will be our secret."

Simba pressed his forehead against hers. "I will free us from his rule, even if he's working from the shadows now." He gave her cheek a lick in return before straightening his shoulders and strolling up the rock. He felt almost like a cub once more, trying to mimic his father's stride. Each step settled that persona into place more and more solidly. By the time he reached the end of the rock, he felt every inch the king that he should be. Throwing his head, Simba's roar challenged the very heavens. The lionesses, his lionesses, lifted their heads and joined him in roaring. Overhead, thunder crackled meekly as the clouds roiled. Slamming his foot into the rock, Simba belted out his mightiest roar ever, loosing everything that had been pent up inside of him for countless seasons.

Clouds parted, the rising sun blasting him with golden streamers of light. Simba closed his eyes and poised himself against the warmth as the rain stopped for just a moment. He could feel the pride's roars reverberate around and through him. It sent shivers running up and down his spine. Fur stood on end as what felt like rawest lightning coursed up through his body. He took a deep breath and rolled his body proudly. Eyes opened as he looked over the Pridelands, his pride lands. Golden beams of light danced across the parched lands. His father's ghostly voice reverberated into his ears, "Everything the light touches is your kingdom. He took a breath and soaked in that perfect moment. Then the clouds drifted back into place to cover the entire sky before the rain drummed down on the lands.

Rain continued to beat down outside. It had been just coming down like a waterfall since that morning. Simba only knew that it was nighttime because the darkness had deepened. Not that it truly mattered. Simba had spent most of the day holed up in one of the countless caves that dotted the rocks. There had been talk of a feast to celebrate his return and the liberation of the pride. The rain had stopped any immediate plans, but there were murmurs of a great hunt once the weather cleared. He'd avoided such talk, using the excuse of Nala's heat to ward off spending time with the others. There were a few that were at the beginning of their seasons and a couple at the tail end, but Nala was in the prime of it. The others could wait the little while it'd take for them to come back into heat. He needed to ensure he had an heir with his queen first.

At least that's what the other females thought. They'd talked to each other briefly about what happened that morning. The tenuous treaty with Scar wouldn't really last too long, but then again it didn't have to. He was old and wouldn't last too much longer. Especially without the pride supporting him and being surrounded by hyenas. Either old age or the hyenas would get him. Until then, they'd just abide by what he said and coaxed them to do, but they'd do it together.

Naturally, the rest of their time was filled with Simba mating with her until both were exhausted.

Simba lay on his back with all four limbs spread in different directions. He was savoring the feel of cool, humid air drifting in from the cave entrance and across his sore privates. They weren't the bad sore, not like his tail hole, but a very pleasant ache that made him feel so very nice. Although, to be truthful, his back passage wasn't aching as much anymore either. Nala had been very attentive to him throughout the day. Even going so far as to use her tongue to soothe his abused muscles. Which they'd both discovered was a grand way to get him fired up for another round of mating.

Now he lay there, resting and recovering while she went off to get some water. His only company was the sound of water dripping off rock and the distant murmurs of his lionesses. His lionesses. His pride. His responsibility. The words weighed heavily on him, but not nearly as heavy as he'd feared. Maybe it hadn't really settled on him yet. Or maybe it just was going to be easier than he'd worried. Maybe being king wouldn't be nearly as bad as he'd secretly feared it would be when he was a cub.

The sound of claws scratching against stone made his ears twitch against his mane, "Have a good stretch? Took you a while to get that drink of water."

"I had a very nice stretch, thank you very much." There was only one person that silky smooth voice could belong to.

Simba heaved over onto all fours and growled, "Scar. What are you doing here?" Lips peeled back to bare his teeth as the new king snarled at his displaced uncle.

The older male rolled his shoulders smoothly and breathed out a smooth, "Oh I was merely coming round to see how my dear nephew is doing on his first day as king." He padded across the room before pausing for a dramatic sniff at the air. "Seems you've been quite busy today." Even in the darkness, Simba could make out the male's outline as he placed a paw on his chest, "Don't tell me that this morning got you so riled up that you had to defile my dear Nala all day long." Teeth flashed against the dark as Scar stalked forward, "Or are you that insecure in your positon that you feel the need to make yourself an heir?"

The new king was halfway to his feet when a voice called from the cave entrance. "Simba? Is someone in here with you?" The voice wasn't Nala's, it was deeper, the words carrying the weight of so much suffering and age.

Scar's voice dropped to the barest of whispers, "Ah dear Sarabi. I wonder what she's wanting." The lion used the darkness of the cavern to shift so he silently stood at Simba's side. "I'm curious about what she'd have to say about the deal you struck with the hyenas and myself this morning. Answer her before she starts to question."

Simba ground his teeth in frustration as shame hung heavy around his heart, "No, I'm alone. Nala when to get some water. She should be back by now though."

The older lioness strolled into the cavern, "She's in the female's cave, was talking about things to us." Fear shoved its claws into Simba's gut and twisted. His mother's voice trilled with a cautiously lustful purr. "It's not usually the proper thing... but... I mean..." She half turned, looking back to the cave entrance before strolling towards the males that were hidden away in the shadows. "I mean... um..." the older female heaved a frustrated sigh before laughing, "Look at me, every bit as wordless at the first time with Mufasa." The wind shifted and blew into the cave, bringing the scent of wet earth and his mother's estrus-heavy scent to swirl around the pair. "Nala was talking about how good you were and... it's been a very long time since I've been with a male. Simba, would you... I mean, just this one night. Please, let me remember what it's like to be young?"

Lips brushed against his ear, "Oh isn't this just delicious? I have always wanted to give Sarabi a bit of the old cactus. Tell her yes." Teeth ground as a low growl banged about in Simba's throat. Scar hissed, "Do it!"

The words left a foul taste in his mouth, "It would be my pleasure." The shadowed lioness perked up, seeming surprised.

Her purr vibrated against him as she stepped in and brushed her head against his chin, "It will be our secret, Simba." Her body twisted slowly, spine arching to press against his chin. Her tail curled around his face briefly before her hips bumped against his jaw and tail curled across his cheek. Simba couldn't help but let his lips curl as he breathed in the more mature, deeper scent of his mother. Despite the logical parts of his mind screaming at him that this was his mother, the primal parts overwhelmed them with a mighty snarl. He twisted his head and nipped at her ass with a growl, making the lioness yowl happily and dance a few steps away before she dropped to her belly. The dark shadow that was Sarabi squirmed and pushed her hips up, tail lashing through the air before smacking to the stone beside her.

Simba was up on all fours and had taken a step before Scar's paw landed on his, claws pricking at his flesh. Lips pulled back in a quiet snarl as the older male stepped up beside him. "I'll be taking it from here." He kept his voice too low for the lioness to hear. "It will be our secret, Simba," he said mockingly, mirroring the lioness's words.

Sarabi was squirming as Scar oozed over the top of her. His foul mouth brushed her neck as he crouched behind her, hips rocking with short jabs. The older female squirmed and writhed, feet rocking and scratching against the stone as she pushed up and back. Both lions gasped as Scar's cock found its mark and pushed right in. The lanky male arched, eyes fluttering as the burning folds grabbed at his cock and stroked it. Barbs caught and scraped against her walls, making her lift and voice a growling purr. Her words trilled as she pushed back into Scar's eager thrusts, "Oh Simba, I've missed how that felt." Claws scraped against the stone, "Talk dirty to me."

"What?" asked the younger lion, confused. Scar shot him a glare, having to bite Sarabi's neck to keep the lioness from looking around when the voice seemed to come from too far away.

Hips squirmed as she huffed, insides trembling from the bite. "Talk dirty to me. Tell me how good it feels to fuck me." She uttered a half-roar, "Your father used to do it and... oh fuck nothing else turned me on more." Scar slowed his thrusts and looked back at Simba, mouthing at him to just do it. The young ruler hesitated for a moment, being pulled in several different directions.

The weight of his shame pulled him down though. He slunk up alongside his mouther and shifted to press his lips to the back of her head. Nerves made his belly flutter, just as her scent and moans made his loins stir. "Your pussy is so good," he started hesitantly.

"How good?" she prompted, shoulders rolling as she pushed back into Scar's thrusts. "Is it nice and tight around you?"

Scar nodded, eyes rolling with pleasure as he smiled. Simba tried to ignore the look on his uncle's face and the steady slapping of those old balls bouncing off his mouther. "So good..." A cuff from the older male made him growl, "So fucking good." His mother groaned and practically begged for more, every word rolling with her purrs. Rough tongue scraped over her neck as he licked his lips. "You feel as tight as a virgin lioness." Scar's teeth grazed his neck, the older male huffing as he tried to hold back. Simba glanced sideways at his uncle as the male kneaded the ground. He started huffing, nostrils flaring to bring in his mother's scent. Lips peeled back into a snarl. "Going to rut your pussy till you're raw, until you're unable to walk, until your belly swells with my cubs."

A yowling cry ripped from her throat as she arched and pushed back into Scar's body, "Do it! Siiimmmbaaa!" Scar slammed his head against Simba's so he could clamp his jaws down on Sarabi's neck, pulling and biting at it as she yowled and squirmed under him. The tyrant pressed himself tight against the older female. Shaking his head to clear it, Simba silently padded a half step away and watched as the pair rocked against each other. His mother's head hung as she panted. Another, half-hearted yowl came from the female as Scar pulled back. The scent of his seed filling the air, mingling with that delicious estrus scent that was driving Simba wild. The older male got up and managed a half dozen steps before dropping to his side. Sarabi huffed, almost frozen where she crouched. "That felt so good," she purred. Before she could heave herself onto her side, Simba was on top of her. The lioness gasped, surprised at this. "Again?" came the surprised response, even as her hips lifted. "Already?" the word rolled with her purrs as her hips lifted that sore, scraped and stretched slit.

"I just can't resist it, Mom." Calling her mom as his dripping cock jabbed her pussy felt even stranger than the deal he'd made with Scar, leaving a supremely odd taste in his mouth.

Sarabi huffed at him and pressed her chin to her paws, "Simba?" came the hushed response as his tip nudged her dripping slit. "Call me bitch." She gasped as he drove into her, freshly used slit grabbing at the larger cock. "Call me your whore," she groaned. A quiet corner of her mind wondered just why he felt larger, but it was drown out as he began to thrust, throwing his greater weight against her.

"Damn right you're my whore." He growled at her as something primal and raw broke loose. He'd freely submit to Scar's wills and whims, but there was something about the scent of one of the lionesses, HIS lionesses, being seeded by another male that made him angry to his very core. Teeth grazed against her neck, "Every fucking one of you lioness bitches are my whores. And I'll go to each and every one of you and fuck you until you can't walk straight." Sarabi had to bite her paw to smother her moans, her entire body shaking with her son's thrusts. "I'll fuck your slut pussies. Slam my balls against your chin as I fill your whore mouths with my cum." Slick tunnel walls grabbed and pulling at him harder with each word. Her silken pussy tugged at his spines and begged him to go all the way. Tongue rasped against her neck before he growled into her ear, "And then, I'll fuck your ass as my cubs are born." Claws scraped over the rock as he huffed, "Every last inch of your whorish body belongs to me."

She was at a loss for words. It was all she could do to keep rocking back against him. The lioness babbled something as her world swayed wildly. Insides clamped and rolled against him as she voiced a deep throated cry that echoed through the cave. Simba drove hard against his mother, claws tearing along the stone as he shoved in every last barb on his cock. The male arched over her and belted out a roar that shook the stone overhead as he came harder than he had even with Nala. Sarabi, his mother, his whore, pushed up against him with a kitten-like mewl as his balls jumped with each spray. Simba's roar was silenced by a bite to her neck, making her gasp and shudder as a second, weaker climax rattled through her body.

If she had been Nala's age, the former queen would have been all for going at the male all night like this. Let him empty himself into her every couple minutes if he wanted. Age and physical condition couldn't match the willingness of the spirit though. Sarabi gave a trembled under the male before slumping over the instant his teeth released her scruff. Simba froze, heart in his throat as his mother simply collapsed. Tension eased when she uttered a purring snore, exhaustion claiming her.

"Well," came that disgustingly silken purr, "I didn't think you had it in you. Good show, my boy." Scar sauntered up alongside him, "Although I don't recall saying that you could have her after I was done."

Simba spun and slammed Scar across the face with a heavy paw. The older male staggered, eyes wide with shock. Anger tinted his features and a growl started up his throat. Surging forward, Simba slammed Scar's other cheek with his hand and growled. "Next time you think of trying to empty those dried up old balls into any of MY females again, I will rip them off. Understand?" He growled and stalked forward as the older male looked at him with an expression of pure surprise. Scar groveled and scurried back as Simba's powerful shoulders rolled with each stride. "I will do what you ask, so long as you keep up your end of the bargain and keep the hyenas away. But the lionesses are off limits. Understand?"

Scar put on his most disarming smile, "Of course, Simba. I understand. Please forgive my weakness." Simba snorted at him and moved to drop heavily to the stone, weariness hitting him like a boulder. Lip curled in a silent snarl as Scar looked at this whelp. He cleared his throat after a moment, "That reminds me, I had a favor to ask of you. It can wait till morning though. Get your rest," he looked at the shape of the puppet king and growled under his breath, "You'll need it." Slinking to a dark corner, the aged male slumped and curled up. Glancing over to his nephew, he smirked to himself. A quick glance at the two other lions confirmed they were asleep. Curling up, he pressed his noise to his groin and breathed in that sweet scent of lioness estrus that clung to his fur.

Morning came without much fanfare. The clouds had broken to let the glorious sun bathe the rain drenched Pridelands with its warmth. Light was just starting to creep into the cave when Scar woke. The older male stretched and groaned, body aching from the events over the last couple days. He'd decided to risk coming back to the Pridelands under cover of the drenching rain just to get away from those bothersome hyenas. They were all set to get mounting him, now that he didn't have that thin veil of the pride protecting him, which meant he'd have been dropped into their hierarchy. Seeing as how he was neither female nor capable of breeding with the brutish beasts that would mean he'd be at the bottom.

If it came to that, death would almost be preferable.

Scar's own morning grunts and groans as he stretched his aching body were drown out by the lustful noises coming from the cave's other inhabitants. Rolling over, he watched from the shadows. Simba was hunched over Nala, thrusting away once again. Sarabi lay nearby, the older lioness half half on her side and stretched out. A fresh load of cum leaking from her and matting her fur. He bit his lip and scratched over the rock floor slowly. Lips started to pull back with a muted growl as his nose picked up the scent of two very fertile and receptive females mixed in with the scent of a young, virile male. Cock twitched inside of his sheath as he watched. Simba was angled just right so the older male could see those prime balls bouncing off the lioness.

Eyes danced from the youthful pair and their vigorous rutting to the more mature female. Claws scraped over the floor as he fought the instinctive need to get up and join in the fun as he had countless times with Mufasa before. His ears twitched back into his scraggly mane as memory of Simba's aggressiveness resurfaced to strike him. Lips peeled back with a silent growl as he dropped to his belly and glared at the trio. He let his gaze wander over Simba's taut rear as the tail lashed with each thrust. Another memory, this one of feeling the new king under him, squirming, calling out like one of these lionesses. A nasty little thought traced through his mind, making lips curl in a smirk at his own genius.

A low, growling roar came from Simba as he buried himself in Nala. Her voice rose in unison with him as she backed up towards him. Balls jumped and backdoor clenched as the male emptied his latest load into the eager queen. Nala's hips lifted and pushed against him, squirming under the male as she fought to get every last drop. Scar bit down on his paw and huffed a muted growl. He could just imagine those silken walls grabbing his barbs, hooking, and drawing him deeper. Simba bit down on Nala's scruff before separating from her. Her cry rose into a sharp yowl as his cock rasped over her insides.

The pair huffed, standing a few feet apart. Sarabi purred and stood with a grace that belied her age. She leaned in to say something to the younger female then her son, giving both their cheeks a lick before sauntering off. Nala stood, shook, and turned to nuzzle Simba's jawline before following the matriarch.

Scar rolled his shoulders as he sauntered forward, "Very nice show, Simba." He strode forward and let his eyes dance and dart over the younger male. Now that the morning sun was starting to drift over his body, Scar finally got a good look at his nephew. Muzzle wrinkled at just how scrawny the male was and how dull his fur was. Whatever he'd been living on since he'd left hadn't really built him up to be a strong leader. If was just youthful vigor and pent up need that had most likely kept him going up to this point. Looking over him now, he could see how Simba's sides were heaving after going at the lionesses. Suddenly, there was an awful taste in his mouth. He'd nearly lost to this scrawny little bastard. Worse than that, he'd been intimidated by this male that had only a little more muscle than he himself had even at his age.

Simba looked over his shoulder, lip pulling back as he was reminded of his uncle's presence. Head turned to stare out the cave's mouth, "What do you want, Scar?"

"Well, I was just going to leave the cave and go about my business, but now that you mention it there is a favor I want to ask of you." He gave a lazy stretch and narrowed his eyes with a groan. "The different people will start coming back now that the hyenas have returned to their homes. Thought I'd let you know that you should probably go talk to them." The stretch continued, "The zebra were hit particularly hard by the recent... unpleasantries. You'll have go and talk with the herd masters, or at least one of them. You'll probably have to do them some," he rolled his hand and purred, "favors." He watched Simba from the corner of his eye as the younger male tensed. There was a certain joy in seeing that tension roll down his shoulders, up his spine, and then tighten at his haunches. Scar's fertile mind supplied him with the imaginary feeling of anal muscles tightening around his cock. He only just suppressed a smile from crawling across his muzzle. Keeping it down, he turned to pat Simba's cheek with his paw, "It's all part of being the ruler you know. Have to make peace somehow."

Simba growled through clenched teeth. "And what will you be doing while I'm gone?" His mind reeled. Had his father done this while he was out checking the lands? There'd been countless things that had been written off under the category of "when you're older" that he'd never gotten to learn.

Scar touched a paw to his chest, "I?" he purred the question. "I will stay here and remain virtuous, just as promised. None of the lionesses will even know I'm here."

Teeth ground as the newly crowned king huffed and chuffed and growled for a moment before turning away. "Fine, just stay out of sight." Tail snapped behind him as he strode off.

Sneering after his nephew, Scar sauntered by to the pile of tall, thick grass that had been laid aside in a depression as a crude bed. Of course now it reeked of both Simba and the ladies. Claws pricked at the dried grass as he huffed. Cock twitched inside of his sheath as he grumbled under his breath to himself. Hips rolled as he pressed his thighs together, grinding into hard cock into the fur there. A low huff came from the male as precum spat against his thighs. Before he could degrade himself further by burying his nose where one of the females had slept, a familiar voice spoke up, "Sire, do you have a moment?"

He smirked and raised his head, "Ah, I had worried that I wouldn't hear you calling me that again." He rolled his head and let that smirk wash over the ever loyal Zazu.

The red hornbill was so surprised by Scar's presence that he dropped from the air and hit the ground, skidding to a halt at Scar's feet. The older male smirked and angled his head as he watched the bird try to scramble to his feet and regain what dignity he had left. Scar waited patiently as the hornbill scrambled to his feet and glared at him. "Scar, what are you doing back here? Skulking back after the thrashing Simba gave you?" The older male smirked. So he'd been soundly thrashed, had he? Well, suppose something had to be said. And who wasn't above telling a few lies to impress the lionesses. Especially once they started to bat their eyes. He mostly ignored Zazu as the uptight little steward hopped around and squawked and chattered about this and that and the other. Wings spread in frustration as the male huffed at him, "I've half a mind to go fetch Simba so he can run you off properly this time."

"Oh do go find the lad. I think he was going to talk with some of the zebra herdmasters." Scar inspected his claws slowly, "Which means he'll probably be busy most of the day, seeing as how upset the herds have been as of late. What with all the difficulties everyone faced."

Zazu huffed, "Well, if Simba is off handling something else, then I shall fetch Nala. I'm certain that she and the other lionesses would be more than happy to deal with you."

Rolling his hand, Scar flexed his toes, "I wouldn't involve the lionesses if I were you, Zazu." He watched from the corner of his eye as the hornbill stopped, wings spread.

Eyes narrowed as he turned his head curiously. "And why exactly would you say that? I would enjoy nothing more in this world than to see you run out of here..." Wings beat against the air as Zazu took flight. He made it a couple feet before the faithful steward was smacked to the ground. Breath was driven from his lungs when he slammed against the unyielding stone. The lightweight avian bounced upwards only to be slammed into the ground a second time when the heavy paw followed him down to pin him there. Wings were splayed out to his sides and neck pinned between two of the lion's toes.

Scar slowly extended a talon and let his middle toe come down, pressing its claw down onto the bird's head. Zazu winced at the feel of the claw against his scalp as the lion breathed out a low growl, "Simple, you overgrown feather duster. If you try to tell them that I'm around then I will have to silence you." He looked down at the hornbill before dropping to his belly. Palm rolled against Zazu's back, drawing groans from the bird. "We have known each other for so long and you've been so very entertaining, it would pain me so if something were to happen to you." He lifted his hand just enough to let the hornbill draw in a ragged breath. Zazu turned his head, closing his eye as he glared up at Scar. The lion smirked and waited for the bird's usual prostrating and formality to rear its head.

"Fuck you." Well, that was certainly unexpected. The corners of Zazu's beak turned up as Scar let the surprise show on his face. He writhed under the heavy paw, "Fuck you with a clump of acacia." He took as deep of a breath as he could, "Nala!' squeaked the bird. He took another breath and tried to call louder, but the paw crashed against him again. He heaved under the hand, breath catching in his throat as he tried to wheeze and gather himself.

A heavy sigh came from the usurper, "Well, I can certain say I was not expecting that response." He moved his paw, grabbing Zazu by his feet and letting the stunned bird hang upside down. "I'm afraid that you must be punished for that." He glanced around the cave, spying a pile of bones. A though formed in his head and the male smirked as he strolled towards it.

Zazu dangled there, blinking dazedly as he was swung with each step. Head swung enough to see the familiar crude cage he'd been imprisoned in for so long. "Oh yes," he wheezed, "the cage. Like I haven't spent more than enough time in that."

"You wound me, Zazu. Thinking I'd be that simple." A flick of his wrist launched the hornbill against the wall. He hit with a muted thump and a strained squawk before sliding to the floor. Scar growled as he smashed a hand against the bone cage, breaking it apart. He went to work, pulling it apart to get at the vines that had draped and wrapped around the cage. "No, your smart beak has earned you a much more interesting punishment." He flipped Zazu onto his back, the bird's eyes refusing to focus on him as the lion grabbed that oversized beak. Laying down, he began to wind the vines around the beak, casting the occasional loop over the back of the hornbill's head. His voice dropped until it was a low growl. "It has been so very long since I've had the opportunity to exercise just how devious I can be." There was something oddly thrilling about binding up Zazu and he found himself inspired. After making a lattice of vines across the beak, he stretched one over the top of the bird's skull and trailing it down his back. A loop went under the tail feathers and across the rump before twisting and twining over the body. It took just a moment to pin the bird's wings to his sides, leaving him bound. "My my my," Scar almost purred as he looked at his bound prize. "I feel oddly proud of this. I believe the hyenas would love to see this." Leaning down, he grabbed the length of vine that stretched from Zazu's head to his rump, holding it in his mouth. Feet kicked against the ground ineffectively as the bird muttered a curse. "Hush, or I will let the hyenas have the pleasure of unwrapping you."

Commission: Long Live the King pt 2

Simba had no problem finding the Zebra herds. Even as a cub, he knew exactly where they'd hung out. Mufasa had encouraged him to make friends amongst the other animals in the Pridelands. Said it helped build the bonds of trust and loyalty that would...

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Commission: Bonding Bowers

Junior grumbled and growled to himself as he stalked through the halls of his father's keep. There were plenty of times that being the Prince of the Koopas was the best thing in the world. Like anything else, there were just as many times where it was...

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Preview: Big Problems

The night was quiet aside from the whistling and footsteps as the night guard patrolled the empty stadium. His light danced across the dock as he stepped out of the building and looked around. Just a quick look and the guard ducked back inside, letting...

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