Ranma-Neko ½ Chapter 1

Story by sgtklark on SoFurry

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Story and text by https://thtiger.sofurry.com/

Ranma-Neko ½

Here we to, the start of an alternative universe telling of the story of Ranma, a poor martial artist with a life changing curse. The sort of curse that can change a teenage boy's life forever, and open up whole new possibilities.  A story that takes place in a world of furries. Horny, yiffy loving furries.

A crowd of early morning shoppers looked up as they heard the sound of running steps splashing in the puddles left from the recent rain. What they saw caused their eyes to open wide in surprise.

A small, but well shaped, red-headed catgirl was running away from a huge panda bear. The catgirl's hair was tied into a tightly braided pigtail and her long flexible tail was wrapped in a decorative ribbon, that was currently waving in the face of the panting panda as she reached behind herself and slapped her ass in an insulting manner.

"No way you're going to catch me. Just go live in a zoo and play with your pathetic panda cock, Pops," the young cat girl screamed, more in anger than fear.

The panda made loud growling noises and then lunged at the catgirl, only to be caught by the girl in an expertly executed martial arts move and thrown over her shoulder, impacting a nearby cement wall with such force that the wall fractured under the impact.

The young girl theatrically dusted off her hands, her heavy chest heaving with the exertion. She caught her breath and shouted at the seemingly comatose panda, "I don't have time to fool around with something as stupid as an engagement!  I'm going back to China, and this time I am going to find a cure!"  She adroitly spun on her heels and began to stride away.  A foolish mistake, in retrospect.

The panda silently rose to his feet and clutching a nearby street sign effortlessly pulled it from the ground, concrete base and all.  Taking the signpost in both paws he swung it mightily at the retiring cat, catching her with full force in the back of her head.  The impact flayed her hair and sent the girl through the air, to land face-first on the road in a cloud of dust.

Deftly throwing the prostate girl across his shoulder and steadying her with a paw on her plump derriere, the bear began to move calmly down the street with a snarly and a glare at the shoppers that seemed to say, "What's your problem?"

As the bear shrunk from their view he seemed to be massaging his captives pert ass.

Between his hairy legs a tiny red cock began to emerge from its sheath and bobbed obscenely beneath his belly.


In the tranquil Tendo estate the patriarch of the family, Soun Tendo, sat cross-legged at a low table in the family room.  He was a tall, raven-haired cat with a thin mustache in his mid-forties, dressed in a loose silk robe and matching trousers.  Tears were streaming down his gaunt cheeks as he clutched a postcard depicting a water color of a panda calmly eating a bamboo stalk.  On the back on the card was written, in poorly executed kanji, "Coming from China. Bringing Ranma."

"At last, at long last, our families will be joined," Soun exclaimed in joy. "I must gather the girls"

Soun rose from the table and moved down the narrow hallway to the kitchen, where he knew his daughter Kasumi would be preparing the morning meal.  He caught sight of the attractive twenty-one-year-old expertly slicing a large cucumber with speed.  Her long brown hair flowed down her back and her well-groomed fluffy tail arched provocatively from her shapely rump.  She hummed an unfamiliar yet happy tune and her lithe body swayed from side to side slightly from her exertions at the cutting board.  Her modest yet colorful housedress clung tightly to her form, highlighting her sensuous curves.

Soun swallowed hard and averted his eyes towards the ceiling.  Kasumi reminded him of her long-deceased mother more so than his other girls and her budding womanhood seemed to constantly bring images of his poor wife to mind.  Kasumi was the same age as her mother when he wed her, she being of prime breeding age.  And breed and practice breeding they had for many happy years. As always memories of his wife brought tears to his eyes.

  "Kasumi, dear" he called out, wiping away his tears. "Do you know where your sister's are?"

Kasumi turned to him and said in her soft kind sing-song voice. "Nabiki is upstairs, father. I'm not sure about Akane."

"No, no, don't, Ummph," Akane cried out, only to have her voice cut off and muffled as the boy standing in front of her shoved his crank into her mouth. She let out a moan of despair that was music to the crowd of boys that surrounded her. She was straddling one boy, his wang shove deep into her gizmo, and another boy knelt between his friends legs, working his way into her tight ass. The dozen or so boys surrounding them and waiting their turn cheered their friends on.

"Oh, yeah, that's the way, show my little sister what it's all about," Nabiki Tendo moaned. She was laying on her back, her short shorts shoved down her thighs to allow her access to her cunny. She pumped a slim vibrator in and out of her gushing gizmo as she pictured her little sister being gang-banged by her rabid perverted fans.

The fans that Nabiki had carefully cultivated through the sale of certain candid shots of her sister, and by whispering certain suggestions into the ear of that idiot Kuno.

Nabiki Tendo's fantasy evaporated in an instant when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.  She scarcely had time to pull up her cut-offs and adjust her half tee shirt.  She quickly rolled onto her belly on her small bed, a small buzzing vibrator still clutched in her damp fingers.  Smirking, she slid the now-deactivated device between her pouty lips.  Anyone would think the toy was an ice-lolly she so favored.  

"What is it, Daddy?"

Soun entered the room as Nabiki was sucking her own tart, salty juices from her toy.  The perverse joy of doing it in front of her unwitting father only made the thrill all the more sweet.

Much to Nabiki's displeasure her father didn't even seem to notice the obscene image of his middle daughter sprawled on her bed, her legs spread, giving him a perfect view of her barely covered groin. The short shorts Nabiki were wearing were barely there, drawing up into her crotch as she lay on her belly, her feet idly kicking in the air as she read a book while sucking on a long ice lolly. Nabiki leisurely drew the fake loly backward through her pursed lips, pretending to savor every inch of it's sweet icy goodness and then slipped it back in between her puckered lips. She knew darn well that the split of her sex was clearly visible through the well worn fabric of her jean shorts and she would have bet that he could see a hint of curly hair projecting out from one of the high rise leg holes. Her tail was arched up toward her back, the tip almost tickling the back of her neck. Like a cat in heat begging to be mounted.Nabiki rolled over on her side to look at her father, her firm breasts rolling under the scanty halter top she was wearing. Her hard, aroused nipples tented the thin material of her tee.

Her father ignored all of this and instead blurted out, "Nabiki, could you find Akane and the both of you come to the dining room?" before rushing off.

Nabiki felt like cursing. It wasn't that she had any interest in actually doing anything with her father. Even if she swung that way he was way too old and dried for her to be interesting. But her body and willingness to display it were one of her primary means of manipulating males and it was a never ending source of frustration to her that her father didn't even seem to notice that she had grown tits.

With a disgusted snort she rolled off her bed and went looking for her youngest sister. As she did, she leered slightly. Maybe if she were lucky she'd catch Akane in the bathroom. She felt a tingle in her cootch. If she had no interest in bedding her father, the same did not apply to her two smoking hot sisters.

Out of sight of his daughter, Soun reached into his pants and adjusted himself under his traditional fundoshi, or loin wrap. He felt guilty over his physical reaction to his middle daughter, and her sisters, but he was a male, and sometimes he couldn't help but sprout major wood. Maybe it was time to start up those fitness classes for the local housewives again?

Akane Tendo, the youngest of the Tendo sisters, was finishing up her one-mile morning run.  To take over the Tendo martial arts dojo she would need to stay in a constant state of health and strength.  Shorter and slightly more muscular than her two sisters, with long adolescent hair now tightly constrained in a flowing ponytail.  Her small but shapely breasts bounced and swayed side to side with each step, even bound in her sports top.  Her perspiration made her dark areolas plainly visible through the taunt material of her top.  Her firm ass shook beneath her baggy jogging shorts.

Running through the tori of her family complex she headed directly for the now-empty dojo.  Pausing momentarily to catch her breath, she stacked a brace of cinderblocks on a woven mat.

With a loud martial arts cry, she brought her fist down and smashed the bricks into fragments. She let out a huff of satisfaction while wiping the sweat from her forehead with a forearm.

"And that is why you spend every night riding your fingers instead of a nice hard cock?"

Akane spun to see her sister Nabiki leaning casually in the doorway of the gym, a sly smile on her lips. "No boy wants to get between the legs of a girl who might crush him like a walnut."

Akane gave her older, annoying, sister an exasperated look. "Unlike some girls, I don't need a guy to be happy."

"Oh, so you're finally ready to come out of the closet? I'd be happy to teach you the ropes. Just let me know when," Nabiki teased. Not giving her sputtering sister a chance to reply, she continued, saying. "Daddy wants us in the dining room. He has some big announcement he wants to make."  

Soun looked across the dining room table where his three daughters were seated. Kasumi was demurely kneeling at the low table; Nabiki sitting provocatively, leaning on one knee; Akane toweling herself off.

Clearing his throat he waved the postcard he had just received from his old friend in the air and said, "This is from my old friend Genma. Long ago we made an agreement to join our families together. Now at long last he and his son, Ranma, are coming to fulfil that arrangement. Ranma will marry one of you girls."

"What? Are you crazy?" Akane yelled at her father. Her fur standing straight up on end, and her tail sticking out behind her like a bottle brush.

"Is he mature? I don't like young boys," Kasumi said.

"Oh, but they have so much stamina," Nabiki teased her sister, making a pumping motion with her arm. Kasumi hid a bashful smile behind the back of her hand and blushed a deep crimson.

"A more important question is, is he cute?" Nabiki asked Soun.

Her father laughed nervously. Rubbing the back of his head with one hand, he admitted. "I don't know. I've never met the boy."

Now all three of his daughters were looking at him with jaundiced eyes, though Kasumi's look was mild compared to that of her younger sister."

"He is a cat, at least?" Nabiki asked sarcastically. "At least tell me you know that much."

"Oh, you can be sure of that. His father and I were fellow students long ago. He was a tomcat's tomcat. I'm sure his son is the same way."

"Great, just what I need, another perverted tomcat who thinks with his balls and not his head. He'll be like all the rest, only interested in putting another notch on his bedpost." Akane huffed, crossing her arms under her chest while scowling at her father. The effect was somewhat spoiled by the fact that her action caused Soun to drop his eyes from her face to where her arms were pushing her firm breasts out against her still damp tee shirt.

As usual, Akane was totally oblivious to the effect she was having on her father. Not so Nabiki who scowled, not in anger at her father's perversion, but in jealousy. What was it with Akane? Nabiki was a lot better looking, her tits were bigger, her legs longer, her tail silkier. And she wasn't a ball buster. So why did all the boys, and daddy, only have eyes for the tomboy? Right then and there Nabiki vowed to steal the hunk that was coming right out from under Akane, unless he was a troll. Not that she intended to marry him, unless he was loaded. She supposed in that case she could put up with him rutting on top of her. After all, if she had money to burn she could hire herself a sexy little french maid. Of course the real charm was if she had him, her little sister didn't.

That was why, when the sound of someone sliding open the front door came, Nabiki jumped to her feet and raced down the hallway, her father right on her heels.

Akane watched her sister race off in disgust, but with a certain amount of relief as well. She had less than zero interest in this tomcat her father was trying to breed them with. Let Nabiki take him if she was so in heat over the idea.

A second later a yowl of utter terror from her sister reverberated from around the corner of the howl, causing Akane to leap to her feet and rush in that direction. Before she took two steps down the hall her father and sister rounded the corner, running on all fours and with their tails stuck out behind them like oversized bottlebrushes. A moment later a huge shape turned the corner, walking calmly in their wake. Her father and sister dashed behind Akane. Nabiki rose up onto her feet and took hold of Akane's shoulder, peering down the hall at the approaching creature.

"What are you waiting for, Akane. Kill it! Kill it!," Nabiki screeched in Akane's ear, causing her to flatten them in pained reaction.

Akane blinked her eyes in surprise, and then wiped them with her forearm to make sure she was seeing what she was seeing. But despite her best efforts to clear up her vision there was still a giant, emphasis on the word, giant, Panda strolling down the hallway, his head barely missing the ceiling. Despite his size, it was the pink of his erect penis that drew Akane's eyes to where it jutted out of his sheath. She grimaced in disgust and took a guard stance, one fist thrust forward, but averted her eyes from the obscene organ bouncing under the beast's fat belly.

Motion next to the big ball like head of the panda drew Akane's attention to the figure that was slung over its shoulder. She could make out a set of legs and a shapely ass cupped by the panda's big paw that indicated it had to be a girl. A girl with a flaming red tail. She winced in sympathetic reaction when she saw how far the panda's claws were shoved up cleft of the girl's ass. Much to her shame Akane had discovered she had an unhealthy interest in shapely female posteriors. That was a secret she was determined to keep secret. She already had enough trouble with rumors about her orientation thanks to Nabiki. Not that there was any shortage of boys who went the other way and figured she was some sort of slut. No matter how many teeth Akane knocked out there wasn't a day that went by that some stupid pervert jerk of a boy didn't goose her. She shuddered in disgust.

But those boys only had short easily breakable fingers. The panda had claws that had to be three inches long.  Akane winced as she realized the poor red-headed girl's pants must be shoved right up her gizmo.

The girl was being vocal in her protests at this treatment, and was struggling against the beast's embrace and pummeling his back with her tiny fists.

Akane swallowed nervously as she prepared to do her best to rescue the girl, and save her family. Before she could launch a kick, targeting the small pink penis jutting out from the panda's groin, the huge creature paused, reached up, and set the girl who had been slung over his shoulder down onto the floor, facing Akane and her cowering family.

Akane just had time to notice how cute the rather flustered and embarrassed red-head was as she tried to pull the fabric of her pants out from between her ass cheeks without being obvious about it, when her father shoved by and confronted the short girl, totally ignoring the panda looming behind her.

"Are you...?" he asked in a questioning tone.

"I'm Ranma Saotome. Sorry about this," the girl replied hanging her head in embarrassment.

Before the girl could react, Akane's father swept her up in a huge huge, crushing her against his chest and lifting her feet right off the floor.

"Ooh, he's sort of cute, for a shrimp," Nabiki smirked from behind Akane in a voice with rather predatory tones, indicating she'd found a new cat toy to play with till it was worn out.

Akane directed an incredulous look over her shoulder at her sister, and then realized that Nabiki had not gotten as good a look at this Ranma as she had and hadn't yet figured out Ranma's true gender. Or, maybe, knowing her sister's inclinations, she had.

Before Akane could correct Nabiki's mistake, if it was a mistake, the brown-haired cat girl shoved by Akane and went to join her father, who had just pushed Ranma back away from him with a puzzled look on his face as he looked down at the girl's prominent chest.

"Wait a minute,' Nabiki said, reaching out and poking one of the fat lumps on Ranma's chest with a sharp claw, causing the fat orb to jiggle and drawing a wince from the girl, though she made no effort to defend herself. That changed when Nabiki took hold of both sides of her shirt and pulled it open, popping a couple of buttons along the way and spilling a very generous set of big-nippled bouncy tits out into the air. The redhead's rack seemed to defy gravity, and jutted out from her narrow chest almost proudly. The girl lifted her hands as if she were about to strike Nabiki, but then a speculative look entered her eyes and she let her arms drop.

"What the hell," Nabiki swore, reaching forward to cup the generous boobs swaying in front her, hefting them in an appraising manner. She looked over her shoulder at her father with an accusing look in her eyes. "Does this look like a boy to you, Daddy?" she demanded from a clearly befuddled Soun.

Their father's only reaction was to have his eyes roll up into his head as he keeled over backward in a dead faint. A stream of blood trickled out of one nostril.

Kasumi stood up, seemingly oblivious to the scene before her, and said, "I will go and make tea for our guests."  

Akane was likely the only one present who noticed the guilty look of pleasure on the red-head's face as Nabiki mauled her tits, or her look of disappointment when Akane's sister released her grip and turned toward her fallen father.

In the confusion, no one noticed that the panda had wandered off.

Several minutes later  Soun had recovered and was kneeling across from his daughters at the dining table. Kasumi and Akane were looking at him with, what-is-going-on, expressions, but Nabiki was furious. There was nothing Akane's sister hated worse than being made to look like a fool.

"So tell me, Daddy. Just how did you expect us to marry a girl?"

"Well, naturally I thought my friend's son was a boy," Soun said defensively.

Akane looked over through the sliding doors that led out onto their front porch. The little red-headed girl, Ranma, was sitting on the edge of the porch, her back to them looking sad and dejected. Akane could see the way she winced and hunched over when Nabiki and her father made their remarks.

Deciding she wasn't needed in this discussion, and that the cute redhead didn't need to hear her father and sister squabbling over the redhead's lack of a male member, as if that was all that was needed to make a person a person, she got to her feet and approached the redhead.

"You do martial arts, don't you?" Akane asked, surprising the girl who looked up at her with a wary expression on her face, as if she were waiting for the punch line, which was likely to be at her expense. Despite that, she gave Akane a quick nod of the head.

"I'm Akane. Would you like to be friends?"

The girl, who had been looking a bit depressed suddenly brightened up, a smile spreading widely across her face, elevating her cuteness level several degrees, and gave a positive nod at the question.

Well, then, why don't we go to the dojo and spar?" Akane asked.

  Akane had changed into her martial art's Gi, but had decided that since it was all girls, there was no need for more than a t-shirt underneath rather than the stifling tight sports bra she normally wore. Besides, after seeing how Ranma had responded to having her tits fondled by Nabiki she was a bit curious to see how Ranma would react to Akane's barely contained breasts. She might not have been as large as her sister, and was nowhere near matching Ranma's beautiful globes, but she had more than enough to bounce in a sparring match.

Of course Akane was also interested in how good Ranma could fight. It had been a long time since she'd had a decent sparring session. Her daddy had stopped training her seriously around the time she started needing her sports bra to contain the bounce, and the boys she fought were more interested in coping a feel, or flipping her skirt, than fighting her seriously.

Akane took up a fighting stance, but Ranma simply stood across from her in a casual pose, hands behind her back and small smile on her face. Akane frowned, thinking that the small girl was not taking her seriously. Well, there was an easy cure for that.

The  sparring session had turned out to be both frustrating and eye opening for Akane. No matter how hard she tried she could not land a single punch or kick on Ranma. The little cat was as flexible as a willow wand and as quick as snake. She flowed and bent away from every attack Akane tried, often just by a fraction of an inch. One of Akane's kicks had even brushed the front of Ranma's shirt, only loosely secured thanks to Nabiki's earlier actions. It had opened allowing Ranma's bare breasts to fall out. The redhead seemed oblivious to the fact she had shown Akane her wares and when she tucked herself back inside her shirt it seemed to be more a comfort thing than from modesty. Akane was amazed at how balanced and agile the strange girl was, considering how her breast must have thrown off her center of gravity.

  "How is she doing that? Am I broadcast my intent that obviously? Or is she just that good?" Akane asked herself. Deciding to fall back on pure brute force, with little technique for Ranma to read, she launched herself across the room at where Ranma was standing with her back just inches away from the wall. A moment before the strike could land on Ranma's chin, the little girl vanished from Akane's sight and her fist shattered the wall where Ranma had been standing.

"Good hit. Lots of power," Ranma voice complimented her, and Akane looked down to see Ranma crouched below her line of sight. The slightly shorter girl stood up, and because Akane was so close to the wall, with her fist caught in the shattered wood, she could not pull back as Ranma squeezed between Akane and the wall, their breasts squashed together as Ranma looked up slightly to meet her Akane's eyes. Akane could feel the firmness of the redhead's hard nipples against her own breasts. Being this up close and intimate made the fact that Ranma was two inches shorter than she was very clear.

Before Akane could react, Ranma leaned in and gave her a kiss, right on the mouth. It was just a peck, but very startling. Shocked, Akane jumped backward, pulling her hand free of the wall and lifting her fingers up to touch her lips, which were still tingling from the feel of Ranma's lips touching them.

"Ah, good fight," she stammered, flushing a dark red. "I think I hear Kasumi calling. I'd better go." and with that she rushed out of the dojo, trying not to think about how her body was heating up.

"Way to go, Ranma. Scare off the first cute chick you've met in two months that doesn't want to kill you," Ranma muttered to herself in disgust as she curled her tail around in front of her and absentmindedly checked to make sure her tail ribbon had not come loose during the fight.

It had become an ingrained instinct with her due to the consequences of letting it come loose and fall off. She shuddered in dread. The situation was already way too screwed up. The last thing she needed was to deal with what would happen if the ribbon came off.

Ranma gave her head a shake to dispel the memory of what happened the first time she'd gone running around with her tail unfettered.

  "Ranma, would you like to take a bath?" Ranma jerked in surprise, pulling her hand out of the front of her pants, where it had slipped in without her even thinking about it. Fortunately her back had been to Kasumi, who was the one who had asked the question. The girl was standing there looking at Ranma, a bundle of towels in her arms and a beaming smile.

Flushed in embarrassment, Ranma said, "That's okay. I'm fine." In truth she wanted to stay away from hot water until she worked out in her mind what her options were in this whole engagement thing deal. She'd been against it before, but having seen how smoking hot the three sisters were, she was having second thoughts. She was only vaguely interested in girls, but she wouldn't mind doing a little snuggling with Akane even if she was a girl. The chick was clearly a total dyke.

As it turned out, Kasumi was not the pushover she looked like. "You've been working out, haven't you? You're all sweaty and you likely don't feel all that fresh. The furo is already filled and heated. You need to wash up. It's right at the top of the stairs in the house." Kasumi in a firm voice as she pushed her armful of towels into Ranma's arms and left.

Ranma turned red as she caught onto the way Kasumi had said, "fresh" Considering how juicy her gizmo was, and how 'interesting' the fight with Akane had been, she likely stunk to high heaven of horny cat. Kasumi likely didn't want her anywhere near her father till she'd cleaned up. Ranma was all for that. The last thing she needed was for her father's friend to decide that the best way to join their families was to fill her belly with kittens. She shuddered at the thought and headed out to find the bathroom.

"There you are Akane," Kasumi said.

Akane turned to see her sister standing at the base of the stairs, towels in her arms.

"The Furo has finished heating and the water is fresh, so go and clean yourself up. I've already sent Ranma up," Kasumi said, in her kindest 'do-not-argue-with-me,' voice. It wasn't cruel or harsh mind you, just very, very firm, with no allowance for argument.

Akane meekly took the towels from Kasumi and started up the stairs.

It wasn't that she hated the idea of taking  a bath with Ranma. Rather, it was that the idea was far too appealing. She wasn't sure she trusted herself alone, nude, in the bath with the strange girl. No other girl had invoked the feelings this redhead had.  It confused Akane. Even now she couldn't get the idea of washing the other girl's back for her out of her head, maybe even leaning in and using her own bare breasts to rub the soap in. She flushed and told herself to get it under control.

Despite Nabiki's teasing, and the general belief at the school, she was not gay, or so she told herself. Her feelings for Ranma were nothing more than what she felt for any of her close girlfriends. She didn't think of any of them in that way. Just because she hated 'boys' didn't mean she was gay.  

Her hatred of boys didn't mean she hated the idea of having a nice hot cock thrusting in and of her gizmo. She just hated immature boys who thought of nothing else, and who regarded her as nothing more than a set of warm tight holes to soak their dicks in.

Now, give her a mature man, who knew what he was doing. A kind, gentle man, with god-like skill in his hands and fingers. Someone like, say, Doctor Tofu. The local bone setter and chiropractor who had been looking after her cuts and scraps since she could move fast enough to scrape a knee. She shivered in memory of his clever fingers running up and down her limbs to check for sprains and pulled muscles. The other day she'd come within an inch of orgasming right there on his examination table when he'd adjusted her slightly strained knee, if only his investigation had moved that little bit further up her inner thighs she'd have reached heaven. And maybe he would have realized how she felt about him. Maybe he would have closed the door to the examination room, and placed her feet in a set of stirrups, and then moved in between her legs, his hands slowly undoing the front of his pants. . .  Akane shuddered and banished her erotic dream before Nabiki could come by and smell how horny she was.

Akane gave a resigned sigh at her lack of a suitable lover, and drew her attention back to the door to the laundry room/bathing room, which she had walked up to while lost in her daydream. "What am I going to do if Ranma wants to continue what she started with that kiss?" she mumbled to herself. "What if she was only teasing me and it didn't mean anything?" she continued, wondering if she'd put too much significance on what might have only been a friendly gesture. It wasn't like Ranma had tried to slip her any tongue. Compared to Sayuri, one of her friends at school, who sometimes seemed to have more arms than an octopus, Ranma's gesture had been almost child like. Not that there was anything childlike about Ranma's body, no matter how short she was.

The best thing to do, Akane decided, was to act like nothing at all had happened. And with that she slid open the door and walked in the laundry room and over to the door that lead to the bathing room, stripping off her clothes as she went.  "After all, it's not like she's going to jump my bones and try and jam a cock up my gizmo as soon as she sees me naked," Akane thought to herself. Unlike ninety percent of the boys she knew. The other ten percent were missing a few teeth and had learned better as a result.

A minute or so earlier.

  While Akane was silently undressing in the laundry room, Ranma was already soaking in the large tub. "What to do, what to do," Ranma muttered to 'himself' as he sat in the hot furo. Should he go out like this and explain about the curse? Or should he use cold water to change back to a girl and keep on pretending that it was his natural and only form?

As he pondered, Ranma's hand stroked up and down his erect eight inch cock. Just like the ribbons around his tail that was so important for keeping his girl-side under control, and which was currently draped over a wall hook drying, Ranma tended to spend a lot of time reassuring himself that he still had a cock and a pair of balls when he was a boy.  It wasn't exactly the sort of thing you ever got used to vanishing on you at the splash of a cup of water.

In the end it was his cock that decided the issue. If he kept on pretending to be a girl, there was zero chance he'd get a chance to sample any of the prime pussy that was sharing the house with him. He remembered the feel of Akane's muscular body pressed up against him as a girl. It had been nice when he had been female, but now that he was a boy the memory filled him with heat and the urge to hunt down the little brunette and see if her ass was as tight as it looked.

Ranma felt himself getting close to orgasm, and reluctantly released his cock. He might be badly socialized, as so many of his teachers had complained, but he wasn't a barbarian. You didn't piss, or cum, in a furo. Other people needed to share the water. Which was why you washed yourself thoroughly before getting into it.

Ranma eased himself out of the furo and sat on the edge of the tub, his cock now pointing in the direction the tiled washing up area. It would be easy to clean up the mess once he was finished. He started stroking himself, trying to picture a nude Akane laying in front of him, her legs open and her arms reaching out to him in an open invitation. Having his own female body to examine allowed him to picture quite easily the snug pink nook of Akane's gismo, and he imagined how snug and tight it would be as he slipped himself into it. He felt himself getting close, when all of a sudden he heard the bathroom door slide open. A shock of embarrassment deflated his erection as he stared through the steam trying to make out who had just come into the bathing room.

Fully nude now, Akane ran her hands over her supple flesh.  She worried that she would appear too muscular, too taunt, in front of the voluptuous girl just beyond the door to the bath.  Was her bush too large?  Was it too small? As much as she hated to admit it, Akane was competitive with other girls in her looks and appeal.  

Akane gingerly slid open the door to the bath and entered.  Kasumi had been correct--the bath water was hot.  Akane could hardly see in the dense steam of the small room.  Ranma was little more than a shadowy figure soaking in the water.

Akane sat on a small wooden stool to wash before entering the bath.  She saw Ranma rise from the water.  Strange, the redhead looked so much taller in the small room.  Ranma neared her as Akane unwrapped her towel from around her body.

Why was Ranma getting out of the water?  Did she not feel comfortable bathing with another girl?  She did seem rather shy.  

With Ranma standing before her, Akane lifted her gaze. "There's nothing like a hot..." Akane's words froze in her throat.

There, mere inches from her face, was a large, limp uncircumcised cock.  A male cock.  Akane knew what they looked like from illustrations in her high school health class textbooks.  

Akane slowed raised her gaze.  At the base of his organ was a tangled mass of pubic fur, and further up a flat and muscular abdomen, then a broad and strong looking set of pecs, and finally a bemused boy's face.  The boy had jet black hair and, curiously, an identical pigtail to the redheaded girl.  There was a lusty leer on the boy's face, a crooked grin showing pearly white teeth.  

Akane's eyes retraced their journey down the chest and belly to the organ at its base.  It seemed somewhat larger than she recalled upon first glance.  In fact, it was getting larger by the second.  Not only larger, but it seemed to be raising, lifting itself off the large orbs that were slung beneath it.  Akane stared in rapt attention as the organ continued to lift, until it jutted out from its base at about a 45 degree angle, its pink head starting to poke out from its protective sheath.

Akane was mesmerized by the sight of such a powerful, proud organ.  It seemed to bob slightly up and down in synch with the boy's heartbeat.

Akane's own body seemed to be responding to the sight.  She felt a movement in her belly as her vagina swelled and lengthened, and if preparing for mating.  Her labia twitched nervously, and her nipples hardened almost painfully.

Mustering all her strength and willpower, Akane calmly stood up, the tip of the monstrous organ now brushing against her belly. A sudden gush of warmth spread over her front and she looked down to see thick translucent goo coating her stomach.

"Oops, sorry about that," the strange boy said, not sounding sorry at all. "But what can you expect if you flash that cute body at a horny guy and then rub up against him?"

Face frozen, Akane took one step backwards, turned and, wrapping her towel around her body, slid open the door to the bath, stepped through, then gently slid the door shut.

She stepped into the hallway and only then began screaming.


Kasumi was bringing a tray out to her father with a hot water kettle and a pitcher of cold water on it, when Akane raced down the stairs and right by their father, who was sitting and talking to a visitor Kasumi had not heard arrive. He was a plump, but muscular, catman with a kerchief tied over his head and a pair of small spectacles on his nose. Whatever conversation the two men were having came to an abrupt stop when Akane raced past them without a stitch on. Both males starred in google-eyed amazement as Akane set her feet firmly in place and heaved a huge rock up out of the ground, and then turned and marched back into the room with it held over her head, her bare breasts bouncing with every step.

"What the hell Akane," Nabiki exclaimed from where she had been sitting nearby.

"Yes, whatever has you so bothered," Kasumi said in a flustered voice as she moved to put her body between the two males and her naked little sister. Fuming a little bit at how inconsiderate Akane was being. Poor father had a hard enough time controlling his naughty urges without Akane flaunting herself like this.

"There's a pervert in the bathroom. I'm going to drown him in the tub with this rock!" Akane ranted.

"Why didn't you just smash him like you usually do while you were up there, Akane?" Nabiki asked, an eyebrow quirked in curiousity.

Akane flushed, remembering that big cock pointing straight at her like a weapon, and said, "I freaked okay? I found a strange naked pervert in the bathroom, and I freaked!"

Just then a soft cough came from the bottom of the stairs and all three girls looked over to find a catboy with his long black hair pulled back behind his head and tied into a pigtail, just like Ranma's, and with a black bushy tail, with a ribbon wrapped around it, just the one Ranma had wrapped around her red-furred tail.  It would have been easy to think it 'was' Ranma, only this boy was only wearing a small hand towel wrapped around his middle that did nothing to hide his masculinity.

The strange boy put his hand behind his head and not meeting their eyes mumbled, "I'm Ranma Saotome. Sorry about this." The towel fluttered to the floor, revealing all he had to show.

The rock Akane had been holding toppled backwards off her hands as she stared in shock at the boy who had squirted his stuff all over her in the bathroom. She didn't even flinch when it landed with enough force to shake the ground under her feet, mere inches from her heals.

"Oh, my!" Kasumi murmured, covering her mouth with her fingers as her eyes ran up and down the boy's body.

"Damn, that's almost enough to make me go straight," Nabiki said, yen signs in her eyes.

"Well, that's an improvement," Soun said with relief. No question that a cock that size won't be able to give one of my daughter's a belly full of kittens."

"That's my boy," the strange male said, beaming with pride.

"Are you really her? That girl from before?" Kasumi asked. The kind faced, young MILF-like girl was kneeling at the table, looking across at Ranma and his father, Genma. Her two sisters were kneeling beside her while their father was at the head of the table.

Nabiki rolled her eyes and gave her big sister a look of scorn. "Come on, Kasumi. You're the big brain who's always studying all those books you borrow from Dr. Tofu. Don't tell me you're falling for this con. Maybe Akane is right and all you're really interested in is what the good doctor is packing inside his pants and not what's in his library."

Kasumi blushed, lowered her face, and hid a sly smile with the palm of her hand.

"I never said that, Nabiki! That's what you say!" Akane said in outrage.

"Yes, I'm sure Akane would never say something like that, Nabiki," Kasumi chided her sister.

"Yeah, but it doesn't change the facts. Not only is the boy-toy here a foot taller than the cutie who got all hot and sweaty with Akane, not only does he have black hair instead of red, but he's missing two very important parts." Nabiki held her hands up and positioned the fingers in grope mode. "Believe me, those puppies she was sporting were one-hundred percent real." There is no way in hell this guy and her are one and the same.

"Damn right I'm not her," Ranma interjected.

Genma gave an animal-like growl of annoyance, even though he was currently in his catman form. The last thing they needed right now was Ranma going into his favorite rant, about how his girl curse was a separate person and had nothing at all in common with him. Genma knew from his own curse that Ranma's bullshit was an outright lie.

The stupid boy just couldn't accept the fact that he'd gotten careless after getting the curse and had let some local yokel get the drop on her. Genma had found her standing on the edge of a cliff, a dazed look on her face and spunk running down her thighs from her well used honey pot. He'd grabbed her before she could jump, but ever since then Ranma insisted that his girl side was a different person and he had nothing at all to do with what had happened up on that cliff.

Well, unlike most of Genma's tall tales and outright lies, the truth about him and Ranma  was easy as pie to back up. Without giving Ranma any warning as to what he intended, Genma lurched to his feet, picked Ranma up by his shirt, ripping open the hastily repaired ties in the front as he did so, and tossed him headlong into the decorative Koi pond in the middle of Soun's yard. "Far easier to demonstrate than to try and explain ," He said as Ranma landed with a splash and sank from sight.

A second later the water surged and the small red-headed girl who'd arrived earlier stood up in the pond, the water coming up to her thighs. Her shirt had fallen open and her boobs were on full public display. "What the fuck did you do that for, you old bastard," the girl cursed at Genma in a high-pitched and definitely girly voice.

  Inside, Nabiki ogled in shock, her normal, been-there-seen-that-could-care-less, expression slipping. She recovered quickly, and while the surprise was still present on her face, there was a speculative gleam in her eyes that might have worried her family, if they had not all been focused on the girl in the pond. All three of them focused on the indisputable proof that the person standing there was indeed a girl. Soun was certainly convinced given by the way he shifted on his knees, as if to relieve a sudden pressure in his pants.

"Oh, the shame of it. My own son, who vowed to do anything to master the anything-goes school of martial arts, acting like a toddler, saying, "Oh, no, it wasn't me," Genma said, pitching the last bit in a falsetto tone.

"I never agreed to give up my masculinity," the dripping girl screamed at him. There was a stirring in the crotch of the soaking wet girl, and the onlookers wondered if there was a chance that Ranma had retained his male bits in the transformation.  Annoyed, Ranma reached into his pants and removed a flopping koi and threw it in the pond.

Grabbing a wooden bucket from the side of the pond Ranma scooped up a quantity of water and poured it over the head of his father.  In an instant, Genma had transformed into the huge feral panda they had seen earlier.

The two transformed figures, oblivious to their audience, starting brawling in the yard.

"You're friends with these people, father?" Kasumi asked in a doubtful tone.

"Yeah, what sort of freak show did you used to hang out in? Daddy," Nabiki asked, while her eyes followed Ranma as she jumped around  the yard, her boobs bouncing so hard she had to cross an arm across her chest to keep from being thrown off balance. Godess Kami what I wouldn't give for a video camera, Nabiki thought to herself.

"They weren't always like this," Soun said, as he picked a kettle off the table. "But, the solution is easy. Cold water changes them into that, and hot water changes them back." With that said that he poured a stream over the head of the big panda as it came close enough to reach. His daughters let out little gasps of surprise as the big bulky panda morphed back into the form of the muscular catman.

"Ahhh, it needn't be that hot, Tendo," The catman complained in a strained tone, shaking violently to get the rest of the near boiling water out of his fur.

Soun tried to pour some of the hot water over Ranma, but he was distracted by her bare breasts and she darted backward before the steaming stream could hit her. "Cut that out,' she yelled. "Are you trying to boil me?"

Soun didn't look nearly as disappointed that he hadn't been able to change Ranma back into a boy as he looked when she tugged her top back over her bosom. He brightened though when the thin damp fabric ended up revealing more than it hid.

Several minutes later Genma and his 'daughter' were sitting on one side of the table facing the three Tendo sisters.

Genma patiently explained their current predicament:

Both he and Ranma had traveled to the remote Jusenkyo springs where, they had been told, were a set of obstacles to challenge even the best fighters.  At the springs they met the resident guide, who attempted to caution them to certain dangers in the area.  So eager were the father and son to begin their training that they immediately began sparring, jumping from end to end on a series of upturned bamboo poles.  Genma had taken a severe blow from Ranma and toppled off his pole and had fallen into one of the many pools that dotted the landscape.  When he emerged from the surface of the water, he was a feral panda.

"Ah, very tragic story," the guide began, "one thousand year ago panda drown in pool.  Now, when person fall in, he become panda."

Ranma had been hit by a fit of laughing at his father's misfortune, and had not noticed the hulking panda hitting the base of the bamboo pole upon which he was perched. The sudden jarring of the pole made the boy lose balance, and he fell headfirst into a second, nearby pool. When he emerged he was a she.

"Ah, very tragic story," the guide said, "two thousand year ago young nymphomaniac drown in pool. Now, when person fall in, well, you see."

The good thing was that the transformation were easily reversed with a dose of hot water, as Soun demonstrated.

"So, this is not so bad," Soun said. He gestured toward his daughters and formally introduced them. "This is Kasumi. My oldest. She's twenty one and a fine housekeeper and cook. Marry her and you'll never go hungry or lack for clean underwear.  My middle Daughter, Nabiki. She's nineteen and in her last year of High School. A fine bright girl with a head for business and a promising future. You'll never have to worry about what do with your money if you marry her."

Soun's tone was not nearly as positive describing Nabiki as it had been when he described her older sister. He sounded somewhat like a used car salesman trying to push off a clunker to an unwary customer.

"And last, but not least, my youngest, Akane, she's eighteen. I've been training her in our school since she was a toddler. She's a fine sturdy, durable, martial artist. She'd make a wonderful partner to help you run the dojo and teach your students. Choose the one you wish to marry and we'll get to work on the paperwork right away," Soun finished with a satisfied smile.

Ranma was a bit shocked at the way Soun said it out so bluntly, as if the three girls had no choice in the matter. At the same time she could not help but remember Akane's earlier offer of friendship, the way her body moved when she had been sparring with her, and most of all, how fucking hot she was when her boy side had seen her naked. If Ranma had currently possessed a crank, it would have been threatening to tear itself out of her pants at the memory. And her two sisters were hot as well. There was no way she could lose in this deal. Except for the little fact that she'd be married and tied down with a girl he barely knew for the rest of her life."

All this passed through her mind in a few seconds, long enough for both Kasumi and Nabiki to react. They both ducked behind Akane, put a hand on their youngest sister's shoulder and pushing her forward slightly as if offering her up for sacrifice.

"Oh, she, I mean, he wants Akane," Kasumi said.

"That's right. He definitely wants Akane," Nabiki echoed her sister.

"What? No I don't," Akane protested, trying to knock her sister's hands off her shoulder.

"Oh, but you're always saying how much you hate boys, little sister," Nabiki said.

"That's right, and Ranma is half girl, so she's perfect for you," Kasumi chimed in.

The flustered Akane saw the sudden gleam of interest in Ranma's eyes, and felt a moment of panic as she blurted out. "I have zero interest in that pervert!"

Akane's insult arrowed right into all the self doubt Ranma had felt since getting her curse, and she lashed out at the source of the emotional hurt. "What? Why am I a pervert?" Ranma shouted.

"You peeked at me in the bathroom, and spewed your disgusting fluids all over me!" Akane accused her.

Ranma was flabbergasted at this accusation. "You walked in on me," she yelled. "And you looked just as much as I did. Don't think I didn't notice, And then you went and rubbed it with your belly. What did you expect to happen? Admit it. You wanted this!" Ranma stood up, cupped her groin her one hand.  Then she froze, brought her empty hand up to her face and sighed.


"It's not the same thing! And there is no way I wanted that disgusting thing!" Akane retorted in outrage. "I was a girl, you were a boy. I bet you planned it all out, just so you could peep at me. Only you got tired of waiting, and---" Aware of all the eyes on her, Akane broke off what she'd been about to say and flushed in anger at the memory of the thick wad of spunk splashing onto her belly. She could still feel a slight tightness on her skin where the disgusting fluid had dried. She had as sudden urgent need to rush to the bathing room to scrub herself down with a coarse brush.

"As if," Ranma said in derision. She rose to her feet while saying, "Why would I want to peep at you when I got all of this I can look at any time I want?"

Ranma struck a pose that highlighted all her curves. Not only am I a better martial artist than you, I'm better built as well."

Ranma was too busy savoring the way the old fart Soun was ogling her to notice Akane, an aura of rage surrounding her, rising to her feet with the dining table held in her hands.

Everyone, except Ranma and Akane, winced as the furious girl brought the top of the table down on Ranma, squashing her like a fly under a fly swatter.

"That, she had coming," Genma said with a certain amount of satisfaction.

Ranma-chan woke to a splitting headache, and the feel of her breasts being fondled. The last she would have normally found rather pleasant, but right now they felt like someone had used them as a punching bags.

"Ouch! Cut that out," Ranma moaned, batting away the hands playing with her tits. She opened her eyes to see Nabiki leering down at her.

"Just checking to make sure they are really real," she said. "You passed. They're grade 'A' all the way. Or should I say, grade double D?"

Ranma's ego pretty much forced her to say, "Of course they are," even as she scowled in annoyance at Nabiki.

"I hope you can forgive Akane. She's a very nice girl. She just happens to be a violent maniac," Kasumi said from where she knelt on the other side of Ranma.

"Oh, that's going to clear everything up just fine, sis," Nabiki said with a roll of her eyes.

"I've left some towels by the door if you want to get cleaned up again. I'm afraid you smell like Koi," Kasumi said, getting to her feet. The two girls left, Nabiki lingering long enough to give Ranma a lecherous wink before following her sister out of the room."

It was a rather sore Ranma who made her way up to the bathing room for the second time that day. She totally missed the fact that Akane's clothes were scattered all over the laundry room as she undressed and slid open the bathing room door, only to come face to face with a naked Akane.

The two girls stared at each other in shock for a moment, until Ranma gave into instinct and let her eyes roam down Akane's nude body. Her nipples stiffened into hard little nubs and her clit tingled and swelled, though that was a lot less obvious than when she'd been a boy and sporting heavy wood. But, Akane who was also running her eyes up and down the other girl's body noticed.

"I can't believe you," Akane screamed in outrage, drawing back her hand in preparation of giving Ranma an open handed slap.

Back in the dining room  a half hour later Kasumi tried to reason with her angry little sister.

"But, she was a girl this time," Kasumi said in a puzzled tone. "So it was alright."

"Alright is not the word," Akane said in disgust and anger as she glared over at where the male Ranma was sitting on the edge of the front porch with his father, still in his catman form.

"So she's a bit feisty, boy. But, that just makes a girl cute," Genma said to his annoyed son, who had a livid handprint on his cheek.

"Cute is not the word," Ranma retorted, looking over his shoulder to glare at Akane, who matched his angry expression look for look.

Two miles away from the Tendo home, in a dark laneway, a shadowy figure with an oversized backpack examined the backlit GPS map on his smartphone.

The light from the phone illuminated his lower face while casting the rest of it into shadow. He smiled, showing long sharp canines as he gloated. "Only a little while more, Ranma, and you will finally pay at last for sending me to hell."


Ranma Neko Chapter 2

Neko 1/2 Ch 2 *********************** For those who are fans of Ranma, this is where things start to go seriously off the rails in regard to the original source material. We're bringing Ryoga in very early, and modifying his introduction. This...

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Hairy Potter 3-- the train trip

The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-quartersHairy's last month with the Dudleys wasn't all fun. True, Dudley was now so scared of Hairy he wouldn't stay in the same room, while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't shut Hairy in his cupboard, force...

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Hairy Potter's trip to Diagon Alley

Hairy's trip to Diagon Alley The giant, who Hairy realized was a mouse from the glimpses of his ears sticking from the ragged mop of his uncombed hair. That, and the dirty ratty tail. A mouse, like Hairy, but the largest mouse Hairy had ever...

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