The Light in His Eyes - Teaser

Story by StormKitty on SoFurry

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This is the opening scene of a story which appears in its entirety in Will of the Alpha 3, published by FurPlanet in December 2015. The anthology is edited by Rechan and Robur (Lafitte). The cover artist is Sabretoothedermine (the scene portrayed is from a different story). I hope you enjoy.

(The tags reflect the teaser only; I could add several more for kinks and for character/relationship development if I went by the full story.)

The Light in His Eyes



"You came without a pet?"

Saskia glanced around the dimly-lit lounge at a couple of leather-clad bodies, then back at the grey rabbit. "You never know when you'll find the perfect cute subby boy looking for a mistress to put him in his place."

Fleur's nod was unconvincing. "So many boys here alone, and there's usually a good reason why."

The red wolf frowned. "Don't I know it. The old 'all the good ones are taken'. So call me an optimist, or desperate. It's been too long since my last pet and I broke it off."

Saskia's eyes settled on the chocolate brown marten kneeling beside the table. Coby had a yellow diamond-shaped patch that extended from his throat to the middle of his chest, interrupted by Fleur's collar. Besides the tight pair of red shorts that showed off his assets, he was adorned with wrist and ankle cuffs and a six-point harness. Saskia had met Coby when Fleur had him at leash's end the last time they were both here. His head was up with ears perked. He remained deferential and quiet as the two Dommes talked, but when Fleur reached out to rub him between the ears, he lifted his chin and smiled. Fleur looked back at Saskia. "So many wannabe pets just itching for a Domme like you to keep them in line. Maybe your standards are too high?"

Saskia snorted. "I refuse to lower my standards. A pet who can't handle me doesn't deserve to serve me." She wetted her mouth from her water glass. "I'd only end up with a pet I wouldn't be happy with for long. Better to stick to my guns until I find the right one."

"If you say so."

"I did the Goth thing for a while in high school. I learned not to let others decide what's right for me."

Fleur twitched her whiskers, glanced at Coby, then let out a giggle. "Hey, if your dry spell has left you hard up, you could have Coby for a few days." She batted her eyes at Saskia. "A chance to keep your knot and whip skills sharp while you're looking."

Saskia studied Coby. The marten was inscrutable, but that didn't mean much. A good pet doesn't question his mistress. She looked back at the rabbit. "You're serious?"

The rabbit made a dismissive gesture. "Nah, not really." She drank the last of her mai tai. The drinks were weak, in part to mitigate concerns about impairment in a BDSM setting where safety and consent were of the utmost importance. "It was an idle thought."

"Ah, for a minute there..."

"But you know," Fleur interrupted, "next month I have to fly off to a class in Virginia for a week."

Saskia steepled her fingers and took a longer look at Coby, who remained expressionless. "Pet or not, he's an adult. Can't he handle a week without you?" As the red wolf took a chug off her drink and sloshed it around her mouth, Fleur and Coby exchanged a look. The marten angled his muzzle lower.

Fleur looked back at Saskia. "What's your drink?"

"Rum and Coke."

Turning to her pet, Fleur spoke with a honeyed voice. "Coby dear, fetch us both refills."

"Yes, Mistress Fleur," he replied, rising to his feet. Nodding to Fleur, he turned toward the bar, and both Dommes watched his retreating rear end. The bartender would know to put the refills on his owner's tab.

Once he was out of earshot, Saskia looked back at Fleur. "You're not serious about this, are you?"

"Why not?" Fleur's claws tapped her glass. "You know, he's been sulky and ungrateful lately. It'd do him well to serve someone else that week instead of lounging about my place."

Saskia's ears perked. "I didn't realize he lived with you."

Fleur smirked. "Yep. Full time live-in pet."

The red wolf rubbed her muzzle, blowing out one side. "Lucky," she grumbled, then glanced toward Coby.

"Quite the looker, isn't he?" Saskia nodded and Fleur continued. "He loves serving, he's good with his tongue, and he's fun to tie up."

"Are you bragging, or trying to sell me on the idea?"

Fleur let out a melodramatic sigh. "You doubt my offer?" She shifted to a grin.

Saskia remained impassive. "He's sulky, you say? I don't want to deal with someone else's problems."

The rabbit folded her hands. "I will see to it he doesn't give you any."

"What kind of problems he giving you?"

"Well he... Oh, you're back already." Coby placed their drink refills in front of each of them. "Good boy." The marten gave her a smile and returned to his knees, looking up at her. "Mistress Saskia and I were discussing having you serve her when I'm at class next month. It would do you good to serve someone else."

"If it pleases you, Mistress," Coby replied.

Through his neutral expression, Saskia noticed a flicker of his eyes. She turned back to Fleur. "You were saying?"

The rabbit grinned back at her. "So, we have a deal?"

The red wolf studied Coby. "I meant is there anything I should be concerned about?"

Fleur's ears wiggled and a one-sided grimace made her whiskers twitch. "Let's see..." They both leaned closer. "Lately he doesn't handle being pushed very well."

Saskia nodded. "Go on."

"Like the other night, I had him bound and was edging him, asking if he needed to cum, and he got all whiny."

"Hmm, okay."

"He kind of shunned me afterwards. He still obeyed but acted sulky."

"When a pet shuns his mistress that's a problem," Saskia replied. Though Coby's eyes were averted he could obviously hear them talking. Was he ashamed? Saskia looked back at Fleur. "I can push my pets pretty hard. If he can't handle me..."

"He'll do it if he wants to please me." Fleur's voice was firmer, for his ears obviously. "If you're tougher maybe it'll make him appreciate me more."

"Can I talk to Coby?"

"Sure. Ask us anything you want."

"I meant privately."

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on."

Saskia sighed. Fleur might not be following protocol but she had to when speaking with another's pet. Maybe she should have pushed harder or refused as a matter of principle, but something about the marten drew her in. Saskia turned to him. "Coby, are you willing to do this? Serve me for a week?"

He met her eyes and nodded. "Yes, Miss Saskia, I will serve you."

Her gaze was steel while she thought about what to say next. If her words were chosen well, his reaction would enable her to better gauge his feelings. She didn't get the chance.

"Then it's settled," cried Fleur, breaking the moment.

Saskia rubbed her forehead and let out a huff. "You have no appreciation for subtlety," she said to the rabbit.

When Fleur made a dismissive gesture and took a drink, Saskia nearly called off the arrangement, but then she saw Coby biting back a smile. Was he amused?

This might be worthwhile after all.

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