Misadventures of Jason Part 7 - Personal Training

Story by Gorrister on SoFurry

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#8 of Misadventures of Jason

Part 7 of Jason's adventures is here! Whew! That took longer than expected and turned out to be longer than expected at 18 pages of smutty action!

Sorry it took so long, hope it was worth the wait! Probably will be taking a break from writing Jason's story to write a few other stories I have been working on in the background though.

Picture by Dagio!

"What about this one?" Dominika Anastasia asked her otter lover, holding up a neon green, 7-inch long dildo, covered in a number of different raised bumps in all the right places.

"Um... I'm not sure..." Lola Keahi replied, leaning over the desk in front of her and looking over what her girlfriend held up in a strong paw with a disinterested look across her muzzle, "What else do you have in there, Ana?"

Ana smiled at Lola and put the dildo back into the special drawer she had at her desk where she kept such fun toys. She pulled out another toy, this one even larger, shiny and black, and covered with realistic looking veins; one of her the bear's personal favorites.

Lola moved her long flowing pink hair to one side of her muzzle and examined what Ana offered to her. "Mmm..." she sighed and shook her head, "I don't think I'm feeling it today..."

Ana nodded and put the other dildo away. "Hmm, I bet you need something bigger... " she said with a smirk. Lola shook her head, but Ana continued, "Something softer... something a bit more flexible and agile... " Lola raised an eyebrow, but was starting to understand what she was getting at.

Ana moved up to Lola, looming in front of Lola with at least a few feet on her. "Something slick, wet and pink..." Ana leaned down towards Lola and opened her mouth, letting her tongue loll out, rolling down from her muzzle towards the otter's reaching over a foot long, the slick appendage hanging down right in front of Lola's muzzle, the sight of the long and powerful mouth muscle her lover had always making her blush a bit.

After the thick pink tongue reached its full length, easily 16 inches long, Ana curled the end of it to tickle under Lola's chin before slurping it up slowly over her big black otter nose, making Lola giggle. "Sound good?" Ana asked, her paws resting on Lola's very wide hips.

Lola nodded with a bright smile, her own lean muscled arms squeezing around the powerful torso of her lover. "That sounds lovely~" she said with another giggle.

"Get up on the desk then, rudderbutt!" Ana said, giving Lola's plump rump a squeeze for encouragement. Lola let out a coo of excitement.

Lola was just wearing a one-piece swimsuit, having come right from coaching swimming practice with a bunch of teenagers. She would rather be completely nude when out swimming in the water, but apparently the school had regulations against that. She took her still wet suit off of her so she was completely naked in front of Ana, her small perky breasts completely bare and tipped with dark pink pierced nipples, already getting hard. She started to feel a little vulnerable, but she knew was in good hands... though her mind was currently thinking about Ana's mouth, not her hands!

She followed Ana's orders and got up on the desk, her thick tail flopping on the smooth surface before her very plump and well toned butt rested on top of the desk. She crossed her legs at she looked at Ana with a smile on her face.

"Well?" Anastasia asked, crossing her arms infront of her and tapping her foot as she stood in front of Lola.

"Well what?" Lola asked with a cute little grin, leaning back on one hand with her legs still crossed, "I'm not just going to give it to you on a silver platter~"

Ana smirked and let out a playful growl as she surged forward, grabbing Lola's thick, toned legs and prying them apart with a firm strength. Lola liked it when Ana used her muscles like that. She knew all too well how easily Ana could force her into any position she wanted, and she loved it. Ana would never REALLY hurt her though, at least not too much. The big polar bear was tough as nails, but she was a big sweetheart deep down.

Lola giggled as Ana got the prize she wanted, pushing her muzzle between the otter's thick spread thighs and giving her netherlips a soft kiss, before doing the same with her toned stomach, moving her lips between her firm breasts to plant another kiss before moving up to her other set of lips, locking them together for a few moments. Lola felt her mouth get invaded by Ana's strong tongue, bent on conquest, her own tongue playing against it. Ana strong paws started to explore over the otter's body, stopping to give her big, toned ass a squeeze, sinking her fingers into the firm flesh.

Ana pulled back from the kiss and gave Lola another big lick from chin to nose, making the otter let out another giggle. Lola shivered a bit in anticipation of what was to come from that tongue. She was dripping wet already and had been since Ana let her tongue roll out of her mouth like that. The big polar bear gal really knew how to get her going.

Ana smirked at Lola as she slowly sunk down between the otter's thick thighs. She pressed her wet nose against Lola's prominent clit, rubbing against it gently with a rumble. Lola bit he lower lip and pressed her hips against Ana's teasing muzzle, practically begging for her to eat her out proper. Still though, Ana continued to play with her swollen lips and clit , teasing her with kisses and gentle rubs from her muzzle and fingers.

"Well!?" Lola said, looking down at Ana as she gripped the desk with both hands behind her

"Well what?" Ana said with a smirk, muzzle still inches away from Lola's cunt, her husky voice muffled by the otter's dripping pussy, "I'm not just going to give it to you... you have to ask for it nicely."

"Just... give it to me, alright!?" Lola demanded, trying to close her legs around the polar bears big muzzle and force her down between them. But Ana was having none of that, her powerful paws keeping the legs spread properly for her to enjoy uninterrupted by whatever the otter had planned. Ana continued to smirk up at Lola, who simply grumbled back at her stronger lover.

"Please..." Lola said, starting to pant softly, her pussy aching to be eaten by that talented tongue of Ana's

"Please what?" Ana replied with bigger smirk on her face, paws gripping the otter's thighs tighter

"Please! Please eat me out!" Lola begged

"If you insist..." Ana rumbled with a smile on her face as she moved her paws up to lift the otter's rump off the desk. Ana pressed in, face first between Lola's thighs. Her tongue pressed in deeply and lapped its way into Lola's folds, spreading her apart with a firm but gentle power. Lola gripped the desk tightly and let out a deep moan, already cumming as soon as she felt that hot slick muscle push into her, squeezing all around that tongue tighty. Ana didn't let up on the assault with though, swirling and twisting her tongue around in practiced motions, extending Lola's orgasm into a second and third and then some. Lola no longer cared to keep count, instead she just enjoyed the waves of pleasure crashing over her body.

Ana's mouth overflowed with her lover's juices, lapping up as much as she could as Lola kept on coming. Ana wasn't able to catch all of it though, plenty of femcum was running down her chin and creating a puddle on her desk.

Her ears twitched a bit when she heard something through the sound of Lola's panting moans and her own slurping tongue. Was that a knock at the door? She paused for a moment, letting Lola catch her breath as she waited for another knock. When she heard a second knock, she looked to the door with a growl.

"Damnit..." she said with a grumble, "Forgot I'm supposed to meet with a student today." She let Lola's rump back down onto the desk and cleaned up her muzzle a bit with her paw, wiping her lover's cum off her face.

"It won't be long..." Ana said to Lola, "Just... hide behind the desk for now and I'll get back to my 'feasting' in no time!"

Lola pouted and grumbled, "Just tell them to come back some other time! You have more pressing matters to attend to!" Lola looked at Ana with a cute little grin, doing her best to look alluring with her legs spread along, her fingers spreading her slit.

"I need to get this out of the way and it will only take a minute." Ana said, getting up and heading to the door, "If you need something to keep you 'occupied', grab a toy from the 2nd drawer down in my desk. Now hurry up and hide unless you want to be ogled by a horny teenager."

Lola let out a sigh of disappointment but followed Ana's orders, swiveling around on the desk before jumping off to hide behind it, no longer visible from where Ana was standing at the door. Ana sniffed the air, the smell of sex obvious, but she doubted the young teen would be able to recognize it, especially a nerdy looking rabbit like him. She opened the door and greeted Jason...

Jason made his way from the showers to Ms. Anastasia's office, worrying about how meeting her was going to go down. He wondered about how she was going to react to his overstuffed gym shorts, bulging obscenely, barely able to contain his package. He doubted she would react the same ways some of the other girls did when they saw what was between his legs. It was pretty well known at the school that Ms. Anastasia was a lesbian and was dating Ms. Keahi, the otter swim coach, for the last few years now. Rumor was they were even planning to adopt a kid together!

So he assumed that Ms. Anastasia would treat Jason's size as a weird deformity rather than something to lust over. It was obvious he couldn't attend gym class dressed like this, especially if he ever got hard, which was more and more likely these days. Maybe she'd just give him a pass on gym class, or help him find shorts that would be more suitable for gym, maybe a cup too! He knew stallions who were just as big if not bigger than him, like Kurt, managed to find cups that fit them and allow them to play sports with having a big handicap bulging in their pants.

When he finally got to the door to Ms. Anastasia's office, his big ears perked up as he heard something coming from the other side. Was that...moaning? He wondered to himself, leaning in to listen at the door before knocking. He blushed brightly and felt his cock start to twitch to life as he heard more moans, breathless panting and loud, wet slurping sounds from the other side of the door.

Jason wondered if he should come back another time, since it seemed Ms. Anastaisa was a bit 'busy' at the moment, he assumed with Ms. Keahi.

But maybe this could work out in his favor? Ms. Anastasia would want to get back to doing whatever it was she was doing with her otter lover as soon as possible and would probably deal with Jason's 'wardrobe malfunction' problem with quickly, giving him the simple solution of just letting him skip out on gym class.

A thought passed through Jason's head: 'Or maybe... Ms. Anastasia might be so horny at the moment after servicing her female friend that she'd jump at the chance to get fucked by a thick, virile cock, even if she's a lesbian...Her friend might want to join in too...'

He wasn't sure where it came from and he quickly shook it off. It felt out of place in his head, but he was getting a lot of similar thoughts popping up more often since his 'changes'. Maybe it was just part of puberty, hormones and all that?

He decided that interrupting Ms. Anastasia might be the best option for now. Anyway, he really just wanted to get this over with. He knocked on the door and after a moment, the moaning from the other side stopped. He knocked again and heard some shuffling around from inside for a few moments before he heard the door unlock and open before him.

Ms. Anastasia stood in the doorway with a disgruntled look on her face, standing several feet taller than the short rabbit. She looked down, "Hello Jason..." and then looked down a bit more to his shorts, staring at the bulging fabric a bit for a few moments, raising an eyebrow. She looked back up to Jason's muzzle with a serious look on her face, "Is this... some kind of joke?"

"W-what do you mean?" Jason asked, a bit nervous now that he was standing in front of muscular polar bear, looking up at her. He could swear he heard her growl, but it was just on the verge of hearing.

"This..." she said, pointing down at Jason's bulging shorts, "You expect me to believe you can't wear shorts just because you shoved some cantaloupes down there?"

"N-No... no fruit. Its real! I swear! " Jason said, stumbling a bit before the big beefy bear who was starting to look more angry than usual.

"Fine. Show me." Ms. Anastasia said to him, crossing her arms, refusing to believe what Jason was saying

"Right here?" Jason asked, wondering if dropping his shorts in the hallway was the best idea

"Get in here and show me." She grabbed the rabbit and dragged him in with a strength that the rabbit couldn't resist even if he tried.

Jason stood in front of Ms. Anastasia, unsure of what to do next while she impatiently tapped her foot. He smelled it before, but now that he was inside the scent of sex was overpowering, it was making his cock start to harden, making the obvious bulge in his pants a little more obvious.

"Well?" Ms. Anastasia asked with her husky voice, an angry tone in her voice.

Jason blushed and nodded. He gulped and wasted no time taking off his shorts and underwear, letting them both fall down to his ankles.

Ms. Anastasia's eyes went wide with surprise as she looked down between Jason's now bare package, her mouth hanging open a bit. She'd never been a huge fan of cocks and whatever else guys had to offer, so it surprised her when the rabbit took off his shorts and revealed something she couldn't take her eyes off of. His cock was enormous! And his balls... they might have well have been cantaloupes! No way it was real...

Ms. Anastasia shook her head, "I don't believe it..." she said, "It's... some kind of prosthetic... it has to be." She looked over the rabbit's dangling cock and heavy balls, never before seeing a package that size before. It has to be fake! She had an idea that might prove it was fake: "...make it hard."

"W-what...?" Jason asked, wondering if he heard the bear correctly

"Make. It. Hard." Ms. Anasasia said, crossing her arms a bit more and framing her breasts with her muscles.

Jason was starting to get a bit hard just from the big bear making demands like that, not wanting to upset her. But his cock stayed mostly soft, "I... I could use some help...I'm not used to this kind of pressure..." Normally, he'd have no problems getting hard, but being put on the spot like this really made it difficult to get everything working down there correctly.

"Help?" Ms. Anastasia asked, "Can't you just...wiggle it a bit or something? If it IS real that is...."

"H-How about some... visual stimulation?" Jason suggested, feeling like he was pressing his luck. He was using his last bits of willpower to keep himself soft in hopes that Ms. Anastasia might agree with his suggestion.

Ms. Anastasia sighed, and rolled her eyes. She felt like she KNEW that his junk had to be fake now and the pervy little rabbit was trying to find a way to see her topless (not the first pervy teen to try). But part of her really wanted the rabbit's cock and balls to be real, to see it hard... throbbing to life. She couldn't help but indulge that side...

"Fine..." she said, grabbing the hem of her shirt, lifting it slowly, "But... if that turns out to be fake, I'm going to rip it AND the real package you have underneath it right off that wimpy little body of yours..." she said with a growl before taking her shirt off, leaving her bare white furred breasts bare for the rabbit to see. The big heavy breasts sagged just a bit out from her muscled chest. Each magnificent mound was topped two prominent, bright pink nipples. Each one was a few inches long and thumb thick, hard as diamonds in the cool air of the office.

Jason watched in awe as she bared her breasts for him, feeling as if he was a brave explorer coming upon a sight that many have dreamed of but few have seen. He had seen breasts before, sure, especially in the last few days. She didn't even have the biggest breasts he had ever seen, but this was Ms. Anastasia's breasts! He might have been the first male ever to have seen them!

He felt honored. As did his cock, which sprang to life quickly, throbbing to its full length within a few second, the sudden rush of blood making the rabbit a bit dizzy for a moment. Pre started to drool from the thick cocktip, dripping onto the concrete ground and creating a growing pool of the stuff as he continued to look on.

Ms. Anastasia was likewise looking on, almost in awe as the rabbit's cock came to life. 'It cant be real...' she thought, unable to stop herself from staring at it. Her eyes traced along every prominent vein that snaked its way across the throbbing surface of that magnificent member, taking in every inch of it. It was bigger than any cock she had seen (though she hadn't seen very many...) and it was even bigger than most of her toys and that was saying something!

She felt a heat inside of her building ever stronger. She was hot and horny before the rabbit came in thanks to the fun she was having with Lola, but ever since he came in with that package of his she couldn't stop getting hornier and hornier.

Then there was that smell...she first started noticing it on the edge of her perception when Jason arrived, but now with his cock throbbing and drooling like that, the scent was almost overpowering. It was strong, and most definitely masculine, mixed with the scent of sex. Consciously, she thought it smelled terrible, but her subconscious was having an altogether different reaction to it... Lustful thoughts were pouring into her mind, thoughts she wasn't at all used to, thoughts about what she wanted to do with that rabbit's cock and what she wanted it to do to her.

She was having difficulty thinking straight... all she could think about was that COCK. She struggled against the surge of feelings washing over her, panting softly and taking in more of that scent in the process.

"I-It still has to be fake!" She said, an idea popping into her mind to prove to herself the cock that was ruling over her thoughts was in fact fake once and for all! With technology these days, they could make a working fake cock like that, definitely! What they COULDN'T fake was the taste...She never had fond memories of the taste of cock but it was certainly distinct and not easily imitated. "You've been able to fool my eyes, but lets see if you can fool my tongue!"

"What...!?" Jason managed to get out in confusion before he was practically tackled to the ground by the amazonian polar bear. He swore he heard something from behind the desk and two equally confused eyes looking back at him from the other side of the office before he got pushed to the ground, but he didn't think much of it as he had to deal with a horny and apparently cock-hungry polar bear now.

Ms. Anastasia pinned him to the ground with ease, and wasted no time getting between his thighs to attack that throbbing cock, trying to take the thick length into her muzzle. The first taste wasn't enough for her, she had to be sure that every inch tasted 'real'... though she never remembered any cocks that tasted so GOOD. She struggled to take the cock into her mouth, her lips stretched to their limits by its girth and unable to take more than half of it without starting to gag. But she continued on, using her tongue to snake around Jason's thick length, spiraling around it all the way to the base to lap at those heavy balls with her agile tip, tasting just as musky and deliciouys as the rest of him.

She bobbed up and down Jason's cock slowly , her tongue continued to swirl around the spire of rabbit meat from her lips all the way down to the foundation of that thick tower. She moved her muzzle up all the way till her lips were barely wrapped around the rabbit's cocktip, letting her have hefty taste of pre as it spurted into her mouth. She still couldn't believe how good he tasted... she wanted more... so much more!

She wanted something else, though, something that was overwhelming her with need. Jason didn't notice, and Ms. Anastasia was barely aware herself that the bear's strong hand was shoved into her athletic shorts, fingers plunging in and out of her drooling pussy, the tight lycra of her shorts soaked already. Her juices drooled out of her and dripped through the fabric easily, joining the growing puddle that Jason's cock was making on the ground beneath her.

She pulled off the rabbit's cock slowly, her tongue slowly finding its way back around his girth as it uncurled from around his length. She moved off his cock until only her lips were touching the tip of Jason's member, giving it's head a smooch as another spurt of pre launched over her muzzle. She licked it all up with a chuckle and started to get up.

"Hmm... I'm still not convinced it isn't real..." she said, trying to sound as convincing as she could while she returned to her serious demeanor. .

Jason leaned up on his hands, "W-what!?" Jason said, his cock throbbing with need against his shirt, soaking it with spurts of pre. He was just about to cum too...

Ms. Anastasia made her intentions clear after she got to the desk. She leaned over it and pushed her firm ass backwards, cheeks tightly stretched in their lycra cocoon. "Prove to me it's real... make me FEEL how real it is...." She wiggled her rump at him enticingly as she smirked at him. It was clear to Jason how wet she was, and it was clear to him that she didn't care if he knew.

Jason got up quickly as Ms. Anastasia was starting to peel off her lycra shorts, wiggling out of them till her big bubble bear butt was bared for him, her hot and aching pussy finally able to breath free, slowly letting drops of her juices drip out onto the floor.

Jason wasted no time to close the distance between him and Ms. Anastasia's offered rear.

He hopped like a rabbit should and quickly got behind the beefy bear butt, grabbing her hips. He hesitated for a moment with his throbbing cock inches from her dripping cunt, feeling an intense heat coming off her. He wasn't sure how she wanted to be fucked, and was going to ask her before she gave him a very angry look. The kind of look that told him without words: 'FUCK ME NOW!'

Jason slammed his cock into her, grunting out as he pushed into Ms. Anastasia's tight cunt. Ms. Anastasia let out a orgasmic cry and gripped the desk firmly, sharp claws digging into the wooden surface, definitely leaving marks. She couldn't believe how easy she came... She felt every inch of him as she was impaled by that mammoth length, filling her completely and then some, spreading her apart with its girth. Her legs shook with pleasure and gave out from under making her lay on the desk beneath her. Her breasts were squashed underneath her powerful chest and cushioning her on the surface.

Jason pulled back slowly, feeling as if Ms. Anastasia's pussy (as well as Ms. Anastasia herself) were trying to keep his cock squeezed tightly inside her where it belonged. Jason pushed back in and started to pick up a slow but hard rhythm with his hips, panting hotly as he struggled against the polar bear's strong inner muscles, which were both fighting against him as he thrust in and trying to milk every last inch he had. Ms. Anastasia was forced up and down the top of the desk with each hard slam of the rabbit's cock. Jason's heavy, full nuts pressed up against the polar bears firm thighs each time he pushed his hips home.

Ms. Anastasia was being overloaded with pleasure, her whole mind focusing on that cock, the first REAL cock she ever had. She'd slept with a couple of guys before swearing off them for good, sure, but none of them came even close to being able to give her the fucking she was experiencing now. And those balls! She always thought they were these ugly lumps of dangling flesh, but Jason's pair were different. They were magnificent! Not just the sight of them was so amazing, their size, their weight....The way they hit her backside like wrecking balls made her cum every time Jason slammed into her! They must be so amazingly potent too, she thought. She was almost disappointed though... balls that virile would be a waste on her: she was infertile. It was never a big deal to her before, but the rabbit and his cock was awakening new needs inside her. Nonetheless, she was going to enjoy his cock thoroughly!

Her thoughts shifted back to Jason's cock, enamoured with it as it filled her again and again, those hot spurts of pre pouring into her. She wanted more of it...

"Harder..." Ms. Anastasia said with a growl back at Jason, who almost froze up with fear when he heard her and that growl. He managed to get his wits about him after a moment, and since he didn't want an angrier bear to deal with he started to hump her even harder. His thrusts picked up speed as his cock slipped in and out of Ms. Anastasia's pussy with wet, sloppy sounds getting louder by the moment.

"Harder!" Ms. Anastasia growled, louder this time. Jason was ready for it this time so he didn't pause for even a moment, he simply started to pound Ms. Anastasia with even more forceful thrusts.

He could tell Ms. Anastasia needed something more though... so he made preemptive strike! He moved his hands to the edge of the desk and gripped tightly, using it as leverage as he slammed his cock into bear's tight cunt! The desk under them creaked, rumbling and shaking with each heavy thrust from the rabbit, rutting like a wild beast, panting out for air in the musky heat of the stifling office. Ms. Anastasia had snaked her powerful arm around Jason's slim one, her paw gripping him tight as she tried her best to stifle back deep and lustful moans, biting her dark black lip.

Jason could feel her claws dig into his arm but he hardly noticed the pain, every last bit of focus he had was on fucking Ms. Anastasia. All he could think about was the big beautiful bear under him writhing with pleasure thanks to his invading cock.

Ms. Anastasia came again, but neither of the rutting couple were still keeping count. Jason could feel his own orgasm building to a peak, his heavy balls sloshing with seed each time they smacked into Ms. Anastasia thighs with a powerful smack. Her thighs were now bright red thanks to the swollen seed makers hitting them repeatedly. As the pressure built inside of him, his thrusts got harder, the desk creaking and moving under him as he slammed home into Ms. Anastasia. He gripped the desk and thrust in as hard as he could into the bear just as he felt his balls tense up and unload their contents.

Ms. Anastasia didn't even bother stifling her moans anymore as she felt gallons of rabbit seed pour into her in hot and heavy bursts. Jason panted for breath, exhausted after that rough fucking session with Ms. Anastasia, practically collapsing on top of her as his cock kept unleashing his potent load inside her.

Like what happened with Logan, her abdominal muscles were too strong and tough to let the expanding volume of seed plump her stomach up too much, forcing several loads of cum out around his cock, drenching his groin and legs with a mix of rabbit spunk and Ms. Anastasia own feminine juices. A pool of spunk grew from around where he stood, covering the floor in wasted rabbit seed.

After a minute or so, he stopped coming and rested on Ms. Anastasia strong back, slowly panting as he tried to recover from his sensual ordeal. Ms. Anastasia was a lot less winded, but still revelled in the afterglow of the powerful fucking she had received, a big smile on her muzzle. She tilted her head a bit to look at Jason, letting the poor boy rest on her back for now, not wanting to shove him off quite yet.

"Not bad..." she said, giggling a little bit. She could still feel his cock inside her, softening but still twitching and drooling cum. "But we're going to have to work on your stamina..." she smirked, "I'll agree to you skipping on gym class if you agree to 'private training sessions' with me instead..."

Jason panted, laying on the bear's back, his muscles burning from the exertion of rutting the bear so rough and vigorously, while his whole body still felt overwhelmed with the aftermath of pleasure. "P-Private... training sessions?" he said, still breathing heavily.

"Mhmm... " she said with a little nod, "Just you and me... and maybe-" she stopped when she heard something come from under the desk. It sounded like a moan. Ms. Anastasia's ears perked up a bit as she just now remembered her girlfriend was in the room this whole time, hiding under the desk no less.

"Um... Lola... " Ms. Anastasia said, wondering how she was going to deal with this...they had a relatively open relationship, sure, but guys were usually out of the question, so things might not go so well with Lola. Though from the sounds she did hear from her lover... it didn't sound like she was unhappy, "It's ok to come out now..."

There was silence for a moment before Lola started to peek out from under desk slowly. When she saw Jason still resting on Ana's back, she hid back down again. "He's still here! I'm not coming out while he's still here!"

"Lola!" Ana said with a small growl, "That's no way to treat our guest. Anyway, its not like he's going to bite or anything. Atleast not while I'm around." she chuckled

"But... I'm naked still!" Lola said, still hiding

"And? I doubt he'll mind, right Jason?"

Jason was resting on her back still, somewhere close to being unconscious but still vaguely aware of what was going on. "Sure..." he said between his slow and steady breaths

"That's not what I meant!" Lola said in protest, "I don't want some stranger seeing me naked, especially not one who goes to this school!"

"Lola..." Ana responded, "I think we've past the point of 'stranger' at this point, at least between me and him. So it would be nice if you two met face to face! You might like him!"

There was silence for a moment

"Lola... don't make me come down there! If I have to shove Jason off and yank you out from under there, I will!" Ana said with a growl, lifting herself up a bit from the desk. Jason whimpered softly, still not wanting to move from the comfortable spot he found on Ms. Anastasia's back.

"Ok! Fine!" Lola said with a grumble, "But I'm not going to do anything other than meet him!"

Lola got out from under the desk slowly and stood up facing away from the two still entangled together on the desk. Jason watched as the lean muscled otter got up, perking up a bit as he saw what a magnificent and shapely ass she had, even if there was a large, rudder-like tail in the way.

"Ooo!" Ana said, her ears perking up a bit as she felt Jason start to harden inside of her, "I think he likes you~" she said with a giggle. Ana was resting on her elbows now, smiling at Lola. She was looking over Jason's resting form and blushing face that looked back at her.

"Hello." Lola said, as enthusiastically as she could fake, "I'm Lola, nice to meet you.."

"H-Hello..." Jason said nervously back to her with a little wave, struggling to move his tired arm.

"There, I met him." Lola said, looking back to Ana, "Happy? Now get him out of here already before someone finds out about you fucking a student!"

Ana smirked up at her, "And that's all you want to do with him? Nothing else?"

"Of course!" Lola said with a huff, crossing her arm in front of her perky breasts, "I'm not into guys, not even a little bit! Unlike you..."

"Then what about those sounds I heard you making under the desk? I know you well enough to know when you're having some fun~"

Lola grumbled, "I...I was just trying to pass the time, it was boring under there while you two were fucking!"

"Which toy did you use?" Ana asked with a smirking grin

"No toys, just my fingers..." Lola replied, looking away. Ana kept staring at her with a raised eyebrow until the otter gave in, telling the truth : "Fine!" she reached under the desk and produced the toy, "This one..." It was Ana's biggest toy, the one she always had trouble finding space for in her desk. It was dark red in color, long and thick with a gentle curve to it and topped with a big broad head. Almost all of it was still wet and dripping.

Ana raised her brow in surprise. She didn't expect Lola to go with that one... it was one of Ana's favorites, but Lola always shied away from it saying it was way too big for her. She noticed the dildo was just about as big as Jason's own member, which was starting to throb back to life inside her.

"I guess it's not too big for you after all..." Ana said with a smirk, "Makes me wonder if you were trying to practice before you got to the real thing..." Ana's smirk widened.

Lola blushed and frowned, shaking her head, "I-I told you already! I'm not into guys!"

"But you are into cock..." Ana smirk widened still

"No!" Lola blurted out, blushing brighter, "I-I just like... toys that shape... and size! Cocks are gross, don't even get me started on 'balls'!"

Jason felt a little offended, but knew he wasn't really involved in this conversation. Plus he still needed to rest. But even though he was exhausted, part of him still wanted to bend the otter over the desk and show her what she's been missing...

"It's not so bad once you get used to it." Ana said with a big grin across her muzzle. Ana got up from the desk with a grunt, shaking Jason off of her back. Jason fell back onto the ground where he landed on his rump with a soft wet thud, landing in the puddle he had made thanks to Ms. Anastasia help. His cock slapped against his stomach with a wet smack as he landed on the ground, dripping with cum from both Anastasia and himself.

"Sorry, hun." The bear said to Jason as she stood up and moved to the other side of the desk, "But I need to do a little work to convince Lola for you~" she smiled at him before she stood in front of Lola, the otter looking a bit nervous and afraid of what her lover had planned.

"I told you..." She said with a huff, looking away from Ana, "I don't like co-" she was cut off when Ana grabbed her muzzle with one strong paw and kissed her passionately, her mouth being invaded again by that wonderful tongue. She moaned into Ana's mouth, even more so when she felt playful fingers slip between her thighs.

Ana pushed her up against the desk, forcing her on top of it and onto her back, the giant polar bear pressing her chest against the otter's own. Ana's nipples grazed against Lola's perky nubs, sending pleasurable shocks through her body and forcing another deep moan into Ana's mouth, their lips still locked together as their tongue played. Lola could taste hints of Jason's cock on Ana's tongue... she didn't like it at first but it was growing on her...

Jason got up slowly, rubbing his sore butt a bit. He finally got enough energy back to stand on his own with the sight before him giving him back strength he thought he lost. The two lovers were kissing passionately on the desk, a sexy display of sexual affection for one another going on right before his eyes. It made him harder than ever.

"Don't just stand there..." Ana said, breaking off from kissing Lola, the otter panting and moaning, wriggling with pleasure under the beefy bear as hidden hands worked their magic between the otter's thighs, "Introduce yourself to Lola here..." She smirked at Jason before giving Lola another deep kiss.

Jason nodded and followed the big bear's orders. Lola might have been adamant about not liking guys, but maybe he could be the exception for her? If not, it was either this or upset the big beefy bear that could snap his spine like a twig if she wanted to...

Ana looked at Lola with a smile, Lola looking back at her happily with loving eyes. Lola's view was quickly blocked, though, when Jason moved his cock between her and Ana.

"Go on, have a taste." Ana said, rumbling softly as she started to lick the top side of the rabbit's cock, "I promise you'll enjoy it."

Lola growled and wanted to bite it to get that nasty smelling cock out of her face. The scent of it was overpowering... but familiar. It smelled like Ana thanks to where it had been, but there was something else to it that overpowered the bear's scent that still stuck to it. She didn't know what the scent was, but it was strong, musky, and potent. The scent of a man, she assumed. It had filled the room ever since the rabbit first arrived, but with his cock in her face, she was getting a noseful of the scent.

Part of her wanted to turn away, breath only through her mouth til the cock and its stench was long gone. But she couldn't help but feel drawn to the scent, her nose subconsciously pressing up towards the rabbit's throbbing cock just inches above her muzzle. She took in that scent, and before she realized what her body was doing, her tongue had left her mouth and lapped at the underside of the rabbit's cock...

The taste... There was the taste of Ana she was so well acquainted with intermingling with something far more exotic. Part of her wanted to gag from the flavor of it, so strong and pungent against her tongue. But, like the scent... she couldn't help but be drawn towards it, wanting more... Her tongue licked against the underside of his cock again, tasting inch after inch of exposed rabbit flesh.

Soon she felt something hotter and wetter land on her tongue, pre that had drooled from the rabbit's broad tip. The taste of it alone made her moan. She never had tasted anything like it before... she could practically taste its potency, its virility!

She moved her muzzle up towards the tip, lapping up pre that drooled and spurted from Jason's cock greedily.

"Looks like she loves it~" Ana said with a giggle, giving Jason's cock a kiss from the top, "Why don't you let her have a better taste?"

Jason was enjoying himself as the otter was enjoying tasting him, but was just aware enough to respond to Ana's request with a nod. He pulled his cock away from the two (perhaps former) lesbians, making Lola let out a small whimper in disappointment. He leveled his cock towards Lola and presented it before her muzzle alone, the tip brushing her plump lips. She understood what she needed to do and spread her lips around his cock as he started to push in. Jason went slowly, wanting to go easy on the otter as she sucked a cock for the first time.

She was a natural at it! Her lips straining a bit but managing to take his girth. She was deeply enjoying herself, and she made it known to Jason, moaning around his cock. He stopped a bit when he reached the back of her throat, making her gag for a moment. But the otter didn't give up there. Never one to turn away from a challenge, with a bit of concentration she managed to relax her throat and urged the rabbit to push forward by reaching out and grabbing his rump with both hands, pulling him in towards her. Jason practically let out a yelp of surprise as he got dragged forward, Lola taking every last inch he had to give! He saw the big bulge of his thick cock head in her neck as it traveled down her throat. Jason felt the otter's nose press up against his balls while he felt every inch of his cock get squeezed by the otter's muzzle. Lola could feel hot spurts of pre flow right down into her stomach as Jason's cock twitched.

Lola couldn't believe what she was doing. More importantly though, she couldn't believe how much she was enjoying it! Jason pulled away so that Lola could catch her breath, something which she almost forgot to do while enjoying her throat being filled with cock. She panted hotly for air as he took his cock out of her muzzle. Lola was in a complete haze now. All she could smell now was the rabbit's musk thanks to her nose being covered in his scent now. His taste lingered on her tongue as well.

Ana looked down at Lola who looked dazed with lust now. "Not bad, right?" she asked the otter with a giggle. Lola nodded with a silly smile across her muzzle. Lola grabbed at Jason's rump again to bring him and his cock back to her hungry muzzle, this time lapping and suckling around the tip, treating Jason's cock like a perverse lollipop.

While Lola was busy in her own little world, focusing solely on Jason's cock, Ana looked up at the rabbit. "Jason..." she started, trying to take a serious tone, "I wanted to ask you a favor..."

Jason's was trying his best to listen while Lola was doing her best to keep his focus on his cock and her lovely mouth. "W-What is it...?" he asked in between moans.

"Could you please...err... knock up my mate here?" Ana asked

Jason's ears perked up and he blushed brightly. Lola must've heard Ana even through her lust filled haze and stopped sucking Jason.

"What!?" Lola said, "But... I thought... we were talking about adoption!" Lola stammered a bit, flustered.

"Too much paperwork!" Ana said with a little growl, "Plus, wouldn't it be nice if it was one of ours? And since I can't do it, because... you know..." she trailed off a bit, "Anyway... you have the perfect breeding body with those hips! Which is only going to get better when your boobs fill out some more a few months in!" Ana grinned and chuckled at the otter.

Lola blushed at the thought. She never thought of herself as having a body made for breeding, since she was never to interested in the idea before, but she really did have one.

"M-maybe..." Lola said, thinking about. She had considered the idea before, but she imagined the process leading to her pregnancy to be much more 'clinical' than what was presented before her now. Though, she was much, MUCH, more open to the idea of a more 'involved' insemination with the rabbit now... she had been thinking about how it would feel to have his cock inside her ever since he dropped his shorts. She was fantasizing about being filled with cum like Ana had been, how it would feel to have that potent, virile seed pouring inside of her...

All of these feelings and urges were new and almost alien to her, it was still hard for her to process it all. Part of her wanted to fight back, repeating again and again that she was a lesbian and she didn't want anything to do with any part of a man! That part of her was drowned out, though, by urges and desires she couldn't control. She couldn't stop thinking about Jason, his cock, and what she wanted him to do with it. What she wanted him to do to her!

"O-Ok..." Lola nodded, "Let's do it!" Lola smiled up at Ana with a little blush.

Jason wanted to chime in and ask if he had any say in this, but at the moment, his cock was running the show so he didn't make any objections.

"Get around the desk here and give her a proper fucking~" Ana said to Jason before giving Lola another kiss.

Jason nodded and followed the polar bear's orders, making his way to the other side of the desk. Before him he was presented with two dripping pussies: Ms. Anastasia's cum leaking cunt and Ms. Keahi's are slit. He wanted to make them look a little more alike so he wasted no time to guide his cock between the otter's supple thighs.

"Go slow on her..." Ms. Anastasia said to him, "She's not used to being fucked with something that size. You hurt her and I hurt you..." she ended the sentence with a growl, Jason receiving the warning loud and clear.

Jason pressed the tip of his cock against her lower-lips, parting the wet folds gently as he slipped in with slow and steady determination. She was tight! Not so tight it hurt, but tight enough to grip around him snugly as he slipped inside her, having to thrust in and out slowly to push more of himself into her.

Lola's toes curled as she felt a real cock inside her for the first time. This was so different from the toys she had played with before. Sure, it didn't vibrate or anything, but it was alive and she could feel the boiling heat coming off it inside her, hot pre leaking out in spurts, and the beat of the rabbit's heart as his cock throbbed within her. It was wonderful~

She wrapped her legs around Jason and encouraged him forward, all the while panting in Ana's mouth, not wanting to leave her kiss.

"Told you you'd love it~" Ana said to Lola, breaking their kiss for a moment before pressing her lips towards the otter's again, her tongue slipping in to continue its dance with Lola's.

Part of Lola wanted to argue with Ana, that part had lost control of the situation long ago though. All she could let out now were pants and moans. She squeezed around every inch of Jason that was inside of her, the massive tool stretching her and filling her past what she thought was possible. She never liked the feeling of being filled and stretched out when Ana was using her bigger toys, but with a real cock... it felt incredible! When she felt those large, swollen bunny balls resting against her ass, she felt a bit disappointed, secretly wanting just a bit more rabbit cock to fit inside her!

The thought of wanting more slowly faded as Jason started to move his hips in earnest, building a slow rhythm up until he had just enough speed to sway his balls back and forth, bumping up against Lola's very plump rump that was laid on the table along with that thick otter tail that Jason straddled between his legs. Lola lifted the tail up a bit to cup Jason's balls gently as he thrust in and out, taking their heavy weight off of him.

Lola broke off of Ana's kiss to moan out : "Harder..." almost breathlessly

Ana looked surprised at her little otter lover. But she smirked and turned towards Jason, "You heard the lady. Give her what she wants!" she chuckled and returned to kissing Lola.

Jason wasn't going to argue with such a good idea and picked up the pace. He wasn't going to be able to match the ferocity that he gave Anastasia earlier, but that might be best, Lola didn't seem like she needed as hard of a fucking. But the otter was going to get a nice rutting nonetheless.

Lola moaned into Ana's mouth as she felt that powerful cock head press into her , bulging her stomach visibly as it made its way deep inside her, bulging it a bit more as pre started to fill her. She felt like she was probably already pregnant thanks to all that potent precum pouring into her. If she wanted to she could stop now, being happily impregnated. But she didn't want to stop... she wanted more. More of Jason's cock, more of Jason's pre, more of Jason's seed! She couldn't believe she was thinking these things, but something primal was awakened in her, demanding and lusting after things she never wanted before!

Jason was having a hard time holding back his orgasm. It wasn't just how tight Ms. Keahi was, squeezing around his cock so snuggly, practically milking him each time he pulled his cock out of her drooling cunt. It was the idea of being used as a 'stud' like this... impregnating someone on purpose, on request, instead of just on accident. He liked it. Though he started to make him wonder about the other girls... He had fucked the cheerleaders in the ass, so they shouldn't become pregnant. Logan definitely won't be problem, obviously. And he wore a condom every time he had fun with his aunt and cousin.

That just left Sandra and Ms. Victoria...

Considering how much Sandra sleeps around (at least from what Jason had heard), she probably was on some 'industrial strength' birth control, she probably won't be getting pregnant any time soon. Ms. Victoria though... she wasn't even in class today...how was Jason going to handle the situation with her?

Meanwhile, outside of Jason's head, Lola had another orgasm, squeezing her arms tight around Ana as she came, her thigh legs squeezing Jason to push him all the way in. That was enough to pull Jason out of his thoughts and back to reality, and enough to push him over the edge as well. His balls heaved up heavily, off of Lola's supporting tail and the first salvo of bunny cum poured into Lola. Her eyes went wide when she felt that powerful spurt shoot into her, boiling hot and full of virile strength.The feeling of being filled up was enough to make her orgasm again and again with each shot that landed within her, one rush of pleasure leading into another other as the rabbit let loose several more shots of spunk inside her. Her legs were locked around Jason to make sure not a single drop was wasted, watching with Ana as her stomach expanded with the gallons of seed pouring into her.

Jason's thrusts started to slow down as he could feel his balls get lighter from their unleashed load filling Lola now. He panted, still a bit winded from his romp with Ms. Anastasia, his 'second wind' starting to fade now that his mission to fuck Ms. Keahi was complete. His thrusts slowed to a crawl, the last bits of his orgasam leaking from his still throbbing cock into the filled otter.

"I think... that should do it..." Jason said, trying to catch his breath.

"I think so too..." Ana said, giving Jason a smile before looking back at Lola, giving her swollen belly a gentle rub.

Lola smiled back at Ana and leaned up to give her a kiss, "Hope you like this look..." the otter said, rubbing her stomach, looking as if she was 8-month pregnant with triplets, "I'm sure I'm going to look like this in a few months." she chuckled and Ana joined in, so did Jason though his laugh was a bit more nervous.

The realization that he might be a father soon more than once over was starting to hit him. Ms. Anastasia and Ms. Leaha would make good moms, and probably wouldn't want or need to involve him, but Ms. Victoria... he'd have to talk to her about it sooner or later...

Jason started to pull out, but a groan coming from the otter stopped him (as well as powerful thighs wrapped around his waist), "Not yet!" she begged, "Just... a little longer...I...I never felt so... full before..."

Jason nodded.

"You deserve a good rest for all your good work, Jason!" Ms. Anastasia said to him with a grin, "Hope you'll be ready for round two soon!" she smirked

"R-round... two?" he looked at her nervously

"Of course! I'll go easy on you this time around and do the heavy lifting myself, but you're not leaving here till I get another load - or three - from you..." She smiled again, showing her sharp teeth.

Jason gulped

"Now... " Ms. Anastasia started to get up from on top of otter and get off the desk, "Time to get warmed up and stretched..." she started to bend, flex and stretch out her muscles, getting prepared, "Don't want to pull anything while I ride that cock of yours...I suggest you get prepared yourself, its going to be a rough ride~" She smirked

Jason gulped again, his cock throbbing back to life as he watched the amazonian polar bear stretch and pose in front of him. Lola squirmed with pleasure as she felt him harden again inside him. It was going to be a rough day...

A few hours later, Jason could barely walk. It felt like his hips were broken or atleast sprained. He had tried to keep up with Ana (Having been told to call her that instead of 'Ms. Anastasia') as best he could, but he was no match for the athletic bear. He really needed to get in shape! And with Ana's help, he might just get that

Still though... at this rate, his pelvis was going to be turned into a fine powder before he could catch up with what Ana wanted from him!

He groaned as he walked. It was after school now and the place was nearly deserted, so he was able to get dressed again in his baggy pants and shirt and threw the dirty gym clothes away in his locker, probably never having to use them again. He thought about taking a shower, but he decided he'd get one at home since he had several layers of sex and musk to clean off himself and the showers here could only do so much.

He made his way out of the gym and started to walk home.

He thought about Lola, and about Ms. Victoria. They were probably both going to be the mother of his children... He didn't know how to feel about that... but he really made him think about playing it safer from here on out like his aunt had taught him.

Maybe he could just stick with guys like Logan? They don't get pregnant!

Though... he still didn't know how to feel about that either, though... he was into girls for sure and didn't think he was into guys, but the fun time he had with Logan made him rethink that a bit.

He sighed and kept on making his way back home.

"Hey Jase!" he heard a voice say behind him. He turned and looked back. It was Ted, walking up to him with a smile. The tabby cat was wearing his usual tight jeans and button-up shirt "Haven't seen you all day, where you been, man?"

"Oh, I was busy with... stuff..." Jason said nervously, unable to think up a convincing lie to tell his friend.

Ted smirked, wondering if the 'stuff' Jason was busy was the vixen he was fucking the other day, but he said nothing. "I know what you mean, heh. I was wondering though, you free to hang out?"

"Sure!" Jason said with a smile, "Though... I uhh, gotta clean up a bit after I get home...maybe come by my house in a little bit?"

Ted wasn't going to say anything but he could tell that Jason needed a shower. He had a strong scent to him for sure! A natural musk mixed with... something... It was powerful, whatever it was, hanging on him and exuding... virility and masculinity. It was alluring to him. He knew he shouldn't like how much his friend smelled, but he wanted more of it...

"I don't have anywhere to go right now..." Ted said, "Maybe I can just walk home with you? Hang out while you clean off or something?" '...or maybe I could convince you that you don't need to take a shower at all...' Ted thought to himself.

Jason nodded, "Alright, sounds good." he smiled at Ted and lead the way to his house. Hopefully his aunt and cousin weren't going to jump him as soon as he got home. That might make for an awkward conversation between Ted and him.

Jason and Ted chatted all the way back to his home, talking about your normal nerdy things: video games, TV shows and movies they've seen recently. Ted seemed distracted though... Jason couldn't put his finger on it, but it was obvious that something was bothering him...

He was bothered himself too. Whether it was just being so oversexed over the last few days or something else, but Ted looked a lot more attractive today...his ass looked so cute in those jeans and he wanted to see more of it, wondering what it might look without them on...He tried not to think about it though. He wasn't into guys, right? Neither was Ted! And he was his friend! He shouldn't be thinking that sort of things about his friend.

He focused on mundane subjects and chatted about this and that as they made their way back to Jason's house uneventfully...