Sonic: City in the Desert

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The market at Al-Aquaba was bustling with hundreds of Mobians going about their business. In the Eastern Desert Region of Mobius, this city was out of the reach of Robotnik's evil schemes, thanks to its location deep inside the desert around a massive oasis. The sands of the desert tended to clog the machinery of any robots that the evil doctor sent towards the city, rendering them completely useless. Thus, the people of Al-Aquaba lived in relative peace compared to many of the other regions of the planet.

However, Al-Aquaba was not a paradise. It had shadows in every alley in which criminals and villains could gather freely. Some did not even bother to hide in the shadows, brazenly conducting business in the light of day. With an almost non-existent police force and an admittedly corrupt ruler, no one could do anything to stop them, so everything from black market enterprises to slavery flourished in the desert city.

It was on this particular day, that a slave-trader led three girls and a boy behind him down the main street. He was a weasel, wearing fine silk robes with golden embroidery, which signified his immense wealth. In one hand, he carried a thick book bound in black leather with red lettering in some unrecognizable language, and in the other a silver chain connected to collars around his slave's necks. The girls were dressed both extremely well and extremely lightly. All three wore brassieres of gold metal with shimmery, see-through silk cloth, panties of the same fabric, and a golden waistband with a streamer of more silk which acted as a loincloth and provided only the tiniest amount of modesty for the girls. The boy wore only the loincloth. The slaves all wore a similar expression on their faces; not the despair and worry one might expect, but rather an almost dreamlike lack of emotion, only contentment.

The slaver strolled up the stairs to the palace at the center of the city with a casual ease, showing no concern that he might be accosted or bothered by anyone about his choice of career. When he reached the top of the steps, the servants standing at the door opened it readily; the slaver was a frequent and welcome visitor. He led the slaves through the halls, until he entered the throne room.

A large gorilla draped in even finer clothing than the slaver was sitting in the throne, munching on an apple and watching a display of swordsmanship from a couple of his servants. When he saw the slaver, his eyes lit up in glee and he clapped his hands three times. All the servants in the hall, including the two who were dueling looked up, nodded once, and filed out in silence, leaving the gorilla alone with the weasel.

"Alu, my friend! So good to see you!" boomed the gorilla as he stood up from the throne and smiled amicably. The weasel bowed respectfully and tugged on the chain once, and the slaves bowed as well.

"It is good to see you too, my Prince. I have some high-quality wares for you today," said Alu, smiling back. The Prince raised his eyebrows.

"Really. I must admit, I was getting bored with my old ones. Show them to me," he said, sitting back in the throne. The slaver nodded and turned to the slaves.

"Step forward and present yourselves to his highness," he commanded. The slaves moved forward in unison, staring blankly ahead, and kneeled before the Prince. Alu walked behind the woman on the left and put his paws on her shoulders.

"I was searching the streets for some new merchandise for you, when I saw these lovely specimens walking about. I knew I must get them for you, not only because you'd enjoy them, but because you'd pay a premium for such exotic fare. As you know, I'm not a bad magician, so casting an enslavement spell on the girls was an easy task... The only catch was that the boy realized what I was doing, and would have tipped off his comrades, so I had to enslave him as well. But as you can see, he is a rarity as well, so I knew you would enjoy him in your collection," explained Alu. The gorilla nodded appreciatively.

"Tell your name to the Prince," said the slaver to the first girl.

"Amy Rose..." she mumbled.

"And yours?" said Alu to the second.

"Blaze the Cat..." murmured the slave.

"And yours too?" asked the weasel.

"Princess Sally Acorn..." the third droned.

"And finally yours, boy?" the slaver prompted.

"Miles Prower... But people call me Tails..." the boy said in a monotone.


Meanwhile, back in the market, something strange was going on. A blue blur was racing through the streets, leaving a blast of wind after it that sent small debris flying with every passing. The blur traced every back street, every off-road, and every main thoroughfare before skidding to a stop by a small group of people looking rather worried. The blur resolved into a cerulean-quilled hedgehog, bracing his hands on his knees, panting for air.

"I j-just (gasp) ran the entire city four times, every street, every alley at around Mach 4... I didn't s-see... (pant, gasp) ...a thing..." huffed Sonic the Hedgehog. A red-quilled echidna growled in response.

"Darn it! Where the heck could they be! It's not like Blaze and the others to just wander off without telling us!" Knuckles said angrily.

"I don't know, but they've gotta be somewhere in the city!" replied a walrus who was tinkering around with a small handheld device. "Gah! The desert atmosphere is interfering with my GPS calibration. I can't get a track on their locator beacons."

"Keep trying, Rotor, at this rate, it's the only way we'll find them!" said Sonic urgently. A rabbit leaning against a wall next to them suddenly cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"...Did y'all even think about just ASKIN' someone if they've seen Sally-girl and the rest?" asked Bunnie Rabbot. "Y'all are so busy breakin' speed records and tinkerin' with gizmos, but maybe it's a lil' easier than that." There was silence for almost a full minute after she spoke.

"...You know... That's not a bad idea..." said Sonic, scratching his head.

"...Why didn't we think of that?" Rotor asked, pocketing his device. Bunnie rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Men. Always doin' things the hard way."


Back in the palace, the Prince and Alu continued their inspection of the slaves. The slaver was currently in the process of inflating the price by making claims of what the slaves were capable of.

"And seeing as this one is the Princess of the Acorn Kingdom, an eventual marriage can give you a whole new kingdom to rule. I'm sure that would add an extra five thousand power rings to her value at the minimum," said Alu.

"I agree with that, and she is a fine specimen at that. Now... Tell me about their... attributes," said the gorilla as he placed a lascivious eye on the slaves. Alu grinned evilly.

"Well, I know you like your slaves to have certain alterations, so I already did it for you with my magic, for a modest charge. I'd be happy to show you," he said. The Prince nodded, and gestured for him to do so.

"All right. Now, as usual, I placed a hypnotic trigger in each of them, using our native language to make things easy for you. Just watch," said the weasel, turning to the girls and boy. "Somoi!"

With that word, the slaves gave a simultaneous cry of delight, all arching their backs. Amy's pink quills swayed as her hips thrust forward lewdly, and the silk of her panties suddenly went dark with dampness. Beside her, Blaze whimpered as her paws instinctively slid up to cup her rather ample breasts. Sally gasped, clutched at her loincloth, and her fingers pressed into the wetness beneath. Tails groaned and his loincloth began to rise up, as something beneath began to lift the fabric. But strangely, the same phenomenon began to occur with the girls. The Prince smiled wide at the sight.

"You DID do it! Show me, now!" he urged the slaver. The weasel smirked.

"Very well. Slaves, disrobe!" he commanded. As one, the girls and boy began to pull off what little clothing they wore. Sally's breasts jiggled as she pulled off her brassiere and bounced as she stepped out of her panties and loincloth. Amy's chest was flat as a pancake, only being thirteen, but her pink nipples poked free of her fur. Blaze's bust wasn't quite as big as Sally's but was certainly sizable as she slipped free of the bra. Tails, however, got tangled in his loincloth, his twin tails getting in the way. He slipped and fell flat on his face. The slaver slapped his forehead, groaning.

"Ah, crud... After telling the Prince how graceful the kid would be as a servant, he goes and does that! There goes that extra thousand that I wheedled out of the Prince!" he mumbled to himself irritably. "Get up, boy!"

Tails picked himself up off the ground and shuffled over to stand by the girls. A bulge was growing above the girls' clefts, which the Prince and the slaver recognized as visibly male sheath. Tails' fuzzy sack emerged from its hiding place inside his pouch, but it was almost twice the size it was normally. A moment later, the pink head of a penis poked free of each of the girls' sheaths, followed by inch after inch of shaft, slowly sliding out into the open. However, Tails had not one, but two cocks beginning to show. The Prince's eyes went wide.

"Did you do that, Alu?" he asked, pointing at the boy. Alu shook his head.

"No, this makes it all the more remarkable. That is the boy's natural state, having two penises! It makes him that more of a treasure (worth an extra five-hundred, I should think)," said Alu, trying to recoup a little of the money he lost from Tails' slip. "I did increase his size and certain other features of his body. The others however, were naturally female, but I altered them with magic in the way you like them."

Soon, they all reached maximum arousal, their shafts standing at full attention. Sally was the longest of the four Mobians, the squirrel's long member a full foot in length, throbbing against her stomach. Amy was next, her ten-inch shaft bobbing and twitching with her heartbeat. Tails' twin shafts were identical, standing nine inches each, almost a full three inches longer than his natural length, and his furry sack hung low and heavy between his legs. Blaze was only eight inches, but her penis had a foreskin, a hood covering all but the very tip of her shaft. The girls' thighs were soaked with their nectar.

The Prince groaned softly, his baggy pants tented rather prominently. Even the weasel had to adjust his robe a little as he tried to maintain his professional composure. The slaves stood and stared blankly ahead, their minds empty of all thoughts and emotions except for a deep contentment.

"As you can see, they are all in top condition and very healthy. They should be able to テ「竄ャヒ彳xercise' for hours on end before getting tired. I know you like merchandise with a lot of stamina, your highness," said Alu, keeping his sales pitch going. However, the gorilla held up a hand, silencing him.

"No need to convince me further, my friend. You had already sold all of them about ten minutes ago. I'll buy them and add an extra two thousand on top, just for finding such fine specimens!" said the Prince. The slaver practically did a jig at hearing that, but did his best to maintain his business-like cool.

"You are extremely generous, my liege," he said quietly, smiling.

"I'll pay you in the usual manner," said the Prince as he stood up from the throne and walked down to the four entranced Mobians. He gently reached down and ran a fingertip along the underside of Amy's cock and made her gasp quietly. He turned back to the slaver with a smirk.

"Care to join me in テ「竄ャヒ彙reaking in' my new products?" the gorilla said, licking his lips in anticipation. The weasel chuckled.

"I'd be honored, your highness. Besides, I wouldn't be a good businessman if I didn't show you how all the テ「竄ャヒ彷eatures' of your merchandise worked..." said Alu, already unbuckling his belt.


Back on the streets, Sonic and the rest had begun to ask around about their missing friends. Unfortunately, this had turned out to be a bad idea because...

"Please, sir, buy this!"

"No, his produce is terrible, buy mine!"

"No, mine!"

"Alms for the poor!"

"I'll shine your shoes for a power ring!"

As soon as they had entered the marketplace, they had been swarmed by every vendor and merchant in the square, trying to sell the foreigners their goods, most of which were "good" in name only. Within minutes, the crowd was several dozen thick, pressing in on the Freedom Fighters.

"Y'all are doing it the hard way! Just ask around!" said Sonic in a rather decent impression of Bunnie's drawl. "Real great idea there, Bunnie. Now, not only do we not know where our friends are, but I have to worry about my wallet getting stolen by someone in this crowd... HEY! IT'S GONE AGAIN!"

As Sonic suddenly vanished in an azure blur to chase down the thief, Knuckles pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation and said, "I think we should try and get out of the crowd, maybe head somewhere a little more reputable before asking. I don't think we're gonna get answers out of these people."

"I agree, we're not getting anywhere here... Bunnie, can you clear us a path?" asked Rotor.

"Ah sure can. Ah'll get us all outta here faster than a greased jackrabbit on a sugah high!" Bunnie replied. She reached out, and grabbed onto Rotor with her robotic arm, and Knuckles with her flesh and blood paw, and activated the jets in her cybernetic feet. A second later, the trio was airborne, as Bunnie flew them out of the grasp of the desperate crowd. She landed in an area of Al-Aquaba that was a little less run-down and put her friends down. A moment later, a burst of wind announced Sonic's arrival as he skidded to a halt nearby, holding his wallet.

"Stupid thief thought he could get away from me? You don't steal from someone who can break the sound barrier!" he grumbled more to himself than to anyone else.

"Sonic... Where do you keep that thing anyway? You don't wear pants..." Rotor asked. Sonic sweatdropped and pretended not to hear the question, whistling tunelessly. Rotor blinked and decided that he'd rather not know the answer after all.

"Aaaaaaaaanyway... We still are at square one at finding the Princess, Amy, Blaze, and Tails. Any other ideas?" asked Knuckles, sighing.

"Excuse me, sirs? Did I hear you say you were looking for someone? Were they a young squirrel woman, an older cat female, a very young pink hedgehog, and a fox boy with two tails?" a little voice interjected. The four Freedom Fighters turned to see a little mouse girl standing there.

"Yeah, that's exactly them! Did you see them?!" Sonic asked her. The mouse nodded.

"Yes, sir. I did... But you might not wish to look for them," she replied, shaking her head almost sadly. Bunnie frowned.

"What do ya mean by that, sugah?" she asked gently.

"They've been taken by a very bad man. He is named Alu, but we call him the Mind-Master. He is a slave-trader," said the mouse. Bunnie gasped, while Knuckles clenched his fists.

"Sally and the others would never have let themselves get caught by this guy! They're too good for that!" Sonic said, angrily. "You've gotta be wrong about that."

"No, sir, I saw him myself. The Mind-Master uses powerful magic. He cast a spell over your friends, and took over their minds. They are his slaves now. You would do best to forget about them. They won't remember you..." she said, sadly. "My friend was taken by him a while back. I saw him once and he did not recognize me..."

"Did you see where they were going?" asked Rotor. The mouse looked up.

"The central palace where the Prince of Al-Aquaba lives. Odds are, your friends are being sold to the Prince. They will be part of his harem. You'll never get in there though, it's too heavily guarded," she said, frankly. Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... Hi, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog. I spend half my time breaking into some of the most heavily guarded places in the world to defeat evil madmen, and the other half fighting robots, magicians, gods, you name it. Nice to meet ya. I think I can handle it," said the hedgehog, cockily. "Just lead us to the palace. We'll see about what we can do to find our friends... And maybe your friend too."


In the palace, the Prince and Alu had taken the slaves back to the royal bedchamber. They had disrobed themselves and gotten ready for their upcoming activities. The four enchanted Freedom Fighters stood in the middle of the room, still naked and fully aroused. Sally swayed on her feet slowly, her throbbing shaft almost long enough to touch the undersides of her heavy breasts. Amy's green eyes stared blankly ahead as her own slightly smaller member bobbed and twitched with her heartbeat. A droplet of clear fluid had formed on the tip of Blaze's shaft, and her thighs were soaked with her nectar as her tail flicked back and forth slowly. Tails' tails wagged sinuously as his twin penises throbbed against his stomach and every tremble sent tingles down his spine.

The gorilla was already fully erect. His fourteen inch shaft jutted out from his hips proudly, while his heavy testicles swung beneath, almost the size of baseballs. He showed no sign of embarrassment or modesty as Alu stood next to him and let the Prince walk around his new slaves, examining them. Every so often, he'd reach out and grope one of the girl's breasts, run a fingertip along one of their shafts, or press a finger against one of the girl's clitorises, just to hear them gasp. Finally, the Prince turned to Alu.

"They are in perfect condition, my friend. You have outdone yourself, I think!" he said, grinning. Alu smirked, idly stroking his own member as he leaned back against the bed. His shaft was immense, almost sixteen inches and as thick as a soda can. The Prince raised an eyebrow as he noticed this.

"One of the perks of knowing magic that can alter one's body is that you are never subject to penis envy. As for the slaves, yes, I quite agree. Shall we have a little fun with them now?" said Alu, smirking. The Prince nodded, cheerfully.

"I think you should use the trigger to bring them back to full arousal. Remember it?" said Alu.

"Yes... It was テ「竄ャヒ彜omoi,'" replied the Prince. As he said the word, Sally let out a high moan, arching her back. Amy whimpered as her knees almost buckled beneath her. Blaze felt a rush of juices run down her legs and her shaft twitched hard, making her mewl in delight. Tails' tails wagged hard and his members twitched and pulsed in pleasure. The gorilla looked delighted at the response from his slaves.

"Now, they will obey any command you give them to the best of their abilities. Tell them what you want," instructed Alu. The Prince grinned wide.

"You, feline... Fire, was your name?" he said, pointing at the catgirl.

"Blaze, sir... I obey your every whim..." she murmured softly, her golden eyes dull and glassy. Her mind was completely blank, her only urge to obey.

"Yes, Blaze, then. Come over here and lick my shaft," he commanded, pointing at his cock.

"I will lick your shaft..." she mumbled, before stepping forward. She kneeled down before the Prince and gently wrapped a paw around his length, and her soft fur tickled his hard flesh. She leaned forward and tentatively placed a lick along the primate's penis. Her tongue rasped over the tip of the Prince's penis and picked up the droplet of sweet, clear liquid she found there. The gorilla groaned and bucked his hips forward, his cock pulsing in her grip as she slowly lapped at his head and swirled her tongue around it.

"You, Princess, come here and do the same," ordered Alu, smirking. Sally blinked.

"I will lick your penis..." murmured the squirrel, as she walked forward and knelt before her former master, obediently beginning to place little kisses up and down his immense length. Alu groaned happily and his cock twitched and jerked in her paws and mouth. She lavished it with her tongue, taking the head into her muzzle and nibbling on the tip.

Tails and Amy stood side by side and watched their friends pleasure their new and old master. Their bodies reacted to the sight, even if their minds remained fogged over and completely blank. Tails' dual penises grew even harder than before, making him groan in arousal and slight discomfort, and precum began to dribble from his tips. Amy swayed on her feet a little as her mind drifted in a warm drowsy fog, the tip of her shaft bobbing up and down with every twitch and throb.

Blaze and Sally's talented tongues soon had the Prince and Alu groaning in delight. Sally's long shaft pressed up into her cleavage due to her position, and every bob of her head on the slaver's cock caused her breasts to jiggle around her cock. She gave a muffled moan of pleasure, her blue eyes half-closed as she went about her task, swirling her tongue around the weasel's member. The Prince gripped the bed sheets as Blaze bobbed her head, suckling and licking his sensitive tip, while her paw gently cupped his heavy balls. The feline's shaft swayed as her hips wiggled.

"Ahn... That's good!" moaned the Prince, "I think these are the best you've ever gotten for me!"

"I... urgh! I think so, myself. I think we should move things along and see what else they are capable of..." grunted Alu, his member giving a pulse in Sally's muzzle. "Sally, Blaze, go stand back next to your fellow slaves."

Sally slowly pulled away from Alu's shaft and stood up. The slaver grinned and slapped her rear as she turned away, making her yelp in surprise. Blaze reluctantly stood up from the Prince and placed one last lick along the gorilla's cock before she sauntered back to stand next to her friends.

"Now, Sally, I want you to push your shaft into Amy. As for you, Blaze, get on all fours and suckle on Tails' cocks," said the weasel with a grin. The Prince raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but let the slaver take the lead. The slaves mumbled their instructions back, dully.

Blaze got down onto her hands and knees and her tail swished above her lazily. Her shaft twitched against her soft, fuzzy stomach, while she waited obediently for Tails to move. The young foxboy's members twitched and pulsed as he walked up to Blaze. The feline murmured softly and gently licked up the boy's lower member. Her eyes were half-closed as she moved forward a little and took the head into her muzzle, and the two-tailed fox groaned happily. She suddenly gave an "eep" of surprise as she felt something prod at her dripping muff. Blaze looked back to see Alu grinning wide as he pressed the fat head of his shaft into her slowly and sent jolts of pleasure through her body. Inch after inch slid inside her, stretching her to her limits.

Amy had bent over as Sally came up behind her. Sally's long shaft jerked in anticipation as she placed her paws on the pink hedgehog's hips. With a swift thrust, the squirrel plunged deep inside Amy and made the little girl yelp in delight, bucking back against the Princess. Her tight, wet walls clamped down on Sally's cock, caressing and quivering around her. Sally began to thrust slowly as a low moan escaped her lips. Amy's shaft hung low below her, bouncing off the fur of her stomach with every thrust. Sally's dull and glassy blue eyes were half-closed as she pumped her hips into the thirteen-year-old beneath her. She was so caught up in bucking and rolling her hips into Amy that she did not notice the Prince behind her until his shaft drove deep inside her. Sally gave a very un-princess-like squeal of ecstasy as the Prince's fat shaft ground against her clitoris. The gorilla leaned in and gently groped her ample bust. His paws hefted her breasts, weighing and massaging them, while his thumbs rubbed her hard, pink nipples.

On the other side of the bed, Tails gave a loud gasp of joy and thrust his hips forward, almost gagging Blaze. His twin shafts pulsed and twitched in unison before two crystal clear blasts of warm, sticky liquid erupted from his tips, splattering the back of Blaze's throat and against the purple fur of her cheek. She moaned happily and swirled her tongue around Tails' upper member, licking it clean, before she pulled off and did the same to his lower penis. The feline yowled, arching her back as her foreskin bulged slightly before prespunk poured from the tip and soaked into the bedsheets under her. Alu let out a long, low groan, burying his shaft as deep as her could inside Blaze, his furry sack slapping against her as he unleashed a powerful gush of pre into her depths, painting her velvety walls.

Amy whimpered under Sally as the squirrel drove her long shaft into her over and over. The squishing slap of wet fur hitting wet fur filled the room as Sally's hips slammed into the young hedgehog's, shaking Amy's frame. Amy's cock gave a mighty lurch, the head slapping against her navel, before it suddenly began to spurt her preseed over the fur of her stomach. She moaned incoherently as her inner muscles clenched almost impossibly tight around Sally. Sally's red hair cascaded behind her as she threw her head back. Her shaft rippled inside Amy as her precum pumped into the little girl, overflowing and dripping out of her in seconds. The Prince grunted as Sally's walls quivered and caressed him, and he too began to spurt inside his new slave.

Alu grinned, looked over to the prince, and said, "Now... I-I installed o-one more... AHN! ...t-trigger in your products... Now's a g-g-good time as any to show it to you..."

"Yachu!" said the weasel loudly. The slaves' eyes went wide and they immediately let out a shout out of purest ecstasy in response.

Tails howled as his penises jerked and twitched hard, a moment before thick, hot, foxspunk blasted from his heads, splashing against Blaze's tongue and fur. His heavy sack quivered as his testicles pumped his pearly semen up his twin lengths into and over the feline. Blaze swallowed rapidly, trying to keep up with the flow, but did not come even come close. The gooey liquid splurted out of the corners of her muzzle and dribbled down her chin, over her breasts. Blaze gave a muffled cry as her member throbbed and her hood bloated. Her thick, white catspunk poured from the tip and created a rather large puddle in the bed sheets under her. She reached down instinctively, and peeled down her foreskin, allowing her cum to fire unimpeded against the bed, her paws, her body, and Tails.

On the other side of the bed, at the same time, Amy let out a high, long scream as her cock pulsed hard and fast, beginning to gush her spunk over her stomach and chest. Her inner muscles clenched hard around Sally, squeezing the Princess's penis tighter than ever. The little girl trembled as a massive orgasm ripped through her body and left her trembling and quivering. The squirrel's eyes rolled up in her head and she shuddered as if having a seizure. A moment later, Amy felt as if a fire hose had been pushed inside her. Creamy squirrelcum gushed into the little hedgehog in a long, continuous spurt, overflowing the girl's tunnel in seconds. Her nectar dripped down her thighs, along with copious amounts of her gooey seed. Sally's breasts bounced with every buck of her hips, her mind empty of thought and emotion except for all-consuming pleasure.

Alu gave a loud grunt and shoved himself deep into Blaze's muff before his orgasm took him over. His immense cock lurched inside her, before his cum blasted deep inside her, painting her walls. His heavy sack slapped against the cat's rump as he thrust into her over and over, trying to make the most of his climax. Meanwhile, the Prince could not hold back a moment longer and let out a mighty roar as he released his burden within the Princess's spasming cleft. He easily filled her to the brim, his spunk backwashing over his black fur, staining it gray. He continued to grope Sally's breasts, his dexterous hands playing over her bosom, which only added to the pleasure of her climax.

Soon, the four slaves, the slaver, and the Prince collapsed against each other, panting and gasping for air. Tails lay with a silly smile on his face, his tongue stuck out of his mouth. His dual penises still twitched as they spurted weakly. Blaze was face down in the mattress without the energy or willpower to move. She drifted in her trance, her hips bucking against the soft bed, just to make her sensitive foreskin slide up and down over her even more sensitive head. Sally's long shaft lay in her cleavage as a steady stream of semen dribbled down her length. Amy lay beside her and her green eyes stared at the ceiling unfocused. Her member pulsed and jerked as well, still gushing in the aftermath of her orgasm. The Prince lifted his head to smile at the slaver.

"What did th-that trigger do?" he asked. The weasel grinned evilly.

"It triggers an orgasm in the slaves, no matter how aroused they are. They can be just simply going around their daily business, and if you say that word, they'll immediately begin to come. Good way to give the merchandise a little treat if they've earned it," he explained, smirking. The Prince returned the grin and his eyes glittered at the possibilities.

"So the word is-" began the gorilla.

"Wait, don't say..." interjected Alu.

"Yachu?" finished the Prince. The four slaves yelped in surprise as they bucked their hips, their shafts practically jumping back to full erection before gushing more of their pearly, sticky, hot cum over everything around themselves. Several minutes later, their climaxes had ended once more, and everything in the room was covered in a thick glaze of spunk.

"...the word..." finished Alu, sweatdropping and scratching his head, "Yeah... They'll do that EVERY time they hear that word, so please try not to say it unless you WANT them to spurt?"

"Hehehe... Sorry about that. But I think I might be up for a second round in a minute, how about you?" asked the gorilla, leaning back and petting Amy's head affectionately. Alu scratched Blaze's ears.

"Sounds fine to me. I'm never one to turn down a chance to use my own products..." replied the slaver with a grin.


Guards patrolled the main gateway to the palace at regular intervals. Despite the freedom of criminal enterprise in the city, the palace was perfectly guarded from undesirables. At no time was there a break in the perimeter security, with there being enough guards to watch almost every point of entry into the palace at all times, even during shift changes. The only way one could gain entry undetected would be to take out all the guards around the building simultaneously, which was an event that was surely impossible...

Except for this day.

An azure wind suddenly rushed around the palace, and before anyone could even begin to bring their arms to bear, they were unconscious on the ground. The wind raced back to the main entrance and resolved back into Sonic the Hedgehog.

"Fifty guys K.O.'ed in .045 seconds... Not bad. Not my record, but not bad at all," said Sonic, grinning as he nudged the body of a particularly burly hyena. Knuckles came up behind him and smacked Sonic upside the head.

"OW! What was that for?!" the hedgehog shouted, glaring at Knuckles.

"Three reasons. One, because I could. Two, you let your guard down too early. Three, you're showing off, and you need to settle down," said Knuckles evenly. Sonic grumbled under his breath, something about getting the echidna back later. Bunnie, Rotor, and the mouse girl came up a second later.

"What are ya'll dilly-dallyin' テ「竄ャヒ徨ound here for? Don't we gotta save Sally-girl and the others?" asked Bunnie.

"I reconfigured the GPS locator with some spare parts, and made it into a biolocator instead," said Rotor, fiddling with his handheld device.

"Uh... Care to explain that to those of us who don't speak mecha-dork?" asked Sonic, scratching his head. Rotor sighed heavily.

"This device can lock onto specific biosignatures... With it, I can locate the Princess's lifesigns, as well as the others. I just need you, Sonic, to run around the Palace three or four times, and it'll detect them. Then come back here, and we'll go to the rescue," said the walrus.

"And what about my friend?" asked the little mouse. Sonic looked down at her kindly.

"I'll do my best to find him too. I promise. And when Sonic the Hedgehog makes a promise, he keeps it," said the hedgehog, patting her on the head with a smile. The mouse nodded, smiling a little. Sonic took the biolocator from Rotor and vanished in a cloud of dust. It only took a few seconds before he skidded to a halt beside them once more, and handed the device back.

"It's got a bead on them! Looks like they're upstairs in the north-east part of the building!" said Rotor excitedly. Sonic grinned.

"What are we waiting for, then!" he said, picking up the mouse and letting her ride piggy-back as he raced up the stairs to enter the Palace.


Despite Sonic's speed, the immense size of the building and the narrow corridors had slowed his search significantly. The fact that he had to knock out a guard or servant every minute or two compounded the issue. As such, it took the Freedom Fighters almost an hour to reach a bedroom on one of the upper floors. Sonic almost sped right by it, but he heard a long, low moan that stopped him in his tracks, literally.

"Blaze! That was Blaze's voice! She's in pain!!!" said Sonic, gearing up to kick the door open. Right as he whipped his foot out, a gloved hand shot out and caught him by the ankle before he hit the door. Knuckles glared at Sonic.

"Do you WANT our friends to be hurt? Or do you want to be cautious and maybe LOOK in the room before barging in?" the echidna growled in a whisper. Sonic grumbled in irritation, but put his foot back on the floor. He pushed the mouse girl into a closet and whispered for her to stay there for her own safety until he called for her.

Then, carefully, he cracked the door open and all four Freedom Fighters peeked inside. What awaited them was just about the last thing they had ever expected to see.

The Prince was pumping into Tails' rear, his large paws on the tiny foxboy's hips. The kitsune did not seem to be in pain, but was apparently quite enjoying himself. Sonic had known about Tails' extra "gift" for years, having practically raised the kid himself. But as he watched the boy pump one of his massive nine-inchers into Sally's muff, he did not quite recall Tails ever saying he was THAT gifted. What's more, Sally was grinding against Blaze in a rather bizarre manner, which was somehow familiar to the hedgehog, but he could not quite place it. It was not as if she were rubbing her clitoris against Blaze's rump, but as if she were pumping in and out of the feline. It was only when Sally let out a high gasp and reared her hips back on Tails that he saw the long shaft jutting from her pelvis.

"...Okay, how the heck did I miss THAT the night before last?!" Sonic whispered in utter shock. Bunnie blinked.

"Oh mah stars... Ah wish Ah knew how AH missed that the night BEFORE the night before last!" she whispered, clutching her chest. There was a moment of very awkward silence as Sonic and Bunnie stared at each other. Resolving to have a very lengthy discussion... or a threesome, depending on how matters went, Sonic turned back to the door.

Blaze too had something extra, which she drove into Amy hard and fast, making the little girl give a muffled yelp with every pump of the feline's hips. Amy's own sizable length bounced off her stomach with every buck of her pelvis, drooling clear precum down her shaft. She was leaned over, suckling on a weasel that Sonic vaguely recognized as being someone he had passed on the streets of Al-Aquaba. The weasel groaned happily, his paw on the back of Amy's head, urging her on as she swirled her tongue around his tip.

The slaves, the Prince, and the slaver had fallen into a rhythm. The Prince would thrust forward, slamming his shaft into Tails as the fox bucked back against him, the gorilla's balls bouncing off the boy's rump. Tails would then shove forward into Sally, making her yelp and spasm around him, squeezing his lower shaft tight, while his upper member slid against the fur of her rear. Sally would pull off of him and thrust into Blaze, barely able to fit all twelve inches of her length into the cat. Blaze would slam into Amy, making her cock slap wetly against her stomach. Amy would bob her head on the slaver in time with the thrusts, doing her best to take as much of the weasel's cock into her throat as she could.

Sonic and the others watched in stunned silence, unable to act out of the sheer strangeness of the scene before them. The blue hedgehog felt his sheath begin to bulge against his will, and he knew that beside him, Rotor and Knuckles were struggling in the same manner. Bunnie fidgeted where she stood, obviously soaking wet between her thighs, but not willing to acknowledge it.

The train of Mobians pumped away at each other for a minute or two longer. Sonic watched as Amy's cock twitched hard and clear prespunk blasted the carpet under her. From the way the rest were moaning and shuddering, he deduced easily that the others were undergoing the same process.

"Why are they doing this? Why aren't they fighting or resisting?" asked Rotor quietly.

"They can't. Look at their eyes. They're completely unconscious of what they're doing. The mouse said that they were enslaved, body and mind, and I guess she meant it..." replied Knuckles.

Suddenly, the Prince spoke up and said something that Sonic did not quite catch. Whatever he had said seemed to have a massive effect on the hedgehog's entranced friends, because as one they practically screamed their delight and thrust hard against each other. Sonic watched as thick, white liquid poured out of his girlfriend's muff and more splattered over her back as his best friend's twin cocks gushed hard. More cum blasted out of Blaze's cleft, splattering the Princess's front as she unleashed her seed into the feline. Blaze likewise buried herself into Amy, and began to spray down the hedgehog's inner walls with her kittycream. Amy whimpered as her shaft jerked and lurched as it spurted hard and fast, her cum splattering her paws and the slaver's feet.

The weasel said something that Sonic could not hear, and the slaves mumbled back to him. They pulled free of each other with a wet pop that the eavesdropping hedgehog could easily hear from his vantage point, and gathered in a loose circle, each stroking their members. Tails' paws slid up and down his two penises, his tails swishing in time with his gushes. Sonic gasped at the sight of Sally's incredible length, and Bunnie couldn't help but press her fingers into the damp fabric of her leotard, caressing the treasure underneath. The Princess's shaft undulated as it pumped her spunk out in a singular long stream, hosing down her companions. Sonic could now see Blaze's cock clearly and watched in furtive fascination as her hood slid up and down over her tip and her cum splattered her breasts. Amy cried out in purest delight, her body shaking and trembling as she thrust her hips into her paws, and fired her thick spunk over her friends. A moment later, the Prince gave a guttural groan, pumped his penis once more, and spurted his semen hard and fast over the hypnotized harem. Alu joined his client a second later, and proceeded to direct his thick ropes of spunk over Sally in particular, making Sonic clench his fists in annoyance, while the hedgehog's shaft twitched in approval.

An almost literal rain of semen fell on the six Mobians, soaking their fur to the point where they were unrecognizable, their fur and hair stained uniformly white. Amy in particular looked like a glazed donut, covered in a thick coat of spunk. One by one, their climaxes ended, and they collapsed onto their backs panting for breath, basking in the afterglow. As Tails fell back, the last one to do so, Sonic decided to take action.

His foot lashed out fast enough to create a sonic boom as it impacted the door and knocked it clear off its hinges and across the room to embed itself in the wall. The other Freedom Fighters dashed into the room after him. Rotor pulled a small ray gun of some sort from his jacket and pointed it at the Prince, while Sonic and Knuckles both ganged up on Alu. Bunnie dashed over to Sally and the slaves and tried her best to snap them back to their senses. All four did their best to ignore the fact that three of them had raging erections and one had a soaked leotard as they went to work.

"You must be Alu, the Mind-Master... What did you do to our friends?!" Sonic asked angrily. Alu raised an eyebrow, not looking concerned at all.

"I made them into my... Well, technically, they're the Prince's slaves now. Simple matter for a slaver and magic user of my expertise. Maybe you might join them?" he said, almost cordially. The weasel reached over and snatched his book off the nightstand. It flipped open of its own accord as he began to chant quickly, his eyes beginning to glow bright yellow. Sonic, having been a victim of one too many mind control spells in his career, reacted on pure instinct, dashing forward and grabbing the spellbook in an instant.

"I am SICK AND TIRED of people casting spells on me! It's like every other freakin' week! Do you know how much of my memory is all cloudy and fuzzy because someone decided to muck around with my mind?!" Sonic fumed. He took a deep breath, ready to continue his tirade, but Knuckles smacked him upside the head once more.

"Rant later, save the girl now. M'kay?" said the echidna, looking almost bored. Sonic nodded, feeling a little sheepish.

"R-Right... Anyway, yeah, no spellcasting for you!" said the hero, as he took the spellbook in both hands. In one swift movement, he shredded the book in two. It is only due to Sonic's superspeed, that he had time to immediately regret that choice of action.

Instantly, with a blinding flash the spellbook detonated with the force of a very small bomb, sending Sonic flying across the room to slam into a wall hard enough to embed him an inch into the plaster. Alu likewise was sent across the room in the opposite direction. Bunnie and Rotor, showing great foresight as to their rash ally's intentions, had deployed a forcefield around themselves, Knuckles, the Prince, and their hypnotized friends. Sonic picked himself up off the ground as the dust cleared, groaning in pain.

"...Why... Oh, WHY do I always seem to forget that magical stuff テ「竄ャヒ徭plodes when you destroy it?" he asked, wincing. "How can my quills hurt? They don't have any nerves in them?"

"You forget, because you're an idiot, Sonic... Check on the slaver. We need to know where the mouse's friend is... Not to mention how to snap our friends out of their trances!" said Knuckles, in annoyance. Sonic staggered over to the slaver and dragged him up by his collar.

"Alright, bud. How do we get our friends back to normal?!" he asked angrily. It became immediately apparent that the slaver was in no condition to answer. His eyes were glazed over, and drool dripped from the corner of his muzzle. The weasel let out an incoherent moan.

"Ah, great. The explosion musta made his spell backfire and fried his brain," said Sonic, dropping the slaver, who fell into a heap at the hedgehog's feet. He ran over and took Sally from Bunnie, gently patting the entranced Princess's cheek.

"C'mon, Sally, can you hear me?" he asked, frowning deeply, looking more worried than any of the Freedom Fighters had seen him for a long time.

"Yes... I can hear you..." she mumbled dreamily.

"I need you to wake up for me, Sal... Snap outta it, please!" Sonic said urgently. Sally's eyes fell closed. Sonic opened his mouth to say something, but Sally suddenly gave a gasp and bolted up into a sitting position. Her eyes were completely different than before, now clear and focused, with a definite will behind them. Sonic opened his mouth to say something again, this time, smiling. Unfortunately for him, Sally's fist suddenly flashed out and slammed into his jaw, knocking him to the floor.

"GET OFF ME! I'LL BEAT THE SNOT OUTTA YOU, YOU STUPID..." shouted Sally angrily, before seeing where she was and who was with her. "...Huh?"

"OW! Sal, why'd you hit me?!" Sonic groaned from the floor. Sally looked down and gasped.

"Ohmygosh! I'm sorry, Sonic, I thought you were that weasel! Last thing I remember was him pinning me against a wall and his eyes started glowing... Then it's all kinda hazy," Sally said. Bunnie smiled and put her organic paw on Sally's shoulder.

"We'll explain what happened later, Sally-girl, but right now, we need ya to tell us if you remember how ya snapped out of that trance?" Bunnie asked. Sally thought.

"I dunno... I vaguely remember someone ordering me to snap out of it... So I did..." she said.

"...Why can't it always be that easy?" Rotor asked rhetorically.


Several minutes later, the other three Freedom Fighters were awakened from their trances in a similar manner. Thankfully, none of them belted Sonic, like Sally had. Sonic and the others explained what had happened to them. They left the Palace as quickly as they could, but not before leaving the Prince duct-taped to his throne, bloodied and bruised. They had found the mouse's friend in the kitchens on their way out and returned him to his senses, reuniting him with the grateful girl.

The Freedom Fighters had left Al-Aquaba, having completed their mission before the ordeal they went through. Amy and Tails, exhausted, were napping in the back of the plane. Rotor was piloting, while Blaze and Sally sat with Sonic, Knuckles, and Bunnie, discussing another situation...

"Uh, so care to tell me how I'm gonna get rid of this... *ahem* ...thing?" Sally asked, blushing deep enough for her cheeks to bruise, pointing down at her new sheath. Blaze joined her in blushing.

"As fun as it was having one of... ... those... ...I think. I'd rather go back to my normal self," said Blaze in agreement. Sonic sweatdropped.

"Uh... Well... I... kinda... destroyedthespellbookI'msorrypleasedon'tkillme!" whimpered the hedgehog, his words running together as he covered his head in anticipation of the beating to come. He peeked out from under his arms to see Sally and Blaze's eyes flaming in anger.

"You mean to tell me..." Sally began.

"We're STUCK like this?!" Blaze finished. Both women raised their fists, preparing to extract vengeance on the hedgehog, before Bunnie cleared her throat.

"Relax, sugah. Ah think killin' Sugah-hog here wouldn't be the smartest move. But Ah think Ah have the solution," she said, calmly. Blaze and Sally looked at her.

"The Sword of Acorns. It has the power to dispel magic, don't y'all remember? We'll use it on y'all, and y'all will be back to normal in no time," said Bunnie, grinning. "Even then, y'all might wanna reconsider, Sally-girl... Might be fun?"

Sally blushed deeply at Bunnie's comment, her face even redder than Knuckles' fur. Sonic's jaw dropped, completely speechless. The Princess waved her hand at Bunnie in a shushing motion. It was at that point, that Knuckles sneezed.

"Yah... Yah... YAHCHOO!!!!" he sneezed. Sally, Blaze, Tails, and Amy gave a loud shout of ecstasy, as Sonic, Rotor, Bunnie, and Knuckles' eyes went wide in shock...

The End?