The Forgotten Experiment: A new home (finale)

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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Shad opened his eyes and was blinded by the lights on the cieling. He sat up before his eyes grew in shock. He remembered dimming the lights. He looked down quickly, noticing he was still nude, and Molly was still beside him, asleep still on the couch. Damion had to be awake. Had he spotted them there together, naked and guilty? Shad looked around quickly, but Damion wasn't in sight. Instead he saw a note on the table beside him. He reached over and picked up the sticky and read its contents.

"Went to pick up breakfast, hope you two had a good night. It seemed like you did! :p". Shad blushed before letting it fall back to the table. He reached down and grabbed his boxers and jeans. Standing to put them on, he gave a long stretch and looked back to Molly. To his surprise, she was peeking at him with one eye and smiling. He acted as if not to notice. He put his shirt on and buttoned it up fixing the collar. "Good morning gorgous!" he finally said walking over to the projection computer. Molly's ears perked a little to the aknowledgement of his voice. "Good morning hun". She said sitting upright, and reaching down to her pants.

The green gridlike display beamed into the air and Shad activated the television set. He walked back over to the couch and sat down, throwing an arm over Molly's still exposed sides.

"So, now that the experiment is over Molly, what do you want to do?" Shad asked looking up at the TV. It was displaying the news and weather. Molly leaned over and put her head on his chest and nuzzled his neck.

"I want to stay...with you!" She said in a passionate tone. Shad smiled over to her and resumed watching the TV.

"Hehe...okay. I want that too." Shad said resting his head on hers.

A good ten minutes passed before a fimiliar bang came from upstairs. Shad quickly picked up Molly's sweater and handed it to her. She put it on as Shad sat up and focused his attention on the stairway. He heard another short bang and heard the tapping of footsteps coming down the stairs. Damion was carrying two big white sacks and he came towards the table. "Got us all breakfast, if you didn't already see my note..." Damion's face was different. Shad then noticed that he shaved off his beard. His face was young and smooth. It looked like he lost 5 years off his appearance. "...So, did you guys have a good night together?" he asked smiling, opening up one of the sacks. He pulled out a wrapper and began to tear it open. Shad and Molly both blushed and gave a small giggle before Shad reached over and grabbed the other sack of food.

Damion had gotten all of them Sausage biscuit sandwiches. And Shad was more than happy to accept it. He hadn't eaten since the morning before and the Pocky. But even as he devored at his food, he remembered Molly. She hadn't eaten since the last morning too. And he was sure that the treats he'd gotten her weren't much. Molly took her wrapper and picked at it curiously. " I open this?" She said. Shad sat his sandwich on his knee and reached over to assist her. She was still getting used to her new lingements. She'd not yet utilized her fingers to their full usage. Which was normal he thought. After all, having paws for as long as she did, it was really different having a posable thumb. Shad and Damion both finished up their food. Molly however, was still chewing at hers. It was different having a newly shaped mouth as well. But she was doing well, eating a little easier as she kept going at it.

Everyone finished and awake, Damion brought the office chair over next to the table and kicked back, bumping his foot in a rythme. Shad looked over to him with his arm around Molly.

"So, what are you going to do now? Are you thinking about getting a place to live?" he asked curious on the matter.

"Well, actually...I'm thinking about staying here. I've got a mattress, food storage, running water, electricity, everything I need to live. And besides, now I've got you as company." he said looking up to the cieling.

"Hehe...that's great, but in my opinion, I think this lab get's sorta lonely after a while." Shad said with a grin.

"Yeah, I think so too. But hey, it's free. And besides, if I get lonely I'll just head into town. Your close by aren't you? Your school is just up the road a ways isn't it?" He asked spinning around in the chair.

"Yep, I live in the small suburb a little out of the town. It's only a skip and a hop from the main road though. So yeah, I guess we could hang out sometime" Shad said smiling.

"That's great I'd appreciate it kid! But I'm curious, what are you and Molly going to do?" He asked leaning forward in his chair.

Shad looked over to Molly and smiled before looking back at Damion. "I think I'm going to let her stay with me". Damion looked at him, raising a brow in confusion. "Don't you think that people will find her...well...different?" he asked leaning back. Shad gave Damion a grin and pulled Molly a little closer. "Nah, hell...we're all different. I'm sure she'll fit in after a while. They'll just get used to her". Damion smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah, your right".

Shad stood up and signalled Molly to follow. They walked over to the staircase. He grabbed his fleece and threw it on. Raising his arm allowing the fleece to slide down, he checked his watch. It was 9:24 AM. Shad remembered, he was really at a friends house this morning according to his cover story. "Well, It's time for us to head out...I've gotta head over to my friends house to clear some stuff up." he said placing a foot on the step. "Hold up! Where is this place?" Damion asked looking over to him. "Well, it's toward town...why?" Shad replied. Damion pointed over to a steel door on the wall. Shad hadn't noticed it before, he had been too overwelmed with everything else. "Use that door. It'll take you to the field quicker if town is where your heading". Shad walked back over toward the door and pulled the lever up. The door gave a light hiss as it came open. "Just follow that tunnel untill you reach another door. That will take you into a cave that leads out to the field." Damion said waving. Shad smiled to him and waved back, walking into the tunnel. Molly walked past him and waited for him to continue. "See ya later Damion, I'll make sure to stop by sometime!" he said closing the door and pushing back down on the lever.

Another door could be seen on the wall as Shad and Molly approached the entrance to the cave. "So...what do we do at your friends house?" Molly asked walking beside of him. "Well, I figure I'll introduce you to him and call home. I want to make sure that I let mom know I'm where I said I'd be." he replied, approaching the door and grasping the handle. It was freezing cold. Lifting up on it he opened it to reveal a slight darkness on the other side. Molly walked out behind him and he shut the door, enveloping them in darkness. A faint light could be seen ahead, and that meant the exit wasn't very far now. A cold wind blew throught the cave as they continued up to the entrance. It wasn't snowing at all. Matter in fact, after getting out of the cave, it was sorta warm. Shad looked over to Molly and then to the field.

They'd come out of the cave and were now at the beginning of the fence. Actually, they were really close to Alex's house. It was only down the road about a quarter mile. Both Shad and Molly made their way to the fence and began to climb. Shad made it over to the other side, but forgot to check on Molly. He turned to see her placing her hand in the gaps of the chain links. "Put your feet in the gaps and climb up using your hands" He said moving his hands in a climbing motion. Molly started up and amazingly she was moving fast. She threw her legs over the side and dropped, landing firmly on the ground. "Wow, that was really good Molly!" Shad said holding out his hand to her. She held his hand and they began walking again. "Yeah, but as you may know, I'm better off my feet" she said giving him a wink. "hehe...yeah" Shad said blushing. The two of them walked on along the road, heading toward Alex's house.

Shad knocked on the door and instantly heard thumping. Alex opened the door, moving his black bangs from his eyes. "What's up Shad, nice to..." He stopped seeing Molly. Shad gave Alex a bump on the arm and smirked. "...well...come in" He said standing aside. Shad and Molly walked in and sat down in the living room. "You guys want some hot chocolatte? It's gotta be cold outside" He asked walking towards the kitchen. "Nah, I'm good, what about you?" he asked turning to Molly. She looked at him and shook her head in refuse. "No, we're good I guess". Alex walked back in and sat on the chair next to Shad. He gave Molly another curious look and leaned over to Shad.

"Hey, who's the pretty fox Chick?" He whispered to him

"Her name is Molly, and she' girlfriend.." Shad replied smiling.

Molly looked over to Shad and smiled. She laid her head to his shoulder.

"Hey, I've gotta use your phone real quick. We've got to head back home, but I need to call home".

"Sure, and your welcome for the cover by the way" He said handing Shad his cell phone.

"Oh, thanks man, it means alot to me that you covered for me. I really had a tough time work.....uhmm...yeah, that" Shad said dialing his house. Alex rolled his eyes and stood up walking into the kitchen. The phone rang...but nobody picked up. He simply got the answering machine. Shad flipped the phone closed and sat it on the table. Alex walked back in the room, holding a bag of potatoe chips. He handed them to Shad and smiled. Shad stood up and walked to the door, Molly following close behind. "Well I hate to burst in and then leave, but I've got to go." He said opening the door. Hang on, I'm gonna grab my keys..." Alex said running over to the counter. He picked up a silver keychain and ran back to the door and out with them. Alex owned a black Camaro. It was fairly new, and he took good care of it. Shad opened the passenger door and reclined the seat forward and allowed Molly to get in. He got in behind her, reaching up he shut the door and reclined the seat back. Alex Started up the car and the rumble of the engine came in revs as he pressed the petal. He shifted into reverse and pulled out onto the road. He then started down, heading into town.

In the back of the car, Molly layed her head on Shad's shoulder and held his arm close. Shad stroked along her arm as she nuzzled him. She looked up and kissed him on the cheek. Shad looked down and smiled at her. He quickly looked up and checked in the mirror to see if Alex was staring. He was focused on the road though. Shad slyly snuck his hand to her leg and rubbed up to her waistline. Keeping an eye on the front mirror, he slid his hand into her pants and felt her exposed clit. She bit her lip slightly to the tease of Shad's fingers. He allowed his hand to creep lower and he slid a finger into her, caressing her warm petals softly. She began kissing his arm in return, trying not to let out the moans of pleasure she had. Alex looked up in the mirror and Shad saw his eyes. He stopped moving, wondering if he'd seen him playing with her. Alex focused back on the road though. So Shad figured he hadn't seen him. He continued, allowing his finger to slip deeper into her. She bucked her hips lightly and let out a small moan. It was however drown out by the sound of the motor. Shad kissed her hair as he continued. He felt her walls squeez at his touch and she moaned and shook as she came to a warm climax. Shad felt her juices come onto his fingers. He pulled out of her clit slowly, trying not to be too sudden. The air began to smell sweet. Alex's expression changed to a curious look.

They pulled up to the front of Shad's house.Shad reclined the seat and opened the door, getting out and allowing Molly to as well. Alex smiled and looked over to Shad. He signalled him to come. Shad held up a finger for Molly to hang on. He walked over to Alex's window and crossed his arms. "Thanks for taking me home man, I'll have to call you sometime." Shad said. "Yeah, and uhmm....hehe...good going with your foxy friend there" he replied giving him a wink. "I saw what you guys did there...I just didn't wanna say anything". Shad blushed and looked up, knowing he was guilty. "You saw that huh, hehe...well, yeah I guess we have our moments." he said looking over to Molly. Alex looked toward the backseat and then back to Shad. "Yeah, the stain on the seat tells me the same thing!" he said with a laugh. Shad laughed before backing up. "Take care Alex, drive safe!" Shad said waving. "You too!" Alex replied, backing up and driving off down the street.

Shad sat down on the recliner and Molly sat on his lap. "So, now what?" Molly asked rubbing at Shad's chest. "Well Molly, go ahead and make yourself confy. What's mine is yours and what's yours is yours!" he giggled. Molly looked at him with her sapphire eyes and kissed him. "Thank you Shad...for everything" she said breaking the kiss and hugging him close. "Welcome to your new home babe!" he said rubbing her back. Shad heard a the door click from across the room and it opened. Molly quickly arose from Shad's lap and watched. Shad Stood up and walked toward the door. His mother walked in and sat her purse on the counter. "Hi Shad, your home early" she said giving him a hug. "And who's your friend. She looks awfully cu..." she paused, seeing Molly standing across from her. "Mom, she's a little different okay. She's a really nice girl though, please don't stare" Shad whispered to her. Molly smiled and walked over to Shad's mother. She held out a hand to her. "Hi, I'm shad's girlfriend...Molly"! Shad's mother held out a hand and shook hers. "Shad, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend" She said looking back to him. "I uhmm....well...her she is..." he said putting his arm around Molly. "...and she's beautiful". Shad's mother smiled and walked into the kitchen and looked around in the cabinet.

"So, Mom...Is it alright....Molly is going to stay with me for a little that okay with you?" Shad asked with his thumbs snapped in his pockets. "I don't see why not, after all, She is a beautiful young girl. She might look a little different, but if you truly love her, it doesn't matter." She said flipping over the burgers on the stove. "Thanks mom, love you!" Shad said giving her a hug. "Oh now....I thought we were all grown up...since when do you still "love me"?" she said laughing. Shad rolled his eyes and walked back into the living room. He looked over to Molly and signalled her to follow. She stood up and they walked up to his room. Shad shut the door and Molly walked over to his bed. She sat on it and Shad joined at her side.

They then lied back, side to side and commenced repeated passionate kisses. Shad caressed at her sides and down to her legs. She reached down and undid her pants, pulling them down and off. Then raised up her shirt. Shad did the same and pulled Molly closer to him, her soft breasts pressing against his chest. "You remember how you told me to make myself confy?" Molly said pushing Shad to his back. "Y...yeah" Shad stuttered. Molly put her leg over Shad and raised her hips over his hardening member. "I think I figured out what I want" She said lowering her hips, her moist flesh taking in Shad's tip. They moaned softly as she lowered herself, mounting him. She began rising and bringing her hips down slowly on his, his cock sliding inside her warm, slick passage. He placed his hands on her hips and thrusted up to match her pace. She moaned quicker feeling herself coming to a quick climax. Her walls clenched around his penis and her sexual fluids rushed past him. The warmth and the spasms from Molly's orgasm were amazing, but he tried to restrain himself from reaching his peak.

He continued thrusting up into Molly as she layed forward, kissing him. He wrestled her tongue playfully as they continued passionate kisses. Shad thrust harder and faster, feeling himself come to his climax. He gave a hard, deep thrust up and held it as he shot hot streams of cum into her. He smiled and closed his eyes as his pulses of seed exhausted. He gave another passionate kiss to Molly. She moaned deeply as she kissed him, feeling his warm liquid inside her. She looked deep into his eyes and he returned her gaze. "I love you Shad, with all my heart" She said hugging him. Shad put his arms around her back and rubbed up and down. "I love you too Molly, more than anything! I'm sure what lies ahead will be exciting too" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek. She lifted off of him gently and layed beside of him. Shad looked down to see his cock glistening with their juices. He smiled and put his arm around her and closed his eyes. They both fell into a light nap as they shared loving embrace to one another.


The Forgotten Experiment is finally accomplished. Molly has found a new home with Shad. What does their future hold in store for them? Find out in the next series.


Authors note: "Thanks everyone for the time you've taken to read and enjoy my series! I really enjoyed the ride with writing the series. I hope you all had a great time reading and being a part of "The Forgotten Experiment"! Thank you again, and I wish you all the best in your explorations. And remember, even things that seem rediculous and impossible can be accomplished. For as long as your willing to put forth effort and take care into the matter, anything is possible. As long as you believe, you can achieve!" ~Your writing friend -Neofox =^,..,^=