Two Hunters and a Blissful Dream

Story by Vex on SoFurry

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#3 of The Life of Ven: a human slave

(and part three!)

With a groan Krista slowly opened her eyes. "What the hell happened?" she murmured to herself, sitting up. For some reason she felt pleasantly warm inside, and her leather seemed to be sticking to her thighs.

Then memories began flooding back into her mind. "That human did something to me..." Krista said to herself, "but what was it? I remember his tongue against my stomach, then nothing..." She glanced down, wondering what on earth was making her leather stick so bad.

"Wait...why am I half naked?" She yelped, as her large breasts were now hanging without any support. She hurriedly put her paw into her shorts, hoping to understand. "That' cum...Oh shit I hope that isn't supposed to explain my missing top."

Krista glanced over to her side and saw that Rachel was knocked out as well. "She's out cold too" Krista said, examining Rachel closer. Then she caught sight of what Rachel was missing. "Oh goddess above I did not need to see that." She moaned, shielding her eyes with a paw as she caught sight of Rachel's nether lips, laid bare for the entire world to see.

Krista sniffed at herself, then Rachel taking large whiffs from her strong nostrils. "Good," she said as she finished her search, "I don't smell his mating scent anywhere, so he's a thief but at least he ain't a pervert." She stood up on her feet, and shook the dirt from her fur. "Get up Rachel! We need to get dressed and restocked; if we hurry we can get our stuff back form that human." She yelled, giving the bear girl a kick in the ribs.

Rachel simply yawned wide and turned over; sleeping off the concussion the human gave her. Krista growled audibly. "Damn it, we don't have time to sleep. Looks like I have to drag her to the cabin so I can dump water on her." With that she turned her back to Rachel and picked up her legs with each arm. Then she pulled her across the forest floor.

"How are you so damn heavy?" Krista panted as she yanked Rachel along. The cabin came in sight and Krista cheered to herself, speeding up. Unfortunately as she did she ran into a low hanging branch and fell backward, her head landing directly between Rachel's legs.

"Mmm what's going on?" Rachel slurred, waking up. "Oh crap." Krista muttered.

"Krista!?" Rachel yelled, waking up completely now, "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Krista pushed herself up and brushed herself off, blushing furiously beneath her fur. "Trying to drag your ass to the cabin 'cause not even the apocalypse could wake you up!" She yelled back.

Rachel got up to, and had a blush as great as Krista's. "What does putting your head there have to do with that?" She shot back. "I tripped ok!" Krista said, turning her back to Rachel, her tail twitching in irritation as she walked to the cabin.

Rachel grunted and got up. "When is Jared going to get here with our rations anyway?" She muttered to herself, referring to the anthro-jackal that brought them supplies so they wouldn't have to go into town. "He's always a good lay, even if he does talk a bit too much. Of course if Krista decided to go Bi like me the whole problem would go away."

She then glanced down at her naked lower body. "I may be close to convincing her though depending on what she has to say on the location of my shorts."


"I'm going to release soon!" Ven cried. The Kangaroo girl who had his cock in her mouth took it out and looked up at him. "Stop worrying about me." She reprimanded him, "I want to show you what true pleasure is."

With that she pushed his erect, seven inch cock back into her mouth, sucking it greedily and rubbing her tongue against the tip.

They were in his cell; and he had just finished his "duties" as Shazeem's slave. The Kangaroo girl in question was a tall anthro, light brown fur covering her entire body. She had dark brown hair that fell past her ears, pierced with golden hoops, and her eyes were a deep gold.

Currently she and Ven we're naked, his cloth tossed aside and her uniform with it.

She was kneeling between Ven's legs, and had her head bent down as she took his entire member into her mouth. Her tongue was working non-stop as she sucked his cock hard, and she felt his cock quiver in response, he really was going to cum soon.

Almost on cue Ven groaned and began to buck against her mouth as he released jets of semen into her mouth. With a wide, white stained smile she tossed her head back, swallowing the fluid he had poured into her. "Yum!" She said, licking her lips.

Ven chuckled and said, "Want me to give you one as well?" The Kangaroo girl suddenly looked uncomfortable then; she lifted her head up and spoke softly. "Actually I would love it...but I don't want you to think you have to, Shazeem forces you to do it enough."

Ven simply smiled. "You'd also think by the end of the day I'd be far to exhausted to do this, but I can. It's because of you, my love that I feel I can survive this imprisonment, knowing I'll have your love to come to. You're my lover, Shazeem is my rapist, and I think you deserve it far more than she."

She blushed deeply and moved forward, brushing her breasts against his chests as she brought her head to his. Then she kissed him deeply, pressing her long tongue into his mouth. "If you want to as well...Then I have no choice but to let it happen." She said gently to him.

She then turned around, and lifted her tail, her vagina easy for him to see. He tilted his head up, and pushed his tongue into her slit, licking all along her inner walls. She moaned loud and pressed herself a little more against his face, and he took it encouragingly.

Pressing his hands against her beautiful rump he licked all over her passage. As he pushed his tongue as far as it could go he brushed against her clits. She moaned again, her fluid beginning to slowly flow against his tongue. As he did he felt himself growing erect once more, and not missing a beat his lover shoved into her mouth again.

Now in a sixty nine position they both moaned as they pleased one another orally. Somehow they were so in sync that they both came at the same time, her vaginal orgasm gushing into his mouth, whilst his orgasm shot into her throat.

He swallowed down her fluids and gazed lovingly at her as she laid down, closing her eyes.He turned and crawled next to her, cuddling up close. The kangaroo girl smiled and hugged him close, warming him with her bare body.

He wrapped his arms around her as well and smiled up at her, he knew she would be gone before we woke up, so she wouldn't get caught, but he didn't care. He had her now and that was good enough, he thought snuggling into her fur.

The kangaroo girl sighed happily, and said, "I love you James."

"And I love you, my dearest Ariona." The human replied before he fell asleep.


A fly suddenly landed on Ven's nose and he woke up with start. He glanced around and recognized his surroundings. He was in a tree, sleeping in a small bed he made for himself on a giant branch. With a sigh he climbed down, coming down on his feet.

As he came down some of his clothing caught on the branches, this was no surprise though, we was dressed pretty baggy. Anthros had a tendency to be much bigger than him.

The wolf girl's top came to his belly button, and the bear girl's shorts down to his ankles, both extremely loose. The boots were a good fit to his relief and he could handle much more traveling.

"Can't make many more breaks." Ven muttered, "I've gotta get over those mountains soon." As he hiked through the forest, coming close to the mountains his mind went back to the dream he had just had. That had been his first sexual act with Ariona...It had been so wonderful, so unlike the torture Shazeem gave him everyday.

She was gone now though, and he would not rest easily until Shazeem paid hell for it. Ven marched on, more determined than ever.


(Comments on those one would be loved as well!)