Pokémon: Children of Creation: Prologue: Jubilife Nights

Story by Kaminari Kitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of Josh Bureon

This is the story of a young boy named Joshua Bureon (Josh or Jab to his friends). He lives in Jubilife city in the Sinnoh region and is just your average person. Or so he thought...

Most tense "errors" are planned, so don't compain (sorry). A bit more serious than my other work, I'm venturing from my safe zone of childlike plotlines and themes. Sorry for my extended hatuis, my parents just found out that I'm a fur, and on top of the Star Wars hype, I haven't been able to log on (grounded from my tablet and banned the site from my browser) bug I'm back now, and able to post once and a while again

"Trainer id 45831. Please come forward." The cop was cold, calculating. "You are under arrest for murder and pokémon abuse." I was sweating profusely now. I hadn't committed these crimes, of course, but the corrupt cops of Jubilife don't care. That's cops, mind you, not police. The police care very much, but as with any population, there are a few good people in the JCPD, and many more bad ones. Thus the distinction between 'cops' and 'police'. "Hand over your pokedex and your pokeballs, as well as your trainer id." The cop's voice grew softer here. "Josh Bureon, it will be much easier for you if you didn't resist."

"I didn't do anything though!" I said. "I have never killed anyone, and you can ask any of my pokémon, I would never hurt them!"

The Jolteon by my side nodded her head. Master Josh would never hurt me, or any of us. "Shhhh..... Jolteon, remember, the average human can't understand you. What we need is a Pokémon translation device." At this point I turned to the cop. "Doesn't the average police officer carry one around?"

"That we do, criminal," she said, her voice full of loathing. "But I won't be taking advise from a murderer's closest friend, as that would definitely fuck our evidence"

"Then take it from the Pokémon who hates me most, my Absol!" I pleaded desperately. "He absol-lutly despises me!" Smartass to the end, that's me.

"Your Absol is of no concern to me. You're going to jail." Her voice hinted at slight touch of humor. Her mouth, however, betrayed none. No smile, not even a hint of one.

Master, just go quietly. I will be fine. Angie interjected. (Angie is my jolteon. She is a bit resentful of my parents for giving her the name, so I just call her Jolteon or Jolty.) Given the circumstances, I did. There was a fifty percent chance that the judge wasn't immoral or payed off. If they were, I could escape prison. Already have, once or twice. I'm just lucky that the cops can't report arrests or imprisonments under false terms without being fired, so no one up top knows that I'm in, let alone broken out. I let the cop cuff me, hiding all pokeballs in my coat, except for Angie's, who has already been seen. I have a zoroark, capable of hiding itself and the rest of the pokeballs if the trial doesn't go my way, so I'm not worried. Besides, there is the other way.... Anyways, to make a long car ride short, I came quietly, got sentenced to death, and had my license taken away. My four Pokémon got caught, and Zanna..., My baby eevee, Angies daughter.... She was beaten in front of me, just for my reaction. These cops were just... cruel. Cruel as Giratina and Darkarai. Papa! Mama! Master Jab! Help me! She ssquealed The cops didn't understand a word, but they got the gist. They smirked at her pain, hitting her with clubs on her delicate skin, inflicting bruise apon bruise, each more painful than the last. "I'm so sorry, Zanna..." I whispered to her. "I can't help you...." I felt so-so helpless... Unable to help anyone or anything I love. At the mercy of these... These Hypocritical assholes who charge me for a crime and then make the evidence themselves! My hopelessness turned to rage as I said the last part aloud and that's when it happened. My eyesight glowed with a blue energy. AI felt a falling sensation. Then the next thing I know, I was back on the street and the next thing I heard was "Trainer id 45821. Please come forward."

"No. You won't get me! I have seen what you do to Pokémon! I'm not coming quietly," I said, rising in tone and speed as I backed away.

The cop pulled out her radio. "We have ourselves a runner. Converge on Sagemont and Lucario. Move, move move!"