Catch a Heat, Win a Heart

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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A coming of age tale about two male/female Vulpix twin siblings...

"Catch a Heat, Win a Heart" The higher pitched voice of a young female Vulpix happily sounded in the air as two forms sporting crimson, orange and white fur darted through the forest one after the other. "Hehehe! No fair! No fair!" The fire and fox type Pokémon went on to giggle before then complaining as her older brother pounced upon her lower back and dragged her fleeing haunches to the dirty leaf strewn floor below. "Gotcha..."  He gently whispered under his breath, his voice just barely audible to his sister and seeming somehow distracted. "What's the matter?! You don't seem to be very much into the chase today...  It's kind of strange of you it is... Aren't you having fun? I know! Let's play hide and hunt instead! Okay?! I'll hide first, and then you come and hunt me down! Just like always, alright? You stay here! I will go hide! Me first! Then you next! Got it?! Okay?! Okay..."  Recomposing herself onto all four paws and turning around to face her brother, she excitedly explained the new game they would be playing together instead, before then swiftly jumping upwards with her forelegs and pushing with into him all the force she could muster against his chest and side; causing his body to stumble backwards and hide his vision from his sister as she darted off in a random direction, unseen. "No looking! Close your lids tight!" She proceeded to bark at him as her voice trailed off and faded in turn with her disappearing form amongst the trees. Although her brother always claimed to be older than her, these two Vulpix were in fact twins and practically joined at the hip; as they always, always, always played everything together and were always, always rough and tumble with one another as well, it was something good for general training to be so very physical and always keeping each other on guard they thought!  But today this male vulpine's body and senses were telling him something was off and very different...  His sister's touch was affecting him, somehow...  Something he couldn't guard against at all...  The two spots on his chest where she had just pushed against him were glowing with a kind of warmth that told him to follow after her for reasons other than the game she just initiated with him. It felt powerful... His lower belly stirred with an odd kind of pressure too...  It all felt nagging and begged to be dealt with in a kind of odd way...  But... Maybe he just had to pee? Not giving any thought as to his sister's whereabouts just yet, this young agitated male fox opted to scurry behind the closest nearby tree in attempt to make water and relieve himself; yet no relief was found... Only a short stream and a few scarce droplets escaped from his member's end before he then peered down between his hind legs to find a stark flash of pink flesh protruding amongst the creamy white fur of his underbelly; and his heart itself did seem to even sink into the area he was looking at as he became vividly aware of his mating tool for the first time and all of his attention was brought there. The maturing kitsune swallowed hard as he gazed blankly onwards in thought, and yet physically transfixed on this strange part of his as he tried to register everything; this new revelation greeted him in such a familiar but foreign way which he couldn't quite put his foredigit on...  Closing his eyes down, he began to take slow and deep inhalations through his nose and gentle exhales through his mouth in attempt to calm and slow himself down; a meditative technique passed down to him by his often Ninetales father which can be used to better be in touch with one's inner fire and control it before you summon it all upwards for an attack, his efforts now only seemed to fuel all of the sensations he was encountering all the more in an uncontrollable way...  A special kind of warmth burning even worse inside his body now as he could really begin to distinguish a distinct smell wafting through the air with each heavy breath; It was subtle... Sweet... Savory...  Indescribable... Alluring... And he now recognized it as belonging to his sister... The young male thought back to earlier, to when he and his sister had first begun playing one of their most favorite of favorite games in the world, 'catch me if you can', and he realized that this was the very same scent he had encountered soon after starting to play it with her; it was back then that the overwhelming aroma had come to first hit him like a fervent wall of female flame, only he still wasn't trained about such areas and knew not of the vixen fruits and what they had to offer as they engulfed and tempted him... The whole situation had seemed beyond his comprehension as sensations and feeling were settled deeper still within him, and now he knew, at least, that indeed the scent was coming from his sister; as even as she may have left to go and hide, she left behind a distinct thread of her feminine presence lingering in her brother's snout that seemed all too easy to track as he gently began pacing towards her location in deep thought and even deeper feeling. Pure emotion gripped the adolescent six-tails with an ever increasing warmth as he further progressed and motioned towards what seemed to be the cause of this heat source being stirred within him; and soon he finally did find his sister curled as tightly as possible and hiding with her head encased within her tails, her form compacted in a little furry ball behind a random shrub. "Found you..." Is all the male vulpine could manage to utter as he stared onwards at his vixen-sister; his voice once more unenthused as to hide his current state inside as much as possible as he struggled to come to terms with what it all meant, his lower insides and heart itself seemed to bounce and stir with an unbridled enthusiasm all its own now that he was so very close to her again. "Kyaa! I wasn't! Err--! I mean! Hi!" Was the startled response he received as she unfurled her plethora of tails from hiding her tender undersides and head before him; only to reveal her terribly wetted crotch area for a brief moment before she was able to awkwardly scramble onto all four paws and compose herself. "It's...  It's all...  Wet..."  Her brother stammered, visibly panting heavy now as he slowly moved towards her standing body. "You saw?! Well I... I mean... That is... I was... Hey what are you doi--! Hey!"  Was all the female kit could manage to reply with as her twin casually walked by her side, where he then proceeded to stick his snout between her hind legs and sniff and snort before finally licking against her there in that special place; absorbing her scent so immensely with his snout, he couldn't help but be spurred on to suddenly taste as well.  "What do you think you're doing..! Only I... Only I can clean myself there..."  The little vixen went on to protest, but didn't physically move away from her brother's lapping touch against her crotch as his tongue repeatedly stroked and danced against the area; periodically contacting her inflamed vulva as the sensation soothed and pleasured her like nothing else before. "Nnn...!" The cub whined in pleasure as finally her brother's licker was felt sliding directly into her exposed vaginal flesh and parting her slit again and again, not being able to help but hump a little bit into her twin's snout and end of his muzzle as he took her tasty flavors there and gave her his awesome touch in turn; but then she slowly began stepping her hind-legs away and to the side, denying him access from doing so anymore. "I ca-- I can't... ... I can't let you do that..."  She went on to say before then bolting and running away from him back into the forest. "I'm sorry..!" The vixen finally finished in a desperate kind of crying tone before disappearing out of view once more amongst the trees. Once more the male Vulpix stood alone and dumbfounded as he huffed and panted in an enflamed kind of passion he was still becoming accustomed, and curiously his muzzle's lips as well as the end of his tongue seemed to tingle and gently vibrate with the flavor of his twin sister's nether regions; to him it tasted like a new variety of honey that was both fiery and intoxicating, and he wanted to sample more.  He couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to continue letting him explore her and play with her like that after she seemed to enjoy the action so very much...  They always explored all of the new things together with one another! Couldn't she feel the excitement he was feeling about all of this?  Still, there was no sense of urgency or care as to how far she may have gotten away from him, her special scent was one he felt he could track for miles upon miles away, and still, the aroma called to him so very wantingly... Soon the kitsune was brought out of his ponderings and feelings and back to physicality by the light thumping sensation of something between his hind legs; and as he peered down to view the area, he found there was even more pink exposed and showing there...  His male tool dancing and begging an unknown question, the nagging need of it all caused him to move his rump and begin sprinting in the direction of his sister's new and enticing scent; finally gathering a bit more of his composure and sense of self now, he thought of what he could possibly say to her, and to maybe apologize for doing something he shouldn't have done by licking her on her pee-hole, since she didn't seem to like it in the end... "Hello! I can smell you!  I know you're close! I'm sorry! I just...  I don't know... I'm sorry..." Vulpix awkwardly shouted as he ran into a decent sized clearing nearby, knowing she could hear him but not getting a perfect visual fix on her yet. "Hi..! It's alright... I know you were just... I mean, that is... ... It's okay..."  His sister appeared out from behind the only rock able to hide her body just a few Rattata lengths away, and tried to formulate some kind of coherent words to give to him as best she could as she slowly walked towards him in deep thought; avoiding eye contact all the while doing so, she finally reached him and lovingly wrapped her right foreleg around his neck as she told him 'It's okay... Really...'. He embraced her in turn as he wrapped his right foreleg and paw around her own neck, and a short while passed before his maw began to motion a statement: "I love you...", but nothing was verbally sounded...  The words were dry and did not vibrate for anyone to hear. "What was that?"  She gently asked, seeming to see his muzzle lips move out of the corner of her eye; and then she finally moved her gaze upwards to meet his, making direct eye contact with him as both of their hearts seemed to melt with one another's on a profound kind of level, somehow part of them both knew what was to become of their relationship and be realized today... "I love you..." He told her with more conviction and feeling than he had ever heard another living being use when confessing their love to one another before; even more than their mother and father he thought, as these words rang in the air and rang so very true to him in his core. "I... I love you..." She gently replied, shifting her vision a bit to instead stare at him out of the corners of her eyes as her gazed then quickly shifted back and forth slightly, like she was processing a thought or recovering a memory. "But we can't! We can't do 'that'! We're not supposed to!" "Do what?" Her twin innocently questioned." "... You mean you really don't know?" She questioned as she broke their four-legged hug and paced around to his side and spied the protruding male flesh that was still exposed and lightly bobbing again and again against his lower stomach.  "You don't know what that's for..?" "I don't know!" He responded, blushing in embarrassment over her seeming to know more about his own body than he did... "I just know that I love you! That's all! And... And that I feel that I love you and want to be with you like never before now! I don't know, it's kind of hard to explain... But..! I'm sorry that I licked you where I shouldn't! I thought I was just following my instincts like we always do, but maybe it wasn't right what I did... I can fight them for you if that's what you want, and just! I just want to do everything together with you like we always have, and do it forever really... It's what I feel! Please don't be mad..." "Hehehe..." His sister sweetly giggled, her voice giving beautiful reassurance as he couldn't help but instantly smile upon hearing it become captured by his furry triangles atop his head. "You're such a goof..." She went on to say before walking back around to his front side and wrapping her foreleg once again around his neck to hug him; staring into his eyes as he returned the gesture, another short while passed between them before she closed her eyes and deeply sighed.  "Mother told me never to do such things with you..." "What things?" He responded. "It's called "mating"." She told her brother as he intently focused and listened. "And it's when a male and female type Pokémon rubs or licks one another at their respective places between their hind legs...  I caught mother and father doing it all a few weeks ago, but she noticed me, and then oh Kitsunes above did I get a talking to after that..." "Mating... I see..!" "Yup! And then... Mother... Well she told me not to discuss the matter at all with you...  That father would do that for you at some point...  And that she didn't want me getting any ideas? She said... She said that she knows how you and I always play so very much together and she knows what we're like and how close we are with one another? She said, that we seem to have a closer bond than any other two Pokémon she has known and she just had a strange feeling about it all... And that that's why she said what she said... But... Well...  She's right! And I trust you more than anything else...  Elders are always such sticks in the mud! I love you! You, you, you!" The blossoming female Vulpix went on to explain and proclaim, taking great pause and care in her speech as she confessed her love once more; she then playfully leaned into her brother's body to knock him the ground so that he was laying on his side, and she laid onto her stomach before him; furthermore then licking him right on the muzzle lips, sending shivers of loving electricity into both of their bodies. "So she told me not to play such mating games with you... And yeah, to not tell you about it at all... That mating was something reserved for much older Pokémon, and reserved for someone who wasn't your brother..!  She really stressed that...  And that I wouldn't be allowed to do such things myself until I was a Ninetales even! And that... ..." Before she could continue, her brother began licking and licking at her muzzle lips; the feelings and sensations within him not allowing him to hear another word, his mind had been made up. "Let's play mating..." He paused his tonguing affections to tell her. "I...  Yes... Let's play it... I love you, and that's all that matters, I feel... And I will always trust you before anyone else! Even mother and father... Because you're my twin, and it's our special connection we have!" She agreed. "You just smell... So lovely... So amazing..." Her brother hummed, seeming to give permission to all of his instincts and most inner feelings once more as the scent of his sister's in season vixen-hood called to every bit of him that was male. "Oh it's..! It's called being hot, mother said... When you're a female of age, you come into a heat, and then you are 'hot' to all of the males, so you have to not let them near you...  She told me to come and tell her right away if I feel like it's happening to me, so that she could take me away some place secluded and keep me protected...  Well, I felt the hots come into me this morning, but I still wanted to play with you...  When you caught me earlier, I was licking myself there because I realized it felt so good to so... But then it felt even better when... When you... ... Oh my Kitsunes above..."  The little Vulpix attempted to explain everything further before her brother got tired of listening, and padded around to her hindquarters to begin licking at the very spot she was referring to directly from behind her; taking note of how her genitals were moved slightly upwards as well from where they normally were positioned on her, he thought maybe this was something that happened to change a female when they were playing mating, just like how his pee-parts behaved differently as well. "I love you..." She confessed to him once more, her heart glowing with a deep kind of security and comfort as this time her emotional inhibitions and restraints had been entirely released and she allowed her brother to explore and play with her body however he will; and then she leaned her body over on  the grassy floor of their little clearing in the woods in order to lay on the left side of her body, her right hind leg lifting up into the air slightly to give her brother as much access to her private parts as possible as he continued to lap and lick, enchanted by the soft textures of her mating hole as it continued to emanate it's wonderful scents and flavors for him. These intimate tonguings of one Vulpix brother's tongue swiping and streaking across one vixen sister's heating vulva went on for good long while, as every so often he would slip his muzzle's organ inside to make her yowl and cry in delight each time he traversed within; and eventually she finally decided she needed to feel more of him pressed against her.  "Come... Come here..." She panted while motioning for him to lay his body between her four legs so that their undersides could be touching one another's; and finally stopping his constant lickings of her female parts, he soon gingerly crawled into position to oblige her... "I love... I love you..." Her twin finally responded between heavy breathes as he nestled himself up against her; and then his eyes went wide as she placed her right forepaw's pads against his throbbing fox-hood. "Oh Kitsunes above... I didn't know something could feel like... ... Like this..." He went on to pant as he lightly shifted his hindquarters back and forth against her own bottom, causing his sister's forepaw to gently rub against his most private and usually hidden entirely part. "Hehehe..." The female kit giggled as she began gently running her soft and squishy pads back and forth along his unsheathed mating tool; and after a while of that, she then wrapped her paw around him there as much as she could to cause a bit of her fur and the base of her claws to press and rub up and down and up and down along his pink length. "It's... ... You... You're going to make it shoot out an Ember attack down there..." The virgin cub huffed as his sister continued her treatment upon him and he felt his happy sensations built up further and further, trying to convey and explain what he was feeling as best he could as he then began instinctively humping back against his sister's paw. "Vuuuullll~" He went on to whine an incomprehensible whine of pleasure as pulsations of aroused energy surged upwards into his crotch and out of his male rod in white hot waves of uncontrollable, unreasonable love; fervent male juices shooting onto his sisters forepaw and spraying onto the creamy white fur of her undersides as she swiftly pulled herself away from him and roll onto her back. "What are you doing?!" She barked at him in a kind of serious tone, before then quickly switching over to a lighter hearted one and giggling to herself. "I don't know! I don't know! I think it's... Supposed to happen?!" He replied, sniffing the air and taking in the scent of his own seeds and male essence for the first time; before then playfully growling at her as he heard her giggling and knew something was up. "I'm only playing! I knew that would happen! I watched mother and father playing mating long enough before they found me to see that stuff appear...  You can... Lick it out with your tongue... Or rub it out like I just did I guess too... But what looked like the most fun...  Judging by the look on mother's face and the whinings she made... Is when it comes out as you have your male type part inside of me..."  The little vixen explained; and then standing up onto all four paws, she faced away from her brother and lowered her forelegs to the ground just like she would always do when performing a morning stretch, only this time she braced her hind legs and made herself comfortable and steady in the position before finally lifting all six of her tails straight up into the air and baring her rear end to her brother for mounting. "You have to go on top of me when I'm like this is how you do it..." She went on to say as she looked back over her shoulder at her loving twin and playmate. The sexual scents of two Vulpix siblings doing naughty mating-game type things that they were explicitly told not to be doing stood heavily in the air as the sight of one young presenting female kitsune fully aroused the attention of her identical sibling, and without any further prompting or questions needing to be asked, her adoring brother soon padded towards her awaiting position; and gently she felt his forepaws be placed on the sides of the center of her back as he took his place upon her and she broke her gaze from him to sniff at her right forepaw instead, gathering her brother's special scent up close before finally licking some and sampling the substance with her pallet as well. "I love you... ... I love you, I love you, I love you..." The male huffed and spilled his verbal love over his sister as he began grinding and humping his crotch into her raised hindquarters; missing the female mark quite a bit as his dribbling erection streaked and ran along her lower belly, he then vainly pressed his length straight up against her rump after that. "I love you... Hehehe..." She responded as she shifted her rear end against him, trying to get him into that most sensitive area on her rear as she couldn't help but giggle at the whole situation; the act itself was so very silly to her... It wasn't like any of the other games they had played together! It was so very simple... So right there in front of them entire time... So... ... "I love you!" She whined and loudly barked as she felt her brother's presence sliding up and inside of her body from behind, her deep brown eyes going wide as the sensation caused her entire form to light up from the inside out.  It was like being hit with an electric type attack of the very best kind that brought only pleasure and fun of the highest level to her, and he kept touching farther and farther within her vaginal tunnel to send more and more singles of perfect pleasure until finally all of his pink flesh was hidden within her furry form and he stopped. "Let's do this forever... And never stop..." She went on to pant as her twin merely held himself there inside of her, happily hunching over his sister and completing male and female as one entangled mass. "Yes... Let's... I love you..." Is all the intimately engaged male could reply with before he began licking at the nape of his sister's neck, displaying his affection of her as much as possible as the fondled fox beneath him closed her eyes down to squint in bliss of the new experienced coupled together with the mating one still taking place; her usually more talkative self succumbing to a kind of inner silence in that moment, instincts further kicked in as her vulpine twin began gently humping his hips against her rear and soon the vixen was gasping for breath and lightly rearing her hindquarters up into her brother's motions as she knew she must have been feeling exactly what her mother felt as her father had been doing this very same act with her. Pressing himself into his twin's behind again and again brought them both a previously unimagined kind of pleasure and satisfaction as the male kit thought back to when he first saw his maleness become unsheathed and appeared for the first time; now he was pressing that very same part in and out of his sister, and somehow he just knew that this part belonged inside of her and that this was something he would only ever want to do with her and her alone.  The furry end of his sheath would bump and bump into the unfurred fleshy entrance of her female hole again and again as he buried his maleness within her again and again; soft, a bit wet and slippery, it felt like he and his sister were blurring together as her insides began to start excitedly hugging at him and arousing him to no end in turn.  It didn't take long before he began to feel the lower belly fire attack building up higher and higher within him again, and his vixen became very still in her stance as she braced her hindquarter a bit more as her brother's motions began to become increasingly erratic. "Vul... Vul... Vul..." The vixen cooed little pleasured whines of encouragement as both little vulpine just couldn't seem to get enough of one another's touch and their bond felt all the more closer and present than ever before; and then one humping male couldn't hold back any longer as he began exploding and firing his essence into the previously unexplored and hidden depths of his kit sister's behind; her virgin tunnel previously untouched, now it was conquered and giving way to her brother as he seemed to light up every bit of space within her crotch.  "Vuul!!~" The vixen loudly whined as the sensation of her brother's jutting erection streaming it's male seeds deep inside of her caused her to reach a very first orgasm of her, and energy vibrated her entire crotch area with a hot kind of connecting pleasure that she felt represented the coming together of him and her forever; the intense experience leaving both tiny kitsune heaving and heavily panting, her brother could be seen gradually slumping off of her back before finally falling to lay onto the forest floor below, and his vixen sister quickly curled up against him so that they were cuddling and facing one another once more on the ground. Lying for a quiet while as they recovered themselves, they simply stared at one another while enjoying the sensation of feeling so very close to one another like never before after sharing themselves completely; and then they both began gently closing their lids and falling asleep... Only seeming to have enough energy to move a forepaw as the male rested his atop his sisters, he was determined to protect her and to protect their bond no matter what challenges they faced or how hard it might be... "Let's... Let's only play the mating game with each other... No one else is allowed..." The male tiredly suggested, with all of his heart. "Yeah, okay! I feel the same way yeah know..." The vixen enthusiastically agreed, exerting the last little bit of her energy as both little foxes finally drifted off to sleep together while both sharing a grin as wide as any they have ever made; so contented... So perfect...

And then... Suddenly... Two stark red eyes can be seen peering in through the surrounding forest and onto the scene of two sleeping Vulpix who had just happily coupled as they make themselves known to us... And we recognize the maddened-orbs as the very same pair that belongs to one particularly devious and incorrigible Ninetales father, as the kitsune soon smirks and laughs quietly to himself before turning tail and running off into the forest...  Did he intentionally not give his son 'the talk' and then seemingly supervise this entire yiffy proceeding?!  Hey! Get back here you scoundrel! But it was too late... He was already gone... ... Thanks for reading!