24th December

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#24 of Christmas at Snow Valley

Merry Christmas everyone.

It took a bit longer today because it is a longer chapter.

ATTENTION: A few words for the blue colored part in the middle.

  1. I cut down most of the R rated conted from this part because it is the core of the celebration of Christmas and I wanted (in respect of this sacret celebration) keep it as the sacret event that it is. (I did bring in a bit the problems of Vince though, who is overwhelmed by this new experience.)

  2. The description of the evening (Christmas Eve) is how my family back in Germany celebrated it. In my part of Germany there is no Santa Claus but we got the "Christkind" (Child-Christ) that brings the presents. In the church there are Christmas themed holy songs about the journey of the 3 wise kings or the choir of the angels. A lot of times it also includes a play done by children about the whole story of the 3 wise kings and their arrival at the crib with Jesus in it.

We also used real candles for our Christmas Tree and decorating the outside of the house with lights or colorful blinking decoration (like you see it a lot from America in movies) is very uncommon in Germany but with the Globalisation it starts to appear more and more as well.

The celebration of the Purringtons is very close to the celebration we did in my childhood. I just wanted to explain this because some might have totally different ways to celebrate Christmas and therefore might wonder about my story.

With that being said I hope you will have a great Christmas and enjoy the story. Tomorrow the story will also be late because I will now celebrate Christmas instead of writing the chapter. Expect it around the same time as today.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

24th December

Vince woke up by a cold feeling at his nether region. He felt Tracy move away from him and step out of the bed before she put the blanket over him and Lilly and the cold feeling went away. Vince turned on his side and licked over the head of Lilly who moaned and response and cuddle against his chest. She was awake as well but seemed not to have any plans in leaving the bed. "Good morning my cute little snow leopard." He whispered and took a deep sniff of the heat scent that crawled from under the cover. Lilly's heat was still strong and her scent made his member, which pulled back into his pouch, creep out of his sheath. The tip of his half erect dick hit her wet legs and he pushed a bit up until he caught her snatch.

"Ready for some fun?" he asked and Lilly moaned in return when he pushed his member inside her. It gained in length quickly and soon was hard and completely erect. They moaned together until Stacy came back from her shower. "Hurry and come to breakfast." She told them. Now that her heat was over she seemed a bit less affectionate. For Vince this was nothing new. He had seen the same happen to Stacy, Sarah and Mia. "Are you hungry?" Vince asked and heard his own stomach growl. "Hungry for you." Whispered Lilly and both giggled and joined in a kiss while Vince rolled around and got out of the bed. He carefully stood up with Lilly still impaled on his dick and she threw her arms and legs around him to help him carry her. He bounced her a few times up and down until he felt his knot slowly form and then went to the floor. The stairs down were a bit hard with the heavy package in front of him. When he got to the end his knot formed completely and she sat comfortably on it with her pussy. "Could you not have put something on?" Tracy tattled them with a stern face. She seemed to be annoyed by the open sexual display of her sister and Vince. "It is okay Tracy. It is just us here anyways so don't be so strict." She stopped next to the kids, gave Lilly a kiss on her head and fondled the balls and knot of Vince. "I thought they tired you out by now." She mentioned but Vince broke the kiss with Lilly and smiled. "No way. How could I ever be tired of them." And with this he bounced Lilly up once and made both of them moan. When Vince sat down he pulled Lilly up and turned her around so she could also eat. When he descended her slowly she crouched over his dick and then pushed her legs to the side and sat down. Vince was surprised by the sudden free fall of Lilly on his dick. He managed to pull his legs open so his balls would not be in the way and a moment later Lilly clashed on his tights with a loud slurp and a moan from both of them when his knot popped in and he hilted inside her snatch. "Someone really wanted the knot there." He chuckled and caressed the bulge on her belly where his knot was located. Lilly moaned and got a head start with her climax but soon after Vince followed and spurted deep inside the girl.

The rest of the breakfast was rather uneventful. Vince stayed inside Lilly the whole meal and they filled their stomach while cuddling locked together. After Lilly and Vince showered and put their clothes on Stacy sent Vince and Tracy outside to play with the Purringtons. Lilly had to stay at home to her own disappointment. Stacy did not want her to go out to play with the others when she was in full heat. After they had lunch Stacy sent them to bed and for Tracy and Lilly this seemed to be normal for Christmas. Stacy explained that it would be a long night and so they needed to rest. She allowed Vince to fill Lilly one more time before they went to bed to keep her heat in check but she told them to sleep in separated beds so that they really would sleep instead of mating the whole time. Vince had a harder time to sleep than the girls because the scent of Lilly had him hard and in need for release. He went to the toilet to masturbate twice before he could finally sleep.

At seven Stacy woke them up and had them get ready for church. Sarah got them in the car and they went to a neighborhood town half an hour with the car to the church. The big building intimidated Vince a bit but he moved into the big hall and followed his hosts. They took places at the far end in a corner where there were not so many people. Vince suspected that the reason was Lilly's heat that had his member poking out of the sheath under his pants just from the faint smell that managed to get out through her thick clothes. She snuggled against him from one side while Mia did the same from the other side. Alia climbed on his lap and it was clear that he was the main attraction for them. Tracy sat with her mother but Miles sat down next to her and tried, without luck, to snuggle up with her too. Vince was barely able to concentrate on the mass. He member, urged on by the scent of Lilly, got semi erect against his will and he fought hard to prevent it to get any harder. It did not help that he felt his bulge press against the underside of Alia who sat on his lap, leaned against him and watched the play of some kids in front of the church. For a first timer Vince was amazed from the mass. He liked the chants and stories that were being told from the birth of Jesus in the city of Bethlehem. He never knew that so much was behind Christmas for the Christians. For him it ended too fast even though it took over one and a half hours. He thought that this already had been the highlight of the evening and was a bit disappointed that it ended but the other kids just got even more excited when they climbed back into the car.

Vince was wowed when they entered the living room of the Softpaws. They told him in the car already that the Purringtons would celebrate with them like every year. Brad went ahead from church and when they entered the house a sea of lights filled Vince's eyes. There was the tree they had chosen in the woods over and over decorated with burning candles. Colored balls were hanging down from the branches as well as little angles, stars, apples and a lot of different little animals. Under the tree there was a big crib with a donkey, a cow, sheep and a family with their child that got presents from shepherds and kings. For quite a while Vince just stood there watching this scene and taking in every part of it. The others were preparing in the meanwhile and Stacy and Sarah went to the kitchen to prepare the meal. Brad and the kids started to sing and Vince just sat down listening to them and felt a warm and wonderful feeling tickle under his skin. Every Christmas they had just watched television when his parents were there or he even was alone some times when they went to a party without him. In his early years he had watched outside his window into some of the colorful windows and the lights on the street but he never knew what really was behind it.

Brad started to read the story of the three wise kings that followed a start to the crib where Jesus was born and in front of the eyes of Vince the little figures under the tree came to life and he imagined how they were traveling until they were finally there with the angels and the shepherds in the least place you would expect a son of god. He never had cared about religion because he never learned about it from his parents but this evening got him interested for the first time to know more about it. They sang a few more songs afterwards and Brad read another story before the women called them for dinner. Vince gaped at the meal. It was not dinner it was a feast with a lot of different dishes topped with a wonderful looking turkey.

The meal was the best Vince ever had in his life. The candles casted a light into the room that made him feel like he was in a dream, an enchanted castle with a feast and candles and songs all around. He did not talk during the whole time. The other children looked very excited and chatted loudly and looked over to the tree a lot but Vince felt a calm grip his body as if his soul came to a halt and marveled in the love of this celebration.

After they all were satisfied Stacy and Sarah allowed the kids to stand up and the others directly ran to the tree. Vince saw them pulling big presents that he did not notice before because they were under the lower branches of the tree on the backside. Brad made sure that they were careful to not put the tree into flames with the candles and they cheered and exchanged presents when they got one with a different name on it. "Go ahead." Stacy said and pushed Vince who just stood there watching the others a bit forward. "There is one for you too." Vince could not believe it at first. His parents never got him something for Christmas. He ever had heard from other kids who were not even religious that their parents at least followed the customs of giving them presents so he knew about the link Christmas but he did never get something himself. When he was with his uncle he got something sometimes but he never linked it to this big celebration. The other kids greeted him with a cheer and he saw unpacked presents already. They helped him to find his and he was a bit embarrassed when he slowly opened it. It was a warm coat with fur and big wool fillings like he had seen with Brad. It was snow white and Vince did not know what to say. He tried a few times to thank them but in the end he just hugged everyone in the room fighting back the tears that were trying to break free. This was too much for him. He felt the love and affection of the people here that all looked at him at this moment. A love he longed for from his parents when he was younger but never felt before. Stacy helped him to sit down on the side and he watched the others exchanging their presents, chatting, laughing and during all this time he caressed the coat with his paws. The feeling of an enchanted dream overwhelmed him. This was just too much to be true. He was nearly afraid of suddenly waking up and finding out that it was just a dream. The adults seemed to understand how overwhelmed he was and left him there observing them. They sang a last song all together and then they started a fire in the fireplace and put out the candles. The sea of light turned into a warm dimmed flickering room from the fire. Vince finally calmed down enough to take more notice of his surroundings. When Brad said good bye to all of them he noticed that this evening was getting to an end. Stacy sent her kids up to bring their presents into the room and Vince followed them. He still moved very slowly and Tracy and Lilly did not pressure him. They went a few times to bring up all their presents and then waited for him to place his coat on the bed. He did not want to let it go and leave because he was afraid this still might turn out to be a dream. "Come Vince. There is still something more." Lilly got him out of his thoughts and the girls grabbed his paws and pulled him with them.

When he got into the living room Stacy, Sarah and Mia waited for them. "Miles is going back and get Alia into bed. I think he will take a while." Sarah explained. "Now..." Stacy took over "... we have planned something more for you. As this is your last night here we thought..." all of the girls and the women started to disrobe "...that we will all have a lot of fun together with you." She finished her sentence and Vince suddenly stood in the middle of five feline females that started to help him to strip naked as well. The smell of Lilly directly made his member, which had kept silent the whole evening, jump into action and crawl out of his sheath. "Looks like he agrees!" Mia chuckled. "It is Lilly's heat." Vince returned and his mood changed to excitement. "Well, then I think it is clear who get to go first." Stacy laughed and Lilly did not wait for others to agree but started to kneel in front of Vince and take his member into her muzzle to suckle on it.

Vince dropped down as well and when they were both crouched he pushed into her muzzle moaning. Lilly demonstrated to all around that she could take him to the hilt and while he started to sniff and lick at her hind and the others started to sit down and watch while touching themselves the slurping from Lilly and the cracking of the wood in the fire were only accompanied by the moaning of Vince and all females. His knot formed in the muzzle of Lilly but the girl did not show any signs of trying to let it slip past her lips. Vince sat up and kneeled in front of the girl that took him to the hilt seeing his knot max out and pushing her muzzle slightly open. He caressed her throat and head and felt her muscles contract around his tip and the saliva soak his knot. He started to do very small movements and moaned deeply while caressing her head and looking into her eyes that locked with his. Her throat contracted from her moan when her mother dropped down behind her and started to lick her nether region. Vince felt his orgasm approaching and carefully pulled his knot out. Lilly let him slip past her lips until his member was only in her muzzle and he let go of the stream. This time Lilly was prepared and he heard and saw her gulp down his cum like she was drinking water. When half of his spurts entered her muzzle he slipped his dick out of her and spurted the second half over her head and back. His member started to shrink down but Lilly had other ideas. Even though she still huffed hard from gulping his cum down she already started to lick his slick member again and bringing the life right back to it. She turned around and presented her red and puffy snatch that was slick from saliva and her girl juices to him. Vince knew what he wanted and without hesitation mounted her and pushed in. Her heat inside was crazy and Vince thought his member would catch fire any second. He still continued to push in and out rocking his knot hard against her pussy with a wet smack. He felt her spasms and when he pushed forward hard while she relaxed his knot popped in and his came to a halt with directly starting to spurt again. Both of them were moaning loud and dropping to the side to lie down and rest while their genitals were locked to each other.

Mia claimed to be the next and lied down on her back with her legs spread beckoning Vince to take her. They gave him a few minutes to recover after he parted with Lilly and while he joined in a kiss with Mia and pushed into her Stacy began to lick the pussy of Lilly clean. The moan of Vince and Mia was muffled by their kiss while he slipped in and out of her snatch. He used a slower pace than with Lilly and even though Mia was not in heat her insides were a bit slippery from his dick and saliva. Vince did not see it but they most likely pleased each other while he was occupied with Lilly. Vince went with slow and long strides and he slipped deep into her womb hilting inside her while his knot just started to form. The bulge at his base spread the lips of Mia every time he pushed or pulled and with time it got harder to get it across her labia. Vince massaged her nipples with one paw while he caressed the neck and ears of Mia with the other paw. Every now and then they broke the kiss to lick their muzzle and face and moan loud before connecting again. He pushed in deep and felt his knot preventing him from pulling out already. Instead he made short but faster thrusts making his bulge pull at her pussy and relax again while his tip poked into the walls of her womb. Suddenly he felt a warm and wet tongue lick over his balls and he jumped forward earning a long moan from Mia because he pushed into her extra hard. He looked back while still humping and saw Sarah crouch behind them and lick over his and Mia's tail-hole as well as his balls and her stretched snatch. The stimulation sent his knot to max size within a few minutes while he felt Mia already twitching slightly. He still was only able to do the small but fast movements slapping his balls against the face of Sarah. He closed in to his climax but he tried to hold on. He wanted to come at the same time as Mia. Her spasms went stronger and Vince knew that soon he would be able to let he balls do their job. He pulled her into a kiss and pushed one more time making his tip poke into her womb's walls strongly when he felt her starting to milk his member and his dam burst as well. He felt like he was peeing inside her from the sheer pressure he built up. Mia moaned strongly and huffed from the intense climax. Vince just fell on Mia and stayed there with his balls pumping spurt after spurt inside his lover. He waited like this to rest even when their spasms faded away more and more. Stacy just pulled her muzzle away from Lilly who also lay in the last spasms of her orgasm.

"You are next." Vince decided when he recovered a bit after parting with Mia and walked over to Tracy. She still was a bit hesitant and reserved like the whole day but when he reached her he grabbed her under the shoulders and pulled her up. "Hey... wait a miiii..." Vince had pulled her into a hug and lifted her hind over his member. Thanks to the heat of Lilly it was erect already again and with a moan he let Tracy impale on his rod. His knot already was formed a bit and blocked him to go deep into her. He went in to the knot but Tracy seemed not so inclined about his sudden method and did neither throw her arms around him nor her legs to support her own weight. After a few thrusts into Tracy's snatch Vince noticed that this position took a lot of energy from him without Tracy helping at all. He dropped down to his knees so that she was now sitting on his tights and then he let her fall back slowly with his hands in her back. His member slipped out but now she lay with the shoulders and her head on the ground and her hind lifted over his tights supported by his paws in her back. Her legs were spread and went right and left from his body. Vince aimed his hard dick at her entrance and pushed forward. This time Tracy moaned with him in unison. His knot collided with a wet slap against her folds. She had only been a bit aroused but Vince's penis was slick and slimy from his round with Mia who now watched him take Tracy in this new position. Vince extended his rights until he was kneeling upright and just moved his hips back and forth into the snatch of Tracy that now hovered in front of him held up only by his paws in her back. He felt that in this position he slipped in more easily than before and her tunnel seemed to line up perfectly for deep penetration. The only thing stopping him from hilting was his own knot but with every push he felt his knot getting more and more lubricated by the juice of the girl that she now started to produce. This position seemed to be very pleasurable for Tracy as well. She moaned and there was no sign of her earlier complaints. His knot knocked at her front door and slipped in more and more with each push. Both cubs moaned and sweat from the actions while all others just watched the intense mating session. Vince got a bit frustrated because his knot did not want to slip in completely but he tried again and again leaning forward more and more until he noticed that he pulled up the hind of Tracy so far that he was now crouching over her with her lower body nearly being in the vertical. He leaned over her and let gravity help him push into her snatch and with a sudden squelch and a moan followed by strong spasms of Tracy his knot finally popped into the tunnel of his snow leopard partner. Vince dropped down again into the previous position kneeling behind Tracy and making as much movements as his tied knot allowed into the milking canal. His balls, wet from her juices smacked against her tail-hole and tail base with each push and Tracy moaned in loud while her orgasm was pushed on with each movement of Vince. He felt his own climax approach and took momentum. With his next push he grabbed the legs of Tracy and pulled them against him which made him sink in deeper into Tracy than he had been before or at least it felt like that. He clearly felt himself poke into her womb's walls and then starting with hot spurts of sticky cum into her innermost cavern. Tracy began to mewl in the pleasure of his spunk hitting her womb and Vince moaned with every spurt and came to a halt going back to support her back while filling her up. He could feel his spurts in her back because Tracy's muscles reacted with a spasm every time he spurted against her walls. Tracy slowly calmed down and closed her eyes while her breath still went fast. Vince also felt his exhaustion and let her body drop down on his tights and leaned forward to rest on her body that was now sandwiched between his tights and his upper body. Vince used the time he had to wait for them to part to lick her face and throat in an affectionate way.

"Alia is in bed and slee... ... What?..." Vince just parted from Tracy and she was leaking his cum when Miles entered the room. He looked at the snow leopard girl, the naked other females and Vince that just slipped out of her. "Oh, hi there Miles." Sarah was the first to get over the surprise. "We are just giving Vince a special gift because he will leave us tomorrow." Miles stared at them in disbelieve. Vince saw his pants bulging. If this was from the sight or the strong smell of Lilly's heat he was not sure but the boy was most certainly aroused. "I want to join." Miles suddenly bursted out and stripped down in record time. Vince could see his penis standing erect. It was much smaller than his and at the tip it had some kind of small nubs. "Okay, come here." He called out to his friend who was eager to move over to him and ogled the oozing Tracy with a horny look that made clear what he was after. Vince moved a few steps behind Tracy and watched Miles crouch down on all fours to observe the half opened snatch of Tracy who did not seem to be too amused but still gazed at Miles with a surprised look. Vince pulled up the tail of Miles and saw his small furry balls and his pucker. "Hey, what are you dooo...." Vince did not take long to explain himself. He lined his member that was still half erect up with the tail-hole of Miles and pushed through his sphincter. Miles wanted to jump forward groaning but Vince was used to it from the other girls and directly completely jumped on him and bit in his nap. With the heavy wolf on top of him the boy could only groan as the wolf dick quickly returned to full length and hardness and the lubricant of the combined juices of him and Tracy made him slip in and out at an increasing pace. Stacy had told them about anal sex but the girls and Vince did not try it yet. It was just a quick idea he had when he saw the sphincter of Miles with his statement that he wanted to join still ringing in his ears. "What... are... you... doing?" Miles groaned with each push of Vince while the others just watched the game of the two boys. "Just... what you... wanted. Joining... in a... parting gift... with you." Vince moaned into his ears while humping. The ass of Miles was as tight as Lilly's pussy had been at the start and Vince had to discover soon that he did not even managed to push a quarter of his knot into the rear exit of the boy. "I wanted... to do it... with Tracy..." the boy groaned and Vince stopped his tries to cram himself deeper into his friend. He sat back but pulled Vince with him so that he was now sitting on his tights while he kneeled in the middle of the room with the other boy still being impaled on his dick and sitting on his knot. "You should have said so sooner." Vince huffed and held Miles on his lap. The other boy stopped to struggle and with Vince just resting his rear started to adjust to the big intruder. "I think we should get you ready for this though." He added and started to slowly move up and down the member of Miles that went half flaccid again. Miles began to moan and it took only a minute until his member was hard again and poked upwards. "What do you say Tracy? Would you help out Miles with that?" Vince asked and looked at Tracy that recovered a bit but still was leaking his spunk. "Well... Okay... I don't care anymore. Just do it." She agreed reluctantly. Vince beckoned her to get over and sit down on the lap of Miles. The boy squirmed on his dick when the girl he desired really moved over and hovered over his dick. The semen of Vince dropped down on his member making it slimy. It then ran further over his balls on the knot of Vince. "Be careful deer." Stacy warned her daughter. "Feline penises are different from wolfs." - "I can see that." Tracy mentioned with a look at the dick of Miles. After taking Vince it was just tiny in comparison, especially in the thickness. "Not only the size deer. Felines have barbs..." Tracy did not wait but seemed to want to get over with it. She descended and impaled herself on his dick moving all the way down into his lap without problems. Vince felt Miles push on his knot a bit more and new slimy liquid running over his knot and balls. Vince moaned and threw his body back against the chest of the bigger wolf pup. Vince knew the sensation of the first time feeling a real pussy around his member and just stayed still supporting the younger boy. Tracy got a steady footing at both sides of their legs and pushed up. "Ow..." she screamed and dropped down so suddenly and with so much force that Miles started to groan loud and Vince felt his knot push into the boy nearly to the half. The lubrication of the liquid that was now all over his knot had helped with the sudden push to spread his sphincter apart. "I told you." Said her mother. "Feline penises have barbs that can hurt when you pull out. When you get used to them it is not such a big deal." Vince did not mind the differences in their dicks. Tracy tried to get up one more time and with the same painful cry smashed down and impaled Miles completely on the dick of Vince popping the knot into his rear. Vince directly came down with his climax and painted the walls of Miles with his spunk while Tracy began to move in the lap of Miles without bouncing up and down. Vince helped a bit by pushing his hips upwards. Because he was knotted with Miles and the other boy was pressed hard on his lap he pushed the boy with him and made him push into Tracy. It was like the boy was an extension for the dick of Vince to push into the girl. A few minutes later Vince felt the balls of Miles, which lay on top of his, contract and even his anal tunnel gripped strongly around his dick when he erupted inside of Tracy. The parting from her was a bit painful for the girl but the adult females helped her to make it short. "You two should go into the shower for parting. It can be a bit messier for anal sex." Stacy asked Vince and Miles and the wolf pup raised to his feet and carried the snow leopard boy, that still was impaled and knotted by him, upstairs. "Was it your first time with a girl?" Vince asked when they stood in the shower and waited for his knot to deflate. "Yes." Miles replied. "How did you like it?" the younger boy grinned from one ear to the other and Vince knew what he meant. "Well, let's make this a bit more exciting for you then." He decided and started to run his paw up and down the slick member of Miles. He was careful not to hit the barbs, he got the explanation from Stacy that these were the thing that hurt Tracy. Miles moaned and Vince also pushed into his rear again the short distance that his knot allowed him. Miles came first but his clenching tunnel milked out the second orgasm of Vince. "You know what?" the wolf pup asked. "You make up a pretty cute girl." - "Shut up." Said Miles but then both of them started to laugh and Vince turned on the shower to already start cleaning up while waiting for the knot to deflate.

The two boys came back to the living room twenty minutes later. Both Stacy and Sarah directly turned around and presented to them. "Now it is our turn." They told them and both boys did not hesitate to follow this invitation. Vince went for Sarah while Miles lined up with Stacy. Both boys did not start slow but pushed in to the hilt. Their members had just maxed out and the knot of Vince did not yet grow. The girls watched them go at the adults and Sarah moaned loud from the pleasure of Vince pushing in and out of her slick tunnel. Stacy on the other hand groaned a bit at first. It was clear that she was more used to barbs than her daughter but it had been a long time for her to feel them and she took a while until she got used to them again. Miles did not have as much stamina as Vince and he came long before even the knot formed. Vince did not regard him anymore but just concentrated on making Sarah feel good and push as hard as he could. His balls soon were wet from her juices and smacked loud against her clit. Lilly began to mewl in need and roll on the ground. Watching them go had her pretty horny and her smell was making the boys even more eager. Tracy finally decided to help her and together with Mia she started to lick the pussy of the kitten in heat and make her release at least a bit of the need inside her. Miles once even tried, after his second orgasm, to move over to Lilly but Stacy stopped him and told him that Lilly was only for Vince as long as she was in heat. While he regenerated she told him all she told her own girls already that for Vince the chances were very slim of impregnating them while in heat but Miles would her pregnant directly. Vince saw in the glimmer in Miles eyes that if it was about him he would not mind knocking up the small snow leopard. With a hard push the knot of Vince, now fully extended, popped into the snatch of Sarah which made both of them moan and starting their climax. Vince collapsed on her back and panted strong while he felt his spurts soak into her womb. Miles also just climaxed his fourth time inside Stacy and looked pretty exhausted now. Stacy had not managed to get an orgasm.

"Ready to go again." Asked Vince Miles after he pulled out and his slick member hung down half erect and dripped on the floor. "Sure thing." The boy grinned and Vince moved over to Stacy. "Then we swap." He said and without any more statements he pushed into the pussy of Stacy that was slick of Miles' cum. Stacy directly gripped his member with her pussy and it went erect within a few seconds before he started to push into the adult snow leopard with a high pace. Miles still hesitated. "She is my mom." He turned his head to Vince and watched him take Stacy hard. "You are cute." Said Sarah and turned around to lick the member of Miles until it was hard again. "Let's forget that for tonight and just have fun." She lay down with her legs spread and pulled Miles with her. She guided his member into her snatch and pulled his ass towards her nether region. After sliding in to the hilt with a loud moan of him and his mother the snow leopard boy seemed not to care. He directly started to go at the same pace he did Stacy before and Sarah moaned loud. With her husband she was apparently used to the feline feature of barbs on the dicks. Vince managed to give Stacy the orgasm Miles had not achieved for her and when his knot deflated her pulled out with a sticky mess oozing out of her snatch. Vince wanted to move over to Lilly who was clearly hard in need for him to attend to but Stacy stopped him. "We need to clean you up first. I do not want you to push Miles' seed into her." And with this she went down and suckled on his dick. Vince moaned and his knot directly started to expand again. When Stacy was pleased with her work she allowed him to take the eager Lilly who chirped in ecstasy for three rounds in a row achieving as many orgasms as Vince. He tried different positions with her while Miles decided to move on to his sister and Tracy after his mother. The girls took a while until they were used to his scratching barbs enough to moan instead of groaning all the time. Vince took them a few times as well and Stacy and Sarah made sure that his member was cleaned from all of Miles' cum that his penis collected while pushing in and out of the bigger girls before he went back to Lilly.

After a long time, Vince did not know what time it was, Sarah went back home with Miles because she did not want to leave Alia alone. She did not allow Miles to stay here because the adults were concerned that the eager boy would sneak up on Lilly at night and mate her like he tried already before. Mia begged a long time before Sarah allowed her to stay with them and Stacy allowed them all to sleep in her king sized bed. Vince took Lilly once more in mating position while the other girls licked his balls from the side. With his last spurts he rolled to the side and snuggled up with the little snow leopard girl. The other girls snuggled up from both sides and Stacy got next to them before throwing the cover over all of them. With this tight and cuddly fit Vince closed his eyes and exhaustion and sleep overwhelmed him.

This had been by far the happiest Christmas he ever had.