Pain of Loneliness (3): As the world falls...

Story by Denver on SoFurry

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Pain of Loneliness: As the World Falls Down

Alex: The weeks that passed were full of change, in my abilities and how I felt about the values I found amongst the other inhabitants of Eddeon. Tanya, and others I had been introduced to all changed my views on life and finding reasons to live as well. So much to learn, and it seemed that I finally had the time to do it...

...Another night, another full crowd as music moved their minds and hearts, slowly drawing out their desires and joys to be shared with others. I relaxed slightly, the tense expectation of something about to go wrong no longer at the back of my mind as I watched the dancers move on the floor. Something always happened, but never as bad as I thought it would, the other bouncers or 'Watchers' as Ashra called us, working together to subdue those that sought mischief. One of the senior Watchers came over and told me to take a break while he assumed my post by the dance floor, idly looking on at the patrons while I headed for the staff room.

No less comfortable than the dance floor; tables, couches and chairs were lightly padded, offering those who spent parts of their shifts standing a rest from it. A TV hung on one wall and displayed whatever show had been chosen by the last people in the room. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I sat down at on one of the couches my gaze drawn to the TV as the evening news came on.

"To start things off this evening, another attack on homeless Daemons has been reported to Red Deer RCMP. The ones responsible for the deaths of two Daemons and the brutal beatings of three others have not been found. RCMP have speculated that this is just another hate crime commited by those resenting the Emrethal and Human half breeds," the Emrethal reporter said, moving around the few sheets of paper before him, then continuing. "In related news, Red Deer isn't the only city that has seen a rise in the amount of racist acts of brutality against Daemons. Egypt, Asia, and even parts of Europe have reported numerous deaths of Daemons, the few people interviewed saying that such creatures were never meant to walk this world. The Pope, John Paul has asked that such acts be stopped by all who are committing them, for the Daemons are still children of God, if only with different forms than ours....Moving onto Sports..."

"Children of God my ass," I muttered, shaking my head and taking a sip of water. It was the farthest thing from the truth that could have been said by any person of the Christ religion. Though the Pope had more than a little of my respect. Of all people, he was one of the few belonging to that religion that I would take the chance to trust.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" Ashra remarked behind me, making me jump slightly since I hadn't heard her enter the room.

"What is?" I said, raising an eyebrow and following her gaze to the television.

"The tension between humans and Daemons," she told me, sitting down as well and sighing.

"Nothing new there...but if it gets any worse...There'll be a whole new war," I commented, glancing at the screen.

"There's already a war taking place," Ashra said, meeting my gaze. "And weapons already prepared to destroy whatever the humans consider the enemy to be." Her words sent a chill down my back for the matter of fact quality they had.

"You aren't just saying that, are you?" I said quietly.

"No. I've known about it for a few years now...But things...have just been getting worse," she told me. "One of the reasons we created the doorway to Eddeon." My expression turned to one of surprise as the meaning of her words sunk in.

"As an escape for when the war breaks out?"

"For when the world is destroyed..."


...I arrived home with Tanya, not as tired as I had been in the past few weeks, but Ashra's words were still in my mind. Dreams that night were filled with nightmarish scenes of people being destroyed over and over again by unnatural fires and massive explosions that made flesh melt instead of burn...

...The door bell rang and I lifted my head wearily, eyes opened to slits as I looked around the room. Daylight was pouring in through the windows, making it hard to see at first as I blinked back sleep.

"Who could that be?" I muttered, yawning as I sat up, Tanya stirring beside me as the door bell rang again.

"I don't know, but when I get my hands on them..." She said with a mock growl, looking around in a similar daze to my own. Chuckling, I pulled on a pair of sweats and made my way downstairs, opening the door to find Ashra, mother. I stepped back, stunned, mouth open as I tried to think about what to say.

"Who is it?" Tanya asked, coming down the stairs behind me, not having bothered to put anything cloths on.

My mothers eyes widened slightly and I bit my lip to keep from groaning. There was a lot that was going to have to be explained...

...In a few moments all of us were seated at the kitchen table, Tanya with a light night gown covering her after the awkward introduction had been made. A silence lay between all of us as we looked into our drinks, unsure of what to say. Mother politely asked how I was doing, how Tanya was and what kind of work did she do. We answered, but quietly and in short senses. After a moment Ashra pointedly asked Tanya to join her away from the table, leaving Mother and I alone.

"So...when did you meet up with Tanya?" she inquired sipping from her glass of water, her eyes lowered.

"The night before I started working at Hybrid Theory," replied, leaning back in my chair.

"Things...good between you two?"

"Why are you here?" I demanded, looking into her eyes as she raised her head.

"I've been worried about you," she said, emotional pain and sorrow clear in the expression she gave me. "No phone call to say whether you were safe, or made it to Red Deer or -"

"Did you stop for a moment to consider that I might not want to tell you where I was?" I said, scowling.


"Love me? I already know that. Why are you here?" Silence again.

"...I was hoping to bring you home..."

"To a father that couldn't give a fuck as to what happens to me, and a brother that feels the same way," I broke in, rising from the chair so quickly that it skid back to hit the counter and fall to the side.

"I give a damn about you!"

"Don't you think that I know that already?!" I roared, tempted to slam my fit into the wall. Shadows started to writhe in the places where the sunlight didn't reach and I took a deep breath to steady myself. "I left because I didn't belong...with you or the rest of the family...I never did before I moved out the first time, and even after I came back...nothing had changed..."

"You're father-"

"Leave him out of this," I said, taking deep breaths as I tried to keep control of my temper. "And leave me as I left the house, Mom. Let me be dead to you as I am to my father and brother."


"That is my wish. If you have any respect or love for me, please, accept it and just leave me alone..." I left the kitchen, heading out through the front door and down the road leading into Eddeon...

Ashra: Quickly entering the kitchen as the front door slammed shut, I found Michele seated upon one of the chairs hugging her self tightly as she shuddered with each sob she took. I knelt beside her, embracing her tightly as I took in the scent of pain and sorrow in the air, and not just hers. I whispered comforts to her, looking at Tanya pleadingly, even as I worried about what was said.

"What happened?" I asked after a long moment, Michele's tears slowly starting to subside.

"Just...let me go home," she said in a quivering voice.


"Please....Just...get me out of here," she said, repeating her request and rising slowly. Nodding silently, I helped her out of the house and back to the elevator. I sent a message up along the intercom for someone to meet her and make sure that she got home safely, then returned to Tanya's and got her to join me in searching for Alex. We found him not far from the river pathway that wove around Eddeon, a few of the Dryads crouching on the branches of the tree he was sitting against, all of them talking quietly with each other. I paused a few feet away, catching something shining on his cheek as he hugged his knees to his chest, eyes closed. The Dryads looked up as we approached, all of them lightly landing as they jumped down before walking over to us, asking if we knew what was wrong with the young male that was leaning against their tree. Strong emotions, especially pain or sorrow made them incredibly uneasy and agitated, and when they encountered someone who was feeling that way, they usually did all they could to try and cheer them up. Evidently, they had failed in making Alex smile in any way, and any contact made them feel as if they had been burned. Nodding, I asked them to give us a moment to try and speak with him, trying to reassure each one in turn that they could try and help in a few moments.

Walking over to him, I sat down at his side, leaning against the tree as well, looking up through the branches. "Should I apologize to you for how I treated my mother?" he said after a moment as I felt Tanya sit down as well.

"What was said was for you two alone, and between your selves," I replied, looking over at him to see that his eyes were slightly open. There was silence for the briefest of moments.

"If was once said that dragons and other creatures didn't actually die from the medieval times," he said after glancing at Tanya and I. "They just went beyond the Veil to continue to live, breathing their memories into the dreams of men and women so that they would continue to exist here, to never be forgotten..." He sighed, and shook his head. "I didn't belong with her or the rest of my family; even the human relatives didn't accept me. Going back would only have caused more pain between us. Much better if I stay a memory...a spirit to them..."

Looking down at my hands a moment, I had nothing to say, knowing all too well how he felt.

"No reason to snap at her like that," Tanya said, almost as if she was unsure whether to feel sorrow for him or his mother.

"It was the only way to get her to see that I can't go back. Not to them, not as a family..." he said, letting go of his legs and stretching out, a shudder passing through his body as all of his self control went out the window. Embracing him tightly, Tanya joined in nuzzling his neck and whispering comforts to Alex as we held him...


Alex: I was given the rest of the week off, regardless of how often I told Ashra that I was ready to work. I spent the time training to use my abilities, shadows easily answering my call now as did the element of water. Earth though was another matter.

"Ok," the Bull Daemon said with a heavy sigh. "Try again..." Clearing my mind, I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them, focusing on the small sand box and the stone pyramid within it. The pyramid itself was only about the size of a basket ball, but weighed close to a ton. Moving it by hand would have been far easier than with the unpredictable element that I had yet to call upon successfully. Reaching out with my mind, I became aware of everything; the ground beneath me, each particle of sand, the soft breeze, my heart beat, the space taken up by all objects and people around me. Everything...

Focusing on the stone, I searched all around it for something that might give me a hint on how I could move the blasted thing even just a few inches. I seemed porous to my eyes, but felt smooth to my other senses, as if refusing to give up all its secrets. Turning from it, I let my awareness seep into the sand, so many different pieces, each one with their own energy. I tried to shape them, to move the sand under the stone to lift it up and to the side. The sand shifted, a low rasping hiss coming from it as each grain moved against its fellow in response to my request. Sweat beaded my scales and running down my neck as I concentrated, trying to keep each bit of sand moving. The movement slowed then stopped, the rasping sound falling silent abruptly. I swore vehemently, standing up and starting to pace, growling as I glared at the rock.

"Keep losing patience and the harder it will become," Gylpher remarked, shaking his head a moment. "You almost had it too..."

"If you would stop with cryptic remarks and the 'almost there, try again' comments," I hissed, glaring at him. "And tell me something useful for once, I might get somewhere..."

"And if you quit asking and listen to what I've tried to tell you over and over again, you'd be fine," he retorted. "You can't force your will on the Earth Element. It's the same as the other elements-"

"I know that," I growled, sinking back onto the large pillow in the training garden.

"-and you have to be able to see anything of the Earth not only as individual parts, but as a whole. Shadows and water is easy for you because you can see them as whole things. Your awareness of them allows you to make them separate from their whole forms. You simply need to do the same here, but the opposite way..." Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm down and focus again, my awareness quickly opening up to everything around me again. Seeing the sand as a whole wasn't the easiest thing to do, there were so many... Shadows appear to be whole, same with water...but there's so much more to them, the atoms, the energies they have...but the energies as a general rule, they were the same...the energies...

The realization hit me and I had to chuckle at my own stupidity. Reaching out to the energy of the sand, I merged the pattern of the elemental powers together, until all I could see were shimmering waves of copper. Gylpher muttered a startled curse as I raised the stone high into the air, dancing it on wave after wave of sand as the box came alive. Bringing the pyramid down after a moment, I set it upon the edge of the box, regretting it after a moment as I heard the wood splinter then shatter as it crashed to the ground. Looking at the stone pyramid that was half buried in the ground, I gave a wry grin of apology to my teacher as he shook his head. With a slight gesture, the ground rose up again, replacing the stone back in the sand box, the outer ring of sand turning grey and solidifying...


...A day after my last training session, I found myself back at Eddeon Erotic Films for an interview and introduction with possible employees that I might be working with. The Emrethal woman I had met the first time greeted me warmly before leading me further into the building.

"So...what kind of interview am I going to have?" I asked as we entered another area that distinctly had the look and smell of a walk in clinic. Chairs sat against two of the walls and a single two sided couch rested in the middle of the room. Magazines were half-hazardly piled on a few of the tables, the nurse behind the counter smiling as she looked up from the book she was reading.

"Medical exam first, then we talk about things that might interest you as far as films and such go, then you'll be introduced to a group of other performers to talk with and see if any connections are felt or made," Sissera replied, grinning at me before speaking in low tones to the nurse. The Lemur Daemon smiled and said something about room three being open at the moment; Dr. Hurin was just about to finish a break and would be with us in a bit if we were willing to wait. Nodding, Sissera beckoned for me to follow and we were soon in what appeared to be a regular examination room, but a little larger than any that I had been in before. Medical charts dotted the walls, displaying human, Emrethal and common Daemon characteristics, the table/bench surprisingly made out of wood rather than metal. Sissera talked as we waited, asking a few questions about my preferences, what I found attractive in a female, the kinds of stories I enjoyed, and so on. Not long after entering the room, the door opened to admit a female rabbit wearing a simple pair of rectangular glasses and white lab coat.

"Alex? Hi, I'm Dr. Hurin, one of the main physicians here at E.E.F.," She said, extending her hand in greeting with a smile. Like most others compared to my own height, she was short, standing just under six feet tall, build somewhere between athletic and voluptuous. Her black fur was streaked with neon blue highlights that gave her a somewhat tribal appearance. Amber eyes looked me over and her smile grew a little more. "You weren't kidding when you said you found a big one," she remarked, glancing at Sissera as she set her clip board down after making a few notes and turning to regard me.

"Have I ever let you down?" the other woman replied innocently.

"Not yet, but you still owe me for last time," Dr. Hurin told her pointedly, raising an eyebrow. "Anyways, out with you. Examinations are between the doctor and patient. You know that." Sissera chuckled and left the room quickly, the lapin going back over to the door and locking it after a moment before turning to face me. "Ok, strip."

"What?" I asked, starting slightly.

"I said strip. The first medical examination done on any potential employee is done with the patient nude," she explained, pulling on a pair of rubber gloves after washing her hands in the small sink. "Don't worry. It's nothing like the human examinations. Nothing is going to be shoved anywhere that you don't want it." With that reassurance I slowly removed shirt, boxers, and jeans after kicking my boots off and to the corner of the room. Her eyes openly roamed over my body, making me shift slightly and shiver as I felt a chill run through my body.

Having me sit on the stool instead of the bench which would have put me another foot above her reach, she carefully checked my throat and neck, applying gentle pressure, my eyes, reaction, and the whole nine yards. After, she went into one of the counters drawers and pulled out a large emerald the size of an apple.

"What's that?" I asked, curious as she muttered something and brought it closer after it started to glow.

"Easiest thing to call it is a health stone. What it does is examine your body for infections, diseases, injuries and physical defects," she told me, lightly running it over my ebony scales and watching for some kind of change. Apparently I was in perfect health, for once she finished running it over as much of my form, she nodded and washed it off before setting it back in the drawer.

"Good. So far nothing out of the ordinary," she remarked, taking her gloves off and making a few more notes on her clipboard before turning to me. "Just one more test to go." Before I could say anything, she unbuttoned the lab coat and let to drop to the floor, revealing that she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing beneath. My eyes widened as I stared at Dr. Hurin, nearly falling off my stool in my hurry to stand up and back away.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, not sure what she was thinking.

"The last test is meant to determine arousal and allow me to record the length of your member as well as how you react to sudden invitations to make love while here at E.E.F.," she said with amusement, slowly moving closer. I snorted slightly, but not entirely from disbelief. She was incredibly beautiful, and from the way she moved, it was hard to miss the generous swell and curve of her breasts, the slight sway of her hips and even the scent of her arousal as some of her juices glistened between her thighs. I could feel my member slipping from its sheath and hardening quickly as I continued to watch her, the rabbit Daemon reaching up to caress my chest, her right hand sliding lower to gently caress my pulsing shaft, the sensation making me shiver. "Just relax and go with what happens," she whispered, slowly starting to jack me off and dragging a deep groan from my throat as fire raced through my veins, desire quickly welling up inside of me. I looked down as she gasped, her teasing obviously rewarding her with more than she had thought as she stared at my rock hard member, her own expression warring between her job and lust. Quickly snatching up a tailor's tape measure, she carefully placed one end just above my balls, and drew the other out to the tip of my shaft. Recording the number on the clipboard, she came back and went around the base, middle and head of my member, the scent of her own arousal filling the room as she started breathing a little faster.

"O-okay...We're done here for the moment. As far as I can tell, you're physically fit and more than able to start working as soon as possible," she stammered, keeping her back to me as she continued to write. Now it was my turn to smile with amusement as I moved to stand behind her, reaching out and gently caressing her cheek.

"Are you ok?" I asked in a low voice, temporarily forgetting that I was still achingly hard.

"Fine. Just fine," she said quickly, stepping back and accidentally bumping into me, pressing herself against my member. Dr. Hurin almost jumped as she felt it, whirling around to face me; her expression startled then filling with desire as she looked me up and down again. Bending down to kiss her passionately, I succeeded in drawing a moan from her lips as I pulled her closer, claws dragging along her back slowly.

"Just take me!" she demanded, pulling back from the kiss and leading me to the examination table, turning herself around and bracing her hands against it.

Moving behind her, I rested one hand on her hips and guided the head of my aching member to the lips of her sex, pausing a moment to make sure this was what she wanted before thrusting into her quickly, both of us letting out heating gasps of pleasure. She pushed back against me, murring as I started thrusting in and out of her sex quickly, wanting to keep this short since Sissera was still outside waiting for us. The lapins pussy was so tight around my member as I moved within her, feeling my balls slapping against her sex, each thrust making her cry out, her sounds getting louder as she got closer to climax, not far from it myself. Reaching around, I took her breasts in my hands, feeling them bounce with each powerful thrust I gave, my fingers pinching and pulling her nipples as my shaft pounded against her cervix. She stiffened suddenly, then cried out loudly without warning, her body shaking uncontrollably as her sex turned molten, squeezing me tightly. Biting my lip, I gave a muffled roar, hilting myself within her hard as my shaft pumped waves of burning seed into her, making her shiver and climax again as she ground her self against me. Resting my forehead against her shoulder, we both panted for breath, my hands roaming her body slowly as both of us waited for the torrent of pleasure to subside and my member to give its last few squirts of cum.

Putting my cloths back on and leaving the examination room after giving Dr. Hurin a passionate kiss and hug, I found Sissera out in the waiting room talking with the nurse, a sly grin on her face when she saw me and took the doctors note of approval.

"Everything go well?" She asked innocently, the grin becoming a smile. I nodded, returning the smile if somewhat impish. I felt a little tired, but more elated than anything else as she once again led me through E.E.F.'s hallways. We went upstairs and entered a sunlit room with a set of tables and comfortable looking lounge chairs placed around them. Coffee and other drinks rested on a table at the far corner of the room as well as a few munchies. There were around twelve people standing around or sitting in groups and talking softly as I entered, my eyes widening slightly as I saw Quell sitting at the end of one of the couches. The Cheetah Daemon noticed me and rose, quickly walking over and hugging me tightly.

"So, trying out for the role of 'actor', Alex?" she inquired with a grin, reaching up to caress my cheek.

"Thinking about it. Depends on whether or not I find anyone here they'll let me act up with," I told her, both of us laughing. "What brings you here?"

"I'm one of the group activity organizers that work here," she said, leading me over to one of the couches and sitting down. "At least for the introduction to the many groups here at E.E.F. There are others, mostly of people with the same interest or that are working on similar themed films."

"Kind of like discussion groups?" I asked, leaning back and raising an eyebrow.

"Yes and no. Mostly it's just so that everyone can get to know each other and provide suggestions on anything from acting to love making with different partners," Quell informed me, smiling. I never had the chance to ask anything else, for at that moment, the vixen I had helped at Hybrid Theory not that long ago, and four others walked over to introduce themselves and soon all of us were talking about everything and anything.


...By early afternoon, I had met more than twenty people, some entering the room after I had while others left as another employee entered to get them. Eventually Quell touched my shoulder and motioned for me to look towards the door where a young looking Mouse Daemon was pointedly studying me, then beckoned me over to her. Saying farewell, I followed her to an office, where Sissera was sitting behind one of two desks, the mouse taking the other seat. Between them were chairs each turned so that looking from one to the other wouldn't put that great of a strain on the neck.

"So, having a great day so far?" Sissera asked smiling as she regarded me over her clasped hands.

"Pretty good," I said, returning her smile and looking at the mouse for a brief moment.

"Good to hear. Anyone catch your interest?" she asked tilting her head slightly.

"A few, but names are mostly a blur at the moment," I replied, shifting in my seat to get comfortable.

"No problem," the mouse piped up, pressing a switch on her desk, part of the wall between them sinking back and lifting up to reveal a large screen TV. "By the way, my name is Anne Soul-kiss. All we're going to do is show you a few of the women that you met and if you want, tell us which ones catch your interest."

"What is this for?" I asked, even before the first picture of a raccooness appeared on the screen.

"Your first screen test. Think of it as a film test to see how you reacted when you know that you're being watched by camera's," Anne told me with a smile. "The theme and such will be presented to you later, so for now, a few that appeal to you..."

"Don't suppose your picture will come on screen?" I asked in a joking tone. She smiled and pressed another button, and the TV was displaying Anne's nude picture, complete with sectional shots of her eyes, breasts, thighs, and ass...


...The theme turned out to be a medieval temple kind of setting, an old badgeress helped me with the robe I was to wear, even though she talked quite a bit about some of the films and such she had been able to watch in the observation rooms, and a few of the girls that would be thrilled to have a chance with me from what she could tell. I remained polite though kept silent for the most part as I listened to her before the set director came over and told me to get on the set. Ancient looking stone, real from what I could sense seemed to have been recently recovered from the forest that had grown up around it. The ceiling and distance beyond the trees having the illusion of a star filled night placed over it. In the center of the small clearing, amidst the vines and foliage, was a low stone alter with a pure white cloth draped over it. We spoke for a bit, the director telling me that this was to be a film where a young acolyte to the old ways was making a visit to one of the few sacred sites still hidden from the rest of the world. Unlike most of the other nights though, he would not be alone. I was led to the starting place, the set becoming a little dimmer before the go ahead was given...

...Walking forward slowly, my steps measured with respect for the ancient rites held here since time began, I kept my eyes upon the alter, walking around it once before kneeling carefully upon the ground, starting up a low rhythmic chant as I closed my eyes. There was a slight thrill and desire to look around within me, but I remained as still as possible, shaking my head slightly as I thought I heard distant laughter. Still I chanted, voice rising and falling slowly, smoothly with each moment as I took in the scent of the night air...

Sissera: I watched him from the observation room, a dimly lit lounge area with four average size TV's showing different angles while leaving the window looking down from overhead unobstructed. I watched Anne and two others slowly emerge from the foliage around Alex, light laughter filling the air as the peered at him with curiosity, each of them lightly garbed in translucent silks that seemed to move with a life of their own. One of the girls, Quell, darted forward to touch his arm lightly, vanishing the moment he turned to look around, his chant broken. A smile crept onto my lips as I wondered what was going through his mind....

Alex: I looked around, hesitant as to whether I should continue my rite with the possibility that someone was watching, but with the different shadows and the numerous ones cast by the standing stones in the moonlight, there was little chance of me finding any one. The air seemed cooler, and energized with something more...

Shaking my head again, I returned to my original position and started up the chant again, trying to push all other thoughts from my mind.

Something touched my cheek and again, I heard the ethereal laughter as I leapt to my feet, whirling around to catch some glimpse of who or what was with me. Still, I could see nothing.

"Who's there?!" I demanded, giving a slight growl of frustration, my tail whipping back and forth in irritation. "Show yourself!" There was another light touch on my shoulder and I turned to find...a vixen Daemon standing before me, her silk gown shimmering in the moon light, giving her an ethereal quality. Stepping back in shock and surprise, another hand rested on my shoulder, my gaze coming to rest upon a cheetah with the same kind of silk clothing, her smile full of mischief and something else that I couldn't place. Reaching up to gently caress my cheek and bring my head lower, she kissed me passionately, giving a silent promise of what was to come. I felt fires start racing through me at her touch, staying with me as she pulled back, slowly starting to remove my robe, the vixen sliding behind me to help me out of the cloths I wore.

As my clothing fell, I felt their hands start to wander over my form, a third pair joining them as a young mouse joined in, petite and athletic of form, her eyes regarding me with amusement as I shivered with excitement, growling a little as one of them caressed my sheath and balls. The mouse knelt before me, nuzzling my sheath a moment before lightly blowing across the head of my peeking shaft while the vixen brought my head down for another kiss, Quell pressing her self against my back and purring deeply as her hands roamed over my form. Anne's tongue slipped out to lap up the pre seeping from the tip of my member before taking me in little by little, her lips forming a tight seal around my shaft. I shuddered again, my own tongue curling around the vixens as I pulled her closer, my hands reaching down to grab her ass and squeeze gently. Flames were racing beneath my scales as I felt Quell and Anne start to pleasure me, leaving the vixen as the only one I could play with for the moment as I tensed, resisting the urge to start bucking my hips and push more of my member past the mouse's lips...

Sissera: I chuckled as I watched the four of them, feeling my own arousal growing at the display, my fingers idly tracing along the lips of my pussy through the silk panties I wore. Anne broke off of her ministrations to Alex's member, getting up and pulling him over to the alter. Sitting him down, Lea knelt behind him, rubbing his neck and shoulders gently as Quell distracted him with another kiss, Anne moving to stand between his legs, stroking his hard length slowly with her hands. My eyes watched as she turned her back to him, pressing herself against his chest and reaching down with one hand to grasp his member firmly, spreading herself open with her other. I moaned, slipping two fingers into my pussy as I watched her slowly, ever so slowly take in Alex's draconic length...

Alex: I gasped, my eyes going wide as I felt Anne's burning sex envelop my shaft, making her cry out from its girth as I stretched her wide. Reaching down to take her thighs, I hilted myself completely within her, surprising me slightly that such a small Daemon could do so. I could feel her heart beat against my chest, her breaths quick and sharp as she flexed her sex around me, trying to get used to my size. I nibbled on her neck as I lifted her up gently then brought her down, the sound of our mixed gasps drowning out that made by our bodies union. Quell knelt before Anne, rubbing her thighs gently as her head dipped down, the feel of her sandpaper tongue being dragged over my shaft as I thrust in and out of the mouse sending more flames racing through me, causing Anne to moan loudly with desire.

Hands pulled me back to lay across the alter, Anne pausing long enough to shift her position to kneel on the stone surface, using her legs to move her up and down on my throbbing length. Soft, gentle hands rubbed my balls as they swelled with my seed, Quells tongue continuing to work its magick on our bodies as she continued to lick at the juices seeping from between our forms, getting deep growls of pleasure and gasps from both of us. I felt something straddle my chest and looked up to see the vixen sitting astride me, her glistening pussy inches from my lips. Carefully pulling my lips up to meet her lower lips, I dragged my tongue over her vagina, tasting her sweet juices and starting to drink from her. At the same time, I matched my thrusts with Anne's sending myself into her hard and fast as I lost control of my desire.

Sissera: I moaned, watching what was taking place with lust and joy at how well Alex was performing on the set. The different cameras were each focused on a different part of the foursome, with a fifth one taking in a wide angle that slowly shifted back and forth as the program dictated. Shivering with pleasure, I let my fingers play around in my sex, almost as if they had a mind of their own, knowing just what would bring me to climax...

Alex: An idea crossed my lust fogged mind as I fed upon the vixens sweet juices, tongue probing deep into her pussy as I drew more and more to my lips. Curling my tail back and along Quills thigh, I slid it up and under her crotch, gently rubbing the tip against her vagina before sliding it into her, grinning as I heard her loud gasp of surprise before her purring grew louder, the vibrations making me tense my hips as a cold knot formed in my guts. Anne was squeaking with pleasure as she bounced herself harder and faster upon my member, causing me to writhe beneath her as I tried to keep from climaxing just yet, my tongue twisting inside the vixen as I used my lip to rub her throbbing clitoris, my hands taking a firm grip on her hips to keep her steady. I continued to twist and turn my tail within Quill as she licked around my shaft, giving my balls one more squeeze-

-I roared loudly into the vixens pussy, arching back as my shaft jerked and started to pump waves of burning draconic seed into Anne. She froze, and screamed in ecstasy her head back as her body shuddered, sex clamping down around my member as she milked me for everything I had to offer. My roar set off the vixen as well and I drank furiously just to keep from choking on the flood of pussy juice that flowed from her. Her hands gripped my horns, pressing my lips against her sex as she ground herself against me, growling and moaning words of encouragement as she rode my forked tongue.

It seemed like ages passed before all of us stopped moving to just bask in the afterglow of pleasure...all except for Quill. She patiently cleaned Anne and I off as we lay there, catching our mixed juices and purring as she reached down to caress my squirming tail which was still buried deep in her sex. Helping the vixen off of my muzzle and chest, I sat up slowly, shivering as the cool night air caressed my member as Anne rose and slowly fell to the side to lay across the alter, panting as she tried to catch her breath. Quill looked up at me, the hunger and lust within her eyes clear and fierce. Rising up to kiss the head of my still hard shaft, she wrapped her hands around it, pumping slowly to milk the last of my seed from it. I growled loudly, my desire still burning bright within my mind and body as I reached up to caress her cheek, my talons gently scratching behind her ear. Giving a very un-cheetah like meow, she stopped long enough to press her head into my scratches, lifting her breasts up to either side of my member and rubbing herself against me.

Taking her by the shoulders before she could do anything else, I lifted her up in my arms, going over to one of the henge stones and pressing her against it. She wrapped her legs around my waist, grinding her burning sex against my throbbing shaft as I kissed her fiercely, left hand cupping her breast and squeezing hard, tilting my hips so that the head of my member pressed against her opening. Pulling back from the kiss, she hissed slightly and slammed herself onto my draconic length hard, crying out as she did so. As we thrust against each other, our love making became less passionate and more wild, each of us sensing the others need and urgency to feel release. I thrust hard and fast into Quill as she ground herself against me, each thrust making her breasts bounce before my partly closed eyes. Her claws scratched at my scales as she tried to get a grip on my shoulders to thrust back against me, her growls deep and urgent, her pussy quivering around my member. The cold knot was less noticeable than before, but still it felt it growing, my shaft jerking slightly within her as I felt a familiar rush gathering at the base of my spine. I was about to say something when Quill bit my shoulder suddenly, muffling a keening wail of pleasure as her body shook hard, her orgasm ripping through her without warning. I trumpeted my own pleasure as I felt her already tight walls tighten further around me, making each wave of seed I pumped into her more pleasurable than the next. I continued to thrust into Quill, erratic, and with a few pauses as I leaned against her and the stone, basking in the warmth of our shared pleasure....

Sissera: I was already shuddering with my third orgasm as I watched Alex pull out of Quill gently, smiling as he carried her over to the alter and lay her down beside Anne, Lea sitting up and swishing her tail in anticipation as he looked towards her, his own tail whipping back and forth. Laying back upon the alter like some kind of sacrifice, Lea spread herself open in offering and Alex accepted, quickly moving to stand before her and slowly sliding into the vixen. Unlike the first two, he moved slowly, taking his time to claim this female as his own for the movie's theme. He would definitely fit in as one of the best actors here at the studio I thought, shuddering as I arched back with another climax...

Alex: Lowering my lips to suckle upon the vixens right nipple, I growl, letting my jaws carry the vibrations as I thrust in and out of her sex slowly, taking my time as she squirmed beneath my body. Her eyes looking up at me pleadingly as her legs wrapped around my waist, trying to make me thrust into her faster, her body still in a high state of arousal from earlier. Pulling back from her nipple, I grinned down upon her, grinding myself against her cervix and watching her eyes widen as she moaned loudly. She whispered silent pleas to make her cum, desiring it, wanting to feel the rush and fulfillment so badly. I moved a little faster, picking up speed with each moment as I felt my desires rising again, my body already starting to tense. 'Shit! This is going to be a big one!' I thought, leaning back as my member thundered within her, the cold knot growing stronger this time. She tightened her sex and curled forward just enough to touch the head of my member just the right way-

-I had no breath to roar or make any other sound aside from a deep thundering growl that quickly turned into a groan. I curled forward as all muscles in my body tried to tense and relax at once as I emptied the last of my seed into the vixens body, my loins tingling uncontrollably as I hilted myself hard within her. She locked her legs around my waist and stiffened, her own form shuddering as she clung to me tightly a long low moan escaping her throat. I slumped against her, weakly bracing myself above her body with my arms as I panted for breath...

...It seemed like hours had passed when I finally pulled out of the vixen, looking around to find that the illusion of stars had been lifted and overhead lights had been set to dim. The director and more than a few of the set operators stood at the edge of the room, applauding with broad grins on their faces. Sissera was there as well, though her clothing looked more than a little disheveled. Quill, Anne, and the vixen who introduced herself as Lea rose from where they lay and bowed slightly to the crowd before gathering the clothing that lay strewn upon the ground. I picked up my robes and for a second, wondered where I was supposed to go. Lea took my arm and led me from the set to a 'cool down' room, or at least that's what she called it. It was more like a small relaxation chamber with a shower, wading pool/bath, and a steam room. Stepping into the shower, we helped wash each other off before entering the wading pool, relaxing in the warm water that helped seep out the exhaustion from our weary bodies. Leaning back into the submerged seat against the wall, I sighed and closed my eyes...sleep soon finding me...