My Roommate's A Stripper!? Ch. 32

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#32 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Merry Christmas everyone! For your present I gift to you all the last and final chapter of "My Roommate's A Stripper!?". It's finally all come to an end. Hope you all enjoy! See you all next year!

Chapter 32 "A Risk Worth Taking"

The roar of the applause filled the theater, the young performers taking their bows as they left the stage, a myriad of emotions overcoming the freshman theater majors. Some were laughing, others crying, and a few even ran to the bathroom before their nausea got the better of them. It had already been an emotional night, and most still had another performance to get through.

Maxine's heart was racing as she made her way through the crowd of students backstage, looking for a quiet place to catch her breath. Despite all her experience on a stage, this was unlike anything she had done before. So many people, well over a hundred, all watching her and her fellow performers acting their hearts out as they reenacted an iconic scene from West Side Story. It had been absolutely thrilling and terrifying all at once.

And while Max was confident in her performance, she'd seen West Side Story enough times to have practically memorized every line, a subtle fear still nagged at the edges of her mind. Between all the movement on stage and the nearly blinding lights, the young skunk hadn't been able to really get a good look at her audience. She had been hoping to see the faces of her friends and family in the crowd, but she simply wasn't able. As such, a very important question had remained unanswered.

"Let's keep things moving, people!" The stage manager called out. "We've got one more group performance, then the solos. If you've still got an act then go get ready. Otherwise get outta the way!"

"Should be enough time for some fresh air." Max decided, just wanting a quiet moment to clear her head before her solo. She'd need her heart to stop pounding in her ears if she wanted to sing at her best.

"Maybe it's better this way." Max tried to reason with herself. "If I can't see the audience, I can't see that he's not here. I don't know that he's not here. I have to believe he's here. I can't be upset before my solo. I have to stay focused."

""Maxi? What are you doing out here?" The young skunk turned to see Cheryl coming in for a hug. "Oh, you look gorgeous, but shouldn't you be inside? Won't you miss your performance?"

"I've got some time before I'm on again." Max explained as she returned the hug. "Just getting some fresh air while I can."

"Yeah, it is kinda stuffy in there. But you were amazing. It was incredible to see you moving up there. You were definitely the best one on that stage."

"We were incredible." Max clarified. "It was a group performance, all of us working together to make it great."

"And you were the greatest." Cheryl said with a playful smile. "And you're gonna be the best singer, too."

"I don't know about best." Max replied, finding Cheryl's smile contagious. "So, um, have you seen anyone else in the audience?"

"No, but we did get here kinda late." Cheryl admitted. "We actually got lost on the way here, so we're sitting in the back. I'm sure everyone else is way up in the front."

"Yeah, probably." Max sighed, hoping it was the truth but certain in the back of her mind that her father wasn't sitting anywhere in that theater.

"Well, I should get back to my seat." Cheryl broke Max's thoughts. "Good luck, girl. I'll see you after the show."

"Thanks, hun. I'll see you later." Max took a deep breath, steadying her nerves as she pushed her doubts about her father from her mind. "It doesn't even matter if he's here or not. I am going to rock this performance, and that's all that matters. I can do this. I will do this."

Her confidence reaffirmed and her head held high, Max returned to the dressing room. All other thoughts, fears, and doubts were forgotten, all of Max's focus on the performance she was about to give.

Waiting for her turn was like torture. Once she had changed, all she could do was pace around backstage, barely listening to the other performers as she ran through her own song again and again. This performance was far too important for her to forget a lyric or stumble on even one note.

"Maxine Douglas?" The stage manager called out, getting her attention. "You're up next, Miss Douglas. Hope you're ready."

"Yeah." Max nodded, her heart racing in her chest. She was barely aware of those around her as she waited to be introduced. Though she had been out on that stage a short while ago, the thought of being out there alone had Max feeling equal parts excited and terrified.

"Come on, girl, you perform solos almost every night. Dancing, singing, it doesn't matter. You can do it, so just calm down, get out there, and knock 'em dead."

When Max stepped back onto that stage, it was to the applause of the audience. Her red dress sparkled under the stage lights, the young performer hiding her nerves behind a bright smile. With a brief introduction from the M.C., the stage was handed over to Max, and she finally had a chance, if briefly, to look over the audience. There were so many people, so many eyes focused solely on her, that they all became an overwhelming sea of people. As much as she wanted to see who was out there, Max knew she couldn't waste time scanning that massive crowd.

"Good evening, everyone," Max greeted her audience, forcing herself to believe that this was no different than the customers at the club. "I hope you've all been having a great time so far. The song I've selected to sing tonight is "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson. Please enjoy."

Max closed her eyes as the lights dimmed. The audience went quiet, and for a moment she could hear only her own beating heart. Then a rush overcame her as the music started. She opened her eyes with new found focus, and without missing a beat her voice rang out, singing her song with all her heart and soul.

Her body moved across the stage, every step accentuating the notes and emotions behind her singing. Any fears, any thoughts she'd had before were completely forgotten, all her focus on the performance. It was an experience unlike any other she'd ever felt, baring her heart and soul to the audience. It helped that she had found a kind of special connection with this song, singing it as if it were her very own, and not just some cover. And before she knew it, the song was over, and it was only then that she realized she was crying.

And then she heard it; the thunderous applause of the audience. They were clapping, cheering, even rising to their paws to celebrate her performance. She had never expected such a response, and it moved her far more than any compliments she'd ever gotten at the club.

"Thank you, everyone." Max managed to say as she wiped away her tears. "It was my pleasure to sing for you tonight. Thank you."

She blew a quick kiss to the audience before disappearing backstage. The young skunk was feeling rather overwhelmed with emotion, and was hoping to find a quiet spot to sit down while she waited for the end of the show. And she very much needed a tissue.

The concert continued for a while longer, but with Max's song completed she was actually able to enjoy the remaining performances with little distraction. All the other students were wonderful, singing with just as much heart as she had. She felt her own sense of pride for them, and all the fellow students in her class. She felt right at home, on that stage, like she was one step closer to achieving her dream.

Once the concert was over, the backstage doors opened to allow attending family members to praise the young actors for their success. Max, still in her dress, was soon being applauded by Cheryl and her parents, her second family gushing over her performance.

"Maxine, you were beautiful." Cheryl's mom beamed. "A real natural."

"Yeah, definitely looked like you belonged up there." Mr. Goodwin agreed. "You were born to dance and sing."

"You really rocked that song." Cheryl chimed in, glad to layer on even more compliments. "Nice pick, by the way. I love that song."

"Thanks guys." Max couldn't have stopped smiling if she had wanted to. "It felt so good to be up there. Though, it's crazy to think I just sang in front of so many people. It's gonna take a while to get used to that. I just hope that-"

"Maxine!" Max turned in time to see her mother running her way with open arms. "Oh baby, you looked so beautiful! And you sounded like an angel up there. Oh, my baby girl got a standing ovation! I couldn't be any prouder. Am I crying? I think I'm crying."

"Mom, please." Max couldn't help but laugh as she embraced her mother. "It felt so good to be up there, Mom. It was just amazing singing for all those people, I can't even really describe it. I just wish Daddy could have seen me."

"Who says he didn't?" With a smile, Sophia stepped aside, and Max saw none other than her father standing nearby, looking rather out of place.


"Hello, Maxine." Reginald said, meekly stepping up to his daughter. "That was, ah, quite the show."

"Daddy?" Max still couldn't believe what she was seeing. "You really came?"

"Well, you're mother threatened to have me sleeping on the couch for a month if I didn't." The man admitted, giving his daughter a hug. "That, and your friend, Aiden, stopped by and we had a little talk. Convinced me to at least come and see this nonsense for myself."

"Aiden did?" Max followed her father's gaze to see Aiden nearby, having a chat with his sister and Cheryl's parents. "What did he say?"

"It doesn't matter." Her father replied. "The point is, I'm... well, I'm glad I came. You know, I was just going to sit through this performance, humor you, then go home. Just to make you happy. But, I got more than I bargained for. I got to see my daughter looking absolutely stunning. I got to see her bring an entire theater of people to their paws, all applauding her. And, I got to see you smile."


"I still believe you could do better than this." Reginald continued. "I know, if you applied yourself, you could be a successful doctor, or lawyer. But, this is how you've chosen to apply yourself. And you are, clearly, excelling at it. Anyone can sing, but I suppose not just anyone can get a standing ovation like you did tonight."

"Daddy..." Max was crying again, and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around the man. "I just wanted you to see what this means to me, how important this is to me. I love singing and dancing so much, and I just want... I want you to be proud of me, for being myself."

"I am proud of you, Maxine." Her father admitted, a tear in the corner of his own eye. "I may not be the best at showing it, and maybe I pushed too hard, but it's only because I knew you could succeed. I guess I just need to let you do it in your way."

"I love you, Daddy." Max gave her father a tight hug before wiping her tears away. "And I promise I'll make you proud. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a certain fox to kill."

With one final hug for her dad, Max walked right over to Aiden, who flashed the skunk a warm smile. "Hey, you were great out there."

"Shut up." Max cut him off, wrapping her arms around Aiden and hugging him close. "And thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome?" Aiden replied, not sure what he was being thanked for. He looked up to see her father give him an approving nod, and a smirk crossed his face as he put two and two together. "It was my pleasure. You deserve it, Max. Now smile; We need to go celebrate your first performance."

"You're right." Max agreed, once again brushing away some tears. "Let's go. I want to go party with everyone... including my father."

As the months moved on towards summer, the days were filled with plenty of excitement. Between graduations, bachelor parties, and last minute wedding planning, there was plenty to keep busy with. The time went by fast and before any of them knew it the men were donning their tuxedos in a hotel room for the big day. Marcus, unable to stop smiling, was attempting to tighten up his tie while Aiden and Jacob got ready nearby.

"Why can't I get this damn thing straight?" Marcus muttered, reworking the tie for the fifth time that morning. "I'm surprised I was able to get my pants on with how much I'm shaking."

"Oh, give me that." Jacob walked over and grabbed the tie with a roll of his eyes. "I've never seen you this nervous before. Relax, you're just getting married."

"Yeah, there's nothing to be so worried about." Aiden said with a smirk. "You're only making a decision that's going to affect the rest of your life, potentially. Two simple words and your world will be changed forever. No big deal."

"Gee, thanks guys. Your words are so calming and reassuring." Despite the sarcasm the cat was grinning ear to ear. "Honestly, I don't think I'm nervous. Well, I'm a little nervous. I don't want anything to ruin this. Mostly I'm just excited, y'know? I'm marrying the woman of my dreams, not to mention a gorgeous fashion model. I couldn't be happier."

"You're gonna do great." Jacob said, tightening up the feline's tie. "Your love for each other is almost sickening. You two are gonna do alright."

"I know." Marcus laughed. "Like I said, I'm just super excited. It's a really weird feeling, hard to explain properly. You guys will understand when you both get married."

Jacob barked out a laugh, shaking his head at the very idea. Aiden offered a chuckle as well, just shrugging it off.

"Maybe someday, if I ever get my own shit together."

"You know what you need to do?" Jacob said, offering Aiden a grin. "Actually be the one to make the first move, for once. Everyone you've ever dated started things with you. And while that's not bad in itself, it just doesn't seem to be working. Man up and ask someone else out for once."

"Worked for me." Marcus agreed. "I asked Terra out all those years ago, and now we're getting married."

"Maybe." Aiden chuckled. "Though, how long did it take you to propose? If you had waited any longer, I bet Terra would have been the one popping the question."

"Well, dating and getting married are two completely different things."

They all shared a laugh, though Aiden did take the suggestion to heart. "It might be nice to be the one asking someone else out, for once. Maybe I'll give it a shot next time."

"Do it." Marcus encouraged with a wide smile. "And then in a few years you'll be the one too excited to tie his own tie. Oh man, I can only imagine how excited Terra is right now."

"What do you mean it's stuck!?" Excited wasn't exactly the right word to describe Terra just then, the woman one step away from a full blown panic attack. The dressing room had become a chaotic mess, Terra's sisters standing nearby at a safe distance while their mother tried to get the zipper on her dress moving again.

"I'm sure it's just snagged on a loose piece of thread, dear." Her mother said, doing all she could to keep her daughter calm. "I'll have it unstuck in a moment, just stay still."

"Why not just cut the whole thing out?" Ariel offered. "Backless dresses are so hot right now, and you would so totally rock it."

"Ariel, this is a custom made wedding dress designed just for me and costs more than I care to admit. I am not cutting it up!"

"Terra, stand still!" Her mother chastised her, daring to give the zipper a firm yank and finally freeing it. "There. All better. And you look just beautiful."

"Yeah sis, almost as good as I looked." Fiona agreed with a smirk. "Marcus' jaw is gonna hit the floor when he sees you."

"I hope so."

"Everyone's just going to be speechless when they see you." Her mother agreed, trying to keep the bride calm and positive. "Everything is going to be perfect, so don't worry."

"I'll feel better when Max gets here." Terra grumbled. "God, how could I forget something so important?"

As if by fate or chance the young skunk happened to walk into the dressing room just then, already dressed for the wedding and with her purse in hand. "Special delivery for the bride."

"Oh thank god you're here." Terra rushed over to give Max a hug, pulling her farther into the room. "Sorry to call you so last minute. Did you bring them?"

"Of course." With a wink she pulled a small jewelry box from her purse. "One pair of mother-of-pearl earrings, as requested. No idea why you need them though."

"It's just... I need them." Terra failed to explain, already working on swapping her earrings out for Max's. "They're something borrowed. I meant to ask you months ago but I kept forgetting."

"I can't believe you of all people are buying into that crap." Ariel scoffed. "You know it's a load of bull."

"Maybe. Maybe not." Terra countered. "I'm just playing it safe. The necklace is old; it was great-grandma's. The dress is new, obviously. And the little flowers we're gonna put in my hair are blue. That just left something borrowed: Max's gorgeous earings."

"Glad I could help." Max smiled. "And you look absolutely gorgeous, by the way. That dress is beautiful."

"It better be, for how much she spent on it." Her mother chuckled. "Now come on, we don't have much time left. Can't have the bride late for her own wedding."

"Well, I'll just get out of the way then." Max excused herself. "I want to get a good seat after all."

She left to the sound of Terra fretting over her hair, while mother and sisters all tried to reassure her that everything was fine. Max couldn't help but chuckle as she found a seat near Renee and Emily. Though she knew Terra was likely being overdramatic, Max also knew she wouldn't be any better were she the one getting married.

"Maybe someday." She mused as she waited for the ceremony to start. She happened to notice the men standing nearby, specifically Aiden, looking particularly handsome in his tuxedo. The skunk was impressed, to say the least. "Maybe someday."

The wedding ceremony was a gorgeous event, held on the resort's private beach under the bright afternoon sun. The weather was perfect for the happy couple, with little more than a gentle breeze rolling across the sands. A smile was on every face and more than a few tears were shed as Marcus and Terra exchanged their vows, pledging their love for each other and kissing for the first time as husband and wife. No one could have asked for a more perfect ceremony.

Once over, everyone was eager to head back into the resort for the fantastic reception. The food was delicious, the music energizing, and the alcohol nearly endless thanks to the open bar. There wasn't a single frown in the crowd, and the only tears were tears of joy.

Max was certainly enjoying herself as the evening progressed. She'd never been one to pass up a good party, and a wedding was the perfect place to let loose and have fun, especially when it wasn't your own wedding. She somehow even managed to catch the bouquet, though a part of her wondered if Terra hadn't planned that on purpose. Not that she was complaining; it made for a fun story, end an excuse to pull the bride aside for some pleasant conversation and friendly teasing.

"So, when are you guys having the baby?" Max asked with a cheeky grin. "Gonna take full advantage of the honeymoon?"

"Yeah, I don't think so." Terra gave the skunk a tight hug, laughing off the notion. "I was thinking of giving it a year or so before that little adventure. You're only the fifth or sixth person to ask me that, by the way."

"I'm just messing, anyway." Max admitted, returning the hug. "I think it's good to take some time to enjoy your marriage before you start popping out kids. That's probably what I'd do, too."

"And it looks like you won't have long to wait." Terra teased. "You caught the bouquet, means you're next to get married."

"To who?" Max scoffed. "If you're gonna start looking forward to my wedding, you've got a long wait."

"Oh come on, don't say that. You are a gorgeous piece of tail on her way to being a star of the stage. They could make a reality TV show out of finding you a husband."

"Oh please."

"You know it's true." Terra continued, a wide smirk on her face. "Sure, they never work out, but you'd get to be on TV and tell a dozen hot guys what to do."

"As fun as that sounds, I think I'll pass." Max said, chuckling all the while. "I'd rather do dating the normal way, and preferably with a bunch of hot guys I already know and like."

"How about Aiden?" Terra smirked, daring to play matchmaker. "He's a hot guy you already know and like. You can't tell me you haven't at least thought about it."

"Aiden?" Max blushed heavily as she glanced across the room at the fox, who was enjoying a drink with the groom. "Oh no, no, not Aiden. I mean, he's a really nice guy, and a great friend, but he doesn't exactly have the best track record."

"Nobody does, until they settle down." Terra said with a smirk. "Aiden really is a great guy, he's just not the right type of guy for just anyone. I've heard people say he doesn't pay enough attention, lost in his own little world and oblivious to all around him, but that's just not true. He just pays attention to the stuff he thinks is important. He might not notice your new outfit, but he will remember that one thing you said last year that he found moving. He just needs to find someone who understands and respects that. Plus, he's really good in bed."

"So I've heard." After just a moment of thought, Max shot Terra a coy grin. "And how exactly would you know what Aiden's like in bed?"

"I..." Terra froze for a moment, a soft blush tinting her own cheeks. "Well, y'know, I've known him and Layla for a while now. After all that time, you just... learn things."

"Right, of course." Max's smirk showed she didn't believe a word of it.

"Okay, fine. It was one time, before I started dating Marcus. And he doesn't know, so please don't say anything."

"My lips are sealed." Max assured her. "Though now it really does feel like I'm the only one who hasn't slept with him."

"Yet." Terra teased. "You two have been living together for a year now. You're practically married already."

"Oh stop it." Max huffed, doing her best to ignore the flush in her cheeks. "Don't you have more guests to mingle with, or a husband to flirt with?"

"Oh, alright." Terra chuckled, giving Max a hug. "At least go ask him to dance. No harm in that." With a wink she sauntered off to chat with another group of people, leaving Max to her thoughts.

Still a bit flustered, Max gave another glance towards Aiden. She had to admit, he looked damn good in that tux, and the longer she looked, the less of that tuxedo she envisioned on him. The young skunk eventually had to snap herself away from those thoughts before they went too far.

"It's just the alcohol talking." She reasoned it all off. "But, Terra's right. One dance with a friend shouldn't hurt anything."

Straightening her dress and forcing a smile, Maxine made her way over to Aiden. It was easy for her to cover her confusing feelings with a friendly smile, joining the men in the middle of a laugh. "Hello boys. You two having a good time?"

"Oh, I'm having a blast." Marcus grinned, lifting his glass in celebration. "Everything went off without a hitch, and I'm now married to the most beautiful woman I know. Who could ask for more?"

"And I didn't have to dance with Ariel." Aiden smirked. "Apparently, she claimed more than once that she could turn Jacob straight in one night, if he'd let her."

"One night? She wanted to drag him into a broom closet to prove it right then and there." Marcus laughed, finding this more amusing than he knew he should. "This is why we paired her up with the gay guy, and you with the married one."

"Fiona was very pleasant to dance with." Aiden admitted. "So long as I kept my hands exactly where she wanted them."

"You guys looked great out there. Very romantic. But, speaking of dancing, I don't think I've done nearly enough of that tonight." With a glint in her eyes she placed a hand on Aiden's arm, flashing him a big smile. "What do you say, handsome? Wanna dance?"

"With you? Of course." Aiden returned her smile, offering his hand to her. "I'll try my best not to embarrass you."

"It's a wedding, Aiden." Max chuckled, placing her hand in his. " You're expected to embarrass yourself."

They shared a laugh as they made their way to the dance floor. A small crowd of party goers was already there, drunkenly shaking their tails to the remix the dj was spinning. It was the perfect kind of song to just cut loose to and enjoy oneself.

"Try to keep up." Max teased, already grooving to the beat. They got perhaps a minute of dancing in before the song died down, the dj calling for all the couples to come out for a slow dance. "Oh damn. So much for our dance."

"Hey, where are you going?" Aiden reached out for her hand as a piano chord filled the air. "You're not going to leave me out here, by myself, dancing alone to "Everything I Do", are you? Come on, Max." With a smile Aiden held his hand out once again. "Have this dance with me?"

"Well..." Max hesitated, and with a blush accepted his hand. "Alright, Aiden. Let's dance."

"I promise I won't embarrass you." Aiden gave her a wink as he took hold of her hand, his other resting on her waist as they started swaying to the rhythm. "I can do a pretty mean two step."

"Just don't step on my toes, handsome." Max smirked. She gave in to his charm, resting her free hand on his shoulder as they danced. A soft smile and a warm blush both crept onto her face as she let the music wash over them. It felt so wonderful to be dancing with Aiden, to see him smiling down at her as they moved to the rhythm of the romantic song. The skunk soon slipped both her hands to his shoulders, leaning against him as they danced, feeling his hands on her body and hearing his heart beat in his chest. For a moment, everything felt perfect.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she allowed herself to enjoy the moment. The song started coming to an end long before she wanted it to, and it was only then that she noticed Aiden was quietly singing along. She looked up to see the fox gazing down at her, and for a moment it almost felt like he was singing to her, and not just along with the song. "Aiden?"

Aiden smiled down at her as he stopped dancing, though the song was still going. Gently, he placed a hand under her chin, and slowly lowered his muzzle towards hers. Max let out an excited breath, her face warming up as she felt his lips press against hers. The skunk's eyes lit up for a moment, before gently closing. They held each other close as they kissed, a simple, soft show of affection that Max wasn't expecting, but greatly enjoyed.

As the song finally came to an end, Aiden pulled away, though his smile seemed even warmer than before. Max returned his smile for a moment, until the reality of what had just happened sank in. Her smile faded, a heavy blush tinting her cheeks as she pulled away from the man.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me." Before Aiden could say a word, the nervous skunk disappeared into the crowd. It took Aiden a moment to react, and by then she was long gone, leaving him wondering if he'd done something wrong, and how he could possibly fix it.

It took a bit of searching and asking around but Aiden did eventually find Maxine. She had retreated to a quiet patio outside the hall, leaning against a railing as she nursed a cocktail. Quietly, the fox stepped up beside her, a glass of wine in each hand. "Hey. I was going to offer you a drink, but I see you already have one."

"Yeah." Max offered a small smile, tipping her glass before taking a sip. She didn't say anything more, avoiding eye contact as she stared out into the distance.

Aiden took a sip as well, searching for something to say. "Hey, I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds back there. I just got caught up in the moment."

"It's okay." Max replied, still not looking at the man. "I just wasn't expecting it. And, I'm not sure why you did it."

"I don't know." Aiden admitted. "It's just, I wanted to, I suppose. It felt like the right thing to do at the time."

"And right now?" Max finally glanced over at him. "Do you want to kiss me now?"

"I feel like that's a loaded question..." Aiden replied. "Honestly, I just want to do whatever I can to make you smile."


"Why?" Aiden blushed, not sure what she was asking. "Well, because I like to see you smile. I like to see you happy."

"Like to see me happy." Max repeated, taking another sip of her cocktail. She stared out into the distance a bit longer, letting a silence fall between them as she built up her resolve. "Is it because you love me?"

"Max, you know I-" Aiden cut himself off as he glanced at the skunk, thinking twice about her meaning, and his reply. "Well, I don't know. I used to think I knew what that meant, but lately I'm not so sure. What I do know is that I like spending time with you. I enjoy living with you, and like I said, I really like seeing you smile. And I'm willing to do what I can to make you happy."

"Sounds like it could be love." Max sighed. "And it makes me happy to hear that, sorta."

"Do you love me?" Aiden asked, equal parts curious and hopeful. "Or, at least what you call love?"

"I don't... I mean... Yeah, I guess. I may have been thinking about it for a while, anyway."

"Well, maybe we should do something about it."

"That's what Terra said."

"But you don't want to?"

"It's just... I'm afraid." Max finally admitted. "I'm afraid to get too close to you, in case you leave me. I don't know what I'd do if..."

"I'm not going to leave you." Aiden assured her. "I don't plan on going anywhere."

"No one plans on leaving." Max said, finally turning to fully face the fox. "But that doesn't mean something won't happen to take you away from me. Just like..."

Aiden nodded as she trailed off, gulping down the last of his wine. "Yeah, it could. But something like that could just as easily happen to you. You can't let that stop you from trying. Sometimes you just have to take a risk."

"But, I don't know if I could deal with losing you. It would be hard enough to lose you as a friend, but..."

"Max, it would be hard for me, too, but it's a risk I think I'm willing to take. I mean, life is all about taking risks, right? All of the best things come with a little risk; writing a book, or trying to become a dancer. I mean, just look at Marcus and Terra."

They both glanced back inside, where the two feline's were in each other's arms, laughing and just enjoying themselves to the fullest. "Anything could happen to either one of them, at any point, though I hope to God it doesn't happen. But still, it could, and they took the chance anyway, because they love each other. It's a risk they felt was worth taking."

Max watched the happy couple for a bit longer, then turned back to Aiden with a smirk. "When did you suddenly become a dating expert?"

"No idea." Aiden chuckled. "I admit, I'm mostly just talking out of my ass."

"Well, it makes sense, surprisingly." Max said, finally showing a hint of a smile. "But are you sure it's really worth the risk?"

"I think it could be." Aiden admitted, taking Max's hand in his own. "It's a risk I'm willing to take, at least. If you'll take it with me."

"Well..." Max chewed on her lip as she looked into Aiden's eyes, mulling it over. "Kiss me again? Then I'll tell you what I think."

Aiden smirked, cupping her chin once again. Without a word he leaned down, pressing his lips against her own. Max hummed as she pressed back, wrapping her arms around Aiden as they kissed, She couldn't help but whimper as he pulled away, her eyes fluttering open to see his smiling face.

"So, what do you think?"

With a grin Max grabbed her drink, downing the last of it in one go. "I think I've had too much to drink, and need to do lie down. Care to escort me to my room?"

With a smirk, Aiden offered his arm to her. "It would be my pleasure."

Deciding to skip the rest of the party, Aiden escorted Max through a quieter part of the resort and up to her hotel room. It was a small, well decorated room with a comfortable looking bed, one that Max sat down on with an inviting yet hesitant grin. "So, you want a drink or something?"

"I thought you said you'd had enough." Aiden smirked, tossing his suit jacket aside. "I wouldn't want you to have too much and do something you regret in the morning."

"Always looking out for me." Max chuckled, flashing Aiden a more comfortable smile. "I guess you really do care."

"Of course." The fox smirked. "I told you, I'll do whatever I can to make you smile."

"Whatever you can?" Max's grin spread a bit wider. "Then, will you stay with me tonight?"

"I'd be happy to."

"And..." Max suddenly rose from the bed, turning her back to the man. "Could you help me get my dress off?"

Aiden was momentarily speechless at that request, a blush tinting his cheeks. With a nod he stepped up to the skunk, gently taking and pulling down the zipper on the back of her dress. Coyly, Max let the dress slip from her shoulders. Aiden's eyes went wide as she turned to face him, her matching white lace bra and panties wonderfully accentuating her assets. He always knew she was beautiful, but now her stunning looks had left him speechless.

"Your turn." Max cooed, taking hold of Aiden's tie. With nimble fingers she undid the knot, tossing the garment aside before making quick work of his shirt buttons. Once topless, she took a moment to let her fingers explore his chest, feeling the taut muscle beneath his soft fur. "God, you're handsome."

"You don't look half bad, yourself." Aiden smirked as he placed his hands on her hips. "But it's not like we haven't seen each other half naked before."

"I know, but..." Max chewed on her lower lip as her eyes continued to take in his body. "Guess I just can't help myself."

"I know the feeling." With a big grin, Aiden leaned down, surprising Max with another kiss. A quick squeak turned into a soft moan as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Awkwardly, they made their way over to the bed, neither one willing to part from the other. Kissing turned to giggling as they inevitably fell onto the bed, Max making herself comfortable atop Aiden.

"I could get used to this." The skunk giggled, her fingers kneading into Aiden's shoulders. "Good to know all that muscle isn't just for show."

"A good ten years of swimming will do that." Aiden said with a proud smirk. His fingers slid over her back, and with a quick tug her bra fell loose. "Strong, yet nimble."

"Impressive." Max admitted, sitting up to straddle his waist. She slipped the straps from her shoulders, tossing her bra aside and letting her hefty breasts hang free. "Now, where were we?"

"Looks like you've changed your mind about risks." Aiden chuckled, taking a moment to enjoy the sight before him. He had always secretly liked the way those golden rings accentuated her dusky nipples, and now he finally dared to reach up and take a handful of that soft flesh. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." Max didn't even hesitate, already unfastening Aiden's belt. "I've wanted to do this for a while, but I was just too afraid. But I can't let that stop me from trying, right?"

"If it's what you really want." Aiden said, his eyes darting between her's and the hefty breasts in his hands. He'd begun gently massaging her supple flesh, enjoying the feel of them in his hands. Max was too busy pulling his pants down to notice, grabbing at the thick bulge in his boxers. "I know I really want to. Of course, it probably took me too long to realise it."

"Don't say that." Max cooed, finally getting off the fox to fully remove his pants. "Right now, you should save your breath for kissing."

"Yes, dear." Aiden chuckled, rolling on top of the skunk and pinning her beneath him.

Max moaned as she felt his weight press against her, a moan which was quickly cut off by his lips and tongue. They wrapped their arms around each other, their tongues wrestling deep inside Max's muzzle. Aiden wasn't holding back, pushing his tongue as deep as he could as his hands roamed over the skunk's body. They pressed tightly against each other, exploring every inch of the other's body as they let go of their fears and embraced their deeper feelings.

A shiver ran through Max's body as she felt Aiden grind against her, his considerable length rubbing against her body, already eager to slip inside her. A heat flushed through her moistening loins at the very thought, but as excited as it made her, there was another fear still nagging at the back of her mind.

"Mm! Aiden, wait." She suddenly pushed the fox back. "I, uh, should probably tell you something first."

Aiden's ears twitched as he was unexpectedly pushed back, not sure what to expect now. A heavy blush was tinting Max's face as she searched for her words, a bit embarrassed about what she had to say. "Aiden, I've never really, well, done this before."

"Never done what before?"

Max snorted, glancing down between them then back into the fox's eyes. "I've never had anything, y'know, inside me before. I'm still intact, so to speak."

"What?" Aiden couldn't help but chortle. "C'mon Max, I know you've had sex with people before. It's not a big deal."

His smile faded when he saw her embarrassment growing. "Wait, so you've really never had anything in... there?"

"Not even a finger." Max admitted.

"Why not?"

"I was saving myself for..." Max cut herself off as she gazed into Aiden's eyes. This was the man she had told so many truths to. The man who never judged her, who she could trust. No sense lying about this. "Okay, so I heard that you... bleed... your first time. I don't like blood. Every time I thought about it, I'd just feel so sick. I was just afraid. I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Max, if you don't want to do this..."

"I do!" She insisted. "If there's anyone I'm willing to do this with, its you. Even if I do... bleed. I know I'll be safe with you."

"You know, that bleeding stuff isn't necessarily true." Aiden offered, gently resting his hand on her cheek. "You're a very active and flexible woman. If we do this right, and I'm certainly going to try, this shouldn't even hurt, let alone bleed."

"Really?" A soft smile crept over Max's face, and she planted a kiss on Aiden's lips. "Alright, I trust you, Aiden. I know you won't hurt me."

"I'll do my best." He promised. "And if we're going to do this, I plan to do it right."

Gently, he lowered himself onto her, pressing his lips against her soft neck. A moan escaped the skunk's lips, which soon turned into heavy breathing as the man left a trail of kisses along her body, working his way between the valley of her breasts and over her taut stomach.

His journey ended when he came to her white panties, a small damp spot already turning the fabric translucent. "Well, you're already wet. That'll help. But let's just make sure you're as ready as can be." Aiden winked up at Max as he slowly pulled her panties off, exposing her glistening nethers to the cool air. He couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the sight, her dew beading on her folds like flower petals in the early morning.

"So, you just gonna stare at it, or what?" Max smirked, spreading her legs a bit wider.

"Just taking my time." Aiden replied, placing his hands gently on her thighs. "But I won't keep you waiting any longer."

He let out a gentle breath before pressing his lips against hers, inhaling deeply and letting her intoxicating scent wash over his senses. It was one of the best things he'd ever smelled, rich and exciting, and full of lust. It sent his heart racing, and Aiden couldn't help but to taste her nectars.

Max moaned again as she felt Aiden's strong tongue slide over her folds, lapping up her juices with a hungry lust. He teased her labia, sending ripples of pleasure through her body as he lovingly feasted on her. "Oh god, Aiden. That's so good."

"You taste so sweet." He replied, laying gentle kisses on her pierced button. "I could do this all night, but I think you want more, right? Max, I'm going to push my finger inside, if you're ready for it."

Max gave a nod, chewing her lower lip as she tried to relax, putting her trust in Aiden. Ever so gently, the fox placed his lips around her clit, kissing her softly as one of his fingers began to press against her folds. The skunk sucked in her breath as that digit penetrated her loins, easily sliding into her moist depths and tickling nerves previously left ignored. "Oh god. Aiden, that feels... Oh!"

She let out a sharp gasp as the tip of Aiden's finger pressed into her g-spot, sending a pulse of pleasure through her body. Aiden slowly rubbed his finger through her folds as he suckled on her clit, causing the woman to whimper and squirm with pleasure. He didn't let up, wanting to make sure Max was more than ready for what was to come next.

"Aiden..." She mewled, her fingers kneading into her breasts. "That feels so good. Oh, Aiden, stop teasing me. I can't take much more of this."

"You're not going to pop already, are you?" Aiden smirked, pulling his finger from her nethers and giving it a taste. "Well, alright. If you think you're ready for it."

"I'm ready for you." Max replied, holding her arms out to him. "Come make love to me, Aiden."

It was an invitation he couldn't refuse. Unable to wipe the smile from his face, Aiden slid his boxers off, letting his member stand at full attention. Max's eyes went wide when she finally saw the fox's full length, intimidated almost as much as she was excited. "Damn. Go big or go home, I guess."

"You won't have to take the whole thing." Aiden grinned, positioning himself above her. "We'll just take it one inch at a time."

He lowered himself on her once more, Max wrapping her arms around him to take him in a deep kiss. They pressed their bodies tightly together, Aiden's shaft now grinding against Max's loins, exciting them both even further. With a gasp the man pulled away, lowering his hips and lining his member up with her passage. "I'm going to start putting it in now, okay? Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time."

"Okay." Max nodded, letting out a deep breath. "I'm ready. And Aiden... I love you."

"I love you too."

Slowly, Aiden started to push his way into Max's passage. She let out a gasp as she felt her walls spreading around his member, a foreign yet exciting feeling. Inch by inch he probed deeper, delving into her silken folds and setting off her nerves with waves of pleasure. As he went deeper, she clung to him tighter, burying herself into his neck as she moaned with pleasure. That moan ended with a gasp as she felt him finally push against the back of her passage, fully stretching her folds around his considerable length.

"Oh, Aiden..." Max mewled, her fingers running through his fur as her thighs squeezed his waist. "That feels so good. Guess I really have been missing out."

"You feel incredible." Aiden moaned, nuzzling against her as he waiting for her to adjust. "You're so soft, and warm. Max, I'm going to start moving now."

"Please, I don't want to wait any longer." Max mewled, peppering his chest and neck with kisses. "Make love to me, Aiden. Now and forever."

"It would be my pleasure." With another kiss, Aiden started to slide out. He pulled out almost completely before pushing back in, soon falling into a slow yet steady rhythm. His hips moved gently, gradually picking up speed as he made love to her, just as she'd wanted.

"Aiden... Oh, Aiden." Max was already a whimpering mess, her legs wrapping around Aiden's waist as she started thrusting back against him. The pleasure was amazing, but even better was the feeling of Aiden's strong arms around her body, of his body pressed against hers, and of him buried deep inside her. She clung to him tightly, kissing at whatever part of him she could reach, allowing herself to succumb to the ecstasy.

Aiden had already given in to his lust, his hips moving on their own as he moaned and panted into her ear. He could feel her muscles tightening around his shaft, pulling him back in everytime he pulled out. It felt incredible, making it nearly impossible for him to focus on anything more than how she felt.

"Aiden..." Max mewled, her fingers digging into his fur and her legs tightening around him. "I can't... I think I'm gonna...."

"Go ahead." Aiden grunted, thrusting hard and fast now. His shaft was slamming against the back of her passage without restraint. His own muscles were tightening up as he reached his peak, but he held back, wanting to make sure Max got off first.

"Aiden! Aiden!" Max's back arched as she cried out, the endless, intense pleasure pushing her right over the edge. Her hips bucked against his as she sang out his name, her juices soaking his loins as she succumbed to orgasmic ecstasy.

"Max... Maxine!" Aiden cried out her name, her clenching walls milking his shaft and pushing him past his limits along with her. He slammed in as deep as he could, burying nearly his entire length within her as his seed flooded her passage. His hips jerked as he fired thick ropes of spunk, filling her until his seed spilled from her lips, running down his heavy balls and onto her tail.

Time seemed to stand still as they held each other close, their hearts seeming to beat as one as the afterglow settled over them. Max kept pecking kisses at Aiden's neck between heavy breaths, her body still shivering with pleasure. "Oh Aiden... that was incredible."

Aiden nodded, still catching his breath as he rolled off to her side. As he pulled out, Max let out a gasp, more of his seed spilling free. She whimpered softly, rolling to curl up at his side and sighing contently as he held her close.

"Aiden, I love you so much." Max sighed, resting her head against his chest. "Please don't leave me."

"I'll try my best." He said with a soft smile, hugging her close and planting a kiss atop her head. "I'll do whatever I can to stay by your side, and to make you smile. I love you, Max."

They shared another tender kiss before curling up for the night. Neither one could stop smiling, their contentment and feelings for each other overflowing, now that they both finally accepted them.

The resort's main lobby was full of smiles and warm greetings as the wedding guests leisurely checked out the next morning. Marcus and Terra were hanging around, taking the chance to thank everyone one last time before they went home. Terra was particularly glad to see Max that morning, as she had missed thanking the skunk the night before.

"Good morning, Max." She greeted, giving her a tight hug. "Here. Thanks again for the earrings. You're a real lifesaver."

"Anytime." Max smiled, tucking the jewelry into her purse. "And congratulations again."

"What happened to you last night?" Terra asked more quietly. "You kinda just disappeared. I was worried something had happened."

"No, nothing happened. Nothing bad anyway." The skunk blushed, glancing over at Aiden, who was still checking out. "I just, took your advice. Then one thing led to another, and..." She let her words trail off, not wanting to elaborate on the rest.

Not that she needed to. Terra was already grinning as she, too, glanced at Aiden. "Really? That's great. What changed your mind?"

"I just... decided that it was worth the risk." Max replied, smiling all the wider as she saw Aiden approaching. "And I think it's one risk neither one of us are going to regret."

They shared a kiss when Aiden joined them, and with a smile on both their muzzles, the two left the hotel hand in hand, ready to continue their lives together, no matter what risks may come.

The end?

Or perhaps, only just the beginning.