
Story by sirwinsalot on SoFurry

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its a project i am working on, i have never really done stories before but i figured i would give it a shot. i have a start middle and end ready so will put more info here as we go along, it will have spelling errors and such i will fix as we go chapter by chapter but this will be where i upload my drafts too

Title: Equilibrium

"Every night, It happens over and over again, I am smiling as I tell myself everything is going to be ok, I see a face, a pale white, hair of a goddess and the looks of a queen, she tells me everything will be ok and she will return. She didn't not in time, but I keep telling myself it's going to be ok as she drifts further and further away. She's gone into the dark ether never to return and like that I see it, the buildings rush past me and the wind soaring past my face, cutting like razor blades, then another face appears, pink and yet again a small smile she opens her mouth but the words are unable to be heard as the wind rises past my ears, and then with a loud *CRUNCH* I wake up, unaware of my surroundings and feeling as if I have lost something but I get up, turn off the alarm and get ready for work, this is my life and this is my story"

Chapter 1: Life's Beginning

Friday the 17th of November 2015

"Another morning dawns, the birds are serenading their beautiful tunes as the Kids outside are playing with one another enjoying life's youth unaware of the harsh reality of adulthood that awaits them "

Quotes our protagonist, from under the covers nothing but growls and moaning can be heard but within seconds the quilt is flung off and there lying in bed is a 6,3ft beast. From head to toe Varying shades of grey over their body, their top half of the head a dark grey while under their muzzle with a fine set of teeth a lighter shade, two small horns sits atop sizzling slowly. The arms a dark grey down to just over the bicep and arm where it begins to turn a lighter shade down to their paws. A well chiseled light grey chest with abs then down to his legs it turns a darker grey among his feet paws. Two giant light brown Falcon wings on his back with a very lengthy while also girth solid rock hard semi dark-red cock with 6 spines near the bottom of the tip, 3 on either side. Our character rolls his paw down the top and back of his head as the spiked black semi small Mohawk prongs up back into place, with a few gentle blinks their metal cybernetic right eye is making small buzzing noises before adjusted into place "Jesus what a fucking day to be working, on a FRIDAY of all days, could not let me have a simple lie in" he mutters almost spitting his words.

Begrudgingly the great Hell-hound shimmy's over to the side of the bed and sits upright, stretching their arms out showing off the muscular biceps that had been forged from years of work and endurance, and with a another small *growl* they push themselves off the bed, standing upright and proceeding though the small rooms, dragging their claws along the wall following the trenches of already indented scars from previous movements long past. Hooking a right he fumbles in steadily but slowly keeping his red eyes squinted and fixated in front of himself before stumbling against a smaller ledge and SLIPPING into the shower


*CRASH* *BANG* *SCREECH* the wall shakes a little knocking off some gel left on top of a shelf hanging above the shower onto the great beasts head opening up a spilling its contents down their body as it seeps into each crevasse of his abs and around his legs. With a single sigh the beast stands up turning on the shower with a crack they turn all the way right and the water begins to run down his body, steam suddenly fills the room and he closes the door as their short and fluffy tail sways to the side out of harm's way.

As he runs his hands down his body making sure to wash every crevice and spot soaking them thoroughly his hands slide down their soaking wet grey body and begin to grip slowly around the shaft stiffening below his waist, Each finger locks around it gently followed by his soft moans of joy and slight ecstasy, the hot water and warm atmosphere drenching them as a stream of water spurts of the tip of his now fully erect shaft. But before he gets more than a few well-placed pumps on his girth a loud *KNOCK* * KNOCK* is heard.

"You up yet M? We don't have all day and I want to gooooo~"

A small voice speaks from out the window of the bathroom, before long a little black dot is pressed against the foggy window, "M" steps out of the shower after glazing himself then washing all the products off, as they glisten he rubs down the window's steam revealing a small pressed black nose and big beady eyes looking up at him with a cheeky grin

"Hurry uuup~"

The eyes immediately dart down to stare at "M"' still hard cock and a small cheeky grin rises on the beings face "I see you're HARD at work already" as it licks it lips "M" Sighs and presses it playfully against the window before chuckling watching the small brown critter's eyes cross trying to stare at the rod directly in front of them though the window

"Go wait in the car"

"M" states then turning around whisking his tail and walking out into the bedroom and throwing on some casual clothes still lying on the floor from the night before, a black sleeveless body warmer fits over his bulky body while the wings seemingly slide back into their body to fit the jacket then reappearing though the two holes in the back fully emerging. And some three quarter shorts he does the buckle and zips and hastily walks out the door hooking left and opening his front door. Grabbing the keys from the top left shelf behind "M" steps outside into the bright sun causing him to close his left eye and focus on the environment with his robotic right one.

Closing and locking the door he steps down the path and looks straight ahead walking towards a small red car with a very fluffy feminine being inside sitting in the driver's seat. Bending down in front of the vehicle this great beast in comparison opens the door and pushes the passenger seat all the way to the back and slips inside sitting down while bending his knee's comically up to his face before giving a very plain look to the small critter chuckling back at "M"

"Could you NOT buy a bigger vehicle?" "M" asks in a snarky tone,

"Could you not FLY with them pretty wings of yours big boy?" she responds giggling.

"Fair point but I don't feel like it, it's a Friday Kura, so let's get this day over with" "M" responds before attempting to fasten his seat-belt but getting it only slightly over his knee, Kura nods making a small "hmm!"

agreeing noise and jams her little paws to the pedal accelerating as fast as her car would go, steadily dodging traffic and driving over as many red lights as she could!

"You know you are going to get fined again? Could you not." The hell-hound asks in a very gentle nonchalant tone.

"But that ruins the fun of having such a fast car sir!" replies the small creature innocently giggling as she steadily beams her eyes on the oncoming traffic in a carefree manner.

Almost an hour later they arrive at a giant steel complex tower shimmering and reflecting light to capture its beauty as it overlooks the building, the words "PHOENIX" in bold orange letters projected on the side from an unknown source gently flickers, Kura pulls up along the side and parks it "that was fun!~" as sirens are heard in the distance, both step out of the tiny red car and the stout hell-hound gives a stretch before flexing his muscles, the small creature steak around the bonnet with her big fluffy tail puffing out, a 5,1 small creature with dark brown skin and the looks of a red panda while keeping a Hot Pink hair color and red eyes in view wearing a tight tactical vest and black Tactical pants, Kura approaches "M" from in front and stands on her little two paws getting onto her tip toes looking down his body then back up to his muzzle

"You know M all that muscle won't save you from a gunshot or stab, it's bad for your health and I wish you would wear the protection! I wouldn't want the goods damaged you know~" Are the words she boldly states to him while pouting a little and puffing her cheeks out.

"I know, it's all inside I swear I uh... misplaced it Sakura?" stammers the Hell-hound before rubbing the back of his head and giving a nervous chuckle.

Seconds later they both decide to walk towards the side of this great colossal building following a path leading down the side, A couple minutes of walking later Sakura reaches down the right side of her trousers and pulls out a key attached to an elasticated coiling spring type key holder. She darts off ahead gleefully in her stride and takes a left around the corner. As the "M" turns around the bend Kura has already opened the door and holds it open with her hands folded behind her back looking up at the beast smiling

"After you."

He nods and walks though in his stride before Sakura turns to him and gives the Hell-hound a firm *SLAP* on the rump, then darting off ahead and turning her head back to give a small wink as she passed "M".

He rubs his butt slowly before following the path in front. Inside cool air blows though and the smell of hot meals being cooked for breakfast from the cafeteria, the walls a marble white with an orange stripe down the center on both sides and the ceiling coal black, "M" follows the floor in front as three colored lines lead, green , amber and red. The beast follows amber as it guides him around the building past many of beings of assorted types. From doe and bunnies to living sharks and bears, All anthropomorphic and living their lives among each other while working jobs like humans would. Eventually the path leads to a steel elevator with Sakura bouncing up and down playfully, holding the door open waiting for him

"Hurry up we are going to be late! You know how cranky the boss gets and your fuzzy ass is already on the line mister, do not make me pull rank!"

She shouts down the corridor. With a small grin on his lips "M" merely states "you always loved to be dominant with me, why stop now?"

as they step into the elevator staring back down the corridor, a few second go by before Sakura pokes him softly and makes a small whimpering noise and pointing to the buttons above her height, He sighs and pushes the number "4" The doors close with a gentle grind of metal on metal before the elevator starts to lift up though the building.

As the numbers begin to rise on the LCD panel a gentle jingle plays from the speaker above that slowly drowns out the noise of the elevator rising, "M" and Sakura look at each other and sigh together "Have you ever noticed how every time you step into an elevator the music is some bland tune that just drives though you?"

Sakura asks, the hell-hound gives a quick nod "indeed, it is rather monotonous but I guess the company cannot afford a decent elevator music picking department" he responds snarky before checking his clothes over for what he brought with him to work, upon checking the side of his jeans he realizes he is missing something,

"Say do we have to stop off at the armory and lockup? I guess I should get changed into the proper attire, also what's today's duties" asks "M" as the elevator passes floor 3.

Sakura pats herself down watching the numbers rise preparing by stepping in front of "M" ready to step out of the elevator.

"Yeah sure! We are already late but what's five minutes more, besides you are not even equipped! Silly mutt needs to have his tools, Hmm it's a Friday right? So all we need to do is the routine checks on sights and scan the locks to show nobody broke in, finally stop off at compound and guard for the last couple hours, not bad for nine hours work, hey maybe this time you can treat ME to some food"

As she finishes her words the elevator slows down and comes to a halt followed by a single *ding* as the doors open slowly but before they can stop Sakura slides between the small entrance before prancing off down the hill whistling away as "M" steps out to follow her down the hall, His ears prick up from the eerie silence coming from the floor. Nothing but silence, neither single water drop nor footstep other than Sakura's which causes the hell-hound to start sniffing the air. He picks up pace following Sakura into the lockup and opens up his locker, inside is an assortment of clothing, and firearms as well as a picture of the Hell-hound with two female's one a white horse with a horn protruding from her forehead and another a pink colored feline creature while all three are smiling at the camera in front of a night club named Toko.

there is a cut across the picture of the pink female's face as if someone dug a knife through it, "M" takes some tactical clothing along with a ballistic vest and suits up, holstering two small side arm's either side as well as storing a compact cylinder into his back slot with the handle sticking out, inside is a sealed blade with the sheath sealed tight by a lock of sorts. The hell-hound slides the blade down his back wearing the bandoleer keeping it around his chest.

"Are you seriously taking that much fucking gear? And your sword again, are you one of those otaku losers?" asks Sakura as she stares daggers at him slightly concerned

"Do you not think that it's awfully quiet? Even for a Friday morning it should be packed with staff getting ready, something does not sit right with me... and HEY! I did Kendo when was younger....at least what I can remember of it" replies the hell-hound softly as his ears try to pick up the slightest of noise.

With a few ear twitches Sakura closes the locker gently and nods before grasping her right holster and steadily walking towards the entrance out before long footsteps are heard, Sakura beacons over "M" with her finger as he stacks up behind her then readying his hand over his firearm he taps her on the shoulder notifying her he is ready to move, they slowly step around the corner following the sound of footsteps, Working down the corridors the duo take a wall each keeping themselves pressed up against each side, scanning each doorway as they pass past seeing no signs of anyone they "M" picks up on a scent and gives a small wave to Sakura signalling her to follow him.

Before long they come to an entrance where crashing and banging is heard on the other side and the two stack up against the doorway, their hair on ends and tails solid frozen ready, Sakura's hands shaking and "M" steadily checking his pockets and slot he gives a small nod before they both reach down unbuttoning their holsters and grasping their side arms and holding them low as they prepare to barge into the next room, Sakura plucks up and begins to mimic her mouth the numbers.

"Three... Two.... One"

Upon the final number Sakura swings though the doorway followed by "M" clutching their handguns and raising them up to in front of them arms extended, the hell-hound hook's right as Sakura hooks left keeping their backs pressed to the wall as upon entering the room in front sits a giant panel of broken Glass shattered everywhere all over the floor, Among the glass is empty cases of rounds from gunshots and three dead staff member's inside their chairs still all who had no idea what had happened, one more body was situated against the back window overlooking the outside city clutching a firearm that had not been fired, however there was nobody left alive in the room but a giant hole to the left which had been sawed though where the sound's continued to come from. Sakura's hair stood on ends and her eyes widened from the dead as she stepped forward to investigate, the blood seeped into her feet paws making her shiver, "M" pulled her back and pointed to the wall on the left clutching his weapon tight.

Pressing tighter into the wall "M" grasps his radio from their back pocket and twists the dial on top to another channel before holding down the button and speaking softly while looking for a sign of some sort before seeing the word "treasury and data" atop the doorway

"This is Security, M and Sakura, We have four dead bodies on floor four in Treasury and Data, gunshots fired, unknown number of suspects, requesting support immediately"

The hell-hound steadily turns down the volume and places the radio up to her ear listening out.

"Copy that, backup is on its way, stay put and stay alive" replies the voice on the other end

He turns down the volume further and places it back into his rear pocket, gripping his weapon with two hands he fondly remembers the good things in his life before clearing it and steadily moving forward with a clear conscience, Feeling Sakura follow gently touching his tail with her chest he prepares himself to wrap around the corner preparing for whatever may be waiting.

With one final deep breath the Hellhound steps around the corner raising his firearm and his cybernetic eye already scanning the big room full of filing cabinets as high as the ceiling as three figures come into view and all armed with black combat clothing with masks covering their faces as well as weapons supressed with silencers, all appear to be searching file cabinets tearing them out searching for something Sakura follows raising her firearm out shouting

"HOLD IT! Phoenix security! Drop your weapons and put your hands above your heads!"

Within seconds the three swiftly turn around to face her all clutching their weapons and their fingers on the trigger, Sakura hesitates clutching the trigger before the giant hellhound charges tackles her to the floor and into cover as they open fire on where she stood *RATATATATATAT* filling the wall with holes as they shred though filling the already dead bodies in the other room with more holes causing one to drop to the floor with a gentle *THUMP*

"WHY did you hesitate?!" he screams over the gunshots into her face bearing his teeth in an adrenaline filled rage

"I choked! I don't want to be here, this is not why I signed up!" she shouts back timidly clutching her weapon

He rolls off her onto his back hearing one of them come charging down the hall "M" raises his weapon down where he had dived from as a giant humanoid animal with antler's turns around the corner raising their weapon to fire at the duo, the hellhound quickly locks on using his cybernetic eye and pulls the trigger several times filling the creature with lead *p-taff p-taff p-taff * three shots directly into their cranium one of which taking his directly into the eye socket as a *pop* is heard and they drop to the floor holding the trigger of the assault rifle *dakka dakka dakka* rounds fly into the ceiling which drops rubble onto the two still lying down as dust surrounds the area

"If you value your life you better start shooting, now is not the time to think, just stay behind me and I will protect you" he calmly speaks to her looking directly into Sakura's eyes for a few second then dragging himself off the floor lifting her up with him as she nods.

Silence fills the room as the dust begins to spread and covers their scent, neither can smell anything but the dust particles so pressing themselves against the steel cabinets Sakura presses her back to "M" and readies her weapon still shaking and afraid, "M" looks back and with a single pat on her head then rubbing affectionately upon the tip of her cranium she smiles warmly steadying her hands smiling gently, they push off either side and begin to move down the aisles and rows of cabinets heading to the back of the room searching for whoever broke inside.

His vision obstructed by the cabinets the hellhound is now alone and slowly proceeds down each section checking left up the hall and right down each aisle with his weapon, swapping between the two keeping his firm back pressed against the cool steel, each footstep in tuned with his slow and calm heartbeat, Out the corner of his right eye someone turns around the corner aimed directly at the hellhound's exposed back.



5 rounds go through his wings tearing holes though as he drops to his right knee, twisting his body to the right aim firing off more rounds down the hall

*P-taff P-taff P-taff P-taff P-taff* *PING*

All rounds miss bearing deep into the wall behind but a single one bouncing off the cabinet blasting the bolt as the papers fall to the floor, "M" dives to the corner and grips his weapon firmly dashing around the side and pointing his weapon dead in front before side stepping around the last corner by the hole in the wall steadily aiming directly at the masked being with a giant horn protruding upwards from their long face, as they turn to fire "M" pulls the trigger



His weapon has an empty clip with no rounds left and none in the chamber, the giant beast smirks under his mask, giving a loud grunt aiming his weapon up at the hellhound and firmly grips the trigger.

In that split second "M"' locks up, preparing himself for what comes next, the only thought rushing though his head is of a story he had once heard as a child.

"What happens when we die? I have always wondered" asked a young hellhound looking up at a table sitting with two figures, one another great beast, and beast in black with horns similar to "M" but much bigger and on fire, the other figure a winged purple humanoid with a sharp tail and slender body.

"At your age asking such a deep question? Are you not a little young to be wondering of such things dear?" replies the purple figure giving a heart-warming smile as she leans over to tussle the hellhounds small black Mohawk like hair

"I have always wondered, my friend at school said her mum died when she was young and she got upset before running off" "M" replies frowning a little planting his head on the table

The purple figure asks "what brought on that question my love? "

"M" looks up slowly "well we was talking about our parents and why we all look different and we asked her what her mother looked like as we have never seen her" as he finishes his statement his crosses his arms on the table and hides his muzzle and eyes in them

The big black hellhound beast pats "M" on the back before speaking "well when we die we believe you become reborn, we do not know when or were but rebirth is a big part of our belief's no all beliefs of this planet, so don't you worry I am sure she is already alive somewhere else, just be sure to give your friend a big hug and say sorry ok?" he proudly states

"But I didn't do anything wrong...at least I did not meant too." Speaks the little hellhound quietly sobbing slowly

The large hellhound grips "M" and lifts him up into his arms as the purple one stands up and walks around the table to hug him

"no tears you hear me, you are a strong brave man and you will grow up to protect those you love like I do, it's not about if you meant to or did anything wrong but it's about making them feel better and being there for them son. " as he finishes his words the large black beast tightens his grip on his son holding "M" close to his chest as the purple figure wraps her wings around them both hugging tightly

"M" wipes his tears and smiles "I will, tomorrow I will give Sakura a big hug and tell her I am sorry and be the best friend I can be!"

Both the purple figure and the large hellhound smile happily and chuckle slightly

"He takes after his father after all" states the purple figure


As "M" comes back to his sense he hears the sound of an empty magazine, the big creature quickly whisks off the magazine reaching for his back pocket for another the Hellhound charges forward shouting out almost relieved and angered


The hellhound extends his right arm tensing his bicep revealing his huge muscular arm slamming it dead into the beasts under throat before they can grab the second ammo clip, locking his arm around the neck and bringing it up over the shoulder of this now panicked beast "M" close lines him dragging them all the way across the hall unhalted as his feat smash into the floor with each step, charging dead towards the wall "M" immediately pulls his arm back before extending their claws gripping his right hand tightly around the neck of this hulking beast struggling to get a footing grip only grasping onto the arm of "M" trying to break free.

"M" tightens his grip digging his claws into their throat drawing blood as he approaches the end of the wall at increasing speed and with one nimble hop he protrudes his damaged wings out fully flying dead ahead!

"TAKE THIS YOU OVERSIZED PRICK!" The hellhound screams into the beast of his victim staring them dead in the eyes as they slam dead on straight into the wall causing a massive hole driving this giant panicked monster of a beast deeper into it.

Planting his feet on the undamaged section of the wall at the bottom "M" pushes back letting go of the beast's neck reeling his arm tensing up and bringing all, clenching his fist he drives it deeper into the muzzle of this monster as you hear their jaw break and bones snap, Stepping down quickly while this rhino of a man continues to be driven deeper into the wall the hellhound extends his claws slashing at the throat drawing blood immediately as it pours down his body and you hear blood curling gasping and gurgling from the beast slowly choking on its own fluids.

"And stay dead you oversized tumour"

"M" brushes themselves down then finally taking their second sidearm, checking the magazine, 11 rounds including one in the chamber this time and with that he loads his second magazine into the other sidearm and holsters it back, moving on ahead up the corridor to the right of where Sakura had went he followed searching every corner and angle while keeping a close eye on his surroundings.

As he approached the end of the room and taking a tight right aiming down "M" see's Sakura holding her pistol shaking violently as the muzzle smokes while another masked intruder leans against the window dead holding their weapon tightly.

"Sakura its ok, walk backwards to me" "M" Whispers down the hall

Hearing a familiar voice her ears twitch and she nods slowly then responding she begins to walk backwards keeping her weapon pointed at the dead intruder until "M" wraps his arms around her tightly holding her close while backing into the corner, as his back hits the wall she bumps a little still shaking.

"It's ok we got them, you can lower your weapon, I am here now, you did well, we did well." The hellhound speaks slowly and reassuringly

"i...have never shot anyone before, not a live person.. " As Sakura finishes her words as they hesitantly roll off her tongue she begins to wretch before throwing up over the floor and dropping her weapon

"M" grips his arm tight and holds her hair back.

"That's just shock, get it out your system and we can write this up, take the day off go have a couple drinks, get a nice fucking takeaway and spend the night at my place, put that energy to good use" "M" says proudly giggling and smiling slightly

"You just killed two people! How are you so calm?!" Sakura shouts before throwing up another second load of vomit.

"Because it's in our job description and do not worry, once the adrenaline wears off I will be chucking my guts too" he proudly states already feeling it spin in his stomach

Immediately later 5 armed guards come around the corner with weapons drawn and flashlights blinding them

"HANDS UP!" shouts one of the voices

"M" puts his hand up to cover the light and raises his right arm to show the high-vis badge holder on his arm showing his security licence.

"It's ok we were security who put in the request! Lower your weapons" he shouts down the hall amidst the chaos

Security lower their weapons and approach the duo while three others check the area for survivors, one approaches "M" and Sakura wearing a red hat and bearing a scar on his left eye.

"What exactly happened here and can you tag your kills for the personal statement?"

"M" nods and leans Sakura against the wall letting the other security take care of her as her examines her body and mental state, The exhausted Hellhound leads to the first he had killed which was still lying on the floor as blood surrounded them.

"This was my first, came charging around the corner and I put three rounds into them, I think I took his eye out but I am unsure." "M" states

"Not bad, and the second?" the security officer responds

Leading just directly from the dead body "M" walks over to the huge bulking beast still dead in the wall as their chest rig and combat pants had been soaked red with blood and it dripped onto the floor.

"This was number two, he went to fire back behind us however he had ran out of ammo, suffice to say I dragged him over here as I deemed it an efficient way of dealing with the problem at hand" The hellhound proudly states almost as if showing off a trophy kill

"Yes I see and the third?" replies the security officer calmly and un-amused.

"M" walks back up the path where Sakura was leaning back relaxing, as they approached her "M" took a cigarette out from his pocket along with his lighter and lit up inhaling slowly before tapping her on the shoulder

"You know there's a no smoking rule in the building right?" states the security officer.

"Oh bite me, it helps calm the nerves, now anyway body number three, Sakura if you could?" replies the hellhound patting her on the back as she calmly walks towards the body gripping his hand a little then letting go and nodding, they arrive just down the hall by the window and overlook the dead body.

"we heard gunshots and i darted around the corner to see this one waiting to open fire, I put a couple of rounds into him and he turned around to fire before I put one more between his eyes, then I saw "M" dash down the hallway and a loud CRASH" She hesitantly states.

"And these were the only three? Do you know what they were after?" states the security officer as the other four leave the room one of them nods at the security officer interviewing "M" and Sakura.

"M" ponders then looks around "This is Data so I guess a classified file but they were heavily armed so why did no alarms go off? Why is the floor so empty and why only those four in the other room? It does not make sense" he grips his head trying to make sense of it all.

The security officer cocks his weapon and looks over the two looking around suspiciously.

"Yes I wonder and it was only you two who responded to this? Nobody else? You are sure nobody else came with you or saw?" The security officer checks his attire over then looking down the corridor

"M" looks around raising an eyebrow "No just us, is something the matter?" he asks looking down at Sakura then back up, Sakura turn to look out the window calming her nerves.

The security officer nods "Yes we have witnesses"


In that instant the Officer raises his weapon spraying Sakura along the abdomen and up her chest as she presses against the wall screaming out in pain, the rounds pierce her and start to break through the glass as she gasps out.



Sakura drops to the floor dead in an instant bleeding and her tail drops as her eyes look up staring at him begging for safety with tears filling them before blood leaks out of her eye sockets

"SAKURA!!!!!" He scream out going for his weapon but it is too late, by the time his hand grips the holster the security officer lays the rest of his magazine into "M"



"M" reel's back into the window as it shatters, his wings damaged and he falls, time slows down as his vision is filled with Sakura as she drifts away and he slowly begins to fall towards the ground, the wind cutting into his face as the ground fast approaches and he begins to fade, only one thought comes to his head...

"Have you ever had a bad dream? Every night, It happens over and over again, I am smiling as I tell myself everything is going to be ok, I see a face, a pale white, hair of a goddess and the looks of a queen, she tells me everything will be ok and she will return. She didn't not in time, but I keep telling myself it's going to be ok as she drifts further and further away. She's gone into the dark ether never to return and like that I see it, the buildings rush past me and the wind soaring past my face, cutting like razor blades, then another face appears, pink and yet again a small smile she opens her mouth but the words are unable to be heard as the wind rises past my ears, and then with a loud *CRUNCH* I wake up, unaware of my surroundings and feeling as if I have lost something but I get up, turn off the alarm and get ready for work, this is my life and this is my story"


Chapter Two: Endless Struggles

Friday the 17th of November 2015

"Another morning dawns, the birds are serenading their beautiful tunes as the Kids outside are playing with one another enjoying life's youth unaware of the harsh reality of adulthood that awaits them "

Quotes our protagonist, from under the covers nothing but growls and moaning can be heard but within seconds the quilt is flung off

"Jesus what a fucking day to be working, on a FRIDAY of all days, could not let me have a simple lie in" he mutters almost spitting his words.

Begrudgingly the great Hell-hound shimmy's over to the side of the bed and sits upright, stretching their arms out showing off the muscular biceps that had been forged from years of work and endurance, and with a another small *growl* they push themselves off the bed, standing upright and proceeding though the small rooms, dragging their claws along the wall following the trenches of already indented scars from previous movements long past. Hooking a right he fumbles in steadily but slowly keeping his red eyes squinted and fixated in front of himself before stumbling against a smaller ledge and stopping, then looking down he steps over the ledge and into the shower, glancing down "M" see's that there is a wet patch.

"that could of hurt me," instinctively he steps back and grabs a bottle of gel as it was about to smash into his cranium then "M" tilt's his head to examine the gel before looking up at the shelf

"How did i...." *THUMP*

A sharp pain stabs deep into the hell-hound's head followed slams similar to that of a beating drum, "M" drop's to his knees gripping tightly and howling out in pain, closing his left hand before smashing it hard into the shower wall, a large hole emerges when he retracts his fist, blood seeps from between the beast's fingers and the pain in his skull begins to fade, shrugging it off "M" slides open the cabinet behind the mirror above the sink and grabs a rolled up white cloth of wool, cutting a strip out with his teeth he wraps it around his hand before grabbing some surgical tape with his free hand then sealing it tight, the blood colors the bandaged before stopping completely.

*KNOCK KNOCK* "Helloooo~ is anyone hooome?~" comes a voice from the front door.

Looking into the mirror "M" notices some sweat running down their brow, hastily wiping it off he shrugs before stepping out the bathroom and towards the front door, clutching the handle he twists it and opens as Sakura stands there in work uniform waiting.

"What took you so long? You are not even dressed you, go put your work clothes on, NOW!" she slams her little left leg down and points at him ordering "M" to do as she states

"Do I have to ma'am? You know I like casual" he replies smirking gently then flexing his abs' and biceps as Sakura watches closely, her tail twitching happily

Sakura smirks a little turning red before wiping her face down and pointing sternly back at "M" "Hurry up we are going to be late! You know how cranky the boss gets and your fuzzy ass is already on the line mister; do not make me pull rank!"

At that moment something stops "M" from replying, his mouth opens but the words won't come out so he stands there, gently shaking as if something was on the tip of the tongue, his jaw closes and he sheds a tear.

"Are you crying? The great Hell-hound, this big macho man shedding a tear for little old me? Seriously what's wrong though? Are you alright?" Sakura softly speaks before approaching closer curiously and concerned.

The hell-hound wipes his tear then looking down at their finger "a tear? I don't know something feels, well, off"

Sakura nods then stepping back "ok well then go ge-"

"M" immediately interrupts hesitantly speaking "Say Sakura can we not go in yet? I just have that gut feeling you know, can we get some breakfast?"

Her tail furls up and her fist clench tightly "ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU ARE ALREADY ON YOUR SECOND WARNING THIS YEAR! NOW YOU MARCH IN THERE AND GET DRESSED, STAT!" she finishes shouting her words then pushing him inside following as her hand grips his tightly dragging "M" into the bedroom

As they enter Sakura immediately starts searching his room, first his in wall closet as she pulls back and forth between clothing hung up to find his uniform, unable to see it she then drops to all fours bending down and reaching her hand under the bed raking everything out, "M" licks his lips staring at her beautiful soft behind as her trousers tighten up revealing her shaped crotch


Sakura rakes out some black combat pants and a thick black jacket with pockets and padded inside for protection "put these on!" She throws the clothing at "M" as it the shirt flings past and the pants comically land on his head, the horns propping the legs slightly up as you hear a muffled sigh from under.

He slips the clothing on then giving a false smile "M" sits back down on the bed folding his leg over the other.

"I will go to work IF we get some food first, I will take the shit for it but I don't care I am starving, I had since yesterday morning!" "M" speaks confidently with a false smile and fake gentle laugh

"She won't buy this, she is not that stupid" "M" thinks to himself quietly

Sakura fold's her arms together wrapping themselves up in their tail thinking for a moment,

"hmmmm OK! Can't have my partner working on an empty stomach, it's not productive!" She gives a heart-warming and caring smile at "M" extending her hand and opening her paw to pull him off the bed.

"I don't believe it she bought it!"

The duo step out the front door and sit in the little red car, they buckle up as "M" adjusts himself to the tiny space before pondering

"Now where can I take her that's awkward and time consuming, AHA! I know, Dillinger's is a great cheap spot and a good 40 minutes away!"