Christmas Surprise

Story by gauness on SoFurry

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After inviting a friend over for Christmas Eve, a young wolf gets a present he was not expecting.

"Come on, kid," the rumpled old lynx said in a huff. "I don't have all day to wait around for you!"

"Sir, I apologize," I replied, trying so very, very hard to keep the disdain from my voice. "But it's two days before Christmas, and we're trying to find a turkey close to the size you wanted. Our stock is just a little low."

That was an understatement. We only had about fifty turkeys left and of course this jackass wanted one exactly fourteen and a half pounds. I stood behind my check stand, waiting for the phone to ring after my coworker had dashed back to the cooler to check. A disgruntled sigh came from the lynx that was positively glaring at me now and there was some upset muttering from the customers standing in line behind him. Finally, the phone rang and I picked it up hastily.

"Go for Bryer," I said into the receiver.

"Yeah, we've got one back here for him," came the chipper female voice from the other side. "Go ahead and send him back." A click sounded as the line went dead. I hung up the receiver and put a forced smile on my face as I looked up at the lynx.

"Sir, they found one for you. If you could, please, head on back to the meat department and they'll have it for you."

"What?" the old feline said with a snarl. "First, you don't have what I want on the shelf. Now you want me to go get it myself? No, walk your lazy ass back there and get me my damn turkey!"

I fixed that old bastard with a glare that, had it not been the holiday season, probably would have seen me fired. He balked slightly at that before I turned to the other customers in line and smiled at them.

"I apologize folks," I said in the sweetest grocery worker voice I could manage. "I have to run to the back to grab a turkey for him. It won't take too long, but some of the other lines might be quicker."

A few grumbled and shuffled to other lines while the lynx dropped his gaze and muttered under his breath. I stepped away from the till and hurried to the back, side-stepping other last-minute shoppers until I finally reached the meat department where a diminutive squirrel girl was waiting with a smile on her face and a turkey in her hands.

Lyndsey Joseph was one of the few co-workers that I actually got along with. It might be because of shared interests or a similar sense of humor, but there was just something that made the two of us click together. We had hung out a few times outside of work, including a couple of parties that I had at my apartment.

"Somehow I knew you'd come back to get it," she said as she handed me the bird.

"Yeah, well, customer service and all," I replied with a grin, taking the turkey from her. "Thanks, Lyn."

"No problem, B," the squirrel said with a wink before turning to help a customer that was trying to get her attention while I hustled back to my position.

The lynx was gone when I got there. His groceries were still piled on the conveyor belt, but he was nowhere to be seen. The younger collie that was next in line offered me a sad smile.

"He said he was sick of waiting," she said timidly. "Sorry about that."

"It's not your fault," I replied, heaving a long sigh as I picked up the phone and jabbed at the pound key. A few seconds and then a grunt sounded from the other end. "Hey, I got a pile of go-backs that need to be taken care of. A bunch of perishable things."

Another grunt and the line went dead as I shuffled the items to the end of my stand before looking back up to the collie.

"So sorry for the wait miss," I said with my cashier smile. "Did you find everything you were looking for today?"

Ten o'clock mercifully arrived and I watched one manager stalk up and down the aisles looking for any stragglers while the other told me to pull my till and count out. I was nearly dead on my feet as I trudged into the office and began counting the coins and bills in my register, marking each item off on the little form we were required to use. Just as I was totaling everything up, the office door opened behind me. Glancing back, I smiled at Lyn as she entered, looking just as drained as I was.

"Oh, heya, B," the squirrel said as she spotted me there. "Finally done for the night?"

"Yeah, thank the gods," I said, turning back to my paperwork and finishing it.

"You working tomorrow at all?" she asked as she keyed her code into the time clock, punching out for the day.

"Nope, not this wolf. Off for the next two days. What about you?" I asked her as I stashed my till in the cabinet and stood up to clock out as well.

Her large, bushy tail drooped as she nodded. "Yeah, working until six tomorrow. Merry Christmas Eve, huh?"

I let out a shrug as I punched my code in after her and clocked out. "Could be worse. Off to your folks' after that then?"

"Ugh, I wish," Lyn said with a shake of her head. "No, they decided to go on a holiday cruise this year."

"Wow, that's a bit different. Sister's place?"

"Flown across country to visit her boyfriend in the military."

"So, all on your own?" I asked to which she nodded, pulling on her bulky winter coat and wrapping a scarf around her neck.

"Yeah. Probably just going to veg out in front of the TV or something," she said as she pulled a beanie on over her red locks and offered me a smile.

I felt a little tug somewhere in my gut at that smile. She seemed like she was alright with it, but there was just something in those hazel eyes of hers that said otherwise. A sudden thought raced through my head; a mad, insane thought, but the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Why don't you come over to my place?"

I immediately felt my face heat up as that statement passed my lips. Thankfully, my smoke-gray fur hid it well enough that it didn't actually show. Lyn, with her chestnut colored fur, wasn't as lucky as I watched the soft, fine fur of her cheeks darken slightly.

"R-Really? Are you sure about that?" Lyn asked me, those hazel eyes filled with something I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"Uh, yeah," I said, averting my gaze a bit. "I mean, I was just gonna grab some Chinese and catch the Doctor Who marathon, but you're welcome to join."

It took me a moment to look back to her, but when I did she was positively beaming.

"That would be great, Bryer. Thanks!" And with that she wrapped her arms around me in a hug before disappearing out of the door with a swish of her tail and left me standing there dumbfounded. It took me a minute or two to gather my wits about what had just happened, and once I had I hastily pulled on my own jacket.

I hurried out of the store, into my car, and made a beeline back to my apartment. Hustling up the steps to the third floor, I fumbled with my keys before jamming them into the lock. I shoved the door open, stumbled inside, and slammed it shut behind me before I looked around.

A scattering of take-out bags, used and unused napkins, and dirty glasses were scattered across the coffee table. There were dishes piled up in the sink and the trash needed to be taken out, and a couple of dirty hoodies were draped over the back of my recliner and couch. A panic lanced through me that I could only liken to taking a final exam without studying as I looked over my apartment. For lack of a better word, it looked like a sty. Not to mention I knew that my bedroom was littered with dirty clothes, my bathroom needed to be cleaned, and I desperately needed a shower.

I took a couple steadying breaths to calm my nerves and gather my wits about me, starting a mental list of everything that needed to be accomplished before the next night.

"OK. Laundry and shower first," I said to myself as I pushed away from the door and made my way to the bedroom.

Those two items took the rest of the night, and the remaining projects I tackled in the morning. By four in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, my apartment looked ready to host a gala event. Everything had been cleaned, dusted, or vacuumed, and I flopped down on the couch with a sigh while I let my mind drift to the guest I was expecting later that night.

Lyn and I had been working together for the better part of two years now. Not only that, but we both attended that same local community college, but were pursuing different paths. I was going towards computer science while the smaller squirrel was working on her biological sciences major. We occasionally bumped into each other on campus, grabbing a bite to eat in the cafeteria or a coffee from the stand in the library entrance. We had a lot in common in spite of our different areas of study, and I think the thing that really started our friendship was the day we were both wearing our own Doctor Who hoodies to work. From then on, we discovered similarities in music tastes, movies, games, almost everything. And somewhere along the line, I had most definitely developed feelings for the small squirrel girl.

A buzzing noise jolted me out of my thoughts as the drier went off, letting me know that my last load of laundry was done and ready to be put away. I hastened to get that done and then jumped in the bathroom, emerging again ten minutes later with gray and white fur still damp from my quick shower. I quickly finished drying myself off and then got dressed, glancing at the clock on my nightstand that told me it was nearly five o'clock. My nerves were beginning to act up again, but I fought to keep them in check as I pulled on my clothes and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I dialed in the number for my favorite take out place and waited for them to pick up while I rummaged around in the drawer for my keys and wallet.

Someone finally picked up the line and I rattled off my order before being told it would be ready in roughly thirty minutes. I thanked the person, hung up the phone, pulled on my pea coat , and left the apartment. The restaurant was just down the street from me, so I opted to walk instead of drive, and was pleasantly surprised by the light flurries of snow that were drifting slowly through the sky. I stopped at the convenience store on the way to pick up a six-pack of my favorite beer before continuing on to the Chinese place. After about a ten minute wait, I was able to gather up the bags and make my way back to my apartment complex. The sun had set by the time I got home, but as I was climbing the steps, a shout rang out from behind me.

"Bryer! Hey, wait up!"

Turning around, I was surprised to see Lyn hurrying towards me from her car. My stomach did a flip at the sight of her. Usually I saw her in either her work clothes or whatever she chose to wear around campus. Tonight, however, she had opted to wear a knee length skirt of a deep green fabric and a pair of black leggings that disappeared into her boots. Jacket and scarf were the same as the day before, but she had forgone the beanie and spent some time styling her hair into soft curls that flowed down her back. A smile was on her face and there was color in her cheeks as she caught up to me, her small purse and a closed container in her hands as she looked up at me.

"Heya, wolfie," she said in the chipper way she always managed. "Glad I caught you."

"Yeah, hey," I said, returning the smile. "I thought you had to work until six though?" I tried to rummage for my phone, sure it wasn't that late already.

"Oh, Milo called me this morning and said they had overstaffed the day and asked if I wanted it off." We started to climb the stairs to my apartment and she fell in behind me.

"Wow, fortuitous," I said and she laughed behind me while I fished out my keys once we reached my door, unlocking it and letting the two of us spill into the warmth inside.

"Yup, game me plenty of time to get these done," she said, holding up the container in her hand as we stepped inside. 'These' turned out to be one of my all-time favorite things: red velvet cupcakes. I nearly began to drool as she opened the lid and showed off the treats inside, but she hastily snapped it shut as I made to grab one. "Nuh-uh. Those are for later."

I huffed at the comment while Lyn just laughed before the two of us set about unpacking the dinner I had picked up. We each prepared a plate for ourselves, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and then settled in on the couch while I turned on the TV. As the night wore on, the two of us ate our way through the veritable feast I had ordered, drank our way through the beer, and snacked on the cupcakes all while trading quips and lines from our favorite show as episode after episode played on the television.

Hours later, I was seated against the arm of the couch with Lyn snuggled into my side. The small squirrel had fallen asleep during the current episode and I didn't have the nerve to wake her. Or maybe I just enjoyed the feeling of her nestled against me. A wide spectrum of thoughts played through my head at the gentle pressure and warmth from her, but I had to shake my head slightly, trying to keep my mind chaste. The episode came to an end, the final credits rolling along the screen while a preview of the next episode aired beside them. I had decided to wake Lyn up, but her phone beat me to it, vibrating as it rattled against the table and shocked her from her slumber.

Blinking, the squirrel looked around, somewhat dazed before she finally spotted her phone and picked it up and looked sleepily at the screen.

"It's Christmas already?" she muttered sleepily, inspecting the screen before giving me a bashful look. "I'm sorry, B. Didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"Hey, no worries, alright?" I said with a smile. Lyn's eyes studied me for a second before she sat up again, looking down at her phone while she toyed with the device.

"Umm, Bryer?"


"Merry Christmas," she whispered as she turned her head and kissed me softly.

To say I was surprised would have been a gross understatement. As Lyn's hazel eyes closed, my own blues widened. The kiss tasted of frosting thanks to the cupcakes we had finished off not long before, and I watched as the fur on her tail grew even bushier. Slowly, she pulled away and her eyes opened, though she refused to look at me. Her cheeks had darkened somewhat as she looked anywhere but my eyes.

It took me a minute to gather my wits again, and when I finally did all I could manage what a stunned "What?"

"I'm sorry," Lyn said, suddenly flustered as she hastily pulled away from me. "It's...that....I'd wanted to do that for a long time now. I'm sorry if I-"

It was my turn to kiss her, cutting off her words as my lips met hers again and she uttered a soft squeak of surprise. I held the kiss for a long minute before I finally pulled back, eyes flickered open to see her kneeling there on the couch, eyes closed and lips parted while a deep flush stained her cheeks.

"I wish we had done that sooner," I said with a small chuckle that she returned, those hazel eyes opening again to look up at me, her front teeth worrying her lower lip before leaning against me and hiding her face against my chest.

"I wasn't sure how you'd respond," she said in a quiet voice. "You're....kinda hard to read, Bryer."

"Really? Usually people say I wear my emotions on my sleeve."

Lyn let out a small trill of laughter at that. "Oh, it's easy to tell if you're pissed or happy. Not so much on other things."

I let out another soft chuckle as I let an arm loop about the squirrel's slim waist. "Well, I think it's safe to say I'd respond well."

Lyn just nodded and looked up at me again, a smile on her face before she leaned up and we kissed again. This kiss lingered, and I jumped slightly when I felt her tongue tease along my lips. With a muffled groan, I parted them, hearing the squirrel churr in response and press closer to me while her small tongue slipped into my mouth and toyed with my own. I felt finger gripping my shirt, tugging at the fine fur beneath, and then a shuffling and a pressure on me that made me break the kiss. Eyes flickered open and I looked down to find her straddling my lap. Looking back up, I swallowed heavily.

"Lyn?" I asked, but was silenced by a finger pressed to my lips.

"Shh," the squirrel said, her other hands stroking through the fur of my cheek. "Like I said, I've waited a long time for this..."

And with that she kissed me once more, a fierce passion behind her lips as she pressed tightly to my body. I couldn't help my body from reacting even if I had wanted to. My hands met her hips and I felt her body stiffen slightly before pressing even tighter against me, the gentle churring coming from her growing louder and answered by my own murrs.

Time had no more meaning for me as I lost myself in our embrace, feeling Lyn shift slightly above me as her hands dropped to grasp my shirt once again. A gentle whine sounded from her as she pulled back slightly, panting as her warm breath puffed over my face.

"Bryer," she said with need in her voice. "Bryer, plea-EEEP!"

Her voice cut off as I buried my face in her neck, teeth nipping lightly at the flesh beneath her soft, downy fur. The slim squirrel let out a shuddering moan as her hips shifted again, rocking lightly against me while she nuzzled into one of my ears with soft whimpers. Lyn's breathing was growing more ragged with each passing second and it was having more than just a small effect on me. My length stirred, beginning to swell and stiffen beneath both my clothes and her rolling hips.

Suddenly, I felt her hands on my chest, pushing me back from her and making me grunt in surprise. I looked up at her, somewhat confused as she sat up and watched me with a furor blazing in those hazel pools. I lofted a brow at her, but Lyn just shook her head and smiled, hands leaving my chest as she began to work at the buttons of her blouse. I let out a low groan as she worked each button free slowly, gradually revealing fur the same color of the cupcake frosting that covered her front. As the last button came undone, she let the blouse fall off her shoulders, slipping down her arms to pool around her waist and still hooking around her wrists.

The groan that spilled from me that time was louder as I looked up at the stunning squirrel astride me and the rich, lacy, navy colored bra she wore. My hands drifted up from her hips, fingers gliding through the sinfully soft fur that covered her body. Lyn cooed as my fingers explored, trailing slowly upwards, closer and closer to that lacy garment. Before I could reach it, though, she leaned forward and nuzzled into my ear again.

"Your turn, wolfie..." she whispered as I felt fingers tug at the hem of my shirt. I made to sit up and she allowed it, gripping my shirt and lifting it up my body and forcing my hands to leave hers. Arms lifted above my head as she pulled my shirt up and off my body, tossing it aside as the squirrel's eyes studied me.

I wasn't the slimmest of furs, or the most toned, but I wasn't overweight either. I had a bit of bulk on me, but mostly it was just the thick fur that covered me from head to feet. From what I could tell, Lyn certainly didn't mind. With my shirt discarded, she let her fingers dig through the plush fur on my stomach, making me suck in a breath through my teeth. Not one to be outpaced, I brought my hands back to her own flat, toned stomach, feeling her flinch slightly at the touch as I lifted my hands slowly to cup her breasts, kneading gently at the supple orbs still contained by her bra. Lyn let out a shuddering moan at my actions, eyes seeking out mine while her small tongue moistened her lips.

"Bryer..." she said with just a hint of a whine in her voice, letting me know that she was done playing. I merely responded with a grin, hands falling to her hips once more and gripping her snugly while I reversed our positions on the couch, laying the smaller squirrel on her back. Fingers sought out the fastening on her skirt, deftly undoing them and I slid the garment down shapely thighs and off her feet. I tossed it to the floor even as Lyn arched her rear off the couch, pushing down her leggings and revealing a pair of panties that matched her bra. I let out a low groan of wanting at the sight, sliding those down even as she worked her bra off.

Lyn lay nude upon the couch, hazel eyes watching me carefully with a sly smile on her face. MY fingers met her legs, drawing slowly through the chestnut fur as I leaned over her, bringing my lips to hers in a hungry kiss. A cute whimper escaped the squirrel beneath me, and I felt fingers work at my belt and pants. Breaking the kiss slowly, I looked down at her with a smile.

"Impatient?" I asked in a low voice.

"Very," was Lyn's response, her hands abandoning my pants and planting on my chest, pushing me back and away for her until I toppled onto the far side of the couch. Lyn crawled over me, her fingers seeking out my belt again and undoing the buckle, letting it hang open while she worked the button of my jeans. I a flash, I was as naked as she was and found the small squirrel sitting astride my lap once again, feeling the heat of her damp sex against my length as it pressed against my abdomen. Dainty hands met my chest again as she leaned over me, rubbing her nose against mine.

"Lyn?" I asked softly as a sudden thought occurred to me. "Lyn, I don't have any....y'know..."

"It's fine," she said with a churr in her voice. "I'm safe."

Any others thoughts were flushed from my mind as she moved again, my mouth hanging open in a gasp as I felt her slick lips glide along my length before I let out a shuddering groan. My hands trailed along her sides to her hips again as she rocked slowly, back and forth along my thickened length, feeling her juices coat me gradually.

"Gods, Lyn..." I panted out lowly while she churred in response, her hands on my chest as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Lifting her hips, she dipped a hand down to grasp me, fingers stroking along my length before, with a squeeze, she guided it into her.

The squirrel's head fell back with a throaty moan as I felt and watched my wolfhood disappear into her snug sex, her walls rippling and squeezing again me as she worked it deeper and deeper inside. Each of us were panting already as she wiggled her hips slightly to take me fully. Her fingers curls against my chest and I felt her nails dig through my thick fur to bite into my skin. Lyn held her position there, tipping her head forward again as she lifted off slightly, rocking her hips in a gentle motion before she sank back down again.

The two of us fell into a steady pace as Lyn rode me slowly, sinking down ad grinding against me on occasion while I lifted my own hips to meet her. Words failed both of us at the time, minds lost to the carnal sensations, and the longer it went, the more my knot began to swell. I began to grunt every time she fell upon me, and her pleasure filled gasps and moans had me shuddering in anticipation. Her motions became more frantic, our hips slamming together as she bounced above her, breasts swaying and my hands lifted to grip and knead them, making the squirrel arch her back to fill my hands more.

It was growing harder and harder to pull out of her each time she lifted her hips, the swell of my knot tugging at her entrance each time she withdrew her heated, soaked sex.

"Lyn," I panted, knowing I had to warn her. " keep going..."

"I know," she said with a whimper in her voice. "Oh gods, Bryer....I want it....I want you knot....Gods, tie me, wolfie...."

Any shred of will I had remaining was lost at those words. With hands gripping her hips firmly, I pulled her down roughly each time she descended, making her cries out in pleasure as my knot began to push against her tight entrance. Once, twice, and on the third time with an audible pop it slipped into her, making Lyn scream out as her walls clamped around me. She was shaking, tremors racing through her body as I felt the rush of fluids bathe my buried length. My teeth were clenched as I rutted against her, each grind making her cry out again until I reached my peak, my head falling back as I let out a growl, letting loose of my control and flooding her gripping pussy with my seed. Her body tightened above me before she collapsed on top of me, panting breath falling hotly against my chest as we both basked in our mutual afterglow.

Long minutes later, my mind began to emerge from the fog, hands lightly stroking Lyn's back as she let out pleased little murmurs, my knot keeping up locked together. I tipped my head forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head and heard her giggle in response.

"Bryer," she said in a voice barely above a whisper. She lifted a hand and pointed to the windows that were across the room from us. "It's snowing..."

My eyes followed her pointing finger, watching the large, fluffy flakes drift slowly past the window. I chuckled softly and nodded.

"It sure is. Merry Christmas, Lyn."

"Merry Christmas, Bryer," was her response and we lapsed into silence again before sleep eventually overtook the both of us.

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