More Than She Can Chew

Story by Coyote Surprise on SoFurry

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#2 of Sins of a Solar Coyote

Thaily just wants to make it through her daily grind. An unexpected visitor has other plans for the wolfess.

Thaily just wants to make it through her daily grind. An unexpected visitor has other plans for the wolfess.

Thanks to Rob avatar?user=123686&character=0&clevel=2 and Flack avatar?user=61265&character=0&clevel=2 for the encouragement, editing, and advice. Please leave comments!

"More Than She Can Chew," by Max


"Gettin' paid to turn a wrench," Thaily mused aloud, keeping herself company. "All that higher education has led to_this_."

Working alone in one of the_Reilu's_ many, identical maintenance tunnels, 2LT Sdorov frequently used this time to evaluate her career goals and life choices. The young wolf's line of inquiry usually took a wry, whimsical approach -- but there were also days when a bit more vitriol rose to the surface. Today, for example. "Where the fuck did I go wrong? I'm an HVAC technician in space. In. Space." The solitude was not entirely unwelcome -- Thaily freely admitted she had some lone wolf tendencies, and was no stranger to talking to herself -- but the repetitive tasks sometimes got under her skin. "Of all the cool shit I could be doing on a spaceship... I guess that's why they call it_routine_ maintenance, huh?"

Abandoning her train of thought with an irritated huff, she was slightly mollified to discover her paws had unwittingly taken her a hundred meters closer to her destination -- despite a slight hitch in her step which had developed this morning -- while her mind had wandered. Thaily carelessly shrugged off her bulky tool pack, enjoying the hollow_thunk_ as it struck the metal deck plates near the next set of environmental sensors to be cleaned and calibrated. Designed with a rigid base, the pack was meant to stand upright on its own. In theory. In practice, the pack often teetered for a moment and slowly slumped over, which it did now, blocking a small access hatch in the floor and spilling several hand tools in the process. Scowling, she shoved the mess away with a booted foot and crouched, loosening the hatch retention thumbscrews with quick, practiced motions.

On a good day, the dark-furred wolfess could dispassionately see why the rest of the engineering team was eager to lay this responsibility on her: only a handful could comfortably stand upright in the_Reilu's_ maintenance tunnels. Years ago, she'd heard, the tunnels had been patrolled by engineering drones, but there had been "problems" -- a few deaths were involved, that sort of thing -- and a decision was made to permanently retire the drones. Ever since, finding personnel short enough to work in the tunnels had been a recurring challenge for the engineering team.That's where I come in.

She spun the last thumbscrew off and slid the hatch across the floor, giving her room to sit next to the opening. Peering down at the environmental sensors, she reached in to check the mounting plate for the 2D anemometer -- "Still level! No one's gone out of their way to fuck with it! Imagine that..." -- and wiped the dust from the device's four sonar transducers.

Three weeks ago, fresh from office candidate school and excited to join the_Reilu_'s engineering division, Thaily thought she was ready for anything -- even this stint as a sensor technician had seemed preferable to spending another day in OCS -- but the routine was beginning to wear on her.

A hatchway in the distance cycled, opening and closing with a muted whine from its geartrain. Other maintenance technicians would pass through this corridor several times a day: her subconscious instantly lumped it in with_irrelevant background noise_. Lost in her work, the sound might have gone completely unnoticed if it hadn't been followed by a_thunk_ like a hatch being dogged and a faint metallic ping! that could be the engagement of a manual lockout.

Thaily paused, trying to reconstruct the last few seconds. Her ears perked, straining after the sound well after it had faded into nothingness._That doesn't... Why would anyone lock a hatch in this section of the ship? They wouldn't._Shaking her head at her own foolishness, LT Sdorov resumed work with a rag in one paw and a spray bottle of DI water in the other. She pivoted to wipe down the next instrument, losing herself in the routine of her task for several minutes --

She froze._Something_was off. A moment passed. _Was_she certain? Concentrating, Thaily decided she was feeling a faint vibration coming through her haunches as she sat on the cold, metal decking.

Maybe I forgot to tighten the housing on the aspirated air temperature sensor at the previous array? The AAT was several hundred meters back down the corridor_._ That had happened before, on her second day on the job -- the turbine and impeller had to be carefully aligned or else they would rattle and buzz. "Hmm..." Thaily chewed on that for a moment while debating how much she didn't want to walk back over there to check.

The vibration changed slightly -- stronger, perhaps, and with a rhythmic pattern that hadn't been there before.I think...I can almost hear it now._Straining, she found it difficult to separate the sound from the ever-present thrum of the FTL propulsion -- the_Reilu was always hustling to a new hotspot in support of the JSSC peacekeeping mission.

Setting down her tools, the petite wolfess stood calmly, ears perked and pivoting. The sound -- it was definitely a_sound_ now, no longer merely a vibration -- was getting closer, that much she was certain of. It seemed to be coming from the rear of the ship, toward the engine room where she had started her shift. Curious. Thaily_almost_concluded it sounded like claws clicking on the metal deck plates, but the cadence, somehow.

A crewman? She had checked the schedule at the start of her shift -- no one else from engineering was working in this section until the next shift.Maybe more than one person? But, she reasoned, that seemed even less likely.And why would any of the crew go bare-pawed in the maintenance corridor?_The clicking abruptly became distinct; the pattern sped up -- Thaily's hindbrain informed her it could only mean one thing:_It's coming.

She jerked backward, away from the sound, startled -- her foot caught on a nearly-empty bottle of cleaning fluid in her haste, sending it skittering away. She thought the plastic squirt bottle might_never_stop clattering and rolling. Eventually it settled and silence returned, leaving her suddenly aware of her heart hammering in her chest -- but the clawclicks had ceased. She heard only her own breathing and the gentle rush of air in the HVAC system, melding with the subtle pulsation of the stardrives. Cautiously, methodically, she looked first up, then down the corridor -- unsurprisingly, the stark beam of her headlamp revealed nothing out of the ordinary.

But there was something out there. Someone. Had to be. Thaily was going to kick their ass once this was over.In fact, it's over now, she thought decisively. Taking a deep breath, LT Sdorov used her best officer voice.

"I can hear you. Give it up. You've had your fun, guys."

Motherfuckers! You want to play a game?I'll play your game. Thaily clicked off her headlamp. At first, the darkness was absolute; indistinguishable from the inky blackness of interstellar space -- but almost immediately, a few small dots of light appeared in the distance. Some of the sensors, she knew, had tiny, dim status indicators. The walls and ceiling slowly came alive -- some flashed, some flickered, a few were steady. Waiting patiently for her dark-adapted vision to fully recover, she could only listen: as before, the wolfess was able to pick out the hyperlight drive as a distant, pervasive thrum -- more felt than heard -- and the peaceful, monotonous whisper of the life support air handlers.

A quiet growl sounded from the darkness.

Whatever she had been expecting, this was_not_ it. Reaching up to slap at her headlamp, she nearly dislodged it in her haste -- she yelped, staggering backward -- a pair of glowing, amber eyes and a tawny, wolfish muzzle stood less than five meters away. A four-legged animal peered around the nearest bend in the corridor, blinking in the harsh light for a moment before dipping its muzzle downward, trying to get out of the glare cast by her headlamp. Thaily stared, unthinking, as she took a long moment to remind herself that the...animal was actually a crewmember, just like her. Had to be. Right?There are no pets, wild animals, or space monsters on this ship. Anyone, two legs or four, is part of the crew. Full stop, she told herself. You need to chill out. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed slightly, but only for a moment until a wave of indignation hit her.Who is this asshole? Why the fuck didn't he speak up when I called out earlier? Fucking. Lame. Prank.

LT Sdorov adjusted her posture to stand a little straighter, raising herself to her full, glaring daggers at the interloper. Cocking her head as she studied him, she thought he might have looked familiar. Thaily found it difficult to tell ferals apart by sight -- they all looked the same to her -- and she couldn't yet scent him, but there was_something_ about him. Huh._Then_it came to her.

It was Teks.

She stiffened, ears flattening of their own accord as she recognized him. A wave of apprehension and chagrin pushed aside her earlier indignation. The feral wolf --coyote, she corrected herself -- was Major Arteks "Teks" Hochjodt, ship's pilot. She didn't know him, not...really. They had met just once before.Last night. Marin, her new fling, gave her a tour of his living quarters that ended with her knotted beneath him. The "dog" sprawled out on the couch had slipped her mind until he walked in on them, looking like he_wanted_ something. Thaily was shocked when Marin suggested she might like to take the feral_--_ which he introduced as his coyote boyfriend. She was still chewing on that when Teks accepted his offer. And spent the rest of the night vigorously_in her._

Bringing herself back to the present, Thaily tried to come up with an innocent explanation why Teks was here, now. By himself. Stalking her.Maybe he's really upset that I mistook him for a dog -- for Marin's pet?If he came here for an apology, this is the wrong way to get it._She snorted, determined to defuse the situation and get back to work._Whatever.

Saluting MAJ Hochjodt -- who, she noted, hadn't moved a centimeter from where she'd first spotted him -- Thaily addressed him as professionally as she could manage. "Good day, Major. Can I help you, sir?"

The coyote just stared at her with an uncomfortable intensity.

LT Sdorov doubted his official duties included "frightening junior officers." This was clearly an off-the-record visit.Why isn't he saying anything? Come on -- what's your game?

Movement interrupted her line of thought. Slowly, deliberately, Teks took several steps toward her and stopped, standing imposingly in the middle of the corridor, as if daring her to rush past him on either side.

I see. Thaily took an involuntary step backward -- it occurred to her she was unarmed and locked in an isolated section of the ship with an uncommunicative, erratic feral coyote that outweighed her by almost fifty kilos. "Major Hochjodt, sir. About the other day..." She trailed off as Teks once again failed to give any sign he had heard her. Standing stiffly, he simply continued staring her down.This is getting really weird. Thaily sucked in a nervous breath, a pit forming in her stomach, each moment stretching longer as the silence drew out --

A rich, guttural_snarl_ tore from the coyote, reverberating harshly in the confined space.

Flinching as if struck, Thaily glanced at the coyote's muzzle, opened to display fangs the size of her thumb. Unthinking fear rose within her, even as his bubbling growl tapered off. Teks watched her intently, fully expecting the nervous little wolftenant would make a run for it.

She did.

Thaily spun on her heel and bolted away from the coyote without a backward glance. Distantly, she noted with some satisfaction the sound of his bare paws struggling for purchase on the faintly-textured deck plates.I'll lose him in the corners! Reaching the first sharp bend in the corridor, she barely slowed, using the grip her boots provided to take the corner hard, her gray uniform brushing the opposite wall. Clearing the apex, she was pleased_and_ dismayed to hear a brief scrabbling of claws and a meaty_thunk_-- right behind her! -- suggesting Teks had come in too hot and slid into the far wall. N_eed a few more corners like that!Her goal, she decided, was to reach the next bulkhead a few seconds ahead of that damn coyote._Then I'll...lock him in? Uh? Something like that.

Another corner came up in ten meters, with similar results, and shortly after that, an intersection, then another corner; each change of direction added to her lead on the coyote._This might just work..._She sensed things were looking up, though she tried to tamp down her enthusiasm. No sense in being overconfident.

Rounding the next bend in the corridor, she saw it a moment before it happened --Fuckin' hell, man -- the texture beneath her boots changed minutely, courtesy of a durable, soft-touch, anti-slip coating. Thaily had applied it herself last week when she was bored and looking for something to do.Maybe Teks won't notice...

Her hope was short-lived.

Trailing a few seconds behind her, Teks barked -- a single, sharp vocalization of triumph as he felt the surface change -- and her hopes fell, certain that Teks would use this to his advantage. Scowling, she tried to put on more speed.

Leaning hard into the corner, Teks barreled through, wiping out nearly all the lead the diminutive wolf had built up. The metal decking reverted to the usual smooth, bead-blasted finish shortly after, but -- as both canines were keen to note -- the last hundred meters of the corridor were entirely straight. Groaning inwardly, Thaily gave it her all, determined to reach the bulkhead in time. You got this, just a little bit further...

Without any warning, Teks was suddenly beside her, flashing a toothy grin as they ran neck-and-neck for a moment. She had_just_ begun to react to this new, unfortunate development when he spoke for the first time that morning, sounding much less winded than she felt.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to run from dogs?"

Thaily was still in the_What? Huh?_ stage when he put on a further burst of speed -- he'd clearly been holding back -- leaving her behind as he sprinted toward the bulkhead door. As he drew near the closed hatchway, he pivoted and slid to a stop facing her, just as Thaily slowed down to avoid colliding with him. Rearing up on his hind legs, the coyote lunged at her, grappling the young wolfess and awkwardly toppling both of in a tangled heap_._

Panting, sprawled on her back, Thaily struggled to form coherent thoughts. Teks was quick to his feet and stood over her, tickling her whiskers with his warm exhalations. He grinned at her, a roguish feral smirk that could only mean he was pleased with the turn of events. He had, she realized,wanted her to run; wanted an excuse to chase and tackle her. After a moment spent just looking at each other, Teks greeted her -- "Hi, Thaily!" -- in a chipper, flirty tone that_had_ to be affected, just to tweak her. Had to be. It was working -- she felt_tweaked_, alright.

Still out of breath, Thaily had not firmly decided how upset she was with the coyote for this stunt. But. She was pretty sure_some_ outrage was warranted, and it showed on her slim muzzle. "Teks, what the fuck w-- " The coyote was quick to interrupt, dipping his head to growl a warning into her ear -- she fell silent, more puzzled than anything as the coyote nosed her ear, warming the inside with laps of his broad tongue.Uh huh. Now I think I see where this is going... Thaily rolled her eyes and tried to get to her feet, intent on telling him off.

Teks was faster. The coyote dropped his weight on her, driving a grunt from her as he flattened the petite wolf to the deck. Nosing idly at her chest, he amused himself by tracing the contours of her small breasts, leaving faint streaks of dampness on her rumpled uniform.

Exasperated, she spoke to the ceiling. "You think_this_ is how it works? After that stunt? If you're lucky --"

Teks nipped her arm. Hard.

She yelped -- it_hurt_ -- and fell silent, glaring at him accusingly.

"Play nice, Thaily, or I will. Stop.Playing." Teks drew back just enough to look at her critically, one eyebrow lifted as if to say,Am I understood?

Nostrils flaring, Thaily weighed her options beneath a hundred kilograms of coyote. He seemed likely to get what he wanted whether she cooperated or not...which led her to recall she really didn't have a lot of say in the matter last night, either. A small flush ran through her at the memory. Appalled at herself, the little wolfess shoved aside the disturbing emotion. Angry -- with herself, with him -- and indignant, she hissed through gritted teeth. "Fine. Fine!You could have tried asking me." She glared daggers at him, seething while she debated what to say next. "What about Marin?" She was, after all, technically dating Marin, not his boyfriend, Teks. "Are all ferals assholes like you, or just the coyotes?"

Teks just looked smug. "Don't worry 'bout that. I told Marin I'd find ya today." He leered at her as he continued. "He knows how I work." Cocking his head to the side, he struck a contemplative pose and regarded her silently for a moment. "Are you having coyote trouble, miss?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes -- the false concern in his tone was hard to miss.

Teks waited until she looked at him again, then caught her gaze and held it as he rubbed his broad muzzle against hers, nosing at her cheek. Bending closer, he nudged her chin, slowly using his long snout to push her narrow muzzle upward to expose her throat. The coyote followed her movements, forcing the little wolf to hold that position until she gave a quiet, nervous whine -- but she seemed to understand his implicit request, keeping her head up even after he relented. She tensed slightly as he nibbled and licked at her throat, relaxing as his affections moved lower. Here and there, Teks buried his nose in her neck and chest ruff, pausing several times to breathe deeply, tickling her fur and warming her skin. Satisfied, the coyote spoke thickly into her ear. "I like your scent, Thaily." He growled, continuing with more emphasis. "You smell_good_."

"Huh." Thaily was reluctant to accept a compliment under the circumstances, but...No one's ever gotten that worked up just from my scent. A little shiver of excitement brought a flush to her ears, and, she grudgingly admitted, other places besides. Compounding this, she distantly noted, the coyote had grown_very_warm as he lay on top of her.

A nudge jolted Thaily from her thoughts. He spoke quietly into her ear, "Let's play a game. Suggest something."

In for a penny, in for a pound. Chewing her lip, she quirked her muzzle. "Uh. Would...would you lick me?"

"I might. Make it a request."

All in. "I...I want you to eat me out." Thaily let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. It_felt_ like an admission on her part, but all of this was the coyote's idea, right? Right?

Teks nodded and stepped off her, standing to the side. "Sit up and get your shirt off. Put your headlamp in lantern mode -- give us some light."

Thaily sat up as she replied, confused. "My...shirt?" Setting her headlamp on the deck, she fiddled with it a moment until they were able to see each other clearly.

"Yes. Your shirt."

Giving Teks a look, she crossed her arms and pulled off her uniform top, leaving just a thin undershirt. She hesitated, wearing a contemplative, troubled expression.

"What? Afraid to show me your tits again? I saw 'em last night." Teks managed to sound incredulous.

Scowling, she replied, "No, I mean, yes, I mean, that's not it -- not really. It's not about my..." She trailed off and Teks stepped in.

"Tits. They're nice, Thaily. Get 'em out."

"It's just...I feel I'm undressing in front of the family pet." She winced at how that came out, not_really_ intending to provoke the coyote, but Teks just laughed.

"You are! Marin's_pet dog_, at your service."

Thaily growled in response. "Hey, if that's what this is all about..."

"Nah. I'm not upset in the least -- I'm a reasonable coyote." Teks sat on his haunches and mock saluted her.

Thaily chose to ignore that extravagant claim. The coyote was_weird_. "So_why_ are we doing this?" While waiting for his reply, she slipped off her undershirt, baring her small breasts to him. Bracing her arms behind her, she leaned back slightly, feeling_just_ confident enough to show off a little.

The coyote eyed her chest hungrily for a moment before looking back up at her. "I like you, Thaily," he said simply.

She looked at him warily.Hadn't figured you for a romantic."Strange way of showing it."

"And I want to see how much I stretched your little wolf cunt last night."

Her expression soured -- she had no reply to_that_. Glancing away, her gaze caught briefly between the coyote's legs as he sat facing her -- and her ears darkened in a blush. She hoped he hadn't noticed.

He flashed her a toothy, feral smile -- he had. "No shame in lookin'." The coyote got up and padded closer until they were nose-to-nose, standing over her with his paws on either side of her legs.

She looked up at him -- he had to tilt his muzzle downward slightly to meet her eyes -- as he pressed his nose softly against hers. His eyes sparkled playfully, having lost some of the manic intensity of earlier. She sighed and closed her eyes as he moved closer to rub their muzzles together. Pressing back into the caress, she slicked his fur in random directions with laps of her dainty tongue. Grudgingly, she felt herself enjoying it, even the rough feel of his whiskers on hers.

Teks pulled away, breaking the kiss to prod at her breasts, lifting one with his nose before sliding upward to catch her nipple in his mouth. She gasped -- his cold nose had dragged across her dark little nub before he warmed it with swipes of his tongue. He nibbled and gently tugged on her nipple until she gave a little cry, then released it and drew back.

Thaily followed his motion, leaning forward to grasp his head behind his ears. Digging her paws into the coyote's thick ruff, she pet between his ears and down his scalp, urging him back toward her chest.

Teks grinned and allowed himself to be led, setting to work on her other breast. By the time he finished amusing himself with her tits, the young LT was a bit short of breath as she steadied herself, still clutching his head. Glancing at her face, he spoke huskily into her chest, each word tickling her fur. "You still want that licking?"

She nodded minutely, her ears suddenly burning again.

"Lose the pants."

Releasing her grip on his head, she kicked off her boots and wiggled out of her uniform pants, taking her panties off in the same motion. Teks watched with a modest expression of interest, his eyes drawn to her sex. Clad only in her fur, Thaily sat against the wall and drew her knees up toward her chest.

Teks stepped forward, nose twitching as he took in her spicy, musky scent. "Mmmf, Thaily..." His lewd grin threatened to undermine the hint of genuine appreciation in his tone. Using his muzzle, he nudged her thighs open a bit wider and lay down between them.

She felt the weight of his gaze, self-conscious at the close inspection as his warm exhalations tickled her exposed flesh.

Teks nosed at her aroused labia and chuckled darkly. "Y'look a little raw down here, hon..." Her indignant reply was cut short as his tongue swapped saliva for sticky, slick wetness, slipping without any difficulty into her folds. Wiggling his tongue in her, he focused on her opening until she was leaking, a tight groan escaping her. The wolf's squirming hips spread her slickness, dampening the fur along his broad muzzle.

Thaily gasped when he stopped unexpectedly. Leaning heavily against the wall, she looked down at him accusingly, one eye shut.Come on, I was just starting to get into it...

"Hmm. Tastes like wolfcunt, yes, but there's something else, too..." He glanced up at her innocently, putting on his best contemplative face. "Have you been taking it from a coyote?"

She huffed, and looked away. "You...bastard," though the epithet didn't have much weight behind it.

Teks laughed and rubbed his cold nose along her slit, giving her heated flesh small laps along the way. Working his tongue back into her, the coyote dragged out more of her generous, musky wetness.

Thaily shivered as his attention ascended, nuzzling and licking at her hood, each prod rubbing her little pearl beneath. She hissed when his lips pushed her covering out of the way, allowing light brushes of his tongue to fall on her clit. Her hips bucked, struggling to rise, sending her sliding down the wall. He followed her motions, muzzle never leaving her, licking firmly now against her nub as the spasms of release began deep in her belly, her passage flexing on his tongue as he tickled a particularly effective spot inside. His deep growl of satisfaction rumbled through her even as he kept licking, prolonging her moment until the coyote had satiated himself on her tastes.

Hovering over her, he eyed Thaily's chest, watching her small, pert breasts rise and fall, her deep, erratic breathing gradually returning to normal. "How was that?"

Silently debating how to answer without being too complimentary, she glanced up at his muzzle to reply -- and immediately wanted to wipe the smirk off his stupid coyote face.

Teks cut in before she could speak. "You're not really sure what to make of me, are ya?" He licked her nose playfully, then stepped off her, sitting to the side. "All fours, bitch. We're just getting started."

Snarling defiantly, Thaily hastened to stand upright. "I'm dating_Marin_!" With her paws on her hips, the petite, young wolf looked at him -- still quite naked -- with all the gravitas she could muster, adding, "We're done here."

"You haven't figured out this is a two-for-one deal? Marin and I share_everything_." He looked at her pointedly. "Didn't hear any complaints from ya last night."

"That was_different_. _Completely different._Marin's not here right now..." Thaily trailed off into silence: without really intending to, her eyes had flicked between the coyote's legs. She glanced away for a moment, then she was openly staring at his crotch. "Christ." Only a few inches of his obscene endowment were visible -- the blunt canine tip already thicker than her wrist. As she watched, his shaft continued to emerge in small pulses, darkening to a deep, blood red as it lengthened and grew. Looking at his face -- that damnable smirk was back now -- she chewed on her lip. She tried again to dodge the issue. "Marin --"

"Knows I'm here to get a piece of you." Teks leapt up and forward, knocking her against the wall, his forepaws resting heavily on her shoulders. "Recall what I said about_playing_ earlier?"

She could feel a steely, warm heat pushing into the fur of her belly; felt it shift as the coyote surged larger, the tip leaving traces of wetness as he grew. From this vantage point she had to look_up_ to meet his eyes --Teks, she found, stood significantly taller than her when on two legs. "OK, but...I can't, Teks. I'm still sore from...from last night."

He looked at her piercingly, regarding the little wolf with evident skepticism.

"C'mon, don't be like that, Teks_._ I'm serious. Half the people in Engineering saw me walking funny this morning." She felt him throb once in response --is he still growing? -- and Teks snarled in her ear, giving an involuntary thrust, dragging his heavy length through her belly fur. "That's...okay...that was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it? Look, I'll uh, lick you off instead?I want to taste your cock, alright?"

Teks snarled again, but otherwise did not move, looking at her intently. After a moment, he wordlessly pushed off from her and dropped to all fours.

Kneeling beside him, Thaily got an eyeful of the coyote's heavy, blood-red arousal. Jutting out from his sheath at a shallow angle, the girthy canine shaft brushed his chest fur, throbbing slowly with his heartbeat. The thick, blunt tip nearly reached the deck on the downstroke of each twitch. As she watched, a spurt of precum landed on the deck between his forepaws with a quiet splat. Last night, she had held him in her paws (and between her legs), but now, just inches away from her muzzle, the coyote's huge spear looked far more imposing than before. Tentatively, she reached toward him --

"No paws. You've got a tongue, right?"

"Okay." She splayed her ears at the rebuke. "Um, sure, no paws." It sounded like she was reassuring_herself_. Dropping to all fours, she moved closer and cautiously nuzzled his sheath, slowly dragging her nose through the soft, short fur. Her senses were saturated with the smell of coyote -- aroused male coyote. Thaily eyed his length again from this new vantage, looking down the barrel of the absurdly thick shaft where it emerged from his sheath. The tip seemed impossibly far away.This...all fit inside me last night? A little shiver ran down her spine before she pushed the thought aside. Thaily crawled further beneath him, reaching for his tawny-furred sac with her muzzle. At the first touch of her soft, warm tongue the coyote snarled and flinched like he'd been shot, startling her. "Should I keep --"

Teks growled thickly, speaking through his teeth. "Yes."

Her tongue flicked out again -- he shivered, but remained silent so she kept going, covering one of his lemon-sized orbs with a series of slow, long laps, earning the little wolf a quiet, crooning whine from the coyote.Likes having his balls polished, eh? Didn't know he could make that noise. Thaily felt strangely accomplished, and was pleased to discover the same sound came out of him while she tongued his other orb. Eventually he pulled away for a moment, panting, and she sat down while they both caught their breath.

Teks leaned over and licked her nose. "You're good with your tongue. Show that to Marin sometime."

Blushing, she glanced away. "Thanks."

"How much d'y'think you can fit in your mouth?"

"In my mouth..." The wolfess spared a glance at his erection, but she already knew the answer. "Probably not much?" It almost sounded like an apology.

"Fair enough. Not gonna force that issue today." Teks caught her eye before continuing, "I'd rather take your cunt, anyway."

Thaily stiffened, her narrow muzzle twisting into a snarl. "Hey! I already told you, I'm too sore."

"Look, I can be gentle. I'll take it easy on ya. Or I can" -- Teks paused to nip her leg, interrupting her protests -- "pin you down right now and fuck the hell outta ya. Which is it gonna be? I'm giving you a choice."

She threw her paws up in the air. "I can't believe this shit. You really_are_ an asshole."

"No, I'm a coyote."

Thaily growled, her eyes flashing, but after a moment she rolled onto her hands and knees, looking at him darkly over her shoulder. "You better fuckin' eat me out again, first."

Teks grunted and padded up behind her. "Eyes forward. Get yer tail up."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she huffed and looked away, hiking her tail to the side. She heard him step closer, then felt a light touch on her lower back and sides as something hot and broad brushed her mound. It was too firm to be his tongue. She jerked forward, opening her muzzle to complain, but what came out was a yelp as he followed her motion. His fist-sized tip completely obscured her mound as he ground forward, searching for her tiny opening. She felt his tip catch in her hot, slick entrance for a moment, the coyote straining against her until she suddenly parted -- she yelped again as an inch of his blunt tool plunged inside her folds with an audible squelch.

"Hush." Holding her waist steady with his forelegs, Teks felt the wolf spasm in his grip. Instinctively, Thaily moved to drop her hips, trying to dislodge him -- but this only egged him on to cling even tighter, driving the breath from the little wolf. As the thick wedge of his tip pried her apart, the coyote couldn't resist mocking her obvious discomfort. "You got this."

Briefly stunned by how much it_hurt_, Thaily yelped and squirmed ineffectually, whining softly as her tender flesh strained to accept the coyote's grotesque bulk. The wolfess was uncomfortable with any claim that she "had this."

Teks waited her out, keeping her hips firmly pinned while spurts of his slick precum mixed with her sticky wetness.

Thaily found her voice again, but the words came out quietly between panting breaths. "You...feral...fucking...coyote bastard." The edge in her voice didn't quite make up for her lack of volume.

Teks grinned wickedly and hunched forward into her clasping heat, driving a couple more inches into the little wolf.

She twitched and bucked, whining -- her residual soreness from last night briefly merged with the not-entirely unpleasant sensation of being stretched -- until the sound transitioned to a throaty, feminine groan.

"Hurts good, don't it?" Withdrawing with a wet slurp, his shaft momentarily bobbed free before pressing back against the wolf, his thick canine tip straining against her sore opening until he plunged through. The coyote enjoyed another ragged groan from Thaily while slowly pushing deeper, gaining another inch. Her sticky cunt spasmed around him, hot and molten. He worked this fraction of his length through her, jetting precum into her snug passage with each stroke.

She realized at some point he had released his grasp on her -- and was surprised to find herself weakly pushing back toward him, meeting his shallow thrusts despite her lingering soreness.

Teks paused after a deep, slow thrust that earned a quiet gasp from the wolf. "Ready for more?"

Thaily flattened her ears at his suggestion, certain she'd taken less than a third of the coyote's full measure. She could feel him still growing inside her, swelling larger with each pulse of his heartbeat. A particularly strong throb pushed his blunt tip deeper; she whimpered and shifted beneath him as his thickening shaft stretched her tender folds further apart. Last night, she recalled, Marin had first tied with her, leaving her pussy gaping and dripping his seed, before handing her over to Teks -- and it had still been a struggle to accommodate the coyote's belly-straining length.

As if reading her thoughts, Teks embraced her closely, resting his muzzle heavily on her back. Breathing into her fur, he spoke softly, "you feel amazing, Thaily. Mmmf," his voice turning into a growl as he continued. "Your cunt is so_hot_. Tight.Deep." Snarling, he gripped her harder. "Let me in, little wolf!"

Thaily shuddered, ears burning with a hot blush as her tunnel fluttered around him.

Teks snarled wordlessly and_lunged_ with all his might, tugging her fiercely back toward him as his length speared deeper into her. The coyote's cruelly thick shaft, wider at the midpoint than Marin's knot, met resistance for only a moment before plunging past her distended opening. Inches of brutally thick shaft followed in a rush, her sodden cunt squelching loudly.

Thaily yelped in pain and surprise, arching away from him -- then flinched as if shot, her whole body tensing -- and her cry cut off with a hoarse, choking grunt, like she'd gotten the wind knocked out of her.

The coyote's hips abruptly stopped a half-foot short of hers as his tip, broad as her fist and uncharacteristically blunt for a canid, brushed by her cervix to thump hard against the furthest extent of her vagina. Teks bucked once before he could restrain himself, shoving fractionally deeper -- producing another strangled gasp -- but many inches of broad canine shaft stubbornly remained exposed.

Chest heaving, Thaily whined; almost sobbing as she sniffled, blinking away tears. She was dimly aware of Teks moving above her: his forepaws, twice the size of hers, landed ahead of her elbows. Ragged breaths whistled through her nose, her jaw tightly clenched in discomfort.

Lowering some of his weight on her, Teks pulled the little wolf against him, enveloping Thaily in warmth while her sore tunnel molded to his size. The coyote dipped his head, licking and nibbling her rounded, thickly-furred ears as her cunt chewed on him.

Distracted and relaxed by his tender grooming, Thaily realized with a start she was panting. Her tongue, slim and pink, lolled out of the wolf's muzzle at a very undignified angle. She felt inexplicably warm. Hot, even. Inside_and_ out. Teks stirred minutely, sending a shock through her. After a moment of internal debate, Thaily brushed a paw along the fur of her stomach -- the coyote growled softly as he felt her trace the prominent bulge in her toned belly. A tight groan escaped her muzzle when his massive tool twitched in response to her light touch.

"Was I right, or was I right? You're liking this."

She didn't need to see his face to_know_ he was smirking. Thaily wondered what she'd done to deserve this. Sulking, she replied without looking at him. "That's not the_point_."

Teks bent to idly nose at her ears, ignoring her until he could sense her frustration. "Look at me." When she did nothing, he tugged firmly on one ear, releasing it when she hissed, "fine."

Thaily turned to look at him awkwardly over her shoulder, fixing him with her best withering glare.

The coyote looked at her levelly until she broke eye contact and dropped her head.

"Ugh. Do you have to do that?"

"Yeah, I do. Let's try that again. Be nice this time."

Thaily sighed and turned to look over her shoulder once more, readying a weary look of long-standing suffering. As she turned, the coyote twitched heavily inside her, spitting a fresh dollop of precum against her back wall -- a flash of something else briefly crossed her features. When she met his eyes again, the wolfess was a little taken aback to see an almost-friendly smile on his muzzle.

"Remember what I said earlier?I like you, Thaily. When are you gonna get that?" The coyote's familiar toothy grin returned as he tugged his hips backward, bodily dragging Thaily with him most of the way -- very little of his girth actually slipped free.

Trapped between his forelegs, the young wolfess braced herself for the inevitable thrust. Thaily barked as he bucked forward, then withdrew, each time tugging a little more of his immense shaft from her before plowing it all back into her with interest. More and more of his length glistened with her slickness as he sawed roughly through her snug folds, rearranging her insides to fit him. Thaily trembled and sputtered, quivering as he fucked her in lengthening strokes, his copious precum mingling with her musky wetness. As he worked deeper, Teks struggled to haul himself from her clenching folds, his thick tool threatening to turn her inside out. The little wolf wheezed with each thrust -- his tip felt impossibly deep, like the coyote was knocking in her chest. Their juices slopped noisily onto the deck as Teks fucked her raw, railing her like a dog, quick and hard and fierce. Thaily squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she felt her pleasure peak, wailing and bucking against the coyote. Her muscles rippled and fluttered, struggling to contract around his massive girth until she sagged, panting. She trembled as he slowly rocked against her, stirring her sloppy folds with insistent, deep grinds, leaving her with a curious ache. Thaily found it difficult to describe -- her channel felt like_meat_; like some foreign thing attached to her body, swollen and pulsing around the coyote's stiff length as he throbbed heavily inside her.

Teks took a step back, dragging several inches out of the wolf, and dropped his hips slightly. The new angle directed the thick wedge of his tip upward, probing for the entrance to her deep spot. Finding it, the coyote rocked firmly against it.

Thaily whimpered as she felt him shifting inside her, but made no effort to stop him. She guessed he was intent on penetrating her cervix, as he had last night, but it immediately became clear to her that this new spot he'd found was...different. Distinct. It_hurt_, whatever he was straining against, but in the same way wiggling a loose tooth encourages more wiggling. She opened her muzzle to ask a question, and then --

His broad cockhead pushed into fresh territory. The little wolf immediately went rigid beneath him, stiff as a board, while the coyote snarled -- this deep pocket was unexpectedly tight,maddeningly tight -- and he bucked savagely, a single thrust with enough force to wedge his tip several inches deeper into that sinful pocket_and_ momentarily lift Thaily's hindquarters off the deck.

Thaily let out a quiet, keening wail as the coyote stuffed her cul-de-sac, his tip nudging against her deepest, uncharted recesses. Her tunnel fluttered over the entirety of the coyote's shaft as she blacked out and slumped to the deck. The young wolf awoke some time later to find Teks standing over her, still buried in her, throbbing steadily. His unswollen knot was lodged just outside her lips, straining them apart while his tip brushed something unspeakably wonderful in her. The slightest motion of the coyote inside her made it_very_hard to think. Shuddering, she tried again to inquire. " this?"

"This?" Teks hunched forward lightly, rolling his hips.

Thaily trembled and groaned. "Yeeessss.That."

"Thought we'd try a different approach. Found something you like?" He gave a few shallow thrusts to encourage honesty.

When she finished moaning, Thaily answered him in a quiet, shaky voice. "It's good...real good."

The wolfess turned to look at him over her shoulder, her gaze remarkably intense, almost manic. "Now. Do. Me."

Teks was momentarily shocked by the amount of spittle that the young wolftenant could fling when she barked an order.

Then he did her.

Part 3 -- Coyote Time Coyote Time