Sugar Cookies 2

Story by Demonic_Pidgeon on SoFurry

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#2 of Sugar Cookies

(Commission prices & info are listed in this journal. This submission is a work of fiction and none of the characters represent any actual persons or figures.)

[WARNING: This story features underage furry characters in sexual situations. If this written material is illegal in your region, the author implores you NOT to read it.]

After a lust-filled day with the new movers down the road, Hunter tries to think of a way to convince his own family to have dinner with the newcomers, including the aphrodisiac-infused dessert the Carters enticed him with from the start. Their reactions surprise him, and from there things only get more a good way?

After staying the night at Summer and Caylen's house, Hunter awoke in their mother's bed and had to trace back what had happened until he remembered that Natasha had walked into Caylen's room in the middle of the night and picked Hunter up from the air mattress, then carried him to her room for some quality time together; no doubt it would have been fun if the other two had joined in, but the shemale bunny never quite had a one-on-one moment with their cute guest, so the snow leopard gave into his submissive side and did as she had asked.

Of course, she'd spent nearly an hour eating his ass; there wasn't much for Hunter to do in that position other than cum load after load into the bottle she'd provided until it was full, then drink it like an infant on her lap while she railed him from below with her knotted cock (not your typical choice for a bunny, but it fit her wonderfully and it fit inside of Hunter just as well.)

Now he sat up next to her sleeping form, admiring this amazing woman he'd met who fulfilled all of his most secret fantasies, but his short attention span was kicking in and he yearned to visit her children in the next room, his classmates he wished he'd known for years already.

The slender feline lifted the bedsheets from his nearly-naked form, almost forgetting she'd made him wear his daughter's yellow thong while she'd jerked him off, so to avoid making Summer too jealous he slid it off (not that it did anything to conceal his aching morning wood) and placed it next to Natasha under the sheets before venturing naked out into the hall.

He heard soft moans coming from Summer's room and cracked the door open to investigate. Little to his surprise he found Summer bouncing up and down naked on top of Caylen, both siblings exchanging words of love and secrecy they would never have heard in public.

Caylen squealed as his girly hips slammed up toward his older sister's, his smooth cock pounding into her tight wet sex while looking up at her with their fingers interlocked. "Mmm Sis, I can't get enough of you!" he groaned while madly humping her from below. "I want to do this with you all day, every day for as long as I live!"

Summer moaned while bouncing on her effeminate brother's dick like it was the last time she'd fuck anyone, her pussy milking his slick length as they made rowdy love on Caylen's bed. "Oh Caylen, you make me feel incredible!" she gasped on top of him. "I really hope the baby turns out to be yours, but even if it's Mom's or Dad's I want to raise it with you."

Hunter reared back from the door slightly, surprised at her words. So that's the reason why she hadn't hesitated to ride him raw yesterday; she was already carrying, and judging from the timeline the only possible "father" of the child was among her closest relatives. While it didn't quite disturb Hunter as much as it might the average person, the siblings' love and commitment to each other on that level made him feel like a third wheel, and it didn't make him feel as jealous as he was discouraged. He almost thought there was something between him and Summer yesterday from the way she made love to him; pity that yet again, he had set his own heart on the chopping block.

He decided to leave the two in their private moment together and tiptoed back toward the living room to retrieve his clothes from yesterday, all the while haunted by the inner voice that was first to attack him when his competence as a lover disappeared in the shadow of another man. As happy as he felt yesterday, right now he really wanted to fucking die.

He halted halfway through pulling his shirt on when Natasha stepped into the room, veering toward the kitchen to prepare breakfast. "Well, look who's up already!" she said with that dimple-cheeked smile of hers that could melt through the hull of a Naval vessel. "I hope we didn't scare you off already."

"No, absolutely not!" smiled Hunter back at her after pulling up his panties and snapping on his blue skirt. "Thank you so much for everything, this was really fun." Now and then his glance was magnetically drawn away from her toward the carpet. He would have better luck with a woman this age than his own, it was statistically proven.

Natasha's intuition caught on quick, and the naked bunny turned away from Hunter but kept speaking to him sincerely. "Do you know what 'polyamorous' means, Hunter? It means you are a person whose heart is able to love many people at once equally. Most people are inherently this way, but their jealousy and insecurity can often get the best of them which makes it very complicated to live in that fashion. Do you know what I mean?"

Hunter found himself nodding slowly. "Yeah, I think so."

After Natasha started the skillet on top of the stove, she wiped her hands and walked to the living room entrance looking toward the boy. "Our family has always strengthened each other when this jealousy occurs, and we've been reluctant to include visitors in our activities lately. Sure Summer's had a few boyfriends and girlfriends, Caylen used to date a girl and my husband and I have seen many people, together and separately. This always gives us mixed feelings just like it does with our guests, and I can understand why."

Natasha strode over next to Caylen's side and sat down next to him on the couch as if he hadn't any choice, placing her hand on his kneecap.

"We all like you a lot, Hunter. But love takes time to grow, it isn't something that happens overnight. If you really did enjoy yesterday, then I can promise you many more like it, but I can't promise a way into anyone's heart." She took Hunter's head to the side of her bosom and ran her fingers through his hair, stroking his palm with the other gently. "That said, I will be there for you whenever you need me. I'm only a phone call away."

Hunter looked up at her and smiled, still slightly depressed but with newfound courage from her support. "Thank you, Ma' know, my mom left when I was young, and I know it's too early to be saying anything like this, but well...I feel like you're sort of like one, to me anyway. Sorry if that sounds weird."

"It doesn't," she said with a giggle, quickly kissing him on the lips. "You're welcome here whenever you want, you and your family alike."

"Yeah, about that..." Hunter blushed while looking away. "I don't know if my dad or my sister would go through with it like I did. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad it happened! But, well I have some reservations about...'drugging' them, per se."

"You don't need to force anything," Natasha assured him while continually gliding her fingers across his. "Maybe tell them what kind of family we are, that you are a young man and you enjoyed yourself. If they love you and you love them in this different sort of way, the flower will bloom if it's given a little water and sunlight now and then. Goodness, I almost forgot about breakfast!"

Hunter watched the bunny jump up from the couch and skip toward the skillet to save it just in time. "I'll think about it, Ma'am," said Hunter while walking toward the front door. "Jeez, I never asked you...what are your last names?"

Natasha smiled and leaned past the kitchen door to answer. "We're the Carters, Dear. And your family?"

"Fenwick," said Hunter before opening the door. "I'll call soon! Thank you so much again, for everything."


It was early that afternoon at the table when Hunter found himself at that crossroads he'd been dreading all day, sitting by his dad and his younger sister Holly trying to decide how (or whether) to convince them to join him in an orgy at the Carter residence. He would be skinned alive, for sure; Holly was only in 7th grade, and her protective father hadn't seen another naked woman since the night before his wife left soon after Holly was born. This was going to be some tough ice to break.

"So I met a new friend yesterday," said Hunter before setting his fork down. "Actually, a few."

"Is that where you spent the night?" asked his father while keeping his eyes on the meal. His wiry and tough exterior wasn't anything Herculean, but enough to scare away the boys who'd tried messing with his daughter in the past. Cold frost-blue eyes emanated threateningly beneath his short, wavy jet-black hair, and both Hunter and Holly had mysteriously been born with a teal mix between their dad's eyes and their mother's emerald greens.

"Yes, a woman named Natasha with her children, a girl named Summer and a boy named Caylen. They actually go to our school..."

"I see," Hunter's father interrupted him. "So what did you guys do?"

This was why Hunter found himself hesitant. Although he found his family attractive, he'd never been attracted "to" them so much, but now found the idea impossible to ignore. "Nothing," said Hunter, hiding his nervousness with a gulp of water. "Just watched a movie, played some games..."

"Did you have any cookies?"

His father's question stunned Hunter in his seat, and he became even more paralyzed when the man looked up at him with a suspicious glare.

Holly laughed in the seat on the side by the window. "That's kind of a random question, Dad!"

Their father paused for a moment before returning to his meal. "You're right, it was. I don't know why I asked."

Hunter hung his head and kept quiet until the other two finished eating. His back straightened when his father's hand came down on his skinny shoulder from behind.

"Let me know if Mrs. Carter decides to make any more," said Hunter's father, standing behind the boy. "As long as they're as good as the ones she made in college."

Hunter's head lifted although he still couldn't manage to turn and look at his father until he heard the man cleaning dishes in the sink. "So you'll come for dinner tonight, then? We're all invited."

His father was the one to avoid the boy's gaze this time. "We'll talk about Holly, I don't know if she's old enough to understand it yet. But I'll be there if it'll make you happy."

Hunter grinned from ear to ear before jumping up and hugging his dad from behind. "It really will, thank you Dad!" He let go and skipped excitedly over to his sister's room, knocking on the doorframe. "Hey Holly, you wanna come over to the Carters' house tonight? We're all gonna be doing some fun stuff I think you'll like." Their father might not have been aware, but Hunter had come across his sister's porn stash on a number of occasions and if memory served him correctly, there was no way she could turn this down when the time came.

"Yeah, sure!" said Holly from her bed with a smile and halfway-closing her laptop while blushing rather visibly. "That sounds like a lot of fun."

The truth was, she had no idea.


"Come on in, glad you could make it!" said Natasha while hugging Hunter and then Holly as they walked through the door, then gasped when she saw their father. "James Fenwick, no way! I knew it had to be you."

"Good to see you again, Natasha," said James while bringing her in for a quick hug. "It's been a while."

The Fenwicks joined Summer and Caylen at the long table, then waited for Natasha to bring in a large plate of garlic bread followed by a bowl of spaghetti. After half an hour or so of dining and talking, James seemed to be coming out of his shell and Holly had grown more comfortable in the company of their hosts. In Hunter's mind, so far everything was progressing smoothly.

After the table was cleared, Caylen and Summer got to work on the dishes while the snow leopards relaxed in the living room. In the meantime, Natasha was well at work with a batch of her cookies, and after sliding them in the oven she joined the Fenwicks in her living room for more conversation.

"Now, how old are you Holly?" asked the bunny woman to the small leopard girl partially hiding behind her shoulder-length black hair, fiddling with her lone pigtail on top now and then. "You must be almost in high school?"

"Well, not really," admitted Holly. "I'm in 7th grade, and Hunter is a Junior this year."

"So you're Hunter's half-sister then?" asked Natasha, not meaning to pry.

"No, she's not," said James while tousling her hair. "Carmen and I got back together for a short time several years after our divorce, but we never re-married and then she left again. That's two of my kids she's left me with now." His eyes brightened as he took his daughter on his lap and tickled her to lighten the mood. "And believe me, they're a handful!"

Holly's laughter and protests brought smiles across the room, and a few minutes later the Carter children finished their dish duty to relax on the sofa next to Hunter. "So are you looking forward to going to high school?" asked Summer while playing with Hunter's hair passively.

"I haven't really thought about it," said Holly, watching the way Summer behaved around Hunter and thinking to herself that the two must have wanted to start dating each other. She'd tried to date a few boys already, but her father had managed to scare them off one way or another; thankfully they were all losers, and she was beginning to see that in hindsight. Caylen was cute, but Holly didn't see herself asking him out anytime soon; she was generally more into "masculine" men, at least as far as she knew at this point.

A timer went off in the kitchen, and a few moments later Natasha returned into the living room with a platter of sugar cookies ready to be devoured. Summer and Caylen didn't partake as ravenously as they had the day before since they had company, and besides it was more "polite" of them to allow new guests to have more. From what Hunter guessed, Holly was the only person in the room unaware of the powerful aphrodisiac inside the recipe. How would this turn out with her father in the room?

"Holly, I'm going to give you a choice, so hold on before you grab one," said James while placing a hand on his daughter's with a nod toward Natasha. "These aren't normal cookies. After eating a few of them, they make you feel like...well, like you're in love. The reason we all want to eat them is because we're planning on doing some things together tonight that, well, usually only adults do. So I'm telling you all of this ahead of time because you're a big girl now, you're getting ready to make your own decisions. If you don't want any and you don't want to watch us do these grown-up things, I won't have any either and I'll take you home."

Holly threw a confused and slightly worried glance across the room for a moment, incredulous that a double-family orgy might happen in front of her. She was obsessed with porn for her age, a budding nympho to the core, and much of the themed material she'd read and watched was incestually driven, but the idea of involving her family or another one right before her eyes had never occurred to her. She also knew that Hunter knew of her obsession, and to think that he'd also been fine with the idea gave her butterflies in her stomach; after all, he'd been her biggest crush ever since she was little, even though he often dressed as a girl which she didn't seem to find very attractive in any other male who chose to do so.

Such an important and pressing decision with such little time to act hit her hard, but in the end she nodded to herself and grabbed two of the cookies from the tray. "If you guys want to do it, I want to do it too," she said decisively while taking a bite. "I at least want to see how this goes."

"Then it's settled," said Hunter as he and the rest of them each took a cookie or two, beginning to snack on their forbidden dessert. "This is going to be one crazy night."

"Hopefully not too crazy," added James, causing the rest of them to pause momentarily before he laughed after swallowing his second cookie. "Don't worry everyone, I just had to say a 'dad' thing. It's not like anyone's going to start revving a chainsaw or anything, right?"

"Ugh...don't worry, this isn't like college," said Natasha while rolling her eyes. "And if I remember correctly, it was you who started doing jumping jacks in the middle of the damn thing!"

James laughed again and took another cookie, knowing he'd need more than a few if he was going to watch his daughter experience something like this, especially if he was going to take part in it. Trust was an easy thing to break and a very difficult thing to build, especially after what their mother had done. "I was getting tired, we were up until three in the morning!" said the snow leopard, defending himself. "Sometimes you gotta get the blood pumping to stay awake."

They all sat there in the living room continuing to joke around, and after another ten minutes or so it was clear to them that they were now under the secret ingredient's powerful spell. Summer was already making out with Caylen, and Natasha had sat on James's lap beginning to grind her voluptuous rear against the man's crotch.

Holly was still shocked to see all of these things, but the drug calmed her down enough that she could loosen her inhibitions and work her way over to the rest of the kids, sitting on the other side of Caylen away from Hunter to keep from getting embarrassed.

Hunter felt a bit left out at first and his depression was beginning to kick in, but then Summer broke her brother's kiss and turned around to face the femboy snow leopard next to her, holding his face in her hands and looking into his eyes. "Hey, I haven't forgotten about you either." She kissed him wetly on the lips, and it took him a moment to get himself in gear enough to pretend that she wasn't hurting his heart by putting him in second place. She lifted his chin and looked in his eyes with concern, running her hands over his shoulders. "It isn't just the drug, Hunter, I promise you," she said softly in his ear. "I really like you...I'm just afraid that you don't like me back."

Hunter smiled and kissed her, undoing his tight jeans and sliding them down his legs. "That's not even possible," he said, letting them fall to the floor away from his pastel-green panties. "Let's just have fun. We can talk about that stuff later." The snow leopard chewed softly on the bunny girl's ear while copping a feel at her breast under that tight black shirt, squeezing it lovingly as he moaned girly sounds into her ear.

Caylen turned toward Holly and put a hand over her other shoulder, keeping in mind whether the girl was comfortable or not with what was going on. "Is this all a little weird to you?" he asked with a giggle.

"A little," said Holly looking up at the bunny, having to admit he was pretty cute. "But I'm okay with it...I just want to find out more." She gasped as the love drug took its effect on her, unaware that anything could make her feel so alive and desperate. " you like my brother?"

The bunny slid his white thong out from under his red skirt onto the floor and began tugging at his hard length, leaning in to kiss Holly's ear while keeping a cautious eye on her father just in case the man didn't approve, but it seemed he was preoccupied with Natasha for the time being. "I think I like all of you, very much," he said with a smile, and Holly turned her chin to kiss the boy on the lips curiously.

"There's something you might not be aware of that might surprise you," said Natasha as she worked off her jeans, revealing the massive bulge on the front of her violet lingerie bottom. "I hope it doesn't bother you..." She gasped when James reached under her intimates to wrap his fingers around her thick knotted shaft and began stroking, lifting her head while he chewed at her neck and ground his hips.

"I heard a rumor, but I didn't think it was true," said James before unzipping his khaki pants and pulling out his cock, rubbing it against her curvy butt from behind. "I'm glad it is."

Summer broke Hunter's kiss and began smooching down his chest, sliding off his yellow shirt and kissing at his smooth tummy before working her way down to the bulge on his panties. "Mmm, this looks delicious," she gushed up at the boy, breathing warmly on his clothed package.

"Looks like Summer's having some fun over there," said Caylen down to Holly when they broke their kiss. "Want to go join them?"

Holly was trembling in the boy's grip, wanting to say yes but feeling like it might be a leap across a void she might not make it past. Finally she sighed and nodded, smiling up at Caylen. "I really want to, yes."

Hunter was so pre-occupied with Summer beginning to give him head and Caylen turning to make out with him that he didn't notice Holly make her way over to the other side of him, crouching down next to Summer and smiling at the other girl. Summer pulled Hunter's dick out of her mouth and stroked its wet length above the panties, grinning over at the leopard's sister. "Want a taste?" she asked, pointing the tip her way.

Holly leaned forward and slowly took the length of her brother's shaft in her hand, pumping up and down like she'd seen so many women do on porn, then opened up her pink maw to take it inside. The taste was beyond what she'd fantasized, and the smooth exterior mesmerized her senses. She bobbed her head down further, trying to avoid triggering her gag reflex although her recent practice with toys had curbed that to an extent.

Summer kissed the other side of Hunter's cock and her lips met Holly's in a flurry of bisexual licks, both girls kissing up and down the length of the femboy's shaft while swirling their tongues around each other expertly. Hunter looked down and gasped when he finally broke Caylen's kiss to notice his sister blowing him, and it took all of his willpower not to cum right there. She exceeded his expectations more than he could fathom, and the last thing he wanted on Earth was for her to stop. As drugged up as they all were, he knew that in their most sober of moments he would be enjoying this and encouraging her to continue.

But before any words escaped him, Caylen's lips met his again and the other femboy kept him occupied on their steamy makeout session. Hunter reached down to stroke Caylen's cock with one hand while gently caressing the top of Holly's head with the other, in complete and total bliss at that perfect moment.

James had Natasha naked and bent over now, wearing nothing but his grey V-neck, and his cock plunged into her tight rear end with some difficulty but it adjusted well. His shaft throbbed in her depths as he grabbed the back of her hair and began thrusting into her doggystyle, feeling a very much stronger pull from the love drug than anyone else due to the amount he'd consumed. "Oh, my fucking god...Natasha, I feel so amazing right now!"

"You're not the only one, stud," said the bunny up to him from the ground as she began counter-thrusting on all fours like a bitch in heat while her monster shaft throbbed between her thighs and straightened out beneath her stomach. "Fuck me right here, cum in my ass hard before my husband gets home..."

James couldn't turn down an offer like that. His thrusts quickened, and soon his balls were smacking hers from behind while he watched all of their kids grow more fond of each other on the sofa nearby. His daughter seemed to take a liking to Hunter, that much was clear.

"Have you ever eaten a guy out?" asked Summer to Holly from the other end of Hunter's shaft on the verge of release, locking eyes with the young girl. "Every guy loves it, even though most won't admit it...but you can make them cum like crazy."

"Really?" asked Holly, continuing to milk her brother's shaft with her fingers and lips. "Show me, I want to see."

Just when Hunter thought it couldn't possibly get any better, Summer lifted the boy's hips up and spread his legs, then began French-kissing his tight butthole madly. To top it off, Holly was still sucking his dick, and at this point Caylen was grinding on him and kissing him so hard he could barely breathe. Finally he broke the kiss, and in a high-pitched wail he cried out. "Oh my god, that feels so good, I...I love all of you!" His eyes squinted shut as Summer and Holly's tongues finally set him off in a powerful orgasm, possibly his best to date.

He squealed and bucked his hips while Summer flicked her tongue-tip against his prostate, the bunny girl squeezing his girly butt-cheeks and scrunching her nose against the underside of his balls while sucking wetly at the entrance of his boy-pussy. Holly's moist young throat clenched around his pulsating shaft, and when he came she immediately began swallowing faster, taking all of her brother's hot fresh sperm directly down toward her stomach. The young girl's tongue swirled around his sensitive shaft while he came into her gullet, and his high-pitched cries of delight made her wet between the legs. Her first blowjob, given to her the weirdest way, she thought, it couldn't have turned out more perfect.

Hunter's legs shook in the air as Summer continued feverishly tongue-fucking his boycunt and his sister swallowed the fountain of jizz rocketing out of his dick, and soon Caylen was naked and pressing his firm smooth femboy shaft against Hunter's maw from the side. Hunter willingly took the cock in his mouth as he continued cumming, reaching under Caylen's legs to slide two fingers into the boy's ass while moving his head back and forth, closing his throat around that hard throbbing dick with a defenseless whimper.

James had already came twice inside of Natasha's ass and was still going, amazed that her shapely ass could devour this much sperm in such a short time. "Hmm, you've blown two loads and you're still going?" asked Natasha, on the verge of a climax herself. "I can't blame you for losing one early, but I like your determination."

The snow leopard railed her faster from behind, lifting up one of her legs and plowing her with his throbbing feline erection easily three quarters as big as her own and far above the male average. "You like getting fucked, don't you baby?" he asked rhetorically in his clouded mental state, still watching his daughter blow his son successfully on the couch while the boy's new girlfriend ate him out from below and he willingly gave head to the girl's brother. So much was happening all at once, and he was sure his first two orgasms were spurred on just from watching them all, but the feeling of her ass around his dick was heavenly enough to make him wonder if he would start dry-firing soon.

The front door rattled a bit, startling everyone except James momentarily, and a male rabbit about James's age entered through the door before shutting it behind him. James kept pounding the man's wife on the ground, oblivious to the intruder while Natasha panted in a horny frenzy with her tongue hanging out, looking up at her husband who had just arrived home. "Keith...honey, I invited some company," she gasped out while James came hard inside of her a third time, then looked up at the male rabbit who'd walked in.

"James Fenwick," said Keith, hanging up his leather jacket and striding casually toward the couple on the floor. "If I didn't see it right in front of me, I would have called bullshit." He looked down at his wife, then back at James before his serious expression disappeared and he grinned, holding out his fist to the other man which the leopard slowly returned in a bump. "How've ya been? I mean other than just now, fucking my wife in my house."

"Been okay," said James before pulling out of Natasha and smacking his cum-covered dick against her round buttocks. "This is certainly a surprise. I thought you two split up a while ago."

"That was just a rumor," said Keith with a nod toward the kids on the couch. "We just needed a little break. But we're one big, happy family now. Well, don't let me interrupt anything! If nothing else, I was hoping to have a little fun myself." He glanced at Holly blowing her brother Hunter in the midst of his own two children. "I see you brought your kids," said Keith upon taking the last sugar cookie from the plate, then unbuttoning his dress shirt. "Glad to see everyone playing nicely."

"Why don't we change things up a bit?" said Natasha as she crawled toward her husband, keeping her gaping butthole in the air to avoid spilling any of the snow leopard's cum on the floor. "I'm sure the kids want to play with us, too."

Summer and Caylen broke away from the other two siblings slowly and stood next to their dad, helping him remove his clothes while admiring his masculine yet somewhat slender form. "I'm glad you're home, Daddy," said Caylen as he sucked on his father's fingers enticingly. "We all missed you."

Keith laughed and slapped a hand against each of his children's curvy butts, then watched Summer as she kissed down his abs to take his cock in her mouth. "I missed all of you, too," he said. "It's good to be home."

"What do you think, Holly?" asked Hunter to his sister as she sat on his lap facing toward him. He slid a hand up her pink shirt and began removing it, staring at her budding breasts in front of his face. "How do you want to do this? It's your virginity."

She shook her head and looked down at Hunter while sliding off her sweatpants, wearing no underwear beneath and beginning to slide her vice-tight unbroken slit against her brother's wet cock. "I don't like all this pressure...I want someone else to decide for me."

"Be careful what you wish for," said her father from behind her as he pressed the tip of his slimy dick up against her rear hole, wiggling it back and forth to give her an idea of what was in store. "This might hurt at first, but you'll love it after that. You ready, Hunter?"

The boy nodded meekly from the other end and they both pushed Holly down between them slowly, entering her from both sides at once. The young girl's eyes closed tight and she wailed out, taking the pain while loving the fact that her closest male relatives were the ones to break her open first.

Hunter grimaced as he felt Holly's extremely tight virgin pussy squeeze around his shaft wetly, so small and slick yet eager to welcome him in further. James's face twisted in bliss when he felt the midpoint of his cock length slip past his daughter's twitching little rim, the head of his dick sliding up her rectum into her colon.

In the meantime, Summer and Caylen were sharing their father's cock between their mouths while Natasha ate her husband out noisily from behind, flicking her tongue-tip against his prostate and squeezing his ass cheeks firmly with her hands. She moved her head back and forth to tongue-fuck his hole while her kids licked around their father's dick, making out with each other while trading one deepthroat to the next in adoration, worshiping the shaft and balls they had originally been produced from long ago. "You're so stiff, Daddy," groaned Summer while watching her brother blow her dad. She sucked on one of the man's nuts and glided her tongue over the orb's tender surface, adoring the objects of her primary conception. "Your cock tastes so good..."

Caylen wasn't at a speaking point with that hard rabbit cock so far down his throat, but the girly boy certainly let his father know his appreciation for him by swallowing and gurgling around that veiny shaft, looking up at him innocently. Natasha broke her elongated French kiss with her husband's tight asshole and pressed her ring finger inside, twisting until he could feel the cool metallic edge of the symbol of their sacred promise kiss him from behind.

Hunter and his dad were now both fully hilted inside Holly from below, her brother's tip just a few millimeters shy of kissing her cervix and her dad's shaft buried deep enough in her colon to straighten her lower back. She panted and tried to stay focused while James cupped one of her small tits from behind and lifted his daughter's chin, capturing her mouth in a very long and drawn-out kiss. Hunter flicked his tongue against the nipple of his sister's opposite breast while sucking on the surrounding skin, steadying her hips with one hand and holding her hand in the other.

James's cock flexed deep inside of his young daughter's anal canal while he made out tenderly with his little princess, still groping her breast and taking her free hand in his. For all the money he had, he would trade every penny just to share another moment like this. None of them could have guessed they would one day be intimate on this level; it had never so much as crossed their minds until now, but it felt so perfect they all wished they'd started even earlier on.

Holly began rocking her hips up and down as she suckled the saliva from her dad's manly maw and gulped it down, hungry for the taste of his mouth just as much as he was for hers. The preteen girl's anus squeezed around her dad's shaft instinctively while she bounced up and down in between the males, and her tight pussy was soaking her brother's dick while swallowing it whole.

"Dad, brother, I need to tell you something..." she said during a pause while swallowing a mouthful of her father's spit, looking at both of them as they held her hands. "I've always wanted this, I should have told you but I didn't feel like I could..."

Hunter took his turn Frenching his sister next as he quickened his thrusts, growing increasingly comfortable with his cock in her pussy; she fit him like a glove, albeit a very tight one. His mouth met hers in a feverish whirlwind of adoration stored away within years of suppressed fantasies, finally unlocking their passions and exchanging their mutual gravitation in a tempest of fiery emotions they'd never known were there.

Keith was close to cumming by now with his wife's finger buried in his ass and the mouths of his son and daughter trading his cock in sloppy turns. Finally while in Caylen's mouth he grabbed his son's mop of blond hair and thrust his hips forward, grunting as his climax hit full swing. "Ohh fuck, I fucking love all of you!" he said through his teeth while unloading jets of sperm down his girly son's throat.

After a few bursts he pulled his cock out to shove it in Summer's mouth, which had been patiently waiting agape next to Caylen's the whole time. Spurts of the rabbit's fresh sperm shot out toward the girl's uvula, coating her esophagus with her father's sticky baby batter as she swallowed the legion of tadpoles that would neglect to grow into her younger relatives. So much was wrong with it all that it could only be called right.

Caylen hurriedly massaged his dad's nuts with his tongue and cooed into his sister's ear as he watched her gulp down their dad's torrent of dick puke like she had been starved for days. Natasha pulled her finger out and gave her husband's ass a spank, then crawled around in between her kids and opened her maw wide.

Keith chose to complete his lengthy orgasm by pulling his dick out of his daughter's mouth and jerking off toward his wife's face and tits. Sprinkles of his semen flew all over Natasha's lips, neck and breasts, and Keith turned to offer Caylen some of the excess as well since the boy's mouth was gaping so patiently next to his mother's. Finally, Keith aimed the last few drops at his daughter's open mouth on the other side, then shoved his cock into his wife's throat until she gagged audibly.

Natasha cleaned off her husband's cock with her tongue, choking down his flavor while looking up at him. His kids each took one of his balls in their mouth and ran their tongues around his sperm factories churning up more cum for later. "Thank you, Daddy!" they both said cheerfully in unison.

Holly and the others weren't far from rapture themselves, and soon all three of the snow leopard's faces were scrunched up in pure ecstasy as their climaxes erupted in sync. Hunter clung to his little sister's slender frame for dear life as his cock unloaded semen toward her developing womb. He didn't care about anything right then, other than being the first male to christen her sex; in a way, it made him feel more like he was doing his job as a brother to protect her, even though he knew how selfish that was.

Holly was cumming just as hard as Hunter was, and it became evident when her fragile pussy began squirting all over the boy's chest and face. If he collected it all in a container, he could have filled up an oil pan; for a moment he even thought it was urine, until a rogue splash landed on his tongue and he recognized it to be her juice.

Holly's mouth, however, was locked tightly with her father's as James came hard inside the ass of his little angel, his baby girl now growing up so fast. But she wanted it like she always had, and he wanted to make her happy, and somewhere in the mix of all that he felt his love for her break the barriers of what outsiders would call disgusting and taboo, just so he could make her feel complete in the way her happiness completed him.

He was too busy swallowing her tongue to utter words of encouragement and longing, too deeply buried inside of her to need any words. He could feel her tight tunnel squeeze and milk his shaft while he came in her bowels, and she felt every drop of his fatherly love coat her innermost workings. Now filled with both her father's and brother's cum in both holes, Holly could say to herself that she wanted nothing more than to do this every day.

The young girl's rectum clenched and loosened in a constant rhythm around her dad's cock as he finished unloading his coat of semen into her belly from below, and his tongue ventured into the back of her sweet pink throat while his hands cupped her breasts too small for a training bra. He was able to forget about his ex-wife and the problems she'd caused for his family; he was able to focus on what made his children happy. He knew he felt just as strongly for Hunter as he did for his daughter, but this was special; he was able to watch her grow into a young woman, at some fault of his own.

The secret ingredient had taken more of an effect on Holly than anyone else due to her petite size, which made the situation much more comfortable for her to transition into. At the same time she couldn't believe that her long-time fantasies of riding her brother's cock, of taking her dad's length from behind and making out with him, were all coming true at the same time. Her young body tensed and her wet holes tightened around their shafts when the heavenly plateau of her first shared orgasm rushed through her. With her dad groping her young breasts and her older brother chewing on her neck on top of it all, it was almost sensory overload.

Holly broke her father's kiss to look up at him with her bright aqua blue-green eyes beneath her black pig-tailed hair, squeezing her ass voluntarily around her dad's dick. "Mmm Papa...I love you," she said sweetly to him from below as the last few drops of the man's sperm oozed out of his dick to glaze her soft colon.

"I love you too, sweetheart," he said down to her with another kiss, but she soon broke it to look down at her brother who had finished cumming inside of her pussy. His jizz poured out onto his shaft around her folds, making her blush and giggle.

"I love you too, Brother...thank you for everything," she said before kissing him messily and flicking her tongue into his mouth.

Hunter's cock flexed deep inside of his younger sister, and he could swear he felt his dad's do the same from the other side. He stroked her hair lovingly while they made out, both males content to stay housed inside her while their sperm sank into her deep walls. Hunter broke the kiss to look in her eyes, amazed at what they had all agreed to do and pleased it was turning out so well. "I love you too, Sis. Thank you for letting me be your first."

"Now, what about her second?" asked Keith from nearby after pulling his wet dick out of his wife's mouth. "We've all had some quality time with our own families, but what good is having company if we can't mix it up a little?"

James met the rabbit's challenging stare with his own. "Fine, but I fuck your daughter if you fuck mine."

Keith held out his hand and shook James's hand in return. "A deal's a deal. This settles any former disputes between the Carter family and the Fenwicks...right now, we are all on even terms."

"I'll keep the boys entertained," said Natasha upon taking Caylen's hand and leading him over to the couch. "If they want to dress like girls, I'll show them how to behave as such."

Under any other circumstance in the entire universe Hunter would have stayed inside of his sister longer but Natasha's promise was too enticing to resist. With a bit of difficulty, both he and his father slowly pulled out of Holly's young body until her gaping holes dumped each of their cum all over their cocks, spilling onto the floor.

"The cleaning service is going to have a field day tomorrow," said Keith as the rest of the family took off whatever clothing they had left. "I swear, we're the only reason they're still in business."

"Not if you start having dinner at our house, too," smirked James while positioning himself behind Summer, getting a good look at her glistening teenage sex beneath her tight pucker as she got on all fours and lifted her tail, looking back at him teasingly.

"I suppose that's always an option," said Keith, kissing the top of Holly's hand as he stood next to James and watched the young leopard girl get into the same position as Summer. "Of course, if every night turns out like this, I'm sure we'll all be eating together a lot."

Hunter and Caylen each sat on opposite sides of Natasha on the couch, watching the scene unfold while they tugged at each other's cocks and exchanged brief kisses. James rested his pulsating feline member on the top of Summer's buttocks, hotdogging his neighbor's daughter. "So, which hole should we go in first?" he asked his college wingman. The cat lowered his dick to rub the tip against Summer's tight teen slit, probing at it curiously. "I've had my fill of assfucking, but we can always go back and forth."

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Keith, sliding his rock-hard shaft down across Holly's cum-stained butthole to her runny cunt lips. "Ready, set, go!" The two men plunged into the vaginal canals of each other's daughters from behind and their faces stretched from what blissful sensations quickly followed.

Holly's wet little sex hole was stretched even wider now by Keith's cock than her brother's, making her see stars for a moment until she collected herself. Even now her father's cum from earlier dripped out of her asshole onto the rabbit's cock as he plunged into her, some of it sliding along his length to smear it across her vaginal walls. "Nnngh fuck, your daughter's pussy is so tight," grunted Keith when his balls finally rested against her opening, his tip nudging against her little cervix while she milked his throbbing dick without trying.

"Yours is, too," said James when he plunged all the way inside of Summer, although he could feel rather clearly that her cervix was slightly more gaped than his daughter's must have been. The two men began humping the girls faster, grabbing the girls' wrists and slightly pulling their arms back to plow them while the two females wailed and moaned on the floor.

Natasha had already been at work stroking the boys' cocks, but after a while she stopped and looked down at them while they sucked at her enormous breasts. "I think you two have had your masculine side toyed with enough for one day...why don't you lie on the ground, so that I can teach you what it means to feel like a girl?"

After they eagerly obeyed her request, she lifted each of their hips up so that the boys' butts were in the air with their backs against each other, and their legs were pulled forward to keep them from falling while their hands and elbows interlocked their forearms to steady them from swaying. Essentially their gaping buttholes were an inch apart straight up at the ceiling with their cocks pointed away from each other, both of them hard and throbbing in their awkward position. It nearly hurt their necks to have to bend down so far, but when they felt Natasha's dick tip slide across their holes they were about to do anything but complain.

"Let's see," said Natasha while pretending to think, bending over on Hunter's side and staring down at him in the face. "Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo..." She plunged her thick tree-trunk of a shemale cock deep into Hunter's boy-pussy, listening to him gasp girlishly as her cock slid easily into the hole that had been so thoroughly lubed with her daughter's spit earlier. Her knot throbbed on the outside of his rim, and she pulled all the way out before thrusting down into her son's hole next, which was slightly lower for her. She cooed at how wide she had gaped Hunter just from one thrust, spreading his ultra-sensitive rim apart with her fingers and sucking on the edge of it coyly while watching his dick flex in front of her.

Caylen yelped behind her on the ground and tightened his grip on Hunter's arms when her dick shoved past his colon, feeling like he was trapped on some frightening theme park ride he also enjoyed. She throbbed deep inside of her son momentarily before pulling out and thrusting into Hunter, then back into Caylen, alternating back and forth between their holes with a laugh upon hearing them moan each time as if on cue.

"Looks like I won't have to teach you boys much!" she said while spanking and groping Hunter's curvy ass as she plowed it, then went back to her son's equally feminine rump. "You can both take a dick, I know that for a fact!"

James grunted and grabbed the back of Summer's hair to keep from falling forward, he was mounting her so steeply. Every time his balls spanked her nubile cunt, another whimper of pleasure would escape the bunny girl's lips; he could see why his son was falling so hard for this girl. Her body was perfect, her mind was perverted, and her heart had endless love to give. Even after cumming already four times in the last hour, he still felt the need to hold back, and his balls ached from all the work they were doing. He and Keith were mounting each other's daughters, after all; he had to give it his best shot.

Keith was surprised he himself hadn't already blown his load inside of Holly's vice-tight smooth near-virgin slit. Her squeals of delight could have almost been mistaken by wails of protest if heard by a passer-by, but one look at the young leopard girl's face fervently kissing the girl next to her and they would know otherwise. Holly ran her tongue across Summer's perfect lips, idolizing the blonde girl's angelic face as their fingers brushed together. Summer couldn't get over how cute this little girl was, thinking if Holly were a few years younger she could have babysat her.

The father of the Carter family locked his gaze on Holly's creampied anus in front of him, sticking two fingers inside and feeling her pink wet tunnel squeeze around them, soaked with her father's jizz. He had to know what that felt like, too. He pulled his cock shaft out from her cunt and let whatever portion of her brother's cum that hadn't coated his dick ooze onto the floor, then pressed his wet member down inside her tight wet anus while she uttered a squeal of surprise followed by a groan of delight. Now a stranger was fucking her raw in the ass without anything stuffed in her young pussy, and she discovered then she enjoyed it in the back door just as much as she did the front.

James watched this happen and felt the desire to follow suit, even though Summer's holes had undoubtedly seen a lot more action and from an earlier age. He pulled out of the bunny girl's folds and plunged it into her asshole, listening to her groan loudly into Holly's mouth and surprising James with how tight she still was. He began fucking her at a faster pace, hollowing out her rectum with his veiny feline meat pole.

On the floor next to the sofa, Natasha was having a grand old time doing the same to their sons, and they seemed to be enjoying it even more than their sisters. What with the shemale MILF's hulking tower of a knotted cock slamming against each of their prostates back and forth amid her verbal teasing and humiliation, they couldn't help but drool onto the floor beside their faces while looking up at her sodomizing them from above with zeal. Her knotted shaft flexed and twitched against her son's large intestine every time she slammed into her little boy, and Hunter felt the same sensation in addition to locking eyes with her as she murdered his girly teenage ass.

"You think you can fuck like men?" she asked them while battering their G-spots. "I'm a woman, and I'm ripping both of your pussies open like Christmas presents. I should probably be wearing protection, I wouldn't be surprised if you were both girly enough to carry my children." She paused a moment inside Hunter to give him a deep kiss, then pulled out and slammed back inside Caylen but still kept her eyes on the snow leopard boy the whole time. "Both of you are just so precious, you like taking it in your holes more than your sisters do. And on top of that, you want more holes to stick your dicks into? What greedy young boys you are."

Caylen could barely speak straight, his eyes were crossing slightly from being in so much pleasure. At this angle, his mother's cock was backwards from usual and slamming against places he didn't know were there. Hunter panted and gasped beneath the shemale as his hole closed around her cock every time as if desperate to keep it inside; she was right about every word she'd said.

"Quickly Caylen, come around front with Hunter," said Natasha while continually slamming her dick into the leopard. "Let's make that sandwich we like to do when your sister is wearing her strapon."

Caylen somersaulted backwards onto his belly, then shuffled around next to Hunter. He got on top of Hunter and pressed their chests together, looking him face-to-face while sliding the feline's dick inside his wide-open hole. Hunter's resulting cry was muffled by Caylen's kiss as he lay there helpless between them, taking Natasha's hefty dick in his ass full-time while his own pounded into Caylen in a steamy missionary position.

Natasha cried out when she came, working her powerful shaft deeper into Hunter before his gaping sphincter finally swallowed her entire knot. His cheeks reddened while Caylen kissed him, and the moment he felt Natasha's sperm begin flooding his ass it clenched down tightly with his own orgasm. Caylen felt it instantly and shifted around so his back was to Hunter while still riding him, and they were both facing the bunny woman above.

Natasha took her son's cock into her mouth while groaning dreamily in a trance, and Hunter could feel Caylen's rim tighten around his feline cock as the bunny boy squealed and came hard onto his mother's expert tongue. Hunter wailed and came into Caylen with the tenacity of a thunderstorm surging through him, so happy that it almost brought him to tears. There was no way there could be any drug on the planet that could make someone feel as good as he did right then, caught between a mother and son while swimming through the radiance of their love and lust for each other.

Natasha sucked and licked all over Caylen's cock as he came, milking her son with her mouth and swallowing every drop of his virile sperm. Her dick was still erupting shemale seed like a volcano into Hunter's ass, but her hefty knot kept her from tugging out. She cooed and watched both boys whine and gasp in pleasure, then smacked her lips off of Caylen's cock with a mouthful of his hot cum and nodded to Caylen next.

The boy knew exactly what to do. He reached over and held Hunter's jaw open beneath Natasha, watching as she dropped nearly his whole batch of seed into Hunter's mouth like he had seen her do so many times with his sister in the past. At first Hunter gargled, but then swished Caylen's load around on his tongue and swallowed most of the gift in one gulp. He then turned to Caylen and flicked a portion of the bunny boy's own load onto his tongue. Natasha leaned further down and joined the boys in a three-way kiss, all of them exchanging Caylen's load of sperm into each other's mouths randomly.

"Oh my god, that's so hot," said Summer into Holly's ear as both girls watched while getting ass-fucked by each other's father. "I love doing that with Caylen...hopefully I can do it with you too, if you like."

Holly's face was cherry-red from blushing when she nodded. "Mmhh...I hope we can all do it." Her eyes widened when both dads switched holes without warning again, and were now fucking each of their pussies like before. Only now each girl's dad lifted the females' legs and turned them so they were facing each other, and they were both plowing the girls while holding one leg high in the air.

"I can't wait to fuck your daughter again tomorrow, or maybe later next week," said Keith to James while their dicks slammed into the girls' cunts noisily and forcibly. "I don't think any of us will even need the cookies after this."

"I like your daughter too," said James with a smile down toward the bunny girl. "But I think I'd enjoy ramming your son just as much. He seems to be a professional sissy."

"As with yours," said Keith while hammering Holly's young cunt. "I'd love to see what they're both dressed like when they're feeling more slutty than usual." The rabbit's face tightened as he came hard inside Holly, watching the girls make out with each other and squeeze each other's tits. James came inside Summer almost too hard, and when he pulled back a few jets of his semen dotted the girl's faces, which only made them want to trade it on each other's tongues.

After a long and eventful night of countless heavenly orgasms and primal taboo sex, the Carter and Fenwick families parted on good terms and agreed an unstoppable tradition had now been started. Whether they realized it or not, their lewd and liberated passions would eventually carry down through generations, breaking every societal rule in family relations only to bring each other the thing that mattered most in any devoted family: love.