
Story by Ripper Equidae on SoFurry

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A quickie on the very controversial topic and my own view/stance on zoophilia/bestiality. If I missed any obvious tags, feel free to add them.

Nature is pretty ain't it? Pretty gruesome at times too, but

still beautiful.

Through all the seasons there's some form of beauty to be

found. Whether it be the way sun shimmers over a meadow in summer, the many

colours and gentle spiralling and falling of leaves through autumn, the

perfection of ice crystals in snow of winter or the birth of new life springing

forth in...spring.

Of course, I'm typing this on the rainiest and windiest day

EVER and it's horrible outside but hey, at least the plants are enjoying

themselves right?

Sometimes though, folks can like nature an awful lot. I

myself love being outdoors and heading for a Geocache that happens to be nearby

where I'm going. Fresh air is always nice, mud is kinda fun to squelch through

(sometimes) and even if it rains so long as it isn't dreadfully cold and windy

I'm usually OK.

On a summer's day with the sun shining, it's nice to head

out for a bit of a wander. The cache I'm looking for today is called

"Frolicking Equines - A Midsummer Night's Dream". I've walked down a mixed

dirt/gravel path in my loose shorts and t-shirt, glasses propped up on my

forehead as I look at my phone while it tries to work out exactly how many

metres I am. I bring up the clue again just to be sure:

"Stop a while and gaze at the natural beauty of life before


I've reached a piece of nice, new, wooden fence and pause,

my phone now says to head immediately to my left into the field the other side

of the fence. No...wait...I'm right on top of it! Giving a quick glance around I

wait for a passing family of wolves to head by, nonchalantly leaning on the

fence and taking in the view of the fells in the distance and the small area of

forest to the left of this meadow. Two of the three horses in this field stop their

grazing and look at me curiously, I smirk and give them a little wave.

Thoroughbreds...or something similar by the look of them. They're mighty fine

specimens whatever they are and I can't help but shift slightly as I look on.

You see, I'm one of those 'nature' folks. By nature I mean,

I like animals alright? Yes, sexually. Before you say anything, I wouldn't dare hurt an animal to satisfy myself

or indeed, even do something with a feral being. I appreciate their natural

form, their refined finesse for what it is and how it has come to be. I can't

help it that it's just so...beautiful...

One of the horses starts to head over and I keep my gaze

low, it stops a few feet away and huffs trying to catch my scent. Easy enough

with the breeze heading downwind toward him from me...oh yes, it's definitely at him. He's a lovely dark,

rich bay. The kind of colour that looks almost black but is juuuust off, how

handsome he is. His muscles ripple subtly as he plods forward, ears alert and

attentive and his goat shining in the sun. Obviously well looked after, perhaps

an eventing horse or stud material. Mmm, stud.

He looks on curiously, as if trying to work out exactly what

I am and why, to the wonderful grass gods, do I smell kind of aroused? Slowly I

reach out with my palm flat and out-stretched, his ears flick and neck bobs as

if he were to run away but then slowly he comes closer and closer. I watch him

quietly and when he pauses again, I switch hands to offer the other out in


"Hey big guy." I offer, wiggling my fingers to get his

attention. He's so close now I can feel the hot breath on my hands but he's

just out of petting range. His nose is just in petting range now and I gently

stroke over it. Realising from this I must be friendly he completes his journey

to the fence and sticks his nose over, looking at me with that "Hello, who are

you? I don't really care but pet me?" face.

So I oblige, the rush of petting such an amazing feral

stallion making my heart flutter. I'm a sucker for the prettyboys alright? I

stroke his nose, bridge of said nose and reach up with my other hand for his

neck. I feel how soft and silky his hair is, pick up the rich, sweet scent of

haylage and lightly sweating stallion...ohhh fuck. I may have to take a break

before heading back onto the path.

"Man you have better hair than me." I chuckle and pat his

neck a couple times, he just nudges my other hand and expects further nose

rubs. I can't help but look down his stocky chest, barrelling abdomen and of

course between his legs...ohhh baby. It all just...hangs there. It'd be difficult for anyone to say that it isn't

amazing to look at, sexually or not.

Though I should probably get going, petting for too long

tends to make other folk come over and of course, I don't want to be caught by

this boy's owner with such a large bulge in my pants.

"I gotta go boy...geocaches to find." I think I see a glimmer

of sadness for a moment, then he turns tail and bolts off back to his friends.

I smile and nod, giving a little wave before turning my attention to a small

hole in the fence I'd not noticed before. Part of the post that this horse had

come right up to has been drilled out and a small screw-shut capsule.

The geocache!

I grin and eagerly open it up, grabbing my pen and unfurling

the small, tattered piece of paper before leaving my Geocache username and

today's date. There's a note on the very front of the paper that I read before

putting it back.

"Well done for taking in nature's beauty."

You sir, are most very welcome.

Just Checking

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Boxers vs Briefs

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