Another Tundra Race

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#20 of The Amazing Race 2

On the last leg of the Amazing Race, the Racers traveled to spicy-hot Mexico. It was a pepper eating, milk snatching, key grabbing race to the finish. The mountain climbers claimed victory again and the critics fell short. However, luck was on their side as it was all non-elimination. 7 teams are still left in the race. Who will fall into last? Keep watching... the Amazing Race.


"Welcome back to Cancùn." Toner says. "Yesterday's winners are the first ones up." Becky stop up to the clue box and presses the button.

"Route Info: grab Toner's flight to Alexander Island." She reads. Antarctica! The coldest region in the world. Known for snow, frostbite, a station from the US in the South Pole, and penguins, the only flightless bird in the world. Team will travel here to find their next clue.

"Let's go!" KiKi says. The rest of the teams get the clue and get on Toner's private plane as they prepare for everything to get Polar once again.


"I can't believe we left Alaska, only to go straight to Antarctica!" Diesel says. "I don't know if I can handle an entire day of cold."

"Snap out of it." DeeDee says, gently shoving him. "I'm sure it's safe if we're allowed to go there. Who knows? Maybe Toner included a fire making challenge."

"I have high doubts of that."

"No matter what happens, the four of us continue to stick together, ok?" Kit asks.

"Absolutely. I would hate to get lost in the tundra."

"Me too." Kitty says. "Don't get me wrong, I love snow. At least enough to get school cancelled or something. But Diesel's right. If we get lost, we might never get found."

"It's a TV show, Kitty." Kit points out. "I'm sure it's safe. Right?"

"Uh, Kit? This is Toner we're talking about." DeeDee points out.

"You're right." Kit rolls her eyes.

"This is the second time we came in second to those wretched mountain climbers." Tammy says. "I say we do whatever it takes to take them out."

"I don't see how you're going to do that." Rachel says.

"You're right. Face it, when there's nothing but snow, what can we do?" Tammy gets up and goes to the back. The sees Mitch waiting outside the bathroom door. "I thought guys went in groups."

"That's just a stereotype." Mitch says. "Jasper needed to go badly. I'm just here to keep company."

"Whatever." Tammy rolls her eyes. She looks over at a nearby table and sees a few bottles of water. She goes over, opens one and starts drinking.

"Might want to be careful with that." Mitch says. "Especially when we're about to land in a glacier. One minute and that water's frozen." Tammy thinks about those words. Her exact thoughts are: good to know. A grin grows on her face.

"What are we supposed to do?" Barbara asks. "We have no allies and therefore zero chance of winning the money."

"But we're still here, though. Not only that, but we came in last yesterday." Eddy says.

"Well, as long as the non-elimination legs continue to happen, it just brings us one step closer to the final 2. I just hope that we can keep up with the competition."

"Let's hope so." Eddy says, leaning back into his seat to settle in and hopefully catch some sleep.


After a limb-stiffening 13 hour flight, the teams land in Antarctica. They get in snow coats, boots, and other gear to prepare them for the unbearable weather they're about to endure. They run out to the clue box as more snow begins to fall and they immediately start. "Route Info: get on a snowmobile and drive 10 miles north to the next checkpoint. Just keep following the flags." Becky reads, her body shivering along with her voice.

"Hustle!" DeeDee says. All 7 teams get on their own snowmobiles and start driving.

"There!" Diesel says. "I think the clue means those flags!" Over in the horizon is a large red flag, 15 feet high.

"Yep. That's definitely the one." DeeDee says. Suddenly, Tammy & Rachel and Becky & KiKi pass the Policefurs. Both of them with angry looks towards each other (mainly Tammy and Becky).

"Woah. You'd think that they'd have a slap fight by now." Kit says.

"I'm pretty sure the firework is almost set off." DeeDee says. The Olympians and mountain climbers continue to fight for the lead.

"I can't wait to see you in last place!" Becky says.

"Oh yeah? I'm surprised you haven't seen an avalanche yet! Or better yet... be buried in one!" Tammy shouts.

"I'm about to bury your game, skunk!"

"Is that the best you've got?"

"Shut up!!" Rachel and KiKi say at the same time. As they continue their lead, the vegetarians and critics fall behind once again.

"How are we still in last?" Eddy asks.

"Maybe because we sat in the back row of the plane!" Barbara says. "Which is probably not the best idea ever!"

"True. At least we know we're not last." Miles & Joey slowly pass the two. "Never mind. We're in last."

"Hurry!" She shouts. The mountain climbers get to the next clue box first but Tammy manages to shove them to the ground.

"This one's ours!" Tammy takes the next clue. "One-Way: snow your way to victory." Teams must build a snow fort high enough to cover both teammates at the same time. Once they do, they'll find the next clue box and get their next challenge.

"Let's go!" Rachel says. Becky & KiKi get up and they takes the clue as well.

"I swear, I don't know how much longer I can take those Olympic brats." Becky says.

"As long as we stay in the race, we'll eventually knock them out." KiKi says. They go over and start digging in the snow as the Policefurs and twins eventually arrive to start the challenge.

"This will be easy." Kitty says. "Me and Kit used to build these things back home all the time to hide from our cousins when they visit during the winter."

"Yep." Kit says. "Now how about a little more focus." She digs in the snow, trying to get it in a nice big pile as Kitty pats it down, trying to make make it smooth. "We're in the bottom seven, ever second we waste affects us in the long run."

"Ok. I get it." As Kitty goes back to work, the Policefurs only just get started.

"This is so easy. We just have to make a huge pile and hollow it out. Maybe an igloo will be enough to cover us both." Diesel says.

"You're right." DeeDee says. "The clue just said for us to make it so it covers us." They start building a snow pile like most of the other teams. Jasper & Mitch arrive next and start using the same strategy.

"Would this be considered copycatting?" Jasper asks.

"Well, the way I see it, I think we can use this as an example of that 'great minds think alike' phrase." Mitch says. He packs while Jasper stacks. Tammy and Becky continue to fight each other for the lead. Miles & Joey and Barbara & Eddy finally arrive and they begin the first task.

"We can still make it out of here first." Barbara says.

"I have an idea." Eddy says. "If we dig a hole deep enough, it might hide us both."

"Good point." She says. Barbara starts digging in the snow like the others, but unlike the other teams, her and Eddy have no intentions of pattening it all down.

"This is harder than I thought." Miles says. His arms grow tired from all the digging.

"Want to switch positions?" Joey asks. She was the one shaping the snow. Miles nods. Joey goes over to the hole her partner dug and Miles takes Joey's job and packs it down.

"Alright, get down." Tammy says. Her and Rachel duck under the pile they made. "Hey frat bros! Can you see us?" Jasper looks up from his work and looks over in the Olympians' general direction.

"Uhh, no!" Jasper says.

"Thanks guys." Rachel says as they pop up. She looks around and sees that one team is missing. "Where are the mountain climbers?"

"Right here." Becky says. Her and KiKi pop up from behind their pile.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Tammy says. Her and Rachel and Becky & KiKi run to the clue box and they get their next clue. "Roadblock: capture the flag." Whoever didn't dive for keys in Mexico must climb up an 8 foot flag to capture their next clue which taped at the top. The Olympians and mountain climbers continue to fight for the lead as they run over to the flags. Once they do, Rachel and Becky immediately start climbing to get to the top.

"Can anyone see us!" Jasper yells. DeeDee looks out and sees nothing.

"Negatory!" DeeDee shouts.

"Woo!!!!" Mitch cheers. "Let's go get that next challenge!" The bros hi5 and they run over to the flags, which seems to have Becky struggling.

"What's wrong?" KiKi asks after her partner falls down for the third time.

"I'm used to climbing mountains not flagpoles." Becky says. "Plus I think the poles were greased or something." She glares at Tammy.

"What? I didn't do anything." Tammy says. That's when Rachel slips back down. "See? Why would I sabotage my own pole?"

"She has a point." KiKi says.

"But this..." Tammy pulls out two water bottles from the plane, opens them and splashes all the water over Becky & KiKi. "... I admit I did do."

"You idiot!" Becky says, her body immediately turning cold. She starts shivering and she hugs her arms around herself. "You could've killed us from hypothermia!"

"People come back from that. Don't you ever watch TV?" Tammy taunts. That when Becky nearly loses it.

"I am SO going to make sure you leave this race, effective immediately!" She shouts. Becky starts climbing back up the flagpole. Meanwhile, Jasper makes it to the top and grabs the clue.

"Got it!" He says.

"What's it say?" Mitch asks.

"Route Info: race on foot two miles east until you reach the checkpoint!"

"Sweet!" Jasper hops down and him and and Mitch start running.


"Finished!" Kit says. Her and Kitty head to the flags.

"Where's the Policefurs go?" Joey asks.

"Didn't they build that snow dome?" Miles asks. He points to a dome sticking out of te ground.

"I think so." Suddenly, a lid pops off the dome and the Policefurs pop out.

"Sweet! We nailed it!" DeeDee says. Her and Diesel run to catch up to the twins, leaving the vegetarians and critics in last place.

"Are we almost done?" Barbar asks.

"Almost." Eddy says. "Here, duck." He pulls Barbara down, hoping to be out of sight of the vegetarians.

"Where'd Barbara & Eddy go?" Miles asks. Those were the words Barbara wanted to hear. Her and Eddy stand back up and they run off.

"Shit! Now we're in last place!" Joey says.

"Oh no!" Miles cries. They quickly burst into overdrive to get the task done.

Over at the flagpoles, DeeDee and Kitty have started to climb. Rachel is close to getting her flag and Becky is halfway up her pole. When Barbara & Eddy arrive, Eddy starts climbing.

"You can do this, Eddy!" Barbara cheers. Rachel gets the clue and jumps back down.

"So long losers!" Tammy shouts. She quickly gets her and Rachel on a snowmobile and they drive off.

"Oh man." KiKi says. "So much for getting rid of those two." Becky keeps inching her way upwards, her entire body shaking, unable to produce enough warmth to control it.

Kitty and DeeDee nearly make it to the top. "Hurry guys, here come the vegetarians!" Kit yells. Miles & Joey arrive at the task after finally finishing the One-Way.

"Alright, we may be in last, but I can try going really fast on this." Miles says. He rubs his paws together and starts climbing the pole as fast as he can.

"Got it!" Kitty says. She holds the clue in paw and jumps back down, only to slip into the ground. "What the heck? What happened to the ground?"

"Tammy happened." KiKi says. "She purposely spilled water everywhere so she could sabotage it. Again."

"Ugh. Someone needs to do something about her." Kit says. DeeDes jumps down from the top of the pole.

"Someone needs to take her and kick her ass... LITERALLY!!" She shouts.

"Um... DeeDee, the clue?" Diesel reminds them that they're in a game.

"Oh right." She skims the clue over. "Start running guys!" Her and Diesel followed by the twins start running towards the checkpoint.

"Hurry Miles, you're almost there!" Joey says. Miles reaches a paw up and just barely grabs the clue. When it's in his fingers, he falls down to the ground. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Miles quickly scrambles off the ground. "Now run!" They quickly take off.


Tammy & Rachel get off the snowmobile and land on the checkpoint. "Ladies. Great job, you're in first." Toner announces.

"Booya!!" Tammy cheers.

"Yep. As long as no one arrives in the next 20 minutes."

"What?" Rachel asks. "What's the penalty for this time?"

"The clue said to travel on foot. You traveled by snowmobile. Sorry." Although, with his tone, Toner clearly wasn't sorry. As Tammy start to growl out her anger, another team eventually shows up. "Which mean the Policefurs take first instead."

"Boom!" DeeDee says. "That's what you get for messing with us!"

"Wow. We haven't come in first for a long time." Diesel says. "I missed the feeling." Soon, Kit & Kitt arrive.

"Yeah! We came in second!" Kit says. Her and Kitty step off the rug. Jasper & Mitch come into view and they step on the rug.

"What happened to you two?" Toner asks. "You finished the Roadblock first!"

"Mitch had to use the bathroom." Jasper says. "Let's just say, don't eat the yellow snow."

"Eeeew! Forget I asked. You're the third team here."


"Almost..." Eddy stretches a paw up and grabs the clue. "There!" He drops down to the bottom and him and Barbara start running. Becky slips off the pole again.

"Oh man! It's pointless!" She says. "As long as my body is shaking, I can't keep still and I can't keep a grip on the pole." KiKi shakes Becky's shoulders.

"Listen." KiKi starts out. "I've known you since I was 9. You've always been the more fun, stronger, and adventurous one. I know that you would never let something as little as this get in the way of you focusing on a task."

"You're right." Becky says as she stands.

"Good. Now get up there, get that flag, and we better starts running."

"Ok." Becky grips the flagpole again and hoists herself up. She doesn't think about how slippery it is. All that's one her mind is determination on winning and getting the Olympians out of here. Before she knows it, she has her paws on the clue and she falls down. "Got it."

"Good. Now, we should probably run like hell before were eliminated."


"Miles & Joey come in fourth." Toner announces. The vegetarians step of the rug and they catch their breath. Tammy & Rachel sit on the sidelines playing card games to pass the time. Mostly for Tammy to control her anger.

"Surely our penalty is up!" Tammy says. Toner looks at his watch.

"Nope. You've still got three minutes."

"Shuffle 'em up." Rachel says, gathering all the cards. They hear more footsteps crunch in the snow and they look up. "Here comes another team." That makes Tammy gasp and start to panic. The team steps on the rug.

"Barbara & Eddy, 5th place." Toner says.

"Whew! At least we're not in last again." Eddy says. Barbara hugs him tight.

"Nope." She says. "We aren't." When they step off, fear strikes the Olympians.

"That leaves the mountain climbers and the Olympians." Toner says.

"Must you rub it in?" Rachel asks.

"I'm the host so yes I must."


A full minute left in the Olympians' penalty and the mountain climbers come into view. They trudge through the snow as fast as they can as more snow keeps coming down. "C'mon!" KiKi says. "Almost there!"

"I'm trying!" Becky complains. Her legs start to kill her the further she goes. They get closer and closer to the checkpoint.

"No." Tammy whimpers.

"Ladies..." Toner says. He looks at his watch and the approaching team. "You're penalty expires..." Becky & KiKi are only a few feet away. "Now!" Tammy & Rachel quickly jump on the rug, Becky's foot just shy of the edge of it.

"Yes!" Rachel says.

"Olympians, you're in 6th!" Toner says. Tammy cheers, which turn into an evil giggle.

"What?!" Becky & KiKi say at the same time.

"Mountain girls. You're in last."

"We're also tour guides if you didn't remember." KiKi says.

"I don't care. You're out." Becky & KiKi turn around and walk away.

"Well, this sucks." KiKi says. "It looks like I have that speech all for nothing."

"I wouldn't say that." Becky says. "And besides, we made it to the final 7. That's pretty good, right?"

"True. We were always good enough to not come in last place."

"Yeah. Life for Joy & Pain must suck right now."

"Who's Joy & Pain?" KiKi asks, genuinely confused.

"You know what? Never mind."

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