LiM Ch5: Compromise

Story by Shinkada on SoFurry

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If you don't like guys, girls, furres, sex or love, violence (Not in yiff) or if you're too young (18, 21 in some places, just ask the police "Hey, am I allowed to read sexy bisexual furre stories on the net?") or any of that, CLOSE TEH WINDOW NOWS! All characters are copyright me, Shinkada, and are used with my permission, with the exception of Coda, who is copyrighted to Coro, and used with his permission, and Venter, who is copyrighted to Max, and likewise used with his permission. This story is a bit mushy at times, so if you don't want lurve, buzz off. Anyone who bugs me "OMG MORE YIFF PLOX" will get castrated by Okhami himself. I put in enough of it already to get you off AT LEAST once per every few chapters. If you're still not satisfied take a cold shower. ***'s represent a change of scenery or time. ---'s represent a non-critical yiff scene, fan service to shut up the wailing masses. Please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story without whining about it. It's a good story. I like it. A sidenote; if you'd like to write a story set in the same universe as this, by all means, feel free. As long as you give me credit for it, as long as you inform me that you're going to do it via e-mail ([email protected]), and as long as you don't try and mess with my, Coro's, or Max's character/s, I don't mind. In fact if someone good writes a story I'd be quite honoured. Just make sure you tell me first, and don't mess anything up. I'll be making a few 'Gaiden' chapters myself, little off-branches in the story, perhaps mini-sections in between bits of the main storyline of unrelated furres and their stories. I've already got a few in mind, but I want to really get the main storyline set up before I do that. The gaidens will mostly be fap material, or sad little tragic bits that I wouldn't be able to do with Okhami himself due to certain complications that happen to the characters of said gaidens (Sickness, depression, personalities, death), so if you need some quick relief, it's best to just skip to a gaiden. They won't have any spoilers, so feel free to just skip to them, or if they're not your thing, skip them entirely. *Note: The 'scene' is meant to be short. Unfulfilling. Confusing. It's meant to reflect Okhami's feelings. Deal with it. Other than that, enjoy! -Shinkada * * *


  • * * ***CHAPTER 5: Compromise*** Saturday, 6:12pm. "Condensed, electrical orgasms.. Namely my Spiral... Aren't the only things I smuggled in here!" I said as I raced from room to room. I was late; as usual. Being fashionably late was one of my best points. Wireless hairdrier in one hand, waving over my heavily styled hair, the other hand with a mirror making sure it was setting right; racing around and grabbing the last of my clothes. Long red scarf that went with my eyes and earrings, my MP3 player, waving to Ash as I rushed to the door. "Whoah whoah there husky boy, slow down. You might forget somethin' important," Ash called playfully as he threw me my wallet and keys. Catching them, I grinned at him and gave him a thumbs-up, before rushing out the door properly and closing it behind me. "Heh... Crazy amateurs..," Ash mumbled to himself, before booting up the Spiral. I raced out of the dorms, getting a few good stares; which, I'll admit, made me grin. I've always considered myself to have three major flaws. First is the obvious; giving into society. My perversion, and striving to grief my parents, teachers, etc. Although, I had realized, over the last two weeks I'd gotten over that a fair bit. Anyhow, the other is my occasional being slow witted. And, finally, vanity. I was proud of myself; pretty uncommon for people my age. As if my carefully refined look, bizarre hair and fur markings, and strange dress sense weren't enough to indicate it, I loved the stares I got from people. My bangs bobbed over my eyes as I raced out, slowing down to a jog, and finally my usual quick walk as I saw that glinting, golden fur come into my vision. I grinned a bit as I walked up to Coda, looking evenly at him. We were roughly the same height. I reached up to one ear as we came to stand opposite each other, a soft, classic/rock fusion song very softly being emitted from the outer stereos, filling the small space of air around us. Coda was pretty much my opposite, While I was carefully done up, fancy, sticking out like a sore thumb in a crowd with anime-esque styled purple hair, clothes designed to stand out and accentuate what I liked about myself, and overall just be different to anyone else. Coda, however, was plain. That's about the only word that came close. While his clothes were fancy, they far from stood out. Coda would've very easily been able to just go into a crowd and not be found until he came out. A white dress shirt with a navy casual jacket over it, and plain black pants. "Well, shall we get going, kiddo?" I joked, wrapping one arm around him. I got a deep blush from Coda, and some freaked out stares from the few furres around us, but ignoring assholes was one of my major talents, so I simply nudged him and we walked away from the school. The cafeteria was no place to have a date, especially on the weekend when it'd be flooded with other furres. Luckily, to match the prestegious-ness of the RGMS, the area around the school was quite snooty. There was a pretty fancy restaurant relatively close by which we had agreed on, hearing from other furres. 'Fancy' was an understatement. This wasn't just fancy, this was a full-fledged five-star Japanese restaurant. A number of performers were up on a small stage, from shenai players to a soft-spoken panda girl singing gently yet, nonetheless, beautifully. A few raucious laughs could be heard from what sounded like a not-quite-soundproof kareoke room next to the main restaurant, and Japanese felines and panda girls calmly walked around the room, delivering meals and politely dealing with the occasional lecher. It was definately a unique sight, and we had trouble even walking from the door. As an older panda woman, maybe in her 40s compared to the waitresses who looked anywhere from sixteen to early twenties, I managed to compose myself and act like we weren't in over our heads. "Welcome to Iku Yakitori, Sirs. How may I help you this evening?" she asked politely. There was an absense of a demeaning tone due to our age, something I wasn't expecting. I smiled to the Asian woman, bowing in a traditional Japanese manner. "Good evening, ma'am. A nice table for two will do us just fine," I said in Japanese, silently thanking my father for teaching me at a young age. The waitress smiled broadly; few citizens of America knew more Japanese than your regular otaku, and even many of the actual Japanese that had migrated here had forgotten the language. "I'm sorry to be rude, but," she began, but I quickly flashed her my (fake) I.D, and she bowed in apology for being suspicious. (I was 17 at the time, where's the harm?) The panda escorted us over to a decently-sized two-person table after Coda removed his shoes, which we knelt down in typical fashion at, either side. "A waitress will be with you shortly," the woman said with a bright, genuine smile, before shuffling off to take care of new customers. As Coda was watching her leave, I took the opportunity to reach forward, flicking a lighter from my sleeve and lighting the two candles that sat on the table, skillfully (from a lot of practice) flicking it back into the small pocket inside my sleeve. Coda turned just in time to see my arm being drawn back, raising an eyebrow at the two now lit candles and laughing at me. I could have sworn I heard him mumble 'Showoff' before getting a bit more comfortable. "So, Coda, you do realize you're going to have to tell me about yourself as payment for this date," I started jokingly, getting a smile from him. "C'mon, tell me about yourself. Family, school before here, ex lovers..," I said, swirling the glass of liquid that was left here for all patrons and taking a tiny sip. Coda began to sip from his just before I could warn him, only to spit most of it out. "Ahh! What's with the water?!" he exclaimed a bit too loud, getting some loud laughs from the tables around ours. I couldn't help but join in, laughing at both what happened and the look on his face. "That's sake, Coda-san. Not water," I said in my natural Japanese accent just to set the mood of the place more, getting more laughs around us. Coda shook his head, his blush heavy in embarassment. "Hey, don't worry about it, your innocence is kinda cute. Now tell me about yourself already," I said softly, calming Coda down a bit. Lucky his blush couldn't get any deeper after the sake incident, or the cute remark would have pushed it. He sighed a bit, calming down as the laughs died down. "Well... Let me think... Um, well, my mother and father were golden retrievers like me... I was raised to be a catholic, although I dunno how much of all that I believe... I mean, I guess I am catholic, but I guess I've just never cared enough about religion to challenge my own views... My parents are pretty wealthy, so I grew up well. I went to a catholic primary and secondary school, all boys... I must've come out when I was about ten... I had my first boyfriend at fifteen, last year... One day my dad caught us holding hands, so now here I am in a military school," Coda finished, smiling weakly the whole time. I nodded a bit; a pretty typical background for a gay person. "Um... I had my first job at the church, welcoming people in and handing out pamphlets... And that's about it. Pretty standard raising, really." I nodded in reply, Coda finishing just as a beautiful panda, I assumed the daughter of the original lady who'd served us due to the similarities. She spoke in a heavy Japanese accent, "Hello Sirs, welcome to Iku Yakitori. Have you decided what you'd like to order? Or would you like some more time?" I turned to Coda; he nodded and smiled. "I'd like a chicken of bowl yakitori, thank you," he said in the worst Japanese I'd ever heard, getting a giggle out of our waitress and a laugh out of me. I grinned up to the girl, winking with a grin, "Hopefully your interpretation isn't as bad as his Japanese, and we won't end up with a chicken stuffed with meat full of fine china," I said quickly, getting a loud laugh and a blush out of our waitress. I explained what Coda had said to him, getting another heavy blush out of him. "And I'll take a medium bowl of oriental ramen," I said over to her. She was really attractive; that was the first time for the night where I began to consider just how 'into' guys I was. After recovering from his second 'humiliation' (although I actually was finding it really adorable) and the panda girl had moved on, Coda looked over to me. "So, what about you, Okhami? Your turn," Coda said with a large smile. "Let's see... Well, my mother was an Australian cat... The only thing I got from her were my eyes," I said, before being interrupted by Coda. "Which you're very proud of, right?" he said, smiling. I raised a brow to question him. "It's obvious... You do a lot to accentuate them... I love them," he said, trailing off. I couldn't help but let a light blush move over my cheeks, before continuing. "And my dad... Was a Japanese husky..," I said as the waitress returned with our food. I nodded to her, shooting her a wink, before continuing. "He was... Well, he is... A military sergeant," I said as I swirled my ramen around with my chopsticks. "I didn't go to school until highschool because my dad insisted on home'school'ing me. Although I use the term school loosely. It was closer to survival training with the occasional bit of math or english. One week we'd practice your regular school stuff, then for a month he'd dump me in a jungle somewhere overseas, after setting a bunch of traps in it, for me to try and survive in, or sometimes get out of. Then when I got back, he'd quiz me on the basic school stuff from last month," I said as I paused to eat a large chunk of my noodles. By now Coda was wide-eyed. "Sometimes he'd make me fight him or stuff like that. He always wanted me to get stronger, faster... Being strong has always meant a lot to him, he grew up fending for himself. He was an orphan so he hunted for himself at times. I hated him back then. He worked me so hard... But now I thank him. Dad looked out for me. Because of him, the only kid to ever try to get my lunch money off me ended up with a broken jaw," I said, smiling as I took another mouthful of ramen. Coda continued to stare. "I... I'm sorry," he said, eyes downcast; I simply raised a brow. "Sorry? What for? I enjoyed that part of my childhood. I guess I would be upset if I was made to do it without liking it, like you are," I said, thinking for a moment. Coda just shrugged. "Anyhow, go on? What about highschool?" "Well, that I hated. Everyone was so fake and pathetic. No one was mature... I remember when I first got into Year Seven, people were obsessing about some show called... What was it... Naru... Narutard?" I said; I had honestly tried to forget it. "Naturo," Coda corrected, giggling a bit. "Yeah, that's it. Some stupid show about child ninjas and shit... I watched one episode to see what it was all about, not one of them used stealth! All this shit about energy or something," I said and trailed off. "Now THAT'S culturally ignorant. And to think the guy who wrote it was Japanese! What a load." Coda just laughed. "Anyhow, everyone was stupid and divided into groups. Highschool was so weird to me because I didn't know anything about teenage society. I knew about adult society from what dad told me, and of course how to live in the middle of nowhere, but nothing else. So I learnt from the other kids. The tough jock group who weren't tough at all, just full of it 'cus they played sports and had ugly blonde girlfriends. The goth kids that pretended to cut themselves and have deep, troubled lives. The-," but I was stopped by Coda. "Please, don't remind me," he said seriously. "Too depressing memories." I just nodded, understanding him. "Anyhow, my first relationship was three years ago, when I was 14. It's a long story, but basically, she fucked me over. I trusted her... I didn't know much about deception and all that, so she played me easily. I was nice to her... She was troubled. She was overweight so she had really low charisma. Didn't think very highly of herself. She cheated on me, exiled me from the small group of friends I had by saying I raped her... Just made up all this dumb stuff for no reason at all," I said, looking down into my food, images flashing over my eyes. "I didn't understand anything then. I didn't understand how the world works. After that happened I did a lot of research. I paid one of the brainey kids in school to make me a sliced net modem and looked around the net for myself, and taught myself just how the world worked. Taught myself why she did that to me. I thank her for that; she opened my eyes. I'd still be ignorant to the reality of the world if it weren't for her," I finished to a, yet again, wide-eyed Coda. "So, eventually, I gave up. Nice obviously didn't work, so I joined the crowd..." "But, it was years ago! Don't let it ruin the date! C'mon, we're meant to be having fun here!" I said, finally realizing what an awkward moment I'd created. Coda smiled a bit. It was obvious he wasn't satisfied with the answer, but accepted it anyway. *** We talked for another full hour, learning everything we could about each other. Coda lost a lot of his defenses as we talked; he was substantially less shy when he knew people better, apparently, and I could tell. Over the night he'd been blushing less, and had even made a few pretty smooth lines on me. The 'hot stuff' comment and wink he gave me, after asking about my lighter trick and seeing it, got me the most. After that we headed to the kareoke room with a cruiser each and got ready to make an ass out of ourselves. Coda proceeded to do just that. I had to promise him a kiss for it, but eventually he got up on stage and began to sing along to a soft love song to the jeering of the crowd. Anywhere else, to be honest, he probably would have gotten booed off the stage. He was heartfelt, but Coda just plain could not sing. Fortunately, this was a JAPANESE kareoke bar, where the worst get the most cheers, and Coda was definately a favourite for the night. "Wow was that bad," Coda said as he came back to me, a huge grin on both of our faces (much to the crowd's dissapointment, who continued to chant, 'Encore! Encore! Encore!'). "Alright, your turn husky," he said, pulling me off my seat. "Ohhh, no," I started, my grin dissapearing instantly. "I'm not singing in a place like this." "What? Not good enough for you?" Coda jeered, poking at my side. "C'mon, you can't be as bad as me," he continued while trying to push me up. The crowd was already cheering for the husky to get up on the stage, and one of my weaknesses just happened to be positive peer pressure, and I couldn't deny them any longer. I got up on the stage, searching through the songs until finding one I liked - 'The Bard's Song' by Blind Guardian - and pressing the button. The crowd's cheering quickly halted as the lyrics began and I began to sing. My looks, the occasional bit of really good wit that I come up with, my fighting, and last of all, my singing. Apparently, people seem to agree with me... Well, with the last one at least. When the song ended, the clapping began slow, before erupting into cheers, whistles and stamping feet, bringing a blush to my cheeks and a fancy bow from my form. I walked back to Coda as the cheering finally began to die down, him grinning widely and cheering as well. "You... You're amazing, Okhami! Where'd you learn to sing like that!" he exclaimed, obviously shocked. I laughed softly; although I'm proud of my singing ability, it still makes me blush when people compliment me about it. "There ain't much to do out in the jungle, waiting for the sun to set..," I said plainly, sitting down beside him and watching the next act come up. We talked for about another hour, although not much of dramatic interest came up beside idle talk, before we decided to get moving. *** We got back to our room, late enough to avoid other furres and their stares, giggling all the way up the elevator at various jokes. There was a note on the door; 'Staying with some friends in another dorm tonight. Have fun, don't stay up too late. -Ash.' I couldn't help but laugh a bit, taking down the note after Coda read it, and throwing it in the bin on the way in. We sat on the beds opposite each other, simply staring into each other's eyes for a moment. "Uh... What about that kiss you promised me?" Coda said with a heavy blush. I grinned back, blushing a little myself, leaning forward to give him a tame peck on the lips, and sitting back. He blinked a little, about to protest, before I practically pounced him onto his bed and kissed him deeply, thin canine lips pressing gently against each other. This continued for a while, nothing but Coda's soft whimpers filling the room as we simply kissed for a while. 'He isn't a bad kisser, either.' I smirked as I thought that. The time between then literally seemed to flash by. I honestly have no recollection of those moments; the next I remember, I was poised to enter Coda, the lights dimmed, leaning close to him. I remember that moment. The overwhelming shyness. I'd had plenty of practice with girls, and was comfortable with them; but I was new to guys, and it was showing. Coda, likewise, was just a virgin in general, and wasn't faring too well either. As if to start conversation, I slid inside of the pup. Slowly, gently; I could see he was in pain so I kept going slower. The tightness of Coda's tailhole was beginning to make my head spin from the pleasure. Shy or not, he was much tighter than any girl I'd had sex with before, and the fact I'd never taken a female's tailhole before was just making it even more of a new experience. I'm not sure whether that was good or not. Another few moments and I was hilted inside the pup, eliciting a loud moan from him. My eyes were half glazed from all of this and how fast it seemed to be moving. Before I knew it, I was sliding in and out of the pup; I felt a little guilty that I was getting so close to finishing so soon, but I think somewhere in the back of my mind, despite my mental blackouts, I knew it had really been about 20 minutes already, if for no other reason than the two or more loads of seed that Coda had covered his stomach and chest with. Another blank and I was lying beside a sleeping Coda, my own seed now covering his rear. I sighed. My mind often did this - still does do this - when it's trying to tell me something. I tucked Coda in, cleaning him up a little before I left, before quietly leaving the room. *** The whole... 'Ordeal' had been a mindfuck. Unfulfilling. Brief. Filled with blank spots. It was among the most unpleasurable things I'd ever gone through, and it reminded me an insane amount of my first partner. 'I guess sex really isn't good when it's with someone you don't care about too much,' I mumbled to myself, sighing. I looked up and saw a small, glowing red dot not too far ahead of me. I was on the field of the campus. 'Who else would be out here at this hour?' I asked myself, speeding up as I walked towards the dot. As soon as I got close enough, the dot flickered out of my vision, and next I knew I was on my back on the ground, being pinned by something I couldn't see; it must have been at least 2am and it was pitch black. The figure raised the dot up to it's face just long enough for me to see; the dot was a cigarette, and the furre pinning me down was none other than Ash. We both softly exclaimed each other's names in surprise, before laughing softly and sitting down opposite each other. Even in the pure darkness, I could just make out Ash's huge grin. "Well... Fancy seeing you out here, husky-boy. You didn't just come out, ditcha?" Ash asked, taking a drag from the cig. "Yeah, actually, I did," I said and playfully grabbed the deathstick off him; I was in a mess right now and needed it, despite never smoking much before. "Yeesh, you must have a lot of stamina in that big body, boy," Ash said, letting me take a single drag before grabbing it back off me. "So, c'mon, tell me? How'd it go?" he asked, waving the red dot through the air. I sighed heavily; Ash already knew what had happened. He was an insightful one. "It... Didn't work out. The night was fun, but there was nothing in the sex. I barely remember it even though it was only a few minutes ago. Just... Nothing." "I know the feeling. My first few relationships were like that." "I even had a few mental blackouts. I don't even remember the foreplay. It was just... Bam. Entering." Ash chuckled a bit at this, poking at the air with the cig. "That's fine... Just remember to tell Coda all this. Lead him on and your eyes will be my new ash tray," he said seriously. And I didn't blame him. I'd hate anyone to ruin Coda's innocence. "Although, even letting him down will be tough." "I find usually situations like this are mutual. You never know, Coda might feel the same way." Me and Ash sat there for a long while, staring at the full moon. A few minutes later, Ash shifted over and gave me a gentle hug. "Huh? What was that for?" I asked him, blushing a bit but returing the embrace nonetheless. "Situations like that suck, I know. What, a guy can't comfort his friend?" We laughed softly, before parting. "So, Ash, tell me... Your first relationship, what was it like?" "Oh, the usual first relationship. Picked her up, empty sex, she cheated on me, she left. What about you?" "I usually don't make a habit of repeating the same long story twice in a day, but, here goes..," I said, and explained the ordeal to him. He couldn't help but laugh, a few puffs of smoke filling the air as he did. "Wow. That's one fuck of a drunken bar story," he said, poking at the air with the red dot again. "Yeah, that's what I always say, too." Me and Ash continued talking until dawn. I think after that we were closer than me and Coda were. But in a friendly way... Then again, I guess that's what me and Coda were, too, only we made the mistake of trying to take it further. I only hoped our friendship would survive it. Me and Ash brushed ourselves off and headed inside before anyone else saw us, took our seperate bunks, and called it a night. Ash was a lot smarter than he let on, even after telling me about how he pretended to be a typical hyena to fit in. He wasn't just intelligent, he was -wise-. Every question I had, he had an answer to, that didn't tell me how to solve it, but told me how to search my own logic and find my own way to deal with it. I looked up to him that day. I probably will always look up to him and remember him. *** The next day went just as Ash said it would. Coda approached me first, surprisingly. "Okhami... We haf'ta talk." "Yeah, I know." "It's not going to work, huh." "No, I'm afraid not." "We can still be friends right?" "Naturally." And that was that. I couldn't help but catch a smart-assed, 'I told you so' grin from the hyena, rolling my eyes and grinning. Sunday was filled with eating and gaming; a good relief from the week of work, and the last bit of relief I'd get for a long, long time. *** "We're almost ready to go, Sir. The survival rate is up to 80%." "Great."