A Time with Master

Story by kazenokitsune on SoFurry

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Master, Roland, wanted me to write something...kinky for him. So, I've been kind of working on this off and on for the last week. I did edit it, but I'm sure I probably missed some errors, type-o's, and other inconveniences, so please be kind.

And, yes, it's very adult! And naughty. And loving. And starts off quite wet. (You'll have to read it to see why...)

Somehow I managed to hit exactly 2,300 words... that was completely unintentional!





2,300 words



by KazeNoKitsune

The gray fox came rushing through the door into her den, her face showed that she was more than a little annoyed at life. She stood at a little over five and a half feet tall with a very athletic build, and was wearing her civilian clothes since she had gotten off shift, her jeans and T-Shirt soaked while her gray back fur, reddish trim fur, and white belly fur all matted from the rain. She just spent the last hour and a half, off shift, directing traffic at an accident that she watched happen. "Goddamned humans.... One day, maybe, they'll evolve to have the senses of us morphs." She muttered to no one in particular, noting that the feral Alaskan Malamute was looking at her with his ears perked. She smiled to the dog. "You know what I mean." The dog wagged his tail and she reached down and scratched him right between the ears. "At least the light kit worked and everyone coming saw it, even through the pouring rain. I swear that there was maybe three feet visibility through that crap." She sighed and went to her bathroom to get in the walk-in fur drier.

Several minutes later she got out of the walk-in fur drier, probably quite a bit longer than was absolutely necessary, but she was still tense and wanting to rip something to sunders with her bare paws. Stepping out of the bathroom, she saw her maid dress laid out on the bed with her locking, leather-lined steel collar, and a note. "Based on the snarling in the fur drier, I think a certain pet needs to be reminded of her place in this house. Get dressed and started on dinner... You're late." She read the note a second time with a wide smile on her muzzle. She realized that the fact Master had included panties instead of her chastity belt was a certain indicator that she was looking forward to some rather active stress release later.

She dressed quickly, brushed her hair and facial fur, making herself look as pretty as she could, brushed her fangs, and used some mouth wash. With a grin, she double checked herself to make absolutely certain she was as perfect as possible for her master. She slipped out of the room and smiled to her master briefly before she went into the kitchen. She pulled out a glass from the freezer and a bottle of Master's beer from the fridge. She opened the bottle and poured the liquid into the chilled glass. With a slight flourish, she came out of the kitchen and approached her master. She smiled to the larger tiger, noting that he changed into some shorts and a loose shirt, meeting his eyes briefly before she looked down, kneeled, and held the beer up as a presentation to Master. With a smile he gave her a scratch behind her ears. "Go get dinner started, sweetie."

She jumped up and headed to the into the kitchen. Quickly, she pulled out the ingredients and fixed dinner for herself and Master. The meal was simple, consisting of steak, a salad, some veggies, and some mashed potatoes. It only took a few minutes to get dinner ready and dished onto plates. She took her Master's plate, smiling and lifting her tail high as she leaned next to him and set his plate down on the table along with his knife and fork. She blushed and leaned into him when he groped her lewdly, blushing as he pulled her into his lap and nuzzled and kissed her passionately. She practically melted into his arms, closed her eyes, and kissed him back with a nuzzle. He let her up and smiled. "Go get your dinner, pet."

With a seductive flick of her tail, she sauntered into the kitchen and got her plate, silver ware, and a small glass of milk to the table. She sat next to her Master and ate her dinner while she sent him regular seductive glances, occasionally rubbing per foot-paw against his leg, smiling warmly to him. They talked idly, acting like a normal couple...except for the fox being in a maid dress with her leather and steel collar locked about her throat. Once they finished eating, the vixen stood up, gathered the dishes, and took them to the kitchen. She then came back with another beer for her master and filled his glass. She followed him to the living room, kneeled, and placed the glass on the table next to the couch. With a few ear scratches, she was dismissed to the kitchen, where she cleaned up and did the dishes. Once the dishwasher was loaded, she set the timer to start it after they retire to bed and returned to her Master.

On entering the living room, he tapped his hip like calling a pet, to which she immediately moved to the couch and snuggled against him, smiling as he held up a small glass of wine for her. "Thank you, Master." She sipped her wine and watched the television program, being held close to the larger tiger, melting into him.

"So, what got you all growly today, pet?" The tiger looked at his vixen with obvious concern.

"My tour started with a DUI... at seven fourty-five in the frickin' morning!" Her master shook his head. "So, that covered me 'til about lunch. Then, right as I got my plate at the diner, got a hot call on a shooting. Then went to a domestic disturbance, and finished wrapping that up right at end of shift. I was eating my then cold hamburger while driving home when I watched some ditz soccer mom in an SUV who was probably texting and driving blow right through a red light and nail a small sedan, killing the passenger and sending just about everyone else to the hospital. So, I was stuck, doing traffic, in the pouring rain...off shift...."

Her master gently stroked her hair while she talked. "Yeah, rough day, Love. But you're home now and with me."

She nuzzled him and nodded. "And Master relaxes me." She buried her head in the nape of his neck, murring very softly. "And I love you."

"I love you, too." He ran his paw along her dress, groping along the base of her tail. "You're mine. Don't you forget it." He grinned as, even after years with his pet, she still shuddered under his touch, her tail raising slightly. Nuzzling her, he teased her with small touches and little nips at her neck.


She shot awake when she felt her Master's paw pushing repeatedly on her shoulder. She tried to figure out when she fell asleep with no success. With a blush she looked at him, smiling meekly. "I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Laughing, he scratched her ear and shook his head. "You're cute when you sleep."

She blushed and shot him a look. "No fair."

"I never once said I'm fair, pet." He said with a chuckle. She just shook her head at him. "Well, since you kind of passed out on the couch here, you missed the show. Now, let's go head toward bed." She slowly extricated herself from the couch, nuzzled Master, and started for the bedroom with him hot on her heals.

In the room, she undid her dress, hung it in the closet, and started to search for her night gown. "No, pet, I think you're sleeping naked tonight." She sent him an annoyed look, but started to slip off her panties. "And don't look at me like that." She blushed and started for the bed when he stopped her. "I've changed my mind. Cuffs, collar, and mitts." She blushed and fetched the items.

On her return, he gently unlocked her daytime collar and set it aside. He slipped her collar around her neck, snugged it but not too tight, and locked it in place. She held up her first hand, where he gently locked her mitt on first, then her cuff, making that paw useless. She held up her second paw and it received the same treatment. Her tail wagged slightly in spite of her attempts to keep it still while he locked her ankle cuffs on her. He then grabbed her thigh cuffs and locked those on her. When he was done with that, he opened the blanket for her, let her crawl in. He switched off the light and crawled into bed himself.

He nuzzled her collar and ran his paws along her belly fur, smiling as he felt her padded mitts meet his paw. He started working his paw up her belly to her chest, where he fondled her breasts. Sighing, she struggled, one paw touching her folds only to be denied by the thick padded mitt, the intended pleasure no more than a gentle tease. He grabbed her paw and raised it to the chain, permanently attached to their bed. He did the same with her other paw, and reached down to lock her ankles down as well, effectively pinning her down.

She mewed softly, not in distress but in need, as she felt the heat almost explode. Her mind raced as she wanted nothing more than to pleasure her Master. Her folds were desperately grasping for Master, nothing mattering except for Master, as he pushed a finger into her, causing her to moan and squirm. "Yes, my pet, dance for me." He grinned as he leaned down and started to suck on one of her breasts happily. She mewed and moaned, not to get away but to hold him as he gave so much attention to her, doing his best to work her into a frenzy. And he excelled nicely at doing so. With slow and deliberate acts, he worked her to the edge, then backed off, then worked her up again, then backed off again, repeating over and over while occasionally changing which breast his mouth was abusing, while her mind melted in feelings of need, lust, passion. Once he thought she could barely take anymore, he pulled his muzzle from her breasts and fingers from her folds, taking his fingers to her muzzle. "Clean them." She blushed furiously in humiliation as she started licking his fingers, tasting herself, the act driving home to her that she's his beloved pet, no more.

As he finally determined she'd cleaned his fingers, he smiled and stood up, moved just out of her line of sight, and stripped his clothes, freeing his presently feline form. He thought a few moments, considering several factors, and decided to grab a large canid dildo, lubricant, and her muzzle with the canid dildo gag and blindfold. He sat on the bed, petting her gently. "Close your eyes." She did and he slipped the gag into her folds first, soaking it, while he had her open her muzzle. He drew the gag out and stuffed it in her muzzle, quickly locking it closed. With several pets, he whispered "good girl" in her ear as her blush could be seen easily through her fur. He chuckled a bit at that, used the lubricant on the second dildo and slowly worked it under the vixen's tail, causing her to mew, yip and pant. He patted her belly when she was all nice and plugged and gagged, smiling. "I think I'm going to make you sleep like this."

She whimpered and cried out, between the dildo in her mouth and the muzzle clamping her mouth tightly closed around it, nothing intelligent came out. But, he didn't have to be telepathic to know that she wanted a serious release. "Oh, all right, if you insist. The things masters must do to appease their pets," he said with mock exasperation. He climbed over her, nuzzled her neck and jaw then he penetrated her quickly. She moaned in pleasure and tilted her head back, exposing more of her throat to him. He bit her throat, showing her dominance as he thrust in and out of her, their bodies starting to behave of their own accord as he ground out his pleasure on his bound pet fox. Letting go of her throat he tensed, feeling the pressure build up within him as he found himself harder to control. Her muscles tensed with his, her foot-paws kicking out as he pushed as deep into her as possible. With a roar, he emptied his seed into her, which sent her into a panting and squeaking climax, her muscles milked his feline member, the pain mixed with pleasure, the bondage with ecstasy, the stress of her day completely vaporized by their moment of hot, loving passion.

He collapsed on her, gave several nuzzles while he waited for his body to become a bit less than a wobbly mass and more like the tiger form he was. "Oh, pet, how I love that, after all this time, I can still drive you mad like that." She nuzzled him, her eyes smiling as her ears were canted in a relaxed, satiated position. He finally figured out how to use his legs again and gently lifted out of her, smiling evilly as he pulled out her chastity belt, slipped it about her waist, and pulled the shield between her legs. Before she realized what he'd done, he had it locked without the normal dildo that he usually kept her locked in, but locking the one under her tail. She yelped and whimpered as he undid her cuffs from the chains, curled behind her, and held the love of his life close.

"Now I know you'll sleep well." He grinned and held her until they both drifted off to sleep.