Absolute Pleasure (part 10)

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Absolute Pleasure

I felt an odd mix of anger, frustration and humiliation from having just been taken so roughly. I wanted it so badly, why was I now upset by it? Because I didn't get off, and he didn't even try to get me off, that's why.

But somewhere in my head I heard his words that I wanted to be good and all that anger washed away as I stood in the shower. I gripped my trapped member and squeezed at it, trying to somehow get enough stimulation to get off, but it only made me even more desperate.

I jumped when I heard the bathroom door open. I turned and stopped playing with myself instantly as I watched the feline stalk in. He was naked, and for once his cock wasn't shining bright red against his white stomach. He stepped into the shower while rumbling, "I figured I should give my pet a bath."

I stepped back to make space for him. He leaned forward and gave me a very solid lick to my muzzle before gripping my shoulders and turned me around to face away from him. I gulped but waited.

He moved me this way and that, making sure I got most of the water. I heard him undo the cap of a shampoo bottle and felt it poured onto my head the scent of lavender filled my nose. He then proceeded to massage it into my head and shoulders, those large paws getting quite a controlling grip that also felt wonderfully soft in places it needed to be.

Then more shampoo on my back. He worked it in in small circles that continued to afford me a growing sense of relaxation and contentment. Then he turned me around.

I watched as he poured the light purple goo onto my chest and massaged it in. He toyed with my nipples every so lightly, grinning at me, my maw parted just a bit as I waited to see if he'd be rougher but he instead worked lower... and lower. My heart raced with hope.

Just as he was about to reach the chastity device, he instead went to a leg. He washed both, my brain settling down a bit and giving up hope. But then he turned me around again. I felt his teeth on my scruff, then his paws on my hips. My gulp echoed throughout the shower.

But I was not going to be taken a second time. Instead, his cum and the lube was simply being washed away. He did tease my opening with a claw, but nothing more. He then had me face him again. "Now go be a good girl. Go dry yourself and put on the outfit I left for you," He said with a devious wink before pouring some liquid soap into his paws and began working his sheath, cleaning himself from our encounter. I licked my lips but obeyed.

"Good girl," He said with that throaty purr. "You like being told what to do, don't you?"

I whined and nodded.

"You like being good, don't you?" He smiled so very toothily at my nodding. "OK, go..."

I grabbed a towel and dried myself as best possible before stepping out to the bedroom. I breathed a sigh of relief at the relatively normal clothing. For some reason, I associated his words of 'you like obeying' to a command I was going to dread. And intense lust. Ugh, he was so good...

I put on the familiar panties and the jeans I had to struggle to get into. He left me a normal girl's shirt, though it almost could pass as being unisex. The shoes were the same pink plastic ones, but they at least fit well enough. I looked in the mirror and once again saw a girl before I could really re-see the actual me (both of us with the small pink collar). I shivered.

He joined me in the bedroom, drying himself off, but still naked. "Do you like it?" He stepped up behind me, tossing the towel onto the bed. His arms wrapped around me and his nose pressed against the back of my ear. "Do you like looking like this for your Master?"

I shivered and nodded. One of his paws slipped down to press against the front of my jeans and rub at my trapped member. The tight fabric made the bulge barely noticeable. I then felt his own bulge against the back of the jeans.

He heaved a sigh and stepped away, now already rock hard. I watched him in the mirror as he went about putting on clothes, that hunger growing inside of me. But I was also simply hungry and glad we were heading to dinner.

Once he was clothed he grinned and said, "I should bring you out on a leash... but we will save that for another time. Come on, girl, let's get you dinner!" The last phrase said like one would towards a feral. I just sighed and braced for going out yet again.

The restaurant was within walking distance and, rather surprisingly, there were no odd looks drawn from anyone. Our waitress seemed to not be certain if I was his adopted daughter or what, but she didn't see anything odd or suspicious and must have thought the collar to be some kind of rebellious fashion thing 'the young ones' do. Master ordered for me, but he now knew what I liked rather well. The meal passed rather uneventfully to my relief and we were soon on our way back to the hotel.

"I can't wait to mount you. Do you realize how much I adore seeing you eager to please me?" He hugged me tight to his side with a rather intense force before his hand slipped up to work a digit around the collar. A couple that was passing by gave a confused glance and I blushed profusely. "Are you eager for another mating?"

"Yes, Master."

"What do you want, girl?" He grinned down at me with those vicious teeth, pulling me to a stop and placing his nose against mine.

"To be mated by you, Master...?" I gulped.

"More..." His throaty purr was loud enough where I was sure it could be heard on the other side of the street.

"To obey you and serve you sexually, Master. Ummm... And to have your cum inside of me?" He just kept me pinned there as I babbled on. "To do whatever you command of me, Master?"

Then he kissed me, his eyes closing while mine flashed open at the unexpectedness of it. But I joined him and hugged him to me.

"OK, before I explode in my pants, let's get you back and bound up. I have an extra special treat for you tonight."

His threat, or promise, made me shiver with desire. I was pretty sure that the front of my jeans were starting to grow wet with my pre, we needed to get back to the room faster!

The door to the room was barely closed before he was pulling the shirt off over my head and tugging at the button of the jeans. I was mildly amused he had a hard time because of how tight fitting they were, but soon I was left entirely naked (collar still on, of course). He opened the other suitcase and I was desperate to see what was inside of it, but the first thing he produced was a blindfold. "Sorry, princess, you don't get to see what I'm going to do with you until it's all but on you. But you'll be good and help me do whatever I want, won't you?"

I closed my eyes and whined, "Yes, Master..." What was he going to do to me?! My entire body trembled with fear and lust. He put the blindfold on me, leaving me blind to the world.

He had me stand still as he moved about the room a bit. I heard zippers being undone and things being set here and there. I did all I could to not whine.

Before long, he turned me around and had me lay down on my back on the bed so my legs were dangling off the edge and hind paws nearly on the floor. I then felt a warm goo being worked into my paws, calved and then knees before something tight began to slide up on leg... then the other... as if two snakes were starting to consume me. Eventually every inch of me felt like I was being squeezed from the knees down.

"Stand, girl..."

I did as I was told, hands reaching out before me to make sure I didn't hit anything, then felt more goo being applied to my thighs and then around my groin before he drenched my chest, stomach and back. The swallowing sensation continued to slide up my body to my waist. I then felt him grip the tip of my tail and forcefully push it into its own tight fitting sleeve.

More goo was applied to my hands and arms before he took a tight hold of my wrist and pushed it into an opening. This was a suit of some type then, I was now sure of it. He did it to the other one before tugging at the fabric. He had to pull hard, but I felt it slowly slide further and further onto my body. Then I felt my hand reach an abrupt end, curling my fingers into a fist like they had with the hooves. My breathing accelerated.

I felt him unfasten the back of the blindfold. "Don't peek, and open your muzzle..."

The blindfold was removed but it didn't take long before I felt the goo being applied to my neck, snout and head, though he stayed clear of my eyes. Then came the tight swallowing sensation as he began to work it over my maw. I had a hard time keeping my mouth open at first, but as he continued I felt my maw now being propped open by something quite large. Then he tugged at it further, whatever it was going deeper into my mouth continuing to force my maw open wider. I couldn't help it and opened my eyes, but found that I could see nothing. At least I could breathe easily enough through whatever he was forcing in.

I finally felt and heard a zipper being pulled down from between my ears to my neck followed by another zipper being pulled up from just above my tail to meet the other one at my scruff before I heard the click of a lock. He played with things for a bit and I felt another collar wrapping about my neck outside of the suit. I looked left and right but it was completely dark. I shivered as I waited for him to explain. Or do something with me. Or command me to do something. It was torturous. Deliciously torturous.

"Mmmmm, you look wonderful, little bitch. But I'm not done with you yet..." I felt him wrap something about my wrists and ankles. "Kneel down," Came the forceful command and I did as I was told, my breath coming in deeper gasps through the gag in my muzzle.

He then pushed down on my shoulders so I sat on my ankles. He then played with something on my upper thighs. Next he held my wrists back to my arms and found I was unable to straighten them back out. Now my breath was coming in ragged gasps through the gag forcing that end open. I was very very trapped.

"Stand," He said. I tried to obey but found what I had expected, my legs were trapped as well. He then pulled on the collar and tipped me forward until I was balancing on knees and elbows. I felt a small pool of drool escape. I tried to suck it back in but had no chance. I heard the snap of a leash onto the collar and a tug at my neck. "Good... Come, bitch..." I followed blindly after him, not sure where we were going. I feared the front door. It was hard to move, but I managed. Each 'step' was cushioned by something affixed to my elbows and knees, thankfully, softening the impact.

He had me move only a short ways but I then felt him playing with my knees and elbows, pushing and locking something between them. "OK, girl, come to me..." He commanded from a small distance in front of me. I tried, but it was impossible to move. "Lay down... roll over... Tsk tsk, puppy is earning some punishment for being so disobedient, aren't you, girl!?"

I whined openly, feeling a bit of drool spill out again. I felt him stroke the back of my head between my ears (that were also pinned to my head). "Then suddenly I could see. I clenched my eyes shut at the bright light but slowly opened them again. I was staring at a rubbery version of my old self. Well, sort of.

If I weren't bound up so I was trapped on elbows and knees, I would look like a rubbery tan and white border collie. Though I saw the suit also had a pair of modestly sized breasts. The eyes were a bit strange looking in that they were lenses that he could apparently turn opaque.

My muzzle looked almost normal. It looked as though I just had it open as if I were going to say something, though now I could see what was propping my mouth open. A rather wide, puffy latex tube went in as far as I could see. It was red so it looked almost 'normal'. I also noticed the suit looked to be smiling very happily with perky latex ears (though the tips were bent forward, like mine normally did). I looked all too happy and calm, while the real me inside was spilling precum out and shaking, waiting to see what he would do to me.

Around my neck was a posture collar that was also tan and white. I hadn't tried to turn my head but now on testing found it was held quite fast. If I didn't want to see myself all bound up like this, I had no choice beyond closing my eyes.

The rods between my elbows and knees appeared to be solid, polished steel. The last thing I noticed was he seemed to have lead me to 'stand' in a small inflatable pool.

I didn't get much time to stare at myself in the mirror before it was replaced by snow leopard cock. He pointed it straight at the top of my muzzle and stroked himself, a glob of his precum landing on the shiny bridge of my snout. He smeared it around as he kept stroking himself. "Does my puppy like her new outfit?"

I tried to say "Yes, Master" but it came out garbled. He battled my nose. "Puppies bark. Don't make me have to punish you more than you've already earned."

I barked and he leaned forward over me and smacked my ass. WOW it hurt! Whatever cushioning my fur would normally have afforded me was gone now. I barked out as loud as the gag allowed. Another glob of precum landed on my snout. "Good girl... I think you've earned yourself a treat..."

He pulled back but only to move forward again, or tried. I felt my muzzle shift around a bit as he moaned. He was obviously having to push rather firmly to gain entrance into the tube in my maw. His moaning continued to grow until I finally felt the tip of his head against my tongue.

It was at this point I realized quickly that I couldn't breathe very well. If there were holes at my nose, they were very small. My brain went into a slow panic as all I could do was tremble and hope Master knew this. I watched as his abdomen continued to push forward. Would I pass out if he didn't pull out fast enough? I wasn't sure. I tried hard to make ANY noise but it just came out as a very quiet, muffled moan.

He pulled out ever so slowly, but not before feeding me a large glob of his precum. I gasped for breath when he was far enough out of the sleeve. "GOOD girl, you already learned how to be obedient and suck me off in your new suit. Such a good slut, aren't you?! OK, you can have more..." He pushed back in, plunging me into total silence and having to hold my breath.

He thrust slowly a few times before pressing all of the way in again, feeding me another generous portion of his viscous treat. He stroked my head as he held himself there for a long time, making sure I would taste him for a while before pulling back out. I gasped for air. "This feels so incredible, little girl, you're such a good toy." He shoved himself in again.

"OK, girl, time for your first reward," The word 'reward' made my heart jump! I eagerly awaited ... oh wait... Then his urine flowed. It had absolutely nowhere to go except either down my throat or out my nose so I set to quickly gulping it down.

I don't know how much he fed me as my brain had little room for anything other than focusing on wondering how long until I got to breathe again. He pulled out and I gulped in air as fast as I could. He waited a bit and then chuckled "I'm not done, bitch, get ready for more..." But he didn't push in this time. Instead he set a paw under my chin and lifted, my elbows lifting out of the pool while the posture collar pressed firmly at the back of my neck. Then with no ceremony, he peed down the tube.

He did that for but a few swallows before he purposely missed and my eyes clenched (despite the lenses) as he let his stream go directly between the eyes, then on the top of my head... then on my back. Then the stream stopped. I trembled under his gaze as he set me back down.

He walked around to stand right over my neck and I watched (not as if I had a choice) as he unlocked the lock. Was he letting me out already?


I watched as he peed, feeling it a second later as it began soaking the fur of my neck. He sighed loudly while being rather careful to make sure the majority of it stayed trapped in the suit. Soon I felt the warmth down my entire back, then my chest, then begin drenching the fur of my upper arms and thighs. With no zipper in the front, I was stuck in it. He stroked my sides once he was done, "Good little urinal... you like your Master's pee, don't you girl?"

I barked out as loud as possible. He moaned and slipped around to stand behind me. He was cruel in how long he took to unzip the zipper under my tail. I trembled as I waited patiently. "Does bitch want to be given kittens?"


"Is she a good little and obedient bitch?"


"Will she always be a perfectly obedient toy for her Master?"


He moaned out loudly as he knelt down in the pool with me and put his head to my exposed hole. He squeezed his shaft and out came that viscous pre of his. I looked at the bridge of my nose and saw it was still there as well, before returning my gaze to him behind me. His narrow tip pushed forward, easily parting my flesh. I moaned louder than he did even.

"Speak, bitch. Bark for every time you want your Master to push his cock into you..."

"Bark! Bark bark bark bark! BARK! BARK!" I begged and pleaded. He growled with lust and did what he could to keep my pace. I slipped around in the pool, it or I squeaking each time he shoved me forward or pulled me back. I struggled hard to free myself of the bindings as I so badly needed to touch myself, to cum, to finally get off! I could move nothing and he just kept thrusting. I wasn't even able to bark any more when I finally felt the wave of seed explode into me. "Cum, bitch!" He growled and my brain lit up like a pinball machine.

I saw myself trapped there, soaked in my Master's urine while be used me like a sex toy, filling me with his cum and there was nothing I could do about it. And it was exactly what I wanted, so very badly, I wanted it to never end. I came hard. I could actually feel the jettison as it managed to find space in the front of the tight fitting suit. I felt my body still being bucked about as Master kept screwing me. I never had such an intense orgasm in my life.

After a very long time, he finally pulled out. No longer hungry and desperate for release, I winced as his barbs sent intense sensations, I couldn't help but whimper. He was slow and gentle, however.

He fell backwards while panting fiercely. "Wow, such a good bitch. You're a good girl, aren't you?"

Why did it seem weird to bark like a dog now? I was just doing it non-stop for what felt like hours.


"Ah, see, this is why we keep you needy. You like being a good girl. A nice, obedient girl. That's what you like, isn't it?"

I whined a bit but barked a bit louder.

"Well, that's a bit better. As your Master and Owner, I need to make sure you're always good, don't I?" He said as he stood up and walked over to a nightstand barely in my vision. He lifted a large bottle of water and downed nearly all of it in one go. "Does puppy need some water?"

I barked again and he produced another bottle, tilting it into the tube in my maw. I swallowed it down. But he kept pouring. I was already so full of his pee that I felt like the latex was struggling to accommodate my swelling stomach. When he was done forcing me to consume the entire bottle, he stepped away and moaned another round of praise about my obedience. He rummaged arund in the luggage and produced the familiar replicas of his cock.

Er, wait... he does that when he's putting me to bed for the night! In went the first one, straight into my maw, though he had to push rather hard. I tried to breath and thankfully found there was a tube down the center of it. The second he pushed into my ass before zipping the suit shut, making sure it was trapped there. "Yes, girl? Were you going to say something?"

He waited as if I could actually speak. Or move.

"Good girl. You're thinking how much you love being an obedient little toy, aren't you? Yes you are! Such a good girl..."

I swallowed hard around the dildo as I waited for him to PLEASE let me out of this. But instead, he produced what looked like a large bag of latex. He set it down just beside me and then lifted me up, urine dripping from the ends of my limbs. He shuffled the latex bag under me and set me back down on top of it. He tugged at the latex under me this way and that, us both squeaking again, until he was happy.

He then pulled out another mask with a long tube. I wanted to know what it was but he seemed to barely know I was there and solely focused on the task. I could see he was already getting hard again from whatever he was up to. That was the last thing I saw as he worked the eyeless mask over the smiling border collie. My breathing felt different as it had to now traverse that tube.

Next I felt him play with the rods between my elbows and knees before they were unlocked and removed. I momentarily thought about trying to get free, but who was I kidding?! As if sensing my fear, I felt his paw stroke down my back. "Good girl, such a good girl... don't worry, I'm only keeping you like this for a few more hours, then I'll come back for you." The petting stopped and I felt the latex under me move around again. Then the sound of a zipper behind me. Then over me. Then in front of me. Then felt the new mask being tugged on. Then silence. I moved around just a bit but heard immediately, "Almost done, little girl, you're being a good obedient bitch, aren't you?" I silently waited.

The sound of a vacuum came on and soon felt even MORE tightness about my body before my entire frame began to lift off the ground. Then my legs and arms were pushed to my front and sides, like I was in a shrinking egg. The sound stopped and I felt the world slowly spin. I was being moved somewhere. Instead of now being on my stomach, I was on my back, suspended up in the air, tightly encased. The tube seemed to be letting in enough air and I could breathe just fine, thankfully, though the smell of latex and Master's pee was rather intense.

He left me there for a few minutes before there was suddenly light again. Ah! He was letting me out! No, the light was coming from the lenses of the original border collie suit. Swirling patterns. They looked surprisingly far away despite taking up the entire field of my vision. Then Master's voice came back, as if right next to my ears; "You're a good girl. You like being a good girl for your Master. You want nothing but to please him. You will do everything he ever commands of you because it makes him happy, and you are happiest when pleasing him. Your body and mind are his to use, and that is what you want. You want..."

I woke to the world moving again. When had I fallen asleep? What was going on? There was a swirling pattern in front of me somewhere. Then I remembered, Master had left me here and I must have fallen asleep.

The world stopped spinning as I felt myself relatively right side up again. Then came the sound of hissing. Slowly I was able to expand my body, but as I felt myself finally gently settled back to the ground, I was unable to keep myself on elbows and knees and wound up on my side. Only a few seconds after I was flat on the ground, I heard the zipper undone and felt Master working at removing the latex out from under me.

"Good girl, did my little bitch enjoy herself?" Came his voice from somewhere nearby, my vision still seeing the swirling pattern. I wanted to bark but was reminded immediately that the dildo in the tube was filling my maw.

I felt him tug at the latex underneath me before grabbing me and lifting me up, setting me down, and putting the bars back into place between my elbows and knees. "Such a good, quiet, obedient bitch, aren't you?" He asked as I felt him pull out the dildo from my maw.

I barked out VERY loudly without even meaning to. "OK, bitch, you don't need to bark. I know the gag makes speech hard but tell your Master how much you want to make him happy."

"Bark! Bark bark bark!" I said, urgently needing to tell him how I wanted to please him. Wait... "Bark. Bark."

"Awww, did my little puppy forget her words? Is she just a dumb little feral now?" I felt his hand stroking the top of my head, then my vision was restored, swirling patterns replace by bright lights first, then my (naked and very hard) Master standing over me with a leash that he then affixed to my collar. Where was he going to take me? I couldn't move.

"Come on, girl, speak..." He moaned as he looked down at me.

"Bark! Bark bark!" I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Was the gag screwing with my ability to speak? Why was it making me excited?

"Awww, ok, you're a dumb little feral bitch now. Guess I need to use you like one, don't I, girl?" He tugged on the leash, almost lifting me up with so much force.

I moaned but barked my eager agreement. That's what I wanted, yes! Please, Master! "Bark!"

He laughed and moaned as he stroked himself firmly, showing me his hard erection yet again. "You like being deprived of your ability to speak. You like being a dumb feral bitch, don't you?"

"BARK!" I didn't even know I could be that loud with the tube in my maw.

"But my bitch needs walkies, doesn't she? She had all that water. Master needs to piss too. What does a good obedient bitch do when... oh, your lessons took VERY well, didn't they?"

I struggled hard against the bindings, trying to lift my head up to get at his cock. If I didn't drink his pee, it would be terrible, but if I DID drink it, I would feel wonderful! I needed to be a good girl for my Master!

He shoved his cock into the sleeve before beginning to feed me his ambrosia. Every swallow felt like pure bliss to me. I ignored the fact I couldn't breathe. Every spray was a delicious liquid reward for my serving my purpose. But I also wanted to get him to cum in me! Yet I couldn't close my maw or use my tongue. It was torture! How could I pleasure him?!

He peed in my muzzle for a bit before pulling out and wandering to my side, aligning his cock with my neck. I silently waited, knowing not to whine. Good bitches don't whine, they obey. Master opened the suit wide enough for the tip of his cock and let loose. The warm liquid pooled at my back, like last time, before soaking down my sides and beginning to pool at my elbows and knees now, my fur fully saturated. He came back around and pushed his aroused member into my maw, silencing me. I tried to swallow at his cock, to pleasure him, but I couldn't.

"OK, girl, I'm going to give you a choice. You can be let out and given a nice warm shower before going to bed or I can leave you in that suit, trapped in the ball, for the entire night until I use you again in the morning. Do you want to remain my piss puppy? Huh, do you girl?!"

I tried to bark. WOW did I want to be kept trapped, yes, Master! But he kept me silenced. I did all I could with licking his head to show my eagerness to please him. He finally pulled out and I gasped for a breath, not realizing how badly I needed air.

"OK, girl, do you want to be my piss puppy all night long until Master lets her out of her ball to play with again? Is that what my little feral bitch wants?" He stood over me, his large imposing form and hard cock filling all of my world.

"BARK!" I pleaded, oh how badly I wanted it.

He laughed, sighed, and then said, "Normal time for my bitch."

I blinked. What did that mean?

"OK, I know you begged to be put back in your ball, but now I ask again: Do you want to be kept in your ball overnight?" He growled and held my leash, giving me a toothy grin.

"N-no, Master," I somewhat managed to say, tube interfering of course. It felt weird. Saying those things felt weird. Did I say the right words even?

"Do you want to be let out and given a nice warm bath?" He stroked my head.

I tried to think clearly but failed, "Yes, Master." (or something close to it)

"But you were just begging to be kept in the ball. Don't you want to be a good little girl for your Master?" He tugged on the leash.

I was so confused. I did, WOW did I ever. But why would I want to stay soaked in pee, trapped in a ball?

"It would make Master so happy if you were to stay in your ball overnight..." He rumbled with a toothy grin.

Wow did I want it. I nodded as much as the collar allowed, "Yes, Master!"

His entire frame trembled and it looked like he might cum right then. It took a minute for him to recompose himself but when he finally managed he said, "No, girl, we need to let you out. But don't worry, I'm not done with you yet. I still haven't taken you for walkies, have I?" He said with an evil grin.