One Bite For Rosa, And One For Her Tail

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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We're digging back into the darker themes for just a little bit, but don't know I won't let anything too terrible happen in this story for FA: Lunarmagic!

In this story that ends up being every bit as fun as it freaky, Rosa invites her tiny, adorable friend Julia over for one of their usual naked tea dates. It seems a perfectly innocent time at first, going like any other evening would, but once Julia has her belly filled with tasty food, she's quick to find that while Rosa is happy with her own meal...her tail isn't quite satisfied, and it only has eyes (and a stomach) for Julia!

This story does contain a soft vore scene, but there's no gore, gnashing, digesting, or any of that. Just so you know.

The characters within belong to FA: Lunarmagic , please don't use them without the proper permissions.

Also, please go check out the extremely talented artists who did the original artwork for the characters, FA: seaira3 and FA: Aimi

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

The amount of freedom that one could have in their own home was always delightful, and it was the same reason that Rosa always decided to invite Julia to her house for their weekly tea dates, instead of out to one of the many local coffee shops and brew houses.

After all, in her own home, Rosa could show off the full spectrum of brilliant and vibrant colors that cast a number of different shades across her fur, without clothing impending them, and of course, Julia knew that she was free to do the same in the safe space of a friend's residence. For someone as small as Julia, safety was actually quite the priority, and around Rosa, she always felt like she could be herself, as if no harm would ever come to her, no matter what...

The teacup fox didn't realize just how much danger she might actually be in, this time around.

Ding-dong! Rosa's tail started to swish back and forth with excitement, and the bright, pink stripes that cut down across the fur on her bare thighs started to glow even more brilliantly as she bounded across the kitchen, naked as the day she was born, and came right to the front door.

"Yes, who is it...?" she asked, not bothering to dress up to answer the door even if it wasn't the guest she was expecting. She leaned over slightly and put and eye to the peephole on her front door, and despite only actually standing a little over a foot tall, there was Julia, fluttering her tiny, cyan blue wings as fast as they would move, just barely keeping herself afloat. Her lungs were on fire, and her chest was heaving just from her short time in the air, but her wings, like all teacup foxes, were a little bit undersized, and were really more intended for gliding and gentle landings, not proper flight.

Rosa rapidly opened the door, and the inward rush of air was so strong that it actually pulled Julia in like a vacuum. The tiny, fluttering fox squeaked in panic as her wings stood no chance against the wind, and she rapidly flew in...only to land face first in perhaps the softest place that she could, right between Rosa's bare breasts.

"Well, I knew you were excited to see me, Julia, but I think you're being a little too forward right now," Rosa teased. Even before she finished joking with the teacup fox, Rosa could feel Julia grumbling against her cleavage and trying to pry her head out of the small gap. She came free rather easily when she finally pushed, and Rosa made a platform with her arms for Julia to sit upon...and for the moment, the tiny vulpine merely glared up at Rosa with a bright, pink flush under her dark blue cheeks, one that shined nearly as bright as the neon glow that radiated from Rosa's more tender flesh; her nipples, her inner ears, and even her labia all shared the same warm, supernatural glow, and all were exposed for the whole world to least, until Rosa slowly closed the door and carried Julia back to the kitchen.

" You're the one who got too excited! I can't believe you opened the door so hard you nearly took me out of flight!" Julia shot back, still huffing and crossing her arms over her own chest. Julia never wore clothes, even when she did go out, so there was never anything to cover up the bright, iridescent stone that jutted out from just above and between her breasts, a literal indicator of her mood for those who would think to approach her. Julia was carefree, so them stone was usually seen glowing a soft, calm shade of blue, but in her irritation, it was starting to burn a brighter shade of red, one that didn't fade away until Rosa finally set Julia down on the kitchen table and flattened her ears.

"I know, I know...sorry about that," Rosa apologized, keeping her ears flat and managing a nervous smile. Julia couldn't stay mad, knowing that Rosa had the best of intentions, and slowly, the stone in her chest faded between red, purple, and back to the normal, cool blue color it was meant to have, as Julia smiled up at her friend. Long, curling tresses of bouncing, brunette hair tumbled down around Rosa's shoulders, and she brushed the bright, lavender locks of her bangs out of her amethyst eyes so that she could look, unobstructed, upon her diminutive companion. "Think a cup of tea is enough to help you forgive me?"

True to her namesake, it wasn't hard to find Julia sitting around a cup of tea...whether she was literally sitting right around the cup and clinging to the base of it for warmth, or sitting on the rim of the cup, dangling her footpaws just over the liquid, of course, depended on what she was in the mood for. "I'll definitely give it some thought, anyway," Julia teased back, reminding her taller vixen friend that she was just as talented at being mischievous when she wanted to be. She gave a quick, friendly swish with her tail, and the ring of beads near the middle of the long, fluffy appendage rang out in the tiniest, quietest clack you could imagine, just a reminder to Julia that they hadn't fallen off.

Bright eyes of orange and amber were hard to resist, and as usual, Rosa was a sucker for the smaller, cuter things in life. She smiled down at all of the soft, blue and navy locks of hair that fell around Julia's lovely visage and rolled her eyes, knowing that the hybrid of a fox and a bat was just putting on the looks to get her way. "I guess I'd better get the pot brewing, then," Rosa finally gave in, half wondering if she could have waited it out and forced Julia to go in and do the brewing for once. "Fancy a small snack while you wait?"

Julia rolled her eyes. "Like I haven't heard that one a million times before," she groaned, flopping onto her rump on the table and huffing at the endless sarcasm Rosa supplied. "Though, if you're offering, I really could use a little something to nibble on."

Rosa felt right at home in the kitchen, but it wasn't that she loved to cook. She just loved making her friends happy and sharing time with them, and often, that meant fixing up a quick, simple snack, a pot of tea, and sitting around in the comfy chairs of her kitchen table and discussing their least, most guests would actually sit in a chair. Julia was allowed to sit on the table, of course, and it made it much easier for the tiny hybrid to wrap her paws around the tiny 'sandwich' that Rosa had prepared: two small cutouts from actual pieces of bread, with equally small portions of meat and cheese cut out to fit between them, making a brunch sandwich the perfect size for a teacup fox.

"The tea will be ready in a couple minutes," Rosa said, as she came back to the table again, this time carrying a plate for herself, with an appropriately sized sandwich on it. She was quick to take a bite, making it clear just how hungry she'd really been, and her lips curled up into a silly smile as she chewed her food. Julia was happy to see her friend in such a good mood, and a bright, powerful blue glow radiated from her chest as she took a couple quick bites from the tiny sandwich she was granted. "Mnnn... I've really outdone myself this time!"

Julia gulped down a bite rather quickly and nodded her agreement. "You really did! Shame that you couldn't have the tea ready for us on time..."

Rosa was about to twist her face up in offense when Julia snuck in a quick wink, one that someone else might have missed, but when they chatted, Rosa gave Julia her full attention, and she was quick to notice it. "Hmmph. Ungrateful little punk," she muttered, shaking her head at Julia and taking another bite of her sandwich with a telltale smirk. She sure is looking good today...good enough to eat, that's for sure.

A pair of rather attractive females, Rosa and Julia had the mutual respect to acknowledge each others lovely appearances, and though there wasn't necessarily an attraction, Rosa often wondered if things might be different if they were closer in size. The feeling was at least slightly returned by Julia, who was truly just happy to have Rosa as a friend...and as a personal chef, when the occasion called for it.

"Hey, you're the one who invited me over. Can't expect me to be a good guest if you're gonna be a rude host!" Julia teased, sticking out the very tip of her bright, pink tongue, and nearly biting it thereafter as she got near to the end of her sandwich. Rosa perked one of her ears in the meantime, simply snickering at her friend and her playful comments, as she overheard the tea starting to boil across the kitchen, and she politely stood up, stepping over to the counter to gather it.

As Rosa turned around, Julia gave a quick, playful wave to the set of lips that some people might not notice were a part of Rosa's body. She was no ordinary vixen, at the very tip of her tail, there wasn't a tuft of fur, but rather, a round and thick ending, one that looked slightly more like the end of a red panda tail. If one were to look deep enough into the fur, however, they'd start to see a seam...and if they looked appetizing enough, they'd likely see fangs starting to emerge, and a long, glowing pink tongue that slithered between jagged teeth like a snake through a rocky cave. To many, it would be an eerie, and at least unsettling Julia, it was just another part of what made Rosa who she was, and seeing as the tail had something of its own will, Julia thought of it as just another friend at the table.

"Piping hot and ready to sip, just the way you like it!" Rosa declared cheerfully, pouring a helping of the boiling water into Julia's cup first to be polite, and then, a small serving into her own small tea cup, watching as the off-green fluid filled each piece of dishware, and long trails of steam snaked their way up into the air before they dissipated. "Or, y'know, you can always just dip your paws in, if you're cold."

"Joke about that all you want," Julia quickly jabbed, "But don't knock it 'til you've tried it..."

"I still can't believe that you have! It's a waste of perfectly good tea!"

Julia moved across the table to sit next to her glass, giving it a moment longer to cool down. "Like I said...don't knock it 'til you've tried it..."

Rosa could feel a small rumbling in her stomach at that sentiment, and a certain part of her body echoed the idea...and for years, she'd tried not to listen. Today, she was done resisting...she was going to try something that she'd been wanting to do since she first laid eyes on the adorable Julia. "Certainly words to live by," she agreed, as she grinned down at her cute, tiny friend. "Now then...shall we have our meal?"

"Uhm...w-we just ate, Rosa," Julia replied, tilting her head at her larger friend and leaning over the edge of her cup to take a quick, refreshing sip of her tea. "We're a bit young to be getting so forgetful, aren't we?"

"I don't think you quite understood what I meant."

Rosa started to lean further over the table, and her eyes, always filled with a warmth for Julia that spoke the depth of their friendship, started to narrow upon her small, slim body as if she were nothing more than a morsel, waiting to be snatched from the plate. " We already ate, my darling friend...but I'm afraid my tail hasn't had anything to eat all day..."

Julia thought that she knew Rosa inside and out. Until this very moment, she was sure that nothing like this could ever happen to her...that Rosa was in full control of her devious tail, and she had nothing to fear from it.

As the long, prehensile appendage flung upward, peering over Rosa's shoulder and opening up at the very end to turn its fangs on her, Julia felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal that was shadowed only by a crippling, paralyzing fear.

"' can't... you wouldn't!"

Julia's lower lip trembled with helplessness, knowing that the tail would be able to snap at her faster than she could fly away.

"You're right, Julia... I wouldn't."

The tail lunged forward, moving with all of the speed of a deadly predator in the wild, finally gunning for the kill. Julia froze up, the stone in her chest turning a dark, onyx black to echo her fear as the jaws on the tail easily spread around her body...and swallowed her up.

"But he would."

Julia heard no remorse in the voice of her friend as she was eaten whole, and she was riddled with disgust as she knelt down, forced into such a tight, cramped space. She was only fortunate that Rosa took very good care of herself, or the smell might have been overbearing...but in the end, it was rather neutral, and left Julia able to focus on a way out. She could barely see any light coming through the tiny cracks in the jagged fangs that she'd luckily dodged, and if she looked the other way, she could only see endless darkness ahead of her. Within seconds, her thick, plush coat of fur and the long, flowing tresses of her hair were soaked with saliva...and the further she slumped, leaving her legs to spread slightly as she lowered to the floor, the closer and closer the warm, slick substance got to her exposed womanhood, something that she hadn't accounted for.

On the outside, Rosa truly didn't feel any remorse for her actions, and she took at least a little solace in knowing that Julia was still alive inside of her. Some people might think it uncouth to masturbate at the kitchen table...and downright horrible to do such to the thought of a close friend being literally swallowed alive.

For Rosa, it was nothing more than a natural libido booster, and an excuse to soak the cushion on her chair, so she'd have a reason to go out and buy a new one.

"T-trust me,'ll thank me for this..." Rosa grunted quietly, as her paws rapidly flew down to her labia. Even before she'd swallowed Julia, Rosa could feel feminine moisture beading up on the edges of her folds, and Julia was none the wiser to that growing arousal until it was too late...and now, having no taboo left to cross, Rosa was shameless in probing her slim, delicate pawtips into her snatch, using one paw to easily spread her pouting lips apart, and the other to greedily stuff two pawtips right into the waiting opening, uncaring of the way that her overflowing cunt was already spilling and dripping liquid desire down to the floor.

Julia, on the other hand, was taking a bit longer to warm up to the idea. Her overwhelming sensation of betrayal was making it rather tough to enjoy the fact that an endless river of warm, slick saliva was passing right between her spread thighs and occasionally, some excess would bubble up, tickling and splattering against her own womanhood. It was obvious that the tail was enjoying her natural flavors, as the long, snake-like tongue suddenly fluttered up under her body and slipped along her most delicate flesh, like a long, slimy, massive that went between her open thighs, coating her sex with slick juices, before passing up over her rump and under her tail, back down over her shoulder, and across her breasts. "Nnnngh... s-stop...stop it...that feels w-weird!" Julia protested, helplessly, and at that, rather weakly. She couldn't believe that she was actually getting into the sensation of the tongue coating her body with saliva and spreading it around, especially knowing that nothing more than death waited on the other side of the darkness...

But if I'm gonna go now, I guess I'll at least enjoy myself...

The teacup fox was still reluctant, but finally starting to moan as the tongue, now wrapped around her body in such a way that it could pull her in, started to yank her back towards that same darkness, and against the strength of the long, skillful muscle, Julia was helpless to escape...and helpless against the growing pleasure that ran through her body. Even at her small size, she'd never known anything big, slick and flexible enough to tease her pussy, her tailhole, and her breasts, all at the same time, all in such perfect unison...and it made the process of being smashed into an even tighter space, down into the throat of the tail-mouth, at least a little more pleasant.

Rosa hadn't forgotten about the fate of her dear, close friend, but she was rather busy pinching her cute, erect clit between a pair of pawtips when she felt something rather unusual inside of the middle of her tail, just a little bit lower than where the throat would be.

A bit shameless herself, but unaware it would save her life, Julia was starting to flutter her cute, tiny wings, the same way that she always did when her body was approaching a climax; a rather adorable habit to have. The further the tongue tried to pull her in, however, the more that she ended up tickling the sensitive throat, and unknowingly...unlocking the key to her freedom. "Hehe...s-stop! I think...I think I'm gonna cum!" called out in downright shock, disgusted with herself for being able to get aroused in such a terrible situation, but just as she was about to cross that threshold into untold pleasures...

SPLURT! The ticklish sensation inside of the throat was too much for the tail to handle, and if a tail could giggle and laugh, it could spit, as well...and it did exactly that, as Julia was launched back onto the table, dripping from the tips of her tall ears, down to her tiny footpaws with a thin coat of saliva, leaving her to glisten rather similarly to the way that Rosa's womanhood was.

"C-cumming...I'm c-...ooooh. H-hi, Julia..."

Julia wasn't allowed to have or finish her own climax, and as she crossed her arms and impatiently tapped a footpaw at Rosa, it was clear that the bright pink troublemaker wouldn't be finishing her own, either.

"I'd give you a minute to explain yourself," Julia started off, "But nothing you can say is going to make up for the fact that YOU JUST TRIED TO EAT ME!"

Rosa was always caught off guard at just how loud Julia could be, when she wanted to make a point. "Heh...he...he. W-well, no...I didn't do it! My tail-

"Is a part of your body!" Julia cut her off, refusing to let Rosa finish a thought. "And if you don't have a proper sense of control over it yet, maybe I should give you a little assistance..."

It was one thing for Rosa to make a joke about Julia being little.

When the teacup fox did it to herself, Rosa knew it was time to worry.

"J-just what could you do to discipline me, Julia?" Rosa asked, trying to feign toughness, but her voice was still wobbling and stammering at the start.

Julia shook her head just a little bit, and started to flutter right up to Rosa. She came to settle her nether regions right on the bridge of Rosa's muzzle, making sure the pink vixen couldn't look away.

"I know exactly what I can do to you, Rosa..." Julia explained, as the stone in her chest radiated a swirling storm of pink arousal and red fury.

"Let's find out what I can't do to you...and I promise, it's going to be a very, very short list!"