Newfound Love Chapter 12

Story by Ray HuskyPunk on SoFurry

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#14 of Newfound Love Series

Chapter 12 of Newfound Love. This one might be a bit short, kind of lost motivation on this chapter, but I will try to bring everything back up to speed in the next couple of chapters. This one is rated adult, just in case anything explicit is in there.

I am posting this while at the Arlington Fur Meets in Texas, so I will have to proofread this later.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Sorry, this one is really short. I could'nt really connect very much with this chapter so ill try to fix it up in the future.

I woke up with my back aching really badly. I was suprised to see Bruce had gotten out of bed already. I walked out of the bedroom after stretching and didn't see him in the kitchen, nor his living room. I went back to the bedroom and looked at my phone, no messages. I started to get a bit worried. I looked around every room in the house and couldnt find him, until I spotted a note on his fridge. It said that he had made me some breakfast and left it in the fridge, and that he would be back later on around 4pm. Great, 6 hours without Bruce around. I knew Crowley was busy with school, and I didn't know any of Bruce's friends or their numbers. However.... I went into the bedroom and pulled a piece of paper out of my pants. I forgot I had Zach's number. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.


"Hey, it's me."

"Ah, hello Ray, how are you doing today?"

"Fine I guess. Just woke up to find out Bruce is gone for the next 6 hours. What are you up to?"

"Just a little video editing, other than that I'm free. You wanna hang with me and Nokia today?"

"Sure, I guess you know where Bruce lives. Lemme get dressed and I guess I'll meet you out front."

"Alright, see you then."

The phone hung up and I went and got my clothes on. I went and grabbed the spare key on top of the fridge.

I waited around a few minutes and walked around Bruce's house. The living room was neat and organized everywhere. Movies and games stacked in proportion, and the game systems neatly tucked away, only to where you can see them if you looked hard enough. I walked back to the bathroom to look in the mirror. My hair was spiked up like naturally and my fur was trimmed neatly. I heard the doorbell ring and walked out. I opened the door and was instantly ambushed by Nokia, who was hugging me tightly and wagging his tail crazily. Zach stood behind him shaking his head laughing.

"Guess someone's happy to see you."

"I guess so."

Nokia looked up at me and giggled, then pulled away.

"So what are we planning on today?" Nokia asked looking at me for an answer.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't really know, I'm not used to not having Bruce around. Are there any kind of retail places around here?"

Zach looked at me snickering, "Bruce did mention you have a major things with malls and such. I know there is the one you went to him with, but I imagine after that crime scene you saw you don't want to go back there for a while."

"Yeah, I want to wait until they clear all that up. Are there any other places around?"

"Hmm, there are two about a couple miles from each other. One is sort of empty with a ton of art in it, and the other is ritzy as hell, probably busy right now."

"I can provide the money for gas to drive out there. I don't mind. Just lemme grab my camera if we are going."

"Alright, we will be here."

"I meant I have to go to my house to get it. I don't have everything here."

"Ah, ok. Where do you live?"

"I'lll just let my phone guide you there. GPS is better anyway."

I logged the location into my GPS and we drove on our way.

We arrived there about 30 minutes later.

The mall was busy for a weekday afternoon, then again, it was a pretty massive mall. We found a parking spot up close to the entrance.

We got out of the car and Zach locked it with the keychain. We walked inside to a beautiful sight. The middle of the mall was cut out to reveal a huge ice skating rink down on the bottom floor. All of the floors were surrounded with stainless steel and glass. Some of them having kiosks near them. People were down on the skating rink, skating about with their friends and family. Customers were walking to and from stores, some with little kids running around causing noise and annoying people. Security guards lined the more expensive stores which were on the top floors. We were on the 3rd of the 5 floors. The food court was down on the first floor where the skating rink was, and we made our way down. We found an escalator that led straight down to the first floor, the smell of food filling our senses. There must have been at least 20 different places around here. Chinese, Italian, Mexican, and more to choose from.

We had time concentrating what we were to do first because of all the food places surrounding us.

"I am kinda in the mood to eat, then again, we can stop by my place later and make food if yall want to."

Zach and Nokia nodded at me. We ended up deciding to wait until later to get food. Plus the mall's food lines looked really long. We walked around the mall, looking for mainly the discount and electronics stores.

Thanks for reading!

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