Newfound Love Chapter 13

Story by Ray HuskyPunk on SoFurry

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#15 of Newfound Love Series

Chapter 13 of Newfound Love. Hope you enjoy!

Newfound Love Chapter 13

Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to include characters from other stories I have made, but I am going ahead and doing so to add a little "spice" to the storyline. Similar situations, different ways they happen. Or something like that, im not totally sure. But anyways, enjoy the chapter.

I picked up my phone. Bruce was on the other end, asking where I was. I told him what we were up at the mall, and we would be heading back to my place later for food.

"I can head over to your place and make you something if you want me to, I am kinda in a mood to cook."

"I was gonna be the one to handle that, but you can help me if you want to."

"Alright, how long until you are gonna be over there?"

"Around an hour or so, we're just walking around pretty much. Nothing much to do around here."

"Alright, see you then."

He hung up the phone and me, Zach, and Nokia walked around for about another 30 minutes or so before we got bored, and then decided to head out.

About an hour later....

We were pulled off to the side of the highway, involved in an accident that took about 8 cars to finally stop the barreling truck. It had hit a few cars behind us, but we got stuck in thee middle, we were either the 4th or 5th car to get struck, but ours wasnt horribly damaged. Some of the cars were totalled, while others, and ours were dented badly but no mechanical damage was done to them as some people were driving them out of the way of traffic. There were many police cars everywhere, a few officers running along with some paramedics to help out the injured drivers, and the rest going to the drivers to make sure they were alright I assume. Nokia and Zach looked at me and then the car.

"So, are you sure the car has no mechanical damage to it Ray?"

"Yeah, this thing is pretty durable but for most part it barely hit the chassis in the back of the car, I might have to replace the engine fan in the front but other than that it doesn't look bad at all. I may not know a whole lot about the innards of cars but that crash wasn't hard enough to do any horrible damage. Besides, whoever insures that truck that hit all of us, is gonna end up paying for it. And either that person's insurance, or the company's insurance will probably skyrocket."

"That is if the cops don't fine him or charge him with a bunch of stuff."

I looked over to the crashed truck, its driver stepping out onto the engine fluid soaked pavement. I walked over to him to see if he was alright, he stumbled and fell out of the truck and onto the ground. From what I could see he didn't look that badly hurt. Just a couple gashes and cuts, but that's about it. He had a nametag on with the company he worked with. The nametag said Baytown Trucking Industries. The name below said Jacob on it.

Then...I remembered something. A year or so ago some kid named Jacob went to jail for a couple months because he caused an accident. I remembered the news article, he had the same look as the kid who got arrested, but he had more facial hair and a couple tattoos. But, he had the same necklace that was shown in the news when he was pulled out of the car. It had to have been him!

"Excuse me...Jacob, I just want to know if you're alright."

"Im fine, just pissed off, and a dizzy a bit. I don't really feel the cuts and such. Not that it matters though. Same as what I usually feel inside."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I also wanted to ask. Did you get involved in another accident about a year ago?"

"Are you with the news crew? I swear if you are...."

"Hey, Im not with any news crew, you just seem familiar to me. You look like the dude that drove those people off the road and got jailed for it."

"So, what does that matter? Jail didn't scare me a bit."

"I never asked you about jail."

"Why are you asking me these questions then?"

"I can see youre getting aggravated, so just answer this last one."

"Ok then just answer me this. If you were supposedly involved had an accident about a year ago, then why are you driving a big rig around? Wouldnt youre liscense be suspended? I'm suprised it isnt considering you just caused a 8 car accident!"

"Just shut the fuck up alright, I dont need to hear a damn fag screaming in my ear!"

I grabbed him by the shirt collar and slammed him against the truck growling in his face.

"Watch what the fuck you say asshole. Ill make you part of the pavement if you ever say that to me, or my friends again. The people that use that word as an insult dont see the next light of day if I hear it. Say it again, I dare you."

At this moment a few people and cops came over.


I sighed heavily. "I warned you."

I grabbed his shirt collar, lifting him up in the air and slammed his face and jaw first into the pavement. Everybody heard a sickening crack as they thought his jaw broke. In reality, it was his arm that I actually broke. He howled in pain and I let him go, the rest of his body falling to the ground. He rolled around quickly on the ground and pulled out a handgun, he pointed it directly at me. I heard a shot ring out and I moved to the side to avoid getting shot. I thought I moved quickly enough, until I felt something pierce my shoulder. Blood poured out of my shoulder and down my arm, staining my clothes with blood as it continued to pour out of the wound. The police drew their guns and shouted at him to drop the weapon. I held my shoulder, growling at him as he shot two more shots in the air. I kicked the gun out of his hand and stomped down on his hand. He screamed loudly as his hand also broke.

"You just made it worse for yourself, its one thing to have a gun, but you just shot me with it. Have you no fucking sanity?! Why don't you get yourself fucking shot so you can end this shit!"

He sprang up and screamed in my face. I stood there and looked him in the eyes. He looked hurt, but more importantly, I could see the guilt behind them. He looked like he was either about to explode or burst into tears.

I felt myself get pulled back by one of the officers, him pulling me to the paramedics a few feet away. Jacob curled into a ball on the ground as the officers tried to arrest him. I got my head guided to a paramedics face, him asking me questions about how I felt and if I am alright. I told him that my shoulder hurt like hell but I did not feel like I was going to pass out anytime soon. All of a sudden, I fell and saw black hide my sight.

I was jolted awake by something jumping on top of me. I sprang my eyes open while I felt around where I was. I felt the gurney beneath me, but above me was Jacob, pulling his fist back, ready to strike me at any time. Before he could swing I took my foot and kicked him in one of his legs, making him lose his balance. He fell on top of me. I grabbed him and threw him off of the gurney. I got up and kicked him a couple times more, making sure he would stay where he fell.

An officer came up and was finally able to cuff him completely, dragging him backwards to his cop car. I felt a paramedic's hand grab my shoulder, looking behind me the paramedic told me to get on the gurney to get to the hospital. I obliged, feeling a little bit woozy. I laid back down on the gurney, them pushing it into the back of the ambulance. I was greeted by another paramedic, who told me to stay down and to relax as we started moving towards the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital. They opened the back doors, pushing the gurney out and wheeling me into one of the nearby critical care rooms. They brought in some equipment, asking me whether I would want to be awake or asleep for the bullet removal. I had told them I had had enough excitement for one night, and told them to give me the sleeping gas. They attached the breathing mask to my face, smelling the faint lavender scent of the gas filling the tubes. I breathed it in heavily as I felt sleep consume me.

Newfound Love Chapter 14

I opened my eyes. All I saw was stars and the deep hue of blue and purple surrounding me. Some stars were mixed with that. I'm guessing I was in space. I felt myself floating, my body calm and relaxed. I could feel a very slight breeze coming up...

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Newfound Love Chapter 12

Sorry, this one is really short. I could'nt really connect very much with this chapter so ill try to fix it up in the future. I woke up with my back aching really badly. I was suprised to see Bruce had gotten out of bed already. I walked out of...

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Newfound Love Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I wiped off my hands and answered the door, being blinded by a bright light, but when my vision finally cleared, I couldn't believe who it was. Felix. It was Felix. Standing at the door before me with someone I didn't recognize. He...

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