US-Ch.1 Unbreakable Spirit

Story by Mangy Mutt on SoFurry

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#1 of Unlimited Sky

Unlimited Sky
Ch.1 Unbreakable Spirit
by Mangy Mutt

The first thing to great her eyes was the rain slick floor of the street. How long had she been out? Hours, days? There was no way for her to know.

Hands, rough and calloused, gripped her body. Rain washed through her thick black fur and over her tired muscles. Her vision focused in and out as she dangled between consciousnesses. Anu was only dimly aware of the creatures carrying her.

She was just barely able to make out the appearance of her captors through their armor. Pale, smooth ,hairless flesh; humans.

There appeared to be someone else being carried with her. A russet furred squirrel. Female from what she could make out through the rain. She was limp; either unconscious...or dead.

Suddenly it hit her. She gnashed her teeth in pain as all the images flooded her mind; the dessert, fighting, and her clan. It all came back to her in an instant. Rage filled her and brought renewed strength to her body.

"Bull Kama," she chanted.

Her muscles tensed and new power coursed into them. Her strong paw found the neck of one of the humans and began to squeeze. The human cried out in pain and the others turned. His comrades all reached for their gun holsters with haste.

"Hold your fire. She's wanted alive," one of them yelled.

From the corner of her eye she saw one of them advance. He was slightly taller than the others and certainly more muscular. Large plated armor covered his body from head to toe. The plates puffed in and out as if they were breathing and with every step he took closer to her, jets of steam puffed out from the crevices. She followed the rain splattering down through the mysterious armor's battle worn cracks to spot the heavy cestus knuckles lining his hands...He'd stolen her weapons. He reared his fist back threateningly.

But she didn't care about any of that. Her mind focused only on the creature in her grip. Coughing hoarse screams responded to her tightening paw. The bones snapped between her fingers and she felt a much thicker liquid than the rain water dribble through her them.

Then she felt it; the crash of pain against the back of her head. A slight wince was all she let out as she kept her grip strong. The human with her cestus brought his fist down on her twice more and it was done. Darkness consumed her.

When she regained consciousness she could see they were in some kind of building now. Weird fiery canisters had been lit to brighten the dark passage of reddish brown brick. Metal grinding against stone was the only noise she heard while her body was dragged down the descending stone steps. There was a retched smell to the air. A smell she had become accustomed to; the smells of the decaying flesh of the dead.

Her eyelids were heavy. With all her will she fought to stay awake. She strained her neck to look up and noticed that they had stopped. Complete and utter darkness surrounded them. The sound of grating metal filled her ears. A small panel opened flashing some light into the corridor she was in.

"Whaddaya want?" said a voice behind the panel.

"A guard who doesn't smell like piss," one of the humans snorted.

"Jackass," mumbled the guard and there was a loud click.Her body was roughly pulled and carried through the door along with the squirrel from earlier.

This room was the one housing the scent she'd caught earlier. Decaying bodies lay in cages dripping of mucus and bodily fluids. Probably some poor imprisoned souls who'd been locked away and forgotten about. . The place reeked of death. She looked away considering her own fate.

A sword point found her chin and lifted her head up. It was the large man again. He removed his helmet. He had a face that could have been chiseled from solid stone. His two black eyes regarded her intensely.

"Where are the others," he asked her simply.

How did he know? She had just found out about the meeting herself. She tensed. "What--." The human tensed his hand around the sword hilt.

"Tortoise Kama," she chanted. Her body hardened like steel.

The sword point pushed harder and blood started to trickle from her chin. Her eyes went wide with shock. She couldn't believe that his weapon had actually cut her flesh. She had trained her body to be as hard as metal...his sword...what the hell was it made off.

The large stone faced man clicked his tongue. "I'm instructed not to hurt you. But I will bend the rules if you refuse to cooperate. Now..." He gripped her cheeks with force and stared into her eyes. "Where were you going to meet with the other recruits? What do you know of the red eagles?!" She held her silence. The man angrily pulled off the black veil she was wearing to expose the rest of her face.

"Lookit what we got here. My she's a pretty one for a mythic," one of the humans gurbled.

The other ogled at her breasts. "Aye, I bet she feels pretty too." He grabbed one of her breasts through her shirt roughly but met a swift strike to the head by the stone faced man.

"Why have you brought me here," she said, speaking for the first time. "It's obvious youâ€"


She was slapped by the guard but he recoiled and held his hand in pain from hitting her stone hard skin.

"Already knowâ€"" She continued.


The large man cracked a smile. "Ah she's a tough one isn't she."

He raised his hand to strike again but was pushed aside by one of the other humans. "You heard the boss. We have to let her be."

The guard looked from him to the female bat he'd just slapped and muttered a curse. He exited the room and slammed the door.

"Now then," said the stone faced man. "Your not going to answer me huh? Well I've found a little starvation and torture can liven up a tongue. You have a high endurance for pain too...those types are the most fun to break." He caught her eyes looking over his hands. "And as a prisoner your possessions have been confiscated," he said while smiling at the cestus on his knuckles. "A little primitive...but a fine weapon nonetheless. But I digress. Make no mistake, had it not been for my orders you would have been a corpse already. It appears that those in charge here wish to gain some knowledge from you." He pulled her face to his by her hair. "And they will have it...I'm going to enjoy bleeding you dry to get it.

After saying that, he approached her with a massive metal collar. She tried to pull away but she was still too weak from fatigue to put up any kind of fight. The cold steel was latched around her neck with wrist and ankle shackles of equal size. He rubbed it and there was a metallic whir of winding gears. The shackles glowed gold and became extremely heavy. She strained to hold her body up but after a few seconds she fell to the ground.

"Struggle if you must but you will not budge an inch. We are aware of your strength and have taken extreme precautions. Each shackle weighs one hundred kilos so try as you may. And I will be back to deal with you...personally."

"Boss what about the other mythic? The squirrel."

"Chain her and leave her here with the other. We'll interrogate her later."

With that, all of them made their way towards the exit. Before leaving they pulled a latch. There was a blast of fire and all light in the room went out. There was nothing but darkness.

She lied there face down, naked, tired, and ashamed. Ashamed that she had been caught so easily, tired because her strength had run its course, and naked for all to see her in this moment of weakness.

A snickering laugh caught her ear. The door creaked close and light flared up. She hadn't even noticed anyone coming in. Rough hands gripped her body. She tried to yell but quickly had a rag tied around her mouth to muffle any sounds. The fire burst and flickered to life and illuminated the room. It was impossible to turn her head and look with the shackle around her neck. But the chilling voice immediately identified her visitor.

"You wanted to ignore me eh? Well lets see you try that now." The guard dropped down to face her. His face was greasy and dirty. Rotten teeth were exposed in a malicious grin. "But first I'll have a little fun with ya."

He stood up and moved behind her. She tried to yell and protest when she felt his hands grab her legs and pull them open. Her clothes were shred from her body; everything but her veil. The gold collar with its weight had drained all her strength. She couldn't resist him. She growled and struggled at her sudden exposure, and then she felt it. Her petals were spread open and she was entered. The guard probed her insides with two fingers cackling to himself. He took great joy in the soft squishing sounds coming from her and the fact that she was powerless to stop him.

She heard a soft jingle and something drop to the floor. He grabbed her ass and she felt herself open up. She wanted to cry out but the rag stopped her.

He was only teasing her right now probing his meat around in her. She winced as he pushed up against her hymen and braced herself. In this cold dark place she would lose her pride...and her purity.

"Ooooh a virgin. Not anymore soon!" he spat.

There was a loud crashing sound and debris of metal and stone showered them. The guard pulled out of her abruptly leaving her hymen intact. "Who the hell're you?!" he yelled before the light went out.

"...Um...Yo?" said a deep voice.